From 58300d25411e0a807540f9d98f5422f7d1177274 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mike McKay <> Date: Mon, 9 May 2016 14:39:10 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] XNAT-4180,XNAT-4187 Added generated script files. This fixes data tables and custom variables. Since these files never change, Tim said they do not need to be generated for each user. One problem with generating them the way we used to is that we had to have all the schemas in memory to generate ClassMapping.js. --- .../webapp/scripts/generated/ClassMapping.js | 2422 +++++++++ .../generated/arc_ArchiveSpecification.js | 1361 +++++ ..._ArchiveSpecification_notification_type.js | 227 + .../generated/arc_fieldSpecification.js | 250 + .../webapp/scripts/generated/arc_pathInfo.js | 326 ++ .../scripts/generated/arc_pipelineData.js | 495 ++ .../generated/arc_pipelineParameterData.js | 421 ++ .../webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project.js | 1129 +++++ .../generated/arc_project_descendant.js | 380 ++ .../arc_project_descendant_pipeline.js | 264 + .../scripts/generated/arc_project_pipeline.js | 264 + .../webapp/scripts/generated/arc_property.js | 227 + .../webapp/scripts/generated/cat_catalog.js | 977 ++++ .../generated/cat_catalog_metaField.js | 227 + .../scripts/generated/cat_catalog_tag.js | 204 + .../scripts/generated/cat_dcmCatalog.js | 455 ++ 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b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/ClassMapping.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0790b782 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/ClassMapping.js @@ -0,0 +1,2422 @@ + + +function ClassMapping(){ + this.newInstance=function(name){ + if(name=="xnat:DXScan"){ + if(window.xnat_dxScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_dxScanData','generated/xnat_dxScanData.js'); + return new xnat_dxScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ECGSession"){ + if(window.xnat_ecgSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ecgSessionData','generated/xnat_ecgSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_ecgSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:search_field"){ + if(window.xdat_search_field==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_search_field','generated/xdat_search_field.js'); + return new xdat_search_field(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_regionResource==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_regionResource','generated/xnat_regionResource.js'); + return new xnat_regionResource(); + } + if(name==""){ + 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xnat_mrQcScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_imageScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + return new xnat_imageScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_resourceSeries==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_resourceSeries','generated/xnat_resourceSeries.js'); + return new xnat_resourceSeries(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_mrAssessorData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrAssessorData','generated/xnat_mrAssessorData.js'); + return new xnat_mrAssessorData(); + } + if(name=="xnat_a:ygtssData"){ + if(window.xnat_a_ygtssData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_ygtssData','generated/xnat_a_ygtssData.js'); + return new xnat_a_ygtssData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:Generic"){ + if(window.xnat_genericData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_genericData','generated/xnat_genericData.js'); + return new xnat_genericData(); + } + if(name=="prov:process"){ + 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pipe_pipelineDetails(); + } + if(name=="xnat:NMSession"){ + if(window.xnat_nmSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_nmSessionData','generated/xnat_nmSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_nmSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:RFSession"){ + if(window.xnat_rfSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_rfSessionData','generated/xnat_rfSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_rfSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xcvSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcvSessionData','generated/xnat_xcvSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xcvSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:newsEntry"){ + if(window.xdat_newsEntry==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_newsEntry','generated/xdat_newsEntry.js'); + return new xdat_newsEntry(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_esScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_esScanData','generated/xnat_esScanData.js'); + return new xnat_esScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:imageResource"){ + 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if(window.xnat_subjectAssessorData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectAssessorData','generated/xnat_subjectAssessorData.js'); + return new xnat_subjectAssessorData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_ecgScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ecgScanData','generated/xnat_ecgScanData.js'); + return new xnat_ecgScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:CRSession"){ + if(window.xnat_crSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_crSessionData','generated/xnat_crSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_crSessionData(); + } + if(name=="prov:processStep"){ + if(window.prov_processStep==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('prov_processStep','generated/prov_processStep.js'); + return new prov_processStep(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xa3DSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xa3DSessionData','generated/xnat_xa3DSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xa3DSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:element_security_listing_action"){ + 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+ if(window.xnat_hdSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_hdSessionData','generated/xnat_hdSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_hdSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.val_protocolData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('val_protocolData','generated/val_protocolData.js'); + return new val_protocolData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.arc_fieldSpecification==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_fieldSpecification','generated/arc_fieldSpecification.js'); + return new arc_fieldSpecification(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_petmrSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petmrSessionData','generated/xnat_petmrSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_petmrSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:bundle"){ + if(window.xdat_stored_search==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_stored_search','generated/xdat_stored_search.js'); + return new xdat_stored_search(); + } + if(name=="xnat:DX3DCraniofacialSession"){ + if(window.xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData','generated/xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_epsScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_epsScanData','generated/xnat_epsScanData.js'); + return new xnat_epsScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:gmSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_gmSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_gmSessionData','generated/xnat_gmSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_gmSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_srScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_srScanData','generated/xnat_srScanData.js'); + return new xnat_srScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xaSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xaSessionData','generated/xnat_xaSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xaSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_petSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petSessionData','generated/xnat_petSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_petSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.arc_project==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_project','generated/arc_project.js'); + return new arc_project(); + } + if(name=="xnat:MRSScan"){ + if(window.xnat_mrsScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrsScanData','generated/xnat_mrsScanData.js'); + return new xnat_mrsScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xaScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xaScanData','generated/xnat_xaScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xaScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_pVisitData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_pVisitData','generated/xnat_pVisitData.js'); + return new xnat_pVisitData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_gmvSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_gmvSessionData','generated/xnat_gmvSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_gmvSessionData(); + } + if(name=="val:protocolData_scan_check_comment"){ + if(window.val_protocolData_scan_check_comment==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('val_protocolData_scan_check_comment','generated/val_protocolData_scan_check_comment.js'); + return new val_protocolData_scan_check_comment(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_optScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_optScanData','generated/xnat_optScanData.js'); + return new xnat_optScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_pVisitData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_pVisitData','generated/xnat_pVisitData.js'); + return new xnat_pVisitData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_gmScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_gmScanData','generated/xnat_gmScanData.js'); + return new xnat_gmScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_infoEntry==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_infoEntry','generated/xdat_infoEntry.js'); + return new xdat_infoEntry(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ioScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_ioScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ioScanData','generated/xnat_ioScanData.js'); + return new xnat_ioScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_volumetricRegion==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_volumetricRegion','generated/xnat_volumetricRegion.js'); + return new xnat_volumetricRegion(); + } + if(name=="xnat:nmSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_nmSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_nmSessionData','generated/xnat_nmSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_nmSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_abstractResource_tag==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractResource_tag','generated/xnat_abstractResource_tag.js'); + return new xnat_abstractResource_tag(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_dicomSeries==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_dicomSeries','generated/xnat_dicomSeries.js'); + return new xnat_dicomSeries(); + } + if(name=="xnat:studyProtocol_variable"){ + if(window.xnat_studyProtocol_variable==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_studyProtocol_variable','generated/xnat_studyProtocol_variable.js'); + return new xnat_studyProtocol_variable(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xaSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xaSessionData','generated/xnat_xaSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xaSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData','generated/xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_field_mapping==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_field_mapping','generated/xdat_field_mapping.js'); + return new xdat_field_mapping(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_mgSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mgSessionData','generated/xnat_mgSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_mgSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_userGroup==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_userGroup','generated/xdat_userGroup.js'); + return new xdat_userGroup(); + } + if(name=="xnat:OPSession"){ + if(window.xnat_opSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_opSessionData','generated/xnat_opSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_opSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:HDScan"){ + if(window.xnat_hdScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_hdScanData','generated/xnat_hdScanData.js'); + return new xnat_hdScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_projectData_alias==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_projectData_alias','generated/xnat_projectData_alias.js'); + return new xnat_projectData_alias(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable','generated/xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable.js'); + return new xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan','generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan.js'); + return new xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ESSession"){ + if(window.xnat_esSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_esSessionData','generated/xnat_esSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_esSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.val_protocolData_comment==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('val_protocolData_comment','generated/val_protocolData_comment.js'); + return new val_protocolData_comment(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_imageAssessorData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageAssessorData','generated/xnat_imageAssessorData.js'); + return new xnat_imageAssessorData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xcSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcSessionData','generated/xnat_xcSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xcSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_usScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_usScanData','generated/xnat_usScanData.js'); + return new xnat_usScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:crScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_crScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_crScanData','generated/xnat_crScanData.js'); + return new xnat_crScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_a_updrs3Data==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_updrs3Data','generated/xnat_a_updrs3Data.js'); + return new xnat_a_updrs3Data(); + } + if(name=="xnat:xcvScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_xcvScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcvScanData','generated/xnat_xcvScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xcvScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_a_ybocsData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_ybocsData','generated/xnat_a_ybocsData.js'); + return new xnat_a_ybocsData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:IOScan"){ + if(window.xnat_ioScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ioScanData','generated/xnat_ioScanData.js'); + return new xnat_ioScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice','generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice.js'); + return new xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_user==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_user','generated/xdat_user.js'); + return new xdat_user(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xa3DScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xa3DScanData','generated/xnat_xa3DScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xa3DScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_petSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petSessionData','generated/xnat_petSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_petSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.arc_pipelineData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_pipelineData','generated/arc_pipelineData.js'); + return new arc_pipelineData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:voiceAudioScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_voiceAudioScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_voiceAudioScanData','generated/xnat_voiceAudioScanData.js'); + return new xnat_voiceAudioScanData(); + } + if(name=="cat:dcmCatalog"){ + if(window.cat_dcmCatalog==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_dcmCatalog','generated/cat_dcmCatalog.js'); + return new cat_dcmCatalog(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ESVScan"){ + if(window.xnat_esvScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_esvScanData','generated/xnat_esvScanData.js'); + return new xnat_esvScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_ctScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ctScanData','generated/xnat_ctScanData.js'); + return new xnat_ctScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_optScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_optScanData','generated/xnat_optScanData.js'); + return new xnat_optScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:EEGSession"){ + if(window.xnat_eegSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_eegSessionData','generated/xnat_eegSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_eegSessionData(); + } + if(name=="cat:entry_metaField"){ + if(window.cat_entry_metaField==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_entry_metaField','generated/cat_entry_metaField.js'); + return new cat_entry_metaField(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_subjectAssessorData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectAssessorData','generated/xnat_subjectAssessorData.js'); + return new xnat_subjectAssessorData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_a_ybocsData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_ybocsData','generated/xnat_a_ybocsData.js'); + return new xnat_a_ybocsData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xcScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcScanData','generated/xnat_xcScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xcScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ecgScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_ecgScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ecgScanData','generated/xnat_ecgScanData.js'); + return new xnat_ecgScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_experimentData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_experimentData','generated/xnat_experimentData.js'); + return new xnat_experimentData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:XA3DSession"){ + if(window.xnat_xa3DSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xa3DSessionData','generated/xnat_xa3DSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xa3DSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_rtImageScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_rtImageScanData','generated/xnat_rtImageScanData.js'); + return new xnat_rtImageScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.prov_process==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('prov_process','generated/prov_process.js'); + return new prov_process(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_subjectVariablesData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectVariablesData','generated/xnat_subjectVariablesData.js'); + return new xnat_subjectVariablesData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:subjectData_addID"){ + if(window.xnat_subjectData_addID==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectData_addID','generated/xnat_subjectData_addID.js'); + return new xnat_subjectData_addID(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.scr_screeningAssessment==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('scr_screeningAssessment','generated/scr_screeningAssessment.js'); + return new scr_screeningAssessment(); + } + if(name=="val:protocolData"){ + 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xnat_xa3DScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_abstractProtocol==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractProtocol','generated/xnat_abstractProtocol.js'); + return new xnat_abstractProtocol(); + } + if(name=="xnat:subjectMetadata"){ + if(window.xnat_subjectMetadata==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectMetadata','generated/xnat_subjectMetadata.js'); + return new xnat_subjectMetadata(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_ctScanData_focalSpot==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ctScanData_focalSpot','generated/xnat_ctScanData_focalSpot.js'); + return new xnat_ctScanData_focalSpot(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ioSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_ioSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ioSessionData','generated/xnat_ioSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_ioSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_scScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_scScanData','generated/xnat_scScanData.js'); + return new xnat_scScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:GMVScan"){ + 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xnat_datatypeProtocol(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_genericData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_genericData','generated/xnat_genericData.js'); + return new xnat_genericData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:QCAssessment"){ + if(window.xnat_qcAssessmentData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcAssessmentData','generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData.js'); + return new xnat_qcAssessmentData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:reconstructedImageData_scanID"){ + if(window.xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID','generated/xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID.js'); + return new xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID(); + } + if(name=="xnat:abstractResource_tag"){ + if(window.xnat_abstractResource_tag==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractResource_tag','generated/xnat_abstractResource_tag.js'); + return new xnat_abstractResource_tag(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_rfSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_rfSessionData','generated/xnat_rfSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_rfSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:hdScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_hdScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_hdScanData','generated/xnat_hdScanData.js'); + return new xnat_hdScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_petQcScanData_processingError==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petQcScanData_processingError','generated/xnat_petQcScanData_processingError.js'); + return new xnat_petQcScanData_processingError(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_epsScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_epsScanData','generated/xnat_epsScanData.js'); + return new xnat_epsScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:xa3DSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_xa3DSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xa3DSessionData','generated/xnat_xa3DSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xa3DSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.arc_project_descendant_pipeline==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_project_descendant_pipeline','generated/arc_project_descendant_pipeline.js'); + return new arc_project_descendant_pipeline(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_a_updrs3Data==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_updrs3Data','generated/xnat_a_updrs3Data.js'); + return new xnat_a_updrs3Data(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ESScan"){ + if(window.xnat_esScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_esScanData','generated/xnat_esScanData.js'); + return new xnat_esScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:SRSession"){ + if(window.xnat_srSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_srSessionData','generated/xnat_srSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_srSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.arc_pipelineParameterData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_pipelineParameterData','generated/arc_pipelineParameterData.js'); + return new arc_pipelineParameterData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:megSessionData"){ + 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if(window.xnat_pVisitData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_pVisitData','generated/xnat_pVisitData.js'); + return new xnat_pVisitData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:GMScan"){ + if(window.xnat_gmScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_gmScanData','generated/xnat_gmScanData.js'); + return new xnat_gmScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_genericData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_genericData','generated/xnat_genericData.js'); + return new xnat_genericData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:RTSession"){ + if(window.xnat_rtSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_rtSessionData','generated/xnat_rtSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_rtSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_publicationResource==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_publicationResource','generated/xnat_publicationResource.js'); + return new xnat_publicationResource(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ResourceCatalog"){ + if(window.xnat_resourceCatalog==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_resourceCatalog','generated/xnat_resourceCatalog.js'); + return new xnat_resourceCatalog(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ecgSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_ecgSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ecgSessionData','generated/xnat_ecgSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_ecgSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:crSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_crSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_crSessionData','generated/xnat_crSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_crSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:SMSession"){ + if(window.xnat_smSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_smSessionData','generated/xnat_smSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_smSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_ctScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ctScanData','generated/xnat_ctScanData.js'); + return new xnat_ctScanData(); + } + if(name=="wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify"){ + if(window.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify','generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify.js'); + return new wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.val_protocolData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('val_protocolData','generated/val_protocolData.js'); + return new val_protocolData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_newsEntry==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_newsEntry','generated/xdat_newsEntry.js'); + return new xdat_newsEntry(); + } + if(name=="xnat:mrScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_mrScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrScanData','generated/xnat_mrScanData.js'); + return new xnat_mrScanData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:criteria"){ + if(window.xdat_criteria==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_criteria','generated/xdat_criteria.js'); + return new xdat_criteria(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.val_protocolData_scan_check_condition==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('val_protocolData_scan_check_condition','generated/val_protocolData_scan_check_condition.js'); + return new val_protocolData_scan_check_condition(); + } + if(name=="xnat:mrQcScanData"){ + 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if(name=="cat:catalog_metaField"){ + if(window.cat_catalog_metaField==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_catalog_metaField','generated/cat_catalog_metaField.js'); + return new cat_catalog_metaField(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_crSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_crSessionData','generated/xnat_crSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_crSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:imageScanData_share"){ + if(window.xnat_imageScanData_share==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData_share','generated/xnat_imageScanData_share.js'); + return new xnat_imageScanData_share(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.pipe_pipelineDetails_parameter==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('pipe_pipelineDetails_parameter','generated/pipe_pipelineDetails_parameter.js'); + return new pipe_pipelineDetails_parameter(); + } + if(name=="xnat:projectData_field"){ + if(window.xnat_projectData_field==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_projectData_field','generated/xnat_projectData_field.js'); + return new xnat_projectData_field(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_gmvScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_gmvScanData','generated/xnat_gmvScanData.js'); + return new xnat_gmvScanData(); + } + if(name=="scr:screeningScanData"){ + if(window.scr_screeningScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('scr_screeningScanData','generated/scr_screeningScanData.js'); + return new scr_screeningScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_hdSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_hdSessionData','generated/xnat_hdSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_hdSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.arc_project_pipeline==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_project_pipeline','generated/arc_project_pipeline.js'); + return new arc_project_pipeline(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_smScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_smScanData','generated/xnat_smScanData.js'); + return new xnat_smScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:resource"){ + if(window.xnat_resource==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_resource','generated/xnat_resource.js'); + return new xnat_resource(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_experimentData_field==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_experimentData_field','generated/xnat_experimentData_field.js'); + return new xnat_experimentData_field(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.prov_processStep==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('prov_processStep','generated/prov_processStep.js'); + return new prov_processStep(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ctSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_ctSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ctSessionData','generated/xnat_ctSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_ctSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:xaScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_xaScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xaScanData','generated/xnat_xaScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xaScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:eegSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_eegSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_eegSessionData','generated/xnat_eegSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_eegSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:studyProtocol_condition"){ + if(window.xnat_studyProtocol_condition==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_studyProtocol_condition','generated/xnat_studyProtocol_condition.js'); + return new xnat_studyProtocol_condition(); + } + if(name=="cat:Entry"){ + if(window.cat_entry==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_entry','generated/cat_entry.js'); + return new cat_entry(); + } + if(name=="xnat:XCScan"){ + if(window.xnat_xcScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcScanData','generated/xnat_xcScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xcScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_subjectData_addID==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectData_addID','generated/xnat_subjectData_addID.js'); + return new xnat_subjectData_addID(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_opSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_opSessionData','generated/xnat_opSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_opSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xcScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcScanData','generated/xnat_xcScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xcScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:petAssessorData"){ + if(window.xnat_petAssessorData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petAssessorData','generated/xnat_petAssessorData.js'); + return new xnat_petAssessorData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.arc_property==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_property','generated/arc_property.js'); + return new arc_property(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_opScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_opScanData','generated/xnat_opScanData.js'); + return new xnat_opScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_investigatorData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_investigatorData','generated/xnat_investigatorData.js'); + return new xnat_investigatorData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_megSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_megSessionData','generated/xnat_megSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_megSessionData(); + } + if(name=="arc:pipelineParameterData"){ + if(window.arc_pipelineParameterData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_pipelineParameterData','generated/arc_pipelineParameterData.js'); + return new arc_pipelineParameterData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:esSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_esSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_esSessionData','generated/xnat_esSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_esSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.val_protocolData_scan_check==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('val_protocolData_scan_check','generated/val_protocolData_scan_check.js'); + return new val_protocolData_scan_check(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_studyProtocol_condition==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_studyProtocol_condition','generated/xnat_studyProtocol_condition.js'); + return new xnat_studyProtocol_condition(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_derivedData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_derivedData','generated/xnat_derivedData.js'); + return new xnat_derivedData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_esSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_esSessionData','generated/xnat_esSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_esSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_regionResource_label==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_regionResource_label','generated/xnat_regionResource_label.js'); + return new xnat_regionResource_label(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_otherDicomSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_otherDicomSessionData','generated/xnat_otherDicomSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_otherDicomSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_reconstructedImageData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_reconstructedImageData','generated/xnat_reconstructedImageData.js'); + return new xnat_reconstructedImageData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:srSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_srSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_srSessionData','generated/xnat_srSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_srSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:usScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_usScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_usScanData','generated/xnat_usScanData.js'); + return new xnat_usScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:dicomSeries"){ + if(window.xnat_dicomSeries==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_dicomSeries','generated/xnat_dicomSeries.js'); + return new xnat_dicomSeries(); + } + if(name=="xnat:mrSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_mrSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrSessionData','generated/xnat_mrSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_mrSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_ecgSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ecgSessionData','generated/xnat_ecgSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_ecgSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_a_ygtssData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_ygtssData','generated/xnat_a_ygtssData.js'); + return new xnat_a_ygtssData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:statisticsData_additionalStatistics"){ + 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if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_mrsScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrsScanData','generated/xnat_mrsScanData.js'); + return new xnat_mrsScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_volumetricRegion_subregion==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_volumetricRegion_subregion','generated/xnat_volumetricRegion_subregion.js'); + return new xnat_volumetricRegion_subregion(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_statisticsData_additionalStatistics==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_statisticsData_additionalStatistics','generated/xnat_statisticsData_additionalStatistics.js'); + return new xnat_statisticsData_additionalStatistics(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_imageScanData_share==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData_share','generated/xnat_imageScanData_share.js'); + return new xnat_imageScanData_share(); + } + if(name=="xnat:XCVScan"){ + if(window.xnat_xcvScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcvScanData','generated/xnat_xcvScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xcvScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_imageResource==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageResource','generated/xnat_imageResource.js'); + return new xnat_imageResource(); + } + if(name=="xnat:abstractResource"){ + if(window.xnat_abstractResource==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractResource','generated/xnat_abstractResource.js'); + return new xnat_abstractResource(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_otherDicomScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_otherDicomScanData','generated/xnat_otherDicomScanData.js'); + return new xnat_otherDicomScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:resourceCatalog"){ + if(window.xnat_resourceCatalog==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_resourceCatalog','generated/xnat_resourceCatalog.js'); + return new xnat_resourceCatalog(); + } + if(name=="xnat:rtSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_rtSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_rtSessionData','generated/xnat_rtSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_rtSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ctScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_ctScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ctScanData','generated/xnat_ctScanData.js'); + return new xnat_ctScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:gmvScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_gmvScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_gmvScanData','generated/xnat_gmvScanData.js'); + return new xnat_gmvScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_statisticsData_addField==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_statisticsData_addField','generated/xnat_statisticsData_addField.js'); + return new xnat_statisticsData_addField(); + } + if(name=="xnat:MRSession"){ + if(window.xnat_mrSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrSessionData','generated/xnat_mrSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_mrSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.cat_entry_metaField==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_entry_metaField','generated/cat_entry_metaField.js'); + return new cat_entry_metaField(); + } + if(name=="arc:project"){ + if(window.arc_project==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_project','generated/arc_project.js'); + return new arc_project(); + } + if(name=="xnat:dicomSeries_image"){ + if(window.xnat_dicomSeries_image==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_dicomSeries_image','generated/xnat_dicomSeries_image.js'); + return new xnat_dicomSeries_image(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.pipe_PipelineRepository==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('pipe_PipelineRepository','generated/pipe_PipelineRepository.js'); + return new pipe_PipelineRepository(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_optSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_optSessionData','generated/xnat_optSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_optSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field"){ + if(window.xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field','generated/xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field.js'); + return new xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ECGScan"){ + if(window.xnat_ecgScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ecgScanData','generated/xnat_ecgScanData.js'); + return new xnat_ecgScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_abstractStatistics==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractStatistics','generated/xnat_abstractStatistics.js'); + return new xnat_abstractStatistics(); + } + if(name=="xdat:user_groupID"){ + if(window.xdat_user_groupID==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_user_groupID','generated/xdat_user_groupID.js'); + return new xdat_user_groupID(); + } + if(name=="xnat:optScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_optScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_optScanData','generated/xnat_optScanData.js'); + return new xnat_optScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_eegSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_eegSessionData','generated/xnat_eegSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_eegSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_smSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_smSessionData','generated/xnat_smSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_smSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_projectParticipant==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_projectParticipant','generated/xnat_projectParticipant.js'); + return new xnat_projectParticipant(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_a_sideEffectsPittsburghData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_sideEffectsPittsburghData','generated/xnat_a_sideEffectsPittsburghData.js'); + return new xnat_a_sideEffectsPittsburghData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:experimentData_field"){ + if(window.xnat_experimentData_field==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_experimentData_field','generated/xnat_experimentData_field.js'); + return new xnat_experimentData_field(); + } + if(name=="xnat:CTScan"){ + if(window.xnat_ctScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ctScanData','generated/xnat_ctScanData.js'); + return new xnat_ctScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_gmSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_gmSessionData','generated/xnat_gmSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_gmSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_petScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petScanData','generated/xnat_petScanData.js'); + return new xnat_petScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:esScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_esScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_esScanData','generated/xnat_esScanData.js'); + return new xnat_esScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:subjectVariablesData_variable"){ + if(window.xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable','generated/xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable.js'); + return new xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_megSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_megSessionData','generated/xnat_megSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_megSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:usSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_usSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_usSessionData','generated/xnat_usSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_usSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_criteria_set==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_criteria_set','generated/xdat_criteria_set.js'); + return new xdat_criteria_set(); + } + if(name=="xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan_slice"){ + if(window.xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice','generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice.js'); + return new xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice(); + } + if(name=="xdat:element_action_type"){ + if(window.xdat_element_action_type==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_element_action_type','generated/xdat_element_action_type.js'); + return new xdat_element_action_type(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_petmrSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petmrSessionData','generated/xnat_petmrSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_petmrSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:dxSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_dxSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_dxSessionData','generated/xnat_dxSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_dxSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_imageSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_imageSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_esvScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_esvScanData','generated/xnat_esvScanData.js'); + return new xnat_esvScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:derivedData"){ + if(window.xnat_derivedData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_derivedData','generated/xnat_derivedData.js'); + return new xnat_derivedData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:field_mapping_set"){ + if(window.xdat_field_mapping_set==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_field_mapping_set','generated/xdat_field_mapping_set.js'); + return new xdat_field_mapping_set(); + } + if(name=="xdat:element_access_secure_ip"){ + if(window.xdat_element_access_secure_ip==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_element_access_secure_ip','generated/xdat_element_access_secure_ip.js'); + return new xdat_element_access_secure_ip(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ctScanData_focalSpot"){ + 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if(name=="wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter"){ + if(window.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter','generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter.js'); + return new wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_imageResourceSeries==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageResourceSeries','generated/xnat_imageResourceSeries.js'); + return new xnat_imageResourceSeries(); + } + if(name=="xnat:contrastBolus"){ + if(window.xnat_contrastBolus==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_contrastBolus','generated/xnat_contrastBolus.js'); + return new xnat_contrastBolus(); + } + if(name=="xnat:regionResource_label"){ + if(window.xnat_regionResource_label==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_regionResource_label','generated/xnat_regionResource_label.js'); + return new xnat_regionResource_label(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_Search==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_Search','generated/xdat_Search.js'); + return new xdat_Search(); + } + if(name=="xnat:dx3DCraniofacialSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData','generated/xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:primary_security_field"){ + if(window.xdat_primary_security_field==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_primary_security_field','generated/xdat_primary_security_field.js'); + return new xdat_primary_security_field(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_epsSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_epsSessionData','generated/xnat_epsSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_epsSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat_a:YGTSS"){ + if(window.xnat_a_ygtssData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_ygtssData','generated/xnat_a_ygtssData.js'); + return new xnat_a_ygtssData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:genericData"){ + if(window.xnat_genericData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_genericData','generated/xnat_genericData.js'); + return new xnat_genericData(); + } + if(name=="wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment"){ + if(window.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment','generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment.js'); + return new wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xaScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xaScanData','generated/xnat_xaScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xaScanData(); + } + if(name=="prov:processStep_library"){ + if(window.prov_processStep_library==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('prov_processStep_library','generated/prov_processStep_library.js'); + return new prov_processStep_library(); + } + if(name=="xnat_a:updrs3Data"){ + if(window.xnat_a_updrs3Data==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_updrs3Data','generated/xnat_a_updrs3Data.js'); + return new xnat_a_updrs3Data(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_dxScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_dxScanData','generated/xnat_dxScanData.js'); + return new xnat_dxScanData(); + } + 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xnat_qcManualAssessorData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.arc_ArchiveSpecification_notification_type==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_ArchiveSpecification_notification_type','generated/arc_ArchiveSpecification_notification_type.js'); + return new arc_ArchiveSpecification_notification_type(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_search_field==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_search_field','generated/xdat_search_field.js'); + return new xdat_search_field(); + } + if(name=="xnat:DXSession"){ + if(window.xnat_dxSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_dxSessionData','generated/xnat_dxSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_dxSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_usSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_usSessionData','generated/xnat_usSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_usSessionData(); + } + if(name=="cat:dcmEntry"){ + if(window.cat_dcmEntry==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_dcmEntry','generated/cat_dcmEntry.js'); + return new cat_dcmEntry(); + } + if(name==""){ + 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new xnat_studyProtocol_group(); + } + if(name=="xnat:petQcScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_petQcScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petQcScanData','generated/xnat_petQcScanData.js'); + return new xnat_petQcScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:PETSession"){ + if(window.xnat_petSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petSessionData','generated/xnat_petSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_petSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_investigatorData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_investigatorData','generated/xnat_investigatorData.js'); + return new xnat_investigatorData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_subjectVariablesData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectVariablesData','generated/xnat_subjectVariablesData.js'); + return new xnat_subjectVariablesData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan"){ + if(window.xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan','generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan.js'); + return new xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_srSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_srSessionData','generated/xnat_srSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_srSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:Subject"){ + if(window.xnat_subjectData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectData','generated/xnat_subjectData.js'); + return new xnat_subjectData(); + } + if(name=="pipe:pipelineDetails_element"){ + if(window.pipe_pipelineDetails_element==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('pipe_pipelineDetails_element','generated/pipe_pipelineDetails_element.js'); + return new pipe_pipelineDetails_element(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_mrSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrSessionData','generated/xnat_mrSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_mrSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_opSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_opSessionData','generated/xnat_opSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_opSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:PETMRSession"){ + 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if(window.val_protocolData_scan_check_comment==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('val_protocolData_scan_check_comment','generated/val_protocolData_scan_check_comment.js'); + return new val_protocolData_scan_check_comment(); + } + if(name=="xnat:xcScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_xcScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcScanData','generated/xnat_xcScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xcScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:opScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_opScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_opScanData','generated/xnat_opScanData.js'); + return new xnat_opScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_crScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_crScanData','generated/xnat_crScanData.js'); + return new xnat_crScanData(); + } + if(name=="cat:Catalog"){ + if(window.cat_catalog==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_catalog','generated/cat_catalog.js'); + return new cat_catalog(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.pipe_pipelineDetails_element==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('pipe_pipelineDetails_element','generated/pipe_pipelineDetails_element.js'); + return new pipe_pipelineDetails_element(); + } + if(name=="xnat:scScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_scScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_scScanData','generated/xnat_scScanData.js'); + return new xnat_scScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_addField==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_addField','generated/xnat_addField.js'); + return new xnat_addField(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_reconstructedImageData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_reconstructedImageData','generated/xnat_reconstructedImageData.js'); + return new xnat_reconstructedImageData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:XCSession"){ + if(window.xnat_xcSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcSessionData','generated/xnat_xcSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xcSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_computationData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_computationData','generated/xnat_computationData.js'); + return new xnat_computationData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:access_log"){ + if(window.xdat_access_log==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_access_log','generated/xdat_access_log.js'); + return new xdat_access_log(); + } + if(name=="val:protocolData_scan_check"){ + if(window.val_protocolData_scan_check==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('val_protocolData_scan_check','generated/val_protocolData_scan_check.js'); + return new val_protocolData_scan_check(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.scr_screeningAssessment==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('scr_screeningAssessment','generated/scr_screeningAssessment.js'); + return new scr_screeningAssessment(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_mrScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrScanData','generated/xnat_mrScanData.js'); + return new xnat_mrScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_ecgSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ecgSessionData','generated/xnat_ecgSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_ecgSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:subjectData_field"){ + if(window.xnat_subjectData_field==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectData_field','generated/xnat_subjectData_field.js'); + return new xnat_subjectData_field(); + } + if(name=="xnat:rfScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_rfScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_rfScanData','generated/xnat_rfScanData.js'); + return new xnat_rfScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:EEGScan"){ + if(window.xnat_eegScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_eegScanData','generated/xnat_eegScanData.js'); + return new xnat_eegScanData(); + } + if(name=="wrk:abstractExecutionEnvironment"){ + if(window.wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment','generated/wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment.js'); + return new wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_gmvSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_gmvSessionData','generated/xnat_gmvSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_gmvSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_otherDicomSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_otherDicomSessionData','generated/xnat_otherDicomSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_otherDicomSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:CTSession"){ + if(window.xnat_ctSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ctSessionData','generated/xnat_ctSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_ctSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:GMSession"){ + if(window.xnat_gmSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_gmSessionData','generated/xnat_gmSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_gmSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:reconstructedImageData"){ + if(window.xnat_reconstructedImageData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_reconstructedImageData','generated/xnat_reconstructedImageData.js'); + return new xnat_reconstructedImageData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:stored_search"){ + 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if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_usSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_usSessionData','generated/xnat_usSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_usSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:xa3DScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_xa3DScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xa3DScanData','generated/xnat_xa3DScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xa3DScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.val_additionalVal==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('val_additionalVal','generated/val_additionalVal.js'); + return new val_additionalVal(); + } + if(name=="xnat:megScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_megScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_megScanData','generated/xnat_megScanData.js'); + return new xnat_megScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.prov_processStep_library==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('prov_processStep_library','generated/prov_processStep_library.js'); + return new prov_processStep_library(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.cat_catalog==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_catalog','generated/cat_catalog.js'); + return new cat_catalog(); + } + if(name=="xnat:XAScan"){ + if(window.xnat_xaScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xaScanData','generated/xnat_xaScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xaScanData(); + } + if(name=="arc:project_pipeline"){ + if(window.arc_project_pipeline==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_project_pipeline','generated/arc_project_pipeline.js'); + return new arc_project_pipeline(); + } + if(name=="xnat:OPTSession"){ + if(window.xnat_optSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_optSessionData','generated/xnat_optSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_optSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:volumetricRegion"){ + if(window.xnat_volumetricRegion==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_volumetricRegion','generated/xnat_volumetricRegion.js'); + return new xnat_volumetricRegion(); + } + if(name=="scr:ScreeningAssessment"){ + if(window.scr_screeningAssessment==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('scr_screeningAssessment','generated/scr_screeningAssessment.js'); + return new scr_screeningAssessment(); + } + if(name=="xnat:subjectVariablesData"){ + if(window.xnat_subjectVariablesData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectVariablesData','generated/xnat_subjectVariablesData.js'); + return new xnat_subjectVariablesData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_petScanData_frame==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petScanData_frame','generated/xnat_petScanData_frame.js'); + return new xnat_petScanData_frame(); + } + if(name=="xnat:Investigator"){ + if(window.xnat_investigatorData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_investigatorData','generated/xnat_investigatorData.js'); + return new xnat_investigatorData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_otherQcScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_otherQcScanData','generated/xnat_otherQcScanData.js'); + return new xnat_otherQcScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat_a:scidResearchData"){ + if(window.xnat_a_scidResearchData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_scidResearchData','generated/xnat_a_scidResearchData.js'); + return new xnat_a_scidResearchData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_otherDicomScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_otherDicomScanData','generated/xnat_otherDicomScanData.js'); + return new xnat_otherDicomScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_usScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_usScanData','generated/xnat_usScanData.js'); + return new xnat_usScanData(); + } + if(name=="val:ProtocolVal"){ + if(window.val_protocolData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('val_protocolData','generated/val_protocolData.js'); + return new val_protocolData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_ctSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ctSessionData','generated/xnat_ctSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_ctSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:role_type"){ + if(window.xdat_role_type==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_role_type','generated/xdat_role_type.js'); + return new xdat_role_type(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.cat_entry==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_entry','generated/cat_entry.js'); + return new cat_entry(); + } + if(name=="xnat:MGSession"){ + if(window.xnat_mgSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mgSessionData','generated/xnat_mgSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_mgSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:MEGSession"){ + if(window.xnat_megSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_megSessionData','generated/xnat_megSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_megSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_mgScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mgScanData','generated/xnat_mgScanData.js'); + return new xnat_mgScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xcvScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcvScanData','generated/xnat_xcvScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xcvScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:DX3DCraniofacialScan"){ + if(window.xnat_dx3DCraniofacialScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_dx3DCraniofacialScanData','generated/xnat_dx3DCraniofacialScanData.js'); + return new xnat_dx3DCraniofacialScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + 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xnat_petScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:petQcScanData_processingError"){ + if(window.xnat_petQcScanData_processingError==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petQcScanData_processingError','generated/xnat_petQcScanData_processingError.js'); + return new xnat_petQcScanData_processingError(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_a_ygtssData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_ygtssData','generated/xnat_a_ygtssData.js'); + return new xnat_a_ygtssData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_element_action_type==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_element_action_type','generated/xdat_element_action_type.js'); + return new xdat_element_action_type(); + } + if(name=="xnat:EPSSession"){ + if(window.xnat_epsSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_epsSessionData','generated/xnat_epsSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_epsSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_ioSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_ioSessionData','generated/xnat_ioSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_ioSessionData(); + } + 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if(window.xdat_userGroup==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_userGroup','generated/xdat_userGroup.js'); + return new xdat_userGroup(); + } + if(name=="xnat:abstractProtocol"){ + if(window.xnat_abstractProtocol==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractProtocol','generated/xnat_abstractProtocol.js'); + return new xnat_abstractProtocol(); + } + if(name=="xdat:infoEntry"){ + if(window.xdat_infoEntry==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_infoEntry','generated/xdat_infoEntry.js'); + return new xdat_infoEntry(); + } + if(name=="pipe:PipelineRepository"){ + if(window.pipe_PipelineRepository==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('pipe_PipelineRepository','generated/pipe_PipelineRepository.js'); + return new pipe_PipelineRepository(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_qcScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcScanData','generated/xnat_qcScanData.js'); + return new xnat_qcScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:studyProtocol"){ + 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if(window.xnat_datatypeProtocol==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_datatypeProtocol','generated/xnat_datatypeProtocol.js'); + return new xnat_datatypeProtocol(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_rfScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_rfScanData','generated/xnat_rfScanData.js'); + return new xnat_rfScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_subjectData_field==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectData_field','generated/xnat_subjectData_field.js'); + return new xnat_subjectData_field(); + } + if(name=="xdat:user"){ + if(window.xdat_user==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_user','generated/xdat_user.js'); + return new xdat_user(); + } + if(name=="xnat:MRScan"){ + if(window.xnat_mrScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrScanData','generated/xnat_mrScanData.js'); + return new xnat_mrScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:otherDicomSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_otherDicomSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_otherDicomSessionData','generated/xnat_otherDicomSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_otherDicomSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_scScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_scScanData','generated/xnat_scScanData.js'); + return new xnat_scScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.pipe_pipelineDetails==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('pipe_pipelineDetails','generated/pipe_pipelineDetails.js'); + return new pipe_pipelineDetails(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_eegScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_eegScanData','generated/xnat_eegScanData.js'); + return new xnat_eegScanData(); + } + if(name=="arc:project_descendant"){ + if(window.arc_project_descendant==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_project_descendant','generated/arc_project_descendant.js'); + return new arc_project_descendant(); + } + if(name=="xnat:qcAssessmentData"){ + if(window.xnat_qcAssessmentData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcAssessmentData','generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData.js'); + return new xnat_qcAssessmentData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:abstractSubjectMetadata"){ + 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xnat_ioScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_contrastBolus==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_contrastBolus','generated/xnat_contrastBolus.js'); + return new xnat_contrastBolus(); + } + if(name=="xnat:hdSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_hdSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_hdSessionData','generated/xnat_hdSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_hdSessionData(); + } + if(name=="cat:entry"){ + if(window.cat_entry==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_entry','generated/cat_entry.js'); + return new cat_entry(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_qcManualAssessorData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcManualAssessorData','generated/xnat_qcManualAssessorData.js'); + return new xnat_qcManualAssessorData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_element_security==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_element_security','generated/xdat_element_security.js'); + return new xdat_element_security(); + } + if(name=="xnat:ImageRegionResource"){ + if(window.xnat_regionResource==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_regionResource','generated/xnat_regionResource.js'); + return new xnat_regionResource(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_esvSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_esvSessionData','generated/xnat_esvSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_esvSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xcSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcSessionData','generated/xnat_xcSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xcSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_demographicData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_demographicData','generated/xnat_demographicData.js'); + return new xnat_demographicData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:QCManualAssessment"){ + if(window.xnat_qcManualAssessorData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcManualAssessorData','generated/xnat_qcManualAssessorData.js'); + return new xnat_qcManualAssessorData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata','generated/xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata.js'); + return new xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_qcAssessmentData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcAssessmentData','generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData.js'); + return new xnat_qcAssessmentData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:Info"){ + if(window.xdat_infoEntry==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_infoEntry','generated/xdat_infoEntry.js'); + return new xdat_infoEntry(); + } + if(name=="xnat:USScan"){ + if(window.xnat_usScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_usScanData','generated/xnat_usScanData.js'); + return new xnat_usScanData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:Search"){ + if(window.xdat_Search==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_Search','generated/xdat_Search.js'); + return new xdat_Search(); + } + if(name=="xnat:xaSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_xaSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xaSessionData','generated/xnat_xaSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xaSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:imageSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_imageSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_imageSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_dxScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_dxScanData','generated/xnat_dxScanData.js'); + return new xnat_dxScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_crScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_crScanData','generated/xnat_crScanData.js'); + return new xnat_crScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_qcScanData_field==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcScanData_field','generated/xnat_qcScanData_field.js'); + return new xnat_qcScanData_field(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID','generated/xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID.js'); + return new xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID(); + } + if(name=="xnat_a:SCID"){ + 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xnat_subjectData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:stored_search_allowed_user"){ + if(window.xdat_stored_search_allowed_user==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_stored_search_allowed_user','generated/xdat_stored_search_allowed_user.js'); + return new xdat_stored_search_allowed_user(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.cat_dcmCatalog==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_dcmCatalog','generated/cat_dcmCatalog.js'); + return new cat_dcmCatalog(); + } + if(name=="xnat:esvScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_esvScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_esvScanData','generated/xnat_esvScanData.js'); + return new xnat_esvScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.scr_screeningScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('scr_screeningScanData','generated/scr_screeningScanData.js'); + return new scr_screeningScanData(); + } + if(name=="arc:fieldSpecification"){ + if(window.arc_fieldSpecification==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_fieldSpecification','generated/arc_fieldSpecification.js'); + return new arc_fieldSpecification(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_subjectData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectData','generated/xnat_subjectData.js'); + return new xnat_subjectData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_field_mapping_set==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_field_mapping_set','generated/xdat_field_mapping_set.js'); + return new xdat_field_mapping_set(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_mrsScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrsScanData','generated/xnat_mrsScanData.js'); + return new xnat_mrsScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat_a:ybocsData"){ + if(window.xnat_a_ybocsData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_ybocsData','generated/xnat_a_ybocsData.js'); + return new xnat_a_ybocsData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_epsSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_epsSessionData','generated/xnat_epsSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_epsSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_user_groupID==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_user_groupID','generated/xdat_user_groupID.js'); + return new xdat_user_groupID(); + } + if(name=="arc:pathInfo"){ + if(window.arc_pathInfo==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_pathInfo','generated/arc_pathInfo.js'); + return new arc_pathInfo(); + } + if(name=="xnat:otherDicomScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_otherDicomScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_otherDicomScanData','generated/xnat_otherDicomScanData.js'); + return new xnat_otherDicomScanData(); + } + if(name=="arc:ArchiveSpecification"){ + if(window.arc_ArchiveSpecification==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_ArchiveSpecification','generated/arc_ArchiveSpecification.js'); + return new arc_ArchiveSpecification(); + } + if(name=="wrk:workflowData"){ + if(window.wrk_workflowData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('wrk_workflowData','generated/wrk_workflowData.js'); + return new wrk_workflowData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:stored_search_groupID"){ + if(window.xdat_stored_search_groupID==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_stored_search_groupID','generated/xdat_stored_search_groupID.js'); + return new xdat_stored_search_groupID(); + } + if(name=="xnat:xcSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_xcSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcSessionData','generated/xnat_xcSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xcSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:eegScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_eegScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_eegScanData','generated/xnat_eegScanData.js'); + return new xnat_eegScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:VoiceAudioScan"){ + if(window.xnat_voiceAudioScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_voiceAudioScanData','generated/xnat_voiceAudioScanData.js'); + return new xnat_voiceAudioScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:EPSScan"){ + if(window.xnat_epsScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_epsScanData','generated/xnat_epsScanData.js'); + return new xnat_epsScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify','generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify.js'); + return new wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_petQcScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petQcScanData','generated/xnat_petQcScanData.js'); + return new xnat_petQcScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:abstractStatistics"){ + if(window.xnat_abstractStatistics==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractStatistics','generated/xnat_abstractStatistics.js'); + return new xnat_abstractStatistics(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_mgSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mgSessionData','generated/xnat_mgSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_mgSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:OPTScan"){ + if(window.xnat_optScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_optScanData','generated/xnat_optScanData.js'); + return new xnat_optScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_eegScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_eegScanData','generated/xnat_eegScanData.js'); + return new xnat_eegScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:projectParticipant"){ + 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xnat_experimentData_share(); + } + if(name=="xnat:esvSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_esvSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_esvSessionData','generated/xnat_esvSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_esvSessionData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_role_type==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_role_type','generated/xdat_role_type.js'); + return new xdat_role_type(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_stored_search_allowed_user==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_stored_search_allowed_user','generated/xdat_stored_search_allowed_user.js'); + return new xdat_stored_search_allowed_user(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_a_sideEffectsPittsburghData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_sideEffectsPittsburghData','generated/xnat_a_sideEffectsPittsburghData.js'); + return new xnat_a_sideEffectsPittsburghData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:smScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_smScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_smScanData','generated/xnat_smScanData.js'); + return new xnat_smScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_studyProtocol==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_studyProtocol','generated/xnat_studyProtocol.js'); + return new xnat_studyProtocol(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_segScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_segScanData','generated/xnat_segScanData.js'); + return new xnat_segScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.cat_entry_tag==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_entry_tag','generated/cat_entry_tag.js'); + return new cat_entry_tag(); + } + if(name=="xnat:validationData"){ + if(window.xnat_validationData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_validationData','generated/xnat_validationData.js'); + return new xnat_validationData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:computationData"){ + if(window.xnat_computationData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_computationData','generated/xnat_computationData.js'); + return new xnat_computationData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_rtImageScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_rtImageScanData','generated/xnat_rtImageScanData.js'); + return new xnat_rtImageScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:RFScan"){ + if(window.xnat_rfScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_rfScanData','generated/xnat_rfScanData.js'); + return new xnat_rfScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_gmScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_gmScanData','generated/xnat_gmScanData.js'); + return new xnat_gmScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_voiceAudioScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_voiceAudioScanData','generated/xnat_voiceAudioScanData.js'); + return new xnat_voiceAudioScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_nmScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_nmScanData','generated/xnat_nmScanData.js'); + return new xnat_nmScanData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:nmScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_nmScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_nmScanData','generated/xnat_nmScanData.js'); + return new xnat_nmScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_segScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_segScanData','generated/xnat_segScanData.js'); + return new xnat_segScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment','generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment.js'); + return new wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_srScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_srScanData','generated/xnat_srScanData.js'); + return new xnat_srScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_abstractResource==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractResource','generated/xnat_abstractResource.js'); + return new xnat_abstractResource(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup','generated/xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup.js'); + return new xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup(); + } + if(name=="xdat:field_mapping"){ + if(window.xdat_field_mapping==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_field_mapping','generated/xdat_field_mapping.js'); + return new xdat_field_mapping(); + } + if(name=="xnat:SCScan"){ + if(window.xnat_scScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_scScanData','generated/xnat_scScanData.js'); + return new xnat_scScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.cat_dcmCatalog==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_dcmCatalog','generated/cat_dcmCatalog.js'); + return new cat_dcmCatalog(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.arc_project_descendant==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_project_descendant','generated/arc_project_descendant.js'); + return new arc_project_descendant(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_subjectMetadata==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectMetadata','generated/xnat_subjectMetadata.js'); + return new xnat_subjectMetadata(); + } + if(name=="val:additionalVal"){ + if(window.val_additionalVal==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('val_additionalVal','generated/val_additionalVal.js'); + return new val_additionalVal(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_studyProtocol_variable==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_studyProtocol_variable','generated/xnat_studyProtocol_variable.js'); + return new xnat_studyProtocol_variable(); + } + if(name=="xnat:mrsScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_mrsScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrsScanData','generated/xnat_mrsScanData.js'); + return new xnat_mrsScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_a_scidResearchData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_a_scidResearchData','generated/xnat_a_scidResearchData.js'); + return new xnat_a_scidResearchData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.arc_ArchiveSpecification==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_ArchiveSpecification','generated/arc_ArchiveSpecification.js'); + return new arc_ArchiveSpecification(); + } + if(name=="xnat:resourceSeries"){ + if(window.xnat_resourceSeries==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_resourceSeries','generated/xnat_resourceSeries.js'); + return new xnat_resourceSeries(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_action_type==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_action_type','generated/xdat_action_type.js'); + return new xdat_action_type(); + } + if(name=="xnat:rfSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_rfSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_rfSessionData','generated/xnat_rfSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_rfSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:mrAssessorData"){ + if(window.xnat_mrAssessorData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrAssessorData','generated/xnat_mrAssessorData.js'); + return new xnat_mrAssessorData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:qcScanData"){ + if(window.xnat_qcScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcScanData','generated/xnat_qcScanData.js'); + return new xnat_qcScanData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:userGroup"){ + if(window.xdat_userGroup==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_userGroup','generated/xdat_userGroup.js'); + return new xdat_userGroup(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_infoEntry==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_infoEntry','generated/xdat_infoEntry.js'); + return new xdat_infoEntry(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_security==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_security','generated/xdat_security.js'); + return new xdat_security(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_mrScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrScanData','generated/xnat_mrScanData.js'); + return new xnat_mrScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xcvScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xcvScanData','generated/xnat_xcvScanData.js'); + return new xnat_xcvScanData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xdat_stored_search==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_stored_search','generated/xdat_stored_search.js'); + return new xdat_stored_search(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.cat_catalog_metaField==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('cat_catalog_metaField','generated/cat_catalog_metaField.js'); + return new cat_catalog_metaField(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_projectData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_projectData','generated/xnat_projectData.js'); + return new xnat_projectData(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.wrk_workflowData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('wrk_workflowData','generated/wrk_workflowData.js'); + return new wrk_workflowData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:XASession"){ + if(window.xnat_xaSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xaSessionData','generated/xnat_xaSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xaSessionData(); + } + if(name=="arc:project_descendant_pipeline"){ + if(window.arc_project_descendant_pipeline==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('arc_project_descendant_pipeline','generated/arc_project_descendant_pipeline.js'); + return new arc_project_descendant_pipeline(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_voiceAudioScanData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_voiceAudioScanData','generated/xnat_voiceAudioScanData.js'); + return new xnat_voiceAudioScanData(); + } + if(name=="xdat:change_info"){ + if(window.xdat_change_info==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xdat_change_info','generated/xdat_change_info.js'); + return new xdat_change_info(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_resource==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_resource','generated/xnat_resource.js'); + return new xnat_resource(); + } + if(name==""){ + if(window.xnat_xa3DSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_xa3DSessionData','generated/xnat_xa3DSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_xa3DSessionData(); + } + if(name=="xnat:petmrSessionData"){ + if(window.xnat_petmrSessionData==undefined)dynamicJSLoad('xnat_petmrSessionData','generated/xnat_petmrSessionData.js'); + return new xnat_petmrSessionData(); + } + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_ArchiveSpecification.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_ArchiveSpecification.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b447838 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_ArchiveSpecification.js @@ -0,0 +1,1361 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function arc_ArchiveSpecification(){ +this.xsiType="arc:ArchiveSpecification"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "ArchiveSpecification"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "arc:ArchiveSpecification"; + } + this.Globalpaths =null; + function getGlobalpaths() { + return this.Globalpaths; + } + this.getGlobalpaths=getGlobalpaths; + + + function setGlobalpaths(v){ + this.Globalpaths =v; + } + this.setGlobalpaths=setGlobalpaths; + + this.Globalpaths_GlobalpathsArcPathinfoId=null; + + + function getGlobalpaths_GlobalpathsArcPathinfoId(){ + return this.Globalpaths_GlobalpathsArcPathinfoId; + } + this.getGlobalpaths_GlobalpathsArcPathinfoId=getGlobalpaths_GlobalpathsArcPathinfoId; + + + function setGlobalpaths_GlobalpathsArcPathinfoId(v){ + this.Globalpaths_GlobalpathsArcPathinfoId=v; + } + this.setGlobalpaths_GlobalpathsArcPathinfoId=setGlobalpaths_GlobalpathsArcPathinfoId; + this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification =new Array(); + + function getFieldspecifications_fieldspecification() { + return this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification; + } + this.getFieldspecifications_fieldspecification=getFieldspecifications_fieldspecification; + + + function addFieldspecifications_fieldspecification(v){ + this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification.push(v); + } + this.addFieldspecifications_fieldspecification=addFieldspecifications_fieldspecification; + this.Projects_project =new Array(); + + function getProjects_project() { + return this.Projects_project; + } + this.getProjects_project=getProjects_project; + + + function addProjects_project(v){ + this.Projects_project.push(v); + } + this.addProjects_project=addProjects_project; + + this.Emailspecifications_newUserRegistration=null; + + + function getEmailspecifications_newUserRegistration() { + return this.Emailspecifications_newUserRegistration; + } + this.getEmailspecifications_newUserRegistration=getEmailspecifications_newUserRegistration; + + + function setEmailspecifications_newUserRegistration(v){ + this.Emailspecifications_newUserRegistration=v; + } + this.setEmailspecifications_newUserRegistration=setEmailspecifications_newUserRegistration; + + + this.isEmailspecifications_newUserRegistration=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Emailspecifications_newUserRegistration==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Emailspecifications_newUserRegistration=="1" || this.Emailspecifications_newUserRegistration==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Emailspecifications_pipeline=null; + + + function getEmailspecifications_pipeline() { + return this.Emailspecifications_pipeline; + } + this.getEmailspecifications_pipeline=getEmailspecifications_pipeline; + + + function setEmailspecifications_pipeline(v){ + this.Emailspecifications_pipeline=v; + } + this.setEmailspecifications_pipeline=setEmailspecifications_pipeline; + + + this.isEmailspecifications_pipeline=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Emailspecifications_pipeline==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Emailspecifications_pipeline=="1" || this.Emailspecifications_pipeline==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Emailspecifications_projectAccess=null; + + + function getEmailspecifications_projectAccess() { + return this.Emailspecifications_projectAccess; + } + this.getEmailspecifications_projectAccess=getEmailspecifications_projectAccess; + + + function setEmailspecifications_projectAccess(v){ + this.Emailspecifications_projectAccess=v; + } + this.setEmailspecifications_projectAccess=setEmailspecifications_projectAccess; + + + this.isEmailspecifications_projectAccess=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Emailspecifications_projectAccess==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Emailspecifications_projectAccess=="1" || this.Emailspecifications_projectAccess==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Emailspecifications_transfer=null; + + + function getEmailspecifications_transfer() { + return this.Emailspecifications_transfer; + } + this.getEmailspecifications_transfer=getEmailspecifications_transfer; + + + function setEmailspecifications_transfer(v){ + this.Emailspecifications_transfer=v; + } + this.setEmailspecifications_transfer=setEmailspecifications_transfer; + + + this.isEmailspecifications_transfer=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Emailspecifications_transfer==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Emailspecifications_transfer=="1" || this.Emailspecifications_transfer==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Emailspecifications_pageEmail=null; + + + function getEmailspecifications_pageEmail() { + return this.Emailspecifications_pageEmail; + } + this.getEmailspecifications_pageEmail=getEmailspecifications_pageEmail; + + + function setEmailspecifications_pageEmail(v){ + this.Emailspecifications_pageEmail=v; + } + this.setEmailspecifications_pageEmail=setEmailspecifications_pageEmail; + + + this.isEmailspecifications_pageEmail=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Emailspecifications_pageEmail==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Emailspecifications_pageEmail=="1" || this.Emailspecifications_pageEmail==true)return true; + return false; + } + this.NotificationTypes_notificationType =new Array(); + + function getNotificationTypes_notificationType() { + return this.NotificationTypes_notificationType; + } + this.getNotificationTypes_notificationType=getNotificationTypes_notificationType; + + + function addNotificationTypes_notificationType(v){ + this.NotificationTypes_notificationType.push(v); + } + this.addNotificationTypes_notificationType=addNotificationTypes_notificationType; + + this.Dcm_dcmHost=null; + + + function getDcm_dcmHost() { + return this.Dcm_dcmHost; + } + this.getDcm_dcmHost=getDcm_dcmHost; + + + function setDcm_dcmHost(v){ + this.Dcm_dcmHost=v; + } + this.setDcm_dcmHost=setDcm_dcmHost; + + this.Dcm_dcmPort=null; + + + function getDcm_dcmPort() { + return this.Dcm_dcmPort; + } + this.getDcm_dcmPort=getDcm_dcmPort; + + + function setDcm_dcmPort(v){ + this.Dcm_dcmPort=v; + } + this.setDcm_dcmPort=setDcm_dcmPort; + + this.Dcm_dcmAe=null; + + + function getDcm_dcmAe() { + return this.Dcm_dcmAe; + } + this.getDcm_dcmAe=getDcm_dcmAe; + + + function setDcm_dcmAe(v){ + this.Dcm_dcmAe=v; + } + this.setDcm_dcmAe=setDcm_dcmAe; + + this.Dcm_httpUrl=null; + + + function getDcm_httpUrl() { + return this.Dcm_httpUrl; + } + this.getDcm_httpUrl=getDcm_httpUrl; + + + function setDcm_httpUrl(v){ + this.Dcm_httpUrl=v; + } + this.setDcm_httpUrl=setDcm_httpUrl; + + this.Dcm_appletLink=null; + + + function getDcm_appletLink() { + return this.Dcm_appletLink; + } + this.getDcm_appletLink=getDcm_appletLink; + + + function setDcm_appletLink(v){ + this.Dcm_appletLink=v; + } + this.setDcm_appletLink=setDcm_appletLink; + + + this.isDcm_appletLink=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Dcm_appletLink==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Dcm_appletLink=="1" || this.Dcm_appletLink==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.SiteId=null; + + + function getSiteId() { + return this.SiteId; + } + this.getSiteId=getSiteId; + + + function setSiteId(v){ + this.SiteId=v; + } + this.setSiteId=setSiteId; + + this.SiteAdminEmail=null; + + + function getSiteAdminEmail() { + return this.SiteAdminEmail; + } + this.getSiteAdminEmail=getSiteAdminEmail; + + + function setSiteAdminEmail(v){ + this.SiteAdminEmail=v; + } + this.setSiteAdminEmail=setSiteAdminEmail; + + this.SiteUrl=null; + + + function getSiteUrl() { + return this.SiteUrl; + } + this.getSiteUrl=getSiteUrl; + + + function setSiteUrl(v){ + this.SiteUrl=v; + } + this.setSiteUrl=setSiteUrl; + + this.SmtpHost=null; + + + function getSmtpHost() { + return this.SmtpHost; + } + this.getSmtpHost=getSmtpHost; + + + function setSmtpHost(v){ + this.SmtpHost=v; + } + this.setSmtpHost=setSmtpHost; + + this.RequireLogin=null; + + + function getRequireLogin() { + return this.RequireLogin; + } + this.getRequireLogin=getRequireLogin; + + + function setRequireLogin(v){ + this.RequireLogin=v; + } + this.setRequireLogin=setRequireLogin; + + + this.isRequireLogin=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.RequireLogin==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.RequireLogin=="1" || this.RequireLogin==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.EnableNewRegistrations=null; + + + function getEnableNewRegistrations() { + return this.EnableNewRegistrations; + } + this.getEnableNewRegistrations=getEnableNewRegistrations; + + + function setEnableNewRegistrations(v){ + this.EnableNewRegistrations=v; + } + this.setEnableNewRegistrations=setEnableNewRegistrations; + + + this.isEnableNewRegistrations=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.EnableNewRegistrations==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.EnableNewRegistrations=="1" || this.EnableNewRegistrations==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.EnableCsrfToken=null; + + + function getEnableCsrfToken() { + return this.EnableCsrfToken; + } + this.getEnableCsrfToken=getEnableCsrfToken; + + + function setEnableCsrfToken(v){ + this.EnableCsrfToken=v; + } + this.setEnableCsrfToken=setEnableCsrfToken; + + + this.isEnableCsrfToken=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.EnableCsrfToken==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.EnableCsrfToken=="1" || this.EnableCsrfToken==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.QuarantineCode=null; + + + function getQuarantineCode() { + return this.QuarantineCode; + } + this.getQuarantineCode=getQuarantineCode; + + + function setQuarantineCode(v){ + this.QuarantineCode=v; + } + this.setQuarantineCode=setQuarantineCode; + + this.PrearchiveCode=null; + + + function getPrearchiveCode() { + return this.PrearchiveCode; + } + this.getPrearchiveCode=getPrearchiveCode; + + + function setPrearchiveCode(v){ + this.PrearchiveCode=v; + } + this.setPrearchiveCode=setPrearchiveCode; + + this.ArcArchivespecificationId=null; + + + function getArcArchivespecificationId() { + return this.ArcArchivespecificationId; + } + this.getArcArchivespecificationId=getArcArchivespecificationId; + + + function setArcArchivespecificationId(v){ + this.ArcArchivespecificationId=v; + } + this.setArcArchivespecificationId=setArcArchivespecificationId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="globalPaths"){ + return this.Globalpaths ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("globalPaths")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(11); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Globalpaths ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Globalpaths!=undefined)return this.Globalpaths.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification"){ + return this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(38); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="projects/project"){ + return this.Projects_project ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("projects/project")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Projects_project ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Projects_project.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Projects_project[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Projects_project[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Projects_project; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/new_user_registration"){ + return this.Emailspecifications_newUserRegistration ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/pipeline"){ + return this.Emailspecifications_pipeline ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/project_access"){ + return this.Emailspecifications_projectAccess ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/transfer"){ + return this.Emailspecifications_transfer ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/page_email"){ + return this.Emailspecifications_pageEmail ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="notification_types/notification_type"){ + return this.NotificationTypes_notificationType ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("notification_types/notification_type")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(36); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.NotificationTypes_notificationType ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.NotificationTypes_notificationType.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.NotificationTypes_notificationType[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.NotificationTypes_notificationType[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.NotificationTypes_notificationType; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcm/dcm_host"){ + return this.Dcm_dcmHost ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcm/dcm_port"){ + return this.Dcm_dcmPort ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcm/dcm_ae"){ + return this.Dcm_dcmAe ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcm/http_url"){ + return this.Dcm_httpUrl ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcm/applet_link"){ + return this.Dcm_appletLink ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="site_id"){ + return this.SiteId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="site_admin_email"){ + return this.SiteAdminEmail ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="site_url"){ + return this.SiteUrl ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="smtp_host"){ + return this.SmtpHost ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="require_login"){ + return this.RequireLogin ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="enable_new_registrations"){ + return this.EnableNewRegistrations ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="enable_csrf_token"){ + return this.EnableCsrfToken ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="quarantine_code"){ + return this.QuarantineCode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prearchive_code"){ + return this.PrearchiveCode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_ArchiveSpecification_id"){ + return this.ArcArchivespecificationId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="globalPaths"){ + this.Globalpaths=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("globalPaths")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(11); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Globalpaths ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Globalpaths!=undefined){ + this.Globalpaths.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Globalpaths= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Globalpaths= instanciateObject("arc:pathInfo");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Globalpaths.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Globalpaths.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification"){ + this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(38); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("arc:fieldSpecification");//omUtils.js + } + this.addFieldspecifications_fieldspecification(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="projects/project"){ + this.Projects_project=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("projects/project")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Projects_project ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Projects_project.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Projects_project[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Projects_project[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Projects_project; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("arc:project");//omUtils.js + } + this.addProjects_project(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/new_user_registration"){ + this.Emailspecifications_newUserRegistration=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/pipeline"){ + this.Emailspecifications_pipeline=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/project_access"){ + this.Emailspecifications_projectAccess=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/transfer"){ + this.Emailspecifications_transfer=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/page_email"){ + this.Emailspecifications_pageEmail=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="notification_types/notification_type"){ + this.NotificationTypes_notificationType=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("notification_types/notification_type")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(36); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.NotificationTypes_notificationType ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.NotificationTypes_notificationType.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.NotificationTypes_notificationType[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.NotificationTypes_notificationType[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.NotificationTypes_notificationType; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("arc:ArchiveSpecification_notification_type");//omUtils.js + } + this.addNotificationTypes_notificationType(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcm/dcm_host"){ + this.Dcm_dcmHost=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcm/dcm_port"){ + this.Dcm_dcmPort=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcm/dcm_ae"){ + this.Dcm_dcmAe=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcm/http_url"){ + this.Dcm_httpUrl=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcm/applet_link"){ + this.Dcm_appletLink=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="site_id"){ + this.SiteId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="site_admin_email"){ + this.SiteAdminEmail=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="site_url"){ + this.SiteUrl=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="smtp_host"){ + this.SmtpHost=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="require_login"){ + this.RequireLogin=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="enable_new_registrations"){ + this.EnableNewRegistrations=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="enable_csrf_token"){ + this.EnableCsrfToken=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="quarantine_code"){ + this.QuarantineCode=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prearchive_code"){ + this.PrearchiveCode=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_ArchiveSpecification_id"){ + this.ArcArchivespecificationId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="globalPaths"){ + this.setGlobalpaths(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification"){ + this.addFieldspecifications_fieldspecification(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="projects/project"){ + this.addProjects_project(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="notification_types/notification_type"){ + this.addNotificationTypes_notificationType(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="globalPaths"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="projects/project"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="notification_types/notification_type"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="globalPaths"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="projects/project"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/new_user_registration"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/pipeline"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/project_access"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/transfer"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="emailSpecifications/page_email"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="notification_types/notification_type"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcm/dcm_host"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcm/dcm_port"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcm/dcm_ae"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcm/http_url"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcm/applet_link"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="site_id"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="site_admin_email"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="site_url"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="smtp_host"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="require_login"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="enable_new_registrations"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="enable_csrf_token"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="quarantine_code"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="prearchive_code"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:ArchiveSpecification"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:ArchiveSpecification>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ArcArchivespecificationId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="arc_ArchiveSpecification_id=\"" + this.ArcArchivespecificationId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.SiteId!