package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import; import; import; import; import; import lombok.Getter; import org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; @Getter public class Entity { @JsonIgnore private Long ID; private String name; @JsonIgnore private Long viewID; private List<Attribute> attributeList; private LayoutInfo layoutInfo; @JsonIgnore private Date gmtCreate; @JsonIgnore private Date gmtModified; protected Entity(Long ID, String name, Long viewID, List<Attribute> attributeList, LayoutInfo layoutInfo, Double layoutX, Double layoutY, Date gmtCreate, Date gmtModified) { this.ID = ID; = name; this.viewID = viewID; this.attributeList = attributeList; this.layoutInfo = layoutInfo; this.gmtCreate = gmtCreate; this.gmtModified = gmtModified; if (this.ID == 0) { if (ER.useDB) { this.insertDB(); } else { this.ID = Utils.generateID(); } } if (this.layoutInfo == null) { this.layoutInfo = new LayoutInfo(0L, this.ID, RelatedObjType.ENTITY, layoutX, layoutY, 0.0, 0.0); } } public Attribute addAttribute(String attributeName, DataType dataType, int isPrimary) { Attribute attribute = new Attribute(0L, this.ID, this.viewID, attributeName, dataType, isPrimary, null, 0.0, 0.0, new Date(), new Date()); this.attributeList.add(attribute); return attribute; } public Attribute addAttribute(String attributeName, DataType dataType, int isPrimary, Double layoutX, Double layoutY) { Attribute attribute = new Attribute(0L, this.ID, this.viewID, attributeName, dataType, isPrimary, null, layoutX, layoutY, new Date(), new Date()); this.attributeList.add(attribute); return attribute; } public boolean deleteAttribute(Attribute attribute) { this.attributeList.remove(attribute); if (ER.useDB) { attribute.deleteDB(); } return false; } private void insertDB() { try { EntityDO entityDO = new EntityDO(0L,, this.viewID, 0, this.gmtCreate, this.gmtModified); int ret = ER.entityMapper.insert(entityDO); if (ret == 0) { throw new ERException("insertDB fail"); } this.ID = entityDO.getID(); } catch (PersistenceException e) { throw new ERException("insertDB fail", e); } } protected void deleteDB() { for (Attribute attribute : attributeList) { attribute.deleteDB(); } ER.entityMapper.deleteByID(this.ID); } public void updateInfo(String name) throws ERException { if (name != null) { = name; } int ret = ER.entityMapper.updateByID(new EntityDO(this.ID,, this.viewID, 0, this.gmtCreate, new Date())); if (ret == 0) { throw new ERException(String.format("cannot find Attribute with ID: %d", this.ID)); } } public void updateLayoutInfo(Double layoutX, Double layoutY, Double height, Double width) { this.layoutInfo.update(layoutX, layoutY, height, width); } public static List<Entity> queryByEntity(EntityDO entityDO) { List<EntityDO> entityDOList = ER.entityMapper.selectByEntity(entityDO); return Trans.TransEntityListFormFromDB(entityDOList); } public static Entity queryByID(Long ID) { List<Entity> entityDOList = queryByEntity(new EntityDO(ID)); if (entityDOList.size() == 0) { throw new ERException(String.format("Entity with ID: %d not found ", ID)); } else { return entityDOList.get(0); } } }