diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 83165442c8a8f2bf892f53932fbe900d2ae4dd19..7847ce123eb2e183e6912448a59f3e1c9196fae9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -26,11 +26,25 @@ The repo properties are used when deploying build artifacts to the Maven reposit
 There are a lot of other useful properties you can set in **gradle.properties**, so it's worth spending a little time [reading about the various properties Gradle recognizes in this file](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/build_environment.html).
-### XNAT ###
+### XNAT Configuration ###
-You also need to do a little configuring of the XNAT build. This is a temporary requirement until we've deprecated the **InstanceSettings.xml** configuration, but is required until we complete that task.
+You also need to add another initial configuration file in your home directory. Create a directory path **xnat/config** in your home directory and a file named **xnat-conf.properties** there. In this file, define the following properties:
-Before building the XNAT web application, whether via Gradle or the IDE, modify **InstanceSettings.xml** to set the database properties, site URL, archive, cache, and prearchive paths, etc. If you change anything, e.g. move to a different database for some reason, you'll need to modify **InstanceSettings.xml** again and rebuild.
+datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/<XNAT Instance Name>
+datasource.username=<database username>
+datasource.password=<database password>
+IMPORTANT NOTE: You'll definitely want to fill in the three <placeholders> above!
+                ...<XNAT Instance Name>, <database username> and <database password>
 ## Building ##
diff --git a/src/main/resources/META-INF/xnat/spawner/site-admin-elements.yaml b/src/main/resources/META-INF/xnat/spawner/site-admin-elements.yaml
index 1e747f92fa5a65aef9790d12f7049665fdd2bed0..df70555153aa10a8e5afe6c068a3cc25802f12f9 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/META-INF/xnat/spawner/site-admin-elements.yaml
+++ b/src/main/resources/META-INF/xnat/spawner/site-admin-elements.yaml
@@ -18,22 +18,15 @@ siteId:
     description: "The id used to refer to this site (also used to generate database ids). The Site ID must start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers and underscores. It should be a short, one-word name or acronym which describes your site. No spaces or non-alphanumeric characters."
-    kind: panel.display  # make this a radio button group
+    kind: panel.display
     id: siteDescriptionType
     name: siteDescriptionType
     label: Site Description
     value: Select a site description option below
-    # onchange: # some javascript that toggles display of the elements below appropriately
-    kind: panel.input.checkbox  # make this a radio button group
-    id: siteDescriptionOptionText
-    label: "Text (Markdown)"
-    kind: panel.input.checkbox  # make this a radio button group
-    id: siteDescriptionOptionPage
-    label: "Page"
+    before:
+        - "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"../../scripts/xnat/admin/siteInfo.js\"></script>"
+    after:
+        - "<span style=\"position: relative; top: -15px;left: 270px;\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"siteDescriptionType\" id=\"siteDescriptionTypePage\" value=\"Page\">&nbsp;&nbsp;Page&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"radio\" name=\"siteDescriptionType\" id=\"siteDescriptionTypeText\" value=\"Text\">&nbsp;&nbsp;Text (Markdown)</span>"
     kind: panel.input.text
@@ -179,8 +172,6 @@ siteInfo:
-        ${siteDescriptionOptionText}
-        ${siteDescriptionOptionPage}
@@ -535,19 +526,19 @@ notifications:
             name: helpContactInfo
             label: "Help Contact Info"
-            kind: panel.input.text                     # textarea
+            kind: panel.textarea
             id: emailMessageUserRegistration
             name: emailMessageUserRegistration
             label: "Email Message: User Registration"
             description: "Text of message emailed to users upon registration. Link for email validation is auto-populated."
-            kind: panel.textarea                     # textarea
+            kind: panel.textarea
             id: emailMessageForgotUsernameRequest
             name: emailMessageForgotUsernameRequest
             label: "Email Message: Forgot Username Request"
             description: "Text of message emailed to users upon lost username request."