=null) + attTxt+=" site_id=\"" +this.SiteId +"\""; + else attTxt+=" site_id=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SiteAdminEmail!=null) + attTxt+=" site_admin_email=\"" +this.SiteAdminEmail +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SiteUrl!=null) + attTxt+=" site_url=\"" +this.SiteUrl +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SmtpHost!=null) + attTxt+=" smtp_host=\"" +this.SmtpHost +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.RequireLogin!=null) + attTxt+=" require_login=\"" +this.RequireLogin +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.EnableNewRegistrations!=null) + attTxt+=" enable_new_registrations=\"" +this.EnableNewRegistrations +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.EnableCsrfToken!=null) + attTxt+=" enable_csrf_token=\"" +this.EnableCsrfToken +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.QuarantineCode!=null) + attTxt+=" quarantine_code=\"" +this.QuarantineCode +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.PrearchiveCode!=null) + attTxt+=" prearchive_code=\"" +this.PrearchiveCode +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Globalpaths!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:globalPaths"; + xmlTxt+=this.Globalpaths.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Globalpaths.xsiType!="arc:pathInfo"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Globalpaths.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Globalpaths.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Globalpaths.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</arc:globalPaths>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + else{ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:globalPaths/>";//REQUIRED + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:fieldSpecifications"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT=0;Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT<this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification.length;Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<arc:fieldSpecification"; + xmlTxt +=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT].xsiType!="arc:fieldSpecification"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</arc:fieldSpecification>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:fieldSpecifications>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Projects_project.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:projects"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Projects_projectCOUNT=0;Projects_projectCOUNT<this.Projects_project.length;Projects_projectCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<arc:project"; + xmlTxt +=this.Projects_project[Projects_projectCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Projects_project[Projects_projectCOUNT].xsiType!="arc:project"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Projects_project[Projects_projectCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Projects_project[Projects_projectCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Projects_project[Projects_projectCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</arc:project>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:projects>"; + } + } + + var EmailspecificationsATT = "" + if (this.Emailspecifications_newUserRegistration!=null) + EmailspecificationsATT+=" new_user_registration=\"" + this.Emailspecifications_newUserRegistration + "\""; + if (this.Emailspecifications_pipeline!=null) + EmailspecificationsATT+=" pipeline=\"" + this.Emailspecifications_pipeline + "\""; + if (this.Emailspecifications_projectAccess!=null) + EmailspecificationsATT+=" project_access=\"" + this.Emailspecifications_projectAccess + "\""; + if (this.Emailspecifications_transfer!=null) + EmailspecificationsATT+=" transfer=\"" + this.Emailspecifications_transfer + "\""; + if (this.Emailspecifications_pageEmail!=null) + EmailspecificationsATT+=" page_email=\"" + this.Emailspecifications_pageEmail + "\""; + if(EmailspecificationsATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:emailSpecifications"; + xmlTxt+=EmailspecificationsATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.NotificationTypes_notificationType.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:notification_types"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var NotificationTypes_notificationTypeCOUNT=0;NotificationTypes_notificationTypeCOUNT<this.NotificationTypes_notificationType.length;NotificationTypes_notificationTypeCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<arc:notification_type"; + xmlTxt +=this.NotificationTypes_notificationType[NotificationTypes_notificationTypeCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.NotificationTypes_notificationType[NotificationTypes_notificationTypeCOUNT].xsiType!="arc:ArchiveSpecification_notification_type"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.NotificationTypes_notificationType[NotificationTypes_notificationTypeCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.NotificationTypes_notificationType[NotificationTypes_notificationTypeCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.NotificationTypes_notificationType[NotificationTypes_notificationTypeCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</arc:notification_type>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:notification_types>"; + } + } + + var DcmATT = "" + if (this.Dcm_dcmHost!=null) + DcmATT+=" dcm_host=\"" + this.Dcm_dcmHost.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Dcm_dcmPort!=null) + DcmATT+=" dcm_port=\"" + this.Dcm_dcmPort.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Dcm_dcmAe!=null) + DcmATT+=" dcm_ae=\"" + this.Dcm_dcmAe.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Dcm_httpUrl!=null) + DcmATT+=" http_url=\"" + this.Dcm_httpUrl.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Dcm_appletLink!=null) + DcmATT+=" applet_link=\"" + this.Dcm_appletLink + "\""; + if(DcmATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:dcm"; + xmlTxt+=DcmATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ArcArchivespecificationId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Globalpaths!=null){ + if (this.Globalpaths.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + return true;//REQUIRED globalPaths + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_ArchiveSpecification_notification_type.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_ArchiveSpecification_notification_type.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f3a418ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_ArchiveSpecification_notification_type.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function arc_ArchiveSpecification_notification_type(){ +this.xsiType="arc:ArchiveSpecification_notification_type"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "ArchiveSpecification_notification_type"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "arc:ArchiveSpecification_notification_type"; + } + + this.NotificationType=null; + + + function getNotificationType() { + return this.NotificationType; + } + this.getNotificationType=getNotificationType; + + + function setNotificationType(v){ + this.NotificationType=v; + } + this.setNotificationType=setNotificationType; + + this.EmailAddresses=null; + + + function getEmailAddresses() { + return this.EmailAddresses; + } + this.getEmailAddresses=getEmailAddresses; + + + function setEmailAddresses(v){ + this.EmailAddresses=v; + } + this.setEmailAddresses=setEmailAddresses; + + this.ArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId=null; + + + function getArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId() { + return this.ArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId; + } + this.getArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId=getArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId; + + + function setArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId(v){ + this.ArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId=v; + } + this.setArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId=setArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId; + + this.notification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id_fk=null; + + + this.getnotification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id=function() { + return this.notification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id_fk; + } + + + this.setnotification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id=function(v){ + this.notification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="notification_type"){ + return this.NotificationType ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="email_addresses"){ + return this.EmailAddresses ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_ArchiveSpecification_notification_type_id"){ + return this.ArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="notification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id"){ + return this.notification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="notification_type"){ + this.NotificationType=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="email_addresses"){ + this.EmailAddresses=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_ArchiveSpecification_notification_type_id"){ + this.ArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="notification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id"){ + this.notification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="notification_type"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="email_addresses"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:ArchiveSpecification_notification_type"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:ArchiveSpecification_notification_type>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="arc_ArchiveSpecification_notification_type_id=\"" + this.ArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId + "\""; + } + if(this.notification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="notification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id=\"" + this.notification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.EmailAddresses!=null) + attTxt+=" email_addresses=\"" +this.EmailAddresses +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.NotificationType!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.NotificationType.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ArcArchivespecificationNotificationTypeId!=null) return true; + if (this.notification_types_notification_arc_archivespecification_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.NotificationType!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_fieldSpecification.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_fieldSpecification.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..09a5774b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_fieldSpecification.js @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function arc_fieldSpecification(){ +this.xsiType="arc:fieldSpecification"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "fieldSpecification"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "arc:fieldSpecification"; + } + + this.Fieldspecification=null; + + + function getFieldspecification() { + return this.Fieldspecification; + } + this.getFieldspecification=getFieldspecification; + + + function setFieldspecification(v){ + this.Fieldspecification=v; + } + this.setFieldspecification=setFieldspecification; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.ArcFieldspecificationId=null; + + + function getArcFieldspecificationId() { + return this.ArcFieldspecificationId; + } + this.getArcFieldspecificationId=getArcFieldspecificationId; + + + function setArcFieldspecificationId(v){ + this.ArcFieldspecificationId=v; + } + this.setArcFieldspecificationId=setArcFieldspecificationId; + + this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id_fk=null; + + + this.getfieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id=function() { + return this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id_fk; + } + + + this.setfieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id=function(v){ + this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id_fk=v; + } + + this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id_fk=null; + + + this.getfieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id=function() { + return this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id_fk; + } + + + this.setfieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id=function(v){ + this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="fieldSpecification"){ + return this.Fieldspecification ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_fieldSpecification_id"){ + return this.ArcFieldspecificationId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id"){ + return this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id_fk ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id"){ + return this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="fieldSpecification"){ + this.Fieldspecification=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_fieldSpecification_id"){ + this.ArcFieldspecificationId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id"){ + this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id_fk=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id"){ + this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="fieldSpecification"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:fieldSpecification"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:fieldSpecification>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ArcFieldspecificationId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="arc_fieldSpecification_id=\"" + this.ArcFieldspecificationId + "\""; + } + if(this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id=\"" + this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id_fk + "\""; + } + if(this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id=\"" + this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Fieldspecification!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Fieldspecification.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ArcFieldspecificationId!=null) return true; + if (this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_archivespecification_id_fk!=null) return true; + if (this.fieldspecifications_fieldspecif_arc_project_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Fieldspecification!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_pathInfo.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_pathInfo.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7d648831 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_pathInfo.js @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function arc_pathInfo(){ +this.xsiType="arc:pathInfo"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "pathInfo"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "arc:pathInfo"; + } + + this.Archivepath=null; + + + function getArchivepath() { + return this.Archivepath; + } + this.getArchivepath=getArchivepath; + + + function setArchivepath(v){ + this.Archivepath=v; + } + this.setArchivepath=setArchivepath; + + this.Prearchivepath=null; + + + function getPrearchivepath() { + return this.Prearchivepath; + } + this.getPrearchivepath=getPrearchivepath; + + + function setPrearchivepath(v){ + this.Prearchivepath=v; + } + this.setPrearchivepath=setPrearchivepath; + + this.Cachepath=null; + + + function getCachepath() { + return this.Cachepath; + } + this.getCachepath=getCachepath; + + + function setCachepath(v){ + this.Cachepath=v; + } + this.setCachepath=setCachepath; + + this.Buildpath=null; + + + function getBuildpath() { + return this.Buildpath; + } + this.getBuildpath=getBuildpath; + + + function setBuildpath(v){ + this.Buildpath=v; + } + this.setBuildpath=setBuildpath; + + this.Ftppath=null; + + + function getFtppath() { + return this.Ftppath; + } + this.getFtppath=getFtppath; + + + function setFtppath(v){ + this.Ftppath=v; + } + this.setFtppath=setFtppath; + + this.Pipelinepath=null; + + + function getPipelinepath() { + return this.Pipelinepath; + } + this.getPipelinepath=getPipelinepath; + + + function setPipelinepath(v){ + this.Pipelinepath=v; + } + this.setPipelinepath=setPipelinepath; + + this.ArcPathinfoId=null; + + + function getArcPathinfoId() { + return this.ArcPathinfoId; + } + this.getArcPathinfoId=getArcPathinfoId; + + + function setArcPathinfoId(v){ + this.ArcPathinfoId=v; + } + this.setArcPathinfoId=setArcPathinfoId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="archivePath"){ + return this.Archivepath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prearchivePath"){ + return this.Prearchivepath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + return this.Cachepath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="buildPath"){ + return this.Buildpath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ftpPath"){ + return this.Ftppath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipelinePath"){ + return this.Pipelinepath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_pathInfo_id"){ + return this.ArcPathinfoId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="archivePath"){ + this.Archivepath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prearchivePath"){ + this.Prearchivepath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + this.Cachepath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="buildPath"){ + this.Buildpath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ftpPath"){ + this.Ftppath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipelinePath"){ + this.Pipelinepath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_pathInfo_id"){ + this.ArcPathinfoId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="archivePath"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="prearchivePath"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="buildPath"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ftpPath"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="pipelinePath"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:pathInfo"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:pathInfo>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ArcPathinfoId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="arc_pathInfo_id=\"" + this.ArcPathinfoId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Archivepath!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:archivePath"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Archivepath.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:archivePath>"; + } + if (this.Prearchivepath!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:prearchivePath"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Prearchivepath.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:prearchivePath>"; + } + if (this.Cachepath!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:cachePath"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Cachepath.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:cachePath>"; + } + if (this.Buildpath!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:buildPath"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Buildpath.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:buildPath>"; + } + if (this.Ftppath!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:ftpPath"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Ftppath.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:ftpPath>"; + } + if (this.Pipelinepath!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:pipelinePath"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Pipelinepath.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:pipelinePath>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ArcPathinfoId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Archivepath!=null) return true; + if (this.Prearchivepath!=null) return true; + if (this.Cachepath!=null) return true; + if (this.Buildpath!=null) return true; + if (this.Ftppath!=null) return true; + if (this.Pipelinepath!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_pipelineData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_pipelineData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0146073 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_pipelineData.js @@ -0,0 +1,495 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function arc_pipelineData(){ +this.xsiType="arc:pipelineData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "pipelineData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "arc:pipelineData"; + } + + this.Displaytext=null; + + + function getDisplaytext() { + return this.Displaytext; + } + this.getDisplaytext=getDisplaytext; + + + function setDisplaytext(v){ + this.Displaytext=v; + } + this.setDisplaytext=setDisplaytext; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Location=null; + + + function getLocation() { + return this.Location; + } + this.getLocation=getLocation; + + + function setLocation(v){ + this.Location=v; + } + this.setLocation=setLocation; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + this.Parameters_parameter =new Array(); + + function getParameters_parameter() { + return this.Parameters_parameter; + } + this.getParameters_parameter=getParameters_parameter; + + + function addParameters_parameter(v){ + this.Parameters_parameter.push(v); + } + this.addParameters_parameter=addParameters_parameter; + + this.Customwebpage=null; + + + function getCustomwebpage() { + return this.Customwebpage; + } + this.getCustomwebpage=getCustomwebpage; + + + function setCustomwebpage(v){ + this.Customwebpage=v; + } + this.setCustomwebpage=setCustomwebpage; + + this.ArcPipelinedataId=null; + + + function getArcPipelinedataId() { + return this.ArcPipelinedataId; + } + this.getArcPipelinedataId=getArcPipelinedataId; + + + function setArcPipelinedataId(v){ + this.ArcPipelinedataId=v; + } + this.setArcPipelinedataId=setArcPipelinedataId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="displayText"){ + return this.Displaytext ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="location"){ + return this.Location ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + return this.Parameters_parameter ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/parameter")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_parameter ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_parameter.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_parameter[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_parameter[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_parameter; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="customwebpage"){ + return this.Customwebpage ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_pipelineData_id"){ + return this.ArcPipelinedataId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="displayText"){ + this.Displaytext=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="location"){ + this.Location=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + this.Parameters_parameter=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/parameter")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_parameter ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_parameter.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_parameter[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_parameter[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_parameter; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("arc:pipelineParameterData");//omUtils.js + } + this.addParameters_parameter(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="customwebpage"){ + this.Customwebpage=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_pipelineData_id"){ + this.ArcPipelinedataId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + this.addParameters_parameter(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="displayText"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="location"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="customwebpage"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:pipelineData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:pipelineData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ArcPipelinedataId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="arc_pipelineData_id=\"" + this.ArcPipelinedataId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Displaytext!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:displayText"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Displaytext.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:displayText>"; + } + if (this.Name!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:name"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Name.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:name>"; + } + if (this.Location!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:location"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Location.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:location>"; + } + if (this.Description!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:description"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Description.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:description>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Parameters_parameter.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:parameters"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Parameters_parameterCOUNT=0;Parameters_parameterCOUNT<this.Parameters_parameter.length;Parameters_parameterCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<arc:parameter"; + xmlTxt +=this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].xsiType!="arc:pipelineParameterData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</arc:parameter>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:parameters>"; + } + } + + if (this.Customwebpage!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:customwebpage"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Customwebpage.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:customwebpage>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ArcPipelinedataId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Displaytext!=null) return true; + if (this.Name!=null) return true; + if (this.Location!=null) return true; + if (this.Description!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_parameter.length>0)return true; + if (this.Customwebpage!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_pipelineParameterData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_pipelineParameterData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3e4558d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_pipelineParameterData.js @@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function arc_pipelineParameterData(){ +this.xsiType="arc:pipelineParameterData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "pipelineParameterData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "arc:pipelineParameterData"; + } + + this.Schemalink=null; + + + function getSchemalink() { + return this.Schemalink; + } + this.getSchemalink=getSchemalink; + + + function setSchemalink(v){ + this.Schemalink=v; + } + this.setSchemalink=setSchemalink; + + this.Csvvalues=null; + + + function getCsvvalues() { + return this.Csvvalues; + } + this.getCsvvalues=getCsvvalues; + + + function setCsvvalues(v){ + this.Csvvalues=v; + } + this.setCsvvalues=setCsvvalues; + + this.Csvvalues_selected=null; + + + function getCsvvalues_selected() { + return this.Csvvalues_selected; + } + this.getCsvvalues_selected=getCsvvalues_selected; + + + function setCsvvalues_selected(v){ + this.Csvvalues_selected=v; + } + this.setCsvvalues_selected=setCsvvalues_selected; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Multiplevalues=null; + + + function getMultiplevalues() { + return this.Multiplevalues; + } + this.getMultiplevalues=getMultiplevalues; + + + function setMultiplevalues(v){ + this.Multiplevalues=v; + } + this.setMultiplevalues=setMultiplevalues; + + + this.isMultiplevalues=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Multiplevalues==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Multiplevalues=="1" || this.Multiplevalues==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Editable=null; + + + function getEditable() { + return this.Editable; + } + this.getEditable=getEditable; + + + function setEditable(v){ + this.Editable=v; + } + this.setEditable=setEditable; + + + this.isEditable=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Editable==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Editable=="1" || this.Editable==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Batchparam=null; + + + function getBatchparam() { + return this.Batchparam; + } + this.getBatchparam=getBatchparam; + + + function setBatchparam(v){ + this.Batchparam=v; + } + this.setBatchparam=setBatchparam; + + + this.isBatchparam=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Batchparam==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Batchparam=="1" || this.Batchparam==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.ArcPipelineparameterdataId=null; + + + function getArcPipelineparameterdataId() { + return this.ArcPipelineparameterdataId; + } + this.getArcPipelineparameterdataId=getArcPipelineparameterdataId; + + + function setArcPipelineparameterdataId(v){ + this.ArcPipelineparameterdataId=v; + } + this.setArcPipelineparameterdataId=setArcPipelineparameterdataId; + + this.parameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id_fk=null; + + + this.getparameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id=function() { + return this.parameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id_fk; + } + + + this.setparameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id=function(v){ + this.parameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="schemaLink"){ + return this.Schemalink ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="csvValues"){ + return this.Csvvalues ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="csvValues/selected"){ + return this.Csvvalues_selected ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="multipleValues"){ + return this.Multiplevalues ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="editable"){ + return this.Editable ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="batchParam"){ + return this.Batchparam ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_pipelineParameterData_id"){ + return this.ArcPipelineparameterdataId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id"){ + return this.parameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="schemaLink"){ + this.Schemalink=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="csvValues"){ + this.Csvvalues=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="csvValues/selected"){ + this.Csvvalues_selected=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="multipleValues"){ + this.Multiplevalues=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="editable"){ + this.Editable=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="batchParam"){ + this.Batchparam=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_pipelineParameterData_id"){ + this.ArcPipelineparameterdataId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id"){ + this.parameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="schemaLink"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="csvValues"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="csvValues/selected"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="multipleValues"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="editable"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="batchParam"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:pipelineParameterData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:pipelineParameterData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ArcPipelineparameterdataId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="arc_pipelineParameterData_id=\"" + this.ArcPipelineparameterdataId + "\""; + } + if(this.parameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="parameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id=\"" + this.parameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + else attTxt+=" name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Multiplevalues!=null) + attTxt+=" multipleValues=\"" +this.Multiplevalues +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Editable!=null) + attTxt+=" editable=\"" +this.Editable +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Batchparam!=null) + attTxt+=" batchParam=\"" +this.Batchparam +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Schemalink!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:schemaLink"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Schemalink.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:schemaLink>"; + } + var CsvvaluesATT = "" + if (this.Csvvalues_selected!=null) + CsvvaluesATT+=" selected=\"" + this.Csvvalues_selected.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Csvvalues!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:csvValues"; + xmlTxt+=CsvvaluesATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Csvvalues.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:csvValues>"; + } + else if(CsvvaluesATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:csvValues"; + xmlTxt+=CsvvaluesATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Description!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:description"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Description.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</arc:description>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ArcPipelineparameterdataId!=null) return true; + if (this.parameters_parameter_arc_pipeli_arc_pipelinedata_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Schemalink!=null) return true; + if (this.Csvvalues_selected!=null) + return true; + if (this.Csvvalues!=null) return true; + if (this.Description!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a5ab96a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project.js @@ -0,0 +1,1129 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function arc_project(){ +this.xsiType="arc:project"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "project"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "arc:project"; + } + this.Paths =null; + function getPaths() { + return this.Paths; + } + this.getPaths=getPaths; + + + function setPaths(v){ + this.Paths =v; + } + this.setPaths=setPaths; + + this.Paths_PathsArcPathinfoId=null; + + + function getPaths_PathsArcPathinfoId(){ + return this.Paths_PathsArcPathinfoId; + } + this.getPaths_PathsArcPathinfoId=getPaths_PathsArcPathinfoId; + + + function setPaths_PathsArcPathinfoId(v){ + this.Paths_PathsArcPathinfoId=v; + } + this.setPaths_PathsArcPathinfoId=setPaths_PathsArcPathinfoId; + this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification =new Array(); + + function getFieldspecifications_fieldspecification() { + return this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification; + } + this.getFieldspecifications_fieldspecification=getFieldspecifications_fieldspecification; + + + function addFieldspecifications_fieldspecification(v){ + this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification.push(v); + } + this.addFieldspecifications_fieldspecification=addFieldspecifications_fieldspecification; + this.Properties_property =new Array(); + + function getProperties_property() { + return this.Properties_property; + } + this.getProperties_property=getProperties_property; + + + function addProperties_property(v){ + this.Properties_property.push(v); + } + this.addProperties_property=addProperties_property; + this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant =new Array(); + + function getPipelines_descendants_descendant() { + return this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant; + } + this.getPipelines_descendants_descendant=getPipelines_descendants_descendant; + + + function addPipelines_descendants_descendant(v){ + this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant.push(v); + } + this.addPipelines_descendants_descendant=addPipelines_descendants_descendant; + this.Pipelines_pipeline =new Array(); + + function getPipelines_pipeline() { + return this.Pipelines_pipeline; + } + this.getPipelines_pipeline=getPipelines_pipeline; + + + function addPipelines_pipeline(v){ + this.Pipelines_pipeline.push(v); + } + this.addPipelines_pipeline=addPipelines_pipeline; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.CurrentArc=null; + + + function getCurrentArc() { + return this.CurrentArc; + } + this.getCurrentArc=getCurrentArc; + + + function setCurrentArc(v){ + this.CurrentArc=v; + } + this.setCurrentArc=setCurrentArc; + + this.QuarantineCode=null; + + + function getQuarantineCode() { + return this.QuarantineCode; + } + this.getQuarantineCode=getQuarantineCode; + + + function setQuarantineCode(v){ + this.QuarantineCode=v; + } + this.setQuarantineCode=setQuarantineCode; + + this.PrearchiveCode=null; + + + function getPrearchiveCode() { + return this.PrearchiveCode; + } + this.getPrearchiveCode=getPrearchiveCode; + + + function setPrearchiveCode(v){ + this.PrearchiveCode=v; + } + this.setPrearchiveCode=setPrearchiveCode; + + this.ArcProjectId=null; + + + function getArcProjectId() { + return this.ArcProjectId; + } + this.getArcProjectId=getArcProjectId; + + + function setArcProjectId(v){ + this.ArcProjectId=v; + } + this.setArcProjectId=setArcProjectId; + + this.projects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id_fk=null; + + + this.getprojects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id=function() { + return this.projects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id_fk; + } + + + this.setprojects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id=function(v){ + this.projects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="paths"){ + return this.Paths ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("paths")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(5); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Paths ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Paths!=undefined)return this.Paths.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification"){ + return this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(38); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="properties/property"){ + return this.Properties_property ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("properties/property")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Properties_property ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Properties_property.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Properties_property[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Properties_property[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Properties_property; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipelines/descendants/descendant"){ + return this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("pipelines/descendants/descendant")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(32); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipelines/pipeline"){ + return this.Pipelines_pipeline ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("pipelines/pipeline")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pipelines_pipeline ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Pipelines_pipeline.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Pipelines_pipeline[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Pipelines_pipeline[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Pipelines_pipeline; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="id"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="current_arc"){ + return this.CurrentArc ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="quarantine_code"){ + return this.QuarantineCode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prearchive_code"){ + return this.PrearchiveCode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_project_id"){ + return this.ArcProjectId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="projects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id"){ + return this.projects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="paths"){ + this.Paths=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("paths")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(5); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Paths ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Paths!=undefined){ + this.Paths.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Paths= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Paths= instanciateObject("arc:pathInfo");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Paths.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Paths.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification"){ + this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(38); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("arc:fieldSpecification");//omUtils.js + } + this.addFieldspecifications_fieldspecification(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="properties/property"){ + this.Properties_property=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("properties/property")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Properties_property ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Properties_property.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Properties_property[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Properties_property[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Properties_property; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("arc:property");//omUtils.js + } + this.addProperties_property(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipelines/descendants/descendant"){ + this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("pipelines/descendants/descendant")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(32); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("arc:project_descendant");//omUtils.js + } + this.addPipelines_descendants_descendant(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipelines/pipeline"){ + this.Pipelines_pipeline=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("pipelines/pipeline")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pipelines_pipeline ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Pipelines_pipeline.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Pipelines_pipeline[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Pipelines_pipeline[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Pipelines_pipeline; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("arc:project_pipeline");//omUtils.js + } + this.addPipelines_pipeline(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="id"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="current_arc"){ + this.CurrentArc=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="quarantine_code"){ + this.QuarantineCode=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prearchive_code"){ + this.PrearchiveCode=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_project_id"){ + this.ArcProjectId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="projects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id"){ + this.projects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="paths"){ + this.setPaths(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification"){ + this.addFieldspecifications_fieldspecification(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="properties/property"){ + this.addProperties_property(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="pipelines/descendants/descendant"){ + this.addPipelines_descendants_descendant(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="pipelines/pipeline"){ + this.addPipelines_pipeline(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="paths"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="properties/property"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="pipelines/descendants/descendant"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="pipelines/pipeline"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="paths"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="fieldSpecifications/fieldSpecification"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="properties/property"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="pipelines/descendants/descendant"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="pipelines/pipeline"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="id"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="current_arc"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="quarantine_code"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="prearchive_code"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:project"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:project>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ArcProjectId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="arc_project_id=\"" + this.ArcProjectId + "\""; + } + if(this.projects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="projects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id=\"" + this.projects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" id=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + else attTxt+=" id=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.CurrentArc!=null) + attTxt+=" current_arc=\"" +this.CurrentArc +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.QuarantineCode!=null) + attTxt+=" quarantine_code=\"" +this.QuarantineCode +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.PrearchiveCode!=null) + attTxt+=" prearchive_code=\"" +this.PrearchiveCode +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Paths!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:paths"; + xmlTxt+=this.Paths.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Paths.xsiType!="arc:pathInfo"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Paths.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Paths.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Paths.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</arc:paths>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:fieldSpecifications"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT=0;Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT<this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification.length;Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<arc:fieldSpecification"; + xmlTxt +=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT].xsiType!="arc:fieldSpecification"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification[Fieldspecifications_fieldspecificationCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</arc:fieldSpecification>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:fieldSpecifications>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Properties_property.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:properties"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Properties_propertyCOUNT=0;Properties_propertyCOUNT<this.Properties_property.length;Properties_propertyCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<arc:property"; + xmlTxt +=this.Properties_property[Properties_propertyCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Properties_property[Properties_propertyCOUNT].xsiType!="arc:property"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Properties_property[Properties_propertyCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Properties_property[Properties_propertyCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Properties_property[Properties_propertyCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</arc:property>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:properties>"; + } + } + + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.Pipelines_pipeline.length; + child2+=this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:pipelines"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + var child3=0; + var att3=0; + child3+=this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant.length; + if(child3>0 || att3>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:descendants"; + if(child3==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Pipelines_descendants_descendantCOUNT=0;Pipelines_descendants_descendantCOUNT<this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant.length;Pipelines_descendants_descendantCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<arc:descendant"; + xmlTxt +=this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant[Pipelines_descendants_descendantCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant[Pipelines_descendants_descendantCOUNT].xsiType!="arc:project_descendant"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant[Pipelines_descendants_descendantCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant[Pipelines_descendants_descendantCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant[Pipelines_descendants_descendantCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</arc:descendant>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:descendants>"; + } + } + + for(var Pipelines_pipelineCOUNT=0;Pipelines_pipelineCOUNT<this.Pipelines_pipeline.length;Pipelines_pipelineCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<arc:pipeline"; + xmlTxt +=this.Pipelines_pipeline[Pipelines_pipelineCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Pipelines_pipeline[Pipelines_pipelineCOUNT].xsiType!="arc:project_pipeline"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Pipelines_pipeline[Pipelines_pipelineCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Pipelines_pipeline[Pipelines_pipelineCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Pipelines_pipeline[Pipelines_pipelineCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</arc:pipeline>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:pipelines>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ArcProjectId!=null) return true; + if (this.projects_project_arc_ArchiveSpe_arc_archivespecification_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Paths!=null){ + if (this.Paths.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if(this.Fieldspecifications_fieldspecification.length>0)return true; + if(this.Properties_property.length>0)return true; + if(this.Pipelines_pipeline.length>0)return true; + if(this.Pipelines_descendants_descendant.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project_descendant.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project_descendant.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0212f705 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project_descendant.js @@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function arc_project_descendant(){ +this.xsiType="arc:project_descendant"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "project_descendant"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "arc:project_descendant"; + } + this.Pipeline =new Array(); + + function getPipeline() { + return this.Pipeline; + } + this.getPipeline=getPipeline; + + + function addPipeline(v){ + this.Pipeline.push(v); + } + this.addPipeline=addPipeline; + + this.Xsitype=null; + + + function getXsitype() { + return this.Xsitype; + } + this.getXsitype=getXsitype; + + + function setXsitype(v){ + this.Xsitype=v; + } + this.setXsitype=setXsitype; + + this.ArcProjectDescendantId=null; + + + function getArcProjectDescendantId() { + return this.ArcProjectDescendantId; + } + this.getArcProjectDescendantId=getArcProjectDescendantId; + + + function setArcProjectDescendantId(v){ + this.ArcProjectDescendantId=v; + } + this.setArcProjectDescendantId=setArcProjectDescendantId; + + this.pipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id_fk=null; + + + this.getpipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id=function() { + return this.pipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id_fk; + } + + + this.setpipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id=function(v){ + this.pipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + return this.Pipeline ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("pipeline")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pipeline ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Pipeline.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Pipeline[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Pipeline[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Pipeline; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="xsiType"){ + return this.Xsitype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_project_descendant_id"){ + return this.ArcProjectDescendantId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id"){ + return this.pipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + this.Pipeline=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("pipeline")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pipeline ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Pipeline.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Pipeline[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Pipeline[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Pipeline; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("arc:project_descendant_pipeline");//omUtils.js + } + this.addPipeline(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="xsiType"){ + this.Xsitype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_project_descendant_id"){ + this.ArcProjectDescendantId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id"){ + this.pipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + this.addPipeline(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="xsiType"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:project_descendant"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:project_descendant>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ArcProjectDescendantId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="arc_project_descendant_id=\"" + this.ArcProjectDescendantId + "\""; + } + if(this.pipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="pipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id=\"" + this.pipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Xsitype!=null) + attTxt+=" xsiType=\"" +this.Xsitype +"\""; + else attTxt+=" xsiType=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + for(var PipelineCOUNT=0;PipelineCOUNT<this.Pipeline.length;PipelineCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<arc:pipeline"; + xmlTxt +=this.Pipeline[PipelineCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Pipeline[PipelineCOUNT].xsiType!="arc:project_descendant_pipeline"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Pipeline[PipelineCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Pipeline[PipelineCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Pipeline[PipelineCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</arc:pipeline>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ArcProjectDescendantId!=null) return true; + if (this.pipelines_descendants_descendan_arc_project_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Pipeline.length>0) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project_descendant_pipeline.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project_descendant_pipeline.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..20348e4b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project_descendant_pipeline.js @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function arc_project_descendant_pipeline(){ +this.xsiType="arc:project_descendant_pipeline"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "project_descendant_pipeline"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "arc:project_descendant_pipeline"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('arc_pipelineData','generated/arc_pipelineData.js'); + + this.Stepid=null; + + + function getStepid() { + return this.Stepid; + } + this.getStepid=getStepid; + + + function setStepid(v){ + this.Stepid=v; + } + this.setStepid=setStepid; + + this.Dependent=null; + + + function getDependent() { + return this.Dependent; + } + this.getDependent=getDependent; + + + function setDependent(v){ + this.Dependent=v; + } + this.setDependent=setDependent; + + + this.isDependent=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Dependent==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Dependent=="1" || this.Dependent==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.arc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id_fk=null; + + + this.getarc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id=function() { + return this.arc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id_fk; + } + + + this.setarc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id=function(v){ + this.arc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="pipelineData"){ + return this.Pipelinedata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("pipelineData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pipelinedata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Pipelinedata!=undefined)return this.Pipelinedata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stepId"){ + return this.Stepid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dependent"){ + return this.Dependent ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id"){ + return this.arc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id_fk ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="pipelineData"){ + this.Pipelinedata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("pipelineData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pipelinedata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Pipelinedata!=undefined){ + this.Pipelinedata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Pipelinedata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Pipelinedata= instanciateObject("arc:pipelineData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Pipelinedata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Pipelinedata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="stepId"){ + this.Stepid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dependent"){ + this.Dependent=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id"){ + this.arc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="stepId"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dependent"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:project_descendant_pipeline"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:project_descendant_pipeline>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.arc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="arc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id=\"" + this.arc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + if (this.Stepid!=null) + attTxt+=" stepId=\"" +this.Stepid +"\""; + else attTxt+=" stepId=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Dependent!=null) + attTxt+=" dependent=\"" +this.Dependent +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.arc_project_descendant_arc_project_descendant_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project_pipeline.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project_pipeline.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b04c4370 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_project_pipeline.js @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function arc_project_pipeline(){ +this.xsiType="arc:project_pipeline"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "project_pipeline"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "arc:project_pipeline"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('arc_pipelineData','generated/arc_pipelineData.js'); + + this.Stepid=null; + + + function getStepid() { + return this.Stepid; + } + this.getStepid=getStepid; + + + function setStepid(v){ + this.Stepid=v; + } + this.setStepid=setStepid; + + this.Dependent=null; + + + function getDependent() { + return this.Dependent; + } + this.getDependent=getDependent; + + + function setDependent(v){ + this.Dependent=v; + } + this.setDependent=setDependent; + + + this.isDependent=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Dependent==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Dependent=="1" || this.Dependent==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.pipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk=null; + + + this.getpipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id=function() { + return this.pipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk; + } + + + this.setpipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id=function(v){ + this.pipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="pipelineData"){ + return this.Pipelinedata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("pipelineData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pipelinedata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Pipelinedata!=undefined)return this.Pipelinedata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stepId"){ + return this.Stepid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dependent"){ + return this.Dependent ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id"){ + return this.pipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="pipelineData"){ + this.Pipelinedata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("pipelineData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pipelinedata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Pipelinedata!=undefined){ + this.Pipelinedata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Pipelinedata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Pipelinedata= instanciateObject("arc:pipelineData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Pipelinedata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Pipelinedata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="stepId"){ + this.Stepid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dependent"){ + this.Dependent=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id"){ + this.pipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="stepId"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dependent"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:project_pipeline"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:project_pipeline>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.pipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="pipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id=\"" + this.pipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + if (this.Stepid!=null) + attTxt+=" stepId=\"" +this.Stepid +"\""; + else attTxt+=" stepId=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Dependent!=null) + attTxt+=" dependent=\"" +this.Dependent +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.pipelines_pipeline_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_property.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_property.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..013c8eac --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/arc_property.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function arc_property(){ +this.xsiType="arc:property"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "property"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "arc:property"; + } + + this.Property=null; + + + function getProperty() { + return this.Property; + } + this.getProperty=getProperty; + + + function setProperty(v){ + this.Property=v; + } + this.setProperty=setProperty; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.ArcPropertyId=null; + + + function getArcPropertyId() { + return this.ArcPropertyId; + } + this.getArcPropertyId=getArcPropertyId; + + + function setArcPropertyId(v){ + this.ArcPropertyId=v; + } + this.setArcPropertyId=setArcPropertyId; + + this.properties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk=null; + + + this.getproperties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id=function() { + return this.properties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk; + } + + + this.setproperties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id=function(v){ + this.properties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="property"){ + return this.Property ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_property_id"){ + return this.ArcPropertyId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="properties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id"){ + return this.properties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="property"){ + this.Property=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="arc_property_id"){ + this.ArcPropertyId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="properties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id"){ + this.properties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="property"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<arc:property"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</arc:property>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ArcPropertyId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="arc_property_id=\"" + this.ArcPropertyId + "\""; + } + if(this.properties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="properties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id=\"" + this.properties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Property!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Property.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ArcPropertyId!=null) return true; + if (this.properties_property_arc_project_arc_project_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Property!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_catalog.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_catalog.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a9437d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_catalog.js @@ -0,0 +1,977 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function cat_catalog(){ +this.xsiType="cat:catalog"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "catalog"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "cat:catalog"; + } + this.Metafields_metafield =new Array(); + + function getMetafields_metafield() { + return this.Metafields_metafield; + } + this.getMetafields_metafield=getMetafields_metafield; + + + function addMetafields_metafield(v){ + this.Metafields_metafield.push(v); + } + this.addMetafields_metafield=addMetafields_metafield; + this.Tags_tag =new Array(); + + function getTags_tag() { + return this.Tags_tag; + } + this.getTags_tag=getTags_tag; + + + function addTags_tag(v){ + this.Tags_tag.push(v); + } + this.addTags_tag=addTags_tag; + this.Sets_entryset =new Array(); + + function getSets_entryset() { + return this.Sets_entryset; + } + this.getSets_entryset=getSets_entryset; + + + function addSets_entryset(v){ + this.Sets_entryset.push(v); + } + this.addSets_entryset=addSets_entryset; + this.Entries_entry =new Array(); + + function getEntries_entry() { + return this.Entries_entry; + } + this.getEntries_entry=getEntries_entry; + + + function addEntries_entry(v){ + this.Entries_entry.push(v); + } + this.addEntries_entry=addEntries_entry; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.CatCatalogId=null; + + + function getCatCatalogId() { + return this.CatCatalogId; + } + this.getCatCatalogId=getCatCatalogId; + + + function setCatCatalogId(v){ + this.CatCatalogId=v; + } + this.setCatCatalogId=setCatCatalogId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="metaFields/metaField"){ + return this.Metafields_metafield ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("metaFields/metaField")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Metafields_metafield ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Metafields_metafield.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Metafields_metafield[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Metafields_metafield[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Metafields_metafield; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + return this.Tags_tag ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("tags/tag")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Tags_tag ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Tags_tag.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Tags_tag[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Tags_tag[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Tags_tag; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="sets/entrySet"){ + return this.Sets_entryset ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sets/entrySet")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Sets_entryset ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Sets_entryset.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Sets_entryset[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Sets_entryset[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Sets_entryset; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="entries/entry"){ + return this.Entries_entry ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("entries/entry")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Entries_entry ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Entries_entry.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Entries_entry[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Entries_entry[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Entries_entry; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cat_catalog_id"){ + return this.CatCatalogId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="metaFields/metaField"){ + this.Metafields_metafield=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("metaFields/metaField")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Metafields_metafield ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Metafields_metafield.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Metafields_metafield[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Metafields_metafield[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Metafields_metafield; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("cat:catalog_metaField");//omUtils.js + } + this.addMetafields_metafield(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + this.Tags_tag=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("tags/tag")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Tags_tag ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Tags_tag.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Tags_tag[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Tags_tag[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Tags_tag; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("cat:catalog_tag");//omUtils.js + } + this.addTags_tag(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="sets/entrySet"){ + this.Sets_entryset=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sets/entrySet")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Sets_entryset ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Sets_entryset.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Sets_entryset[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Sets_entryset[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Sets_entryset; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("cat:catalog");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSets_entryset(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="entries/entry"){ + this.Entries_entry=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("entries/entry")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Entries_entry ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Entries_entry.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Entries_entry[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Entries_entry[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Entries_entry; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("cat:entry");//omUtils.js + } + this.addEntries_entry(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cat_catalog_id"){ + this.CatCatalogId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="metaFields/metaField"){ + this.addMetafields_metafield(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + this.addTags_tag(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="sets/entrySet"){ + this.addSets_entryset(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="entries/entry"){ + this.addEntries_entry(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="metaFields/metaField"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="sets/entrySet"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="entries/entry"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="metaFields/metaField"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + return "field_inline_repeater"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sets/entrySet"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="entries/entry"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:Catalog"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:Catalog>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.CatCatalogId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="cat_catalog_id=\"" + this.CatCatalogId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Metafields_metafield.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:metaFields"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Metafields_metafieldCOUNT=0;Metafields_metafieldCOUNT<this.Metafields_metafield.length;Metafields_metafieldCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<cat:metaField"; + xmlTxt +=this.Metafields_metafield[Metafields_metafieldCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Metafields_metafield[Metafields_metafieldCOUNT].xsiType!="cat:catalog_metaField"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Metafields_metafield[Metafields_metafieldCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Metafields_metafield[Metafields_metafieldCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Metafields_metafield[Metafields_metafieldCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</cat:metaField>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:metaFields>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Tags_tag.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:tags"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Tags_tagCOUNT=0;Tags_tagCOUNT<this.Tags_tag.length;Tags_tagCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt+=this.Tags_tag[Tags_tagCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + } + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:tags>"; + } + } + + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.Sets_entryset.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:sets"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Sets_entrysetCOUNT=0;Sets_entrysetCOUNT<this.Sets_entryset.length;Sets_entrysetCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<cat:entrySet"; + xmlTxt +=this.Sets_entryset[Sets_entrysetCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Sets_entryset[Sets_entrysetCOUNT].xsiType!="cat:catalog"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Sets_entryset[Sets_entrysetCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Sets_entryset[Sets_entrysetCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Sets_entryset[Sets_entrysetCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</cat:entrySet>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:sets>"; + } + } + + var child3=0; + var att3=0; + child3+=this.Entries_entry.length; + if(child3>0 || att3>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:entries"; + if(child3==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Entries_entryCOUNT=0;Entries_entryCOUNT<this.Entries_entry.length;Entries_entryCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<cat:entry"; + xmlTxt +=this.Entries_entry[Entries_entryCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Entries_entry[Entries_entryCOUNT].xsiType!="cat:entry"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Entries_entry[Entries_entryCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Entries_entry[Entries_entryCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Entries_entry[Entries_entryCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</cat:entry>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:entries>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.CatCatalogId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Metafields_metafield.length>0)return true; + if(this.Tags_tag.length>0)return true; + if(this.Sets_entryset.length>0)return true; + if(this.Entries_entry.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_catalog_metaField.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_catalog_metaField.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..add761b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_catalog_metaField.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function cat_catalog_metaField(){ +this.xsiType="cat:catalog_metaField"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "catalog_metaField"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "cat:catalog_metaField"; + } + + this.Metafield=null; + + + function getMetafield() { + return this.Metafield; + } + this.getMetafield=getMetafield; + + + function setMetafield(v){ + this.Metafield=v; + } + this.setMetafield=setMetafield; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.CatCatalogMetafieldId=null; + + + function getCatCatalogMetafieldId() { + return this.CatCatalogMetafieldId; + } + this.getCatCatalogMetafieldId=getCatCatalogMetafieldId; + + + function setCatCatalogMetafieldId(v){ + this.CatCatalogMetafieldId=v; + } + this.setCatCatalogMetafieldId=setCatCatalogMetafieldId; + + this.metafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id_fk=null; + + + this.getmetafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id=function() { + return this.metafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id_fk; + } + + + this.setmetafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id=function(v){ + this.metafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="metaField"){ + return this.Metafield ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cat_catalog_metaField_id"){ + return this.CatCatalogMetafieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="metafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id"){ + return this.metafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="metaField"){ + this.Metafield=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cat_catalog_metaField_id"){ + this.CatCatalogMetafieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="metafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id"){ + this.metafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="metaField"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:catalog_metaField"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:catalog_metaField>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.CatCatalogMetafieldId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="cat_catalog_metaField_id=\"" + this.CatCatalogMetafieldId + "\""; + } + if(this.metafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="metafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id=\"" + this.metafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Metafield!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Metafield.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.CatCatalogMetafieldId!=null) return true; + if (this.metafields_metafield_cat_catalo_cat_catalog_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Metafield!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_catalog_tag.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_catalog_tag.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7069beb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_catalog_tag.js @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function cat_catalog_tag(){ +this.xsiType="cat:catalog_tag"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "catalog_tag"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "cat:catalog_tag"; + } + + this.Tag=null; + + + function getTag() { + return this.Tag; + } + this.getTag=getTag; + + + function setTag(v){ + this.Tag=v; + } + this.setTag=setTag; + + this.CatCatalogTagId=null; + + + function getCatCatalogTagId() { + return this.CatCatalogTagId; + } + this.getCatCatalogTagId=getCatCatalogTagId; + + + function setCatCatalogTagId(v){ + this.CatCatalogTagId=v; + } + this.setCatCatalogTagId=setCatCatalogTagId; + + this.tags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk=null; + + + this.gettags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id=function() { + return this.tags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk; + } + + + this.settags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id=function(v){ + this.tags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="tag"){ + return this.Tag ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cat_catalog_tag_id"){ + return this.CatCatalogTagId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id"){ + return this.tags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="tag"){ + this.Tag=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cat_catalog_tag_id"){ + this.CatCatalogTagId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id"){ + this.tags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="tag"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:catalog_tag"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:catalog_tag>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.CatCatalogTagId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="cat_catalog_tag_id=\"" + this.CatCatalogTagId + "\""; + } + if(this.tags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="tags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id=\"" + this.tags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Tag!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:tag"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tag.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</cat:tag>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.CatCatalogTagId!=null) return true; + if (this.tags_tag_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Tag!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_dcmCatalog.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_dcmCatalog.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..afdf2527 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_dcmCatalog.js @@ -0,0 +1,455 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function cat_dcmCatalog(){ +this.xsiType="cat:dcmCatalog"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "dcmCatalog"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "cat:dcmCatalog"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('cat_catalog','generated/cat_catalog.js'); + + this.Dimensions_x=null; + + + function getDimensions_x() { + return this.Dimensions_x; + } + this.getDimensions_x=getDimensions_x; + + + function setDimensions_x(v){ + this.Dimensions_x=v; + } + this.setDimensions_x=setDimensions_x; + + this.Dimensions_y=null; + + + function getDimensions_y() { + return this.Dimensions_y; + } + this.getDimensions_y=getDimensions_y; + + + function setDimensions_y(v){ + this.Dimensions_y=v; + } + this.setDimensions_y=setDimensions_y; + + this.Dimensions_z=null; + + + function getDimensions_z() { + return this.Dimensions_z; + } + this.getDimensions_z=getDimensions_z; + + + function setDimensions_z(v){ + this.Dimensions_z=v; + } + this.setDimensions_z=setDimensions_z; + + this.Dimensions_volumes=null; + + + function getDimensions_volumes() { + return this.Dimensions_volumes; + } + this.getDimensions_volumes=getDimensions_volumes; + + + function setDimensions_volumes(v){ + this.Dimensions_volumes=v; + } + this.setDimensions_volumes=setDimensions_volumes; + + this.Voxelres_x=null; + + + function getVoxelres_x() { + return this.Voxelres_x; + } + this.getVoxelres_x=getVoxelres_x; + + + function setVoxelres_x(v){ + this.Voxelres_x=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_x=setVoxelres_x; + + this.Voxelres_y=null; + + + function getVoxelres_y() { + return this.Voxelres_y; + } + this.getVoxelres_y=getVoxelres_y; + + + function setVoxelres_y(v){ + this.Voxelres_y=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_y=setVoxelres_y; + + this.Voxelres_z=null; + + + function getVoxelres_z() { + return this.Voxelres_z; + } + this.getVoxelres_z=getVoxelres_z; + + + function setVoxelres_z(v){ + this.Voxelres_z=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_z=setVoxelres_z; + + this.Voxelres_units=null; + + + function getVoxelres_units() { + return this.Voxelres_units; + } + this.getVoxelres_units=getVoxelres_units; + + + function setVoxelres_units(v){ + this.Voxelres_units=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_units=setVoxelres_units; + + this.Orientation=null; + + + function getOrientation() { + return this.Orientation; + } + this.getOrientation=getOrientation; + + + function setOrientation(v){ + this.Orientation=v; + } + this.setOrientation=setOrientation; + + this.Uid=null; + + + function getUid() { + return this.Uid; + } + this.getUid=getUid; + + + function setUid(v){ + this.Uid=v; + } + this.setUid=setUid; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="catalog"){ + return this.Catalog ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("catalog")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(7); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Catalog ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Catalog!=undefined)return this.Catalog.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/x"){ + return this.Dimensions_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/y"){ + return this.Dimensions_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/z"){ + return this.Dimensions_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/volumes"){ + return this.Dimensions_volumes ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/x"){ + return this.Voxelres_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/y"){ + return this.Voxelres_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/z"){ + return this.Voxelres_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/units"){ + return this.Voxelres_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="orientation"){ + return this.Orientation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="UID"){ + return this.Uid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="catalog"){ + this.Catalog=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("catalog")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(7); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Catalog ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Catalog!=undefined){ + this.Catalog.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Catalog= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Catalog= instanciateObject("cat:catalog");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Catalog.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Catalog.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/x"){ + this.Dimensions_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/y"){ + this.Dimensions_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/z"){ + this.Dimensions_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/volumes"){ + this.Dimensions_volumes=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/x"){ + this.Voxelres_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/y"){ + this.Voxelres_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/z"){ + this.Voxelres_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/units"){ + this.Voxelres_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="orientation"){ + this.Orientation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="UID"){ + this.Uid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="dimensions/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dimensions/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dimensions/z"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dimensions/volumes"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/z"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="orientation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="UID"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:DCMCatalog"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:DCMCatalog>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + if (this.Uid!=null) + attTxt+=" UID=\"" +this.Uid +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var DimensionsATT = "" + if (this.Dimensions_x!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" x=\"" + this.Dimensions_x + "\""; + if (this.Dimensions_y!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" y=\"" + this.Dimensions_y + "\""; + if (this.Dimensions_z!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" z=\"" + this.Dimensions_z + "\""; + if (this.Dimensions_volumes!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" volumes=\"" + this.Dimensions_volumes + "\""; + if(DimensionsATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:dimensions"; + xmlTxt+=DimensionsATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var VoxelresATT = "" + if (this.Voxelres_x!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" x=\"" + this.Voxelres_x + "\""; + if (this.Voxelres_y!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" y=\"" + this.Voxelres_y + "\""; + if (this.Voxelres_z!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" z=\"" + this.Voxelres_z + "\""; + if (this.Voxelres_units!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" units=\"" + this.Voxelres_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if(VoxelresATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:voxelRes"; + xmlTxt+=VoxelresATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Orientation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:orientation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Orientation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</cat:orientation>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Dimensions_x!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dimensions_y!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dimensions_z!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dimensions_volumes!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_x!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_y!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_z!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_units!=null) + return true; + if (this.Orientation!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_dcmEntry.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_dcmEntry.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4a6d4935 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_dcmEntry.js @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function cat_dcmEntry(){ +this.xsiType="cat:dcmEntry"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "dcmEntry"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "cat:dcmEntry"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('cat_entry','generated/cat_entry.js'); + + this.Uid=null; + + + function getUid() { + return this.Uid; + } + this.getUid=getUid; + + + function setUid(v){ + this.Uid=v; + } + this.setUid=setUid; + + this.Instancenumber=null; + + + function getInstancenumber() { + return this.Instancenumber; + } + this.getInstancenumber=getInstancenumber; + + + function setInstancenumber(v){ + this.Instancenumber=v; + } + this.setInstancenumber=setInstancenumber; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="entry"){ + return this.Entry ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("entry")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(5); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Entry ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Entry!=undefined)return this.Entry.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="UID"){ + return this.Uid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="instanceNumber"){ + return this.Instancenumber ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="entry"){ + this.Entry=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("entry")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(5); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Entry ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Entry!=undefined){ + this.Entry.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Entry= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Entry= instanciateObject("cat:entry");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Entry.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Entry.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="UID"){ + this.Uid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="instanceNumber"){ + this.Instancenumber=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="UID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="instanceNumber"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:dcmEntry"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:dcmEntry>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + if (this.Uid!=null) + attTxt+=" UID=\"" +this.Uid +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Instancenumber!=null) + attTxt+=" instanceNumber=\"" +this.Instancenumber +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_entry.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_entry.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ec78a344 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_entry.js @@ -0,0 +1,914 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function cat_entry(){ +this.xsiType="cat:entry"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "entry"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "cat:entry"; + } + this.Metafields_metafield =new Array(); + + function getMetafields_metafield() { + return this.Metafields_metafield; + } + this.getMetafields_metafield=getMetafields_metafield; + + + function addMetafields_metafield(v){ + this.Metafields_metafield.push(v); + } + this.addMetafields_metafield=addMetafields_metafield; + this.Tags_tag =new Array(); + + function getTags_tag() { + return this.Tags_tag; + } + this.getTags_tag=getTags_tag; + + + function addTags_tag(v){ + this.Tags_tag.push(v); + } + this.addTags_tag=addTags_tag; + + this.Uri=null; + + + function getUri() { + return this.Uri; + } + this.getUri=getUri; + + + function setUri(v){ + this.Uri=v; + } + this.setUri=setUri; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.Format=null; + + + function getFormat() { + return this.Format; + } + this.getFormat=getFormat; + + + function setFormat(v){ + this.Format=v; + } + this.setFormat=setFormat; + + this.Content=null; + + + function getContent() { + return this.Content; + } + this.getContent=getContent; + + + function setContent(v){ + this.Content=v; + } + this.setContent=setContent; + + this.Cachepath=null; + + + function getCachepath() { + return this.Cachepath; + } + this.getCachepath=getCachepath; + + + function setCachepath(v){ + this.Cachepath=v; + } + this.setCachepath=setCachepath; + + this.Createdtime=null; + + + function getCreatedtime() { + return this.Createdtime; + } + this.getCreatedtime=getCreatedtime; + + + function setCreatedtime(v){ + this.Createdtime=v; + } + this.setCreatedtime=setCreatedtime; + + this.Createdby=null; + + + function getCreatedby() { + return this.Createdby; + } + this.getCreatedby=getCreatedby; + + + function setCreatedby(v){ + this.Createdby=v; + } + this.setCreatedby=setCreatedby; + + this.Createdeventid=null; + + + function getCreatedeventid() { + return this.Createdeventid; + } + this.getCreatedeventid=getCreatedeventid; + + + function setCreatedeventid(v){ + this.Createdeventid=v; + } + this.setCreatedeventid=setCreatedeventid; + + this.Modifiedtime=null; + + + function getModifiedtime() { + return this.Modifiedtime; + } + this.getModifiedtime=getModifiedtime; + + + function setModifiedtime(v){ + this.Modifiedtime=v; + } + this.setModifiedtime=setModifiedtime; + + this.Modifiedby=null; + + + function getModifiedby() { + return this.Modifiedby; + } + this.getModifiedby=getModifiedby; + + + function setModifiedby(v){ + this.Modifiedby=v; + } + this.setModifiedby=setModifiedby; + + this.Modifiedeventid=null; + + + function getModifiedeventid() { + return this.Modifiedeventid; + } + this.getModifiedeventid=getModifiedeventid; + + + function setModifiedeventid(v){ + this.Modifiedeventid=v; + } + this.setModifiedeventid=setModifiedeventid; + + this.Digest=null; + + + function getDigest() { + return this.Digest; + } + this.getDigest=getDigest; + + + function setDigest(v){ + this.Digest=v; + } + this.setDigest=setDigest; + + this.CatEntryId=null; + + + function getCatEntryId() { + return this.CatEntryId; + } + this.getCatEntryId=getCatEntryId; + + + function setCatEntryId(v){ + this.CatEntryId=v; + } + this.setCatEntryId=setCatEntryId; + + this.entries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk=null; + + + this.getentries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id=function() { + return this.entries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk; + } + + + this.setentries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id=function(v){ + this.entries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="metaFields/metaField"){ + return this.Metafields_metafield ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("metaFields/metaField")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Metafields_metafield ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Metafields_metafield.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Metafields_metafield[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Metafields_metafield[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Metafields_metafield; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + return this.Tags_tag ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("tags/tag")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Tags_tag ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Tags_tag.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Tags_tag[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Tags_tag[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Tags_tag; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="URI"){ + return this.Uri ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="format"){ + return this.Format ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="content"){ + return this.Content ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + return this.Cachepath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="createdTime"){ + return this.Createdtime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="createdBy"){ + return this.Createdby ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="createdEventId"){ + return this.Createdeventid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="modifiedTime"){ + return this.Modifiedtime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="modifiedBy"){ + return this.Modifiedby ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="modifiedEventId"){ + return this.Modifiedeventid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="digest"){ + return this.Digest ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cat_entry_id"){ + return this.CatEntryId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="entries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id"){ + return this.entries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="metaFields/metaField"){ + this.Metafields_metafield=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("metaFields/metaField")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Metafields_metafield ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Metafields_metafield.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Metafields_metafield[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Metafields_metafield[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Metafields_metafield; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("cat:entry_metaField");//omUtils.js + } + this.addMetafields_metafield(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + this.Tags_tag=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("tags/tag")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Tags_tag ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Tags_tag.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Tags_tag[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Tags_tag[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Tags_tag; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("cat:entry_tag");//omUtils.js + } + this.addTags_tag(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="URI"){ + this.Uri=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="format"){ + this.Format=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="content"){ + this.Content=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + this.Cachepath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="createdTime"){ + this.Createdtime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="createdBy"){ + this.Createdby=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="createdEventId"){ + this.Createdeventid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="modifiedTime"){ + this.Modifiedtime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="modifiedBy"){ + this.Modifiedby=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="modifiedEventId"){ + this.Modifiedeventid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="digest"){ + this.Digest=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cat_entry_id"){ + this.CatEntryId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="entries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id"){ + this.entries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="metaFields/metaField"){ + this.addMetafields_metafield(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + this.addTags_tag(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="metaFields/metaField"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="metaFields/metaField"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + return "field_inline_repeater"; + }else if (xmlPath=="URI"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="format"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="content"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="createdTime"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="createdBy"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="createdEventId"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="modifiedTime"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="modifiedBy"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="modifiedEventId"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="digest"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:Entry"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:Entry>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.CatEntryId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="cat_entry_id=\"" + this.CatEntryId + "\""; + } + if(this.entries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="entries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id=\"" + this.entries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Uri!=null) + attTxt+=" URI=\"" +this.Uri +"\""; + else attTxt+=" URI=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Format!=null) + attTxt+=" format=\"" +this.Format +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Content!=null) + attTxt+=" content=\"" +this.Content +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Cachepath!=null) + attTxt+=" cachePath=\"" +this.Cachepath +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Createdtime!=null) + attTxt+=" createdTime=\"" +this.Createdtime +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Createdby!=null) + attTxt+=" createdBy=\"" +this.Createdby +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Createdeventid!=null) + attTxt+=" createdEventId=\"" +this.Createdeventid +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Modifiedtime!=null) + attTxt+=" modifiedTime=\"" +this.Modifiedtime +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Modifiedby!=null) + attTxt+=" modifiedBy=\"" +this.Modifiedby +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Modifiedeventid!=null) + attTxt+=" modifiedEventId=\"" +this.Modifiedeventid +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Digest!=null) + attTxt+=" digest=\"" +this.Digest +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Metafields_metafield.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:metaFields"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Metafields_metafieldCOUNT=0;Metafields_metafieldCOUNT<this.Metafields_metafield.length;Metafields_metafieldCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<cat:metaField"; + xmlTxt +=this.Metafields_metafield[Metafields_metafieldCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Metafields_metafield[Metafields_metafieldCOUNT].xsiType!="cat:entry_metaField"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Metafields_metafield[Metafields_metafieldCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Metafields_metafield[Metafields_metafieldCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Metafields_metafield[Metafields_metafieldCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</cat:metaField>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:metaFields>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Tags_tag.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:tags"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Tags_tagCOUNT=0;Tags_tagCOUNT<this.Tags_tag.length;Tags_tagCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt+=this.Tags_tag[Tags_tagCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + } + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:tags>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.CatEntryId!=null) return true; + if (this.entries_entry_cat_catalog_cat_catalog_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Metafields_metafield.length>0)return true; + if(this.Tags_tag.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_entry_metaField.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_entry_metaField.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..afd55295 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_entry_metaField.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function cat_entry_metaField(){ +this.xsiType="cat:entry_metaField"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "entry_metaField"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "cat:entry_metaField"; + } + + this.Metafield=null; + + + function getMetafield() { + return this.Metafield; + } + this.getMetafield=getMetafield; + + + function setMetafield(v){ + this.Metafield=v; + } + this.setMetafield=setMetafield; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.CatEntryMetafieldId=null; + + + function getCatEntryMetafieldId() { + return this.CatEntryMetafieldId; + } + this.getCatEntryMetafieldId=getCatEntryMetafieldId; + + + function setCatEntryMetafieldId(v){ + this.CatEntryMetafieldId=v; + } + this.setCatEntryMetafieldId=setCatEntryMetafieldId; + + this.metafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk=null; + + + this.getmetafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id=function() { + return this.metafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk; + } + + + this.setmetafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id=function(v){ + this.metafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="metaField"){ + return this.Metafield ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cat_entry_metaField_id"){ + return this.CatEntryMetafieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="metafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id"){ + return this.metafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="metaField"){ + this.Metafield=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cat_entry_metaField_id"){ + this.CatEntryMetafieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="metafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id"){ + this.metafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="metaField"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:entry_metaField"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:entry_metaField>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.CatEntryMetafieldId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="cat_entry_metaField_id=\"" + this.CatEntryMetafieldId + "\""; + } + if(this.metafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="metafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id=\"" + this.metafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Metafield!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Metafield.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.CatEntryMetafieldId!=null) return true; + if (this.metafields_metafield_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Metafield!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_entry_tag.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_entry_tag.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2f429e33 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/cat_entry_tag.js @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function cat_entry_tag(){ +this.xsiType="cat:entry_tag"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "entry_tag"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "cat:entry_tag"; + } + + this.Tag=null; + + + function getTag() { + return this.Tag; + } + this.getTag=getTag; + + + function setTag(v){ + this.Tag=v; + } + this.setTag=setTag; + + this.CatEntryTagId=null; + + + function getCatEntryTagId() { + return this.CatEntryTagId; + } + this.getCatEntryTagId=getCatEntryTagId; + + + function setCatEntryTagId(v){ + this.CatEntryTagId=v; + } + this.setCatEntryTagId=setCatEntryTagId; + + this.tags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk=null; + + + this.gettags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id=function() { + return this.tags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk; + } + + + this.settags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id=function(v){ + this.tags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="tag"){ + return this.Tag ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cat_entry_tag_id"){ + return this.CatEntryTagId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id"){ + return this.tags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="tag"){ + this.Tag=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cat_entry_tag_id"){ + this.CatEntryTagId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id"){ + this.tags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="tag"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:entry_tag"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</cat:entry_tag>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.CatEntryTagId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="cat_entry_tag_id=\"" + this.CatEntryTagId + "\""; + } + if(this.tags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="tags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id=\"" + this.tags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Tag!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<cat:tag"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tag.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</cat:tag>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.CatEntryTagId!=null) return true; + if (this.tags_tag_cat_entry_cat_entry_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Tag!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/pipe_PipelineRepository.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/pipe_PipelineRepository.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..816ee13c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/pipe_PipelineRepository.js @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function pipe_PipelineRepository(){ +this.xsiType="pipe:PipelineRepository"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "PipelineRepository"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "pipe:PipelineRepository"; + } + this.Pipeline =new Array(); + + function getPipeline() { + return this.Pipeline; + } + this.getPipeline=getPipeline; + + + function addPipeline(v){ + this.Pipeline.push(v); + } + this.addPipeline=addPipeline; + + this.PipePipelinerepositoryId=null; + + + function getPipePipelinerepositoryId() { + return this.PipePipelinerepositoryId; + } + this.getPipePipelinerepositoryId=getPipePipelinerepositoryId; + + + function setPipePipelinerepositoryId(v){ + this.PipePipelinerepositoryId=v; + } + this.setPipePipelinerepositoryId=setPipePipelinerepositoryId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + return this.Pipeline ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("pipeline")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pipeline ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Pipeline.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Pipeline[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Pipeline[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Pipeline; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipe_PipelineRepository_id"){ + return this.PipePipelinerepositoryId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + this.Pipeline=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("pipeline")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pipeline ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Pipeline.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Pipeline[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Pipeline[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Pipeline; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("pipe:pipelineDetails");//omUtils.js + } + this.addPipeline(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipe_PipelineRepository_id"){ + this.PipePipelinerepositoryId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + this.addPipeline(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:PipelineRepository"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</pipe:PipelineRepository>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.PipePipelinerepositoryId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="pipe_PipelineRepository_id=\"" + this.PipePipelinerepositoryId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + for(var PipelineCOUNT=0;PipelineCOUNT<this.Pipeline.length;PipelineCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<pipe:pipeline"; + xmlTxt +=this.Pipeline[PipelineCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Pipeline[PipelineCOUNT].xsiType!="pipe:pipelineDetails"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Pipeline[PipelineCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Pipeline[PipelineCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Pipeline[PipelineCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</pipe:pipeline>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.PipePipelinerepositoryId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Pipeline.length>0) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/pipe_pipelineDetails.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/pipe_pipelineDetails.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2434a4d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/pipe_pipelineDetails.js @@ -0,0 +1,632 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function pipe_pipelineDetails(){ +this.xsiType="pipe:pipelineDetails"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "pipelineDetails"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "pipe:pipelineDetails"; + } + + this.Path=null; + + + function getPath() { + return this.Path; + } + this.getPath=getPath; + + + function setPath(v){ + this.Path=v; + } + this.setPath=setPath; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + this.Generateselements_element =new Array(); + + function getGenerateselements_element() { + return this.Generateselements_element; + } + this.getGenerateselements_element=getGenerateselements_element; + + + function addGenerateselements_element(v){ + this.Generateselements_element.push(v); + } + this.addGenerateselements_element=addGenerateselements_element; + + this.Customwebpage=null; + + + function getCustomwebpage() { + return this.Customwebpage; + } + this.getCustomwebpage=getCustomwebpage; + + + function setCustomwebpage(v){ + this.Customwebpage=v; + } + this.setCustomwebpage=setCustomwebpage; + this.Parameters_parameter =new Array(); + + function getParameters_parameter() { + return this.Parameters_parameter; + } + this.getParameters_parameter=getParameters_parameter; + + + function addParameters_parameter(v){ + this.Parameters_parameter.push(v); + } + this.addParameters_parameter=addParameters_parameter; + + this.Appliesto=null; + + + function getAppliesto() { + return this.Appliesto; + } + this.getAppliesto=getAppliesto; + + + function setAppliesto(v){ + this.Appliesto=v; + } + this.setAppliesto=setAppliesto; + + this.pipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id_fk=null; + + + this.getpipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id=function() { + return this.pipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id_fk; + } + + + this.setpipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id=function(v){ + this.pipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="path"){ + return this.Path ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="generatesElements/element"){ + return this.Generateselements_element ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("generatesElements/element")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(25); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Generateselements_element ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Generateselements_element.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Generateselements_element[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Generateselements_element[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Generateselements_element; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="customwebpage"){ + return this.Customwebpage ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + return this.Parameters_parameter ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/parameter")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_parameter ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_parameter.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_parameter[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_parameter[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_parameter; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="appliesTo"){ + return this.Appliesto ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id"){ + return this.pipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="path"){ + this.Path=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="generatesElements/element"){ + this.Generateselements_element=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("generatesElements/element")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(25); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Generateselements_element ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Generateselements_element.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Generateselements_element[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Generateselements_element[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Generateselements_element; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("pipe:pipelineDetails_element");//omUtils.js + } + this.addGenerateselements_element(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="customwebpage"){ + this.Customwebpage=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + this.Parameters_parameter=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/parameter")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_parameter ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_parameter.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_parameter[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_parameter[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_parameter; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("pipe:pipelineDetails_parameter");//omUtils.js + } + this.addParameters_parameter(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="appliesTo"){ + this.Appliesto=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id"){ + this.pipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="generatesElements/element"){ + this.addGenerateselements_element(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + this.addParameters_parameter(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="generatesElements/element"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="path"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="generatesElements/element"){ + return "field_inline_repeater"; + }else if (xmlPath=="customwebpage"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="appliesTo"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:pipelineDetails"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</pipe:pipelineDetails>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.pipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="pipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id=\"" + this.pipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Appliesto!=null) + attTxt+=" appliesTo=\"" +this.Appliesto +"\""; + else attTxt+=" appliesTo=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Path!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:path"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Path.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</pipe:path>"; + } + else{ + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:path"; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Description!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:description"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Description.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</pipe:description>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Generateselements_element.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:generatesElements"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Generateselements_elementCOUNT=0;Generateselements_elementCOUNT<this.Generateselements_element.length;Generateselements_elementCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt+=this.Generateselements_element[Generateselements_elementCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + } + xmlTxt+="\n</pipe:generatesElements>"; + } + } + + if (this.Customwebpage!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:customwebpage"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Customwebpage.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</pipe:customwebpage>"; + } + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Parameters_parameter.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:parameters"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Parameters_parameterCOUNT=0;Parameters_parameterCOUNT<this.Parameters_parameter.length;Parameters_parameterCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<pipe:parameter"; + xmlTxt +=this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].xsiType!="pipe:pipelineDetails_parameter"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</pipe:parameter>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</pipe:parameters>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.pipe_PipelineRepository_pipe_pipelinerepository_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Path!=null) return true; + return true;//REQUIRED path + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/pipe_pipelineDetails_element.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/pipe_pipelineDetails_element.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1d6ec9c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/pipe_pipelineDetails_element.js @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function pipe_pipelineDetails_element(){ +this.xsiType="pipe:pipelineDetails_element"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "pipelineDetails_element"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "pipe:pipelineDetails_element"; + } + + this.Element=null; + + + function getElement() { + return this.Element; + } + this.getElement=getElement; + + + function setElement(v){ + this.Element=v; + } + this.setElement=setElement; + + this.PipePipelinedetailsElementId=null; + + + function getPipePipelinedetailsElementId() { + return this.PipePipelinedetailsElementId; + } + this.getPipePipelinedetailsElementId=getPipePipelinedetailsElementId; + + + function setPipePipelinedetailsElementId(v){ + this.PipePipelinedetailsElementId=v; + } + this.setPipePipelinedetailsElementId=setPipePipelinedetailsElementId; + + this.generateselements_element_pipe__path_fk=null; + + + this.getgenerateselements_element_pipe__path=function() { + return this.generateselements_element_pipe__path_fk; + } + + + this.setgenerateselements_element_pipe__path=function(v){ + this.generateselements_element_pipe__path_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="element"){ + return this.Element ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipe_pipelineDetails_element_id"){ + return this.PipePipelinedetailsElementId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="generateselements_element_pipe__path"){ + return this.generateselements_element_pipe__path_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="element"){ + this.Element=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipe_pipelineDetails_element_id"){ + this.PipePipelinedetailsElementId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="generateselements_element_pipe__path"){ + this.generateselements_element_pipe__path_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="element"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:pipelineDetails_element"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</pipe:pipelineDetails_element>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.PipePipelinedetailsElementId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="pipe_pipelineDetails_element_id=\"" + this.PipePipelinedetailsElementId + "\""; + } + if(this.generateselements_element_pipe__path_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="generateselements_element_pipe__path=\"" + this.generateselements_element_pipe__path_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Element!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:element"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Element.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</pipe:element>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.PipePipelinedetailsElementId!=null) return true; + if (this.generateselements_element_pipe__path_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Element!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/pipe_pipelineDetails_parameter.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/pipe_pipelineDetails_parameter.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f195dcff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/pipe_pipelineDetails_parameter.js @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function pipe_pipelineDetails_parameter(){ +this.xsiType="pipe:pipelineDetails_parameter"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "pipelineDetails_parameter"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "pipe:pipelineDetails_parameter"; + } + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Values_schemalink=null; + + + function getValues_schemalink() { + return this.Values_schemalink; + } + this.getValues_schemalink=getValues_schemalink; + + + function setValues_schemalink(v){ + this.Values_schemalink=v; + } + this.setValues_schemalink=setValues_schemalink; + + this.Values_csvvalues=null; + + + function getValues_csvvalues() { + return this.Values_csvvalues; + } + this.getValues_csvvalues=getValues_csvvalues; + + + function setValues_csvvalues(v){ + this.Values_csvvalues=v; + } + this.setValues_csvvalues=setValues_csvvalues; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.PipePipelinedetailsParameterId=null; + + + function getPipePipelinedetailsParameterId() { + return this.PipePipelinedetailsParameterId; + } + this.getPipePipelinedetailsParameterId=getPipePipelinedetailsParameterId; + + + function setPipePipelinedetailsParameterId(v){ + this.PipePipelinedetailsParameterId=v; + } + this.setPipePipelinedetailsParameterId=setPipePipelinedetailsParameterId; + + this.parameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path_fk=null; + + + this.getparameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path=function() { + return this.parameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path_fk; + } + + + this.setparameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path=function(v){ + this.parameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="values/schemaLink"){ + return this.Values_schemalink ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="values/csvValues"){ + return this.Values_csvvalues ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipe_pipelineDetails_parameter_id"){ + return this.PipePipelinedetailsParameterId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path"){ + return this.parameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="values/schemaLink"){ + this.Values_schemalink=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="values/csvValues"){ + this.Values_csvvalues=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipe_pipelineDetails_parameter_id"){ + this.PipePipelinedetailsParameterId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path"){ + this.parameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="values/schemaLink"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="values/csvValues"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:pipelineDetails_parameter"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</pipe:pipelineDetails_parameter>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.PipePipelinedetailsParameterId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="pipe_pipelineDetails_parameter_id=\"" + this.PipePipelinedetailsParameterId + "\""; + } + if(this.parameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="parameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path=\"" + this.parameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Name!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:name"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Name.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</pipe:name>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + if(this.Values_schemalink!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Values_csvvalues!=null) + child0++; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:values"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Values_schemalink!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:schemaLink"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Values_schemalink.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</pipe:schemaLink>"; + } + if (this.Values_csvvalues!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:csvValues"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Values_csvvalues.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</pipe:csvValues>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</pipe:values>"; + } + } + + if (this.Description!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<pipe:description"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Description.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</pipe:description>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.PipePipelinedetailsParameterId!=null) return true; + if (this.parameters_parameter_pipe_pipel_path_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Name!=null) return true; + if(this.Values_schemalink!=null) return true; + if(this.Values_csvvalues!=null) return true; + if (this.Description!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/prov_process.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/prov_process.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..edc5ce98 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/prov_process.js @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function prov_process(){ +this.xsiType="prov:process"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "process"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "prov:process"; + } + this.Processstep =new Array(); + + function getProcessstep() { + return this.Processstep; + } + this.getProcessstep=getProcessstep; + + + function addProcessstep(v){ + this.Processstep.push(v); + } + this.addProcessstep=addProcessstep; + + this.ProvProcessId=null; + + + function getProvProcessId() { + return this.ProvProcessId; + } + this.getProvProcessId=getProvProcessId; + + + function setProvProcessId(v){ + this.ProvProcessId=v; + } + this.setProvProcessId=setProvProcessId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="processStep"){ + return this.Processstep ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("processStep")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(11); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Processstep ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Processstep.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Processstep[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Processstep[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Processstep; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prov_process_id"){ + return this.ProvProcessId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="processStep"){ + this.Processstep=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("processStep")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(11); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Processstep ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Processstep.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Processstep[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Processstep[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Processstep; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("prov:processStep");//omUtils.js + } + this.addProcessstep(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prov_process_id"){ + this.ProvProcessId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="processStep"){ + this.addProcessstep(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="processStep"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="processStep"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:process"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</prov:process>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ProvProcessId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="prov_process_id=\"" + this.ProvProcessId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + for(var ProcessstepCOUNT=0;ProcessstepCOUNT<this.Processstep.length;ProcessstepCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<prov:processStep"; + xmlTxt +=this.Processstep[ProcessstepCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Processstep[ProcessstepCOUNT].xsiType!="prov:processStep"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Processstep[ProcessstepCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Processstep[ProcessstepCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Processstep[ProcessstepCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</prov:processStep>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ProvProcessId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Processstep.length>0) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/prov_processStep.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/prov_processStep.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0fe16b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/prov_processStep.js @@ -0,0 +1,684 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function prov_processStep(){ +this.xsiType="prov:processStep"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "processStep"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "prov:processStep"; + } + + this.Program=null; + + + function getProgram() { + return this.Program; + } + this.getProgram=getProgram; + + + function setProgram(v){ + this.Program=v; + } + this.setProgram=setProgram; + + this.Program_version=null; + + + function getProgram_version() { + return this.Program_version; + } + this.getProgram_version=getProgram_version; + + + function setProgram_version(v){ + this.Program_version=v; + } + this.setProgram_version=setProgram_version; + + this.Program_arguments=null; + + + function getProgram_arguments() { + return this.Program_arguments; + } + this.getProgram_arguments=getProgram_arguments; + + + function setProgram_arguments(v){ + this.Program_arguments=v; + } + this.setProgram_arguments=setProgram_arguments; + + this.Timestamp=null; + + + function getTimestamp() { + return this.Timestamp; + } + this.getTimestamp=getTimestamp; + + + function setTimestamp(v){ + this.Timestamp=v; + } + this.setTimestamp=setTimestamp; + + this.Cvs=null; + + + function getCvs() { + return this.Cvs; + } + this.getCvs=getCvs; + + + function setCvs(v){ + this.Cvs=v; + } + this.setCvs=setCvs; + + this.User=null; + + + function getUser() { + return this.User; + } + this.getUser=getUser; + + + function setUser(v){ + this.User=v; + } + this.setUser=setUser; + + this.Machine=null; + + + function getMachine() { + return this.Machine; + } + this.getMachine=getMachine; + + + function setMachine(v){ + this.Machine=v; + } + this.setMachine=setMachine; + + this.Platform=null; + + + function getPlatform() { + return this.Platform; + } + this.getPlatform=getPlatform; + + + function setPlatform(v){ + this.Platform=v; + } + this.setPlatform=setPlatform; + + this.Platform_version=null; + + + function getPlatform_version() { + return this.Platform_version; + } + this.getPlatform_version=getPlatform_version; + + + function setPlatform_version(v){ + this.Platform_version=v; + } + this.setPlatform_version=setPlatform_version; + + this.Compiler=null; + + + function getCompiler() { + return this.Compiler; + } + this.getCompiler=getCompiler; + + + function setCompiler(v){ + this.Compiler=v; + } + this.setCompiler=setCompiler; + + this.Compiler_version=null; + + + function getCompiler_version() { + return this.Compiler_version; + } + this.getCompiler_version=getCompiler_version; + + + function setCompiler_version(v){ + this.Compiler_version=v; + } + this.setCompiler_version=setCompiler_version; + this.Library =new Array(); + + function getLibrary() { + return this.Library; + } + this.getLibrary=getLibrary; + + + function addLibrary(v){ + this.Library.push(v); + } + this.addLibrary=addLibrary; + + this.ProvProcessstepId=null; + + + function getProvProcessstepId() { + return this.ProvProcessstepId; + } + this.getProvProcessstepId=getProvProcessstepId; + + + function setProvProcessstepId(v){ + this.ProvProcessstepId=v; + } + this.setProvProcessstepId=setProvProcessstepId; + + this.prov_process_prov_process_id_fk=null; + + + this.getprov_process_prov_process_id=function() { + return this.prov_process_prov_process_id_fk; + } + + + this.setprov_process_prov_process_id=function(v){ + this.prov_process_prov_process_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="program"){ + return this.Program ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="program/version"){ + return this.Program_version ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="program/arguments"){ + return this.Program_arguments ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="timestamp"){ + return this.Timestamp ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cvs"){ + return this.Cvs ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="user"){ + return this.User ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="machine"){ + return this.Machine ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="platform"){ + return this.Platform ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="platform/version"){ + return this.Platform_version ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="compiler"){ + return this.Compiler ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="compiler/version"){ + return this.Compiler_version ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="library"){ + return this.Library ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("library")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(7); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Library ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Library.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Library[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Library[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Library; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prov_processStep_id"){ + return this.ProvProcessstepId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prov_process_prov_process_id"){ + return this.prov_process_prov_process_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="program"){ + this.Program=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="program/version"){ + this.Program_version=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="program/arguments"){ + this.Program_arguments=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="timestamp"){ + this.Timestamp=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cvs"){ + this.Cvs=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="user"){ + this.User=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="machine"){ + this.Machine=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="platform"){ + this.Platform=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="platform/version"){ + this.Platform_version=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="compiler"){ + this.Compiler=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="compiler/version"){ + this.Compiler_version=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="library"){ + this.Library=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("library")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(7); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Library ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Library.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Library[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Library[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Library; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("prov:processStep_library");//omUtils.js + } + this.addLibrary(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prov_processStep_id"){ + this.ProvProcessstepId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prov_process_prov_process_id"){ + this.prov_process_prov_process_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="library"){ + this.addLibrary(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="library"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="program"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="program/version"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="program/arguments"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="timestamp"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="cvs"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="user"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="machine"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="platform"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="platform/version"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="compiler"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="compiler/version"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="library"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:processStep"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</prov:processStep>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ProvProcessstepId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="prov_processStep_id=\"" + this.ProvProcessstepId + "\""; + } + if(this.prov_process_prov_process_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="prov_process_prov_process_id=\"" + this.prov_process_prov_process_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var ProgramATT = "" + if (this.Program_version!=null) + ProgramATT+=" version=\"" + this.Program_version.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Program_arguments!=null) + ProgramATT+=" arguments=\"" + this.Program_arguments.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Program!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:program"; + xmlTxt+=ProgramATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Program.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</prov:program>"; + } + else if(ProgramATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:program"; + xmlTxt+=ProgramATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Timestamp!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:timestamp"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Timestamp; + xmlTxt+="</prov:timestamp>"; + } + else{ + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:timestamp"; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Cvs!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:cvs"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Cvs.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</prov:cvs>"; + } + else{ + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:cvs"; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.User!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:user"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.User.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</prov:user>"; + } + if (this.Machine!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:machine"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Machine.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</prov:machine>"; + } + var PlatformATT = "" + if (this.Platform_version!=null) + PlatformATT+=" version=\"" + this.Platform_version.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Platform!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:platform"; + xmlTxt+=PlatformATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Platform.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</prov:platform>"; + } + else if(PlatformATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:platform"; + xmlTxt+=PlatformATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var CompilerATT = "" + if (this.Compiler_version!=null) + CompilerATT+=" version=\"" + this.Compiler_version.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Compiler!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:compiler"; + xmlTxt+=CompilerATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Compiler.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</prov:compiler>"; + } + else if(CompilerATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:compiler"; + xmlTxt+=CompilerATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + for(var LibraryCOUNT=0;LibraryCOUNT<this.Library.length;LibraryCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<prov:library"; + xmlTxt +=this.Library[LibraryCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Library[LibraryCOUNT].xsiType!="prov:processStep_library"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Library[LibraryCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Library[LibraryCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Library[LibraryCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</prov:library>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ProvProcessstepId!=null) return true; + if (this.prov_process_prov_process_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Program_version!=null) + return true; + if (this.Program_arguments!=null) + return true; + if (this.Program!=null) return true; + if (this.Timestamp!=null) return true; + return true;//REQUIRED timestamp + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/prov_processStep_library.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/prov_processStep_library.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b07a987f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/prov_processStep_library.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function prov_processStep_library(){ +this.xsiType="prov:processStep_library"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "processStep_library"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "prov:processStep_library"; + } + + this.Library=null; + + + function getLibrary() { + return this.Library; + } + this.getLibrary=getLibrary; + + + function setLibrary(v){ + this.Library=v; + } + this.setLibrary=setLibrary; + + this.Version=null; + + + function getVersion() { + return this.Version; + } + this.getVersion=getVersion; + + + function setVersion(v){ + this.Version=v; + } + this.setVersion=setVersion; + + this.ProvProcessstepLibraryId=null; + + + function getProvProcessstepLibraryId() { + return this.ProvProcessstepLibraryId; + } + this.getProvProcessstepLibraryId=getProvProcessstepLibraryId; + + + function setProvProcessstepLibraryId(v){ + this.ProvProcessstepLibraryId=v; + } + this.setProvProcessstepLibraryId=setProvProcessstepLibraryId; + + this.prov_processStep_prov_processstep_id_fk=null; + + + this.getprov_processStep_prov_processstep_id=function() { + return this.prov_processStep_prov_processstep_id_fk; + } + + + this.setprov_processStep_prov_processstep_id=function(v){ + this.prov_processStep_prov_processstep_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="library"){ + return this.Library ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="version"){ + return this.Version ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prov_processStep_library_id"){ + return this.ProvProcessstepLibraryId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prov_processStep_prov_processstep_id"){ + return this.prov_processStep_prov_processstep_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="library"){ + this.Library=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="version"){ + this.Version=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prov_processStep_library_id"){ + this.ProvProcessstepLibraryId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prov_processStep_prov_processstep_id"){ + this.prov_processStep_prov_processstep_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="library"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="version"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<prov:processStep_library"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</prov:processStep_library>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ProvProcessstepLibraryId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="prov_processStep_library_id=\"" + this.ProvProcessstepLibraryId + "\""; + } + if(this.prov_processStep_prov_processstep_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="prov_processStep_prov_processstep_id=\"" + this.prov_processStep_prov_processstep_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Version!=null) + attTxt+=" version=\"" +this.Version +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Library!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Library.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ProvProcessstepLibraryId!=null) return true; + if (this.prov_processStep_prov_processstep_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Library!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/scr_screeningAssessment.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/scr_screeningAssessment.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a93800bf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/scr_screeningAssessment.js @@ -0,0 +1,457 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function scr_screeningAssessment(){ +this.xsiType="scr:screeningAssessment"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "screeningAssessment"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "scr:screeningAssessment"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageAssessorData','generated/xnat_imageAssessorData.js'); + + this.Rater=null; + + + function getRater() { + return this.Rater; + } + this.getRater=getRater; + + + function setRater(v){ + this.Rater=v; + } + this.setRater=setRater; + + this.Comments=null; + + + function getComments() { + return this.Comments; + } + this.getComments=getComments; + + + function setComments(v){ + this.Comments=v; + } + this.setComments=setComments; + + this.Pass=null; + + + function getPass() { + return this.Pass; + } + this.getPass=getPass; + + + function setPass(v){ + this.Pass=v; + } + this.setPass=setPass; + this.Scans_scan =new Array(); + + function getScans_scan() { + return this.Scans_scan; + } + this.getScans_scan=getScans_scan; + + + function addScans_scan(v){ + this.Scans_scan.push(v); + } + this.addScans_scan=addScans_scan; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageAssessorData"){ + return this.Imageassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(17); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imageassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imageassessordata!=undefined)return this.Imageassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rater"){ + return this.Rater ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments"){ + return this.Comments ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pass"){ + return this.Pass ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + return this.Scans_scan ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("scans/scan")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Scans_scan ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Scans_scan.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Scans_scan[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Scans_scan[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Scans_scan; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageAssessorData"){ + this.Imageassessordata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(17); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imageassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imageassessordata!=undefined){ + this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imageassessordata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imageassessordata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="rater"){ + this.Rater=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments"){ + this.Comments=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pass"){ + this.Pass=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + this.Scans_scan=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("scans/scan")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Scans_scan ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Scans_scan.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Scans_scan[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Scans_scan[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Scans_scan; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("scr:screeningScanData");//omUtils.js + } + this.addScans_scan(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + this.addScans_scan(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="rater"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="comments"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="pass"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<scr:ScreeningAssessment"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</scr:ScreeningAssessment>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Rater!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<scr:rater"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Rater.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</scr:rater>"; + } + if (this.Comments!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<scr:comments"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Comments.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</scr:comments>"; + } + if (this.Pass!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<scr:pass"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Pass.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</scr:pass>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Scans_scan.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<scr:scans"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Scans_scanCOUNT=0;Scans_scanCOUNT<this.Scans_scan.length;Scans_scanCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<scr:scan"; + xmlTxt +=this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].xsiType!="scr:screeningScanData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</scr:scan>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</scr:scans>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Rater!=null) return true; + if (this.Comments!=null) return true; + if (this.Pass!=null) return true; + if(this.Scans_scan.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/scr_screeningScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/scr_screeningScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..553ad668 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/scr_screeningScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function scr_screeningScanData(){ +this.xsiType="scr:screeningScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "screeningScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "scr:screeningScanData"; + } + + this.ImagescanId=null; + + + function getImagescanId() { + return this.ImagescanId; + } + this.getImagescanId=getImagescanId; + + + function setImagescanId(v){ + this.ImagescanId=v; + } + this.setImagescanId=setImagescanId; + + this.Comments=null; + + + function getComments() { + return this.Comments; + } + this.getComments=getComments; + + + function setComments(v){ + this.Comments=v; + } + this.setComments=setComments; + + this.Pass=null; + + + function getPass() { + return this.Pass; + } + this.getPass=getPass; + + + function setPass(v){ + this.Pass=v; + } + this.setPass=setPass; + + this.ScrScreeningscandataId=null; + + + function getScrScreeningscandataId() { + return this.ScrScreeningscandataId; + } + this.getScrScreeningscandataId=getScrScreeningscandataId; + + + function setScrScreeningscandataId(v){ + this.ScrScreeningscandataId=v; + } + this.setScrScreeningscandataId=setScrScreeningscandataId; + + this.scans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id_fk=null; + + + this.getscans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id=function() { + return this.scans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id_fk; + } + + + this.setscans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id=function(v){ + this.scans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScan_ID"){ + return this.ImagescanId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments"){ + return this.Comments ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pass"){ + return this.Pass ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scr_screeningScanData_id"){ + return this.ScrScreeningscandataId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id"){ + return this.scans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScan_ID"){ + this.ImagescanId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments"){ + this.Comments=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pass"){ + this.Pass=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scr_screeningScanData_id"){ + this.ScrScreeningscandataId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id"){ + this.scans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="imageScan_ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="comments"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="pass"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<scr:screeningScanData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</scr:screeningScanData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ScrScreeningscandataId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="scr_screeningScanData_id=\"" + this.ScrScreeningscandataId + "\""; + } + if(this.scans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="scans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id=\"" + this.scans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.ImagescanId!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<scr:imageScan_ID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ImagescanId.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</scr:imageScan_ID>"; + } + if (this.Comments!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<scr:comments"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Comments.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</scr:comments>"; + } + if (this.Pass!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<scr:pass"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Pass.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</scr:pass>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ScrScreeningscandataId!=null) return true; + if (this.scans_scan_scr_screeningAssessm_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.ImagescanId!=null) return true; + if (this.Comments!=null) return true; + if (this.Pass!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_additionalVal.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_additionalVal.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c22103da --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_additionalVal.js @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function val_additionalVal(){ +this.xsiType="val:additionalVal"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "additionalVal"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "val:additionalVal"; + } + + this.ValAdditionalvalId=null; + + + function getValAdditionalvalId() { + return this.ValAdditionalvalId; + } + this.getValAdditionalvalId=getValAdditionalvalId; + + + function setValAdditionalvalId(v){ + this.ValAdditionalvalId=v; + } + this.setValAdditionalvalId=setValAdditionalvalId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="val_additionalVal_id"){ + return this.ValAdditionalvalId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="val_additionalVal_id"){ + this.ValAdditionalvalId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<val:additionalVal"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</val:additionalVal>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ValAdditionalvalId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="val_additionalVal_id=\"" + this.ValAdditionalvalId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ValAdditionalvalId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6b25b3c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData.js @@ -0,0 +1,879 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function val_protocolData(){ +this.xsiType="val:protocolData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "protocolData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "val:protocolData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageAssessorData','generated/xnat_imageAssessorData.js'); + this.Check_conditions_condition =new Array(); + + function getCheck_conditions_condition() { + return this.Check_conditions_condition; + } + this.getCheck_conditions_condition=getCheck_conditions_condition; + + + function addCheck_conditions_condition(v){ + this.Check_conditions_condition.push(v); + } + this.addCheck_conditions_condition=addCheck_conditions_condition; + this.Check_comments_comment =new Array(); + + function getCheck_comments_comment() { + return this.Check_comments_comment; + } + this.getCheck_comments_comment=getCheck_comments_comment; + + + function addCheck_comments_comment(v){ + this.Check_comments_comment.push(v); + } + this.addCheck_comments_comment=addCheck_comments_comment; + this.Check_additionalval =null; + function getCheck_additionalval() { + return this.Check_additionalval; + } + this.getCheck_additionalval=getCheck_additionalval; + + + function setCheck_additionalval(v){ + this.Check_additionalval =v; + } + this.setCheck_additionalval=setCheck_additionalval; + + this.Check_additionalval_CheckAdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId=null; + + + function getCheck_additionalval_CheckAdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId(){ + return this.Check_additionalval_CheckAdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId; + } + this.getCheck_additionalval_CheckAdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId=getCheck_additionalval_CheckAdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId; + + + function setCheck_additionalval_CheckAdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId(v){ + this.Check_additionalval_CheckAdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId=v; + } + this.setCheck_additionalval_CheckAdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId=setCheck_additionalval_CheckAdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId; + + this.Check_status=null; + + + function getCheck_status() { + return this.Check_status; + } + this.getCheck_status=getCheck_status; + + + function setCheck_status(v){ + this.Check_status=v; + } + this.setCheck_status=setCheck_status; + this.Scans_scanCheck =new Array(); + + function getScans_scanCheck() { + return this.Scans_scanCheck; + } + this.getScans_scanCheck=getScans_scanCheck; + + + function addScans_scanCheck(v){ + this.Scans_scanCheck.push(v); + } + this.addScans_scanCheck=addScans_scanCheck; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageAssessorData"){ + return this.Imageassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(17); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imageassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imageassessordata!=undefined)return this.Imageassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="check/conditions/condition"){ + return this.Check_conditions_condition ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("check/conditions/condition")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(26); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Check_conditions_condition ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Check_conditions_condition.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Check_conditions_condition[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Check_conditions_condition[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Check_conditions_condition; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="check/comments/comment"){ + return this.Check_comments_comment ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("check/comments/comment")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(22); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Check_comments_comment ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Check_comments_comment.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Check_comments_comment[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Check_comments_comment[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Check_comments_comment; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="check/additionalVal"){ + return this.Check_additionalval ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("check/additionalVal")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Check_additionalval ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Check_additionalval!=undefined)return this.Check_additionalval.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="check/status"){ + return this.Check_status ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans/scan_check"){ + return this.Scans_scanCheck ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("scans/scan_check")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Scans_scanCheck ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Scans_scanCheck.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Scans_scanCheck[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Scans_scanCheck[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Scans_scanCheck; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageAssessorData"){ + this.Imageassessordata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(17); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imageassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imageassessordata!=undefined){ + this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imageassessordata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imageassessordata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="check/conditions/condition"){ + this.Check_conditions_condition=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("check/conditions/condition")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(26); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Check_conditions_condition ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Check_conditions_condition.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Check_conditions_condition[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Check_conditions_condition[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Check_conditions_condition; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("val:protocolData_condition");//omUtils.js + } + this.addCheck_conditions_condition(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="check/comments/comment"){ + this.Check_comments_comment=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("check/comments/comment")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(22); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Check_comments_comment ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Check_comments_comment.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Check_comments_comment[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Check_comments_comment[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Check_comments_comment; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("val:protocolData_comment");//omUtils.js + } + this.addCheck_comments_comment(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="check/additionalVal"){ + this.Check_additionalval=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("check/additionalVal")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Check_additionalval ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Check_additionalval!=undefined){ + this.Check_additionalval.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Check_additionalval= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Check_additionalval= instanciateObject("val:additionalVal");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Check_additionalval.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Check_additionalval.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="check/status"){ + this.Check_status=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans/scan_check"){ + this.Scans_scanCheck=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("scans/scan_check")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Scans_scanCheck ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Scans_scanCheck.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Scans_scanCheck[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Scans_scanCheck[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Scans_scanCheck; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("val:protocolData_scan_check");//omUtils.js + } + this.addScans_scanCheck(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="check/conditions/condition"){ + this.addCheck_conditions_condition(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="check/comments/comment"){ + this.addCheck_comments_comment(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="check/additionalVal"){ + this.setCheck_additionalval(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="scans/scan_check"){ + this.addScans_scanCheck(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="check/conditions/condition"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="check/comments/comment"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="check/additionalVal"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="scans/scan_check"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="check/conditions/condition"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="check/comments/comment"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="check/additionalVal"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="check/status"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="scans/scan_check"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<val:ProtocolVal"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</val:ProtocolVal>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var CheckATT = "" + if (this.Check_status!=null) + CheckATT+=" status=\"" + this.Check_status.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + else CheckATT+=" status="+ this.Check_status +"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + if(this.Check_additionalval!=null) + child0++; + child0+=this.Check_conditions_condition.length; + child0+=this.Check_comments_comment.length; + if(this.Check_status!=null) + att0++; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<val:check"; + xmlTxt+=CheckATT; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Check_conditions_condition.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<val:conditions"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Check_conditions_conditionCOUNT=0;Check_conditions_conditionCOUNT<this.Check_conditions_condition.length;Check_conditions_conditionCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<val:condition"; + xmlTxt +=this.Check_conditions_condition[Check_conditions_conditionCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Check_conditions_condition[Check_conditions_conditionCOUNT].xsiType!="val:protocolData_condition"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Check_conditions_condition[Check_conditions_conditionCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Check_conditions_condition[Check_conditions_conditionCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Check_conditions_condition[Check_conditions_conditionCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</val:condition>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</val:conditions>"; + } + } + + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.Check_comments_comment.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<val:comments"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Check_comments_commentCOUNT=0;Check_comments_commentCOUNT<this.Check_comments_comment.length;Check_comments_commentCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<val:comment"; + xmlTxt +=this.Check_comments_comment[Check_comments_commentCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Check_comments_comment[Check_comments_commentCOUNT].xsiType!="val:protocolData_comment"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Check_comments_comment[Check_comments_commentCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Check_comments_comment[Check_comments_commentCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Check_comments_comment[Check_comments_commentCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</val:comment>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</val:comments>"; + } + } + + if (this.Check_additionalval!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<val:additionalVal"; + xmlTxt+=this.Check_additionalval.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Check_additionalval.xsiType!="val:additionalVal"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Check_additionalval.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Check_additionalval.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Check_additionalval.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</val:additionalVal>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + xmlTxt+="\n</val:check>"; + } + } + + var child3=0; + var att3=0; + child3+=this.Scans_scanCheck.length; + if(child3>0 || att3>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<val:scans"; + if(child3==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Scans_scanCheckCOUNT=0;Scans_scanCheckCOUNT<this.Scans_scanCheck.length;Scans_scanCheckCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<val:scan_check"; + xmlTxt +=this.Scans_scanCheck[Scans_scanCheckCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Scans_scanCheck[Scans_scanCheckCOUNT].xsiType!="val:protocolData_scan_check"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Scans_scanCheck[Scans_scanCheckCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Scans_scanCheck[Scans_scanCheckCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Scans_scanCheck[Scans_scanCheckCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</val:scan_check>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</val:scans>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Check_status!=null) + return true; + return true;//REQUIRED check/status + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_comment.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_comment.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..91144c91 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_comment.js @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function val_protocolData_comment(){ +this.xsiType="val:protocolData_comment"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "protocolData_comment"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "val:protocolData_comment"; + } + + this.Comment=null; + + + function getComment() { + return this.Comment; + } + this.getComment=getComment; + + + function setComment(v){ + this.Comment=v; + } + this.setComment=setComment; + + this.Username=null; + + + function getUsername() { + return this.Username; + } + this.getUsername=getUsername; + + + function setUsername(v){ + this.Username=v; + } + this.setUsername=setUsername; + + this.Datetime=null; + + + function getDatetime() { + return this.Datetime; + } + this.getDatetime=getDatetime; + + + function setDatetime(v){ + this.Datetime=v; + } + this.setDatetime=setDatetime; + + this.ValProtocoldataCommentId=null; + + + function getValProtocoldataCommentId() { + return this.ValProtocoldataCommentId; + } + this.getValProtocoldataCommentId=getValProtocoldataCommentId; + + + function setValProtocoldataCommentId(v){ + this.ValProtocoldataCommentId=v; + } + this.setValProtocoldataCommentId=setValProtocoldataCommentId; + + this.check_comments_comment_val_prot_id_fk=null; + + + this.getcheck_comments_comment_val_prot_id=function() { + return this.check_comments_comment_val_prot_id_fk; + } + + + this.setcheck_comments_comment_val_prot_id=function(v){ + this.check_comments_comment_val_prot_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="comment"){ + return this.Comment ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="username"){ + return this.Username ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dateTime"){ + return this.Datetime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="val_protocolData_comment_id"){ + return this.ValProtocoldataCommentId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="check_comments_comment_val_prot_id"){ + return this.check_comments_comment_val_prot_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="comment"){ + this.Comment=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="username"){ + this.Username=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dateTime"){ + this.Datetime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="val_protocolData_comment_id"){ + this.ValProtocoldataCommentId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="check_comments_comment_val_prot_id"){ + this.check_comments_comment_val_prot_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="comment"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="username"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dateTime"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<val:protocolData_comment"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</val:protocolData_comment>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ValProtocoldataCommentId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="val_protocolData_comment_id=\"" + this.ValProtocoldataCommentId + "\""; + } + if(this.check_comments_comment_val_prot_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="check_comments_comment_val_prot_id=\"" + this.check_comments_comment_val_prot_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Username!=null) + attTxt+=" username=\"" +this.Username +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Datetime!=null) + attTxt+=" dateTime=\"" +this.Datetime +"\""; + else attTxt+=" dateTime=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Comment!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Comment.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ValProtocoldataCommentId!=null) return true; + if (this.check_comments_comment_val_prot_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Comment!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_condition.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_condition.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e289c933 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_condition.js @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function val_protocolData_condition(){ +this.xsiType="val:protocolData_condition"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "protocolData_condition"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "val:protocolData_condition"; + } + + this.Verified=null; + + + function getVerified() { + return this.Verified; + } + this.getVerified=getVerified; + + + function setVerified(v){ + this.Verified=v; + } + this.setVerified=setVerified; + + this.Diagnosis=null; + + + function getDiagnosis() { + return this.Diagnosis; + } + this.getDiagnosis=getDiagnosis; + + + function setDiagnosis(v){ + this.Diagnosis=v; + } + this.setDiagnosis=setDiagnosis; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Status=null; + + + function getStatus() { + return this.Status; + } + this.getStatus=getStatus; + + + function setStatus(v){ + this.Status=v; + } + this.setStatus=setStatus; + + this.Xmlpath=null; + + + function getXmlpath() { + return this.Xmlpath; + } + this.getXmlpath=getXmlpath; + + + function setXmlpath(v){ + this.Xmlpath=v; + } + this.setXmlpath=setXmlpath; + + this.ValProtocoldataConditionId=null; + + + function getValProtocoldataConditionId() { + return this.ValProtocoldataConditionId; + } + this.getValProtocoldataConditionId=getValProtocoldataConditionId; + + + function setValProtocoldataConditionId(v){ + this.ValProtocoldataConditionId=v; + } + this.setValProtocoldataConditionId=setValProtocoldataConditionId; + + this.check_conditions_condition_val__id_fk=null; + + + this.getcheck_conditions_condition_val__id=function() { + return this.check_conditions_condition_val__id_fk; + } + + + this.setcheck_conditions_condition_val__id=function(v){ + this.check_conditions_condition_val__id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="verified"){ + return this.Verified ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="diagnosis"){ + return this.Diagnosis ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="status"){ + return this.Status ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xmlpath"){ + return this.Xmlpath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="val_protocolData_condition_id"){ + return this.ValProtocoldataConditionId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="check_conditions_condition_val__id"){ + return this.check_conditions_condition_val__id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="verified"){ + this.Verified=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="diagnosis"){ + this.Diagnosis=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="status"){ + this.Status=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xmlpath"){ + this.Xmlpath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="val_protocolData_condition_id"){ + this.ValProtocoldataConditionId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="check_conditions_condition_val__id"){ + this.check_conditions_condition_val__id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="verified"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="diagnosis"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="status"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="xmlpath"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<val:protocolData_condition"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</val:protocolData_condition>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ValProtocoldataConditionId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="val_protocolData_condition_id=\"" + this.ValProtocoldataConditionId + "\""; + } + if(this.check_conditions_condition_val__id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="check_conditions_condition_val__id=\"" + this.check_conditions_condition_val__id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Status!=null) + attTxt+=" status=\"" +this.Status +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Xmlpath!=null) + attTxt+=" xmlpath=\"" +this.Xmlpath +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Verified!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<val:verified"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Verified.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</val:verified>"; + } + if (this.Diagnosis!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<val:diagnosis"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Diagnosis.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</val:diagnosis>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ValProtocoldataConditionId!=null) return true; + if (this.check_conditions_condition_val__id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Verified!=null) return true; + if (this.Diagnosis!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_scan_check.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_scan_check.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..602e9343 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_scan_check.js @@ -0,0 +1,704 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function val_protocolData_scan_check(){ +this.xsiType="val:protocolData_scan_check"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "protocolData_scan_check"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "val:protocolData_scan_check"; + } + this.Conditions_condition =new Array(); + + function getConditions_condition() { + return this.Conditions_condition; + } + this.getConditions_condition=getConditions_condition; + + + function addConditions_condition(v){ + this.Conditions_condition.push(v); + } + this.addConditions_condition=addConditions_condition; + this.Comments_comment =new Array(); + + function getComments_comment() { + return this.Comments_comment; + } + this.getComments_comment=getComments_comment; + + + function addComments_comment(v){ + this.Comments_comment.push(v); + } + this.addComments_comment=addComments_comment; + this.Additionalval =null; + function getAdditionalval() { + return this.Additionalval; + } + this.getAdditionalval=getAdditionalval; + + + function setAdditionalval(v){ + this.Additionalval =v; + } + this.setAdditionalval=setAdditionalval; + + this.Additionalval_AdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId=null; + + + function getAdditionalval_AdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId(){ + return this.Additionalval_AdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId; + } + this.getAdditionalval_AdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId=getAdditionalval_AdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId; + + + function setAdditionalval_AdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId(v){ + this.Additionalval_AdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId=v; + } + this.setAdditionalval_AdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId=setAdditionalval_AdditionalvalValAdditionalvalId; + + this.ScanId=null; + + + function getScanId() { + return this.ScanId; + } + this.getScanId=getScanId; + + + function setScanId(v){ + this.ScanId=v; + } + this.setScanId=setScanId; + + this.Status=null; + + + function getStatus() { + return this.Status; + } + this.getStatus=getStatus; + + + function setStatus(v){ + this.Status=v; + } + this.setStatus=setStatus; + + this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckId=null; + + + function getValProtocoldataScanCheckId() { + return this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckId; + } + this.getValProtocoldataScanCheckId=getValProtocoldataScanCheckId; + + + function setValProtocoldataScanCheckId(v){ + this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckId=v; + } + this.setValProtocoldataScanCheckId=setValProtocoldataScanCheckId; + + this.scans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id_fk=null; + + + this.getscans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id=function() { + return this.scans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id_fk; + } + + + this.setscans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id=function(v){ + this.scans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="conditions/condition"){ + return this.Conditions_condition ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("conditions/condition")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Conditions_condition ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Conditions_condition.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Conditions_condition[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Conditions_condition[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Conditions_condition; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments/comment"){ + return this.Comments_comment ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("comments/comment")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Comments_comment ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Comments_comment.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Comments_comment[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Comments_comment[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Comments_comment; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="additionalVal"){ + return this.Additionalval ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("additionalVal")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Additionalval ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Additionalval!=undefined)return this.Additionalval.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="SCAN_ID"){ + return this.ScanId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="status"){ + return this.Status ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="val_protocolData_scan_check_id"){ + return this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id"){ + return this.scans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="conditions/condition"){ + this.Conditions_condition=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("conditions/condition")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Conditions_condition ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Conditions_condition.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Conditions_condition[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Conditions_condition[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Conditions_condition; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("val:protocolData_scan_check_condition");//omUtils.js + } + this.addConditions_condition(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments/comment"){ + this.Comments_comment=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("comments/comment")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Comments_comment ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Comments_comment.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Comments_comment[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Comments_comment[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Comments_comment; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("val:protocolData_scan_check_comment");//omUtils.js + } + this.addComments_comment(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="additionalVal"){ + this.Additionalval=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("additionalVal")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Additionalval ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Additionalval!=undefined){ + this.Additionalval.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Additionalval= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Additionalval= instanciateObject("val:additionalVal");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Additionalval.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Additionalval.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="SCAN_ID"){ + this.ScanId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="status"){ + this.Status=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="val_protocolData_scan_check_id"){ + this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id"){ + this.scans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="conditions/condition"){ + this.addConditions_condition(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="comments/comment"){ + this.addComments_comment(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="additionalVal"){ + this.setAdditionalval(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="conditions/condition"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="comments/comment"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="additionalVal"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="conditions/condition"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="comments/comment"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="additionalVal"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="SCAN_ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="status"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<val:protocolData_scan_check"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</val:protocolData_scan_check>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="val_protocolData_scan_check_id=\"" + this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckId + "\""; + } + if(this.scans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="scans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id=\"" + this.scans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.ScanId!=null) + attTxt+=" SCAN_ID=\"" +this.ScanId +"\""; + else attTxt+=" SCAN_ID=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Status!=null) + attTxt+=" status=\"" +this.Status +"\""; + else attTxt+=" status=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Conditions_condition.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<val:conditions"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Conditions_conditionCOUNT=0;Conditions_conditionCOUNT<this.Conditions_condition.length;Conditions_conditionCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<val:condition"; + xmlTxt +=this.Conditions_condition[Conditions_conditionCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Conditions_condition[Conditions_conditionCOUNT].xsiType!="val:protocolData_scan_check_condition"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Conditions_condition[Conditions_conditionCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Conditions_condition[Conditions_conditionCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Conditions_condition[Conditions_conditionCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</val:condition>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</val:conditions>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Comments_comment.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<val:comments"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Comments_commentCOUNT=0;Comments_commentCOUNT<this.Comments_comment.length;Comments_commentCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<val:comment"; + xmlTxt +=this.Comments_comment[Comments_commentCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Comments_comment[Comments_commentCOUNT].xsiType!="val:protocolData_scan_check_comment"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Comments_comment[Comments_commentCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Comments_comment[Comments_commentCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Comments_comment[Comments_commentCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</val:comment>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</val:comments>"; + } + } + + if (this.Additionalval!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<val:additionalVal"; + xmlTxt+=this.Additionalval.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Additionalval.xsiType!="val:additionalVal"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Additionalval.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Additionalval.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Additionalval.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</val:additionalVal>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckId!=null) return true; + if (this.scans_scan_check_val_protocolDa_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Conditions_condition.length>0)return true; + if(this.Comments_comment.length>0)return true; + if (this.Additionalval!=null){ + if (this.Additionalval.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_scan_check_comment.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_scan_check_comment.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d2e75c44 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_scan_check_comment.js @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function val_protocolData_scan_check_comment(){ +this.xsiType="val:protocolData_scan_check_comment"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "protocolData_scan_check_comment"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "val:protocolData_scan_check_comment"; + } + + this.Comment=null; + + + function getComment() { + return this.Comment; + } + this.getComment=getComment; + + + function setComment(v){ + this.Comment=v; + } + this.setComment=setComment; + + this.Username=null; + + + function getUsername() { + return this.Username; + } + this.getUsername=getUsername; + + + function setUsername(v){ + this.Username=v; + } + this.setUsername=setUsername; + + this.Datetime=null; + + + function getDatetime() { + return this.Datetime; + } + this.getDatetime=getDatetime; + + + function setDatetime(v){ + this.Datetime=v; + } + this.setDatetime=setDatetime; + + this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId=null; + + + function getValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId() { + return this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId; + } + this.getValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId=getValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId; + + + function setValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId(v){ + this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId=v; + } + this.setValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId=setValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId; + + this.comments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk=null; + + + this.getcomments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id=function() { + return this.comments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk; + } + + + this.setcomments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id=function(v){ + this.comments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="comment"){ + return this.Comment ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="username"){ + return this.Username ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dateTime"){ + return this.Datetime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="val_protocolData_scan_check_comment_id"){ + return this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id"){ + return this.comments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="comment"){ + this.Comment=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="username"){ + this.Username=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dateTime"){ + this.Datetime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="val_protocolData_scan_check_comment_id"){ + this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id"){ + this.comments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="comment"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="username"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dateTime"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<val:protocolData_scan_check_comment"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</val:protocolData_scan_check_comment>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="val_protocolData_scan_check_comment_id=\"" + this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId + "\""; + } + if(this.comments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="comments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id=\"" + this.comments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Username!=null) + attTxt+=" username=\"" +this.Username +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Datetime!=null) + attTxt+=" dateTime=\"" +this.Datetime +"\""; + else attTxt+=" dateTime=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Comment!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Comment.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckCommentId!=null) return true; + if (this.comments_comment_val_protocolDa_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Comment!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_scan_check_condition.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_scan_check_condition.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..995f8418 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/val_protocolData_scan_check_condition.js @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function val_protocolData_scan_check_condition(){ +this.xsiType="val:protocolData_scan_check_condition"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "protocolData_scan_check_condition"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "val:protocolData_scan_check_condition"; + } + + this.Verified=null; + + + function getVerified() { + return this.Verified; + } + this.getVerified=getVerified; + + + function setVerified(v){ + this.Verified=v; + } + this.setVerified=setVerified; + + this.Diagnosis=null; + + + function getDiagnosis() { + return this.Diagnosis; + } + this.getDiagnosis=getDiagnosis; + + + function setDiagnosis(v){ + this.Diagnosis=v; + } + this.setDiagnosis=setDiagnosis; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Status=null; + + + function getStatus() { + return this.Status; + } + this.getStatus=getStatus; + + + function setStatus(v){ + this.Status=v; + } + this.setStatus=setStatus; + + this.Xmlpath=null; + + + function getXmlpath() { + return this.Xmlpath; + } + this.getXmlpath=getXmlpath; + + + function setXmlpath(v){ + this.Xmlpath=v; + } + this.setXmlpath=setXmlpath; + + this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId=null; + + + function getValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId() { + return this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId; + } + this.getValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId=getValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId; + + + function setValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId(v){ + this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId=v; + } + this.setValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId=setValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId; + + this.conditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk=null; + + + this.getconditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id=function() { + return this.conditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk; + } + + + this.setconditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id=function(v){ + this.conditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="verified"){ + return this.Verified ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="diagnosis"){ + return this.Diagnosis ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="status"){ + return this.Status ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xmlpath"){ + return this.Xmlpath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="val_protocolData_scan_check_condition_id"){ + return this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="conditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id"){ + return this.conditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="verified"){ + this.Verified=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="diagnosis"){ + this.Diagnosis=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="status"){ + this.Status=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xmlpath"){ + this.Xmlpath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="val_protocolData_scan_check_condition_id"){ + this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="conditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id"){ + this.conditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="verified"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="diagnosis"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="status"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="xmlpath"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<val:protocolData_scan_check_condition"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</val:protocolData_scan_check_condition>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="val_protocolData_scan_check_condition_id=\"" + this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId + "\""; + } + if(this.conditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="conditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id=\"" + this.conditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Status!=null) + attTxt+=" status=\"" +this.Status +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Xmlpath!=null) + attTxt+=" xmlpath=\"" +this.Xmlpath +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Verified!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<val:verified"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Verified.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</val:verified>"; + } + if (this.Diagnosis!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<val:diagnosis"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Diagnosis.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</val:diagnosis>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.ValProtocoldataScanCheckConditionId!=null) return true; + if (this.conditions_condition_val_protoc_val_protocoldata_scan_check_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Verified!=null) return true; + if (this.Diagnosis!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a6a4b874 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment.js @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment(){ +this.xsiType="wrk:abstractExecutionEnvironment"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "abstractExecutionEnvironment"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "wrk:abstractExecutionEnvironment"; + } + + this.WrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId=null; + + + function getWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId() { + return this.WrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId; + } + this.getWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId=getWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId; + + + function setWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId(v){ + this.WrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId=v; + } + this.setWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId=setWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment_id"){ + return this.WrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment_id"){ + this.WrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:abstractExecutionEnvironment"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</wrk:abstractExecutionEnvironment>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.WrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment_id=\"" + this.WrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.WrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_workflowData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_workflowData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0fbc6b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_workflowData.js @@ -0,0 +1,789 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function wrk_workflowData(){ +this.xsiType="wrk:workflowData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "workflowData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "wrk:workflowData"; + } + this.Executionenvironment =null; + function getExecutionenvironment() { + return this.Executionenvironment; + } + this.getExecutionenvironment=getExecutionenvironment; + + + function setExecutionenvironment(v){ + this.Executionenvironment =v; + } + this.setExecutionenvironment=setExecutionenvironment; + + this.Executionenvironment_ExecutionenvironmentWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId=null; + + + function getExecutionenvironment_ExecutionenvironmentWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId(){ + return this.Executionenvironment_ExecutionenvironmentWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId; + } + this.getExecutionenvironment_ExecutionenvironmentWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId=getExecutionenvironment_ExecutionenvironmentWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId; + + + function setExecutionenvironment_ExecutionenvironmentWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId(v){ + this.Executionenvironment_ExecutionenvironmentWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId=v; + } + this.setExecutionenvironment_ExecutionenvironmentWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId=setExecutionenvironment_ExecutionenvironmentWrkAbstractexecutionenvironmentId; + + this.Comments=null; + + + function getComments() { + return this.Comments; + } + this.getComments=getComments; + + + function setComments(v){ + this.Comments=v; + } + this.setComments=setComments; + + this.Details=null; + + + function getDetails() { + return this.Details; + } + this.getDetails=getDetails; + + + function setDetails(v){ + this.Details=v; + } + this.setDetails=setDetails; + + this.Justification=null; + + + function getJustification() { + return this.Justification; + } + this.getJustification=getJustification; + + + function setJustification(v){ + this.Justification=v; + } + this.setJustification=setJustification; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.Src=null; + + + function getSrc() { + return this.Src; + } + this.getSrc=getSrc; + + + function setSrc(v){ + this.Src=v; + } + this.setSrc=setSrc; + + this.Type=null; + + + function getType() { + return this.Type; + } + this.getType=getType; + + + function setType(v){ + this.Type=v; + } + this.setType=setType; + + this.Category=null; + + + function getCategory() { + return this.Category; + } + this.getCategory=getCategory; + + + function setCategory(v){ + this.Category=v; + } + this.setCategory=setCategory; + + this.DataType=null; + + + function getDataType() { + return this.DataType; + } + this.getDataType=getDataType; + + + function setDataType(v){ + this.DataType=v; + } + this.setDataType=setDataType; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Externalid=null; + + + function getExternalid() { + return this.Externalid; + } + this.getExternalid=getExternalid; + + + function setExternalid(v){ + this.Externalid=v; + } + this.setExternalid=setExternalid; + + this.CurrentStepLaunchTime=null; + + + function getCurrentStepLaunchTime() { + return this.CurrentStepLaunchTime; + } + this.getCurrentStepLaunchTime=getCurrentStepLaunchTime; + + + function setCurrentStepLaunchTime(v){ + this.CurrentStepLaunchTime=v; + } + this.setCurrentStepLaunchTime=setCurrentStepLaunchTime; + + this.CurrentStepId=null; + + + function getCurrentStepId() { + return this.CurrentStepId; + } + this.getCurrentStepId=getCurrentStepId; + + + function setCurrentStepId(v){ + this.CurrentStepId=v; + } + this.setCurrentStepId=setCurrentStepId; + + this.Status=null; + + + function getStatus() { + return this.Status; + } + this.getStatus=getStatus; + + + function setStatus(v){ + this.Status=v; + } + this.setStatus=setStatus; + + this.CreateUser=null; + + + function getCreateUser() { + return this.CreateUser; + } + this.getCreateUser=getCreateUser; + + + function setCreateUser(v){ + this.CreateUser=v; + } + this.setCreateUser=setCreateUser; + + this.PipelineName=null; + + + function getPipelineName() { + return this.PipelineName; + } + this.getPipelineName=getPipelineName; + + + function setPipelineName(v){ + this.PipelineName=v; + } + this.setPipelineName=setPipelineName; + + this.NextStepId=null; + + + function getNextStepId() { + return this.NextStepId; + } + this.getNextStepId=getNextStepId; + + + function setNextStepId(v){ + this.NextStepId=v; + } + this.setNextStepId=setNextStepId; + + this.StepDescription=null; + + + function getStepDescription() { + return this.StepDescription; + } + this.getStepDescription=getStepDescription; + + + function setStepDescription(v){ + this.StepDescription=v; + } + this.setStepDescription=setStepDescription; + + this.LaunchTime=null; + + + function getLaunchTime() { + return this.LaunchTime; + } + this.getLaunchTime=getLaunchTime; + + + function setLaunchTime(v){ + this.LaunchTime=v; + } + this.setLaunchTime=setLaunchTime; + + this.Percentagecomplete=null; + + + function getPercentagecomplete() { + return this.Percentagecomplete; + } + this.getPercentagecomplete=getPercentagecomplete; + + + function setPercentagecomplete(v){ + this.Percentagecomplete=v; + } + this.setPercentagecomplete=setPercentagecomplete; + + this.Jobid=null; + + + function getJobid() { + return this.Jobid; + } + this.getJobid=getJobid; + + + function setJobid(v){ + this.Jobid=v; + } + this.setJobid=setJobid; + + this.WrkWorkflowdataId=null; + + + function getWrkWorkflowdataId() { + return this.WrkWorkflowdataId; + } + this.getWrkWorkflowdataId=getWrkWorkflowdataId; + + + function setWrkWorkflowdataId(v){ + this.WrkWorkflowdataId=v; + } + this.setWrkWorkflowdataId=setWrkWorkflowdataId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="executionEnvironment"){ + return this.Executionenvironment ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("executionEnvironment")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Executionenvironment ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Executionenvironment!=undefined)return this.Executionenvironment.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments"){ + return this.Comments ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="details"){ + return this.Details ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="justification"){ + return this.Justification ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="src"){ + return this.Src ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + return this.Type ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="category"){ + return this.Category ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="data_type"){ + return this.DataType ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ExternalID"){ + return this.Externalid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="current_step_launch_time"){ + return this.CurrentStepLaunchTime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="current_step_id"){ + return this.CurrentStepId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="status"){ + return this.Status ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="create_user"){ + return this.CreateUser ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipeline_name"){ + return this.PipelineName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="next_step_id"){ + return this.NextStepId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="step_description"){ + return this.StepDescription ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="launch_time"){ + return this.LaunchTime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="percentageComplete"){ + return this.Percentagecomplete ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="jobID"){ + return this.Jobid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="wrk_workflowData_id"){ + return this.WrkWorkflowdataId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="executionEnvironment"){ + this.Executionenvironment=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("executionEnvironment")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Executionenvironment ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Executionenvironment!=undefined){ + this.Executionenvironment.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Executionenvironment= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Executionenvironment= instanciateObject("wrk:abstractExecutionEnvironment");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Executionenvironment.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Executionenvironment.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments"){ + this.Comments=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="details"){ + this.Details=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="justification"){ + this.Justification=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="src"){ + this.Src=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + this.Type=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="category"){ + this.Category=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="data_type"){ + this.DataType=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ExternalID"){ + this.Externalid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="current_step_launch_time"){ + this.CurrentStepLaunchTime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="current_step_id"){ + this.CurrentStepId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="status"){ + this.Status=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="create_user"){ + this.CreateUser=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipeline_name"){ + this.PipelineName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="next_step_id"){ + this.NextStepId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="step_description"){ + this.StepDescription=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="launch_time"){ + this.LaunchTime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="percentageComplete"){ + this.Percentagecomplete=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="jobID"){ + this.Jobid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="wrk_workflowData_id"){ + this.WrkWorkflowdataId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="executionEnvironment"){ + this.setExecutionenvironment(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="executionEnvironment"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="executionEnvironment"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="comments"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="details"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="justification"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="src"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="type"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="category"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="data_type"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ExternalID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="current_step_launch_time"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="current_step_id"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="status"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="create_user"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="pipeline_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="next_step_id"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="step_description"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="launch_time"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="percentageComplete"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="jobID"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:Workflow"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</wrk:Workflow>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.WrkWorkflowdataId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="wrk_workflowData_id=\"" + this.WrkWorkflowdataId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Src!=null) + attTxt+=" src=\"" +this.Src +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Type!=null) + attTxt+=" type=\"" +this.Type +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Category!=null) + attTxt+=" category=\"" +this.Category +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.DataType!=null) + attTxt+=" data_type=\"" +this.DataType +"\""; + else attTxt+=" data_type=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + else attTxt+=" ID=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Externalid!=null) + attTxt+=" ExternalID=\"" +this.Externalid +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.CurrentStepLaunchTime!=null) + attTxt+=" current_step_launch_time=\"" +this.CurrentStepLaunchTime +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.CurrentStepId!=null) + attTxt+=" current_step_id=\"" +this.CurrentStepId +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Status!=null) + attTxt+=" status=\"" +this.Status +"\""; + else attTxt+=" status=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.CreateUser!=null) + attTxt+=" create_user=\"" +this.CreateUser +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.PipelineName!=null) + attTxt+=" pipeline_name=\"" +this.PipelineName +"\""; + else attTxt+=" pipeline_name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.NextStepId!=null) + attTxt+=" next_step_id=\"" +this.NextStepId +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.StepDescription!=null) + attTxt+=" step_description=\"" +this.StepDescription +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.LaunchTime!=null) + attTxt+=" launch_time=\"" +this.LaunchTime +"\""; + else attTxt+=" launch_time=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Percentagecomplete!=null) + attTxt+=" percentageComplete=\"" +this.Percentagecomplete +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Jobid!=null) + attTxt+=" jobID=\"" +this.Jobid +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Executionenvironment!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:executionEnvironment"; + xmlTxt+=this.Executionenvironment.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Executionenvironment.xsiType!="wrk:abstractExecutionEnvironment"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Executionenvironment.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Executionenvironment.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Executionenvironment.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:executionEnvironment>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if (this.Comments!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:comments"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Comments.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:comments>"; + } + if (this.Details!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:details"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Details.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:details>"; + } + if (this.Justification!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:justification"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Justification.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:justification>"; + } + if (this.Description!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:description"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Description.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:description>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.WrkWorkflowdataId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Executionenvironment!=null){ + if (this.Executionenvironment.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if (this.Comments!=null) return true; + if (this.Details!=null) return true; + if (this.Justification!=null) return true; + if (this.Description!