-            kind: panel.textarea                     # textarea
+            kind: panel.textarea
             id: emailMessageForgotPasswordReset
             name: emailMessageForgotPasswordReset
             label: "Email Message: Password Reset"
@@ -617,7 +608,7 @@ themeManagement:
     label: Theme Management
-            tag: script|type=text/javascript;src=../../scripts/themeManagement.js
+            tag: script|type=text/javascript;src=../../scripts/xnat/admin/themeManagement.js
             tag: style
@@ -772,7 +763,7 @@ registrationOptions:
             label: "Require Email Verification To Register?"
             value: true
-            kind: panel.input.text                        #textarea
+            kind: panel.textarea
             id: emailVerificationMessage
             name: emailVerificationMessage
             label: "Email Verification Message"
@@ -849,7 +840,7 @@ anonymization:
             label: "Enable Site-wide Anonymization Script"
             value: true
-            kind: panel.input.text                #textarea
+            kind: panel.textarea
             id: editAnonymzationScript
             name: editAnonymzationScript
             label: "Edit Anonymzation Script"
@@ -873,7 +864,7 @@ seriesImportFilter:
             label: Filter Mode
             value: false
-            kind: panel.input.text                #textarea
+            kind: panel.textarea
             id: seriesImportFilter
             name: seriesImportFilter
             label: "Edit Series Import Filter"
@@ -908,7 +899,7 @@ sessionUploadMethod:
             label: Enable Project Applet Script
             value: false
-            kind: panel.input.text                #textarea
+            kind: panel.textarea
             id: appletScript
             name: appletScript
             label: "Applet Script"
@@ -1068,7 +1059,6 @@ adminPage:
-                ${auditTrail}
             kind: tab
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/footer.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/footer.js
index 46c5372245ab91414e00378904aaf158b7ae1d68..c0fc3fcc868f7328917523c477137584d25c6137 100644
--- a/src/main/webapp/scripts/footer.js
+++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/footer.js
@@ -548,24 +548,6 @@ $(function(){
-    // adding shortcut methods to put and delete AJAX calls for clarity
-    jq.each(["put", "delete"], function(i, method) {
-        jq[method] = function(url, data, callback, type) {
-            if (jq.isFunction(data)) {
-                type = type || callback;
-                callback = data;
-                data = undefined;
-            }
-            return jq.ajax({
-                url: url,
-                type: method,
-                dataType: type,
-                data: data,
-                success: callback
-            });
-        };
-    });
     // trying to make the text readable
     jq('[style*="font-size: 8px"]').addClass('smallest_text');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/xnat/xhr.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/xnat/xhr.js
index 9be48d60e75ab2fe758aa6e63d00df526686a6d5..20172578ab890bf49c53ee3e16ced63e0b7f9474 100755
--- a/src/main/webapp/scripts/xnat/xhr.js
+++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/xnat/xhr.js
@@ -72,19 +72,36 @@ var XNAT = getObject(XNAT||{}),
     //extend(xhr, url);
     xhr.$ = getObject(xhr.$||{});
-    // Direct maps to jQuery's AJAX methods.
-    // Why use these instead of jQuery directly?
-    // For flexibility to allow XNAT's AJAX
-    // library to be changed in the future.
-    xhr.$.ajax      = xhr.ajax$      = $.ajax;
-    xhr.$.get       = xhr.get$       = $.get;
-    xhr.$.post      = xhr.post$      = $.post;
-    xhr.$.getJSON   = xhr.getJSON$   = $.getJSON;
-    xhr.$.getScript = xhr.getScript$ = $.getScript;
     xhr.$.load = xhr.load$ = function(selector, url, data, success){
         $$(selector).load(url, data, success);
+        // adding shortcut methods to put and delete AJAX calls for clarity
+        $.each(["put", "delete"], function(i, method) {
+            $[method] = function(url, data, callback, type) {
+                if ($.isFunction(data)) {
+                    type = type || callback;
+                    callback = data;
+                    data = undefined;
+                }
+                return $.ajax({
+                    url: url,
+                    type: method,
+                    dataType: type,
+                    data: data,
+                    success: callback
+                });
+            };
+        });
+        // Direct maps to jQuery's AJAX methods.
+        // Why use these instead of jQuery directly?
+        // For flexibility to allow XNAT's AJAX
+        // library to be changed in the future.
+        xhr.$.ajax      = xhr.ajax$      = $.ajax;
+        xhr.$.get       = xhr.get$       = $.get;
+        xhr.$.post      = xhr.post$      = $.post;
+        xhr.$.put       = xhr.put$       = $.put;
+        xhr.$.delete    = xhr.delete$    = $.delete;
+        xhr.$.getJSON   = xhr.getJSON$   = $.getJSON;
+        xhr.$.getScript = xhr.getScript$ = $.getScript;
     // private config object constructor