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c30df84b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment.js @@ -0,0 +1,873 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment(){ +this.xsiType="wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnatExecutionEnvironment"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment','generated/wrk_abstractExecutionEnvironment.js'); + + this.Pipeline=null; + + + function getPipeline() { + return this.Pipeline; + } + this.getPipeline=getPipeline; + + + function setPipeline(v){ + this.Pipeline=v; + } + this.setPipeline=setPipeline; + + this.Xnatuser=null; + + + function getXnatuser() { + return this.Xnatuser; + } + this.getXnatuser=getXnatuser; + + + function setXnatuser(v){ + this.Xnatuser=v; + } + this.setXnatuser=setXnatuser; + + this.Host=null; + + + function getHost() { + return this.Host; + } + this.getHost=getHost; + + + function setHost(v){ + this.Host=v; + } + this.setHost=setHost; + + this.Startat=null; + + + function getStartat() { + return this.Startat; + } + this.getStartat=getStartat; + + + function setStartat(v){ + this.Startat=v; + } + this.setStartat=setStartat; + this.Parameters_parameter =new Array(); + + function getParameters_parameter() { + return this.Parameters_parameter; + } + this.getParameters_parameter=getParameters_parameter; + + + function addParameters_parameter(v){ + this.Parameters_parameter.push(v); + } + this.addParameters_parameter=addParameters_parameter; + this.Notify =new Array(); + + function getNotify() { + return this.Notify; + } + this.getNotify=getNotify; + + + function addNotify(v){ + this.Notify.push(v); + } + this.addNotify=addNotify; + + this.Datatype=null; + + + function getDatatype() { + return this.Datatype; + } + this.getDatatype=getDatatype; + + + function setDatatype(v){ + this.Datatype=v; + } + this.setDatatype=setDatatype; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Supressnotification=null; + + + function getSupressnotification() { + return this.Supressnotification; + } + this.getSupressnotification=getSupressnotification; + + + function setSupressnotification(v){ + this.Supressnotification=v; + } + this.setSupressnotification=setSupressnotification; + + + this.isSupressnotification=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Supressnotification==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Supressnotification=="1" || this.Supressnotification==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Log=null; + + + function getLog() { + return this.Log; + } + this.getLog=getLog; + + + function setLog(v){ + this.Log=v; + } + this.setLog=setLog; + + this.Catalogpath=null; + + + function getCatalogpath() { + return this.Catalogpath; + } + this.getCatalogpath=getCatalogpath; + + + function setCatalogpath(v){ + this.Catalogpath=v; + } + this.setCatalogpath=setCatalogpath; + + this.Parameterfile_xml=null; + + + function getParameterfile_xml() { + return this.Parameterfile_xml; + } + this.getParameterfile_xml=getParameterfile_xml; + + + function setParameterfile_xml(v){ + this.Parameterfile_xml=v; + } + this.setParameterfile_xml=setParameterfile_xml; + + this.Parameterfile_path=null; + + + function getParameterfile_path() { + return this.Parameterfile_path; + } + this.getParameterfile_path=getParameterfile_path; + + + function setParameterfile_path(v){ + this.Parameterfile_path=v; + } + this.setParameterfile_path=setParameterfile_path; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractExecutionEnvironment"){ + return this.Abstractexecutionenvironment ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractExecutionEnvironment")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(28); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractexecutionenvironment ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractexecutionenvironment!=undefined)return this.Abstractexecutionenvironment.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + return this.Pipeline ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnatuser"){ + return this.Xnatuser ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="host"){ + return this.Host ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="startAt"){ + return this.Startat ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + return this.Parameters_parameter ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/parameter")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_parameter ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_parameter.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_parameter[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_parameter[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_parameter; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="notify"){ + return this.Notify ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("notify")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(6); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Notify ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Notify.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Notify[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Notify[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Notify; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dataType"){ + return this.Datatype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="id"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="supressNotification"){ + return this.Supressnotification ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="log"){ + return this.Log ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="catalogPath"){ + return this.Catalogpath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameterFile/xml"){ + return this.Parameterfile_xml ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameterFile/path"){ + return this.Parameterfile_path ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractExecutionEnvironment"){ + this.Abstractexecutionenvironment=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractExecutionEnvironment")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(28); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractexecutionenvironment ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractexecutionenvironment!=undefined){ + this.Abstractexecutionenvironment.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Abstractexecutionenvironment= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Abstractexecutionenvironment= instanciateObject("wrk:abstractExecutionEnvironment");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Abstractexecutionenvironment.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Abstractexecutionenvironment.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + this.Pipeline=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnatuser"){ + this.Xnatuser=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="host"){ + this.Host=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="startAt"){ + this.Startat=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + this.Parameters_parameter=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/parameter")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_parameter ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_parameter.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_parameter[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_parameter[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_parameter; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter");//omUtils.js + } + this.addParameters_parameter(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="notify"){ + this.Notify=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("notify")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(6); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Notify ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Notify.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Notify[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Notify[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Notify; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify");//omUtils.js + } + this.addNotify(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dataType"){ + this.Datatype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="id"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="supressNotification"){ + this.Supressnotification=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="log"){ + this.Log=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="catalogPath"){ + this.Catalogpath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameterFile/xml"){ + this.Parameterfile_xml=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameterFile/path"){ + this.Parameterfile_path=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + this.addParameters_parameter(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="notify"){ + this.addNotify(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="notify"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="pipeline"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="xnatuser"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="host"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="startAt"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/parameter"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="notify"){ + return "field_inline_repeater"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dataType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="id"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="supressNotification"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="log"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="catalogPath"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameterFile/xml"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameterFile/path"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Pipeline!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:pipeline"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Pipeline.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:pipeline>"; + } + if (this.Xnatuser!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:xnatuser"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Xnatuser.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:xnatuser>"; + } + if (this.Host!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:host"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Host.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:host>"; + } + if (this.Startat!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:startAt"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Startat.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:startAt>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Parameters_parameter.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:parameters"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Parameters_parameterCOUNT=0;Parameters_parameterCOUNT<this.Parameters_parameter.length;Parameters_parameterCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<wrk:parameter"; + xmlTxt +=this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].xsiType!="wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_parameter[Parameters_parameterCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:parameter>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</wrk:parameters>"; + } + } + + for(var NotifyCOUNT=0;NotifyCOUNT<this.Notify.length;NotifyCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt+=this.Notify[NotifyCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + } + if (this.Datatype!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:dataType"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Datatype.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:dataType>"; + } + if (this.Id!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:id"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Id.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:id>"; + } + if (this.Supressnotification!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:supressNotification"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Supressnotification; + xmlTxt+="</wrk:supressNotification>"; + } + else{ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:supressNotification"; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Log!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:log"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Log.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:log>"; + } + if (this.Catalogpath!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:catalogPath"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Catalogpath.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:catalogPath>"; + } + var ParameterfileATT = "" + if (this.Parameterfile_path!=null) + ParameterfileATT+=" path=\"" + this.Parameterfile_path.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + if(this.Parameterfile_xml!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Parameterfile_path!=null) + att1++; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:parameterFile"; + xmlTxt+=ParameterfileATT; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Parameterfile_xml!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:xml"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameterfile_xml.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:xml>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</wrk:parameterFile>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Pipeline!=null) return true; + if (this.Xnatuser!=null) return true; + if (this.Host!=null) return true; + if (this.Startat!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_parameter.length>0)return true; + if(this.Notify.length>0) return true; + if (this.Datatype!=null) return true; + if (this.Id!=null) return true; + if (this.Supressnotification!=null) return true; + return true;//REQUIRED supressNotification + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc08c8d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify.js @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify(){ +this.xsiType="wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify"; + } + + this.Notify=null; + + + function getNotify() { + return this.Notify; + } + this.getNotify=getNotify; + + + function setNotify(v){ + this.Notify=v; + } + this.setNotify=setNotify; + + this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId=null; + + + function getWrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId() { + return this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId; + } + this.getWrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId=getWrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId; + + + function setWrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId(v){ + this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId=v; + } + this.setWrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId=setWrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId; + + this.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk=null; + + + this.getwrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen=function() { + return this.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk; + } + + + this.setwrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen=function(v){ + this.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="notify"){ + return this.Notify ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify_id"){ + return this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen"){ + return this.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="notify"){ + this.Notify=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify_id"){ + this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen"){ + this.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="notify"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_notify_id=\"" + this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId + "\""; + } + if(this.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen=\"" + this.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Notify!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:notify"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Notify.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</wrk:notify>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentNotifyId!=null) return true; + if (this.wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Notify!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..79ebe672 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter(){ +this.xsiType="wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter"; + } + + this.Parameter=null; + + + function getParameter() { + return this.Parameter; + } + this.getParameter=getParameter; + + + function setParameter(v){ + this.Parameter=v; + } + this.setParameter=setParameter; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId=null; + + + function getWrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId() { + return this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId; + } + this.getWrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId=getWrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId; + + + function setWrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId(v){ + this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId=v; + } + this.setWrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId=setWrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId; + + this.parameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk=null; + + + this.getparameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen=function() { + return this.parameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk; + } + + + this.setparameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen=function(v){ + this.parameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="parameter"){ + return this.Parameter ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter_id"){ + return this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen"){ + return this.parameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="parameter"){ + this.Parameter=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter_id"){ + this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen"){ + this.parameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="parameter"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</wrk:xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="wrk_xnatExecutionEnvironment_parameter_id=\"" + this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId + "\""; + } + if(this.parameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="parameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen=\"" + this.parameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + else attTxt+=" name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Parameter!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Parameter.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.WrkXnatexecutionenvironmentParameterId!=null) return true; + if (this.parameters_parameter_wrk_xnatEx_wrk_abstractexecutionenvironmen_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Parameter!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_Search.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_Search.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0481aa75 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_Search.js @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_Search(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:Search"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "Search"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:Search"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xdat_stored_search','generated/xdat_stored_search.js'); + + this.Page=null; + + + function getPage() { + return this.Page; + } + this.getPage=getPage; + + + function setPage(v){ + this.Page=v; + } + this.setPage=setPage; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="stored_search"){ + return this.StoredSearch ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("stored_search")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.StoredSearch ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.StoredSearch!=undefined)return this.StoredSearch.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="page"){ + return this.Page ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="stored_search"){ + this.StoredSearch=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("stored_search")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.StoredSearch ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.StoredSearch!=undefined){ + this.StoredSearch.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.StoredSearch= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.StoredSearch= instanciateObject("xdat:stored_search");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.StoredSearch.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.StoredSearch.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="page"){ + this.Page=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="page"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:Search"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:Search>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + if (this.Page!=null) + attTxt+=" page=\"" +this.Page +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_access_log.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_access_log.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..263f437d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_access_log.js @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_access_log(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:access_log"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "access_log"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:access_log"; + } + + this.Login=null; + + + function getLogin() { + return this.Login; + } + this.getLogin=getLogin; + + + function setLogin(v){ + this.Login=v; + } + this.setLogin=setLogin; + + this.AccessDate=null; + + + function getAccessDate() { + return this.AccessDate; + } + this.getAccessDate=getAccessDate; + + + function setAccessDate(v){ + this.AccessDate=v; + } + this.setAccessDate=setAccessDate; + + this.Ip=null; + + + function getIp() { + return this.Ip; + } + this.getIp=getIp; + + + function setIp(v){ + this.Ip=v; + } + this.setIp=setIp; + + this.Method=null; + + + function getMethod() { + return this.Method; + } + this.getMethod=getMethod; + + + function setMethod(v){ + this.Method=v; + } + this.setMethod=setMethod; + + this.XdatAccessLogId=null; + + + function getXdatAccessLogId() { + return this.XdatAccessLogId; + } + this.getXdatAccessLogId=getXdatAccessLogId; + + + function setXdatAccessLogId(v){ + this.XdatAccessLogId=v; + } + this.setXdatAccessLogId=setXdatAccessLogId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="login"){ + return this.Login ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="access_date"){ + return this.AccessDate ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ip"){ + return this.Ip ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="method"){ + return this.Method ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_access_log_id"){ + return this.XdatAccessLogId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="login"){ + this.Login=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="access_date"){ + this.AccessDate=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ip"){ + this.Ip=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="method"){ + this.Method=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_access_log_id"){ + this.XdatAccessLogId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="login"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="access_date"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ip"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="method"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:access_log"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:access_log>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatAccessLogId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_access_log_id=\"" + this.XdatAccessLogId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Login!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:login"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Login.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:login>"; + } + if (this.AccessDate!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:access_date"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.AccessDate; + xmlTxt+="</xdat:access_date>"; + } + if (this.Ip!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:ip"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Ip.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:ip>"; + } + if (this.Method!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:method"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Method.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:method>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatAccessLogId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Login!=null) return true; + if (this.AccessDate!=null) return true; + if (this.Ip!=null) return true; + if (this.Method!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_action_type.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_action_type.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..72253b1a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_action_type.js @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_action_type(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:action_type"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "action_type"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:action_type"; + } + + this.ActionName=null; + + + function getActionName() { + return this.ActionName; + } + this.getActionName=getActionName; + + + function setActionName(v){ + this.ActionName=v; + } + this.setActionName=setActionName; + + this.DisplayName=null; + + + function getDisplayName() { + return this.DisplayName; + } + this.getDisplayName=getDisplayName; + + + function setDisplayName(v){ + this.DisplayName=v; + } + this.setDisplayName=setDisplayName; + + this.Sequence=null; + + + function getSequence() { + return this.Sequence; + } + this.getSequence=getSequence; + + + function setSequence(v){ + this.Sequence=v; + } + this.setSequence=setSequence; + + this.actions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk=null; + + + this.getactions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id=function() { + return this.actions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk; + } + + + this.setactions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id=function(v){ + this.actions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="action_name"){ + return this.ActionName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="display_name"){ + return this.DisplayName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return this.Sequence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="actions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id"){ + return this.actions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="action_name"){ + this.ActionName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="display_name"){ + this.DisplayName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + this.Sequence=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="actions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id"){ + this.actions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="action_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="display_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:action_type"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:action_type>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.actions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="actions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id=\"" + this.actions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.ActionName!=null) + attTxt+=" action_name=\"" +this.ActionName +"\""; + else attTxt+=" action_name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.DisplayName!=null) + attTxt+=" display_name=\"" +this.DisplayName +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Sequence!=null) + attTxt+=" sequence=\"" +this.Sequence +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.actions_action_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_change_info.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_change_info.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..502f0bbc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_change_info.js @@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_change_info(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:change_info"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "change_info"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:change_info"; + } + this.ChangeUser =null; + function getChangeUser() { + return this.ChangeUser; + } + this.getChangeUser=getChangeUser; + + + function setChangeUser(v){ + this.ChangeUser =v; + } + this.setChangeUser=setChangeUser; + + this.ChangeUser_ChangeUser=null; + + + function getChangeUser_ChangeUser(){ + return this.ChangeUser_ChangeUser; + } + this.getChangeUser_ChangeUser=getChangeUser_ChangeUser; + + + function setChangeUser_ChangeUser(v){ + this.ChangeUser_ChangeUser=v; + } + this.setChangeUser_ChangeUser=setChangeUser_ChangeUser; + + this.Comment=null; + + + function getComment() { + return this.Comment; + } + this.getComment=getComment; + + + function setComment(v){ + this.Comment=v; + } + this.setComment=setComment; + + this.ChangeDate=null; + + + function getChangeDate() { + return this.ChangeDate; + } + this.getChangeDate=getChangeDate; + + + function setChangeDate(v){ + this.ChangeDate=v; + } + this.setChangeDate=setChangeDate; + + this.EventId=null; + + + function getEventId() { + return this.EventId; + } + this.getEventId=getEventId; + + + function setEventId(v){ + this.EventId=v; + } + this.setEventId=setEventId; + + this.XdatChangeInfoId=null; + + + function getXdatChangeInfoId() { + return this.XdatChangeInfoId; + } + this.getXdatChangeInfoId=getXdatChangeInfoId; + + + function setXdatChangeInfoId(v){ + this.XdatChangeInfoId=v; + } + this.setXdatChangeInfoId=setXdatChangeInfoId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="change_user"){ + return this.ChangeUser ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("change_user")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(11); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ChangeUser ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.ChangeUser!=undefined)return this.ChangeUser.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comment"){ + return this.Comment ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="change_date"){ + return this.ChangeDate ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="event_id"){ + return this.EventId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_change_info_id"){ + return this.XdatChangeInfoId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="change_user"){ + this.ChangeUser=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("change_user")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(11); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ChangeUser ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.ChangeUser!=undefined){ + this.ChangeUser.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.ChangeUser= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.ChangeUser= instanciateObject("xdat:user");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.ChangeUser.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.ChangeUser.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="comment"){ + this.Comment=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="change_date"){ + this.ChangeDate=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="event_id"){ + this.EventId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_change_info_id"){ + this.XdatChangeInfoId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="change_user"){ + this.setChangeUser(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="change_user"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="change_user"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="comment"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="change_date"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="event_id"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="xdat_change_info_id"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:change_info"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:change_info>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.ChangeDate!=null) + attTxt+=" change_date=\"" +this.ChangeDate +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.EventId!=null) + attTxt+=" event_id=\"" +this.EventId +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.XdatChangeInfoId!=null) + attTxt+=" xdat_change_info_id=\"" +this.XdatChangeInfoId +"\""; + else attTxt+=" xdat_change_info_id=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.ChangeUser!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:change_user"; + xmlTxt+=this.ChangeUser.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.ChangeUser.xsiType!="xdat:user"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.ChangeUser.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.ChangeUser.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ChangeUser.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:change_user>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if (this.Comment!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:comment"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Comment.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:comment>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.ChangeUser!=null){ + if (this.ChangeUser.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if (this.Comment!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_criteria.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_criteria.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..829e52dc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_criteria.js @@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_criteria(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:criteria"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "criteria"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:criteria"; + } + + this.SchemaField=null; + + + function getSchemaField() { + return this.SchemaField; + } + this.getSchemaField=getSchemaField; + + + function setSchemaField(v){ + this.SchemaField=v; + } + this.setSchemaField=setSchemaField; + + this.ComparisonType=null; + + + function getComparisonType() { + return this.ComparisonType; + } + this.getComparisonType=getComparisonType; + + + function setComparisonType(v){ + this.ComparisonType=v; + } + this.setComparisonType=setComparisonType; + + this.CustomSearch=null; + + + function getCustomSearch() { + return this.CustomSearch; + } + this.getCustomSearch=getCustomSearch; + + + function setCustomSearch(v){ + this.CustomSearch=v; + } + this.setCustomSearch=setCustomSearch; + + this.Value=null; + + + function getValue() { + return this.Value; + } + this.getValue=getValue; + + + function setValue(v){ + this.Value=v; + } + this.setValue=setValue; + + this.OverrideValueFormatting=null; + + + function getOverrideValueFormatting() { + return this.OverrideValueFormatting; + } + this.getOverrideValueFormatting=getOverrideValueFormatting; + + + function setOverrideValueFormatting(v){ + this.OverrideValueFormatting=v; + } + this.setOverrideValueFormatting=setOverrideValueFormatting; + + + this.isOverrideValueFormatting=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.OverrideValueFormatting==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.OverrideValueFormatting=="1" || this.OverrideValueFormatting==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.XdatCriteriaId=null; + + + function getXdatCriteriaId() { + return this.XdatCriteriaId; + } + this.getXdatCriteriaId=getXdatCriteriaId; + + + function setXdatCriteriaId(v){ + this.XdatCriteriaId=v; + } + this.setXdatCriteriaId=setXdatCriteriaId; + + this.xdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id=function() { + return this.xdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id=function(v){ + this.xdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="schema_field"){ + return this.SchemaField ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comparison_type"){ + return this.ComparisonType ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="custom_search"){ + return this.CustomSearch ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="value"){ + return this.Value ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="override_value_formatting"){ + return this.OverrideValueFormatting ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_criteria_id"){ + return this.XdatCriteriaId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id"){ + return this.xdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="schema_field"){ + this.SchemaField=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comparison_type"){ + this.ComparisonType=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="custom_search"){ + this.CustomSearch=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="value"){ + this.Value=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="override_value_formatting"){ + this.OverrideValueFormatting=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_criteria_id"){ + this.XdatCriteriaId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id"){ + this.xdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="schema_field"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="comparison_type"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="custom_search"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="value"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="override_value_formatting"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:criteria"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:criteria>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatCriteriaId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_criteria_id=\"" + this.XdatCriteriaId + "\""; + } + if(this.xdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id=\"" + this.xdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.OverrideValueFormatting!=null) + attTxt+=" override_value_formatting=\"" +this.OverrideValueFormatting +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.SchemaField!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:schema_field"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.SchemaField.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:schema_field>"; + } + if (this.ComparisonType!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:comparison_type"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ComparisonType.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:comparison_type>"; + } + if (this.CustomSearch!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:custom_search"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.CustomSearch.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:custom_search>"; + } + if (this.Value!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:value"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Value.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:value>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatCriteriaId!=null) return true; + if (this.xdat_criteria_set_xdat_criteria_set_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.SchemaField!=null) return true; + if (this.ComparisonType!=null) return true; + if (this.CustomSearch!=null) return true; + if (this.Value!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_criteria_set.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_criteria_set.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..25e2bdf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_criteria_set.js @@ -0,0 +1,553 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_criteria_set(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:criteria_set"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "criteria_set"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:criteria_set"; + } + this.Criteria =new Array(); + + function getCriteria() { + return this.Criteria; + } + this.getCriteria=getCriteria; + + + function addCriteria(v){ + this.Criteria.push(v); + } + this.addCriteria=addCriteria; + this.ChildSet =new Array(); + + function getChildSet() { + return this.ChildSet; + } + this.getChildSet=getChildSet; + + + function addChildSet(v){ + this.ChildSet.push(v); + } + this.addChildSet=addChildSet; + + this.Method=null; + + + function getMethod() { + return this.Method; + } + this.getMethod=getMethod; + + + function setMethod(v){ + this.Method=v; + } + this.setMethod=setMethod; + + this.XdatCriteriaSetId=null; + + + function getXdatCriteriaSetId() { + return this.XdatCriteriaSetId; + } + this.getXdatCriteriaSetId=getXdatCriteriaSetId; + + + function setXdatCriteriaSetId(v){ + this.XdatCriteriaSetId=v; + } + this.setXdatCriteriaSetId=setXdatCriteriaSetId; + + this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxdat_stored_search_id=function() { + return this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxdat_stored_search_id=function(v){ + this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="criteria"){ + return this.Criteria ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("criteria")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Criteria ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Criteria.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Criteria[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Criteria[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Criteria; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="child_set"){ + return this.ChildSet ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("child_set")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(9); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ChildSet ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.ChildSet.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.ChildSet[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.ChildSet[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.ChildSet; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="method"){ + return this.Method ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_criteria_set_id"){ + return this.XdatCriteriaSetId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_stored_search_id"){ + return this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="criteria"){ + this.Criteria=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("criteria")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Criteria ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Criteria.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Criteria[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Criteria[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Criteria; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:criteria");//omUtils.js + } + this.addCriteria(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="child_set"){ + this.ChildSet=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("child_set")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(9); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ChildSet ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.ChildSet.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.ChildSet[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.ChildSet[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.ChildSet; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:criteria_set");//omUtils.js + } + this.addChildSet(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="method"){ + this.Method=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_criteria_set_id"){ + this.XdatCriteriaSetId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_stored_search_id"){ + this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="criteria"){ + this.addCriteria(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="child_set"){ + this.addChildSet(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="criteria"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="child_set"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="criteria"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="child_set"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="method"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:criteria_set"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:criteria_set>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatCriteriaSetId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_criteria_set_id=\"" + this.XdatCriteriaSetId + "\""; + } + if(this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_stored_search_id=\"" + this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Method!=null) + attTxt+=" method=\"" +this.Method +"\""; + else attTxt+=" method=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + for(var CriteriaCOUNT=0;CriteriaCOUNT<this.Criteria.length;CriteriaCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:criteria"; + xmlTxt +=this.Criteria[CriteriaCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Criteria[CriteriaCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:criteria"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Criteria[CriteriaCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Criteria[CriteriaCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Criteria[CriteriaCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:criteria>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + for(var ChildSetCOUNT=0;ChildSetCOUNT<this.ChildSet.length;ChildSetCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:child_set"; + xmlTxt +=this.ChildSet[ChildSetCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.ChildSet[ChildSetCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:criteria_set"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.ChildSet[ChildSetCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.ChildSet[ChildSetCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ChildSet[ChildSetCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:child_set>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatCriteriaSetId!=null) return true; + if (this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Criteria.length>0) return true; + if(this.ChildSet.length>0) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_access.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_access.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..777a3860 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_access.js @@ -0,0 +1,650 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_element_access(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:element_access"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "element_access"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:element_access"; + } + + this.SecondaryPassword=null; + + + function getSecondaryPassword() { + return this.SecondaryPassword; + } + this.getSecondaryPassword=getSecondaryPassword; + + + function setSecondaryPassword(v){ + this.SecondaryPassword=v; + } + this.setSecondaryPassword=setSecondaryPassword; + + this.SecondaryPassword_encrypt=null; + + + function getSecondaryPassword_encrypt() { + return this.SecondaryPassword_encrypt; + } + this.getSecondaryPassword_encrypt=getSecondaryPassword_encrypt; + + + function setSecondaryPassword_encrypt(v){ + this.SecondaryPassword_encrypt=v; + } + this.setSecondaryPassword_encrypt=setSecondaryPassword_encrypt; + + + this.isSecondaryPassword_encrypt=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.SecondaryPassword_encrypt==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.SecondaryPassword_encrypt=="1" || this.SecondaryPassword_encrypt==true)return true; + return false; + } + this.SecureIp =new Array(); + + function getSecureIp() { + return this.SecureIp; + } + this.getSecureIp=getSecureIp; + + + function addSecureIp(v){ + this.SecureIp.push(v); + } + this.addSecureIp=addSecureIp; + this.Permissions_allowSet =new Array(); + + function getPermissions_allowSet() { + return this.Permissions_allowSet; + } + this.getPermissions_allowSet=getPermissions_allowSet; + + + function addPermissions_allowSet(v){ + this.Permissions_allowSet.push(v); + } + this.addPermissions_allowSet=addPermissions_allowSet; + + this.ElementName=null; + + + function getElementName() { + return this.ElementName; + } + this.getElementName=getElementName; + + + function setElementName(v){ + this.ElementName=v; + } + this.setElementName=setElementName; + + this.XdatElementAccessId=null; + + + function getXdatElementAccessId() { + return this.XdatElementAccessId; + } + this.getXdatElementAccessId=getXdatElementAccessId; + + + function setXdatElementAccessId(v){ + this.XdatElementAccessId=v; + } + this.setXdatElementAccessId=setXdatElementAccessId; + + this.xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxdat_user_xdat_user_id=function() { + return this.xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxdat_user_xdat_user_id=function(v){ + this.xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk=v; + } + + this.xdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id=function() { + return this.xdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id=function(v){ + this.xdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="secondary_password"){ + return this.SecondaryPassword ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secondary_password/encrypt"){ + return this.SecondaryPassword_encrypt ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure_ip"){ + return this.SecureIp ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("secure_ip")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(9); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.SecureIp ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.SecureIp.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.SecureIp[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.SecureIp[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.SecureIp; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="permissions/allow_set"){ + return this.Permissions_allowSet ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("permissions/allow_set")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(21); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Permissions_allowSet ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Permissions_allowSet.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Permissions_allowSet[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Permissions_allowSet[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Permissions_allowSet; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_name"){ + return this.ElementName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_element_access_id"){ + return this.XdatElementAccessId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_user_xdat_user_id"){ + return this.xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id"){ + return this.xdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="secondary_password"){ + this.SecondaryPassword=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secondary_password/encrypt"){ + this.SecondaryPassword_encrypt=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure_ip"){ + this.SecureIp=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("secure_ip")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(9); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.SecureIp ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.SecureIp.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.SecureIp[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.SecureIp[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.SecureIp; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:element_access_secure_ip");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSecureIp(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="permissions/allow_set"){ + this.Permissions_allowSet=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("permissions/allow_set")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(21); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Permissions_allowSet ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Permissions_allowSet.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Permissions_allowSet[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Permissions_allowSet[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Permissions_allowSet; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:field_mapping_set");//omUtils.js + } + this.addPermissions_allowSet(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_name"){ + this.ElementName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_element_access_id"){ + this.XdatElementAccessId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_user_xdat_user_id"){ + this.xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id"){ + this.xdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="secure_ip"){ + this.addSecureIp(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="permissions/allow_set"){ + this.addPermissions_allowSet(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="secure_ip"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="permissions/allow_set"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="secondary_password"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secondary_password/encrypt"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secure_ip"){ + return "field_inline_repeater"; + }else if (xmlPath=="permissions/allow_set"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="element_name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:element_access"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:element_access>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatElementAccessId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_element_access_id=\"" + this.XdatElementAccessId + "\""; + } + if(this.xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_user_xdat_user_id=\"" + this.xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk + "\""; + } + if(this.xdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id=\"" + this.xdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.ElementName!=null) + attTxt+=" element_name=\"" +this.ElementName +"\""; + else attTxt+=" element_name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var SecondaryPasswordATT = "" + if (this.SecondaryPassword_encrypt!=null) + SecondaryPasswordATT+=" encrypt=\"" + this.SecondaryPassword_encrypt + "\""; + if (this.SecondaryPassword!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:secondary_password"; + xmlTxt+=SecondaryPasswordATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.SecondaryPassword.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:secondary_password>"; + } + else if(SecondaryPasswordATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:secondary_password"; + xmlTxt+=SecondaryPasswordATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + for(var SecureIpCOUNT=0;SecureIpCOUNT<this.SecureIp.length;SecureIpCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt+=this.SecureIp[SecureIpCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Permissions_allowSet.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:permissions"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Permissions_allowSetCOUNT=0;Permissions_allowSetCOUNT<this.Permissions_allowSet.length;Permissions_allowSetCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:allow_set"; + xmlTxt +=this.Permissions_allowSet[Permissions_allowSetCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Permissions_allowSet[Permissions_allowSetCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:field_mapping_set"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Permissions_allowSet[Permissions_allowSetCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Permissions_allowSet[Permissions_allowSetCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Permissions_allowSet[Permissions_allowSetCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:allow_set>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:permissions>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatElementAccessId!=null) return true; + if (this.xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk!=null) return true; + if (this.xdat_userGroup_xdat_usergroup_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.SecondaryPassword_encrypt!=null) + return true; + if (this.SecondaryPassword!=null) return true; + if(this.SecureIp.length>0) return true; + if(this.Permissions_allowSet.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_access_secure_ip.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_access_secure_ip.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4c93f84 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_access_secure_ip.js @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_element_access_secure_ip(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:element_access_secure_ip"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "element_access_secure_ip"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:element_access_secure_ip"; + } + + this.SecureIp=null; + + + function getSecureIp() { + return this.SecureIp; + } + this.getSecureIp=getSecureIp; + + + function setSecureIp(v){ + this.SecureIp=v; + } + this.setSecureIp=setSecureIp; + + this.XdatElementAccessSecureIpId=null; + + + function getXdatElementAccessSecureIpId() { + return this.XdatElementAccessSecureIpId; + } + this.getXdatElementAccessSecureIpId=getXdatElementAccessSecureIpId; + + + function setXdatElementAccessSecureIpId(v){ + this.XdatElementAccessSecureIpId=v; + } + this.setXdatElementAccessSecureIpId=setXdatElementAccessSecureIpId; + + this.xdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id=function() { + return this.xdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id=function(v){ + this.xdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="secure_ip"){ + return this.SecureIp ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_element_access_secure_ip_id"){ + return this.XdatElementAccessSecureIpId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id"){ + return this.xdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="secure_ip"){ + this.SecureIp=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_element_access_secure_ip_id"){ + this.XdatElementAccessSecureIpId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id"){ + this.xdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="secure_ip"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:element_access_secure_ip"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:element_access_secure_ip>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatElementAccessSecureIpId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_element_access_secure_ip_id=\"" + this.XdatElementAccessSecureIpId + "\""; + } + if(this.xdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id=\"" + this.xdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.SecureIp!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:secure_ip"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.SecureIp.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:secure_ip>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatElementAccessSecureIpId!=null) return true; + if (this.xdat_element_access_xdat_element_access_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.SecureIp!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_action_type.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_action_type.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..257b9abb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_action_type.js @@ -0,0 +1,409 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_element_action_type(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:element_action_type"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "element_action_type"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:element_action_type"; + } + + this.ElementActionName=null; + + + function getElementActionName() { + return this.ElementActionName; + } + this.getElementActionName=getElementActionName; + + + function setElementActionName(v){ + this.ElementActionName=v; + } + this.setElementActionName=setElementActionName; + + this.DisplayName=null; + + + function getDisplayName() { + return this.DisplayName; + } + this.getDisplayName=getDisplayName; + + + function setDisplayName(v){ + this.DisplayName=v; + } + this.setDisplayName=setDisplayName; + + this.Sequence=null; + + + function getSequence() { + return this.Sequence; + } + this.getSequence=getSequence; + + + function setSequence(v){ + this.Sequence=v; + } + this.setSequence=setSequence; + + this.Image=null; + + + function getImage() { + return this.Image; + } + this.getImage=getImage; + + + function setImage(v){ + this.Image=v; + } + this.setImage=setImage; + + this.Popup=null; + + + function getPopup() { + return this.Popup; + } + this.getPopup=getPopup; + + + function setPopup(v){ + this.Popup=v; + } + this.setPopup=setPopup; + + this.Secureaccess=null; + + + function getSecureaccess() { + return this.Secureaccess; + } + this.getSecureaccess=getSecureaccess; + + + function setSecureaccess(v){ + this.Secureaccess=v; + } + this.setSecureaccess=setSecureaccess; + + this.Securefeature=null; + + + function getSecurefeature() { + return this.Securefeature; + } + this.getSecurefeature=getSecurefeature; + + + function setSecurefeature(v){ + this.Securefeature=v; + } + this.setSecurefeature=setSecurefeature; + + this.Parameterstring=null; + + + function getParameterstring() { + return this.Parameterstring; + } + this.getParameterstring=getParameterstring; + + + function setParameterstring(v){ + this.Parameterstring=v; + } + this.setParameterstring=setParameterstring; + + this.Grouping=null; + + + function getGrouping() { + return this.Grouping; + } + this.getGrouping=getGrouping; + + + function setGrouping(v){ + this.Grouping=v; + } + this.setGrouping=setGrouping; + + this.XdatElementActionTypeId=null; + + + function getXdatElementActionTypeId() { + return this.XdatElementActionTypeId; + } + this.getXdatElementActionTypeId=getXdatElementActionTypeId; + + + function setXdatElementActionTypeId(v){ + this.XdatElementActionTypeId=v; + } + this.setXdatElementActionTypeId=setXdatElementActionTypeId; + + this.element_actions_element_action__element_name_fk=null; + + + this.getelement_actions_element_action__element_name=function() { + return this.element_actions_element_action__element_name_fk; + } + + + this.setelement_actions_element_action__element_name=function(v){ + this.element_actions_element_action__element_name_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="element_action_name"){ + return this.ElementActionName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="display_name"){ + return this.DisplayName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return this.Sequence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="image"){ + return this.Image ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="popup"){ + return this.Popup ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secureAccess"){ + return this.Secureaccess ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secureFeature"){ + return this.Securefeature ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameterString"){ + return this.Parameterstring ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="grouping"){ + return this.Grouping ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_element_action_type_id"){ + return this.XdatElementActionTypeId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_actions_element_action__element_name"){ + return this.element_actions_element_action__element_name_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="element_action_name"){ + this.ElementActionName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="display_name"){ + this.DisplayName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + this.Sequence=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="image"){ + this.Image=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="popup"){ + this.Popup=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secureAccess"){ + this.Secureaccess=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secureFeature"){ + this.Securefeature=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameterString"){ + this.Parameterstring=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="grouping"){ + this.Grouping=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_element_action_type_id"){ + this.XdatElementActionTypeId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_actions_element_action__element_name"){ + this.element_actions_element_action__element_name_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="element_action_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="display_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="image"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="popup"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secureAccess"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secureFeature"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameterString"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="grouping"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:element_action_type"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:element_action_type>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatElementActionTypeId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_element_action_type_id=\"" + this.XdatElementActionTypeId + "\""; + } + if(this.element_actions_element_action__element_name_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="element_actions_element_action__element_name=\"" + this.element_actions_element_action__element_name_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.ElementActionName!=null) + attTxt+=" element_action_name=\"" +this.ElementActionName +"\""; + else attTxt+=" element_action_name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.DisplayName!=null) + attTxt+=" display_name=\"" +this.DisplayName +"\""; + else attTxt+=" display_name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Sequence!=null) + attTxt+=" sequence=\"" +this.Sequence +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Image!=null) + attTxt+=" image=\"" +this.Image +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Popup!=null) + attTxt+=" popup=\"" +this.Popup +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Secureaccess!=null) + attTxt+=" secureAccess=\"" +this.Secureaccess +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Securefeature!=null) + attTxt+=" secureFeature=\"" +this.Securefeature +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Parameterstring!=null) + attTxt+=" parameterString=\"" +this.Parameterstring +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Grouping!=null) + attTxt+=" grouping=\"" +this.Grouping +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatElementActionTypeId!=null) return true; + if (this.element_actions_element_action__element_name_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_security.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_security.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1da0153d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_security.js @@ -0,0 +1,1292 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_element_security(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:element_security"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "element_security"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:element_security"; + } + this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField =new Array(); + + function getPrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField() { + return this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField; + } + this.getPrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField=getPrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField; + + + function addPrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField(v){ + this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField.push(v); + } + this.addPrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField=addPrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField; + this.ElementActions_elementAction =new Array(); + + function getElementActions_elementAction() { + return this.ElementActions_elementAction; + } + this.getElementActions_elementAction=getElementActions_elementAction; + + + function addElementActions_elementAction(v){ + this.ElementActions_elementAction.push(v); + } + this.addElementActions_elementAction=addElementActions_elementAction; + this.ListingActions_listingAction =new Array(); + + function getListingActions_listingAction() { + return this.ListingActions_listingAction; + } + this.getListingActions_listingAction=getListingActions_listingAction; + + + function addListingActions_listingAction(v){ + this.ListingActions_listingAction.push(v); + } + this.addListingActions_listingAction=addListingActions_listingAction; + + this.ElementName=null; + + + function getElementName() { + return this.ElementName; + } + this.getElementName=getElementName; + + + function setElementName(v){ + this.ElementName=v; + } + this.setElementName=setElementName; + + this.SecondaryPassword=null; + + + function getSecondaryPassword() { + return this.SecondaryPassword; + } + this.getSecondaryPassword=getSecondaryPassword; + + + function setSecondaryPassword(v){ + this.SecondaryPassword=v; + } + this.setSecondaryPassword=setSecondaryPassword; + + + this.isSecondaryPassword=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.SecondaryPassword==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.SecondaryPassword=="1" || this.SecondaryPassword==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.SecureIp=null; + + + function getSecureIp() { + return this.SecureIp; + } + this.getSecureIp=getSecureIp; + + + function setSecureIp(v){ + this.SecureIp=v; + } + this.setSecureIp=setSecureIp; + + + this.isSecureIp=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.SecureIp==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.SecureIp=="1" || this.SecureIp==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Secure=null; + + + function getSecure() { + return this.Secure; + } + this.getSecure=getSecure; + + + function setSecure(v){ + this.Secure=v; + } + this.setSecure=setSecure; + + + this.isSecure=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Secure==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Secure=="1" || this.Secure==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Browse=null; + + + function getBrowse() { + return this.Browse; + } + this.getBrowse=getBrowse; + + + function setBrowse(v){ + this.Browse=v; + } + this.setBrowse=setBrowse; + + + this.isBrowse=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Browse==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Browse=="1" || this.Browse==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Sequence=null; + + + function getSequence() { + return this.Sequence; + } + this.getSequence=getSequence; + + + function setSequence(v){ + this.Sequence=v; + } + this.setSequence=setSequence; + + this.Quarantine=null; + + + function getQuarantine() { + return this.Quarantine; + } + this.getQuarantine=getQuarantine; + + + function setQuarantine(v){ + this.Quarantine=v; + } + this.setQuarantine=setQuarantine; + + + this.isQuarantine=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Quarantine==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Quarantine=="1" || this.Quarantine==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.PreLoad=null; + + + function getPreLoad() { + return this.PreLoad; + } + this.getPreLoad=getPreLoad; + + + function setPreLoad(v){ + this.PreLoad=v; + } + this.setPreLoad=setPreLoad; + + + this.isPreLoad=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.PreLoad==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.PreLoad=="1" || this.PreLoad==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Searchable=null; + + + function getSearchable() { + return this.Searchable; + } + this.getSearchable=getSearchable; + + + function setSearchable(v){ + this.Searchable=v; + } + this.setSearchable=setSearchable; + + + this.isSearchable=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Searchable==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Searchable=="1" || this.Searchable==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.SecureRead=null; + + + function getSecureRead() { + return this.SecureRead; + } + this.getSecureRead=getSecureRead; + + + function setSecureRead(v){ + this.SecureRead=v; + } + this.setSecureRead=setSecureRead; + + + this.isSecureRead=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.SecureRead==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.SecureRead=="1" || this.SecureRead==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.SecureEdit=null; + + + function getSecureEdit() { + return this.SecureEdit; + } + this.getSecureEdit=getSecureEdit; + + + function setSecureEdit(v){ + this.SecureEdit=v; + } + this.setSecureEdit=setSecureEdit; + + + this.isSecureEdit=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.SecureEdit==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.SecureEdit=="1" || this.SecureEdit==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.SecureCreate=null; + + + function getSecureCreate() { + return this.SecureCreate; + } + this.getSecureCreate=getSecureCreate; + + + function setSecureCreate(v){ + this.SecureCreate=v; + } + this.setSecureCreate=setSecureCreate; + + + this.isSecureCreate=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.SecureCreate==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.SecureCreate=="1" || this.SecureCreate==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.SecureDelete=null; + + + function getSecureDelete() { + return this.SecureDelete; + } + this.getSecureDelete=getSecureDelete; + + + function setSecureDelete(v){ + this.SecureDelete=v; + } + this.setSecureDelete=setSecureDelete; + + + this.isSecureDelete=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.SecureDelete==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.SecureDelete=="1" || this.SecureDelete==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Accessible=null; + + + function getAccessible() { + return this.Accessible; + } + this.getAccessible=getAccessible; + + + function setAccessible(v){ + this.Accessible=v; + } + this.setAccessible=setAccessible; + + + this.isAccessible=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Accessible==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Accessible=="1" || this.Accessible==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Usage=null; + + + function getUsage() { + return this.Usage; + } + this.getUsage=getUsage; + + + function setUsage(v){ + this.Usage=v; + } + this.setUsage=setUsage; + + this.Singular=null; + + + function getSingular() { + return this.Singular; + } + this.getSingular=getSingular; + + + function setSingular(v){ + this.Singular=v; + } + this.setSingular=setSingular; + + this.Plural=null; + + + function getPlural() { + return this.Plural; + } + this.getPlural=getPlural; + + + function setPlural(v){ + this.Plural=v; + } + this.setPlural=setPlural; + + this.Category=null; + + + function getCategory() { + return this.Category; + } + this.getCategory=getCategory; + + + function setCategory(v){ + this.Category=v; + } + this.setCategory=setCategory; + + this.Code=null; + + + function getCode() { + return this.Code; + } + this.getCode=getCode; + + + function setCode(v){ + this.Code=v; + } + this.setCode=setCode; + + this.element_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id_fk=null; + + + this.getelement_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id=function() { + return this.element_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id_fk; + } + + + this.setelement_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id=function(v){ + this.element_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="primary_security_fields/primary_security_field"){ + return this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("primary_security_fields/primary_security_field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(46); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_actions/element_action"){ + return this.ElementActions_elementAction ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("element_actions/element_action")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(30); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ElementActions_elementAction ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.ElementActions_elementAction.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.ElementActions_elementAction[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.ElementActions_elementAction[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.ElementActions_elementAction; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="listing_actions/listing_action"){ + return this.ListingActions_listingAction ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("listing_actions/listing_action")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(30); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ListingActions_listingAction ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.ListingActions_listingAction.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.ListingActions_listingAction[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.ListingActions_listingAction[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.ListingActions_listingAction; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_name"){ + return this.ElementName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secondary_password"){ + return this.SecondaryPassword ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure_ip"){ + return this.SecureIp ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure"){ + return this.Secure ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="browse"){ + return this.Browse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return this.Sequence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="quarantine"){ + return this.Quarantine ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pre_load"){ + return this.PreLoad ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="searchable"){ + return this.Searchable ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure_read"){ + return this.SecureRead ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure_edit"){ + return this.SecureEdit ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure_create"){ + return this.SecureCreate ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure_delete"){ + return this.SecureDelete ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="accessible"){ + return this.Accessible ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="usage"){ + return this.Usage ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="singular"){ + return this.Singular ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="plural"){ + return this.Plural ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="category"){ + return this.Category ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="code"){ + return this.Code ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id"){ + return this.element_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="primary_security_fields/primary_security_field"){ + this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("primary_security_fields/primary_security_field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(46); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:primary_security_field");//omUtils.js + } + this.addPrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_actions/element_action"){ + this.ElementActions_elementAction=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("element_actions/element_action")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(30); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ElementActions_elementAction ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.ElementActions_elementAction.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.ElementActions_elementAction[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.ElementActions_elementAction[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.ElementActions_elementAction; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:element_action_type");//omUtils.js + } + this.addElementActions_elementAction(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="listing_actions/listing_action"){ + this.ListingActions_listingAction=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("listing_actions/listing_action")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(30); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ListingActions_listingAction ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.ListingActions_listingAction.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.ListingActions_listingAction[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.ListingActions_listingAction[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.ListingActions_listingAction; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:element_security_listing_action");//omUtils.js + } + this.addListingActions_listingAction(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_name"){ + this.ElementName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secondary_password"){ + this.SecondaryPassword=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure_ip"){ + this.SecureIp=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure"){ + this.Secure=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="browse"){ + this.Browse=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + this.Sequence=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="quarantine"){ + this.Quarantine=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pre_load"){ + this.PreLoad=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="searchable"){ + this.Searchable=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure_read"){ + this.SecureRead=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure_edit"){ + this.SecureEdit=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure_create"){ + this.SecureCreate=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure_delete"){ + this.SecureDelete=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="accessible"){ + this.Accessible=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="usage"){ + this.Usage=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="singular"){ + this.Singular=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="plural"){ + this.Plural=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="category"){ + this.Category=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="code"){ + this.Code=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id"){ + this.element_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="primary_security_fields/primary_security_field"){ + this.addPrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="element_actions/element_action"){ + this.addElementActions_elementAction(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="listing_actions/listing_action"){ + this.addListingActions_listingAction(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="primary_security_fields/primary_security_field"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="element_actions/element_action"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="listing_actions/listing_action"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="primary_security_fields/primary_security_field"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="element_actions/element_action"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="listing_actions/listing_action"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="element_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secondary_password"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secure_ip"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secure"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="browse"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="quarantine"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="pre_load"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="searchable"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secure_read"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secure_edit"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secure_create"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secure_delete"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="accessible"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="usage"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="singular"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="plural"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="category"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="code"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:element_security"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:element_security>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.element_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="element_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id=\"" + this.element_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.ElementName!=null) + attTxt+=" element_name=\"" +this.ElementName +"\""; + else attTxt+=" element_name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SecondaryPassword!=null) + attTxt+=" secondary_password=\"" +this.SecondaryPassword +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SecureIp!=null) + attTxt+=" secure_ip=\"" +this.SecureIp +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Secure!=null) + attTxt+=" secure=\"" +this.Secure +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Browse!=null) + attTxt+=" browse=\"" +this.Browse +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Sequence!=null) + attTxt+=" sequence=\"" +this.Sequence +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Quarantine!=null) + attTxt+=" quarantine=\"" +this.Quarantine +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.PreLoad!=null) + attTxt+=" pre_load=\"" +this.PreLoad +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Searchable!=null) + attTxt+=" searchable=\"" +this.Searchable +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SecureRead!=null) + attTxt+=" secure_read=\"" +this.SecureRead +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SecureEdit!=null) + attTxt+=" secure_edit=\"" +this.SecureEdit +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SecureCreate!=null) + attTxt+=" secure_create=\"" +this.SecureCreate +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SecureDelete!=null) + attTxt+=" secure_delete=\"" +this.SecureDelete +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Accessible!=null) + attTxt+=" accessible=\"" +this.Accessible +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Usage!=null) + attTxt+=" usage=\"" +this.Usage +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Singular!=null) + attTxt+=" singular=\"" +this.Singular +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Plural!=null) + attTxt+=" plural=\"" +this.Plural +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Category!=null) + attTxt+=" category=\"" +this.Category +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Code!=null) + attTxt+=" code=\"" +this.Code +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:primary_security_fields"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityFieldCOUNT=0;PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityFieldCOUNT<this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField.length;PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityFieldCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:primary_security_field"; + xmlTxt +=this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField[PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityFieldCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField[PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityFieldCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:primary_security_field"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField[PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityFieldCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField[PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityFieldCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField[PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityFieldCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:primary_security_field>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:primary_security_fields>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.ElementActions_elementAction.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:element_actions"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var ElementActions_elementActionCOUNT=0;ElementActions_elementActionCOUNT<this.ElementActions_elementAction.length;ElementActions_elementActionCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:element_action"; + xmlTxt +=this.ElementActions_elementAction[ElementActions_elementActionCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.ElementActions_elementAction[ElementActions_elementActionCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:element_action_type"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.ElementActions_elementAction[ElementActions_elementActionCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.ElementActions_elementAction[ElementActions_elementActionCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ElementActions_elementAction[ElementActions_elementActionCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:element_action>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:element_actions>"; + } + } + + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.ListingActions_listingAction.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:listing_actions"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var ListingActions_listingActionCOUNT=0;ListingActions_listingActionCOUNT<this.ListingActions_listingAction.length;ListingActions_listingActionCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:listing_action"; + xmlTxt +=this.ListingActions_listingAction[ListingActions_listingActionCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.ListingActions_listingAction[ListingActions_listingActionCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:element_security_listing_action"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.ListingActions_listingAction[ListingActions_listingActionCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.ListingActions_listingAction[ListingActions_listingActionCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ListingActions_listingAction[ListingActions_listingActionCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:listing_action>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:listing_actions>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.element_security_set_element_se_xdat_security_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.PrimarySecurityFields_primarySecurityField.length>0)return true; + if(this.ElementActions_elementAction.length>0)return true; + if(this.ListingActions_listingAction.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_security_listing_action.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_security_listing_action.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b33a3a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_element_security_listing_action.js @@ -0,0 +1,383 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_element_security_listing_action(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:element_security_listing_action"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "element_security_listing_action"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:element_security_listing_action"; + } + + this.ElementActionName=null; + + + function getElementActionName() { + return this.ElementActionName; + } + this.getElementActionName=getElementActionName; + + + function setElementActionName(v){ + this.ElementActionName=v; + } + this.setElementActionName=setElementActionName; + + this.DisplayName=null; + + + function getDisplayName() { + return this.DisplayName; + } + this.getDisplayName=getDisplayName; + + + function setDisplayName(v){ + this.DisplayName=v; + } + this.setDisplayName=setDisplayName; + + this.Sequence=null; + + + function getSequence() { + return this.Sequence; + } + this.getSequence=getSequence; + + + function setSequence(v){ + this.Sequence=v; + } + this.setSequence=setSequence; + + this.Image=null; + + + function getImage() { + return this.Image; + } + this.getImage=getImage; + + + function setImage(v){ + this.Image=v; + } + this.setImage=setImage; + + this.Popup=null; + + + function getPopup() { + return this.Popup; + } + this.getPopup=getPopup; + + + function setPopup(v){ + this.Popup=v; + } + this.setPopup=setPopup; + + this.Secureaccess=null; + + + function getSecureaccess() { + return this.Secureaccess; + } + this.getSecureaccess=getSecureaccess; + + + function setSecureaccess(v){ + this.Secureaccess=v; + } + this.setSecureaccess=setSecureaccess; + + this.Securefeature=null; + + + function getSecurefeature() { + return this.Securefeature; + } + this.getSecurefeature=getSecurefeature; + + + function setSecurefeature(v){ + this.Securefeature=v; + } + this.setSecurefeature=setSecurefeature; + + this.Parameterstring=null; + + + function getParameterstring() { + return this.Parameterstring; + } + this.getParameterstring=getParameterstring; + + + function setParameterstring(v){ + this.Parameterstring=v; + } + this.setParameterstring=setParameterstring; + + this.XdatElementSecurityListingActionId=null; + + + function getXdatElementSecurityListingActionId() { + return this.XdatElementSecurityListingActionId; + } + this.getXdatElementSecurityListingActionId=getXdatElementSecurityListingActionId; + + + function setXdatElementSecurityListingActionId(v){ + this.XdatElementSecurityListingActionId=v; + } + this.setXdatElementSecurityListingActionId=setXdatElementSecurityListingActionId; + + this.listing_actions_listing_action__element_name_fk=null; + + + this.getlisting_actions_listing_action__element_name=function() { + return this.listing_actions_listing_action__element_name_fk; + } + + + this.setlisting_actions_listing_action__element_name=function(v){ + this.listing_actions_listing_action__element_name_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="element_action_name"){ + return this.ElementActionName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="display_name"){ + return this.DisplayName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return this.Sequence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="image"){ + return this.Image ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="popup"){ + return this.Popup ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secureAccess"){ + return this.Secureaccess ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secureFeature"){ + return this.Securefeature ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameterString"){ + return this.Parameterstring ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_element_security_listing_action_id"){ + return this.XdatElementSecurityListingActionId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="listing_actions_listing_action__element_name"){ + return this.listing_actions_listing_action__element_name_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="element_action_name"){ + this.ElementActionName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="display_name"){ + this.DisplayName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + this.Sequence=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="image"){ + this.Image=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="popup"){ + this.Popup=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secureAccess"){ + this.Secureaccess=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secureFeature"){ + this.Securefeature=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameterString"){ + this.Parameterstring=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_element_security_listing_action_id"){ + this.XdatElementSecurityListingActionId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="listing_actions_listing_action__element_name"){ + this.listing_actions_listing_action__element_name_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="element_action_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="display_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="image"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="popup"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secureAccess"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secureFeature"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameterString"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:element_security_listing_action"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:element_security_listing_action>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatElementSecurityListingActionId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_element_security_listing_action_id=\"" + this.XdatElementSecurityListingActionId + "\""; + } + if(this.listing_actions_listing_action__element_name_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="listing_actions_listing_action__element_name=\"" + this.listing_actions_listing_action__element_name_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.ElementActionName!=null) + attTxt+=" element_action_name=\"" +this.ElementActionName +"\""; + else attTxt+=" element_action_name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.DisplayName!=null) + attTxt+=" display_name=\"" +this.DisplayName +"\""; + else attTxt+=" display_name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Sequence!=null) + attTxt+=" sequence=\"" +this.Sequence +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Image!=null) + attTxt+=" image=\"" +this.Image +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Popup!=null) + attTxt+=" popup=\"" +this.Popup +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Secureaccess!=null) + attTxt+=" secureAccess=\"" +this.Secureaccess +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Securefeature!=null) + attTxt+=" secureFeature=\"" +this.Securefeature +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Parameterstring!=null) + attTxt+=" parameterString=\"" +this.Parameterstring +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatElementSecurityListingActionId!=null) return true; + if (this.listing_actions_listing_action__element_name_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_field_mapping.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_field_mapping.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e1f29603 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_field_mapping.js @@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_field_mapping(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:field_mapping"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "field_mapping"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:field_mapping"; + } + + this.Field=null; + + + function getField() { + return this.Field; + } + this.getField=getField; + + + function setField(v){ + this.Field=v; + } + this.setField=setField; + + this.FieldValue=null; + + + function getFieldValue() { + return this.FieldValue; + } + this.getFieldValue=getFieldValue; + + + function setFieldValue(v){ + this.FieldValue=v; + } + this.setFieldValue=setFieldValue; + + this.CreateElement=null; + + + function getCreateElement() { + return this.CreateElement; + } + this.getCreateElement=getCreateElement; + + + function setCreateElement(v){ + this.CreateElement=v; + } + this.setCreateElement=setCreateElement; + + + this.isCreateElement=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.CreateElement==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.CreateElement=="1" || this.CreateElement==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.ReadElement=null; + + + function getReadElement() { + return this.ReadElement; + } + this.getReadElement=getReadElement; + + + function setReadElement(v){ + this.ReadElement=v; + } + this.setReadElement=setReadElement; + + + this.isReadElement=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.ReadElement==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.ReadElement=="1" || this.ReadElement==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.EditElement=null; + + + function getEditElement() { + return this.EditElement; + } + this.getEditElement=getEditElement; + + + function setEditElement(v){ + this.EditElement=v; + } + this.setEditElement=setEditElement; + + + this.isEditElement=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.EditElement==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.EditElement=="1" || this.EditElement==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.DeleteElement=null; + + + function getDeleteElement() { + return this.DeleteElement; + } + this.getDeleteElement=getDeleteElement; + + + function setDeleteElement(v){ + this.DeleteElement=v; + } + this.setDeleteElement=setDeleteElement; + + + this.isDeleteElement=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.DeleteElement==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.DeleteElement=="1" || this.DeleteElement==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.ActiveElement=null; + + + function getActiveElement() { + return this.ActiveElement; + } + this.getActiveElement=getActiveElement; + + + function setActiveElement(v){ + this.ActiveElement=v; + } + this.setActiveElement=setActiveElement; + + + this.isActiveElement=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.ActiveElement==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.ActiveElement=="1" || this.ActiveElement==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.ComparisonType=null; + + + function getComparisonType() { + return this.ComparisonType; + } + this.getComparisonType=getComparisonType; + + + function setComparisonType(v){ + this.ComparisonType=v; + } + this.setComparisonType=setComparisonType; + + this.XdatFieldMappingId=null; + + + function getXdatFieldMappingId() { + return this.XdatFieldMappingId; + } + this.getXdatFieldMappingId=getXdatFieldMappingId; + + + function setXdatFieldMappingId(v){ + this.XdatFieldMappingId=v; + } + this.setXdatFieldMappingId=setXdatFieldMappingId; + + this.xdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id=function() { + return this.xdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id=function(v){ + this.xdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="field"){ + return this.Field ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="field_value"){ + return this.FieldValue ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="create_element"){ + return this.CreateElement ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="read_element"){ + return this.ReadElement ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="edit_element"){ + return this.EditElement ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="delete_element"){ + return this.DeleteElement ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="active_element"){ + return this.ActiveElement ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comparison_type"){ + return this.ComparisonType ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_field_mapping_id"){ + return this.XdatFieldMappingId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id"){ + return this.xdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="field"){ + this.Field=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="field_value"){ + this.FieldValue=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="create_element"){ + this.CreateElement=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="read_element"){ + this.ReadElement=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="edit_element"){ + this.EditElement=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="delete_element"){ + this.DeleteElement=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="active_element"){ + this.ActiveElement=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comparison_type"){ + this.ComparisonType=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_field_mapping_id"){ + this.XdatFieldMappingId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id"){ + this.xdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="field"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="field_value"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="create_element"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="read_element"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="edit_element"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="delete_element"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="active_element"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="comparison_type"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:field_mapping"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:field_mapping>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatFieldMappingId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_field_mapping_id=\"" + this.XdatFieldMappingId + "\""; + } + if(this.xdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id=\"" + this.xdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Field!=null) + attTxt+=" field=\"" +this.Field +"\""; + else attTxt+=" field=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.FieldValue!=null) + attTxt+=" field_value=\"" +this.FieldValue +"\""; + else attTxt+=" field_value=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.CreateElement!=null) + attTxt+=" create_element=\"" +this.CreateElement +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.ReadElement!=null) + attTxt+=" read_element=\"" +this.ReadElement +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.EditElement!=null) + attTxt+=" edit_element=\"" +this.EditElement +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.DeleteElement!=null) + attTxt+=" delete_element=\"" +this.DeleteElement +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.ActiveElement!=null) + attTxt+=" active_element=\"" +this.ActiveElement +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.ComparisonType!=null) + attTxt+=" comparison_type=\"" +this.ComparisonType +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatFieldMappingId!=null) return true; + if (this.xdat_field_mapping_set_xdat_field_mapping_set_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_field_mapping_set.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_field_mapping_set.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a42f6f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_field_mapping_set.js @@ -0,0 +1,553 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_field_mapping_set(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:field_mapping_set"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "field_mapping_set"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:field_mapping_set"; + } + this.Allow =new Array(); + + function getAllow() { + return this.Allow; + } + this.getAllow=getAllow; + + + function addAllow(v){ + this.Allow.push(v); + } + this.addAllow=addAllow; + this.SubSet =new Array(); + + function getSubSet() { + return this.SubSet; + } + this.getSubSet=getSubSet; + + + function addSubSet(v){ + this.SubSet.push(v); + } + this.addSubSet=addSubSet; + + this.Method=null; + + + function getMethod() { + return this.Method; + } + this.getMethod=getMethod; + + + function setMethod(v){ + this.Method=v; + } + this.setMethod=setMethod; + + this.XdatFieldMappingSetId=null; + + + function getXdatFieldMappingSetId() { + return this.XdatFieldMappingSetId; + } + this.getXdatFieldMappingSetId=getXdatFieldMappingSetId; + + + function setXdatFieldMappingSetId(v){ + this.XdatFieldMappingSetId=v; + } + this.setXdatFieldMappingSetId=setXdatFieldMappingSetId; + + this.permissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id_fk=null; + + + this.getpermissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id=function() { + return this.permissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id_fk; + } + + + this.setpermissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id=function(v){ + this.permissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="allow"){ + return this.Allow ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("allow")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(5); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Allow ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Allow.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Allow[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Allow[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Allow; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="sub_set"){ + return this.SubSet ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sub_set")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(7); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.SubSet ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.SubSet.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.SubSet[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.SubSet[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.SubSet; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="method"){ + return this.Method ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_field_mapping_set_id"){ + return this.XdatFieldMappingSetId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="permissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id"){ + return this.permissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="allow"){ + this.Allow=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("allow")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(5); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Allow ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Allow.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Allow[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Allow[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Allow; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:field_mapping");//omUtils.js + } + this.addAllow(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="sub_set"){ + this.SubSet=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sub_set")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(7); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.SubSet ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.SubSet.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.SubSet[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.SubSet[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.SubSet; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:field_mapping_set");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSubSet(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="method"){ + this.Method=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_field_mapping_set_id"){ + this.XdatFieldMappingSetId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="permissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id"){ + this.permissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="allow"){ + this.addAllow(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="sub_set"){ + this.addSubSet(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="allow"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="sub_set"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="allow"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sub_set"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="method"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:field_mapping_set"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:field_mapping_set>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatFieldMappingSetId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_field_mapping_set_id=\"" + this.XdatFieldMappingSetId + "\""; + } + if(this.permissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="permissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id=\"" + this.permissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Method!=null) + attTxt+=" method=\"" +this.Method +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + for(var AllowCOUNT=0;AllowCOUNT<this.Allow.length;AllowCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:allow"; + xmlTxt +=this.Allow[AllowCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Allow[AllowCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:field_mapping"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Allow[AllowCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Allow[AllowCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Allow[AllowCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:allow>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + for(var SubSetCOUNT=0;SubSetCOUNT<this.SubSet.length;SubSetCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:sub_set"; + xmlTxt +=this.SubSet[SubSetCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.SubSet[SubSetCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:field_mapping_set"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.SubSet[SubSetCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.SubSet[SubSetCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.SubSet[SubSetCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:sub_set>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatFieldMappingSetId!=null) return true; + if (this.permissions_allow_set_xdat_elem_xdat_element_access_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Allow.length>0) return true; + if(this.SubSet.length>0) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_infoEntry.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_infoEntry.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aafec5a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_infoEntry.js @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_infoEntry(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:infoEntry"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "infoEntry"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:infoEntry"; + } + + this.Date=null; + + + function getDate() { + return this.Date; + } + this.getDate=getDate; + + + function setDate(v){ + this.Date=v; + } + this.setDate=setDate; + + this.Title=null; + + + function getTitle() { + return this.Title; + } + this.getTitle=getTitle; + + + function setTitle(v){ + this.Title=v; + } + this.setTitle=setTitle; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.Link=null; + + + function getLink() { + return this.Link; + } + this.getLink=getLink; + + + function setLink(v){ + this.Link=v; + } + this.setLink=setLink; + + this.XdatInfoentryId=null; + + + function getXdatInfoentryId() { + return this.XdatInfoentryId; + } + this.getXdatInfoentryId=getXdatInfoentryId; + + + function setXdatInfoentryId(v){ + this.XdatInfoentryId=v; + } + this.setXdatInfoentryId=setXdatInfoentryId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="date"){ + return this.Date ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="title"){ + return this.Title ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="link"){ + return this.Link ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_infoEntry_id"){ + return this.XdatInfoentryId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="date"){ + this.Date=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="title"){ + this.Title=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="link"){ + this.Link=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_infoEntry_id"){ + this.XdatInfoentryId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="date"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="title"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="link"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:Info"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:Info>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatInfoentryId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_infoEntry_id=\"" + this.XdatInfoentryId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Date!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:date"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Date; + xmlTxt+="</xdat:date>"; + } + if (this.Title!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:title"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Title.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:title>"; + } + if (this.Description!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:description"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Description.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:description>"; + } + if (this.Link!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:link"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Link.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:link>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatInfoentryId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Date!=null) return true; + if (this.Title!=null) return true; + if (this.Description!=null) return true; + if (this.Link!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_newsEntry.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_newsEntry.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3934e2cf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_newsEntry.js @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_newsEntry(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:newsEntry"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "newsEntry"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:newsEntry"; + } + + this.Date=null; + + + function getDate() { + return this.Date; + } + this.getDate=getDate; + + + function setDate(v){ + this.Date=v; + } + this.setDate=setDate; + + this.Title=null; + + + function getTitle() { + return this.Title; + } + this.getTitle=getTitle; + + + function setTitle(v){ + this.Title=v; + } + this.setTitle=setTitle; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.Link=null; + + + function getLink() { + return this.Link; + } + this.getLink=getLink; + + + function setLink(v){ + this.Link=v; + } + this.setLink=setLink; + + this.XdatNewsentryId=null; + + + function getXdatNewsentryId() { + return this.XdatNewsentryId; + } + this.getXdatNewsentryId=getXdatNewsentryId; + + + function setXdatNewsentryId(v){ + this.XdatNewsentryId=v; + } + this.setXdatNewsentryId=setXdatNewsentryId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="date"){ + return this.Date ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="title"){ + return this.Title ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="link"){ + return this.Link ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_newsEntry_id"){ + return this.XdatNewsentryId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="date"){ + this.Date=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="title"){ + this.Title=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="link"){ + this.Link=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_newsEntry_id"){ + this.XdatNewsentryId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="date"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="title"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="link"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:News"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:News>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatNewsentryId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_newsEntry_id=\"" + this.XdatNewsentryId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Date!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:date"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Date; + xmlTxt+="</xdat:date>"; + } + if (this.Title!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:title"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Title.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:title>"; + } + if (this.Description!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:description"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Description.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:description>"; + } + if (this.Link!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:link"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Link.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:link>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatNewsentryId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Date!=null) return true; + if (this.Title!=null) return true; + if (this.Description!=null) return true; + if (this.Link!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_primary_security_field.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_primary_security_field.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a5ce9a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_primary_security_field.js @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_primary_security_field(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:primary_security_field"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "primary_security_field"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:primary_security_field"; + } + + this.PrimarySecurityField=null; + + + function getPrimarySecurityField() { + return this.PrimarySecurityField; + } + this.getPrimarySecurityField=getPrimarySecurityField; + + + function setPrimarySecurityField(v){ + this.PrimarySecurityField=v; + } + this.setPrimarySecurityField=setPrimarySecurityField; + + this.XdatPrimarySecurityFieldId=null; + + + function getXdatPrimarySecurityFieldId() { + return this.XdatPrimarySecurityFieldId; + } + this.getXdatPrimarySecurityFieldId=getXdatPrimarySecurityFieldId; + + + function setXdatPrimarySecurityFieldId(v){ + this.XdatPrimarySecurityFieldId=v; + } + this.setXdatPrimarySecurityFieldId=setXdatPrimarySecurityFieldId; + + this.primary_security_fields_primary_element_name_fk=null; + + + this.getprimary_security_fields_primary_element_name=function() { + return this.primary_security_fields_primary_element_name_fk; + } + + + this.setprimary_security_fields_primary_element_name=function(v){ + this.primary_security_fields_primary_element_name_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="primary_security_field"){ + return this.PrimarySecurityField ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_primary_security_field_id"){ + return this.XdatPrimarySecurityFieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="primary_security_fields_primary_element_name"){ + return this.primary_security_fields_primary_element_name_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="primary_security_field"){ + this.PrimarySecurityField=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_primary_security_field_id"){ + this.XdatPrimarySecurityFieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="primary_security_fields_primary_element_name"){ + this.primary_security_fields_primary_element_name_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="primary_security_field"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:primary_security_field"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:primary_security_field>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatPrimarySecurityFieldId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_primary_security_field_id=\"" + this.XdatPrimarySecurityFieldId + "\""; + } + if(this.primary_security_fields_primary_element_name_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="primary_security_fields_primary_element_name=\"" + this.primary_security_fields_primary_element_name_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.PrimarySecurityField!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.PrimarySecurityField.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatPrimarySecurityFieldId!=null) return true; + if (this.primary_security_fields_primary_element_name_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.PrimarySecurityField!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_role_type.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_role_type.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..15eb92ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_role_type.js @@ -0,0 +1,420 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_role_type(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:role_type"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "role_type"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:role_type"; + } + this.AllowedActions_allowedAction =new Array(); + + function getAllowedActions_allowedAction() { + return this.AllowedActions_allowedAction; + } + this.getAllowedActions_allowedAction=getAllowedActions_allowedAction; + + + function addAllowedActions_allowedAction(v){ + this.AllowedActions_allowedAction.push(v); + } + this.addAllowedActions_allowedAction=addAllowedActions_allowedAction; + + this.RoleName=null; + + + function getRoleName() { + return this.RoleName; + } + this.getRoleName=getRoleName; + + + function setRoleName(v){ + this.RoleName=v; + } + this.setRoleName=setRoleName; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.Sequence=null; + + + function getSequence() { + return this.Sequence; + } + this.getSequence=getSequence; + + + function setSequence(v){ + this.Sequence=v; + } + this.setSequence=setSequence; + + this.roles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk=null; + + + this.getroles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id=function() { + return this.roles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk; + } + + + this.setroles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id=function(v){ + this.roles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="allowed_actions/allowed_action"){ + return this.AllowedActions_allowedAction ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("allowed_actions/allowed_action")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(30); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.AllowedActions_allowedAction ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.AllowedActions_allowedAction.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.AllowedActions_allowedAction[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.AllowedActions_allowedAction[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.AllowedActions_allowedAction; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="role_name"){ + return this.RoleName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return this.Sequence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="roles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id"){ + return this.roles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="allowed_actions/allowed_action"){ + this.AllowedActions_allowedAction=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("allowed_actions/allowed_action")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(30); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.AllowedActions_allowedAction ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.AllowedActions_allowedAction.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.AllowedActions_allowedAction[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.AllowedActions_allowedAction[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.AllowedActions_allowedAction; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:action_type");//omUtils.js + } + this.addAllowedActions_allowedAction(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="role_name"){ + this.RoleName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + this.Sequence=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="roles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id"){ + this.roles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="allowed_actions/allowed_action"){ + this.addAllowedActions_allowedAction(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="allowed_actions/allowed_action"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="allowed_actions/allowed_action"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="role_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:role_type"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:role_type>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.roles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="roles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id=\"" + this.roles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.RoleName!=null) + attTxt+=" role_name=\"" +this.RoleName +"\""; + else attTxt+=" role_name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Sequence!=null) + attTxt+=" sequence=\"" +this.Sequence +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.AllowedActions_allowedAction.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:allowed_actions"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var AllowedActions_allowedActionCOUNT=0;AllowedActions_allowedActionCOUNT<this.AllowedActions_allowedAction.length;AllowedActions_allowedActionCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:allowed_action"; + xmlTxt +=this.AllowedActions_allowedAction[AllowedActions_allowedActionCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.AllowedActions_allowedAction[AllowedActions_allowedActionCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:action_type"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.AllowedActions_allowedAction[AllowedActions_allowedActionCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.AllowedActions_allowedAction[AllowedActions_allowedActionCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.AllowedActions_allowedAction[AllowedActions_allowedActionCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:allowed_action>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:allowed_actions>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.roles_role_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.AllowedActions_allowedAction.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_search_field.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_search_field.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..407f8f30 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_search_field.js @@ -0,0 +1,383 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_search_field(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:search_field"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "search_field"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:search_field"; + } + + this.ElementName=null; + + + function getElementName() { + return this.ElementName; + } + this.getElementName=getElementName; + + + function setElementName(v){ + this.ElementName=v; + } + this.setElementName=setElementName; + + this.FieldId=null; + + + function getFieldId() { + return this.FieldId; + } + this.getFieldId=getFieldId; + + + function setFieldId(v){ + this.FieldId=v; + } + this.setFieldId=setFieldId; + + this.Sequence=null; + + + function getSequence() { + return this.Sequence; + } + this.getSequence=getSequence; + + + function setSequence(v){ + this.Sequence=v; + } + this.setSequence=setSequence; + + this.Type=null; + + + function getType() { + return this.Type; + } + this.getType=getType; + + + function setType(v){ + this.Type=v; + } + this.setType=setType; + + this.Header=null; + + + function getHeader() { + return this.Header; + } + this.getHeader=getHeader; + + + function setHeader(v){ + this.Header=v; + } + this.setHeader=setHeader; + + this.Value=null; + + + function getValue() { + return this.Value; + } + this.getValue=getValue; + + + function setValue(v){ + this.Value=v; + } + this.setValue=setValue; + + this.Visible=null; + + + function getVisible() { + return this.Visible; + } + this.getVisible=getVisible; + + + function setVisible(v){ + this.Visible=v; + } + this.setVisible=setVisible; + + + this.isVisible=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Visible==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Visible=="1" || this.Visible==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.XdatSearchFieldId=null; + + + function getXdatSearchFieldId() { + return this.XdatSearchFieldId; + } + this.getXdatSearchFieldId=getXdatSearchFieldId; + + + function setXdatSearchFieldId(v){ + this.XdatSearchFieldId=v; + } + this.setXdatSearchFieldId=setXdatSearchFieldId; + + this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxdat_stored_search_id=function() { + return this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxdat_stored_search_id=function(v){ + this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="element_name"){ + return this.ElementName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="field_ID"){ + return this.FieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return this.Sequence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + return this.Type ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="header"){ + return this.Header ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="value"){ + return this.Value ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="visible"){ + return this.Visible ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_search_field_id"){ + return this.XdatSearchFieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_stored_search_id"){ + return this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="element_name"){ + this.ElementName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="field_ID"){ + this.FieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + this.Sequence=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + this.Type=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="header"){ + this.Header=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="value"){ + this.Value=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="visible"){ + this.Visible=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_search_field_id"){ + this.XdatSearchFieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_stored_search_id"){ + this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="element_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="field_ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="type"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="header"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="value"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="visible"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:search_field"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:search_field>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatSearchFieldId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_search_field_id=\"" + this.XdatSearchFieldId + "\""; + } + if(this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_stored_search_id=\"" + this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Visible!=null) + attTxt+=" visible=\"" +this.Visible +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.ElementName!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:element_name"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ElementName.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:element_name>"; + } + if (this.FieldId!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:field_ID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.FieldId.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:field_ID>"; + } + if (this.Sequence!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:sequence"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Sequence; + xmlTxt+="</xdat:sequence>"; + } + else{ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:sequence"; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Type!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:type"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Type.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:type>"; + } + if (this.Header!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:header"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Header.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:header>"; + } + if (this.Value!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:value"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Value.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:value>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatSearchFieldId!=null) return true; + if (this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.ElementName!=null) return true; + if (this.FieldId!=null) return true; + if (this.Sequence!=null) return true; + return true;//REQUIRED sequence + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_security.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_security.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f7fb573c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_security.js @@ -0,0 +1,1365 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_security(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:security"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "security"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:security"; + } + this.Groups_group =new Array(); + + function getGroups_group() { + return this.Groups_group; + } + this.getGroups_group=getGroups_group; + + + function addGroups_group(v){ + this.Groups_group.push(v); + } + this.addGroups_group=addGroups_group; + this.Users_user =new Array(); + + function getUsers_user() { + return this.Users_user; + } + this.getUsers_user=getUsers_user; + + + function addUsers_user(v){ + this.Users_user.push(v); + } + this.addUsers_user=addUsers_user; + this.Roles_role =new Array(); + + function getRoles_role() { + return this.Roles_role; + } + this.getRoles_role=getRoles_role; + + + function addRoles_role(v){ + this.Roles_role.push(v); + } + this.addRoles_role=addRoles_role; + this.Actions_action =new Array(); + + function getActions_action() { + return this.Actions_action; + } + this.getActions_action=getActions_action; + + + function addActions_action(v){ + this.Actions_action.push(v); + } + this.addActions_action=addActions_action; + this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity =new Array(); + + function getElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity() { + return this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity; + } + this.getElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity=getElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity; + + + function addElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity(v){ + this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity.push(v); + } + this.addElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity=addElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity; + this.Newslist_news =null; + function getNewslist_news() { + return this.Newslist_news; + } + this.getNewslist_news=getNewslist_news; + + + function setNewslist_news(v){ + this.Newslist_news =v; + } + this.setNewslist_news=setNewslist_news; + + this.Newslist_news_NewslistNewsXdatNewsentryId=null; + + + function getNewslist_news_NewslistNewsXdatNewsentryId(){ + return this.Newslist_news_NewslistNewsXdatNewsentryId; + } + this.getNewslist_news_NewslistNewsXdatNewsentryId=getNewslist_news_NewslistNewsXdatNewsentryId; + + + function setNewslist_news_NewslistNewsXdatNewsentryId(v){ + this.Newslist_news_NewslistNewsXdatNewsentryId=v; + } + this.setNewslist_news_NewslistNewsXdatNewsentryId=setNewslist_news_NewslistNewsXdatNewsentryId; + this.Infolist_info =null; + function getInfolist_info() { + return this.Infolist_info; + } + this.getInfolist_info=getInfolist_info; + + + function setInfolist_info(v){ + this.Infolist_info =v; + } + this.setInfolist_info=setInfolist_info; + + this.Infolist_info_InfolistInfoXdatInfoentryId=null; + + + function getInfolist_info_InfolistInfoXdatInfoentryId(){ + return this.Infolist_info_InfolistInfoXdatInfoentryId; + } + this.getInfolist_info_InfolistInfoXdatInfoentryId=getInfolist_info_InfolistInfoXdatInfoentryId; + + + function setInfolist_info_InfolistInfoXdatInfoentryId(v){ + this.Infolist_info_InfolistInfoXdatInfoentryId=v; + } + this.setInfolist_info_InfolistInfoXdatInfoentryId=setInfolist_info_InfolistInfoXdatInfoentryId; + + this.System=null; + + + function getSystem() { + return this.System; + } + this.getSystem=getSystem; + + + function setSystem(v){ + this.System=v; + } + this.setSystem=setSystem; + + this.RequireLogin=null; + + + function getRequireLogin() { + return this.RequireLogin; + } + this.getRequireLogin=getRequireLogin; + + + function setRequireLogin(v){ + this.RequireLogin=v; + } + this.setRequireLogin=setRequireLogin; + + + this.isRequireLogin=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.RequireLogin==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.RequireLogin=="1" || this.RequireLogin==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.XdatSecurityId=null; + + + function getXdatSecurityId() { + return this.XdatSecurityId; + } + this.getXdatSecurityId=getXdatSecurityId; + + + function setXdatSecurityId(v){ + this.XdatSecurityId=v; + } + this.setXdatSecurityId=setXdatSecurityId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="groups/group"){ + return this.Groups_group ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("groups/group")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Groups_group ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Groups_group.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Groups_group[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Groups_group[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Groups_group; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="users/user"){ + return this.Users_user ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("users/user")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Users_user ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Users_user.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Users_user[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Users_user[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Users_user; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="roles/role"){ + return this.Roles_role ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("roles/role")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Roles_role ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Roles_role.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Roles_role[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Roles_role[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Roles_role; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="actions/action"){ + return this.Actions_action ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("actions/action")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Actions_action ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Actions_action.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Actions_action[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Actions_action[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Actions_action; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_security_set/element_security"){ + return this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("element_security_set/element_security")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(37); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="newsList/news"){ + return this.Newslist_news ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("newsList/news")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Newslist_news ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Newslist_news!=undefined)return this.Newslist_news.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="infoList/info"){ + return this.Infolist_info ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("infoList/info")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Infolist_info ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Infolist_info!=undefined)return this.Infolist_info.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="system"){ + return this.System ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="require_login"){ + return this.RequireLogin ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_security_id"){ + return this.XdatSecurityId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="groups/group"){ + this.Groups_group=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("groups/group")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Groups_group ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Groups_group.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Groups_group[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Groups_group[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Groups_group; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:userGroup");//omUtils.js + } + this.addGroups_group(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="users/user"){ + this.Users_user=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("users/user")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Users_user ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Users_user.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Users_user[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Users_user[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Users_user; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:user");//omUtils.js + } + this.addUsers_user(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="roles/role"){ + this.Roles_role=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("roles/role")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Roles_role ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Roles_role.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Roles_role[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Roles_role[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Roles_role; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:role_type");//omUtils.js + } + this.addRoles_role(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="actions/action"){ + this.Actions_action=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("actions/action")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Actions_action ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Actions_action.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Actions_action[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Actions_action[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Actions_action; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:action_type");//omUtils.js + } + this.addActions_action(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_security_set/element_security"){ + this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("element_security_set/element_security")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(37); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:element_security");//omUtils.js + } + this.addElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="newsList/news"){ + this.Newslist_news=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("newsList/news")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Newslist_news ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Newslist_news!=undefined){ + this.Newslist_news.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Newslist_news= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Newslist_news= instanciateObject("xdat:newsEntry");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Newslist_news.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Newslist_news.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="infoList/info"){ + this.Infolist_info=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("infoList/info")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Infolist_info ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Infolist_info!=undefined){ + this.Infolist_info.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Infolist_info= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Infolist_info= instanciateObject("xdat:infoEntry");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Infolist_info.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Infolist_info.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="system"){ + this.System=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="require_login"){ + this.RequireLogin=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_security_id"){ + this.XdatSecurityId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="groups/group"){ + this.addGroups_group(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="users/user"){ + this.addUsers_user(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="roles/role"){ + this.addRoles_role(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="actions/action"){ + this.addActions_action(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="element_security_set/element_security"){ + this.addElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="newsList/news"){ + this.setNewslist_news(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="infoList/info"){ + this.setInfolist_info(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="groups/group"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="users/user"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="roles/role"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="actions/action"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="element_security_set/element_security"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="newsList/news"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="infoList/info"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="groups/group"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="users/user"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="roles/role"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="actions/action"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="element_security_set/element_security"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="newsList/news"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="infoList/info"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="system"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="require_login"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:security"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:security>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatSecurityId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_security_id=\"" + this.XdatSecurityId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.System!=null) + attTxt+=" system=\"" +this.System +"\""; + else attTxt+=" system=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.RequireLogin!=null) + attTxt+=" require_login=\"" +this.RequireLogin +"\""; + else attTxt+=" require_login=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Groups_group.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:groups"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Groups_groupCOUNT=0;Groups_groupCOUNT<this.Groups_group.length;Groups_groupCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:group"; + xmlTxt +=this.Groups_group[Groups_groupCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Groups_group[Groups_groupCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:userGroup"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Groups_group[Groups_groupCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Groups_group[Groups_groupCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Groups_group[Groups_groupCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:group>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:groups>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Users_user.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:users"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Users_userCOUNT=0;Users_userCOUNT<this.Users_user.length;Users_userCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:user"; + xmlTxt +=this.Users_user[Users_userCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Users_user[Users_userCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:user"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Users_user[Users_userCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Users_user[Users_userCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Users_user[Users_userCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:user>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:users>"; + } + } + + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.Roles_role.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:roles"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Roles_roleCOUNT=0;Roles_roleCOUNT<this.Roles_role.length;Roles_roleCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:role"; + xmlTxt +=this.Roles_role[Roles_roleCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Roles_role[Roles_roleCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:role_type"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Roles_role[Roles_roleCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Roles_role[Roles_roleCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Roles_role[Roles_roleCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:role>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:roles>"; + } + } + + var child3=0; + var att3=0; + child3+=this.Actions_action.length; + if(child3>0 || att3>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:actions"; + if(child3==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Actions_actionCOUNT=0;Actions_actionCOUNT<this.Actions_action.length;Actions_actionCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:action"; + xmlTxt +=this.Actions_action[Actions_actionCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Actions_action[Actions_actionCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:action_type"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Actions_action[Actions_actionCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Actions_action[Actions_actionCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Actions_action[Actions_actionCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:action>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:actions>"; + } + } + + var child4=0; + var att4=0; + child4+=this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity.length; + if(child4>0 || att4>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:element_security_set"; + if(child4==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurityCOUNT=0;ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurityCOUNT<this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity.length;ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurityCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:element_security"; + xmlTxt +=this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity[ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurityCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity[ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurityCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:element_security"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity[ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurityCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity[ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurityCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity[ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurityCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:element_security>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:element_security_set>"; + } + } + + var child5=0; + var att5=0; + if(this.Newslist_news!=null) + child5++; + if(child5>0 || att5>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:newsList"; + if(child5==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Newslist_news!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:news"; + xmlTxt+=this.Newslist_news.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Newslist_news.xsiType!="xdat:newsEntry"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Newslist_news.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Newslist_news.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Newslist_news.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:news>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:newsList>"; + } + } + + var child6=0; + var att6=0; + if(this.Infolist_info!=null) + child6++; + if(child6>0 || att6>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:infoList"; + if(child6==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Infolist_info!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:info"; + xmlTxt+=this.Infolist_info.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Infolist_info.xsiType!="xdat:infoEntry"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Infolist_info.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Infolist_info.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Infolist_info.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:info>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:infoList>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatSecurityId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Groups_group.length>0)return true; + if(this.Users_user.length>0)return true; + if(this.Roles_role.length>0)return true; + if(this.Actions_action.length>0)return true; + if(this.ElementSecuritySet_elementSecurity.length>0)return true; + if(this.Newslist_news!=null) return true; + if(this.Infolist_info!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_stored_search.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_stored_search.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2793a350 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_stored_search.js @@ -0,0 +1,1130 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_stored_search(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:stored_search"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "stored_search"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:stored_search"; + } + + this.RootElementName=null; + + + function getRootElementName() { + return this.RootElementName; + } + this.getRootElementName=getRootElementName; + + + function setRootElementName(v){ + this.RootElementName=v; + } + this.setRootElementName=setRootElementName; + this.SearchField =new Array(); + + function getSearchField() { + return this.SearchField; + } + this.getSearchField=getSearchField; + + + function addSearchField(v){ + this.SearchField.push(v); + } + this.addSearchField=addSearchField; + this.SearchWhere =new Array(); + + function getSearchWhere() { + return this.SearchWhere; + } + this.getSearchWhere=getSearchWhere; + + + function addSearchWhere(v){ + this.SearchWhere.push(v); + } + this.addSearchWhere=addSearchWhere; + + this.SortBy_elementName=null; + + + function getSortBy_elementName() { + return this.SortBy_elementName; + } + this.getSortBy_elementName=getSortBy_elementName; + + + function setSortBy_elementName(v){ + this.SortBy_elementName=v; + } + this.setSortBy_elementName=setSortBy_elementName; + + this.SortBy_fieldId=null; + + + function getSortBy_fieldId() { + return this.SortBy_fieldId; + } + this.getSortBy_fieldId=getSortBy_fieldId; + + + function setSortBy_fieldId(v){ + this.SortBy_fieldId=v; + } + this.setSortBy_fieldId=setSortBy_fieldId; + this.AllowedUser =new Array(); + + function getAllowedUser() { + return this.AllowedUser; + } + this.getAllowedUser=getAllowedUser; + + + function addAllowedUser(v){ + this.AllowedUser.push(v); + } + this.addAllowedUser=addAllowedUser; + this.AllowedGroups_groupid =new Array(); + + function getAllowedGroups_groupid() { + return this.AllowedGroups_groupid; + } + this.getAllowedGroups_groupid=getAllowedGroups_groupid; + + + function addAllowedGroups_groupid(v){ + this.AllowedGroups_groupid.push(v); + } + this.addAllowedGroups_groupid=addAllowedGroups_groupid; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.Layeredsequence=null; + + + function getLayeredsequence() { + return this.Layeredsequence; + } + this.getLayeredsequence=getLayeredsequence; + + + function setLayeredsequence(v){ + this.Layeredsequence=v; + } + this.setLayeredsequence=setLayeredsequence; + + this.AllowDiffColumns=null; + + + function getAllowDiffColumns() { + return this.AllowDiffColumns; + } + this.getAllowDiffColumns=getAllowDiffColumns; + + + function setAllowDiffColumns(v){ + this.AllowDiffColumns=v; + } + this.setAllowDiffColumns=setAllowDiffColumns; + + + this.isAllowDiffColumns=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.AllowDiffColumns==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.AllowDiffColumns=="1" || this.AllowDiffColumns==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Secure=null; + + + function getSecure() { + return this.Secure; + } + this.getSecure=getSecure; + + + function setSecure(v){ + this.Secure=v; + } + this.setSecure=setSecure; + + + this.isSecure=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Secure==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Secure=="1" || this.Secure==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.BriefDescription=null; + + + function getBriefDescription() { + return this.BriefDescription; + } + this.getBriefDescription=getBriefDescription; + + + function setBriefDescription(v){ + this.BriefDescription=v; + } + this.setBriefDescription=setBriefDescription; + + this.Tag=null; + + + function getTag() { + return this.Tag; + } + this.getTag=getTag; + + + function setTag(v){ + this.Tag=v; + } + this.setTag=setTag; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="root_element_name"){ + return this.RootElementName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="search_field"){ + return this.SearchField ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("search_field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.SearchField ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.SearchField.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.SearchField[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.SearchField[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.SearchField; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="search_where"){ + return this.SearchWhere ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("search_where")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.SearchWhere ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.SearchWhere.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.SearchWhere[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.SearchWhere[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.SearchWhere; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="sort_by/element_name"){ + return this.SortBy_elementName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sort_by/field_ID"){ + return this.SortBy_fieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="allowed_user"){ + return this.AllowedUser ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("allowed_user")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.AllowedUser ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.AllowedUser.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.AllowedUser[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.AllowedUser[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.AllowedUser; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="allowed_groups/groupID"){ + return this.AllowedGroups_groupid ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("allowed_groups/groupID")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(22); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.AllowedGroups_groupid ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.AllowedGroups_groupid.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.AllowedGroups_groupid[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.AllowedGroups_groupid[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.AllowedGroups_groupid; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="layeredSequence"){ + return this.Layeredsequence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="allow-diff-columns"){ + return this.AllowDiffColumns ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure"){ + return this.Secure ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="brief-description"){ + return this.BriefDescription ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tag"){ + return this.Tag ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="root_element_name"){ + this.RootElementName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="search_field"){ + this.SearchField=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("search_field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.SearchField ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.SearchField.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.SearchField[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.SearchField[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.SearchField; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:search_field");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSearchField(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="search_where"){ + this.SearchWhere=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("search_where")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.SearchWhere ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.SearchWhere.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.SearchWhere[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.SearchWhere[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.SearchWhere; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:criteria_set");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSearchWhere(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="sort_by/element_name"){ + this.SortBy_elementName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sort_by/field_ID"){ + this.SortBy_fieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="allowed_user"){ + this.AllowedUser=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("allowed_user")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.AllowedUser ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.AllowedUser.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.AllowedUser[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.AllowedUser[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.AllowedUser; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:stored_search_allowed_user");//omUtils.js + } + this.addAllowedUser(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="allowed_groups/groupID"){ + this.AllowedGroups_groupid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("allowed_groups/groupID")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(22); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.AllowedGroups_groupid ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.AllowedGroups_groupid.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.AllowedGroups_groupid[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.AllowedGroups_groupid[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.AllowedGroups_groupid; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:stored_search_groupID");//omUtils.js + } + this.addAllowedGroups_groupid(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="layeredSequence"){ + this.Layeredsequence=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="allow-diff-columns"){ + this.AllowDiffColumns=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secure"){ + this.Secure=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="brief-description"){ + this.BriefDescription=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tag"){ + this.Tag=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="search_field"){ + this.addSearchField(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="search_where"){ + this.addSearchWhere(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="allowed_user"){ + this.addAllowedUser(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="allowed_groups/groupID"){ + this.addAllowedGroups_groupid(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="search_field"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="search_where"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="allowed_user"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="allowed_groups/groupID"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="root_element_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="search_field"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="search_where"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sort_by/element_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sort_by/field_ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="allowed_user"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="allowed_groups/groupID"){ + return "field_inline_repeater"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="layeredSequence"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="allow-diff-columns"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secure"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="brief-description"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tag"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:bundle"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:bundle>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + else attTxt+=" ID=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Layeredsequence!=null) + attTxt+=" layeredSequence=\"" +this.Layeredsequence +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.AllowDiffColumns!=null) + attTxt+=" allow-diff-columns=\"" +this.AllowDiffColumns +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Secure!=null) + attTxt+=" secure=\"" +this.Secure +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.BriefDescription!=null) + attTxt+=" brief-description=\"" +this.BriefDescription +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Tag!=null) + attTxt+=" tag=\"" +this.Tag +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.RootElementName!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:root_element_name"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.RootElementName.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:root_element_name>"; + } + for(var SearchFieldCOUNT=0;SearchFieldCOUNT<this.SearchField.length;SearchFieldCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:search_field"; + xmlTxt +=this.SearchField[SearchFieldCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.SearchField[SearchFieldCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:search_field"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.SearchField[SearchFieldCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.SearchField[SearchFieldCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.SearchField[SearchFieldCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:search_field>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + for(var SearchWhereCOUNT=0;SearchWhereCOUNT<this.SearchWhere.length;SearchWhereCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:search_where"; + xmlTxt +=this.SearchWhere[SearchWhereCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.SearchWhere[SearchWhereCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:criteria_set"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.SearchWhere[SearchWhereCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.SearchWhere[SearchWhereCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.SearchWhere[SearchWhereCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:search_where>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + if(this.SortBy_elementName!=null) + child0++; + if(this.SortBy_fieldId!=null) + child0++; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:sort_by"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.SortBy_elementName!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:element_name"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.SortBy_elementName.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:element_name>"; + } + if (this.SortBy_fieldId!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:field_ID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.SortBy_fieldId.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:field_ID>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:sort_by>"; + } + } + + for(var AllowedUserCOUNT=0;AllowedUserCOUNT<this.AllowedUser.length;AllowedUserCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:allowed_user"; + xmlTxt +=this.AllowedUser[AllowedUserCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.AllowedUser[AllowedUserCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:stored_search_allowed_user"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.AllowedUser[AllowedUserCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.AllowedUser[AllowedUserCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.AllowedUser[AllowedUserCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:allowed_user>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.AllowedGroups_groupid.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:allowed_groups"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var AllowedGroups_groupidCOUNT=0;AllowedGroups_groupidCOUNT<this.AllowedGroups_groupid.length;AllowedGroups_groupidCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt+=this.AllowedGroups_groupid[AllowedGroups_groupidCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:allowed_groups>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.RootElementName!=null) return true; + if(this.SearchField.length>0) return true; + if(this.SearchWhere.length>0) return true; + if(this.SortBy_elementName!=null) return true; + if(this.SortBy_fieldId!=null) return true; + if(this.AllowedUser.length>0) return true; + if(this.AllowedGroups_groupid.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_stored_search_allowed_user.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_stored_search_allowed_user.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..363db193 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_stored_search_allowed_user.js @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_stored_search_allowed_user(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:stored_search_allowed_user"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "stored_search_allowed_user"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:stored_search_allowed_user"; + } + + this.Login=null; + + + function getLogin() { + return this.Login; + } + this.getLogin=getLogin; + + + function setLogin(v){ + this.Login=v; + } + this.setLogin=setLogin; + + this.XdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId=null; + + + function getXdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId() { + return this.XdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId; + } + this.getXdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId=getXdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId; + + + function setXdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId(v){ + this.XdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId=v; + } + this.setXdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId=setXdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId; + + this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxdat_stored_search_id=function() { + return this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxdat_stored_search_id=function(v){ + this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="login"){ + return this.Login ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_stored_search_allowed_user_id"){ + return this.XdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_stored_search_id"){ + return this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="login"){ + this.Login=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_stored_search_allowed_user_id"){ + this.XdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_stored_search_id"){ + this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="login"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:stored_search_allowed_user"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:stored_search_allowed_user>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_stored_search_allowed_user_id=\"" + this.XdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId + "\""; + } + if(this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_stored_search_id=\"" + this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Login!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:login"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Login.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:login>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatStoredSearchAllowedUserId!=null) return true; + if (this.xdat_stored_search_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Login!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_stored_search_groupID.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_stored_search_groupID.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..95f3f57e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_stored_search_groupID.js @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_stored_search_groupID(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:stored_search_groupID"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "stored_search_groupID"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:stored_search_groupID"; + } + + this.Groupid=null; + + + function getGroupid() { + return this.Groupid; + } + this.getGroupid=getGroupid; + + + function setGroupid(v){ + this.Groupid=v; + } + this.setGroupid=setGroupid; + + this.XdatStoredSearchGroupidId=null; + + + function getXdatStoredSearchGroupidId() { + return this.XdatStoredSearchGroupidId; + } + this.getXdatStoredSearchGroupidId=getXdatStoredSearchGroupidId; + + + function setXdatStoredSearchGroupidId(v){ + this.XdatStoredSearchGroupidId=v; + } + this.setXdatStoredSearchGroupidId=setXdatStoredSearchGroupidId; + + this.allowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id_fk=null; + + + this.getallowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id=function() { + return this.allowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id_fk; + } + + + this.setallowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id=function(v){ + this.allowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="groupID"){ + return this.Groupid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_stored_search_groupID_id"){ + return this.XdatStoredSearchGroupidId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="allowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id"){ + return this.allowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="groupID"){ + this.Groupid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_stored_search_groupID_id"){ + this.XdatStoredSearchGroupidId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="allowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id"){ + this.allowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="groupID"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:stored_search_groupID"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:stored_search_groupID>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatStoredSearchGroupidId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_stored_search_groupID_id=\"" + this.XdatStoredSearchGroupidId + "\""; + } + if(this.allowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="allowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id=\"" + this.allowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Groupid!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:groupID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Groupid.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:groupID>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatStoredSearchGroupidId!=null) return true; + if (this.allowed_groups_groupid_xdat_sto_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Groupid!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_user.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_user.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8467c9b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_user.js @@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_user(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:user"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "user"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:user"; + } + + this.Login=null; + + + function getLogin() { + return this.Login; + } + this.getLogin=getLogin; + + + function setLogin(v){ + this.Login=v; + } + this.setLogin=setLogin; + + this.Firstname=null; + + + function getFirstname() { + return this.Firstname; + } + this.getFirstname=getFirstname; + + + function setFirstname(v){ + this.Firstname=v; + } + this.setFirstname=setFirstname; + + this.Lastname=null; + + + function getLastname() { + return this.Lastname; + } + this.getLastname=getLastname; + + + function setLastname(v){ + this.Lastname=v; + } + this.setLastname=setLastname; + + this.Email=null; + + + function getEmail() { + return this.Email; + } + this.getEmail=getEmail; + + + function setEmail(v){ + this.Email=v; + } + this.setEmail=setEmail; + + this.PrimaryPassword=null; + + + function getPrimaryPassword() { + return this.PrimaryPassword; + } + this.getPrimaryPassword=getPrimaryPassword; + + + function setPrimaryPassword(v){ + this.PrimaryPassword=v; + } + this.setPrimaryPassword=setPrimaryPassword; + + this.PrimaryPassword_encrypt=null; + + + function getPrimaryPassword_encrypt() { + return this.PrimaryPassword_encrypt; + } + this.getPrimaryPassword_encrypt=getPrimaryPassword_encrypt; + + + function setPrimaryPassword_encrypt(v){ + this.PrimaryPassword_encrypt=v; + } + this.setPrimaryPassword_encrypt=setPrimaryPassword_encrypt; + + + this.isPrimaryPassword_encrypt=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.PrimaryPassword_encrypt==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.PrimaryPassword_encrypt=="1" || this.PrimaryPassword_encrypt==true)return true; + return false; + } + this.ElementAccess =new Array(); + + function getElementAccess() { + return this.ElementAccess; + } + this.getElementAccess=getElementAccess; + + + function addElementAccess(v){ + this.ElementAccess.push(v); + } + this.addElementAccess=addElementAccess; + this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole =new Array(); + + function getAssignedRoles_assignedRole() { + return this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole; + } + this.getAssignedRoles_assignedRole=getAssignedRoles_assignedRole; + + + function addAssignedRoles_assignedRole(v){ + this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole.push(v); + } + this.addAssignedRoles_assignedRole=addAssignedRoles_assignedRole; + + this.QuarantinePath=null; + + + function getQuarantinePath() { + return this.QuarantinePath; + } + this.getQuarantinePath=getQuarantinePath; + + + function setQuarantinePath(v){ + this.QuarantinePath=v; + } + this.setQuarantinePath=setQuarantinePath; + this.Groups_groupid =new Array(); + + function getGroups_groupid() { + return this.Groups_groupid; + } + this.getGroups_groupid=getGroups_groupid; + + + function addGroups_groupid(v){ + this.Groups_groupid.push(v); + } + this.addGroups_groupid=addGroups_groupid; + + this.Enabled=null; + + + function getEnabled() { + return this.Enabled; + } + this.getEnabled=getEnabled; + + + function setEnabled(v){ + this.Enabled=v; + } + this.setEnabled=setEnabled; + + + this.isEnabled=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Enabled==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Enabled=="1" || this.Enabled==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Verified=null; + + + function getVerified() { + return this.Verified; + } + this.getVerified=getVerified; + + + function setVerified(v){ + this.Verified=v; + } + this.setVerified=setVerified; + + + this.isVerified=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Verified==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Verified=="1" || this.Verified==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Salt=null; + + + function getSalt() { + return this.Salt; + } + this.getSalt=getSalt; + + + function setSalt(v){ + this.Salt=v; + } + this.setSalt=setSalt; + + this.XdatUserId=null; + + + function getXdatUserId() { + return this.XdatUserId; + } + this.getXdatUserId=getXdatUserId; + + + function setXdatUserId(v){ + this.XdatUserId=v; + } + this.setXdatUserId=setXdatUserId; + + this.users_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk=null; + + + this.getusers_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id=function() { + return this.users_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk; + } + + + this.setusers_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id=function(v){ + this.users_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="login"){ + return this.Login ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="firstname"){ + return this.Firstname ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="lastname"){ + return this.Lastname ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="email"){ + return this.Email ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="primary_password"){ + return this.PrimaryPassword ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="primary_password/encrypt"){ + return this.PrimaryPassword_encrypt ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_access"){ + return this.ElementAccess ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("element_access")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ElementAccess ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.ElementAccess.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.ElementAccess[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.ElementAccess[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.ElementAccess; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="assigned_roles/assigned_role"){ + return this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("assigned_roles/assigned_role")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(28); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="quarantine_path"){ + return this.QuarantinePath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="groups/groupID"){ + return this.Groups_groupid ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("groups/groupID")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Groups_groupid ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Groups_groupid.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Groups_groupid[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Groups_groupid[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Groups_groupid; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="enabled"){ + return this.Enabled ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="verified"){ + return this.Verified ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="salt"){ + return this.Salt ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_user_id"){ + return this.XdatUserId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="users_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id"){ + return this.users_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="login"){ + this.Login=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="firstname"){ + this.Firstname=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="lastname"){ + this.Lastname=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="email"){ + this.Email=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="primary_password"){ + this.PrimaryPassword=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="primary_password/encrypt"){ + this.PrimaryPassword_encrypt=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="element_access"){ + this.ElementAccess=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("element_access")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ElementAccess ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.ElementAccess.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.ElementAccess[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.ElementAccess[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.ElementAccess; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:element_access");//omUtils.js + } + this.addElementAccess(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="assigned_roles/assigned_role"){ + this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("assigned_roles/assigned_role")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(28); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:role_type");//omUtils.js + } + this.addAssignedRoles_assignedRole(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="quarantine_path"){ + this.QuarantinePath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="groups/groupID"){ + this.Groups_groupid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("groups/groupID")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Groups_groupid ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Groups_groupid.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Groups_groupid[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Groups_groupid[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Groups_groupid; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:user_groupID");//omUtils.js + } + this.addGroups_groupid(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="enabled"){ + this.Enabled=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="verified"){ + this.Verified=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="salt"){ + this.Salt=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_user_id"){ + this.XdatUserId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="users_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id"){ + this.users_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="element_access"){ + this.addElementAccess(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="assigned_roles/assigned_role"){ + this.addAssignedRoles_assignedRole(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="groups/groupID"){ + this.addGroups_groupid(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="element_access"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="assigned_roles/assigned_role"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="groups/groupID"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="login"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="firstname"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="lastname"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="email"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="primary_password"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="primary_password/encrypt"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="element_access"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="assigned_roles/assigned_role"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="quarantine_path"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="groups/groupID"){ + return "field_inline_repeater"; + }else if (xmlPath=="enabled"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="verified"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="salt"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:XDATUser"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:XDATUser>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatUserId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_user_id=\"" + this.XdatUserId + "\""; + } + if(this.users_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="users_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id=\"" + this.users_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Enabled!=null) + attTxt+=" enabled=\"" +this.Enabled +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Verified!=null) + attTxt+=" verified=\"" +this.Verified +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Salt!=null) + attTxt+=" salt=\"" +this.Salt +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Login!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:login"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Login.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:login>"; + } + if (this.Firstname!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:firstname"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Firstname.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:firstname>"; + } + if (this.Lastname!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:lastname"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Lastname.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:lastname>"; + } + if (this.Email!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:email"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Email.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:email>"; + } + var PrimaryPasswordATT = "" + if (this.PrimaryPassword_encrypt!=null) + PrimaryPasswordATT+=" encrypt=\"" + this.PrimaryPassword_encrypt + "\""; + if (this.PrimaryPassword!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:primary_password"; + xmlTxt+=PrimaryPasswordATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.PrimaryPassword.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:primary_password>"; + } + else if(PrimaryPasswordATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:primary_password"; + xmlTxt+=PrimaryPasswordATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + for(var ElementAccessCOUNT=0;ElementAccessCOUNT<this.ElementAccess.length;ElementAccessCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:element_access"; + xmlTxt +=this.ElementAccess[ElementAccessCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.ElementAccess[ElementAccessCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:element_access"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.ElementAccess[ElementAccessCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.ElementAccess[ElementAccessCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ElementAccess[ElementAccessCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:element_access>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:assigned_roles"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var AssignedRoles_assignedRoleCOUNT=0;AssignedRoles_assignedRoleCOUNT<this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole.length;AssignedRoles_assignedRoleCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:assigned_role"; + xmlTxt +=this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole[AssignedRoles_assignedRoleCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole[AssignedRoles_assignedRoleCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:role_type"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole[AssignedRoles_assignedRoleCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole[AssignedRoles_assignedRoleCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole[AssignedRoles_assignedRoleCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:assigned_role>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:assigned_roles>"; + } + } + + if (this.QuarantinePath!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:quarantine_path"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.QuarantinePath.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:quarantine_path>"; + } + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Groups_groupid.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:groups"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Groups_groupidCOUNT=0;Groups_groupidCOUNT<this.Groups_groupid.length;Groups_groupidCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt+=this.Groups_groupid[Groups_groupidCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:groups>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatUserId!=null) return true; + if (this.users_user_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Login!=null) return true; + if (this.Firstname!=null) return true; + if (this.Lastname!=null) return true; + if (this.Email!=null) return true; + if (this.PrimaryPassword_encrypt!=null) + return true; + if (this.PrimaryPassword!=null) return true; + if(this.ElementAccess.length>0) return true; + if(this.AssignedRoles_assignedRole.length>0)return true; + if (this.QuarantinePath!=null) return true; + if(this.Groups_groupid.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_userGroup.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_userGroup.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d2463000 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_userGroup.js @@ -0,0 +1,432 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_userGroup(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:userGroup"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "userGroup"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:userGroup"; + } + this.ElementAccess =new Array(); + + function getElementAccess() { + return this.ElementAccess; + } + this.getElementAccess=getElementAccess; + + + function addElementAccess(v){ + this.ElementAccess.push(v); + } + this.addElementAccess=addElementAccess; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Displayname=null; + + + function getDisplayname() { + return this.Displayname; + } + this.getDisplayname=getDisplayname; + + + function setDisplayname(v){ + this.Displayname=v; + } + this.setDisplayname=setDisplayname; + + this.Tag=null; + + + function getTag() { + return this.Tag; + } + this.getTag=getTag; + + + function setTag(v){ + this.Tag=v; + } + this.setTag=setTag; + + this.XdatUsergroupId=null; + + + function getXdatUsergroupId() { + return this.XdatUsergroupId; + } + this.getXdatUsergroupId=getXdatUsergroupId; + + + function setXdatUsergroupId(v){ + this.XdatUsergroupId=v; + } + this.setXdatUsergroupId=setXdatUsergroupId; + + this.groups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk=null; + + + this.getgroups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id=function() { + return this.groups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk; + } + + + this.setgroups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id=function(v){ + this.groups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="element_access"){ + return this.ElementAccess ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("element_access")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ElementAccess ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.ElementAccess.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.ElementAccess[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.ElementAccess[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.ElementAccess; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="displayName"){ + return this.Displayname ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tag"){ + return this.Tag ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_userGroup_id"){ + return this.XdatUsergroupId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="groups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id"){ + return this.groups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="element_access"){ + this.ElementAccess=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("element_access")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.ElementAccess ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.ElementAccess.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.ElementAccess[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.ElementAccess[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.ElementAccess; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xdat:element_access");//omUtils.js + } + this.addElementAccess(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="displayName"){ + this.Displayname=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tag"){ + this.Tag=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_userGroup_id"){ + this.XdatUsergroupId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="groups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id"){ + this.groups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="element_access"){ + this.addElementAccess(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="element_access"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="element_access"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="displayName"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tag"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:UserGroup"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:UserGroup>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatUsergroupId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_userGroup_id=\"" + this.XdatUsergroupId + "\""; + } + if(this.groups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="groups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id=\"" + this.groups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Displayname!=null) + attTxt+=" displayName=\"" +this.Displayname +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Tag!=null) + attTxt+=" tag=\"" +this.Tag +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + for(var ElementAccessCOUNT=0;ElementAccessCOUNT<this.ElementAccess.length;ElementAccessCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xdat:element_access"; + xmlTxt +=this.ElementAccess[ElementAccessCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.ElementAccess[ElementAccessCOUNT].xsiType!="xdat:element_access"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.ElementAccess[ElementAccessCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.ElementAccess[ElementAccessCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ElementAccess[ElementAccessCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:element_access>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatUsergroupId!=null) return true; + if (this.groups_group_xdat_security_xdat_security_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.ElementAccess.length>0) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_user_groupID.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_user_groupID.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f37a1a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_user_groupID.js @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_user_groupID(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:user_groupID"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "user_groupID"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:user_groupID"; + } + + this.Groupid=null; + + + function getGroupid() { + return this.Groupid; + } + this.getGroupid=getGroupid; + + + function setGroupid(v){ + this.Groupid=v; + } + this.setGroupid=setGroupid; + + this.XdatUserGroupidId=null; + + + function getXdatUserGroupidId() { + return this.XdatUserGroupidId; + } + this.getXdatUserGroupidId=getXdatUserGroupidId; + + + function setXdatUserGroupidId(v){ + this.XdatUserGroupidId=v; + } + this.setXdatUserGroupidId=setXdatUserGroupidId; + + this.groups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk=null; + + + this.getgroups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id=function() { + return this.groups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk; + } + + + this.setgroups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id=function(v){ + this.groups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="groupID"){ + return this.Groupid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_user_groupID_id"){ + return this.XdatUserGroupidId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="groups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id"){ + return this.groups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="groupID"){ + this.Groupid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_user_groupID_id"){ + this.XdatUserGroupidId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="groups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id"){ + this.groups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="groupID"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:user_groupID"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:user_groupID>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatUserGroupidId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_user_groupID_id=\"" + this.XdatUserGroupidId + "\""; + } + if(this.groups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="groups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id=\"" + this.groups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Groupid!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:groupID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Groupid.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:groupID>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatUserGroupidId!=null) return true; + if (this.groups_groupid_xdat_user_xdat_user_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Groupid!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_user_login.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_user_login.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dd05d7c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xdat_user_login.js @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xdat_user_login(){ +this.xsiType="xdat:user_login"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "user_login"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xdat:user_login"; + } + + this.LoginDate=null; + + + function getLoginDate() { + return this.LoginDate; + } + this.getLoginDate=getLoginDate; + + + function setLoginDate(v){ + this.LoginDate=v; + } + this.setLoginDate=setLoginDate; + + this.LogoutDate=null; + + + function getLogoutDate() { + return this.LogoutDate; + } + this.getLogoutDate=getLogoutDate; + + + function setLogoutDate(v){ + this.LogoutDate=v; + } + this.setLogoutDate=setLogoutDate; + + this.SessionId=null; + + + function getSessionId() { + return this.SessionId; + } + this.getSessionId=getSessionId; + + + function setSessionId(v){ + this.SessionId=v; + } + this.setSessionId=setSessionId; + + this.IpAddress=null; + + + function getIpAddress() { + return this.IpAddress; + } + this.getIpAddress=getIpAddress; + + + function setIpAddress(v){ + this.IpAddress=v; + } + this.setIpAddress=setIpAddress; + this.User =null; + function getUser() { + return this.User; + } + this.getUser=getUser; + + + function setUser(v){ + this.User =v; + } + this.setUser=setUser; + + this.User_UserXdatUserId=null; + + + function getUser_UserXdatUserId(){ + return this.User_UserXdatUserId; + } + this.getUser_UserXdatUserId=getUser_UserXdatUserId; + + + function setUser_UserXdatUserId(v){ + this.User_UserXdatUserId=v; + } + this.setUser_UserXdatUserId=setUser_UserXdatUserId; + + this.XdatUserLoginId=null; + + + function getXdatUserLoginId() { + return this.XdatUserLoginId; + } + this.getXdatUserLoginId=getXdatUserLoginId; + + + function setXdatUserLoginId(v){ + this.XdatUserLoginId=v; + } + this.setXdatUserLoginId=setXdatUserLoginId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="login_date"){ + return this.LoginDate ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="logout_date"){ + return this.LogoutDate ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="session_id"){ + return this.SessionId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ip_address"){ + return this.IpAddress ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="user"){ + return this.User ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("user")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(4); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.User ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.User!=undefined)return this.User.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_user_login_id"){ + return this.XdatUserLoginId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="login_date"){ + this.LoginDate=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="logout_date"){ + this.LogoutDate=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="session_id"){ + this.SessionId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ip_address"){ + this.IpAddress=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="user"){ + this.User=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("user")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(4); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.User ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.User!=undefined){ + this.User.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.User= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.User= instanciateObject("xdat:user");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.User.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.User.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xdat_user_login_id"){ + this.XdatUserLoginId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="user"){ + this.setUser(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="user"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="login_date"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="logout_date"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="session_id"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ip_address"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="user"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:user_login"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xdat:user_login>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XdatUserLoginId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xdat_user_login_id=\"" + this.XdatUserLoginId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.LoginDate!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:login_date"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.LoginDate; + xmlTxt+="</xdat:login_date>"; + } + if (this.LogoutDate!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:logout_date"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.LogoutDate; + xmlTxt+="</xdat:logout_date>"; + } + if (this.SessionId!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:session_id"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.SessionId.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:session_id>"; + } + if (this.IpAddress!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:ip_address"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.IpAddress.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:ip_address>"; + } + if (this.User!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:user"; + xmlTxt+=this.User.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.User.xsiType!="xdat:user"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.User.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.User.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.User.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xdat:user>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + else{ + xmlTxt+="\n<xdat:user/>";//REQUIRED + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XdatUserLoginId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.LoginDate!=null) return true; + if (this.LogoutDate!=null) return true; + if (this.SessionId!=null) return true; + if (this.IpAddress!=null) return true; + if (this.User!=null){ + if (this.User.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + return true;//REQUIRED user + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_scidResearchData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_scidResearchData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a82dec8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_scidResearchData.js @@ -0,0 +1,4498 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_a_scidResearchData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat_a:scidResearchData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "scidResearchData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat_a:scidResearchData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectAssessorData','generated/xnat_subjectAssessorData.js'); + + this.Administrator=null; + + + function getAdministrator() { + return this.Administrator; + } + this.getAdministrator=getAdministrator; + + + function setAdministrator(v){ + this.Administrator=v; + } + this.setAdministrator=setAdministrator; + + this.Moodepisodes_currentmajordepressiveepisode=null; + + + function getMoodepisodes_currentmajordepressiveepisode() { + return this.Moodepisodes_currentmajordepressiveepisode; + } + this.getMoodepisodes_currentmajordepressiveepisode=getMoodepisodes_currentmajordepressiveepisode; + + + function setMoodepisodes_currentmajordepressiveepisode(v){ + this.Moodepisodes_currentmajordepressiveepisode=v; + } + this.setMoodepisodes_currentmajordepressiveepisode=setMoodepisodes_currentmajordepressiveepisode; + + this.Moodepisodes_pastmajordepressiveepisode=null; + + + function getMoodepisodes_pastmajordepressiveepisode() { + return this.Moodepisodes_pastmajordepressiveepisode; + } + this.getMoodepisodes_pastmajordepressiveepisode=getMoodepisodes_pastmajordepressiveepisode; + + + function setMoodepisodes_pastmajordepressiveepisode(v){ + this.Moodepisodes_pastmajordepressiveepisode=v; + } + this.setMoodepisodes_pastmajordepressiveepisode=setMoodepisodes_pastmajordepressiveepisode; + + this.Moodepisodes_currentmanicepisode=null; + + + function getMoodepisodes_currentmanicepisode() { + return this.Moodepisodes_currentmanicepisode; + } + this.getMoodepisodes_currentmanicepisode=getMoodepisodes_currentmanicepisode; + + + function setMoodepisodes_currentmanicepisode(v){ + this.Moodepisodes_currentmanicepisode=v; + } + this.setMoodepisodes_currentmanicepisode=setMoodepisodes_currentmanicepisode; + + this.Moodepisodes_pastmanicepisode=null; + + + function getMoodepisodes_pastmanicepisode() { + return this.Moodepisodes_pastmanicepisode; + } + this.getMoodepisodes_pastmanicepisode=getMoodepisodes_pastmanicepisode; + + + function setMoodepisodes_pastmanicepisode(v){ + this.Moodepisodes_pastmanicepisode=v; + } + this.setMoodepisodes_pastmanicepisode=setMoodepisodes_pastmanicepisode; + + this.Moodepisodes_currenthypomanicepisode=null; + + + function getMoodepisodes_currenthypomanicepisode() { + return this.Moodepisodes_currenthypomanicepisode; + } + this.getMoodepisodes_currenthypomanicepisode=getMoodepisodes_currenthypomanicepisode; + + + function setMoodepisodes_currenthypomanicepisode(v){ + this.Moodepisodes_currenthypomanicepisode=v; + } + this.setMoodepisodes_currenthypomanicepisode=setMoodepisodes_currenthypomanicepisode; + + this.Moodepisodes_pasthypomanicepisode=null; + + + function getMoodepisodes_pasthypomanicepisode() { + return this.Moodepisodes_pasthypomanicepisode; + } + this.getMoodepisodes_pasthypomanicepisode=getMoodepisodes_pasthypomanicepisode; + + + function setMoodepisodes_pasthypomanicepisode(v){ + this.Moodepisodes_pasthypomanicepisode=v; + } + this.setMoodepisodes_pasthypomanicepisode=setMoodepisodes_pasthypomanicepisode; + + this.Moodepisodes_currentdysthmicepisode=null; + + + function getMoodepisodes_currentdysthmicepisode() { + return this.Moodepisodes_currentdysthmicepisode; + } + this.getMoodepisodes_currentdysthmicepisode=getMoodepisodes_currentdysthmicepisode; + + + function setMoodepisodes_currentdysthmicepisode(v){ + this.Moodepisodes_currentdysthmicepisode=v; + } + this.setMoodepisodes_currentdysthmicepisode=setMoodepisodes_currentdysthmicepisode; + + this.Moodepisodes_currentmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition=null; + + + function getMoodepisodes_currentmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition() { + return this.Moodepisodes_currentmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition; + } + this.getMoodepisodes_currentmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition=getMoodepisodes_currentmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition; + + + function setMoodepisodes_currentmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition(v){ + this.Moodepisodes_currentmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition=v; + } + this.setMoodepisodes_currentmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition=setMoodepisodes_currentmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition; + + this.Moodepisodes_pastmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition=null; + + + function getMoodepisodes_pastmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition() { + return this.Moodepisodes_pastmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition; + } + this.getMoodepisodes_pastmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition=getMoodepisodes_pastmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition; + + + function setMoodepisodes_pastmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition(v){ + this.Moodepisodes_pastmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition=v; + } + this.setMoodepisodes_pastmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition=setMoodepisodes_pastmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition; + + this.Moodepisodes_currentsubstanceinducedmooddisorder=null; + + + function getMoodepisodes_currentsubstanceinducedmooddisorder() { + return this.Moodepisodes_currentsubstanceinducedmooddisorder; + } + this.getMoodepisodes_currentsubstanceinducedmooddisorder=getMoodepisodes_currentsubstanceinducedmooddisorder; + + + function setMoodepisodes_currentsubstanceinducedmooddisorder(v){ + this.Moodepisodes_currentsubstanceinducedmooddisorder=v; + } + this.setMoodepisodes_currentsubstanceinducedmooddisorder=setMoodepisodes_currentsubstanceinducedmooddisorder; + + this.Moodepisodes_pastsubstanceinducedmooddisorder=null; + + + function getMoodepisodes_pastsubstanceinducedmooddisorder() { + return this.Moodepisodes_pastsubstanceinducedmooddisorder; + } + this.getMoodepisodes_pastsubstanceinducedmooddisorder=getMoodepisodes_pastsubstanceinducedmooddisorder; + + + function setMoodepisodes_pastsubstanceinducedmooddisorder(v){ + this.Moodepisodes_pastsubstanceinducedmooddisorder=v; + } + this.setMoodepisodes_pastsubstanceinducedmooddisorder=setMoodepisodes_pastsubstanceinducedmooddisorder; + + this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentdelusions=null; + + + function getPsychoticsymptoms_currentdelusions() { + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentdelusions; + } + this.getPsychoticsymptoms_currentdelusions=getPsychoticsymptoms_currentdelusions; + + + function setPsychoticsymptoms_currentdelusions(v){ + this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentdelusions=v; + } + this.setPsychoticsymptoms_currentdelusions=setPsychoticsymptoms_currentdelusions; + + this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastdelusions=null; + + + function getPsychoticsymptoms_pastdelusions() { + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastdelusions; + } + this.getPsychoticsymptoms_pastdelusions=getPsychoticsymptoms_pastdelusions; + + + function setPsychoticsymptoms_pastdelusions(v){ + this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastdelusions=v; + } + this.setPsychoticsymptoms_pastdelusions=setPsychoticsymptoms_pastdelusions; + + this.Psychoticsymptoms_currenthallucinations=null; + + + function getPsychoticsymptoms_currenthallucinations() { + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_currenthallucinations; + } + this.getPsychoticsymptoms_currenthallucinations=getPsychoticsymptoms_currenthallucinations; + + + function setPsychoticsymptoms_currenthallucinations(v){ + this.Psychoticsymptoms_currenthallucinations=v; + } + this.setPsychoticsymptoms_currenthallucinations=setPsychoticsymptoms_currenthallucinations; + + this.Psychoticsymptoms_pasthallucinations=null; + + + function getPsychoticsymptoms_pasthallucinations() { + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_pasthallucinations; + } + this.getPsychoticsymptoms_pasthallucinations=getPsychoticsymptoms_pasthallucinations; + + + function setPsychoticsymptoms_pasthallucinations(v){ + this.Psychoticsymptoms_pasthallucinations=v; + } + this.setPsychoticsymptoms_pasthallucinations=setPsychoticsymptoms_pasthallucinations; + + this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentdisorganizedspeechbehavior=null; + + + function getPsychoticsymptoms_currentdisorganizedspeechbehavior() { + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentdisorganizedspeechbehavior; + } + this.getPsychoticsymptoms_currentdisorganizedspeechbehavior=getPsychoticsymptoms_currentdisorganizedspeechbehavior; + + + function setPsychoticsymptoms_currentdisorganizedspeechbehavior(v){ + this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentdisorganizedspeechbehavior=v; + } + this.setPsychoticsymptoms_currentdisorganizedspeechbehavior=setPsychoticsymptoms_currentdisorganizedspeechbehavior; + + this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastdisorganizedspeechbehavior=null; + + + function getPsychoticsymptoms_pastdisorganizedspeechbehavior() { + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastdisorganizedspeechbehavior; + } + this.getPsychoticsymptoms_pastdisorganizedspeechbehavior=getPsychoticsymptoms_pastdisorganizedspeechbehavior; + + + function setPsychoticsymptoms_pastdisorganizedspeechbehavior(v){ + this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastdisorganizedspeechbehavior=v; + } + this.setPsychoticsymptoms_pastdisorganizedspeechbehavior=setPsychoticsymptoms_pastdisorganizedspeechbehavior; + + this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentcatatonicbehavior=null; + + + function getPsychoticsymptoms_currentcatatonicbehavior() { + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentcatatonicbehavior; + } + this.getPsychoticsymptoms_currentcatatonicbehavior=getPsychoticsymptoms_currentcatatonicbehavior; + + + function setPsychoticsymptoms_currentcatatonicbehavior(v){ + this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentcatatonicbehavior=v; + } + this.setPsychoticsymptoms_currentcatatonicbehavior=setPsychoticsymptoms_currentcatatonicbehavior; + + this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastcatatonicbehavior=null; + + + function getPsychoticsymptoms_pastcatatonicbehavior() { + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastcatatonicbehavior; + } + this.getPsychoticsymptoms_pastcatatonicbehavior=getPsychoticsymptoms_pastcatatonicbehavior; + + + function setPsychoticsymptoms_pastcatatonicbehavior(v){ + this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastcatatonicbehavior=v; + } + this.setPsychoticsymptoms_pastcatatonicbehavior=setPsychoticsymptoms_pastcatatonicbehavior; + + this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentnegativesymptoms=null; + + + function getPsychoticsymptoms_currentnegativesymptoms() { + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentnegativesymptoms; + } + this.getPsychoticsymptoms_currentnegativesymptoms=getPsychoticsymptoms_currentnegativesymptoms; + + + function setPsychoticsymptoms_currentnegativesymptoms(v){ + this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentnegativesymptoms=v; + } + this.setPsychoticsymptoms_currentnegativesymptoms=setPsychoticsymptoms_currentnegativesymptoms; + + this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastnegativesymptoms=null; + + + function getPsychoticsymptoms_pastnegativesymptoms() { + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastnegativesymptoms; + } + this.getPsychoticsymptoms_pastnegativesymptoms=getPsychoticsymptoms_pastnegativesymptoms; + + + function setPsychoticsymptoms_pastnegativesymptoms(v){ + this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastnegativesymptoms=v; + } + this.setPsychoticsymptoms_pastnegativesymptoms=setPsychoticsymptoms_pastnegativesymptoms; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentschizophrenia=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentschizophrenia() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentschizophrenia; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentschizophrenia=getPsychoticdisorders_currentschizophrenia; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentschizophrenia(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentschizophrenia=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentschizophrenia=setPsychoticdisorders_currentschizophrenia; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastschizophrenia=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastschizophrenia() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastschizophrenia; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastschizophrenia=getPsychoticdisorders_pastschizophrenia; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastschizophrenia(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastschizophrenia=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastschizophrenia=setPsychoticdisorders_pastschizophrenia; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentparanoidtype=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentparanoidtype() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentparanoidtype; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentparanoidtype=getPsychoticdisorders_currentparanoidtype; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentparanoidtype(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentparanoidtype=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentparanoidtype=setPsychoticdisorders_currentparanoidtype; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastparanoidtype=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastparanoidtype() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastparanoidtype; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastparanoidtype=getPsychoticdisorders_pastparanoidtype; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastparanoidtype(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastparanoidtype=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastparanoidtype=setPsychoticdisorders_pastparanoidtype; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentcatatonictype=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentcatatonictype() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentcatatonictype; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentcatatonictype=getPsychoticdisorders_currentcatatonictype; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentcatatonictype(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentcatatonictype=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentcatatonictype=setPsychoticdisorders_currentcatatonictype; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastcatatonictype=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastcatatonictype() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastcatatonictype; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastcatatonictype=getPsychoticdisorders_pastcatatonictype; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastcatatonictype(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastcatatonictype=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastcatatonictype=setPsychoticdisorders_pastcatatonictype; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentdisorganizedtype=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentdisorganizedtype() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentdisorganizedtype; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentdisorganizedtype=getPsychoticdisorders_currentdisorganizedtype; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentdisorganizedtype(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentdisorganizedtype=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentdisorganizedtype=setPsychoticdisorders_currentdisorganizedtype; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastdisorganizedtype=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastdisorganizedtype() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastdisorganizedtype; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastdisorganizedtype=getPsychoticdisorders_pastdisorganizedtype; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastdisorganizedtype(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastdisorganizedtype=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastdisorganizedtype=setPsychoticdisorders_pastdisorganizedtype; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentundifferentiatedtype=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentundifferentiatedtype() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentundifferentiatedtype; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentundifferentiatedtype=getPsychoticdisorders_currentundifferentiatedtype; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentundifferentiatedtype(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentundifferentiatedtype=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentundifferentiatedtype=setPsychoticdisorders_currentundifferentiatedtype; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastundifferentiatedtype=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastundifferentiatedtype() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastundifferentiatedtype; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastundifferentiatedtype=getPsychoticdisorders_pastundifferentiatedtype; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastundifferentiatedtype(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastundifferentiatedtype=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastundifferentiatedtype=setPsychoticdisorders_pastundifferentiatedtype; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentresidualtype=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentresidualtype() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentresidualtype; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentresidualtype=getPsychoticdisorders_currentresidualtype; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentresidualtype(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentresidualtype=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentresidualtype=setPsychoticdisorders_currentresidualtype; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastresidualtype=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastresidualtype() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastresidualtype; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastresidualtype=getPsychoticdisorders_pastresidualtype; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastresidualtype(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastresidualtype=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastresidualtype=setPsychoticdisorders_pastresidualtype; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentschizophreniformdisorder=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentschizophreniformdisorder() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentschizophreniformdisorder; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentschizophreniformdisorder=getPsychoticdisorders_currentschizophreniformdisorder; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentschizophreniformdisorder(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentschizophreniformdisorder=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentschizophreniformdisorder=setPsychoticdisorders_currentschizophreniformdisorder; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastschizophreniformdisorder=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastschizophreniformdisorder() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastschizophreniformdisorder; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastschizophreniformdisorder=getPsychoticdisorders_pastschizophreniformdisorder; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastschizophreniformdisorder(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastschizophreniformdisorder=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastschizophreniformdisorder=setPsychoticdisorders_pastschizophreniformdisorder; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentschizoaffectivedisorder=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentschizoaffectivedisorder() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentschizoaffectivedisorder; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentschizoaffectivedisorder=getPsychoticdisorders_currentschizoaffectivedisorder; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentschizoaffectivedisorder(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentschizoaffectivedisorder=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentschizoaffectivedisorder=setPsychoticdisorders_currentschizoaffectivedisorder; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastschizoaffectivedisorder=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastschizoaffectivedisorder() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastschizoaffectivedisorder; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastschizoaffectivedisorder=getPsychoticdisorders_pastschizoaffectivedisorder; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastschizoaffectivedisorder(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastschizoaffectivedisorder=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastschizoaffectivedisorder=setPsychoticdisorders_pastschizoaffectivedisorder; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentdelusionaldisorder=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentdelusionaldisorder() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentdelusionaldisorder; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentdelusionaldisorder=getPsychoticdisorders_currentdelusionaldisorder; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentdelusionaldisorder(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentdelusionaldisorder=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentdelusionaldisorder=setPsychoticdisorders_currentdelusionaldisorder; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastdelusionaldisorder=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastdelusionaldisorder() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastdelusionaldisorder; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastdelusionaldisorder=getPsychoticdisorders_pastdelusionaldisorder; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastdelusionaldisorder(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastdelusionaldisorder=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastdelusionaldisorder=setPsychoticdisorders_pastdelusionaldisorder; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentbriefpsychoticdisorder=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentbriefpsychoticdisorder() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentbriefpsychoticdisorder; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentbriefpsychoticdisorder=getPsychoticdisorders_currentbriefpsychoticdisorder; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentbriefpsychoticdisorder(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentbriefpsychoticdisorder=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentbriefpsychoticdisorder=setPsychoticdisorders_currentbriefpsychoticdisorder; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastbriefpsychoticdisorder=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastbriefpsychoticdisorder() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastbriefpsychoticdisorder; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastbriefpsychoticdisorder=getPsychoticdisorders_pastbriefpsychoticdisorder; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastbriefpsychoticdisorder(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastbriefpsychoticdisorder=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastbriefpsychoticdisorder=setPsychoticdisorders_pastbriefpsychoticdisorder; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition=getPsychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition=setPsychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition=getPsychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition=setPsychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder=getPsychoticdisorders_currentsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder=setPsychoticdisorders_currentsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder=getPsychoticdisorders_pastsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder=setPsychoticdisorders_pastsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisordernos=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisordernos() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisordernos; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisordernos=getPsychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisordernos; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisordernos(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisordernos=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisordernos=setPsychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisordernos; + + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisordernos=null; + + + function getPsychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisordernos() { + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisordernos; + } + this.getPsychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisordernos=getPsychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisordernos; + + + function setPsychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisordernos(v){ + this.Psychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisordernos=v; + } + this.setPsychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisordernos=setPsychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisordernos; + + this.Mooddisorders_currentbipolar1disorder=null; + + + function getMooddisorders_currentbipolar1disorder() { + return this.Mooddisorders_currentbipolar1disorder; + } + this.getMooddisorders_currentbipolar1disorder=getMooddisorders_currentbipolar1disorder; + + + function setMooddisorders_currentbipolar1disorder(v){ + this.Mooddisorders_currentbipolar1disorder=v; + } + this.setMooddisorders_currentbipolar1disorder=setMooddisorders_currentbipolar1disorder; + + this.Mooddisorders_pastbipolar1disorder=null; + + + function getMooddisorders_pastbipolar1disorder() { + return this.Mooddisorders_pastbipolar1disorder; + } + this.getMooddisorders_pastbipolar1disorder=getMooddisorders_pastbipolar1disorder; + + + function setMooddisorders_pastbipolar1disorder(v){ + this.Mooddisorders_pastbipolar1disorder=v; + } + this.setMooddisorders_pastbipolar1disorder=setMooddisorders_pastbipolar1disorder; + + this.Mooddisorders_currentbipolar2disorder=null; + + + function getMooddisorders_currentbipolar2disorder() { + return this.Mooddisorders_currentbipolar2disorder; + } + this.getMooddisorders_currentbipolar2disorder=getMooddisorders_currentbipolar2disorder; + + + function setMooddisorders_currentbipolar2disorder(v){ + this.Mooddisorders_currentbipolar2disorder=v; + } + this.setMooddisorders_currentbipolar2disorder=setMooddisorders_currentbipolar2disorder; + + this.Mooddisorders_pastbipolar2disorder=null; + + + function getMooddisorders_pastbipolar2disorder() { + return this.Mooddisorders_pastbipolar2disorder; + } + this.getMooddisorders_pastbipolar2disorder=getMooddisorders_pastbipolar2disorder; + + + function setMooddisorders_pastbipolar2disorder(v){ + this.Mooddisorders_pastbipolar2disorder=v; + } + this.setMooddisorders_pastbipolar2disorder=setMooddisorders_pastbipolar2disorder; + + this.Mooddisorders_currentotherbipolardisorder=null; + + + function getMooddisorders_currentotherbipolardisorder() { + return this.Mooddisorders_currentotherbipolardisorder; + } + this.getMooddisorders_currentotherbipolardisorder=getMooddisorders_currentotherbipolardisorder; + + + function setMooddisorders_currentotherbipolardisorder(v){ + this.Mooddisorders_currentotherbipolardisorder=v; + } + this.setMooddisorders_currentotherbipolardisorder=setMooddisorders_currentotherbipolardisorder; + + this.Mooddisorders_pastotherbipolardisorder=null; + + + function getMooddisorders_pastotherbipolardisorder() { + return this.Mooddisorders_pastotherbipolardisorder; + } + this.getMooddisorders_pastotherbipolardisorder=getMooddisorders_pastotherbipolardisorder; + + + function setMooddisorders_pastotherbipolardisorder(v){ + this.Mooddisorders_pastotherbipolardisorder=v; + } + this.setMooddisorders_pastotherbipolardisorder=setMooddisorders_pastotherbipolardisorder; + + this.Mooddisorders_currentmajordepressivedisorder=null; + + + function getMooddisorders_currentmajordepressivedisorder() { + return this.Mooddisorders_currentmajordepressivedisorder; + } + this.getMooddisorders_currentmajordepressivedisorder=getMooddisorders_currentmajordepressivedisorder; + + + function setMooddisorders_currentmajordepressivedisorder(v){ + this.Mooddisorders_currentmajordepressivedisorder=v; + } + this.setMooddisorders_currentmajordepressivedisorder=setMooddisorders_currentmajordepressivedisorder; + + this.Mooddisorders_pastmajordepressivedisorder=null; + + + function getMooddisorders_pastmajordepressivedisorder() { + return this.Mooddisorders_pastmajordepressivedisorder; + } + this.getMooddisorders_pastmajordepressivedisorder=getMooddisorders_pastmajordepressivedisorder; + + + function setMooddisorders_pastmajordepressivedisorder(v){ + this.Mooddisorders_pastmajordepressivedisorder=v; + } + this.setMooddisorders_pastmajordepressivedisorder=setMooddisorders_pastmajordepressivedisorder; + + this.Mooddisorders_currentdepressivedisordernos=null; + + + function getMooddisorders_currentdepressivedisordernos() { + return this.Mooddisorders_currentdepressivedisordernos; + } + this.getMooddisorders_currentdepressivedisordernos=getMooddisorders_currentdepressivedisordernos; + + + function setMooddisorders_currentdepressivedisordernos(v){ + this.Mooddisorders_currentdepressivedisordernos=v; + } + this.setMooddisorders_currentdepressivedisordernos=setMooddisorders_currentdepressivedisordernos; + + this.Mooddisorders_pastdepressivedisordernos=null; + + + function getMooddisorders_pastdepressivedisordernos() { + return this.Mooddisorders_pastdepressivedisordernos; + } + this.getMooddisorders_pastdepressivedisordernos=getMooddisorders_pastdepressivedisordernos; + + + function setMooddisorders_pastdepressivedisordernos(v){ + this.Mooddisorders_pastdepressivedisordernos=v; + } + this.setMooddisorders_pastdepressivedisordernos=setMooddisorders_pastdepressivedisordernos; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentalcoholdependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentalcoholdependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentalcoholdependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentalcoholdependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentalcoholdependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentalcoholdependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentalcoholdependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentalcoholdependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentalcoholdependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastalcoholdependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastalcoholdependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastalcoholdependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastalcoholdependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastalcoholdependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastalcoholdependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastalcoholdependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastalcoholdependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastalcoholdependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentalcoholabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentalcoholabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentalcoholabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentalcoholabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentalcoholabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentalcoholabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentalcoholabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentalcoholabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentalcoholabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastalcoholabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastalcoholabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastalcoholabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastalcoholabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastalcoholabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastalcoholabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastalcoholabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastalcoholabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastalcoholabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentamphetaminedependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentamphetaminedependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentamphetaminedependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentamphetaminedependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentamphetaminedependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentamphetaminedependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentamphetaminedependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentamphetaminedependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentamphetaminedependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastamphetaminedependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastamphetaminedependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastamphetaminedependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastamphetaminedependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastamphetaminedependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastamphetaminedependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastamphetaminedependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastamphetaminedependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastamphetaminedependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentamphetamineabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentamphetamineabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentamphetamineabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentamphetamineabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentamphetamineabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentamphetamineabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentamphetamineabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentamphetamineabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentamphetamineabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastamphetamineabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastamphetamineabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastamphetamineabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastamphetamineabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastamphetamineabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastamphetamineabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastamphetamineabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastamphetamineabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastamphetamineabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcannabisdependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentcannabisdependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcannabisdependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentcannabisdependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentcannabisdependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentcannabisdependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcannabisdependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentcannabisdependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentcannabisdependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcannabisdependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastcannabisdependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcannabisdependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastcannabisdependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastcannabisdependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastcannabisdependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcannabisdependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastcannabisdependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastcannabisdependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcannabisabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentcannabisabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcannabisabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentcannabisabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentcannabisabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentcannabisabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcannabisabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentcannabisabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentcannabisabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcannabisabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastcannabisabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcannabisabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastcannabisabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastcannabisabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastcannabisabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcannabisabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastcannabisabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastcannabisabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcocainedependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentcocainedependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcocainedependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentcocainedependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentcocainedependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentcocainedependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcocainedependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentcocainedependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentcocainedependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcocainedependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastcocainedependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcocainedependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastcocainedependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastcocainedependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastcocainedependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcocainedependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastcocainedependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastcocainedependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcocaineabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentcocaineabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcocaineabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentcocaineabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentcocaineabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentcocaineabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcocaineabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentcocaineabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentcocaineabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcocaineabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastcocaineabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcocaineabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastcocaineabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastcocaineabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastcocaineabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcocaineabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastcocaineabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastcocaineabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogendependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogendependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogendependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogendependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogendependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogendependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogendependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogendependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogendependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogendependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogendependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogendependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogendependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogendependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogendependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogendependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogendependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogendependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogenabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogenabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogenabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogenabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogenabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogenabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogenabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogenabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogenabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogenabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogenabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogenabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogenabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogenabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogenabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogenabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogenabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogenabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentopioiddependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentopioiddependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentopioiddependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentopioiddependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentopioiddependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentopioiddependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentopioiddependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentopioiddependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentopioiddependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastopioiddependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastopioiddependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastopioiddependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastopioiddependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastopioiddependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastopioiddependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastopioiddependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastopioiddependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastopioiddependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentopioidabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentopioidabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentopioidabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentopioidabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentopioidabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentopioidabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentopioidabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentopioidabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentopioidabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastopioidabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastopioidabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastopioidabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastopioidabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastopioidabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastopioidabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastopioidabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastopioidabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastopioidabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidinedependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidinedependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidinedependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidinedependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidinedependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidinedependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidinedependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidinedependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidinedependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidinedependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidinedependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidinedependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidinedependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidinedependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidinedependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidinedependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidinedependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidinedependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidineabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidineabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidineabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidineabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidineabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidineabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidineabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidineabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidineabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidineabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidineabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidineabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidineabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidineabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidineabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidineabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidineabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidineabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentpolysubstancedependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentpolysubstancedependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentpolysubstancedependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentpolysubstancedependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentpolysubstancedependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentpolysubstancedependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentpolysubstancedependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentpolysubstancedependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentpolysubstancedependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastpolysubstancedependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastpolysubstancedependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastpolysubstancedependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastpolysubstancedependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastpolysubstancedependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastpolysubstancedependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastpolysubstancedependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastpolysubstancedependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastpolysubstancedependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknowndependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknowndependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknowndependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknowndependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknowndependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknowndependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknowndependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknowndependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknowndependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknowndependence=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknowndependence() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknowndependence; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknowndependence=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknowndependence; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknowndependence(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknowndependence=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknowndependence=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknowndependence; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknownabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknownabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknownabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknownabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknownabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknownabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknownabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknownabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknownabuse; + + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknownabuse=null; + + + function getSubstanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknownabuse() { + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknownabuse; + } + this.getSubstanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknownabuse=getSubstanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknownabuse; + + + function setSubstanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknownabuse(v){ + this.Substanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknownabuse=v; + } + this.setSubstanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknownabuse=setSubstanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknownabuse; + + this.Anxietydisorders_currentpanicwithagoraphobia=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_currentpanicwithagoraphobia() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentpanicwithagoraphobia; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_currentpanicwithagoraphobia=getAnxietydisorders_currentpanicwithagoraphobia; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_currentpanicwithagoraphobia(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_currentpanicwithagoraphobia=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_currentpanicwithagoraphobia=setAnxietydisorders_currentpanicwithagoraphobia; + + this.Anxietydisorders_pastpanicwithagoraphobia=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_pastpanicwithagoraphobia() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastpanicwithagoraphobia; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_pastpanicwithagoraphobia=getAnxietydisorders_pastpanicwithagoraphobia; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_pastpanicwithagoraphobia(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_pastpanicwithagoraphobia=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_pastpanicwithagoraphobia=setAnxietydisorders_pastpanicwithagoraphobia; + + this.Anxietydisorders_currentpanicwithoutagoraphobia=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_currentpanicwithoutagoraphobia() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentpanicwithoutagoraphobia; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_currentpanicwithoutagoraphobia=getAnxietydisorders_currentpanicwithoutagoraphobia; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_currentpanicwithoutagoraphobia(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_currentpanicwithoutagoraphobia=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_currentpanicwithoutagoraphobia=setAnxietydisorders_currentpanicwithoutagoraphobia; + + this.Anxietydisorders_pastpanicwithoutagoraphobia=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_pastpanicwithoutagoraphobia() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastpanicwithoutagoraphobia; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_pastpanicwithoutagoraphobia=getAnxietydisorders_pastpanicwithoutagoraphobia; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_pastpanicwithoutagoraphobia(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_pastpanicwithoutagoraphobia=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_pastpanicwithoutagoraphobia=setAnxietydisorders_pastpanicwithoutagoraphobia; + + this.Anxietydisorders_currentagoraphobiawithoutpanichx=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_currentagoraphobiawithoutpanichx() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentagoraphobiawithoutpanichx; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_currentagoraphobiawithoutpanichx=getAnxietydisorders_currentagoraphobiawithoutpanichx; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_currentagoraphobiawithoutpanichx(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_currentagoraphobiawithoutpanichx=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_currentagoraphobiawithoutpanichx=setAnxietydisorders_currentagoraphobiawithoutpanichx; + + this.Anxietydisorders_pastagoraphobiawithoutpanichx=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_pastagoraphobiawithoutpanichx() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastagoraphobiawithoutpanichx; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_pastagoraphobiawithoutpanichx=getAnxietydisorders_pastagoraphobiawithoutpanichx; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_pastagoraphobiawithoutpanichx(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_pastagoraphobiawithoutpanichx=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_pastagoraphobiawithoutpanichx=setAnxietydisorders_pastagoraphobiawithoutpanichx; + + this.Anxietydisorders_currentsocialphobia=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_currentsocialphobia() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentsocialphobia; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_currentsocialphobia=getAnxietydisorders_currentsocialphobia; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_currentsocialphobia(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_currentsocialphobia=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_currentsocialphobia=setAnxietydisorders_currentsocialphobia; + + this.Anxietydisorders_pastsocialphobia=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_pastsocialphobia() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastsocialphobia; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_pastsocialphobia=getAnxietydisorders_pastsocialphobia; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_pastsocialphobia(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_pastsocialphobia=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_pastsocialphobia=setAnxietydisorders_pastsocialphobia; + + this.Anxietydisorders_currentspecificphobia=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_currentspecificphobia() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentspecificphobia; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_currentspecificphobia=getAnxietydisorders_currentspecificphobia; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_currentspecificphobia(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_currentspecificphobia=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_currentspecificphobia=setAnxietydisorders_currentspecificphobia; + + this.Anxietydisorders_pastspecificphobia=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_pastspecificphobia() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastspecificphobia; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_pastspecificphobia=getAnxietydisorders_pastspecificphobia; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_pastspecificphobia(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_pastspecificphobia=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_pastspecificphobia=setAnxietydisorders_pastspecificphobia; + + this.Anxietydisorders_currentocd=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_currentocd() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentocd; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_currentocd=getAnxietydisorders_currentocd; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_currentocd(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_currentocd=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_currentocd=setAnxietydisorders_currentocd; + + this.Anxietydisorders_pastocd=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_pastocd() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastocd; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_pastocd=getAnxietydisorders_pastocd; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_pastocd(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_pastocd=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_pastocd=setAnxietydisorders_pastocd; + + this.Anxietydisorders_currentptsd=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_currentptsd() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentptsd; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_currentptsd=getAnxietydisorders_currentptsd; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_currentptsd(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_currentptsd=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_currentptsd=setAnxietydisorders_currentptsd; + + this.Anxietydisorders_pastptsd=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_pastptsd() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastptsd; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_pastptsd=getAnxietydisorders_pastptsd; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_pastptsd(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_pastptsd=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_pastptsd=setAnxietydisorders_pastptsd; + + this.Anxietydisorders_currentgeneralizedanxietydisorder=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_currentgeneralizedanxietydisorder() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentgeneralizedanxietydisorder; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_currentgeneralizedanxietydisorder=getAnxietydisorders_currentgeneralizedanxietydisorder; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_currentgeneralizedanxietydisorder(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_currentgeneralizedanxietydisorder=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_currentgeneralizedanxietydisorder=setAnxietydisorders_currentgeneralizedanxietydisorder; + + this.Anxietydisorders_currentanxietyduetomedicalcondition=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_currentanxietyduetomedicalcondition() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentanxietyduetomedicalcondition; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_currentanxietyduetomedicalcondition=getAnxietydisorders_currentanxietyduetomedicalcondition; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_currentanxietyduetomedicalcondition(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_currentanxietyduetomedicalcondition=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_currentanxietyduetomedicalcondition=setAnxietydisorders_currentanxietyduetomedicalcondition; + + this.Anxietydisorders_pastanxietyduetomedicalcondition=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_pastanxietyduetomedicalcondition() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastanxietyduetomedicalcondition; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_pastanxietyduetomedicalcondition=getAnxietydisorders_pastanxietyduetomedicalcondition; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_pastanxietyduetomedicalcondition(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_pastanxietyduetomedicalcondition=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_pastanxietyduetomedicalcondition=setAnxietydisorders_pastanxietyduetomedicalcondition; + + this.Anxietydisorders_currentsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_currentsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_currentsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder=getAnxietydisorders_currentsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_currentsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_currentsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_currentsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder=setAnxietydisorders_currentsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder; + + this.Anxietydisorders_pastsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_pastsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_pastsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder=getAnxietydisorders_pastsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_pastsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_pastsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_pastsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder=setAnxietydisorders_pastsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder; + + this.Anxietydisorders_currentanxietydisordernos=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_currentanxietydisordernos() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentanxietydisordernos; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_currentanxietydisordernos=getAnxietydisorders_currentanxietydisordernos; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_currentanxietydisordernos(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_currentanxietydisordernos=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_currentanxietydisordernos=setAnxietydisorders_currentanxietydisordernos; + + this.Anxietydisorders_pastanxietydisordernos=null; + + + function getAnxietydisorders_pastanxietydisordernos() { + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastanxietydisordernos; + } + this.getAnxietydisorders_pastanxietydisordernos=getAnxietydisorders_pastanxietydisordernos; + + + function setAnxietydisorders_pastanxietydisordernos(v){ + this.Anxietydisorders_pastanxietydisordernos=v; + } + this.setAnxietydisorders_pastanxietydisordernos=setAnxietydisorders_pastanxietydisordernos; + + this.Somatoformdisorders_somatizationdisorder=null; + + + function getSomatoformdisorders_somatizationdisorder() { + return this.Somatoformdisorders_somatizationdisorder; + } + this.getSomatoformdisorders_somatizationdisorder=getSomatoformdisorders_somatizationdisorder; + + + function setSomatoformdisorders_somatizationdisorder(v){ + this.Somatoformdisorders_somatizationdisorder=v; + } + this.setSomatoformdisorders_somatizationdisorder=setSomatoformdisorders_somatizationdisorder; + + this.Somatoformdisorders_undifferentiatedsomatformdisorder=null; + + + function getSomatoformdisorders_undifferentiatedsomatformdisorder() { + return this.Somatoformdisorders_undifferentiatedsomatformdisorder; + } + this.getSomatoformdisorders_undifferentiatedsomatformdisorder=getSomatoformdisorders_undifferentiatedsomatformdisorder; + + + function setSomatoformdisorders_undifferentiatedsomatformdisorder(v){ + this.Somatoformdisorders_undifferentiatedsomatformdisorder=v; + } + this.setSomatoformdisorders_undifferentiatedsomatformdisorder=setSomatoformdisorders_undifferentiatedsomatformdisorder; + + this.Somatoformdisorders_paindisorder=null; + + + function getSomatoformdisorders_paindisorder() { + return this.Somatoformdisorders_paindisorder; + } + this.getSomatoformdisorders_paindisorder=getSomatoformdisorders_paindisorder; + + + function setSomatoformdisorders_paindisorder(v){ + this.Somatoformdisorders_paindisorder=v; + } + this.setSomatoformdisorders_paindisorder=setSomatoformdisorders_paindisorder; + + this.Somatoformdisorders_hypochondriasis=null; + + + function getSomatoformdisorders_hypochondriasis() { + return this.Somatoformdisorders_hypochondriasis; + } + this.getSomatoformdisorders_hypochondriasis=getSomatoformdisorders_hypochondriasis; + + + function setSomatoformdisorders_hypochondriasis(v){ + this.Somatoformdisorders_hypochondriasis=v; + } + this.setSomatoformdisorders_hypochondriasis=setSomatoformdisorders_hypochondriasis; + + this.Somatoformdisorders_bodydysmorphicdisorder=null; + + + function getSomatoformdisorders_bodydysmorphicdisorder() { + return this.Somatoformdisorders_bodydysmorphicdisorder; + } + this.getSomatoformdisorders_bodydysmorphicdisorder=getSomatoformdisorders_bodydysmorphicdisorder; + + + function setSomatoformdisorders_bodydysmorphicdisorder(v){ + this.Somatoformdisorders_bodydysmorphicdisorder=v; + } + this.setSomatoformdisorders_bodydysmorphicdisorder=setSomatoformdisorders_bodydysmorphicdisorder; + + this.Eatingdisorders_currentanorexianervosa=null; + + + function getEatingdisorders_currentanorexianervosa() { + return this.Eatingdisorders_currentanorexianervosa; + } + this.getEatingdisorders_currentanorexianervosa=getEatingdisorders_currentanorexianervosa; + + + function setEatingdisorders_currentanorexianervosa(v){ + this.Eatingdisorders_currentanorexianervosa=v; + } + this.setEatingdisorders_currentanorexianervosa=setEatingdisorders_currentanorexianervosa; + + this.Eatingdisorders_pastanorexianervosa=null; + + + function getEatingdisorders_pastanorexianervosa() { + return this.Eatingdisorders_pastanorexianervosa; + } + this.getEatingdisorders_pastanorexianervosa=getEatingdisorders_pastanorexianervosa; + + + function setEatingdisorders_pastanorexianervosa(v){ + this.Eatingdisorders_pastanorexianervosa=v; + } + this.setEatingdisorders_pastanorexianervosa=setEatingdisorders_pastanorexianervosa; + + this.Eatingdisorders_currentbulimianervosa=null; + + + function getEatingdisorders_currentbulimianervosa() { + return this.Eatingdisorders_currentbulimianervosa; + } + this.getEatingdisorders_currentbulimianervosa=getEatingdisorders_currentbulimianervosa; + + + function setEatingdisorders_currentbulimianervosa(v){ + this.Eatingdisorders_currentbulimianervosa=v; + } + this.setEatingdisorders_currentbulimianervosa=setEatingdisorders_currentbulimianervosa; + + this.Eatingdisorders_pastbulimianervosa=null; + + + function getEatingdisorders_pastbulimianervosa() { + return this.Eatingdisorders_pastbulimianervosa; + } + this.getEatingdisorders_pastbulimianervosa=getEatingdisorders_pastbulimianervosa; + + + function setEatingdisorders_pastbulimianervosa(v){ + this.Eatingdisorders_pastbulimianervosa=v; + } + this.setEatingdisorders_pastbulimianervosa=setEatingdisorders_pastbulimianervosa; + + this.Eatingdisorders_currentbingeeatingdisorder=null; + + + function getEatingdisorders_currentbingeeatingdisorder() { + return this.Eatingdisorders_currentbingeeatingdisorder; + } + this.getEatingdisorders_currentbingeeatingdisorder=getEatingdisorders_currentbingeeatingdisorder; + + + function setEatingdisorders_currentbingeeatingdisorder(v){ + this.Eatingdisorders_currentbingeeatingdisorder=v; + } + this.setEatingdisorders_currentbingeeatingdisorder=setEatingdisorders_currentbingeeatingdisorder; + + this.Eatingdisorders_pastbingeeatingdisorder=null; + + + function getEatingdisorders_pastbingeeatingdisorder() { + return this.Eatingdisorders_pastbingeeatingdisorder; + } + this.getEatingdisorders_pastbingeeatingdisorder=getEatingdisorders_pastbingeeatingdisorder; + + + function setEatingdisorders_pastbingeeatingdisorder(v){ + this.Eatingdisorders_pastbingeeatingdisorder=v; + } + this.setEatingdisorders_pastbingeeatingdisorder=setEatingdisorders_pastbingeeatingdisorder; + + this.Adjustmentdisorder=null; + + + function getAdjustmentdisorder() { + return this.Adjustmentdisorder; + } + this.getAdjustmentdisorder=getAdjustmentdisorder; + + + function setAdjustmentdisorder(v){ + this.Adjustmentdisorder=v; + } + this.setAdjustmentdisorder=setAdjustmentdisorder; + + this.Optional_currentacutestressdisorder=null; + + + function getOptional_currentacutestressdisorder() { + return this.Optional_currentacutestressdisorder; + } + this.getOptional_currentacutestressdisorder=getOptional_currentacutestressdisorder; + + + function setOptional_currentacutestressdisorder(v){ + this.Optional_currentacutestressdisorder=v; + } + this.setOptional_currentacutestressdisorder=setOptional_currentacutestressdisorder; + + this.Optional_pastacutestressdisorder=null; + + + function getOptional_pastacutestressdisorder() { + return this.Optional_pastacutestressdisorder; + } + this.getOptional_pastacutestressdisorder=getOptional_pastacutestressdisorder; + + + function setOptional_pastacutestressdisorder(v){ + this.Optional_pastacutestressdisorder=v; + } + this.setOptional_pastacutestressdisorder=setOptional_pastacutestressdisorder; + + this.Optional_currentminordepressivedisorder=null; + + + function getOptional_currentminordepressivedisorder() { + return this.Optional_currentminordepressivedisorder; + } + this.getOptional_currentminordepressivedisorder=getOptional_currentminordepressivedisorder; + + + function setOptional_currentminordepressivedisorder(v){ + this.Optional_currentminordepressivedisorder=v; + } + this.setOptional_currentminordepressivedisorder=setOptional_currentminordepressivedisorder; + + this.Optional_pastminordepressivedisorder=null; + + + function getOptional_pastminordepressivedisorder() { + return this.Optional_pastminordepressivedisorder; + } + this.getOptional_pastminordepressivedisorder=getOptional_pastminordepressivedisorder; + + + function setOptional_pastminordepressivedisorder(v){ + this.Optional_pastminordepressivedisorder=v; + } + this.setOptional_pastminordepressivedisorder=setOptional_pastminordepressivedisorder; + + this.Optional_currentmixedanxietydepressivedisorder=null; + + + function getOptional_currentmixedanxietydepressivedisorder() { + return this.Optional_currentmixedanxietydepressivedisorder; + } + this.getOptional_currentmixedanxietydepressivedisorder=getOptional_currentmixedanxietydepressivedisorder; + + + function setOptional_currentmixedanxietydepressivedisorder(v){ + this.Optional_currentmixedanxietydepressivedisorder=v; + } + this.setOptional_currentmixedanxietydepressivedisorder=setOptional_currentmixedanxietydepressivedisorder; + + this.Optional_pastmixedanxietydepressivedisorder=null; + + + function getOptional_pastmixedanxietydepressivedisorder() { + return this.Optional_pastmixedanxietydepressivedisorder; + } + this.getOptional_pastmixedanxietydepressivedisorder=getOptional_pastmixedanxietydepressivedisorder; + + + function setOptional_pastmixedanxietydepressivedisorder(v){ + this.Optional_pastmixedanxietydepressivedisorder=v; + } + this.setOptional_pastmixedanxietydepressivedisorder=setOptional_pastmixedanxietydepressivedisorder; + + this.Optional_pastsympomaticdetails=null; + + + function getOptional_pastsympomaticdetails() { + return this.Optional_pastsympomaticdetails; + } + this.getOptional_pastsympomaticdetails=getOptional_pastsympomaticdetails; + + + function setOptional_pastsympomaticdetails(v){ + this.Optional_pastsympomaticdetails=v; + } + this.setOptional_pastsympomaticdetails=setOptional_pastsympomaticdetails; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + return this.Subjectassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined)return this.Subjectassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="administrator"){ + return this.Administrator ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/currentMajorDepressiveEpisode"){ + return this.Moodepisodes_currentmajordepressiveepisode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/pastMajorDepressiveEpisode"){ + return this.Moodepisodes_pastmajordepressiveepisode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/currentManicEpisode"){ + return this.Moodepisodes_currentmanicepisode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/pastManicEpisode"){ + return this.Moodepisodes_pastmanicepisode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/currentHypomanicEpisode"){ + return this.Moodepisodes_currenthypomanicepisode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/pastHypomanicEpisode"){ + return this.Moodepisodes_pasthypomanicepisode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/currentDysthmicEpisode"){ + return this.Moodepisodes_currentdysthmicepisode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/currentMoodDisorderDueToMedicalCondition"){ + return this.Moodepisodes_currentmooddisorderduetomedicalcondition ; + } else + 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this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentdisorganizedspeechbehavior ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticSymptoms/pastDisorganizedSpeechBehavior"){ + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastdisorganizedspeechbehavior ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticSymptoms/currentCatatonicBehavior"){ + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentcatatonicbehavior ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticSymptoms/pastCatatonicBehavior"){ + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastcatatonicbehavior ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticSymptoms/currentNegativeSymptoms"){ + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_currentnegativesymptoms ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticSymptoms/pastNegativeSymptoms"){ + return this.Psychoticsymptoms_pastnegativesymptoms ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/currentSchizophrenia"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentschizophrenia ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/pastSchizophrenia"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastschizophrenia ; + } else + 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if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/currentResidualType"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentresidualtype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/pastResidualType"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastresidualtype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/currentSchizophreniformDisorder"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentschizophreniformdisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/pastSchizophreniformDisorder"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastschizophreniformdisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/currentSchizoaffectiveDisorder"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentschizoaffectivedisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/pastSchizoaffectiveDisorder"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastschizoaffectivedisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/currentDelusionalDisorder"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentdelusionaldisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/pastDelusionalDisorder"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastdelusionaldisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/currentBriefPsychoticDisorder"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentbriefpsychoticdisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/pastBriefPsychoticDisorder"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastbriefpsychoticdisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/currentPsychoticDisorderDueToMedicalCondition"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/pastPsychoticDisorderDueToMedicalCondition"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastpsychoticdisorderduetomedicalcondition ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/currentSubstanceInducedPsychoticDisorder"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_currentsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="psychoticDisorders/pastSubstanceInducedPsychoticDisorder"){ + return this.Psychoticdisorders_pastsubstanceinducedpsychoticdisorder ; + } else + 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if(xmlPath=="moodDisorders/currentMajorDepressiveDisorder"){ + return this.Mooddisorders_currentmajordepressivedisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodDisorders/pastMajorDepressiveDisorder"){ + return this.Mooddisorders_pastmajordepressivedisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodDisorders/currentDepressiveDisorderNOS"){ + return this.Mooddisorders_currentdepressivedisordernos ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodDisorders/pastDepressiveDisorderNOS"){ + return this.Mooddisorders_pastdepressivedisordernos ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentAlcoholDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentalcoholdependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastAlcoholDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastalcoholdependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentAlcoholAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentalcoholabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastAlcoholAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastalcoholabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentAmphetamineDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentamphetaminedependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastAmphetamineDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastamphetaminedependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentAmphetamineAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentamphetamineabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastAmphetamineAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastamphetamineabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentCannabisDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcannabisdependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastCannabisDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcannabisdependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentCannabisAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcannabisabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastCannabisAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcannabisabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentCocaineDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcocainedependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastCocaineDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcocainedependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentCocaineAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentcocaineabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastCocaineAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcocaineabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentHallucinogenDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogendependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastHallucinogenDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogendependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentHallucinogenAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogenabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastHallucinogenAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogenabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentOpioidDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentopioiddependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastOpioidDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastopioiddependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentOpioidAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentopioidabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastOpioidAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastopioidabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentPhencyclidineDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidinedependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastPhencyclidineDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidinedependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentPhencyclidineAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentphencyclidineabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastPhencyclidineAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidineabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentSedativeHypnoticAnxiolyticDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastSedativeHypnoticAnxiolyticDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentSedativeHypnoticAnxiolyticAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastSedativeHypnoticAnxiolyticAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentPolysubstanceDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentpolysubstancedependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastPolysubstanceDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastpolysubstancedependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentOtherOrUnknownDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknowndependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastOtherOrUnknownDependence"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknowndependence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/currentOtherOrUnknownAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknownabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="substanceUseDisorders/pastOtherOrUnknownAbuse"){ + return this.Substanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknownabuse ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/currentPanicWithAgoraphobia"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentpanicwithagoraphobia ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/pastPanicWithAgoraphobia"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastpanicwithagoraphobia ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/currentPanicWithoutAgoraphobia"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentpanicwithoutagoraphobia ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/pastPanicWithoutAgoraphobia"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastpanicwithoutagoraphobia ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/currentAgoraphobiaWithoutPanicHx"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentagoraphobiawithoutpanichx ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/pastAgoraphobiaWithoutPanicHx"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastagoraphobiawithoutpanichx ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/currentSocialPhobia"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentsocialphobia ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/pastSocialPhobia"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastsocialphobia ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/currentSpecificPhobia"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentspecificphobia ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/pastSpecificPhobia"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastspecificphobia ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/currentOCD"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentocd ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/pastOCD"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastocd ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/currentPTSD"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentptsd ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/pastPTSD"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastptsd ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/currentGeneralizedAnxietyDisorder"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentgeneralizedanxietydisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/currentAnxietyDueToMedicalCondition"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_currentanxietyduetomedicalcondition ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="anxietyDisorders/pastAnxietyDueToMedicalCondition"){ + return this.Anxietydisorders_pastanxietyduetomedicalcondition ; + } else + 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return this.Somatoformdisorders_hypochondriasis ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="somatoformDisorders/bodyDysmorphicDisorder"){ + return this.Somatoformdisorders_bodydysmorphicdisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="eatingDisorders/currentAnorexiaNervosa"){ + return this.Eatingdisorders_currentanorexianervosa ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="eatingDisorders/pastAnorexiaNervosa"){ + return this.Eatingdisorders_pastanorexianervosa ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="eatingDisorders/currentBulimiaNervosa"){ + return this.Eatingdisorders_currentbulimianervosa ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="eatingDisorders/pastBulimiaNervosa"){ + return this.Eatingdisorders_pastbulimianervosa ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="eatingDisorders/currentBingeEatingDisorder"){ + return this.Eatingdisorders_currentbingeeatingdisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="eatingDisorders/pastBingeEatingDisorder"){ + return this.Eatingdisorders_pastbingeeatingdisorder ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="adjustmentDisorder"){ + return this.Adjustmentdisorder ; + } else + 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if(options && options.where)this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="administrator"){ + this.Administrator=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/currentMajorDepressiveEpisode"){ + this.Moodepisodes_currentmajordepressiveepisode=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/pastMajorDepressiveEpisode"){ + this.Moodepisodes_pastmajordepressiveepisode=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/currentManicEpisode"){ + this.Moodepisodes_currentmanicepisode=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/pastManicEpisode"){ + this.Moodepisodes_pastmanicepisode=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/currentHypomanicEpisode"){ + this.Moodepisodes_currenthypomanicepisode=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/pastHypomanicEpisode"){ + this.Moodepisodes_pasthypomanicepisode=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/currentDysthmicEpisode"){ + 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@param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="administrator"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/currentMajorDepressiveEpisode"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/pastMajorDepressiveEpisode"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/currentManicEpisode"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/pastManicEpisode"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/currentHypomanicEpisode"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="moodEpisodes/pastHypomanicEpisode"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if 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return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pastamphetamineabuse!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_currentopioiddependence!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_currentotherorunknownabuse!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pastphencyclidinedependence!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogendependence!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_currentopioidabuse!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pasthallucinogenabuse!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pastsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcannabisdependence!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcocaineabuse!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_currentamphetaminedependence!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pastopioiddependence!=null) return true; + 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if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pastcocainedependence!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pastpolysubstancedependence!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_currentalcoholabuse!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_currenthallucinogenabuse!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_currentsedativehypnoticanxiolyticdependence!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pastamphetaminedependence!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pastopioidabuse!=null) return true; + if(this.Substanceusedisorders_pastotherorunknownabuse!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_pastanxietyduetomedicalcondition!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_currentpanicwithagoraphobia!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_currentptsd!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_currentsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_currentpanicwithoutagoraphobia!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_currentgeneralizedanxietydisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_pastsubstanceinducedanxietydisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_pastpanicwithoutagoraphobia!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_pastagoraphobiawithoutpanichx!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_currentspecificphobia!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_pastptsd!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_currentanxietyduetomedicalcondition!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_currentagoraphobiawithoutpanichx!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_currentocd!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_pastspecificphobia!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_currentanxietydisordernos!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_currentsocialphobia!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_pastpanicwithagoraphobia!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_pastsocialphobia!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_pastanxietydisordernos!=null) return true; + if(this.Anxietydisorders_pastocd!=null) return true; + if(this.Somatoformdisorders_bodydysmorphicdisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Somatoformdisorders_paindisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Somatoformdisorders_hypochondriasis!=null) return true; + if(this.Somatoformdisorders_somatizationdisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Somatoformdisorders_undifferentiatedsomatformdisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Eatingdisorders_currentanorexianervosa!=null) return true; + if(this.Eatingdisorders_pastanorexianervosa!=null) return true; + if(this.Eatingdisorders_currentbingeeatingdisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Eatingdisorders_currentbulimianervosa!=null) return true; + if(this.Eatingdisorders_pastbulimianervosa!=null) return true; + if(this.Eatingdisorders_pastbingeeatingdisorder!=null) return true; + if (this.Adjustmentdisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Optional_currentacutestressdisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Optional_pastmixedanxietydepressivedisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Optional_pastminordepressivedisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Optional_currentminordepressivedisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Optional_pastsympomaticdetails!=null) return true; + if(this.Optional_currentmixedanxietydepressivedisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.Optional_pastacutestressdisorder!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_sideEffectsPittsburghData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_sideEffectsPittsburghData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e860aa72 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_sideEffectsPittsburghData.js @@ -0,0 +1,729 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_a_sideEffectsPittsburghData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat_a:sideEffectsPittsburghData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "sideEffectsPittsburghData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat_a:sideEffectsPittsburghData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectAssessorData','generated/xnat_subjectAssessorData.js'); + + this.Motortics=null; + + + function getMotortics() { + return this.Motortics; + } + this.getMotortics=getMotortics; + + + function setMotortics(v){ + this.Motortics=v; + } + this.setMotortics=setMotortics; + + this.BuccalLingualmovements=null; + + + function getBuccalLingualmovements() { + return this.BuccalLingualmovements; + } + this.getBuccalLingualmovements=getBuccalLingualmovements; + + + function setBuccalLingualmovements(v){ + this.BuccalLingualmovements=v; + } + this.setBuccalLingualmovements=setBuccalLingualmovements; + + this.PickingSkinFingersNailsLip=null; + + + function getPickingSkinFingersNailsLip() { + return this.PickingSkinFingersNailsLip; + } + this.getPickingSkinFingersNailsLip=getPickingSkinFingersNailsLip; + + + function setPickingSkinFingersNailsLip(v){ + this.PickingSkinFingersNailsLip=v; + } + this.setPickingSkinFingersNailsLip=setPickingSkinFingersNailsLip; + + this.WorriedAnxious=null; + + + function getWorriedAnxious() { + return this.WorriedAnxious; + } + this.getWorriedAnxious=getWorriedAnxious; + + + function setWorriedAnxious(v){ + this.WorriedAnxious=v; + } + this.setWorriedAnxious=setWorriedAnxious; + + this.DullTiredListless=null; + + + function getDullTiredListless() { + return this.DullTiredListless; + } + this.getDullTiredListless=getDullTiredListless; + + + function setDullTiredListless(v){ + this.DullTiredListless=v; + } + this.setDullTiredListless=setDullTiredListless; + + this.Sedation=null; + + + function getSedation() { + return this.Sedation; + } + this.getSedation=getSedation; + + + function setSedation(v){ + this.Sedation=v; + } + this.setSedation=setSedation; + + this.Stomachache=null; + + + function getStomachache() { + return this.Stomachache; + } + this.getStomachache=getStomachache; + + + function setStomachache(v){ + this.Stomachache=v; + } + this.setStomachache=setStomachache; + + this.NauseaVomiting=null; + + + function getNauseaVomiting() { + return this.NauseaVomiting; + } + this.getNauseaVomiting=getNauseaVomiting; + + + function setNauseaVomiting(v){ + this.NauseaVomiting=v; + } + this.setNauseaVomiting=setNauseaVomiting; + + this.CrabbyIrritable=null; + + + function getCrabbyIrritable() { + return this.CrabbyIrritable; + } + this.getCrabbyIrritable=getCrabbyIrritable; + + + function setCrabbyIrritable(v){ + this.CrabbyIrritable=v; + } + this.setCrabbyIrritable=setCrabbyIrritable; + + this.TearfulSadDepressed=null; + + + function getTearfulSadDepressed() { + return this.TearfulSadDepressed; + } + this.getTearfulSadDepressed=getTearfulSadDepressed; + + + function setTearfulSadDepressed(v){ + this.TearfulSadDepressed=v; + } + this.setTearfulSadDepressed=setTearfulSadDepressed; + + this.Hallucinations=null; + + + function getHallucinations() { + return this.Hallucinations; + } + this.getHallucinations=getHallucinations; + + + function setHallucinations(v){ + this.Hallucinations=v; + } + this.setHallucinations=setHallucinations; + + this.Troublesleeping=null; + + + function getTroublesleeping() { + return this.Troublesleeping; + } + this.getTroublesleeping=getTroublesleeping; + + + function setTroublesleeping(v){ + this.Troublesleeping=v; + } + this.setTroublesleeping=setTroublesleeping; + + this.Lossofappetite=null; + + + function getLossofappetite() { + return this.Lossofappetite; + } + this.getLossofappetite=getLossofappetite; + + + function setLossofappetite(v){ + this.Lossofappetite=v; + } + this.setLossofappetite=setLossofappetite; + + this.TroubleconcentratingDistractible=null; + + + function getTroubleconcentratingDistractible() { + return this.TroubleconcentratingDistractible; + } + this.getTroubleconcentratingDistractible=getTroubleconcentratingDistractible; + + + function setTroubleconcentratingDistractible(v){ + this.TroubleconcentratingDistractible=v; + } + this.setTroubleconcentratingDistractible=setTroubleconcentratingDistractible; + + this.DizzinessLightheadedness=null; + + + function getDizzinessLightheadedness() { + return this.DizzinessLightheadedness; + } + this.getDizzinessLightheadedness=getDizzinessLightheadedness; + + + function setDizzinessLightheadedness(v){ + this.DizzinessLightheadedness=v; + } + this.setDizzinessLightheadedness=setDizzinessLightheadedness; + + this.Headaches=null; + + + function getHeadaches() { + return this.Headaches; + } + this.getHeadaches=getHeadaches; + + + function setHeadaches(v){ + this.Headaches=v; + } + this.setHeadaches=setHeadaches; + + this.Socialwithdrawal=null; + + + function getSocialwithdrawal() { + return this.Socialwithdrawal; + } + this.getSocialwithdrawal=getSocialwithdrawal; + + + function setSocialwithdrawal(v){ + this.Socialwithdrawal=v; + } + this.setSocialwithdrawal=setSocialwithdrawal; + + this.Drymouth=null; + + + function getDrymouth() { + return this.Drymouth; + } + this.getDrymouth=getDrymouth; + + + function setDrymouth(v){ + this.Drymouth=v; + } + this.setDrymouth=setDrymouth; + + this.Palpitations=null; + + + function getPalpitations() { + return this.Palpitations; + } + this.getPalpitations=getPalpitations; + + + function setPalpitations(v){ + this.Palpitations=v; + } + this.setPalpitations=setPalpitations; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + return this.Subjectassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined)return this.Subjectassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motorTics"){ + return this.Motortics ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="buccal_lingualMovements"){ + return this.BuccalLingualmovements ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="picking_skin_fingers_nails_lip"){ + return this.PickingSkinFingersNailsLip ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="worried_anxious"){ + return this.WorriedAnxious ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dull_tired_listless"){ + return this.DullTiredListless ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sedation"){ + return this.Sedation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stomachache"){ + return this.Stomachache ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="nausea_vomiting"){ + return this.NauseaVomiting ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="crabby_irritable"){ + return this.CrabbyIrritable ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tearful_sad_depressed"){ + return this.TearfulSadDepressed ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="hallucinations"){ + return this.Hallucinations ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="troubleSleeping"){ + return this.Troublesleeping ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="lossOfAppetite"){ + return this.Lossofappetite ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="troubleConcentrating_distractible"){ + return this.TroubleconcentratingDistractible ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dizziness_lightheadedness"){ + return this.DizzinessLightheadedness ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="headaches"){ + return this.Headaches ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="socialWithdrawal"){ + return this.Socialwithdrawal ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dryMouth"){ + return this.Drymouth ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="palpitations"){ + return this.Palpitations ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + this.Subjectassessordata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined){ + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Subjectassessordata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Subjectassessordata= instanciateObject("xnat:subjectAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="motorTics"){ + this.Motortics=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="buccal_lingualMovements"){ + this.BuccalLingualmovements=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="picking_skin_fingers_nails_lip"){ + this.PickingSkinFingersNailsLip=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="worried_anxious"){ + this.WorriedAnxious=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dull_tired_listless"){ + this.DullTiredListless=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sedation"){ + this.Sedation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stomachache"){ + this.Stomachache=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="nausea_vomiting"){ + this.NauseaVomiting=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="crabby_irritable"){ + this.CrabbyIrritable=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tearful_sad_depressed"){ + this.TearfulSadDepressed=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="hallucinations"){ + this.Hallucinations=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="troubleSleeping"){ + this.Troublesleeping=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="lossOfAppetite"){ + this.Lossofappetite=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="troubleConcentrating_distractible"){ + this.TroubleconcentratingDistractible=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dizziness_lightheadedness"){ + this.DizzinessLightheadedness=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="headaches"){ + this.Headaches=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="socialWithdrawal"){ + this.Socialwithdrawal=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dryMouth"){ + this.Drymouth=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="palpitations"){ + this.Palpitations=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="motorTics"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="buccal_lingualMovements"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="picking_skin_fingers_nails_lip"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="worried_anxious"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dull_tired_listless"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sedation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="stomachache"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="nausea_vomiting"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="crabby_irritable"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tearful_sad_depressed"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="hallucinations"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="troubleSleeping"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="lossOfAppetite"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="troubleConcentrating_distractible"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dizziness_lightheadedness"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="headaches"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="socialWithdrawal"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dryMouth"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="palpitations"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:SideEffectsPittsburgh"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:SideEffectsPittsburgh>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Motortics!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:motorTics"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Motortics; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:motorTics>"; + } + if (this.BuccalLingualmovements!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:buccal_lingualMovements"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.BuccalLingualmovements; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:buccal_lingualMovements>"; + } + if (this.PickingSkinFingersNailsLip!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:picking_skin_fingers_nails_lip"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.PickingSkinFingersNailsLip; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:picking_skin_fingers_nails_lip>"; + } + if (this.WorriedAnxious!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:worried_anxious"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.WorriedAnxious; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:worried_anxious>"; + } + if (this.DullTiredListless!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:dull_tired_listless"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.DullTiredListless; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:dull_tired_listless>"; + } + if (this.Sedation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:sedation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Sedation; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:sedation>"; + } + if (this.Stomachache!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:stomachache"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Stomachache; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:stomachache>"; + } + if (this.NauseaVomiting!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:nausea_vomiting"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.NauseaVomiting; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:nausea_vomiting>"; + } + if (this.CrabbyIrritable!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:crabby_irritable"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.CrabbyIrritable; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:crabby_irritable>"; + } + if (this.TearfulSadDepressed!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:tearful_sad_depressed"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.TearfulSadDepressed; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:tearful_sad_depressed>"; + } + if (this.Hallucinations!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:hallucinations"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Hallucinations; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:hallucinations>"; + } + if (this.Troublesleeping!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:troubleSleeping"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Troublesleeping; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:troubleSleeping>"; + } + if (this.Lossofappetite!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:lossOfAppetite"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Lossofappetite; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:lossOfAppetite>"; + } + if (this.TroubleconcentratingDistractible!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:troubleConcentrating_distractible"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.TroubleconcentratingDistractible; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:troubleConcentrating_distractible>"; + } + if (this.DizzinessLightheadedness!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:dizziness_lightheadedness"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.DizzinessLightheadedness; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:dizziness_lightheadedness>"; + } + if (this.Headaches!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:headaches"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Headaches; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:headaches>"; + } + if (this.Socialwithdrawal!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:socialWithdrawal"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Socialwithdrawal; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:socialWithdrawal>"; + } + if (this.Drymouth!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:dryMouth"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Drymouth; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:dryMouth>"; + } + if (this.Palpitations!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:palpitations"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Palpitations; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:palpitations>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Motortics!=null) return true; + if (this.BuccalLingualmovements!=null) return true; + if (this.PickingSkinFingersNailsLip!=null) return true; + if (this.WorriedAnxious!=null) return true; + if (this.DullTiredListless!=null) return true; + if (this.Sedation!=null) return true; + if (this.Stomachache!=null) return true; + if (this.NauseaVomiting!=null) return true; + if (this.CrabbyIrritable!=null) return true; + if (this.TearfulSadDepressed!=null) return true; + if (this.Hallucinations!=null) return true; + if (this.Troublesleeping!=null) return true; + if (this.Lossofappetite!=null) return true; + if (this.TroubleconcentratingDistractible!=null) return true; + if (this.DizzinessLightheadedness!=null) return true; + if (this.Headaches!=null) return true; + if (this.Socialwithdrawal!=null) return true; + if (this.Drymouth!=null) return true; + if (this.Palpitations!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_updrs3Data.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_updrs3Data.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59e4e26f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_updrs3Data.js @@ -0,0 +1,1296 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_a_updrs3Data(){ +this.xsiType="xnat_a:updrs3Data"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "updrs3Data"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat_a:updrs3Data"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectAssessorData','generated/xnat_subjectAssessorData.js'); + + this.Inscanner=null; + + + function getInscanner() { + return this.Inscanner; + } + this.getInscanner=getInscanner; + + + function setInscanner(v){ + this.Inscanner=v; + } + this.setInscanner=setInscanner; + + + this.isInscanner=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Inscanner==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Inscanner=="1" || this.Inscanner==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Clicker_right=null; + + + function getClicker_right() { + return this.Clicker_right; + } + this.getClicker_right=getClicker_right; + + + function setClicker_right(v){ + this.Clicker_right=v; + } + this.setClicker_right=setClicker_right; + + this.Clicker_left=null; + + + function getClicker_left() { + return this.Clicker_left; + } + this.getClicker_left=getClicker_left; + + + function setClicker_left(v){ + this.Clicker_left=v; + } + this.setClicker_left=setClicker_left; + + this.Clicker_interval=null; + + + function getClicker_interval() { + return this.Clicker_interval; + } + this.getClicker_interval=getClicker_interval; + + + function setClicker_interval(v){ + this.Clicker_interval=v; + } + this.setClicker_interval=setClicker_interval; + + this.Tremorrest_face=null; + + + function getTremorrest_face() { + return this.Tremorrest_face; + } + this.getTremorrest_face=getTremorrest_face; + + + function setTremorrest_face(v){ + this.Tremorrest_face=v; + } + this.setTremorrest_face=setTremorrest_face; + + this.Tremorrest_rue=null; + + + function getTremorrest_rue() { + return this.Tremorrest_rue; + } + this.getTremorrest_rue=getTremorrest_rue; + + + function setTremorrest_rue(v){ + this.Tremorrest_rue=v; + } + this.setTremorrest_rue=setTremorrest_rue; + + this.Tremorrest_lue=null; + + + function getTremorrest_lue() { + return this.Tremorrest_lue; + } + this.getTremorrest_lue=getTremorrest_lue; + + + function setTremorrest_lue(v){ + this.Tremorrest_lue=v; + } + this.setTremorrest_lue=setTremorrest_lue; + + this.Tremorrest_rle=null; + + + function getTremorrest_rle() { + return this.Tremorrest_rle; + } + this.getTremorrest_rle=getTremorrest_rle; + + + function setTremorrest_rle(v){ + this.Tremorrest_rle=v; + } + this.setTremorrest_rle=setTremorrest_rle; + + this.Tremorrest_lle=null; + + + function getTremorrest_lle() { + return this.Tremorrest_lle; + } + this.getTremorrest_lle=getTremorrest_lle; + + + function setTremorrest_lle(v){ + this.Tremorrest_lle=v; + } + this.setTremorrest_lle=setTremorrest_lle; + + this.Rigidity_neck=null; + + + function getRigidity_neck() { + return this.Rigidity_neck; + } + this.getRigidity_neck=getRigidity_neck; + + + function setRigidity_neck(v){ + this.Rigidity_neck=v; + } + this.setRigidity_neck=setRigidity_neck; + + this.Rigidity_rue=null; + + + function getRigidity_rue() { + return this.Rigidity_rue; + } + this.getRigidity_rue=getRigidity_rue; + + + function setRigidity_rue(v){ + this.Rigidity_rue=v; + } + this.setRigidity_rue=setRigidity_rue; + + this.Rigidity_lue=null; + + + function getRigidity_lue() { + return this.Rigidity_lue; + } + this.getRigidity_lue=getRigidity_lue; + + + function setRigidity_lue(v){ + this.Rigidity_lue=v; + } + this.setRigidity_lue=setRigidity_lue; + + this.Rigidity_rle=null; + + + function getRigidity_rle() { + return this.Rigidity_rle; + } + this.getRigidity_rle=getRigidity_rle; + + + function setRigidity_rle(v){ + this.Rigidity_rle=v; + } + this.setRigidity_rle=setRigidity_rle; + + this.Rigidity_lle=null; + + + function getRigidity_lle() { + return this.Rigidity_lle; + } + this.getRigidity_lle=getRigidity_lle; + + + function setRigidity_lle(v){ + this.Rigidity_lle=v; + } + this.setRigidity_lle=setRigidity_lle; + + this.Handmovementsgrip_right=null; + + + function getHandmovementsgrip_right() { + return this.Handmovementsgrip_right; + } + this.getHandmovementsgrip_right=getHandmovementsgrip_right; + + + function setHandmovementsgrip_right(v){ + this.Handmovementsgrip_right=v; + } + this.setHandmovementsgrip_right=setHandmovementsgrip_right; + + this.Handmovementsgrip_left=null; + + + function getHandmovementsgrip_left() { + return this.Handmovementsgrip_left; + } + this.getHandmovementsgrip_left=getHandmovementsgrip_left; + + + function setHandmovementsgrip_left(v){ + this.Handmovementsgrip_left=v; + } + this.setHandmovementsgrip_left=setHandmovementsgrip_left; + + this.Facialexpression=null; + + + function getFacialexpression() { + return this.Facialexpression; + } + this.getFacialexpression=getFacialexpression; + + + function setFacialexpression(v){ + this.Facialexpression=v; + } + this.setFacialexpression=setFacialexpression; + + this.Gait=null; + + + function getGait() { + return this.Gait; + } + this.getGait=getGait; + + + function setGait(v){ + this.Gait=v; + } + this.setGait=setGait; + + this.Speech=null; + + + function getSpeech() { + return this.Speech; + } + this.getSpeech=getSpeech; + + + function setSpeech(v){ + this.Speech=v; + } + this.setSpeech=setSpeech; + + this.Writing=null; + + + function getWriting() { + return this.Writing; + } + this.getWriting=getWriting; + + + function setWriting(v){ + this.Writing=v; + } + this.setWriting=setWriting; + + this.Arisefromchair=null; + + + function getArisefromchair() { + return this.Arisefromchair; + } + this.getArisefromchair=getArisefromchair; + + + function setArisefromchair(v){ + this.Arisefromchair=v; + } + this.setArisefromchair=setArisefromchair; + + this.Actionposturaltremor_right=null; + + + function getActionposturaltremor_right() { + return this.Actionposturaltremor_right; + } + this.getActionposturaltremor_right=getActionposturaltremor_right; + + + function setActionposturaltremor_right(v){ + this.Actionposturaltremor_right=v; + } + this.setActionposturaltremor_right=setActionposturaltremor_right; + + this.Actionposturaltremor_left=null; + + + function getActionposturaltremor_left() { + return this.Actionposturaltremor_left; + } + this.getActionposturaltremor_left=getActionposturaltremor_left; + + + function setActionposturaltremor_left(v){ + this.Actionposturaltremor_left=v; + } + this.setActionposturaltremor_left=setActionposturaltremor_left; + + this.Handsram_right=null; + + + function getHandsram_right() { + return this.Handsram_right; + } + this.getHandsram_right=getHandsram_right; + + + function setHandsram_right(v){ + this.Handsram_right=v; + } + this.setHandsram_right=setHandsram_right; + + this.Handsram_left=null; + + + function getHandsram_left() { + return this.Handsram_left; + } + this.getHandsram_left=getHandsram_left; + + + function setHandsram_left(v){ + this.Handsram_left=v; + } + this.setHandsram_left=setHandsram_left; + + this.Fingertaps_right=null; + + + function getFingertaps_right() { + return this.Fingertaps_right; + } + this.getFingertaps_right=getFingertaps_right; + + + function setFingertaps_right(v){ + this.Fingertaps_right=v; + } + this.setFingertaps_right=setFingertaps_right; + + this.Fingertaps_left=null; + + + function getFingertaps_left() { + return this.Fingertaps_left; + } + this.getFingertaps_left=getFingertaps_left; + + + function setFingertaps_left(v){ + this.Fingertaps_left=v; + } + this.setFingertaps_left=setFingertaps_left; + + this.Posture=null; + + + function getPosture() { + return this.Posture; + } + this.getPosture=getPosture; + + + function setPosture(v){ + this.Posture=v; + } + this.setPosture=setPosture; + + this.Posturalstability=null; + + + function getPosturalstability() { + return this.Posturalstability; + } + this.getPosturalstability=getPosturalstability; + + + function setPosturalstability(v){ + this.Posturalstability=v; + } + this.setPosturalstability=setPosturalstability; + + this.Foottaps_right=null; + + + function getFoottaps_right() { + return this.Foottaps_right; + } + this.getFoottaps_right=getFoottaps_right; + + + function setFoottaps_right(v){ + this.Foottaps_right=v; + } + this.setFoottaps_right=setFoottaps_right; + + this.Foottaps_left=null; + + + function getFoottaps_left() { + return this.Foottaps_left; + } + this.getFoottaps_left=getFoottaps_left; + + + function setFoottaps_left(v){ + this.Foottaps_left=v; + } + this.setFoottaps_left=setFoottaps_left; + + this.Bodybradykinesiahypokinesia=null; + + + function getBodybradykinesiahypokinesia() { + return this.Bodybradykinesiahypokinesia; + } + this.getBodybradykinesiahypokinesia=getBodybradykinesiahypokinesia; + + + function setBodybradykinesiahypokinesia(v){ + this.Bodybradykinesiahypokinesia=v; + } + this.setBodybradykinesiahypokinesia=setBodybradykinesiahypokinesia; + + this.Problem=null; + + + function getProblem() { + return this.Problem; + } + this.getProblem=getProblem; + + + function setProblem(v){ + this.Problem=v; + } + this.setProblem=setProblem; + + + this.isProblem=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Problem==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Problem=="1" || this.Problem==true)return true; + return false; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + return this.Subjectassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined)return this.Subjectassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="inScanner"){ + return this.Inscanner ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="clicker/right"){ + return this.Clicker_right ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="clicker/left"){ + return this.Clicker_left ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="clicker/interval"){ + return this.Clicker_interval ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tremorRest/face"){ + return this.Tremorrest_face ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tremorRest/rue"){ + return this.Tremorrest_rue ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tremorRest/lue"){ + return this.Tremorrest_lue ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tremorRest/rle"){ + return this.Tremorrest_rle ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tremorRest/lle"){ + return this.Tremorrest_lle ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rigidity/neck"){ + return this.Rigidity_neck ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rigidity/rue"){ + return this.Rigidity_rue ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rigidity/lue"){ + return this.Rigidity_lue ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rigidity/rle"){ + return this.Rigidity_rle ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rigidity/lle"){ + return this.Rigidity_lle ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="handMovementsGrip/right"){ + return this.Handmovementsgrip_right ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="handMovementsGrip/left"){ + return this.Handmovementsgrip_left ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="facialExpression"){ + return this.Facialexpression ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="gait"){ + return this.Gait ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="speech"){ + return this.Speech ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="writing"){ + return this.Writing ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ariseFromChair"){ + return this.Arisefromchair ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="actionPosturalTremor/right"){ + return this.Actionposturaltremor_right ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="actionPosturalTremor/left"){ + return this.Actionposturaltremor_left ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="handsRAM/right"){ + return this.Handsram_right ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="handsRAM/left"){ + return this.Handsram_left ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fingerTaps/right"){ + return this.Fingertaps_right ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fingerTaps/left"){ + return this.Fingertaps_left ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="posture"){ + return this.Posture ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="posturalStability"){ + return this.Posturalstability ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="footTaps/right"){ + return this.Foottaps_right ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="footTaps/left"){ + return this.Foottaps_left ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="bodyBradykinesiaHypokinesia"){ + return this.Bodybradykinesiahypokinesia ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="problem"){ + return this.Problem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + this.Subjectassessordata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined){ + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Subjectassessordata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Subjectassessordata= instanciateObject("xnat:subjectAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="inScanner"){ + this.Inscanner=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="clicker/right"){ + this.Clicker_right=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="clicker/left"){ + this.Clicker_left=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="clicker/interval"){ + this.Clicker_interval=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tremorRest/face"){ + this.Tremorrest_face=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tremorRest/rue"){ + this.Tremorrest_rue=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tremorRest/lue"){ + this.Tremorrest_lue=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tremorRest/rle"){ + this.Tremorrest_rle=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tremorRest/lle"){ + this.Tremorrest_lle=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rigidity/neck"){ + this.Rigidity_neck=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rigidity/rue"){ + this.Rigidity_rue=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rigidity/lue"){ + this.Rigidity_lue=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rigidity/rle"){ + this.Rigidity_rle=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rigidity/lle"){ + this.Rigidity_lle=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="handMovementsGrip/right"){ + this.Handmovementsgrip_right=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="handMovementsGrip/left"){ + this.Handmovementsgrip_left=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="facialExpression"){ + this.Facialexpression=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="gait"){ + this.Gait=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="speech"){ + this.Speech=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="writing"){ + this.Writing=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ariseFromChair"){ + this.Arisefromchair=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="actionPosturalTremor/right"){ + this.Actionposturaltremor_right=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="actionPosturalTremor/left"){ + this.Actionposturaltremor_left=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="handsRAM/right"){ + this.Handsram_right=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="handsRAM/left"){ + this.Handsram_left=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fingerTaps/right"){ + this.Fingertaps_right=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fingerTaps/left"){ + this.Fingertaps_left=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="posture"){ + this.Posture=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="posturalStability"){ + this.Posturalstability=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="footTaps/right"){ + this.Foottaps_right=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="footTaps/left"){ + this.Foottaps_left=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="bodyBradykinesiaHypokinesia"){ + this.Bodybradykinesiahypokinesia=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="problem"){ + this.Problem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="inScanner"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="clicker/right"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="clicker/left"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="clicker/interval"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tremorRest/face"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tremorRest/rue"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tremorRest/lue"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tremorRest/rle"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tremorRest/lle"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="rigidity/neck"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="rigidity/rue"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="rigidity/lue"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="rigidity/rle"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="rigidity/lle"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="handMovementsGrip/right"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="handMovementsGrip/left"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="facialExpression"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="gait"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="speech"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="writing"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ariseFromChair"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="actionPosturalTremor/right"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="actionPosturalTremor/left"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="handsRAM/right"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="handsRAM/left"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="fingerTaps/right"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="fingerTaps/left"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="posture"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="posturalStability"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="footTaps/right"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="footTaps/left"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="bodyBradykinesiaHypokinesia"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="problem"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:UPDRS3"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:UPDRS3>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Inscanner!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:inScanner"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Inscanner; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:inScanner>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + if(this.Clicker_left!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Clicker_interval!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Clicker_right!=null) + child0++; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:clicker"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Clicker_right!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:right"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Clicker_right; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:right>"; + } + if (this.Clicker_left!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:left"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Clicker_left; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:left>"; + } + if (this.Clicker_interval!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:interval"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Clicker_interval; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:interval>"; + } + else{ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:interval"; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:clicker>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + if(this.Tremorrest_lue!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Tremorrest_rle!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Tremorrest_lle!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Tremorrest_face!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Tremorrest_rue!=null) + child1++; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:tremorRest"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Tremorrest_face!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:face"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tremorrest_face.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:face>"; + } + if (this.Tremorrest_rue!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:rue"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tremorrest_rue.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:rue>"; + } + if (this.Tremorrest_lue!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:lue"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tremorrest_lue.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:lue>"; + } + if (this.Tremorrest_rle!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:rle"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tremorrest_rle.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:rle>"; + } + if (this.Tremorrest_lle!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:lle"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tremorrest_lle.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:lle>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:tremorRest>"; + } + } + + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + if(this.Rigidity_lle!=null) + child2++; + if(this.Rigidity_rue!=null) + child2++; + if(this.Rigidity_lue!=null) + child2++; + if(this.Rigidity_rle!=null) + child2++; + if(this.Rigidity_neck!=null) + child2++; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:rigidity"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Rigidity_neck!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:neck"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Rigidity_neck.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:neck>"; + } + if (this.Rigidity_rue!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:rue"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Rigidity_rue.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:rue>"; + } + if (this.Rigidity_lue!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:lue"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Rigidity_lue.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:lue>"; + } + if (this.Rigidity_rle!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:rle"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Rigidity_rle.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:rle>"; + } + if (this.Rigidity_lle!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:lle"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Rigidity_lle.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:lle>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:rigidity>"; + } + } + + var child3=0; + var att3=0; + if(this.Handmovementsgrip_left!=null) + child3++; + if(this.Handmovementsgrip_right!=null) + child3++; + if(child3>0 || att3>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:handMovementsGrip"; + if(child3==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Handmovementsgrip_right!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:right"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Handmovementsgrip_right; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:right>"; + } + if (this.Handmovementsgrip_left!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:left"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Handmovementsgrip_left; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:left>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:handMovementsGrip>"; + } + } + + if (this.Facialexpression!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:facialExpression"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Facialexpression; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:facialExpression>"; + } + if (this.Gait!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:gait"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Gait; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:gait>"; + } + if (this.Speech!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:speech"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Speech; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:speech>"; + } + if (this.Writing!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:writing"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Writing; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:writing>"; + } + if (this.Arisefromchair!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:ariseFromChair"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Arisefromchair; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:ariseFromChair>"; + } + var child4=0; + var att4=0; + if(this.Actionposturaltremor_right!=null) + child4++; + if(this.Actionposturaltremor_left!=null) + child4++; + if(child4>0 || att4>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:actionPosturalTremor"; + if(child4==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Actionposturaltremor_right!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:right"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Actionposturaltremor_right; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:right>"; + } + if (this.Actionposturaltremor_left!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:left"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Actionposturaltremor_left; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:left>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:actionPosturalTremor>"; + } + } + + var child5=0; + var att5=0; + if(this.Handsram_right!=null) + child5++; + if(this.Handsram_left!=null) + child5++; + if(child5>0 || att5>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:handsRAM"; + if(child5==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Handsram_right!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:right"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Handsram_right; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:right>"; + } + if (this.Handsram_left!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:left"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Handsram_left; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:left>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:handsRAM>"; + } + } + + var child6=0; + var att6=0; + if(this.Fingertaps_left!=null) + child6++; + if(this.Fingertaps_right!=null) + child6++; + if(child6>0 || att6>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:fingerTaps"; + if(child6==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Fingertaps_right!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:right"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Fingertaps_right; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:right>"; + } + if (this.Fingertaps_left!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:left"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Fingertaps_left; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:left>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:fingerTaps>"; + } + } + + if (this.Posture!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:posture"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Posture; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:posture>"; + } + if (this.Posturalstability!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:posturalStability"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Posturalstability; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:posturalStability>"; + } + var child7=0; + var att7=0; + if(this.Foottaps_left!=null) + child7++; + if(this.Foottaps_right!=null) + child7++; + if(child7>0 || att7>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:footTaps"; + if(child7==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Foottaps_right!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:right"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Foottaps_right; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:right>"; + } + if (this.Foottaps_left!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:left"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Foottaps_left; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:left>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:footTaps>"; + } + } + + if (this.Bodybradykinesiahypokinesia!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:bodyBradykinesiaHypokinesia"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Bodybradykinesiahypokinesia; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:bodyBradykinesiaHypokinesia>"; + } + if (this.Problem!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:problem"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Problem; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:problem>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Inscanner!=null) return true; + if(this.Clicker_left!=null) return true; + if(this.Clicker_interval!=null) return true; + if(this.Clicker_right!=null) return true; + if(this.Tremorrest_lue!=null) return true; + if(this.Tremorrest_rle!=null) return true; + if(this.Tremorrest_lle!=null) return true; + if(this.Tremorrest_face!=null) return true; + if(this.Tremorrest_rue!=null) return true; + if(this.Rigidity_lle!=null) return true; + if(this.Rigidity_rue!=null) return true; + if(this.Rigidity_lue!=null) return true; + if(this.Rigidity_rle!=null) return true; + if(this.Rigidity_neck!=null) return true; + if(this.Handmovementsgrip_left!=null) return true; + if(this.Handmovementsgrip_right!=null) return true; + if (this.Facialexpression!=null) return true; + if (this.Gait!=null) return true; + if (this.Speech!=null) return true; + if (this.Writing!=null) return true; + if (this.Arisefromchair!=null) return true; + if(this.Actionposturaltremor_right!=null) return true; + if(this.Actionposturaltremor_left!=null) return true; + if(this.Handsram_right!=null) return true; + if(this.Handsram_left!=null) return true; + if(this.Fingertaps_left!=null) return true; + if(this.Fingertaps_right!=null) return true; + if (this.Posture!=null) return true; + if (this.Posturalstability!=null) return true; + if(this.Foottaps_left!=null) return true; + if(this.Foottaps_right!=null) return true; + if (this.Bodybradykinesiahypokinesia!=null) return true; + if (this.Problem!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_ybocsData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_ybocsData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf4f0a34 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_ybocsData.js @@ -0,0 +1,678 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_a_ybocsData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat_a:ybocsData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "ybocsData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat_a:ybocsData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectAssessorData','generated/xnat_subjectAssessorData.js'); + + this.Currentorworstever=null; + + + function getCurrentorworstever() { + return this.Currentorworstever; + } + this.getCurrentorworstever=getCurrentorworstever; + + + function setCurrentorworstever(v){ + this.Currentorworstever=v; + } + this.setCurrentorworstever=setCurrentorworstever; + + this.Timeoccupiedwiththoughts=null; + + + function getTimeoccupiedwiththoughts() { + return this.Timeoccupiedwiththoughts; + } + this.getTimeoccupiedwiththoughts=getTimeoccupiedwiththoughts; + + + function setTimeoccupiedwiththoughts(v){ + this.Timeoccupiedwiththoughts=v; + } + this.setTimeoccupiedwiththoughts=setTimeoccupiedwiththoughts; + + this.Thoughtsinterferefunctioning=null; + + + function getThoughtsinterferefunctioning() { + return this.Thoughtsinterferefunctioning; + } + this.getThoughtsinterferefunctioning=getThoughtsinterferefunctioning; + + + function setThoughtsinterferefunctioning(v){ + this.Thoughtsinterferefunctioning=v; + } + this.setThoughtsinterferefunctioning=setThoughtsinterferefunctioning; + + this.Distresscaused=null; + + + function getDistresscaused() { + return this.Distresscaused; + } + this.getDistresscaused=getDistresscaused; + + + function setDistresscaused(v){ + this.Distresscaused=v; + } + this.setDistresscaused=setDistresscaused; + + this.Efforttoresistthoughts=null; + + + function getEfforttoresistthoughts() { + return this.Efforttoresistthoughts; + } + this.getEfforttoresistthoughts=getEfforttoresistthoughts; + + + function setEfforttoresistthoughts(v){ + this.Efforttoresistthoughts=v; + } + this.setEfforttoresistthoughts=setEfforttoresistthoughts; + + this.Controloverthoughts=null; + + + function getControloverthoughts() { + return this.Controloverthoughts; + } + this.getControloverthoughts=getControloverthoughts; + + + function setControloverthoughts(v){ + this.Controloverthoughts=v; + } + this.setControloverthoughts=setControloverthoughts; + + this.Timeperforming=null; + + + function getTimeperforming() { + return this.Timeperforming; + } + this.getTimeperforming=getTimeperforming; + + + function setTimeperforming(v){ + this.Timeperforming=v; + } + this.setTimeperforming=setTimeperforming; + + this.Behaviorsinterferefunctioning=null; + + + function getBehaviorsinterferefunctioning() { + return this.Behaviorsinterferefunctioning; + } + this.getBehaviorsinterferefunctioning=getBehaviorsinterferefunctioning; + + + function setBehaviorsinterferefunctioning(v){ + this.Behaviorsinterferefunctioning=v; + } + this.setBehaviorsinterferefunctioning=setBehaviorsinterferefunctioning; + + this.Feelingifprevented=null; + + + function getFeelingifprevented() { + return this.Feelingifprevented; + } + this.getFeelingifprevented=getFeelingifprevented; + + + function setFeelingifprevented(v){ + this.Feelingifprevented=v; + } + this.setFeelingifprevented=setFeelingifprevented; + + this.Efforttoresistbehaviors=null; + + + function getEfforttoresistbehaviors() { + return this.Efforttoresistbehaviors; + } + this.getEfforttoresistbehaviors=getEfforttoresistbehaviors; + + + function setEfforttoresistbehaviors(v){ + this.Efforttoresistbehaviors=v; + } + this.setEfforttoresistbehaviors=setEfforttoresistbehaviors; + + this.Behaviordrivestrength=null; + + + function getBehaviordrivestrength() { + return this.Behaviordrivestrength; + } + this.getBehaviordrivestrength=getBehaviordrivestrength; + + + function setBehaviordrivestrength(v){ + this.Behaviordrivestrength=v; + } + this.setBehaviordrivestrength=setBehaviordrivestrength; + + this.Untiljustright=null; + + + function getUntiljustright() { + return this.Untiljustright; + } + this.getUntiljustright=getUntiljustright; + + + function setUntiljustright(v){ + this.Untiljustright=v; + } + this.setUntiljustright=setUntiljustright; + + + this.isUntiljustright=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Untiljustright==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Untiljustright=="1" || this.Untiljustright==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Untiljustrightawareness=null; + + + function getUntiljustrightawareness() { + return this.Untiljustrightawareness; + } + this.getUntiljustrightawareness=getUntiljustrightawareness; + + + function setUntiljustrightawareness(v){ + this.Untiljustrightawareness=v; + } + this.setUntiljustrightawareness=setUntiljustrightawareness; + + this.Untiljustrightperceptions=null; + + + function getUntiljustrightperceptions() { + return this.Untiljustrightperceptions; + } + this.getUntiljustrightperceptions=getUntiljustrightperceptions; + + + function setUntiljustrightperceptions(v){ + this.Untiljustrightperceptions=v; + } + this.setUntiljustrightperceptions=setUntiljustrightperceptions; + + this.Whenstartuntiljustright=null; + + + function getWhenstartuntiljustright() { + return this.Whenstartuntiljustright; + } + this.getWhenstartuntiljustright=getWhenstartuntiljustright; + + + function setWhenstartuntiljustright(v){ + this.Whenstartuntiljustright=v; + } + this.setWhenstartuntiljustright=setWhenstartuntiljustright; + + this.Frequencyuntiljustright=null; + + + function getFrequencyuntiljustright() { + return this.Frequencyuntiljustright; + } + this.getFrequencyuntiljustright=getFrequencyuntiljustright; + + + function setFrequencyuntiljustright(v){ + this.Frequencyuntiljustright=v; + } + this.setFrequencyuntiljustright=setFrequencyuntiljustright; + + this.Firstuntiljustrightage=null; + + + function getFirstuntiljustrightage() { + return this.Firstuntiljustrightage; + } + this.getFirstuntiljustrightage=getFirstuntiljustrightage; + + + function setFirstuntiljustrightage(v){ + this.Firstuntiljustrightage=v; + } + this.setFirstuntiljustrightage=setFirstuntiljustrightage; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + return this.Subjectassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined)return this.Subjectassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="currentOrWorstEver"){ + return this.Currentorworstever ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="timeOccupiedWithThoughts"){ + return this.Timeoccupiedwiththoughts ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="thoughtsInterfereFunctioning"){ + return this.Thoughtsinterferefunctioning ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="distressCaused"){ + return this.Distresscaused ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="effortToResistThoughts"){ + return this.Efforttoresistthoughts ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="controlOverThoughts"){ + return this.Controloverthoughts ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="timePerforming"){ + return this.Timeperforming ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="behaviorsInterfereFunctioning"){ + return this.Behaviorsinterferefunctioning ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="feelingIfPrevented"){ + return this.Feelingifprevented ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="effortToResistBehaviors"){ + return this.Efforttoresistbehaviors ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="behaviorDriveStrength"){ + return this.Behaviordrivestrength ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="untilJustRight"){ + return this.Untiljustright ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="untilJustRightAwareness"){ + return this.Untiljustrightawareness ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="untilJustRightPerceptions"){ + return this.Untiljustrightperceptions ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="whenStartUntilJustRight"){ + return this.Whenstartuntiljustright ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="frequencyUntilJustRight"){ + return this.Frequencyuntiljustright ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="firstUntilJustRightAge"){ + return this.Firstuntiljustrightage ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + this.Subjectassessordata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined){ + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Subjectassessordata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Subjectassessordata= instanciateObject("xnat:subjectAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="currentOrWorstEver"){ + this.Currentorworstever=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="timeOccupiedWithThoughts"){ + this.Timeoccupiedwiththoughts=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="thoughtsInterfereFunctioning"){ + this.Thoughtsinterferefunctioning=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="distressCaused"){ + this.Distresscaused=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="effortToResistThoughts"){ + this.Efforttoresistthoughts=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="controlOverThoughts"){ + this.Controloverthoughts=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="timePerforming"){ + this.Timeperforming=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="behaviorsInterfereFunctioning"){ + this.Behaviorsinterferefunctioning=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="feelingIfPrevented"){ + this.Feelingifprevented=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="effortToResistBehaviors"){ + this.Efforttoresistbehaviors=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="behaviorDriveStrength"){ + this.Behaviordrivestrength=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="untilJustRight"){ + this.Untiljustright=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="untilJustRightAwareness"){ + this.Untiljustrightawareness=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="untilJustRightPerceptions"){ + this.Untiljustrightperceptions=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="whenStartUntilJustRight"){ + this.Whenstartuntiljustright=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="frequencyUntilJustRight"){ + this.Frequencyuntiljustright=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="firstUntilJustRightAge"){ + this.Firstuntiljustrightage=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="currentOrWorstEver"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="timeOccupiedWithThoughts"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="thoughtsInterfereFunctioning"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="distressCaused"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="effortToResistThoughts"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="controlOverThoughts"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="timePerforming"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="behaviorsInterfereFunctioning"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="feelingIfPrevented"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="effortToResistBehaviors"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="behaviorDriveStrength"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="untilJustRight"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="untilJustRightAwareness"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="untilJustRightPerceptions"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="whenStartUntilJustRight"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="frequencyUntilJustRight"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="firstUntilJustRightAge"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:YBOCS"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:YBOCS>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Currentorworstever!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:currentOrWorstEver"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Currentorworstever.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:currentOrWorstEver>"; + } + if (this.Timeoccupiedwiththoughts!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:timeOccupiedWithThoughts"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Timeoccupiedwiththoughts; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:timeOccupiedWithThoughts>"; + } + if (this.Thoughtsinterferefunctioning!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:thoughtsInterfereFunctioning"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Thoughtsinterferefunctioning; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:thoughtsInterfereFunctioning>"; + } + if (this.Distresscaused!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:distressCaused"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Distresscaused; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:distressCaused>"; + } + if (this.Efforttoresistthoughts!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:effortToResistThoughts"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Efforttoresistthoughts; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:effortToResistThoughts>"; + } + if (this.Controloverthoughts!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:controlOverThoughts"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Controloverthoughts; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:controlOverThoughts>"; + } + if (this.Timeperforming!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:timePerforming"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Timeperforming; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:timePerforming>"; + } + if (this.Behaviorsinterferefunctioning!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:behaviorsInterfereFunctioning"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Behaviorsinterferefunctioning; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:behaviorsInterfereFunctioning>"; + } + if (this.Feelingifprevented!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:feelingIfPrevented"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Feelingifprevented; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:feelingIfPrevented>"; + } + if (this.Efforttoresistbehaviors!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:effortToResistBehaviors"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Efforttoresistbehaviors; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:effortToResistBehaviors>"; + } + if (this.Behaviordrivestrength!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:behaviorDriveStrength"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Behaviordrivestrength; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:behaviorDriveStrength>"; + } + if (this.Untiljustright!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:untilJustRight"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Untiljustright; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:untilJustRight>"; + } + if (this.Untiljustrightawareness!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:untilJustRightAwareness"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Untiljustrightawareness.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:untilJustRightAwareness>"; + } + if (this.Untiljustrightperceptions!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:untilJustRightPerceptions"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Untiljustrightperceptions.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:untilJustRightPerceptions>"; + } + if (this.Whenstartuntiljustright!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:whenStartUntilJustRight"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Whenstartuntiljustright.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:whenStartUntilJustRight>"; + } + if (this.Frequencyuntiljustright!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:frequencyUntilJustRight"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Frequencyuntiljustright.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:frequencyUntilJustRight>"; + } + if (this.Firstuntiljustrightage!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:firstUntilJustRightAge"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Firstuntiljustrightage; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:firstUntilJustRightAge>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Currentorworstever!=null) return true; + if (this.Timeoccupiedwiththoughts!=null) return true; + if (this.Thoughtsinterferefunctioning!=null) return true; + if (this.Distresscaused!=null) return true; + if (this.Efforttoresistthoughts!=null) return true; + if (this.Controloverthoughts!=null) return true; + if (this.Timeperforming!=null) return true; + if (this.Behaviorsinterferefunctioning!=null) return true; + if (this.Feelingifprevented!=null) return true; + if (this.Efforttoresistbehaviors!=null) return true; + if (this.Behaviordrivestrength!=null) return true; + if (this.Untiljustright!=null) return true; + if (this.Untiljustrightawareness!=null) return true; + if (this.Untiljustrightperceptions!=null) return true; + if (this.Whenstartuntiljustright!=null) return true; + if (this.Frequencyuntiljustright!=null) return true; + if (this.Firstuntiljustrightage!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_ygtssData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_ygtssData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b92ac827 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_a_ygtssData.js @@ -0,0 +1,690 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_a_ygtssData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat_a:ygtssData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "ygtssData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat_a:ygtssData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectAssessorData','generated/xnat_subjectAssessorData.js'); + + this.Filledoutby=null; + + + function getFilledoutby() { + return this.Filledoutby; + } + this.getFilledoutby=getFilledoutby; + + + function setFilledoutby(v){ + this.Filledoutby=v; + } + this.setFilledoutby=setFilledoutby; + + this.Period=null; + + + function getPeriod() { + return this.Period; + } + this.getPeriod=getPeriod; + + + function setPeriod(v){ + this.Period=v; + } + this.setPeriod=setPeriod; + + this.Worsteverage=null; + + + function getWorsteverage() { + return this.Worsteverage; + } + this.getWorsteverage=getWorsteverage; + + + function setWorsteverage(v){ + this.Worsteverage=v; + } + this.setWorsteverage=setWorsteverage; + + this.Motor_number=null; + + + function getMotor_number() { + return this.Motor_number; + } + this.getMotor_number=getMotor_number; + + + function setMotor_number(v){ + this.Motor_number=v; + } + this.setMotor_number=setMotor_number; + + this.Motor_frequency=null; + + + function getMotor_frequency() { + return this.Motor_frequency; + } + this.getMotor_frequency=getMotor_frequency; + + + function setMotor_frequency(v){ + this.Motor_frequency=v; + } + this.setMotor_frequency=setMotor_frequency; + + this.Motor_intensity=null; + + + function getMotor_intensity() { + return this.Motor_intensity; + } + this.getMotor_intensity=getMotor_intensity; + + + function setMotor_intensity(v){ + this.Motor_intensity=v; + } + this.setMotor_intensity=setMotor_intensity; + + this.Motor_complexity=null; + + + function getMotor_complexity() { + return this.Motor_complexity; + } + this.getMotor_complexity=getMotor_complexity; + + + function setMotor_complexity(v){ + this.Motor_complexity=v; + } + this.setMotor_complexity=setMotor_complexity; + + this.Motor_interference=null; + + + function getMotor_interference() { + return this.Motor_interference; + } + this.getMotor_interference=getMotor_interference; + + + function setMotor_interference(v){ + this.Motor_interference=v; + } + this.setMotor_interference=setMotor_interference; + + this.Motor_inventory=null; + + + function getMotor_inventory() { + return this.Motor_inventory; + } + this.getMotor_inventory=getMotor_inventory; + + + function setMotor_inventory(v){ + this.Motor_inventory=v; + } + this.setMotor_inventory=setMotor_inventory; + + this.Phonic_number=null; + + + function getPhonic_number() { + return this.Phonic_number; + } + this.getPhonic_number=getPhonic_number; + + + function setPhonic_number(v){ + this.Phonic_number=v; + } + this.setPhonic_number=setPhonic_number; + + this.Phonic_frequency=null; + + + function getPhonic_frequency() { + return this.Phonic_frequency; + } + this.getPhonic_frequency=getPhonic_frequency; + + + function setPhonic_frequency(v){ + this.Phonic_frequency=v; + } + this.setPhonic_frequency=setPhonic_frequency; + + this.Phonic_intensity=null; + + + function getPhonic_intensity() { + return this.Phonic_intensity; + } + this.getPhonic_intensity=getPhonic_intensity; + + + function setPhonic_intensity(v){ + this.Phonic_intensity=v; + } + this.setPhonic_intensity=setPhonic_intensity; + + this.Phonic_complexity=null; + + + function getPhonic_complexity() { + return this.Phonic_complexity; + } + this.getPhonic_complexity=getPhonic_complexity; + + + function setPhonic_complexity(v){ + this.Phonic_complexity=v; + } + this.setPhonic_complexity=setPhonic_complexity; + + this.Phonic_interference=null; + + + function getPhonic_interference() { + return this.Phonic_interference; + } + this.getPhonic_interference=getPhonic_interference; + + + function setPhonic_interference(v){ + this.Phonic_interference=v; + } + this.setPhonic_interference=setPhonic_interference; + + this.Phonic_inventory=null; + + + function getPhonic_inventory() { + return this.Phonic_inventory; + } + this.getPhonic_inventory=getPhonic_inventory; + + + function setPhonic_inventory(v){ + this.Phonic_inventory=v; + } + this.setPhonic_inventory=setPhonic_inventory; + + this.Impairment=null; + + + function getImpairment() { + return this.Impairment; + } + this.getImpairment=getImpairment; + + + function setImpairment(v){ + this.Impairment=v; + } + this.setImpairment=setImpairment; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + return this.Subjectassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined)return this.Subjectassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="filledOutBy"){ + return this.Filledoutby ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="period"){ + return this.Period ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="worstEverAge"){ + return this.Worsteverage ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motor/number"){ + return this.Motor_number ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motor/frequency"){ + return this.Motor_frequency ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motor/intensity"){ + return this.Motor_intensity ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motor/complexity"){ + return this.Motor_complexity ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motor/interference"){ + return this.Motor_interference ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motor/inventory"){ + return this.Motor_inventory ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phonic/number"){ + return this.Phonic_number ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phonic/frequency"){ + return this.Phonic_frequency ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phonic/intensity"){ + return this.Phonic_intensity ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phonic/complexity"){ + return this.Phonic_complexity ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phonic/interference"){ + return this.Phonic_interference ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phonic/inventory"){ + return this.Phonic_inventory ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="impairment"){ + return this.Impairment ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + this.Subjectassessordata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined){ + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Subjectassessordata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Subjectassessordata= instanciateObject("xnat:subjectAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="filledOutBy"){ + this.Filledoutby=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="period"){ + this.Period=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="worstEverAge"){ + this.Worsteverage=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motor/number"){ + this.Motor_number=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motor/frequency"){ + this.Motor_frequency=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motor/intensity"){ + this.Motor_intensity=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motor/complexity"){ + this.Motor_complexity=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motor/interference"){ + this.Motor_interference=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motor/inventory"){ + this.Motor_inventory=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phonic/number"){ + this.Phonic_number=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phonic/frequency"){ + this.Phonic_frequency=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phonic/intensity"){ + this.Phonic_intensity=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phonic/complexity"){ + this.Phonic_complexity=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phonic/interference"){ + this.Phonic_interference=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phonic/inventory"){ + this.Phonic_inventory=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="impairment"){ + this.Impairment=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="filledOutBy"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="period"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="worstEverAge"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="motor/number"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="motor/frequency"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="motor/intensity"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="motor/complexity"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="motor/interference"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="motor/inventory"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="phonic/number"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="phonic/frequency"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="phonic/intensity"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="phonic/complexity"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="phonic/interference"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="phonic/inventory"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="impairment"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:YGTSS"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:YGTSS>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Filledoutby!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:filledOutBy"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Filledoutby.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:filledOutBy>"; + } + if (this.Period!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:period"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Period.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:period>"; + } + if (this.Worsteverage!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:worstEverAge"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Worsteverage; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:worstEverAge>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + if(this.Motor_intensity!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Motor_number!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Motor_inventory!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Motor_complexity!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Motor_interference!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Motor_frequency!=null) + child0++; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:motor"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Motor_number!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:number"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Motor_number; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:number>"; + } + if (this.Motor_frequency!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:frequency"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Motor_frequency; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:frequency>"; + } + if (this.Motor_intensity!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:intensity"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Motor_intensity; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:intensity>"; + } + if (this.Motor_complexity!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:complexity"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Motor_complexity; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:complexity>"; + } + if (this.Motor_interference!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:interference"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Motor_interference; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:interference>"; + } + if (this.Motor_inventory!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:inventory"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Motor_inventory.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:inventory>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:motor>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + if(this.Phonic_intensity!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Phonic_complexity!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Phonic_interference!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Phonic_inventory!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Phonic_number!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Phonic_frequency!=null) + child1++; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:phonic"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Phonic_number!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:number"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Phonic_number; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:number>"; + } + if (this.Phonic_frequency!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:frequency"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Phonic_frequency; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:frequency>"; + } + if (this.Phonic_intensity!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:intensity"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Phonic_intensity; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:intensity>"; + } + if (this.Phonic_complexity!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:complexity"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Phonic_complexity; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:complexity>"; + } + if (this.Phonic_interference!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:interference"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Phonic_interference; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:interference>"; + } + if (this.Phonic_inventory!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:inventory"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Phonic_inventory.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:inventory>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat_a:phonic>"; + } + } + + if (this.Impairment!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat_a:impairment"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Impairment; + xmlTxt+="</xnat_a:impairment>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Filledoutby!=null) return true; + if (this.Period!=null) return true; + if (this.Worsteverage!=null) return true; + if(this.Motor_intensity!=null) return true; + if(this.Motor_number!=null) return true; + if(this.Motor_inventory!=null) return true; + if(this.Motor_complexity!=null) return true; + if(this.Motor_interference!=null) return true; + if(this.Motor_frequency!=null) return true; + if(this.Phonic_intensity!=null) return true; + if(this.Phonic_complexity!=null) return true; + if(this.Phonic_interference!=null) return true; + if(this.Phonic_inventory!=null) return true; + if(this.Phonic_number!=null) return true; + if(this.Phonic_frequency!=null) return true; + if (this.Impairment!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractDemographicData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractDemographicData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..27692bf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractDemographicData.js @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_abstractDemographicData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:abstractDemographicData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "abstractDemographicData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:abstractDemographicData"; + } + + this.XnatAbstractdemographicdataId=null; + + + function getXnatAbstractdemographicdataId() { + return this.XnatAbstractdemographicdataId; + } + this.getXnatAbstractdemographicdataId=getXnatAbstractdemographicdataId; + + + function setXnatAbstractdemographicdataId(v){ + this.XnatAbstractdemographicdataId=v; + } + this.setXnatAbstractdemographicdataId=setXnatAbstractdemographicdataId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_abstractDemographicData_id"){ + return this.XnatAbstractdemographicdataId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_abstractDemographicData_id"){ + this.XnatAbstractdemographicdataId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:abstractDemographicData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:abstractDemographicData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatAbstractdemographicdataId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_abstractDemographicData_id=\"" + this.XnatAbstractdemographicdataId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatAbstractdemographicdataId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractProtocol.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractProtocol.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0b1ff984 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractProtocol.js @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_abstractProtocol(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:abstractProtocol"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "abstractProtocol"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:abstractProtocol"; + } + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.DataType=null; + + + function getDataType() { + return this.DataType; + } + this.getDataType=getDataType; + + + function setDataType(v){ + this.DataType=v; + } + this.setDataType=setDataType; + + this.XnatAbstractprotocolId=null; + + + function getXnatAbstractprotocolId() { + return this.XnatAbstractprotocolId; + } + this.getXnatAbstractprotocolId=getXnatAbstractprotocolId; + + + function setXnatAbstractprotocolId(v){ + this.XnatAbstractprotocolId=v; + } + this.setXnatAbstractprotocolId=setXnatAbstractprotocolId; + + this.xnat_projectData_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxnat_projectData_id=function() { + return this.xnat_projectData_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxnat_projectData_id=function(v){ + this.xnat_projectData_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="data-type"){ + return this.DataType ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_abstractProtocol_id"){ + return this.XnatAbstractprotocolId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_projectData_id"){ + return this.xnat_projectData_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="data-type"){ + this.DataType=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_abstractProtocol_id"){ + this.XnatAbstractprotocolId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_projectData_id"){ + this.xnat_projectData_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="data-type"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:abstractProtocol"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:abstractProtocol>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatAbstractprotocolId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_abstractProtocol_id=\"" + this.XnatAbstractprotocolId + "\""; + } + if(this.xnat_projectData_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_projectData_id=\"" + this.xnat_projectData_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + else attTxt+=" ID=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.DataType!=null) + attTxt+=" data-type=\"" +this.DataType +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatAbstractprotocolId!=null) return true; + if (this.xnat_projectData_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractResource.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractResource.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ce5c446 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractResource.js @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_abstractResource(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:abstractResource"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "abstractResource"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:abstractResource"; + } + + this.Note=null; + + + function getNote() { + return this.Note; + } + this.getNote=getNote; + + + function setNote(v){ + this.Note=v; + } + this.setNote=setNote; + this.Tags_tag =new Array(); + + function getTags_tag() { + return this.Tags_tag; + } + this.getTags_tag=getTags_tag; + + + function addTags_tag(v){ + this.Tags_tag.push(v); + } + this.addTags_tag=addTags_tag; + + this.Label=null; + + + function getLabel() { + return this.Label; + } + this.getLabel=getLabel; + + + function setLabel(v){ + this.Label=v; + } + this.setLabel=setLabel; + + this.FileCount=null; + + + function getFileCount() { + return this.FileCount; + } + this.getFileCount=getFileCount; + + + function setFileCount(v){ + this.FileCount=v; + } + this.setFileCount=setFileCount; + + this.FileSize=null; + + + function getFileSize() { + return this.FileSize; + } + this.getFileSize=getFileSize; + + + function setFileSize(v){ + this.FileSize=v; + } + this.setFileSize=setFileSize; + + this.XnatAbstractresourceId=null; + + + function getXnatAbstractresourceId() { + return this.XnatAbstractresourceId; + } + this.getXnatAbstractresourceId=getXnatAbstractresourceId; + + + function setXnatAbstractresourceId(v){ + this.XnatAbstractresourceId=v; + } + this.setXnatAbstractresourceId=setXnatAbstractresourceId; + + this.xnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id=function() { + return this.xnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id=function(v){ + this.xnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="note"){ + return this.Note ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + return this.Tags_tag ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("tags/tag")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Tags_tag ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Tags_tag.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Tags_tag[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Tags_tag[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Tags_tag; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + return this.Label ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="file_count"){ + return this.FileCount ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="file_size"){ + return this.FileSize ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_abstractResource_id"){ + return this.XnatAbstractresourceId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id"){ + return this.xnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="note"){ + this.Note=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + this.Tags_tag=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("tags/tag")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Tags_tag ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Tags_tag.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Tags_tag[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Tags_tag[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Tags_tag; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource_tag");//omUtils.js + } + this.addTags_tag(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + this.Label=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="file_count"){ + this.FileCount=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="file_size"){ + this.FileSize=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_abstractResource_id"){ + this.XnatAbstractresourceId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id"){ + this.xnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + this.addTags_tag(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="note"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tags/tag"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="label"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="file_count"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="file_size"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:abstractResource"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:abstractResource>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatAbstractresourceId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_abstractResource_id=\"" + this.XnatAbstractresourceId + "\""; + } + if(this.xnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id=\"" + this.xnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Label!=null) + attTxt+=" label=\"" +this.Label +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.FileCount!=null) + attTxt+=" file_count=\"" +this.FileCount +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.FileSize!=null) + attTxt+=" file_size=\"" +this.FileSize +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Note!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:note"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Note.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:note>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Tags_tag.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:tags"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Tags_tagCOUNT=0;Tags_tagCOUNT<this.Tags_tag.length;Tags_tagCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:tag"; + xmlTxt +=this.Tags_tag[Tags_tagCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Tags_tag[Tags_tagCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:abstractResource_tag"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Tags_tag[Tags_tagCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Tags_tag[Tags_tagCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tags_tag[Tags_tagCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:tag>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:tags>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatAbstractresourceId!=null) return true; + if (this.xnat_imageScanData_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Note!=null) return true; + if(this.Tags_tag.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractResource_tag.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractResource_tag.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51455109 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractResource_tag.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_abstractResource_tag(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:abstractResource_tag"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "abstractResource_tag"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:abstractResource_tag"; + } + + this.Tag=null; + + + function getTag() { + return this.Tag; + } + this.getTag=getTag; + + + function setTag(v){ + this.Tag=v; + } + this.setTag=setTag; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.XnatAbstractresourceTagId=null; + + + function getXnatAbstractresourceTagId() { + return this.XnatAbstractresourceTagId; + } + this.getXnatAbstractresourceTagId=getXnatAbstractresourceTagId; + + + function setXnatAbstractresourceTagId(v){ + this.XnatAbstractresourceTagId=v; + } + this.setXnatAbstractresourceTagId=setXnatAbstractresourceTagId; + + this.tags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk=null; + + + this.gettags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id=function() { + return this.tags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk; + } + + + this.settags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id=function(v){ + this.tags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="tag"){ + return this.Tag ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_abstractResource_tag_id"){ + return this.XnatAbstractresourceTagId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id"){ + return this.tags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="tag"){ + this.Tag=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_abstractResource_tag_id"){ + this.XnatAbstractresourceTagId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id"){ + this.tags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="tag"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:abstractResource_tag"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:abstractResource_tag>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatAbstractresourceTagId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_abstractResource_tag_id=\"" + this.XnatAbstractresourceTagId + "\""; + } + if(this.tags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="tags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id=\"" + this.tags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Tag!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Tag.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatAbstractresourceTagId!=null) return true; + if (this.tags_tag_xnat_abstractResource_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Tag!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractStatistics.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractStatistics.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ebb8d2e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractStatistics.js @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_abstractStatistics(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:abstractStatistics"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "abstractStatistics"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:abstractStatistics"; + } + + this.XnatAbstractstatisticsId=null; + + + function getXnatAbstractstatisticsId() { + return this.XnatAbstractstatisticsId; + } + this.getXnatAbstractstatisticsId=getXnatAbstractstatisticsId; + + + function setXnatAbstractstatisticsId(v){ + this.XnatAbstractstatisticsId=v; + } + this.setXnatAbstractstatisticsId=setXnatAbstractstatisticsId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_abstractStatistics_id"){ + return this.XnatAbstractstatisticsId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_abstractStatistics_id"){ + this.XnatAbstractstatisticsId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:abstractStatistics"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:abstractStatistics>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatAbstractstatisticsId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_abstractStatistics_id=\"" + this.XnatAbstractstatisticsId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatAbstractstatisticsId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b4b8afd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata.js @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:abstractSubjectMetadata"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "abstractSubjectMetadata"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:abstractSubjectMetadata"; + } + + this.XnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId=null; + + + function getXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId() { + return this.XnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId; + } + this.getXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId=getXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId; + + + function setXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId(v){ + this.XnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId=v; + } + this.setXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId=setXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata_id"){ + return this.XnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata_id"){ + this.XnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:abstractSubjectMetadata"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:abstractSubjectMetadata>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata_id=\"" + this.XnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_addField.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_addField.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a66db422 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_addField.js @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_addField(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:addField"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "addField"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:addField"; + } + + this.Addfield=null; + + + function getAddfield() { + return this.Addfield; + } + this.getAddfield=getAddfield; + + + function setAddfield(v){ + this.Addfield=v; + } + this.setAddfield=setAddfield; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.XnatAddfieldId=null; + + + function getXnatAddfieldId() { + return this.XnatAddfieldId; + } + this.getXnatAddfieldId=getXnatAddfieldId; + + + function setXnatAddfieldId(v){ + this.XnatAddfieldId=v; + } + this.setXnatAddfieldId=setXnatAddfieldId; + + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=null; + + + this.getparameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id=function() { + return this.parameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk; + } + + + this.setparameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id=function(v){ + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=v; + } + + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk=null; + + + this.getparameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id=function() { + return this.parameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk; + } + + + this.setparameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id=function(v){ + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk=v; + } + + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=null; + + + this.getparameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id=function() { + return this.parameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk; + } + + + this.setparameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id=function(v){ + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=v; + } + + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id_fk=null; + + + this.getparameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id=function() { + return this.parameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id_fk; + } + + + this.setparameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id=function(v){ + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="addField"){ + return this.Addfield ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_addField_id"){ + return this.XnatAddfieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id"){ + return this.parameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id"){ + return this.parameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id"){ + return this.parameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id"){ + return this.parameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="addField"){ + this.Addfield=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_addField_id"){ + this.XnatAddfieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id"){ + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id"){ + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id"){ + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id"){ + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="addField"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:addField"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:addField>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatAddfieldId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_addField_id=\"" + this.XnatAddfieldId + "\""; + } + if(this.parameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="parameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id=\"" + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk + "\""; + } + if(this.parameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="parameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id=\"" + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk + "\""; + } + if(this.parameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="parameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id=\"" + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk + "\""; + } + if(this.parameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="parameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id=\"" + this.parameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Addfield!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Addfield.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatAddfieldId!=null) return true; + if (this.parameters_addparam_xnat_mrScan_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk!=null) return true; + if (this.parameters_addparam_xnat_recons_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk!=null) return true; + if (this.parameters_addparam_xnat_petSca_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk!=null) return true; + if (this.parameters_addparam_xnat_imageA_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Addfield!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_computationData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_computationData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12b09119 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_computationData.js @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_computationData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:computationData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "computationData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:computationData"; + } + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Value=null; + + + function getValue() { + return this.Value; + } + this.getValue=getValue; + + + function setValue(v){ + this.Value=v; + } + this.setValue=setValue; + + this.Source=null; + + + function getSource() { + return this.Source; + } + this.getSource=getSource; + + + function setSource(v){ + this.Source=v; + } + this.setSource=setSource; + + this.Units=null; + + + function getUnits() { + return this.Units; + } + this.getUnits=getUnits; + + + function setUnits(v){ + this.Units=v; + } + this.setUnits=setUnits; + + this.XnatComputationdataId=null; + + + function getXnatComputationdataId() { + return this.XnatComputationdataId; + } + this.getXnatComputationdataId=getXnatComputationdataId; + + + function setXnatComputationdataId(v){ + this.XnatComputationdataId=v; + } + this.setXnatComputationdataId=setXnatComputationdataId; + + this.computations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk=null; + + + this.getcomputations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id=function() { + return this.computations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk; + } + + + this.setcomputations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id=function(v){ + this.computations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="value"){ + return this.Value ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="source"){ + return this.Source ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="units"){ + return this.Units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_computationData_id"){ + return this.XnatComputationdataId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="computations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id"){ + return this.computations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="value"){ + this.Value=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="source"){ + this.Source=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="units"){ + this.Units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_computationData_id"){ + this.XnatComputationdataId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="computations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id"){ + this.computations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="value"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="source"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="units"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:computationData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:computationData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatComputationdataId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_computationData_id=\"" + this.XnatComputationdataId + "\""; + } + if(this.computations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="computations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id=\"" + this.computations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + else attTxt+=" name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Value!=null) + attTxt+=" value=\"" +this.Value +"\""; + else attTxt+=" value=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Source!=null) + attTxt+=" source=\"" +this.Source +"\""; + else attTxt+=" source=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Units!=null) + attTxt+=" units=\"" +this.Units +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatComputationdataId!=null) return true; + if (this.computations_datum_xnat_reconst_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_contrastBolus.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_contrastBolus.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..accab524 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_contrastBolus.js @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_contrastBolus(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:contrastBolus"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "contrastBolus"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:contrastBolus"; + } + + this.Agent=null; + + + function getAgent() { + return this.Agent; + } + this.getAgent=getAgent; + + + function setAgent(v){ + this.Agent=v; + } + this.setAgent=setAgent; + + this.Route=null; + + + function getRoute() { + return this.Route; + } + this.getRoute=getRoute; + + + function setRoute(v){ + this.Route=v; + } + this.setRoute=setRoute; + + this.Volume=null; + + + function getVolume() { + return this.Volume; + } + this.getVolume=getVolume; + + + function setVolume(v){ + this.Volume=v; + } + this.setVolume=setVolume; + + this.Totaldose=null; + + + function getTotaldose() { + return this.Totaldose; + } + this.getTotaldose=getTotaldose; + + + function setTotaldose(v){ + this.Totaldose=v; + } + this.setTotaldose=setTotaldose; + + this.Flowrate=null; + + + function getFlowrate() { + return this.Flowrate; + } + this.getFlowrate=getFlowrate; + + + function setFlowrate(v){ + this.Flowrate=v; + } + this.setFlowrate=setFlowrate; + + this.Flowduration=null; + + + function getFlowduration() { + return this.Flowduration; + } + this.getFlowduration=getFlowduration; + + + function setFlowduration(v){ + this.Flowduration=v; + } + this.setFlowduration=setFlowduration; + + this.Activeingredient=null; + + + function getActiveingredient() { + return this.Activeingredient; + } + this.getActiveingredient=getActiveingredient; + + + function setActiveingredient(v){ + this.Activeingredient=v; + } + this.setActiveingredient=setActiveingredient; + + this.Concentration=null; + + + function getConcentration() { + return this.Concentration; + } + this.getConcentration=getConcentration; + + + function setConcentration(v){ + this.Concentration=v; + } + this.setConcentration=setConcentration; + + this.XnatContrastbolusId=null; + + + function getXnatContrastbolusId() { + return this.XnatContrastbolusId; + } + this.getXnatContrastbolusId=getXnatContrastbolusId; + + + function setXnatContrastbolusId(v){ + this.XnatContrastbolusId=v; + } + this.setXnatContrastbolusId=setXnatContrastbolusId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="agent"){ + return this.Agent ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="route"){ + return this.Route ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="volume"){ + return this.Volume ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="totalDose"){ + return this.Totaldose ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="flowRate"){ + return this.Flowrate ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="flowDuration"){ + return this.Flowduration ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="activeIngredient"){ + return this.Activeingredient ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="concentration"){ + return this.Concentration ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_contrastBolus_id"){ + return this.XnatContrastbolusId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="agent"){ + this.Agent=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="route"){ + this.Route=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="volume"){ + this.Volume=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="totalDose"){ + this.Totaldose=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="flowRate"){ + this.Flowrate=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="flowDuration"){ + this.Flowduration=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="activeIngredient"){ + this.Activeingredient=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="concentration"){ + this.Concentration=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_contrastBolus_id"){ + this.XnatContrastbolusId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="agent"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="route"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="volume"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="totalDose"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="flowRate"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="flowDuration"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="activeIngredient"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="concentration"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:contrastBolus"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:contrastBolus>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatContrastbolusId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_contrastBolus_id=\"" + this.XnatContrastbolusId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Agent!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:agent"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Agent.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:agent>"; + } + if (this.Route!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:route"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Route.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:route>"; + } + if (this.Volume!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:volume"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Volume; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:volume>"; + } + if (this.Totaldose!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:totalDose"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Totaldose; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:totalDose>"; + } + if (this.Flowrate!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:flowRate"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Flowrate; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:flowRate>"; + } + if (this.Flowduration!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:flowDuration"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Flowduration; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:flowDuration>"; + } + if (this.Activeingredient!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:activeIngredient"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Activeingredient.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:activeIngredient>"; + } + if (this.Concentration!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:concentration"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Concentration; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:concentration>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatContrastbolusId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Agent!=null) return true; + if (this.Route!=null) return true; + if (this.Volume!=null) return true; + if (this.Totaldose!=null) return true; + if (this.Flowrate!=null) return true; + if (this.Flowduration!=null) return true; + if (this.Activeingredient!=null) return true; + if (this.Concentration!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_crScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_crScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7fa66bdd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_crScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_crScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:crScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "crScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:crScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:CRScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:CRScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_crSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_crSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b2b18dde --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_crSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_crSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:crSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "crSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:crSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:CRSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:CRSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ctScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ctScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..31d83f99 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ctScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,1621 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_ctScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:ctScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "ctScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:ctScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + this.Parameters_voxelres_units=null; + + + function getParameters_voxelres_units() { + return this.Parameters_voxelres_units; + } + this.getParameters_voxelres_units=getParameters_voxelres_units; + + + function setParameters_voxelres_units(v){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_units=v; + } + this.setParameters_voxelres_units=setParameters_voxelres_units; + + this.Parameters_voxelres_x=null; + + + function getParameters_voxelres_x() { + return this.Parameters_voxelres_x; + } + this.getParameters_voxelres_x=getParameters_voxelres_x; + + + function setParameters_voxelres_x(v){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_voxelres_x=setParameters_voxelres_x; + + this.Parameters_voxelres_y=null; + + + function getParameters_voxelres_y() { + return this.Parameters_voxelres_y; + } + this.getParameters_voxelres_y=getParameters_voxelres_y; + + + function setParameters_voxelres_y(v){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_voxelres_y=setParameters_voxelres_y; + + this.Parameters_voxelres_z=null; + + + function getParameters_voxelres_z() { + return this.Parameters_voxelres_z; + } + this.getParameters_voxelres_z=getParameters_voxelres_z; + + + function setParameters_voxelres_z(v){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_z=v; + } + this.setParameters_voxelres_z=setParameters_voxelres_z; + + this.Parameters_orientation=null; + + + function getParameters_orientation() { + return this.Parameters_orientation; + } + this.getParameters_orientation=getParameters_orientation; + + + function setParameters_orientation(v){ + this.Parameters_orientation=v; + } + this.setParameters_orientation=setParameters_orientation; + + this.Parameters_fov_x=null; + + + function getParameters_fov_x() { + return this.Parameters_fov_x; + } + this.getParameters_fov_x=getParameters_fov_x; + + + function setParameters_fov_x(v){ + this.Parameters_fov_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_fov_x=setParameters_fov_x; + + this.Parameters_fov_y=null; + + + function getParameters_fov_y() { + return this.Parameters_fov_y; + } + this.getParameters_fov_y=getParameters_fov_y; + + + function setParameters_fov_y(v){ + this.Parameters_fov_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_fov_y=setParameters_fov_y; + + this.Parameters_rescale_intercept=null; + + + function getParameters_rescale_intercept() { + return this.Parameters_rescale_intercept; + } + this.getParameters_rescale_intercept=getParameters_rescale_intercept; + + + function setParameters_rescale_intercept(v){ + this.Parameters_rescale_intercept=v; + } + this.setParameters_rescale_intercept=setParameters_rescale_intercept; + + this.Parameters_rescale_slope=null; + + + function getParameters_rescale_slope() { + return this.Parameters_rescale_slope; + } + this.getParameters_rescale_slope=getParameters_rescale_slope; + + + function setParameters_rescale_slope(v){ + this.Parameters_rescale_slope=v; + } + this.setParameters_rescale_slope=setParameters_rescale_slope; + + this.Parameters_kvp=null; + + + function getParameters_kvp() { + return this.Parameters_kvp; + } + this.getParameters_kvp=getParameters_kvp; + + + function setParameters_kvp(v){ + this.Parameters_kvp=v; + } + this.setParameters_kvp=setParameters_kvp; + + this.Parameters_acquisitionnumber=null; + + + function getParameters_acquisitionnumber() { + return this.Parameters_acquisitionnumber; + } + this.getParameters_acquisitionnumber=getParameters_acquisitionnumber; + + + function setParameters_acquisitionnumber(v){ + this.Parameters_acquisitionnumber=v; + } + this.setParameters_acquisitionnumber=setParameters_acquisitionnumber; + + this.Parameters_imagetype=null; + + + function getParameters_imagetype() { + return this.Parameters_imagetype; + } + this.getParameters_imagetype=getParameters_imagetype; + + + function setParameters_imagetype(v){ + this.Parameters_imagetype=v; + } + this.setParameters_imagetype=setParameters_imagetype; + + this.Parameters_options=null; + + + function getParameters_options() { + return this.Parameters_options; + } + this.getParameters_options=getParameters_options; + + + function setParameters_options(v){ + this.Parameters_options=v; + } + this.setParameters_options=setParameters_options; + + this.Parameters_collectiondiameter=null; + + + function getParameters_collectiondiameter() { + return this.Parameters_collectiondiameter; + } + this.getParameters_collectiondiameter=getParameters_collectiondiameter; + + + function setParameters_collectiondiameter(v){ + this.Parameters_collectiondiameter=v; + } + this.setParameters_collectiondiameter=setParameters_collectiondiameter; + + this.Parameters_distancesourcetodetector=null; + + + function getParameters_distancesourcetodetector() { + return this.Parameters_distancesourcetodetector; + } + this.getParameters_distancesourcetodetector=getParameters_distancesourcetodetector; + + + function setParameters_distancesourcetodetector(v){ + this.Parameters_distancesourcetodetector=v; + } + this.setParameters_distancesourcetodetector=setParameters_distancesourcetodetector; + + this.Parameters_distancesourcetopatient=null; + + + function getParameters_distancesourcetopatient() { + return this.Parameters_distancesourcetopatient; + } + this.getParameters_distancesourcetopatient=getParameters_distancesourcetopatient; + + + function setParameters_distancesourcetopatient(v){ + this.Parameters_distancesourcetopatient=v; + } + this.setParameters_distancesourcetopatient=setParameters_distancesourcetopatient; + + this.Parameters_gantrytilt=null; + + + function getParameters_gantrytilt() { + return this.Parameters_gantrytilt; + } + this.getParameters_gantrytilt=getParameters_gantrytilt; + + + function setParameters_gantrytilt(v){ + this.Parameters_gantrytilt=v; + } + this.setParameters_gantrytilt=setParameters_gantrytilt; + + this.Parameters_tableheight=null; + + + function getParameters_tableheight() { + return this.Parameters_tableheight; + } + this.getParameters_tableheight=getParameters_tableheight; + + + function setParameters_tableheight(v){ + this.Parameters_tableheight=v; + } + this.setParameters_tableheight=setParameters_tableheight; + + this.Parameters_rotationdirection=null; + + + function getParameters_rotationdirection() { + return this.Parameters_rotationdirection; + } + this.getParameters_rotationdirection=getParameters_rotationdirection; + + + function setParameters_rotationdirection(v){ + this.Parameters_rotationdirection=v; + } + this.setParameters_rotationdirection=setParameters_rotationdirection; + + this.Parameters_exposuretime=null; + + + function getParameters_exposuretime() { + return this.Parameters_exposuretime; + } + this.getParameters_exposuretime=getParameters_exposuretime; + + + function setParameters_exposuretime(v){ + this.Parameters_exposuretime=v; + } + this.setParameters_exposuretime=setParameters_exposuretime; + + this.Parameters_xraytubecurrent=null; + + + function getParameters_xraytubecurrent() { + return this.Parameters_xraytubecurrent; + } + this.getParameters_xraytubecurrent=getParameters_xraytubecurrent; + + + function setParameters_xraytubecurrent(v){ + this.Parameters_xraytubecurrent=v; + } + this.setParameters_xraytubecurrent=setParameters_xraytubecurrent; + + this.Parameters_exposure=null; + + + function getParameters_exposure() { + return this.Parameters_exposure; + } + this.getParameters_exposure=getParameters_exposure; + + + function setParameters_exposure(v){ + this.Parameters_exposure=v; + } + this.setParameters_exposure=setParameters_exposure; + + this.Parameters_filter=null; + + + function getParameters_filter() { + return this.Parameters_filter; + } + this.getParameters_filter=getParameters_filter; + + + function setParameters_filter(v){ + this.Parameters_filter=v; + } + this.setParameters_filter=setParameters_filter; + + this.Parameters_generatorpower=null; + + + function getParameters_generatorpower() { + return this.Parameters_generatorpower; + } + this.getParameters_generatorpower=getParameters_generatorpower; + + + function setParameters_generatorpower(v){ + this.Parameters_generatorpower=v; + } + this.setParameters_generatorpower=setParameters_generatorpower; + this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot =new Array(); + + function getParameters_focalspots_focalspot() { + return this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot; + } + this.getParameters_focalspots_focalspot=getParameters_focalspots_focalspot; + + + function addParameters_focalspots_focalspot(v){ + this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot.push(v); + } + this.addParameters_focalspots_focalspot=addParameters_focalspots_focalspot; + + this.Parameters_convolutionkernel=null; + + + function getParameters_convolutionkernel() { + return this.Parameters_convolutionkernel; + } + this.getParameters_convolutionkernel=getParameters_convolutionkernel; + + + function setParameters_convolutionkernel(v){ + this.Parameters_convolutionkernel=v; + } + this.setParameters_convolutionkernel=setParameters_convolutionkernel; + + this.Parameters_collimationwidth_single=null; + + + function getParameters_collimationwidth_single() { + return this.Parameters_collimationwidth_single; + } + this.getParameters_collimationwidth_single=getParameters_collimationwidth_single; + + + function setParameters_collimationwidth_single(v){ + this.Parameters_collimationwidth_single=v; + } + this.setParameters_collimationwidth_single=setParameters_collimationwidth_single; + + this.Parameters_collimationwidth_total=null; + + + function getParameters_collimationwidth_total() { + return this.Parameters_collimationwidth_total; + } + this.getParameters_collimationwidth_total=getParameters_collimationwidth_total; + + + function setParameters_collimationwidth_total(v){ + this.Parameters_collimationwidth_total=v; + } + this.setParameters_collimationwidth_total=setParameters_collimationwidth_total; + + this.Parameters_tablespeed=null; + + + function getParameters_tablespeed() { + return this.Parameters_tablespeed; + } + this.getParameters_tablespeed=getParameters_tablespeed; + + + function setParameters_tablespeed(v){ + this.Parameters_tablespeed=v; + } + this.setParameters_tablespeed=setParameters_tablespeed; + + this.Parameters_tablefeedperrotation=null; + + + function getParameters_tablefeedperrotation() { + return this.Parameters_tablefeedperrotation; + } + this.getParameters_tablefeedperrotation=getParameters_tablefeedperrotation; + + + function setParameters_tablefeedperrotation(v){ + this.Parameters_tablefeedperrotation=v; + } + this.setParameters_tablefeedperrotation=setParameters_tablefeedperrotation; + + this.Parameters_pitchfactor=null; + + + function getParameters_pitchfactor() { + return this.Parameters_pitchfactor; + } + this.getParameters_pitchfactor=getParameters_pitchfactor; + + + function setParameters_pitchfactor(v){ + this.Parameters_pitchfactor=v; + } + this.setParameters_pitchfactor=setParameters_pitchfactor; + + this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation=null; + + + function getParameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation() { + return this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation; + } + this.getParameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation=getParameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation; + + + function setParameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation(v){ + this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation=v; + } + this.setParameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation=setParameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation; + + this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving=null; + + + function getParameters_estimateddosesaving() { + return this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving; + } + this.getParameters_estimateddosesaving=getParameters_estimateddosesaving; + + + function setParameters_estimateddosesaving(v){ + this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving=v; + } + this.setParameters_estimateddosesaving=setParameters_estimateddosesaving; + + this.Parameters_ctdivol=null; + + + function getParameters_ctdivol() { + return this.Parameters_ctdivol; + } + this.getParameters_ctdivol=getParameters_ctdivol; + + + function setParameters_ctdivol(v){ + this.Parameters_ctdivol=v; + } + this.setParameters_ctdivol=setParameters_ctdivol; + + this.Parameters_derivation=null; + + + function getParameters_derivation() { + return this.Parameters_derivation; + } + this.getParameters_derivation=getParameters_derivation; + + + function setParameters_derivation(v){ + this.Parameters_derivation=v; + } + this.setParameters_derivation=setParameters_derivation; + this.Parameters_contrastbolus =null; + function getParameters_contrastbolus() { + return this.Parameters_contrastbolus; + } + this.getParameters_contrastbolus=getParameters_contrastbolus; + + + function setParameters_contrastbolus(v){ + this.Parameters_contrastbolus =v; + } + this.setParameters_contrastbolus=setParameters_contrastbolus; + + this.Parameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId=null; + + + function getParameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId(){ + return this.Parameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId; + } + this.getParameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId=getParameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId; + + + function setParameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId(v){ + this.Parameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId=v; + } + this.setParameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId=setParameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId; + + this.Dcmvalidation=null; + + + function getDcmvalidation() { + return this.Dcmvalidation; + } + this.getDcmvalidation=getDcmvalidation; + + + function setDcmvalidation(v){ + this.Dcmvalidation=v; + } + this.setDcmvalidation=setDcmvalidation; + + this.Dcmvalidation_status=null; + + + function getDcmvalidation_status() { + return this.Dcmvalidation_status; + } + this.getDcmvalidation_status=getDcmvalidation_status; + + + function setDcmvalidation_status(v){ + this.Dcmvalidation_status=v; + } + this.setDcmvalidation_status=setDcmvalidation_status; + + + this.isDcmvalidation_status=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Dcmvalidation_status==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Dcmvalidation_status=="1" || this.Dcmvalidation_status==true)return true; + return false; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/units"){ + return this.Parameters_voxelres_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/x"){ + return this.Parameters_voxelres_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/y"){ + return this.Parameters_voxelres_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/z"){ + return this.Parameters_voxelres_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/orientation"){ + return this.Parameters_orientation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/x"){ + return this.Parameters_fov_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/y"){ + return this.Parameters_fov_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/rescale/intercept"){ + return this.Parameters_rescale_intercept ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/rescale/slope"){ + return this.Parameters_rescale_slope ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/kvp"){ + return this.Parameters_kvp ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/acquisitionNumber"){ + return this.Parameters_acquisitionnumber ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/imageType"){ + return this.Parameters_imagetype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/options"){ + return this.Parameters_options ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/collectionDiameter"){ + return this.Parameters_collectiondiameter ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/distanceSourceToDetector"){ + return this.Parameters_distancesourcetodetector ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/distanceSourceToPatient"){ + return this.Parameters_distancesourcetopatient ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/gantryTilt"){ + return this.Parameters_gantrytilt ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/tableHeight"){ + return this.Parameters_tableheight ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/rotationDirection"){ + return this.Parameters_rotationdirection ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/exposureTime"){ + return this.Parameters_exposuretime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/xrayTubeCurrent"){ + return this.Parameters_xraytubecurrent ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/exposure"){ + return this.Parameters_exposure ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/filter"){ + return this.Parameters_filter ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/generatorPower"){ + return this.Parameters_generatorpower ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/focalSpots/focalSpot"){ + return this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/focalSpots/focalSpot")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(31); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/convolutionKernel"){ + return this.Parameters_convolutionkernel ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/collimationWidth/single"){ + return this.Parameters_collimationwidth_single ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/collimationWidth/total"){ + return this.Parameters_collimationwidth_total ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/tableSpeed"){ + return this.Parameters_tablespeed ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/tableFeedPerRotation"){ + return this.Parameters_tablefeedperrotation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pitchFactor"){ + return this.Parameters_pitchfactor ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/estimatedDoseSaving/modulation"){ + return this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/estimatedDoseSaving"){ + return this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ctDIvol"){ + return this.Parameters_ctdivol ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/derivation"){ + return this.Parameters_derivation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/contrastBolus"){ + return this.Parameters_contrastbolus ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/contrastBolus")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(24); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_contrastbolus ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Parameters_contrastbolus!=undefined)return this.Parameters_contrastbolus.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmValidation"){ + return this.Dcmvalidation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmValidation/status"){ + return this.Dcmvalidation_status ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/units"){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/x"){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/y"){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/z"){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/orientation"){ + this.Parameters_orientation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/x"){ + this.Parameters_fov_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/y"){ + this.Parameters_fov_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/rescale/intercept"){ + this.Parameters_rescale_intercept=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/rescale/slope"){ + this.Parameters_rescale_slope=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/kvp"){ + this.Parameters_kvp=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/acquisitionNumber"){ + this.Parameters_acquisitionnumber=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/imageType"){ + this.Parameters_imagetype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/options"){ + this.Parameters_options=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/collectionDiameter"){ + this.Parameters_collectiondiameter=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/distanceSourceToDetector"){ + this.Parameters_distancesourcetodetector=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/distanceSourceToPatient"){ + this.Parameters_distancesourcetopatient=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/gantryTilt"){ + this.Parameters_gantrytilt=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/tableHeight"){ + this.Parameters_tableheight=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/rotationDirection"){ + this.Parameters_rotationdirection=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/exposureTime"){ + this.Parameters_exposuretime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/xrayTubeCurrent"){ + this.Parameters_xraytubecurrent=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/exposure"){ + this.Parameters_exposure=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/filter"){ + this.Parameters_filter=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/generatorPower"){ + this.Parameters_generatorpower=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/focalSpots/focalSpot"){ + this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/focalSpots/focalSpot")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(31); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:ctScanData_focalSpot");//omUtils.js + } + this.addParameters_focalspots_focalspot(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/convolutionKernel"){ + this.Parameters_convolutionkernel=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/collimationWidth/single"){ + this.Parameters_collimationwidth_single=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/collimationWidth/total"){ + this.Parameters_collimationwidth_total=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/tableSpeed"){ + this.Parameters_tablespeed=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/tableFeedPerRotation"){ + this.Parameters_tablefeedperrotation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pitchFactor"){ + this.Parameters_pitchfactor=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/estimatedDoseSaving/modulation"){ + this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/estimatedDoseSaving"){ + this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ctDIvol"){ + this.Parameters_ctdivol=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/derivation"){ + this.Parameters_derivation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/contrastBolus"){ + this.Parameters_contrastbolus=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/contrastBolus")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(24); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_contrastbolus ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Parameters_contrastbolus!=undefined){ + this.Parameters_contrastbolus.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Parameters_contrastbolus= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Parameters_contrastbolus= instanciateObject("xnat:contrastBolus");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Parameters_contrastbolus.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Parameters_contrastbolus.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmValidation"){ + this.Dcmvalidation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmValidation/status"){ + this.Dcmvalidation_status=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="parameters/focalSpots/focalSpot"){ + this.addParameters_focalspots_focalspot(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/contrastBolus"){ + this.setParameters_contrastbolus(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="parameters/focalSpots/focalSpot"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/contrastBolus"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/z"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/orientation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/fov/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/fov/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/rescale/intercept"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/rescale/slope"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/kvp"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/acquisitionNumber"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/imageType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/options"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/collectionDiameter"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/distanceSourceToDetector"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/distanceSourceToPatient"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/gantryTilt"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/tableHeight"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/rotationDirection"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/exposureTime"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/xrayTubeCurrent"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/exposure"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/filter"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/generatorPower"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/focalSpots/focalSpot"){ + return "field_inline_repeater"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/convolutionKernel"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/collimationWidth/single"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/collimationWidth/total"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/tableSpeed"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/tableFeedPerRotation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/pitchFactor"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/estimatedDoseSaving/modulation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/estimatedDoseSaving"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/ctDIvol"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/derivation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/contrastBolus"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcmValidation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcmValidation/status"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:CTScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:CTScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + if(this.Parameters_distancesourcetopatient!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_contrastbolus!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_acquisitionnumber!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_rescale_intercept!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_rescale_slope!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_ctdivol!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_fov_y!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_fov_x!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_xraytubecurrent!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_z!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_y!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_x!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_convolutionkernel!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_collectiondiameter!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_exposuretime!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_generatorpower!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_kvp!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_pitchfactor!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_tablefeedperrotation!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_rotationdirection!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_distancesourcetodetector!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_filter!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_tableheight!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_collimationwidth_total!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_units!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_tablespeed!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_imagetype!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_gantrytilt!=null) + child0++; + child0+=this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot.length; + if(this.Parameters_orientation!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_options!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_derivation!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_collimationwidth_single!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_exposure!=null) + child0++; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:parameters"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + var Parameters_voxelresATT = "" + if (this.Parameters_voxelres_units!=null) + Parameters_voxelresATT+=" units=\"" + this.Parameters_voxelres_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_voxelres_x!=null) + Parameters_voxelresATT+=" x=\"" + this.Parameters_voxelres_x + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_voxelres_y!=null) + Parameters_voxelresATT+=" y=\"" + this.Parameters_voxelres_y + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_voxelres_z!=null) + Parameters_voxelresATT+=" z=\"" + this.Parameters_voxelres_z + "\""; + if(Parameters_voxelresATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:voxelRes"; + xmlTxt+=Parameters_voxelresATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Parameters_orientation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:orientation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_orientation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:orientation>"; + } + var Parameters_fovATT = "" + if (this.Parameters_fov_x!=null) + Parameters_fovATT+=" x=\"" + this.Parameters_fov_x + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_fov_y!=null) + Parameters_fovATT+=" y=\"" + this.Parameters_fov_y + "\""; + if(Parameters_fovATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fov"; + xmlTxt+=Parameters_fovATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + if(this.Parameters_rescale_slope!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Parameters_rescale_intercept!=null) + child1++; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:rescale"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Parameters_rescale_intercept!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:intercept"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_rescale_intercept.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:intercept>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_rescale_slope!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:slope"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_rescale_slope.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:slope>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:rescale>"; + } + } + + if (this.Parameters_kvp!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:kvp"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_kvp; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:kvp>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_acquisitionnumber!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:acquisitionNumber"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_acquisitionnumber; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:acquisitionNumber>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_imagetype!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageType"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_imagetype.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:imageType>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_options!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:options"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_options.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:options>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_collectiondiameter!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:collectionDiameter"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_collectiondiameter; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:collectionDiameter>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_distancesourcetodetector!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:distanceSourceToDetector"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_distancesourcetodetector; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:distanceSourceToDetector>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_distancesourcetopatient!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:distanceSourceToPatient"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_distancesourcetopatient; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:distanceSourceToPatient>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_gantrytilt!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:gantryTilt"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_gantrytilt; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:gantryTilt>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_tableheight!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:tableHeight"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_tableheight; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:tableHeight>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_rotationdirection!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:rotationDirection"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_rotationdirection.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:rotationDirection>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_exposuretime!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:exposureTime"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_exposuretime; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:exposureTime>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_xraytubecurrent!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:xrayTubeCurrent"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_xraytubecurrent; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:xrayTubeCurrent>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_exposure!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:exposure"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_exposure; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:exposure>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_filter!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:filter"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_filter.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:filter>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_generatorpower!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:generatorPower"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_generatorpower; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:generatorPower>"; + } + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:focalSpots"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Parameters_focalspots_focalspotCOUNT=0;Parameters_focalspots_focalspotCOUNT<this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot.length;Parameters_focalspots_focalspotCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot[Parameters_focalspots_focalspotCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:focalSpots>"; + } + } + + if (this.Parameters_convolutionkernel!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:convolutionKernel"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_convolutionkernel.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:convolutionKernel>"; + } + var child3=0; + var att3=0; + if(this.Parameters_collimationwidth_total!=null) + child3++; + if(this.Parameters_collimationwidth_single!=null) + child3++; + if(child3>0 || att3>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:collimationWidth"; + if(child3==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Parameters_collimationwidth_single!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:single"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_collimationwidth_single; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:single>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_collimationwidth_total!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:total"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_collimationwidth_total; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:total>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:collimationWidth>"; + } + } + + if (this.Parameters_tablespeed!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:tableSpeed"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_tablespeed; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:tableSpeed>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_tablefeedperrotation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:tableFeedPerRotation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_tablefeedperrotation; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:tableFeedPerRotation>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_pitchfactor!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:pitchFactor"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_pitchfactor; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:pitchFactor>"; + } + var Parameters_estimateddosesavingATT = "" + if (this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation!=null) + Parameters_estimateddosesavingATT+=" modulation=\"" + this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:estimatedDoseSaving"; + xmlTxt+=Parameters_estimateddosesavingATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:estimatedDoseSaving>"; + } + else if(Parameters_estimateddosesavingATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:estimatedDoseSaving"; + xmlTxt+=Parameters_estimateddosesavingATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Parameters_ctdivol!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ctDIvol"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_ctdivol; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:ctDIvol>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_derivation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:derivation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_derivation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:derivation>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_contrastbolus!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:contrastBolus"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_contrastbolus.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Parameters_contrastbolus.xsiType!="xnat:contrastBolus"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Parameters_contrastbolus.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Parameters_contrastbolus.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_contrastbolus.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:contrastBolus>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:parameters>"; + } + } + + var DcmvalidationATT = "" + if (this.Dcmvalidation_status!=null) + DcmvalidationATT+=" status=\"" + this.Dcmvalidation_status + "\""; + if (this.Dcmvalidation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dcmValidation"; + xmlTxt+=DcmvalidationATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Dcmvalidation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:dcmValidation>"; + } + else if(DcmvalidationATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dcmValidation"; + xmlTxt+=DcmvalidationATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Parameters_distancesourcetopatient!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_contrastbolus!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_acquisitionnumber!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_rescale_intercept!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_rescale_slope!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_ctdivol!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_fov_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_fov_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_xraytubecurrent!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_z!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_convolutionkernel!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_collectiondiameter!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_exposuretime!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_generatorpower!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_kvp!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_pitchfactor!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving_modulation!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_tablefeedperrotation!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_rotationdirection!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_distancesourcetodetector!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_estimateddosesaving!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_filter!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_tableheight!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_collimationwidth_total!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_units!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_tablespeed!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_imagetype!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_gantrytilt!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_focalspots_focalspot.length>0)return true; + if(this.Parameters_orientation!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_options!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_derivation!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_collimationwidth_single!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_exposure!=null) return true; + if (this.Dcmvalidation_status!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dcmvalidation!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ctScanData_focalSpot.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ctScanData_focalSpot.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59992849 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ctScanData_focalSpot.js @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_ctScanData_focalSpot(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:ctScanData_focalSpot"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "ctScanData_focalSpot"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:ctScanData_focalSpot"; + } + + this.Focalspot=null; + + + function getFocalspot() { + return this.Focalspot; + } + this.getFocalspot=getFocalspot; + + + function setFocalspot(v){ + this.Focalspot=v; + } + this.setFocalspot=setFocalspot; + + this.XnatCtscandataFocalspotId=null; + + + function getXnatCtscandataFocalspotId() { + return this.XnatCtscandataFocalspotId; + } + this.getXnatCtscandataFocalspotId=getXnatCtscandataFocalspotId; + + + function setXnatCtscandataFocalspotId(v){ + this.XnatCtscandataFocalspotId=v; + } + this.setXnatCtscandataFocalspotId=setXnatCtscandataFocalspotId; + + this.parameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=null; + + + this.getparameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id=function() { + return this.parameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk; + } + + + this.setparameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id=function(v){ + this.parameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="focalSpot"){ + return this.Focalspot ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_ctScanData_focalSpot_id"){ + return this.XnatCtscandataFocalspotId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id"){ + return this.parameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="focalSpot"){ + this.Focalspot=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_ctScanData_focalSpot_id"){ + this.XnatCtscandataFocalspotId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id"){ + this.parameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="focalSpot"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ctScanData_focalSpot"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:ctScanData_focalSpot>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatCtscandataFocalspotId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_ctScanData_focalSpot_id=\"" + this.XnatCtscandataFocalspotId + "\""; + } + if(this.parameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="parameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id=\"" + this.parameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Focalspot!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:focalSpot"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Focalspot; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:focalSpot>"; + } + else{ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:focalSpot"; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatCtscandataFocalspotId!=null) return true; + if (this.parameters_focalspots_focalspot_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Focalspot!=null) return true; + return true;//REQUIRED focalSpot + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ctSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ctSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed68c708 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ctSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_ctSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:ctSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "ctSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:ctSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:CTSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:CTSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_datatypeProtocol.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_datatypeProtocol.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bcf5347d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_datatypeProtocol.js @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_datatypeProtocol(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:datatypeProtocol"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "datatypeProtocol"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:datatypeProtocol"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractProtocol','generated/xnat_abstractProtocol.js'); + this.Definitions_definition =new Array(); + + function getDefinitions_definition() { + return this.Definitions_definition; + } + this.getDefinitions_definition=getDefinitions_definition; + + + function addDefinitions_definition(v){ + this.Definitions_definition.push(v); + } + this.addDefinitions_definition=addDefinitions_definition; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractProtocol"){ + return this.Abstractprotocol ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractProtocol")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractprotocol ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractprotocol!=undefined)return this.Abstractprotocol.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="definitions/definition"){ + return this.Definitions_definition ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("definitions/definition")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(22); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Definitions_definition ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Definitions_definition.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Definitions_definition[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Definitions_definition[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Definitions_definition; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractProtocol"){ + this.Abstractprotocol=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractProtocol")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractprotocol ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractprotocol!=undefined){ + this.Abstractprotocol.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Abstractprotocol= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Abstractprotocol= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractProtocol");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Abstractprotocol.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Abstractprotocol.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="definitions/definition"){ + this.Definitions_definition=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("definitions/definition")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(22); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Definitions_definition ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Definitions_definition.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Definitions_definition[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Definitions_definition[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Definitions_definition; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup");//omUtils.js + } + this.addDefinitions_definition(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="definitions/definition"){ + this.addDefinitions_definition(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="definitions/definition"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="definitions/definition"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:datatypeProtocol"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:datatypeProtocol>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Definitions_definition.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:definitions"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Definitions_definitionCOUNT=0;Definitions_definitionCOUNT<this.Definitions_definition.length;Definitions_definitionCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:definition"; + xmlTxt +=this.Definitions_definition[Definitions_definitionCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Definitions_definition[Definitions_definitionCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Definitions_definition[Definitions_definitionCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Definitions_definition[Definitions_definitionCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Definitions_definition[Definitions_definitionCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:definition>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:definitions>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Definitions_definition.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_demographicData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_demographicData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..845eef3a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_demographicData.js @@ -0,0 +1,855 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_demographicData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:demographicData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "demographicData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:demographicData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractDemographicData','generated/xnat_abstractDemographicData.js'); + + this.Dob=null; + + + function getDob() { + return this.Dob; + } + this.getDob=getDob; + + + function setDob(v){ + this.Dob=v; + } + this.setDob=setDob; + + this.Yob=null; + + + function getYob() { + return this.Yob; + } + this.getYob=getYob; + + + function setYob(v){ + this.Yob=v; + } + this.setYob=setYob; + + this.Age=null; + + + function getAge() { + return this.Age; + } + this.getAge=getAge; + + + function setAge(v){ + this.Age=v; + } + this.setAge=setAge; + + this.Gender=null; + + + function getGender() { + return this.Gender; + } + this.getGender=getGender; + + + function setGender(v){ + this.Gender=v; + } + this.setGender=setGender; + + this.Handedness=null; + + + function getHandedness() { + return this.Handedness; + } + this.getHandedness=getHandedness; + + + function setHandedness(v){ + this.Handedness=v; + } + this.setHandedness=setHandedness; + + this.Ses=null; + + + function getSes() { + return this.Ses; + } + this.getSes=getSes; + + + function setSes(v){ + this.Ses=v; + } + this.setSes=setSes; + + this.Employment=null; + + + function getEmployment() { + return this.Employment; + } + this.getEmployment=getEmployment; + + + function setEmployment(v){ + this.Employment=v; + } + this.setEmployment=setEmployment; + + this.Education=null; + + + function getEducation() { + return this.Education; + } + this.getEducation=getEducation; + + + function setEducation(v){ + this.Education=v; + } + this.setEducation=setEducation; + + this.Educationdesc=null; + + + function getEducationdesc() { + return this.Educationdesc; + } + this.getEducationdesc=getEducationdesc; + + + function setEducationdesc(v){ + this.Educationdesc=v; + } + this.setEducationdesc=setEducationdesc; + + this.Race=null; + + + function getRace() { + return this.Race; + } + this.getRace=getRace; + + + function setRace(v){ + this.Race=v; + } + this.setRace=setRace; + + this.Race2=null; + + + function getRace2() { + return this.Race2; + } + this.getRace2=getRace2; + + + function setRace2(v){ + this.Race2=v; + } + this.setRace2=setRace2; + + this.Race3=null; + + + function getRace3() { + return this.Race3; + } + this.getRace3=getRace3; + + + function setRace3(v){ + this.Race3=v; + } + this.setRace3=setRace3; + + this.Race4=null; + + + function getRace4() { + return this.Race4; + } + this.getRace4=getRace4; + + + function setRace4(v){ + this.Race4=v; + } + this.setRace4=setRace4; + + this.Race5=null; + + + function getRace5() { + return this.Race5; + } + this.getRace5=getRace5; + + + function setRace5(v){ + this.Race5=v; + } + this.setRace5=setRace5; + + this.Race6=null; + + + function getRace6() { + return this.Race6; + } + this.getRace6=getRace6; + + + function setRace6(v){ + this.Race6=v; + } + this.setRace6=setRace6; + + this.Ethnicity=null; + + + function getEthnicity() { + return this.Ethnicity; + } + this.getEthnicity=getEthnicity; + + + function setEthnicity(v){ + this.Ethnicity=v; + } + this.setEthnicity=setEthnicity; + + this.Weight=null; + + + function getWeight() { + return this.Weight; + } + this.getWeight=getWeight; + + + function setWeight(v){ + this.Weight=v; + } + this.setWeight=setWeight; + + this.Weight_units=null; + + + function getWeight_units() { + return this.Weight_units; + } + this.getWeight_units=getWeight_units; + + + function setWeight_units(v){ + this.Weight_units=v; + } + this.setWeight_units=setWeight_units; + + this.Height=null; + + + function getHeight() { + return this.Height; + } + this.getHeight=getHeight; + + + function setHeight(v){ + this.Height=v; + } + this.setHeight=setHeight; + + this.Height_units=null; + + + function getHeight_units() { + return this.Height_units; + } + this.getHeight_units=getHeight_units; + + + function setHeight_units(v){ + this.Height_units=v; + } + this.setHeight_units=setHeight_units; + + this.GestationalAge=null; + + + function getGestationalAge() { + return this.GestationalAge; + } + this.getGestationalAge=getGestationalAge; + + + function setGestationalAge(v){ + this.GestationalAge=v; + } + this.setGestationalAge=setGestationalAge; + + this.PostMenstrualAge=null; + + + function getPostMenstrualAge() { + return this.PostMenstrualAge; + } + this.getPostMenstrualAge=getPostMenstrualAge; + + + function setPostMenstrualAge(v){ + this.PostMenstrualAge=v; + } + this.setPostMenstrualAge=setPostMenstrualAge; + + this.BirthWeight=null; + + + function getBirthWeight() { + return this.BirthWeight; + } + this.getBirthWeight=getBirthWeight; + + + function setBirthWeight(v){ + this.BirthWeight=v; + } + this.setBirthWeight=setBirthWeight; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractDemographicData"){ + return this.Abstractdemographicdata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractDemographicData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(23); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractdemographicdata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractdemographicdata!=undefined)return this.Abstractdemographicdata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dob"){ + return this.Dob ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="yob"){ + return this.Yob ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="age"){ + return this.Age ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="gender"){ + return this.Gender ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="handedness"){ + return this.Handedness ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ses"){ + return this.Ses ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="employment"){ + return this.Employment ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="education"){ + return this.Education ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="educationDesc"){ + return this.Educationdesc ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="race"){ + return this.Race ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="race2"){ + return this.Race2 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="race3"){ + return this.Race3 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="race4"){ + return this.Race4 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="race5"){ + return this.Race5 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="race6"){ + return this.Race6 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ethnicity"){ + return this.Ethnicity ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="weight"){ + return this.Weight ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="weight/units"){ + return this.Weight_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="height"){ + return this.Height ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="height/units"){ + return this.Height_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="gestational_age"){ + return this.GestationalAge ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="post_menstrual_age"){ + return this.PostMenstrualAge ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="birth_weight"){ + return this.BirthWeight ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractDemographicData"){ + this.Abstractdemographicdata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractDemographicData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(23); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractdemographicdata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractdemographicdata!=undefined){ + this.Abstractdemographicdata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Abstractdemographicdata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Abstractdemographicdata= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractDemographicData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Abstractdemographicdata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Abstractdemographicdata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dob"){ + this.Dob=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="yob"){ + this.Yob=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="age"){ + this.Age=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="gender"){ + this.Gender=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="handedness"){ + this.Handedness=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ses"){ + this.Ses=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="employment"){ + this.Employment=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="education"){ + this.Education=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="educationDesc"){ + this.Educationdesc=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="race"){ + this.Race=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="race2"){ + this.Race2=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="race3"){ + this.Race3=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="race4"){ + this.Race4=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="race5"){ + this.Race5=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="race6"){ + this.Race6=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ethnicity"){ + this.Ethnicity=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="weight"){ + this.Weight=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="weight/units"){ + this.Weight_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="height"){ + this.Height=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="height/units"){ + this.Height_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="gestational_age"){ + this.GestationalAge=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="post_menstrual_age"){ + this.PostMenstrualAge=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="birth_weight"){ + this.BirthWeight=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="dob"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="yob"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="age"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="gender"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="handedness"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ses"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="employment"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="education"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="educationDesc"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="race"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="race2"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="race3"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="race4"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="race5"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="race6"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ethnicity"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="weight"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="weight/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="height"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="height/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="gestational_age"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="post_menstrual_age"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="birth_weight"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:demographicData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:demographicData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Dob!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dob"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Dob; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:dob>"; + } + if (this.Yob!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:yob"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Yob; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:yob>"; + } + if (this.Age!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:age"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Age; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:age>"; + } + if (this.Gender!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:gender"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Gender.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:gender>"; + } + if (this.Handedness!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:handedness"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Handedness.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:handedness>"; + } + if (this.Ses!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ses"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Ses; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:ses>"; + } + if (this.Employment!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:employment"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Employment; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:employment>"; + } + if (this.Education!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:education"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Education; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:education>"; + } + if (this.Educationdesc!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:educationDesc"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Educationdesc.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:educationDesc>"; + } + if (this.Race!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:race"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Race.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:race>"; + } + if (this.Race2!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:race2"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Race2.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:race2>"; + } + if (this.Race3!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:race3"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Race3.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:race3>"; + } + if (this.Race4!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:race4"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Race4.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:race4>"; + } + if (this.Race5!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:race5"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Race5.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:race5>"; + } + if (this.Race6!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:race6"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Race6.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:race6>"; + } + if (this.Ethnicity!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ethnicity"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Ethnicity.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:ethnicity>"; + } + var WeightATT = "" + if (this.Weight_units!=null) + WeightATT+=" units=\"" + this.Weight_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Weight!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:weight"; + xmlTxt+=WeightATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Weight; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:weight>"; + } + else if(WeightATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:weight"; + xmlTxt+=WeightATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var HeightATT = "" + if (this.Height_units!=null) + HeightATT+=" units=\"" + this.Height_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Height!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:height"; + xmlTxt+=HeightATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Height; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:height>"; + } + else if(HeightATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:height"; + xmlTxt+=HeightATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.GestationalAge!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:gestational_age"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.GestationalAge; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:gestational_age>"; + } + if (this.PostMenstrualAge!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:post_menstrual_age"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.PostMenstrualAge; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:post_menstrual_age>"; + } + if (this.BirthWeight!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:birth_weight"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.BirthWeight; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:birth_weight>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Dob!=null) return true; + if (this.Yob!=null) return true; + if (this.Age!=null) return true; + if (this.Gender!=null) return true; + if (this.Handedness!=null) return true; + if (this.Ses!=null) return true; + if (this.Employment!=null) return true; + if (this.Education!=null) return true; + if (this.Educationdesc!=null) return true; + if (this.Race!=null) return true; + if (this.Race2!=null) return true; + if (this.Race3!=null) return true; + if (this.Race4!=null) return true; + if (this.Race5!=null) return true; + if (this.Race6!=null) return true; + if (this.Ethnicity!=null) return true; + if (this.Weight_units!=null) + return true; + if (this.Weight!=null) return true; + if (this.Height_units!=null) + return true; + if (this.Height!=null) return true; + if (this.GestationalAge!=null) return true; + if (this.PostMenstrualAge!=null) return true; + if (this.BirthWeight!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_derivedData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_derivedData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c097916 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_derivedData.js @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_derivedData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:derivedData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "derivedData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:derivedData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_experimentData','generated/xnat_experimentData.js'); + this.Provenance =null; + function getProvenance() { + return this.Provenance; + } + this.getProvenance=getProvenance; + + + function setProvenance(v){ + this.Provenance =v; + } + this.setProvenance=setProvenance; + + this.Provenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId=null; + + + function getProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId(){ + return this.Provenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId; + } + this.getProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId=getProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId; + + + function setProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId(v){ + this.Provenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId=v; + } + this.setProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId=setProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="experimentData"){ + return this.Experimentdata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("experimentData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Experimentdata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Experimentdata!=undefined)return this.Experimentdata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="provenance"){ + return this.Provenance ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("provenance")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Provenance ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Provenance!=undefined)return this.Provenance.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="experimentData"){ + this.Experimentdata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("experimentData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Experimentdata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Experimentdata!=undefined){ + this.Experimentdata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Experimentdata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Experimentdata= instanciateObject("xnat:experimentData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Experimentdata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Experimentdata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="provenance"){ + this.Provenance=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("provenance")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Provenance ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Provenance!=undefined){ + this.Provenance.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Provenance= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Provenance= instanciateObject("prov:process");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Provenance.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Provenance.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="provenance"){ + this.setProvenance(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="provenance"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="provenance"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:derivedData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:derivedData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Provenance!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:provenance"; + xmlTxt+=this.Provenance.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Provenance.xsiType!="prov:process"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Provenance.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Provenance.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Provenance.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:provenance>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Provenance!=null){ + if (this.Provenance.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dicomSeries.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dicomSeries.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5ac3acf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dicomSeries.js @@ -0,0 +1,751 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_dicomSeries(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:dicomSeries"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "dicomSeries"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:dicomSeries"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractResource','generated/xnat_abstractResource.js'); + + this.Dimensions_x=null; + + + function getDimensions_x() { + return this.Dimensions_x; + } + this.getDimensions_x=getDimensions_x; + + + function setDimensions_x(v){ + this.Dimensions_x=v; + } + this.setDimensions_x=setDimensions_x; + + this.Dimensions_y=null; + + + function getDimensions_y() { + return this.Dimensions_y; + } + this.getDimensions_y=getDimensions_y; + + + function setDimensions_y(v){ + this.Dimensions_y=v; + } + this.setDimensions_y=setDimensions_y; + + this.Dimensions_z=null; + + + function getDimensions_z() { + return this.Dimensions_z; + } + this.getDimensions_z=getDimensions_z; + + + function setDimensions_z(v){ + this.Dimensions_z=v; + } + this.setDimensions_z=setDimensions_z; + + this.Dimensions_volumes=null; + + + function getDimensions_volumes() { + return this.Dimensions_volumes; + } + this.getDimensions_volumes=getDimensions_volumes; + + + function setDimensions_volumes(v){ + this.Dimensions_volumes=v; + } + this.setDimensions_volumes=setDimensions_volumes; + + this.Voxelres_x=null; + + + function getVoxelres_x() { + return this.Voxelres_x; + } + this.getVoxelres_x=getVoxelres_x; + + + function setVoxelres_x(v){ + this.Voxelres_x=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_x=setVoxelres_x; + + this.Voxelres_y=null; + + + function getVoxelres_y() { + return this.Voxelres_y; + } + this.getVoxelres_y=getVoxelres_y; + + + function setVoxelres_y(v){ + this.Voxelres_y=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_y=setVoxelres_y; + + this.Voxelres_z=null; + + + function getVoxelres_z() { + return this.Voxelres_z; + } + this.getVoxelres_z=getVoxelres_z; + + + function setVoxelres_z(v){ + this.Voxelres_z=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_z=setVoxelres_z; + + this.Voxelres_units=null; + + + function getVoxelres_units() { + return this.Voxelres_units; + } + this.getVoxelres_units=getVoxelres_units; + + + function setVoxelres_units(v){ + this.Voxelres_units=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_units=setVoxelres_units; + + this.Orientation=null; + + + function getOrientation() { + return this.Orientation; + } + this.getOrientation=getOrientation; + + + function setOrientation(v){ + this.Orientation=v; + } + this.setOrientation=setOrientation; + this.Imageset_image =new Array(); + + function getImageset_image() { + return this.Imageset_image; + } + this.getImageset_image=getImageset_image; + + + function addImageset_image(v){ + this.Imageset_image.push(v); + } + this.addImageset_image=addImageset_image; + + this.Format=null; + + + function getFormat() { + return this.Format; + } + this.getFormat=getFormat; + + + function setFormat(v){ + this.Format=v; + } + this.setFormat=setFormat; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.Content=null; + + + function getContent() { + return this.Content; + } + this.getContent=getContent; + + + function setContent(v){ + this.Content=v; + } + this.setContent=setContent; + + this.Cachepath=null; + + + function getCachepath() { + return this.Cachepath; + } + this.getCachepath=getCachepath; + + + function setCachepath(v){ + this.Cachepath=v; + } + this.setCachepath=setCachepath; + + this.Uid=null; + + + function getUid() { + return this.Uid; + } + this.getUid=getUid; + + + function setUid(v){ + this.Uid=v; + } + this.setUid=setUid; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractResource"){ + return this.Abstractresource ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractResource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractresource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractresource!=undefined)return this.Abstractresource.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/x"){ + return this.Dimensions_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/y"){ + return this.Dimensions_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/z"){ + return this.Dimensions_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/volumes"){ + return this.Dimensions_volumes ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/x"){ + return this.Voxelres_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/y"){ + return this.Voxelres_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/z"){ + return this.Voxelres_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/units"){ + return this.Voxelres_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="orientation"){ + return this.Orientation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="imageSet/image"){ + return this.Imageset_image ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSet/image")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imageset_image ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Imageset_image.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Imageset_image[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Imageset_image[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Imageset_image; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="format"){ + return this.Format ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="content"){ + return this.Content ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + return this.Cachepath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="UID"){ + return this.Uid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractResource"){ + this.Abstractresource=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractResource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractresource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractresource!=undefined){ + this.Abstractresource.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Abstractresource= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Abstractresource= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Abstractresource.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Abstractresource.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/x"){ + this.Dimensions_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/y"){ + this.Dimensions_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/z"){ + this.Dimensions_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/volumes"){ + this.Dimensions_volumes=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/x"){ + this.Voxelres_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/y"){ + this.Voxelres_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/z"){ + this.Voxelres_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/units"){ + this.Voxelres_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="orientation"){ + this.Orientation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="imageSet/image"){ + this.Imageset_image=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSet/image")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imageset_image ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Imageset_image.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Imageset_image[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Imageset_image[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Imageset_image; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:dicomSeries_image");//omUtils.js + } + this.addImageset_image(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="format"){ + this.Format=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="content"){ + this.Content=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + this.Cachepath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="UID"){ + this.Uid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="imageSet/image"){ + this.addImageset_image(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="imageSet/image"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="dimensions/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dimensions/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dimensions/z"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dimensions/volumes"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/z"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="orientation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="imageSet/image"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="format"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="content"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="UID"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dicomSeries"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:dicomSeries>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + if (this.Format!=null) + attTxt+=" format=\"" +this.Format +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Content!=null) + attTxt+=" content=\"" +this.Content +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Cachepath!=null) + attTxt+=" cachePath=\"" +this.Cachepath +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Uid!=null) + attTxt+=" UID=\"" +this.Uid +"\""; + else attTxt+=" UID=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var DimensionsATT = "" + if (this.Dimensions_x!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" x=\"" + this.Dimensions_x + "\""; + if (this.Dimensions_y!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" y=\"" + this.Dimensions_y + "\""; + if (this.Dimensions_z!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" z=\"" + this.Dimensions_z + "\""; + if (this.Dimensions_volumes!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" volumes=\"" + this.Dimensions_volumes + "\""; + if(DimensionsATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dimensions"; + xmlTxt+=DimensionsATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var VoxelresATT = "" + if (this.Voxelres_x!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" x=\"" + this.Voxelres_x + "\""; + if (this.Voxelres_y!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" y=\"" + this.Voxelres_y + "\""; + if (this.Voxelres_z!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" z=\"" + this.Voxelres_z + "\""; + if (this.Voxelres_units!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" units=\"" + this.Voxelres_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if(VoxelresATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:voxelRes"; + xmlTxt+=VoxelresATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Orientation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:orientation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Orientation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:orientation>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Imageset_image.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageSet"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Imageset_imageCOUNT=0;Imageset_imageCOUNT<this.Imageset_image.length;Imageset_imageCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:image"; + xmlTxt +=this.Imageset_image[Imageset_imageCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Imageset_image[Imageset_imageCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:dicomSeries_image"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Imageset_image[Imageset_imageCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Imageset_image[Imageset_imageCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Imageset_image[Imageset_imageCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:image>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:imageSet>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Dimensions_x!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dimensions_y!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dimensions_z!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dimensions_volumes!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_x!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_y!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_z!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_units!=null) + return true; + if (this.Orientation!=null) return true; + if(this.Imageset_image.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dicomSeries_image.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dicomSeries_image.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75b9d4c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dicomSeries_image.js @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_dicomSeries_image(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:dicomSeries_image"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "dicomSeries_image"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:dicomSeries_image"; + } + + this.Uri=null; + + + function getUri() { + return this.Uri; + } + this.getUri=getUri; + + + function setUri(v){ + this.Uri=v; + } + this.setUri=setUri; + + this.SopInstanceUid=null; + + + function getSopInstanceUid() { + return this.SopInstanceUid; + } + this.getSopInstanceUid=getSopInstanceUid; + + + function setSopInstanceUid(v){ + this.SopInstanceUid=v; + } + this.setSopInstanceUid=setSopInstanceUid; + + this.InstanceNumber=null; + + + function getInstanceNumber() { + return this.InstanceNumber; + } + this.getInstanceNumber=getInstanceNumber; + + + function setInstanceNumber(v){ + this.InstanceNumber=v; + } + this.setInstanceNumber=setInstanceNumber; + + this.XnatDicomseriesImageId=null; + + + function getXnatDicomseriesImageId() { + return this.XnatDicomseriesImageId; + } + this.getXnatDicomseriesImageId=getXnatDicomseriesImageId; + + + function setXnatDicomseriesImageId(v){ + this.XnatDicomseriesImageId=v; + } + this.setXnatDicomseriesImageId=setXnatDicomseriesImageId; + + this.imageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk=null; + + + this.getimageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id=function() { + return this.imageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk; + } + + + this.setimageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id=function(v){ + this.imageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="URI"){ + return this.Uri ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sop_instance_UID"){ + return this.SopInstanceUid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="instance_number"){ + return this.InstanceNumber ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_dicomSeries_image_id"){ + return this.XnatDicomseriesImageId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="imageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id"){ + return this.imageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="URI"){ + this.Uri=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sop_instance_UID"){ + this.SopInstanceUid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="instance_number"){ + this.InstanceNumber=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_dicomSeries_image_id"){ + this.XnatDicomseriesImageId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="imageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id"){ + this.imageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="URI"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sop_instance_UID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="instance_number"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dicomSeries_image"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:dicomSeries_image>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatDicomseriesImageId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_dicomSeries_image_id=\"" + this.XnatDicomseriesImageId + "\""; + } + if(this.imageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="imageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id=\"" + this.imageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Uri!=null) + attTxt+=" URI=\"" +this.Uri +"\""; + else attTxt+=" URI=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SopInstanceUid!=null) + attTxt+=" sop_instance_UID=\"" +this.SopInstanceUid +"\""; + else attTxt+=" sop_instance_UID=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.InstanceNumber!=null) + attTxt+=" instance_number=\"" +this.InstanceNumber +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatDicomseriesImageId!=null) return true; + if (this.imageset_image_xnat_dicomSeries_xnat_abstractresource_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dx3DCraniofacialScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dx3DCraniofacialScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..124edc94 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dx3DCraniofacialScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_dx3DCraniofacialScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:dx3DCraniofacialScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "dx3DCraniofacialScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:dx3DCraniofacialScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:DX3DCraniofacialScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:DX3DCraniofacialScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a44e755c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_dx3DCraniofacialSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:dx3DCraniofacialSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "dx3DCraniofacialSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:dx3DCraniofacialSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:DX3DCraniofacialSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:DX3DCraniofacialSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dxScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dxScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9d9abc9a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dxScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_dxScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:dxScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "dxScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:dxScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:DXScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:DXScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dxSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dxSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f0eabda2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_dxSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_dxSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:dxSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "dxSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:dxSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:DXSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:DXSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ecgScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ecgScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6485e18a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ecgScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_ecgScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:ecgScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "ecgScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:ecgScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ECGScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:ECGScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ecgSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ecgSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d1a15f1b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ecgSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_ecgSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:ecgSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "ecgSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:ecgSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ECGSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:ECGSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_eegScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_eegScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1fd2ed57 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_eegScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_eegScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:eegScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "eegScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:eegScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:EEGScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:EEGScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_eegSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_eegSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a718fbc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_eegSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_eegSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:eegSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "eegSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:eegSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:EEGSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:EEGSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_epsScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_epsScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e6db9da5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_epsScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_epsScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:epsScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "epsScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:epsScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:EPSScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:EPSScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_epsSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_epsSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0890e133 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_epsSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_epsSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:epsSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "epsSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:epsSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:EPSSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:EPSSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_esScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_esScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e61f0a5b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_esScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_esScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:esScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "esScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:esScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ESScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:ESScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_esSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_esSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..578c3505 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_esSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_esSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:esSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "esSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:esSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ESSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:ESSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_esvScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_esvScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..62b328b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_esvScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_esvScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:esvScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "esvScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:esvScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ESVScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:ESVScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_esvSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_esvSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d3056afc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_esvSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_esvSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:esvSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "esvSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:esvSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ESVSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:ESVSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_experimentData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_experimentData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cedef44e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_experimentData.js @@ -0,0 +1,1307 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_experimentData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:experimentData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "experimentData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:experimentData"; + } + this.Sharing_share =new Array(); + + function getSharing_share() { + return this.Sharing_share; + } + this.getSharing_share=getSharing_share; + + + function addSharing_share(v){ + this.Sharing_share.push(v); + } + this.addSharing_share=addSharing_share; + + this.Date=null; + + + function getDate() { + return this.Date; + } + this.getDate=getDate; + + + function setDate(v){ + this.Date=v; + } + this.setDate=setDate; + + this.Time=null; + + + function getTime() { + return this.Time; + } + this.getTime=getTime; + + + function setTime(v){ + this.Time=v; + } + this.setTime=setTime; + + this.Duration=null; + + + function getDuration() { + return this.Duration; + } + this.getDuration=getDuration; + + + function setDuration(v){ + this.Duration=v; + } + this.setDuration=setDuration; + + this.Delay=null; + + + function getDelay() { + return this.Delay; + } + this.getDelay=getDelay; + + + function setDelay(v){ + this.Delay=v; + } + this.setDelay=setDelay; + + this.Delay_refExptId=null; + + + function getDelay_refExptId() { + return this.Delay_refExptId; + } + this.getDelay_refExptId=getDelay_refExptId; + + + function setDelay_refExptId(v){ + this.Delay_refExptId=v; + } + this.setDelay_refExptId=setDelay_refExptId; + + this.Note=null; + + + function getNote() { + return this.Note; + } + this.getNote=getNote; + + + function setNote(v){ + this.Note=v; + } + this.setNote=setNote; + this.Investigator =null; + function getInvestigator() { + return this.Investigator; + } + this.getInvestigator=getInvestigator; + + + function setInvestigator(v){ + this.Investigator =v; + } + this.setInvestigator=setInvestigator; + + this.Investigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId=null; + + + function getInvestigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId(){ + return this.Investigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId; + } + this.getInvestigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId=getInvestigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId; + + + function setInvestigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId(v){ + this.Investigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId=v; + } + this.setInvestigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId=setInvestigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId; + this.Validation =null; + function getValidation() { + return this.Validation; + } + this.getValidation=getValidation; + + + function setValidation(v){ + this.Validation =v; + } + this.setValidation=setValidation; + + this.Validation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId=null; + + + function getValidation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId(){ + return this.Validation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId; + } + this.getValidation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId=getValidation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId; + + + function setValidation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId(v){ + this.Validation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId=v; + } + this.setValidation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId=setValidation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId; + this.Resources_resource =new Array(); + + function getResources_resource() { + return this.Resources_resource; + } + this.getResources_resource=getResources_resource; + + + function addResources_resource(v){ + this.Resources_resource.push(v); + } + this.addResources_resource=addResources_resource; + this.Fields_field =new Array(); + + function getFields_field() { + return this.Fields_field; + } + this.getFields_field=getFields_field; + + + function addFields_field(v){ + this.Fields_field.push(v); + } + this.addFields_field=addFields_field; + + this.AcquisitionSite=null; + + + function getAcquisitionSite() { + return this.AcquisitionSite; + } + this.getAcquisitionSite=getAcquisitionSite; + + + function setAcquisitionSite(v){ + this.AcquisitionSite=v; + } + this.setAcquisitionSite=setAcquisitionSite; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Project=null; + + + function getProject() { + return this.Project; + } + this.getProject=getProject; + + + function setProject(v){ + this.Project=v; + } + this.setProject=setProject; + + this.VisitId=null; + + + function getVisitId() { + return this.VisitId; + } + this.getVisitId=getVisitId; + + + function setVisitId(v){ + this.VisitId=v; + } + this.setVisitId=setVisitId; + + this.Visit=null; + + + function getVisit() { + return this.Visit; + } + this.getVisit=getVisit; + + + function setVisit(v){ + this.Visit=v; + } + this.setVisit=setVisit; + + this.Version=null; + + + function getVersion() { + return this.Version; + } + this.getVersion=getVersion; + + + function setVersion(v){ + this.Version=v; + } + this.setVersion=setVersion; + + this.Original=null; + + + function getOriginal() { + return this.Original; + } + this.getOriginal=getOriginal; + + + function setOriginal(v){ + this.Original=v; + } + this.setOriginal=setOriginal; + + this.Protocol=null; + + + function getProtocol() { + return this.Protocol; + } + this.getProtocol=getProtocol; + + + function setProtocol(v){ + this.Protocol=v; + } + this.setProtocol=setProtocol; + + this.Label=null; + + + function getLabel() { + return this.Label; + } + this.getLabel=getLabel; + + + function setLabel(v){ + this.Label=v; + } + this.setLabel=setLabel; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + return this.Sharing_share ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sharing/share")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Sharing_share ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Sharing_share.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Sharing_share[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Sharing_share[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Sharing_share; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="date"){ + return this.Date ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="time"){ + return this.Time ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="duration"){ + return this.Duration ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="delay"){ + return this.Delay ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="delay/ref_expt_id"){ + return this.Delay_refExptId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="note"){ + return this.Note ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="investigator"){ + return this.Investigator ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("investigator")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Investigator ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Investigator!=undefined)return this.Investigator.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="validation"){ + return this.Validation ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("validation")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Validation ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Validation!=undefined)return this.Validation.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + return this.Resources_resource ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("resources/resource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Resources_resource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Resources_resource.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Resources_resource[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Resources_resource[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Resources_resource; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return this.Fields_field ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fields/field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fields_field ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fields_field.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fields_field[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fields_field[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fields_field; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="acquisition_site"){ + return this.AcquisitionSite ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project"){ + return this.Project ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="visit_id"){ + return this.VisitId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="visit"){ + return this.Visit ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="version"){ + return this.Version ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="original"){ + return this.Original ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="protocol"){ + return this.Protocol ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + return this.Label ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + this.Sharing_share=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sharing/share")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Sharing_share ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Sharing_share.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Sharing_share[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Sharing_share[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Sharing_share; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:experimentData_share");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSharing_share(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="date"){ + this.Date=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="time"){ + this.Time=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="duration"){ + this.Duration=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="delay"){ + this.Delay=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="delay/ref_expt_id"){ + this.Delay_refExptId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="note"){ + this.Note=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="investigator"){ + this.Investigator=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("investigator")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Investigator ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Investigator!=undefined){ + this.Investigator.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Investigator= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Investigator= instanciateObject("xnat:investigatorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Investigator.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Investigator.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="validation"){ + this.Validation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("validation")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Validation ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Validation!=undefined){ + this.Validation.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Validation= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Validation= instanciateObject("xnat:validationData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Validation.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Validation.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + this.Resources_resource=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("resources/resource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Resources_resource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Resources_resource.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Resources_resource[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Resources_resource[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Resources_resource; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + this.addResources_resource(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + this.Fields_field=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fields/field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fields_field ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fields_field.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fields_field[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fields_field[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fields_field; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:experimentData_field");//omUtils.js + } + this.addFields_field(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="acquisition_site"){ + this.AcquisitionSite=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project"){ + this.Project=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="visit_id"){ + this.VisitId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="visit"){ + this.Visit=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="version"){ + this.Version=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="original"){ + this.Original=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="protocol"){ + this.Protocol=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + this.Label=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + this.addSharing_share(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="investigator"){ + this.setInvestigator(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="validation"){ + this.setValidation(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + this.addResources_resource(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + this.addFields_field(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="investigator"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="validation"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="date"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="time"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="duration"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="delay"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="delay/ref_expt_id"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="note"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="investigator"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="validation"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="acquisition_site"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="project"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="visit_id"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="visit"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="version"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="original"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="protocol"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="label"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:experimentData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:experimentData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + else attTxt+=" ID=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Project!=null) + attTxt+=" project=\"" +this.Project +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.VisitId!=null) + attTxt+=" visit_id=\"" +this.VisitId +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Visit!=null) + attTxt+=" visit=\"" +this.Visit +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Version!=null) + attTxt+=" version=\"" +this.Version +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Original!=null) + attTxt+=" original=\"" +this.Original +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Protocol!=null) + attTxt+=" protocol=\"" +this.Protocol +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Label!=null) + attTxt+=" label=\"" +this.Label +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Sharing_share.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:sharing"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Sharing_shareCOUNT=0;Sharing_shareCOUNT<this.Sharing_share.length;Sharing_shareCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:share"; + xmlTxt +=this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:experimentData_share"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:share>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:sharing>"; + } + } + + if (this.Date!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:date"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Date; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:date>"; + } + if (this.Time!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:time"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Time; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:time>"; + } + if (this.Duration!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:duration"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Duration; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:duration>"; + } + var DelayATT = "" + if (this.Delay_refExptId!=null) + DelayATT+=" ref_expt_id=\"" + this.Delay_refExptId.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Delay!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:delay"; + xmlTxt+=DelayATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Delay; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:delay>"; + } + else if(DelayATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:delay"; + xmlTxt+=DelayATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Note!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:note"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Note.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:note>"; + } + if (this.Investigator!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:investigator"; + xmlTxt+=this.Investigator.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Investigator.xsiType!="xnat:investigatorData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Investigator.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Investigator.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Investigator.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:investigator>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if (this.Validation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:validation"; + xmlTxt+=this.Validation.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Validation.xsiType!="xnat:validationData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Validation.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Validation.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Validation.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:validation>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Resources_resource.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:resources"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Resources_resourceCOUNT=0;Resources_resourceCOUNT<this.Resources_resource.length;Resources_resourceCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:resource"; + xmlTxt +=this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:abstractResource"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:resource>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:resources>"; + } + } + + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.Fields_field.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fields"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Fields_fieldCOUNT=0;Fields_fieldCOUNT<this.Fields_field.length;Fields_fieldCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:field"; + xmlTxt +=this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:experimentData_field"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:field>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:fields>"; + } + } + + if (this.AcquisitionSite!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:acquisition_site"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.AcquisitionSite.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:acquisition_site>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Sharing_share.length>0)return true; + if (this.Date!=null) return true; + if (this.Time!=null) return true; + if (this.Duration!=null) return true; + if (this.Delay_refExptId!=null) + return true; + if (this.Delay!=null) return true; + if (this.Note!=null) return true; + if (this.Investigator!=null){ + if (this.Investigator.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if (this.Validation!=null){ + if (this.Validation.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if(this.Resources_resource.length>0)return true; + if(this.Fields_field.length>0)return true; + if (this.AcquisitionSite!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_experimentData_field.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_experimentData_field.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f61b9deb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_experimentData_field.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_experimentData_field(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:experimentData_field"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "experimentData_field"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:experimentData_field"; + } + + this.Field=null; + + + function getField() { + return this.Field; + } + this.getField=getField; + + + function setField(v){ + this.Field=v; + } + this.setField=setField; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.XnatExperimentdataFieldId=null; + + + function getXnatExperimentdataFieldId() { + return this.XnatExperimentdataFieldId; + } + this.getXnatExperimentdataFieldId=getXnatExperimentdataFieldId; + + + function setXnatExperimentdataFieldId(v){ + this.XnatExperimentdataFieldId=v; + } + this.setXnatExperimentdataFieldId=setXnatExperimentdataFieldId; + + this.fields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id_fk=null; + + + this.getfields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id=function() { + return this.fields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id_fk; + } + + + this.setfields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id=function(v){ + this.fields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="field"){ + return this.Field ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_experimentData_field_id"){ + return this.XnatExperimentdataFieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id"){ + return this.fields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="field"){ + this.Field=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_experimentData_field_id"){ + this.XnatExperimentdataFieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id"){ + this.fields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="field"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:experimentData_field"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:experimentData_field>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatExperimentdataFieldId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_experimentData_field_id=\"" + this.XnatExperimentdataFieldId + "\""; + } + if(this.fields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="fields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id=\"" + this.fields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Field!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Field.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatExperimentdataFieldId!=null) return true; + if (this.fields_field_xnat_experimentDat_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Field!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_experimentData_share.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_experimentData_share.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..804cb5b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_experimentData_share.js @@ -0,0 +1,305 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_experimentData_share(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:experimentData_share"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "experimentData_share"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:experimentData_share"; + } + + this.Share=null; + + + function getShare() { + return this.Share; + } + this.getShare=getShare; + + + function setShare(v){ + this.Share=v; + } + this.setShare=setShare; + + this.Label=null; + + + function getLabel() { + return this.Label; + } + this.getLabel=getLabel; + + + function setLabel(v){ + this.Label=v; + } + this.setLabel=setLabel; + + this.Project=null; + + + function getProject() { + return this.Project; + } + this.getProject=getProject; + + + function setProject(v){ + this.Project=v; + } + this.setProject=setProject; + + this.Visit=null; + + + function getVisit() { + return this.Visit; + } + this.getVisit=getVisit; + + + function setVisit(v){ + this.Visit=v; + } + this.setVisit=setVisit; + + this.Protocol=null; + + + function getProtocol() { + return this.Protocol; + } + this.getProtocol=getProtocol; + + + function setProtocol(v){ + this.Protocol=v; + } + this.setProtocol=setProtocol; + + this.XnatExperimentdataShareId=null; + + + function getXnatExperimentdataShareId() { + return this.XnatExperimentdataShareId; + } + this.getXnatExperimentdataShareId=getXnatExperimentdataShareId; + + + function setXnatExperimentdataShareId(v){ + this.XnatExperimentdataShareId=v; + } + this.setXnatExperimentdataShareId=setXnatExperimentdataShareId; + + this.sharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id_fk=null; + + + this.getsharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id=function() { + return this.sharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id_fk; + } + + + this.setsharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id=function(v){ + this.sharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="share"){ + return this.Share ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + return this.Label ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project"){ + return this.Project ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="visit"){ + return this.Visit ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="protocol"){ + return this.Protocol ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_experimentData_share_id"){ + return this.XnatExperimentdataShareId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id"){ + return this.sharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="share"){ + this.Share=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + this.Label=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project"){ + this.Project=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="visit"){ + this.Visit=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="protocol"){ + this.Protocol=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_experimentData_share_id"){ + this.XnatExperimentdataShareId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id"){ + this.sharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="share"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="label"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="project"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="visit"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="protocol"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:experimentData_share"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:experimentData_share>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatExperimentdataShareId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_experimentData_share_id=\"" + this.XnatExperimentdataShareId + "\""; + } + if(this.sharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="sharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id=\"" + this.sharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Label!=null) + attTxt+=" label=\"" +this.Label +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Project!=null) + attTxt+=" project=\"" +this.Project +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Visit!=null) + attTxt+=" visit=\"" +this.Visit +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Protocol!=null) + attTxt+=" protocol=\"" +this.Protocol +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Share!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Share.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatExperimentdataShareId!=null) return true; + if (this.sharing_share_xnat_experimentDa_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Share!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6d050f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup.js @@ -0,0 +1,488 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "fieldDefinitionGroup"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup"; + } + this.Fields_field =new Array(); + + function getFields_field() { + return this.Fields_field; + } + this.getFields_field=getFields_field; + + + function addFields_field(v){ + this.Fields_field.push(v); + } + this.addFields_field=addFields_field; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.DataType=null; + + + function getDataType() { + return this.DataType; + } + this.getDataType=getDataType; + + + function setDataType(v){ + this.DataType=v; + } + this.setDataType=setDataType; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.Shareable=null; + + + function getShareable() { + return this.Shareable; + } + this.getShareable=getShareable; + + + function setShareable(v){ + this.Shareable=v; + } + this.setShareable=setShareable; + + + this.isShareable=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Shareable==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Shareable=="1" || this.Shareable==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.ProjectSpecific=null; + + + function getProjectSpecific() { + return this.ProjectSpecific; + } + this.getProjectSpecific=getProjectSpecific; + + + function setProjectSpecific(v){ + this.ProjectSpecific=v; + } + this.setProjectSpecific=setProjectSpecific; + + + this.isProjectSpecific=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.ProjectSpecific==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.ProjectSpecific=="1" || this.ProjectSpecific==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupId=null; + + + function getXnatFielddefinitiongroupId() { + return this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupId; + } + this.getXnatFielddefinitiongroupId=getXnatFielddefinitiongroupId; + + + function setXnatFielddefinitiongroupId(v){ + this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupId=v; + } + this.setXnatFielddefinitiongroupId=setXnatFielddefinitiongroupId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return this.Fields_field ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fields/field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fields_field ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fields_field.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fields_field[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fields_field[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fields_field; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="data-type"){ + return this.DataType ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="shareable"){ + return this.Shareable ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project-specific"){ + return this.ProjectSpecific ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_id"){ + return this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + this.Fields_field=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fields/field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fields_field ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fields_field.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fields_field[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fields_field[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fields_field; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field");//omUtils.js + } + this.addFields_field(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="data-type"){ + this.DataType=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="shareable"){ + this.Shareable=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project-specific"){ + this.ProjectSpecific=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_id"){ + this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + this.addFields_field(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="data-type"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="shareable"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="project-specific"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:FieldDefinitionSet"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:FieldDefinitionSet>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_id=\"" + this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.DataType!=null) + attTxt+=" data-type=\"" +this.DataType +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Shareable!=null) + attTxt+=" shareable=\"" +this.Shareable +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.ProjectSpecific!=null) + attTxt+=" project-specific=\"" +this.ProjectSpecific +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Fields_field.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fields"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Fields_fieldCOUNT=0;Fields_fieldCOUNT<this.Fields_field.length;Fields_fieldCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:field"; + xmlTxt +=this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:field>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:fields>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Fields_field.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc6881c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field.js @@ -0,0 +1,556 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "fieldDefinitionGroup_field"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field"; + } + this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue =new Array(); + + function getPossiblevalues_possiblevalue() { + return this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue; + } + this.getPossiblevalues_possiblevalue=getPossiblevalues_possiblevalue; + + + function addPossiblevalues_possiblevalue(v){ + this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue.push(v); + } + this.addPossiblevalues_possiblevalue=addPossiblevalues_possiblevalue; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Type=null; + + + function getType() { + return this.Type; + } + this.getType=getType; + + + function setType(v){ + this.Type=v; + } + this.setType=setType; + + this.Datatype=null; + + + function getDatatype() { + return this.Datatype; + } + this.getDatatype=getDatatype; + + + function setDatatype(v){ + this.Datatype=v; + } + this.setDatatype=setDatatype; + + this.Required=null; + + + function getRequired() { + return this.Required; + } + this.getRequired=getRequired; + + + function setRequired(v){ + this.Required=v; + } + this.setRequired=setRequired; + + + this.isRequired=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Required==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Required=="1" || this.Required==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Sequence=null; + + + function getSequence() { + return this.Sequence; + } + this.getSequence=getSequence; + + + function setSequence(v){ + this.Sequence=v; + } + this.setSequence=setSequence; + + this.Xmlpath=null; + + + function getXmlpath() { + return this.Xmlpath; + } + this.getXmlpath=getXmlpath; + + + function setXmlpath(v){ + this.Xmlpath=v; + } + this.setXmlpath=setXmlpath; + + this.Group=null; + + + function getGroup() { + return this.Group; + } + this.getGroup=getGroup; + + + function setGroup(v){ + this.Group=v; + } + this.setGroup=setGroup; + + this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId=null; + + + function getXnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId() { + return this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId; + } + this.getXnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId=getXnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId; + + + function setXnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId(v){ + this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId=v; + } + this.setXnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId=setXnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId; + + this.fields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id_fk=null; + + + this.getfields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id=function() { + return this.fields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id_fk; + } + + + this.setfields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id=function(v){ + this.fields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="possibleValues/possibleValue"){ + return this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("possibleValues/possibleValue")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(28); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + return this.Type ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="datatype"){ + return this.Datatype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="required"){ + return this.Required ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return this.Sequence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xmlPath"){ + return this.Xmlpath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="group"){ + return this.Group ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field_id"){ + return this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id"){ + return this.fields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="possibleValues/possibleValue"){ + this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("possibleValues/possibleValue")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(28); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue");//omUtils.js + } + this.addPossiblevalues_possiblevalue(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + this.Type=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="datatype"){ + this.Datatype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="required"){ + this.Required=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sequence"){ + this.Sequence=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xmlPath"){ + this.Xmlpath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="group"){ + this.Group=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field_id"){ + this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id"){ + this.fields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="possibleValues/possibleValue"){ + this.addPossiblevalues_possiblevalue(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="possibleValues/possibleValue"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="possibleValues/possibleValue"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="type"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="datatype"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="required"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="sequence"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="xmlPath"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="group"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field_id=\"" + this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId + "\""; + } + if(this.fields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="fields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id=\"" + this.fields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + else attTxt+=" name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Type!=null) + attTxt+=" type=\"" +this.Type +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Datatype!=null) + attTxt+=" datatype=\"" +this.Datatype +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Required!=null) + attTxt+=" required=\"" +this.Required +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Sequence!=null) + attTxt+=" sequence=\"" +this.Sequence +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Xmlpath!=null) + attTxt+=" xmlPath=\"" +this.Xmlpath +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Group!=null) + attTxt+=" group=\"" +this.Group +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:possibleValues"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Possiblevalues_possiblevalueCOUNT=0;Possiblevalues_possiblevalueCOUNT<this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue.length;Possiblevalues_possiblevalueCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:possibleValue"; + xmlTxt +=this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue[Possiblevalues_possiblevalueCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue[Possiblevalues_possiblevalueCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue[Possiblevalues_possiblevalueCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue[Possiblevalues_possiblevalueCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue[Possiblevalues_possiblevalueCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:possibleValue>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:possibleValues>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldId!=null) return true; + if (this.fields_field_xnat_fieldDefiniti_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Possiblevalues_possiblevalue.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2563d828 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue"; + } + + this.Possiblevalue=null; + + + function getPossiblevalue() { + return this.Possiblevalue; + } + this.getPossiblevalue=getPossiblevalue; + + + function setPossiblevalue(v){ + this.Possiblevalue=v; + } + this.setPossiblevalue=setPossiblevalue; + + this.Display=null; + + + function getDisplay() { + return this.Display; + } + this.getDisplay=getDisplay; + + + function setDisplay(v){ + this.Display=v; + } + this.setDisplay=setDisplay; + + this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId=null; + + + function getXnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId() { + return this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId; + } + this.getXnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId=getXnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId; + + + function setXnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId(v){ + this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId=v; + } + this.setXnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId=setXnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId; + + this.possiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field_fk=null; + + + this.getpossiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field=function() { + return this.possiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field_fk; + } + + + this.setpossiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field=function(v){ + this.possiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="possibleValue"){ + return this.Possiblevalue ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="display"){ + return this.Display ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue_id"){ + return this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="possiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field"){ + return this.possiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="possibleValue"){ + this.Possiblevalue=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="display"){ + this.Display=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue_id"){ + this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="possiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field"){ + this.possiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="possibleValue"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="display"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_fieldDefinitionGroup_field_possibleValue_id=\"" + this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId + "\""; + } + if(this.possiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="possiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field=\"" + this.possiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Display!=null) + attTxt+=" display=\"" +this.Display +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Possiblevalue!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Possiblevalue.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatFielddefinitiongroupFieldPossiblevalueId!=null) return true; + if (this.possiblevalues_possiblevalue_xn_xnat_fielddefinitiongroup_field_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Possiblevalue!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_genericData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_genericData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5ad8899c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_genericData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_genericData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:genericData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "genericData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:genericData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_experimentData','generated/xnat_experimentData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="experimentData"){ + return this.Experimentdata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("experimentData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Experimentdata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Experimentdata!=undefined)return this.Experimentdata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="experimentData"){ + this.Experimentdata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("experimentData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Experimentdata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Experimentdata!=undefined){ + this.Experimentdata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Experimentdata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Experimentdata= instanciateObject("xnat:experimentData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Experimentdata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Experimentdata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:Generic"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:Generic>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_gmScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_gmScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..82a8a07e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_gmScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_gmScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:gmScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "gmScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:gmScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:GMScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:GMScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_gmSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_gmSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..23004d50 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_gmSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_gmSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:gmSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "gmSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:gmSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:GMSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:GMSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_gmvScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_gmvScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3af65bf1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_gmvScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_gmvScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:gmvScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "gmvScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:gmvScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:GMVScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:GMVScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_gmvSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_gmvSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f27bfdf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_gmvSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_gmvSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:gmvSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "gmvSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:gmvSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:GMVSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:GMVSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_hdScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_hdScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c9970563 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_hdScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_hdScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:hdScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "hdScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:hdScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:HDScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:HDScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_hdSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_hdSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bfc4828d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_hdSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_hdSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:hdSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "hdSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:hdSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:HDSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:HDSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageAssessorData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageAssessorData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4f2f6205 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageAssessorData.js @@ -0,0 +1,771 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_imageAssessorData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:imageAssessorData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "imageAssessorData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:imageAssessorData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_derivedData','generated/xnat_derivedData.js'); + this.In_file =new Array(); + + function getIn_file() { + return this.In_file; + } + this.getIn_file=getIn_file; + + + function addIn_file(v){ + this.In_file.push(v); + } + this.addIn_file=addIn_file; + this.Out_file =new Array(); + + function getOut_file() { + return this.Out_file; + } + this.getOut_file=getOut_file; + + + function addOut_file(v){ + this.Out_file.push(v); + } + this.addOut_file=addOut_file; + + this.ImagesessionId=null; + + + function getImagesessionId() { + return this.ImagesessionId; + } + this.getImagesessionId=getImagesessionId; + + + function setImagesessionId(v){ + this.ImagesessionId=v; + } + this.setImagesessionId=setImagesessionId; + this.Parameters_addparam =new Array(); + + function getParameters_addparam() { + return this.Parameters_addparam; + } + this.getParameters_addparam=getParameters_addparam; + + + function addParameters_addparam(v){ + this.Parameters_addparam.push(v); + } + this.addParameters_addparam=addParameters_addparam; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="derivedData"){ + return this.Deriveddata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("derivedData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(11); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Deriveddata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Deriveddata!=undefined)return this.Deriveddata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="in/file"){ + return this.In_file ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("in/file")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(7); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.In_file ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.In_file.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.In_file[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.In_file[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.In_file; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="out/file"){ + return this.Out_file ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("out/file")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Out_file ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Out_file.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Out_file[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Out_file[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Out_file; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="imageSession_ID"){ + return this.ImagesessionId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + return this.Parameters_addparam ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/addParam")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_addparam ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_addparam.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_addparam; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="derivedData"){ + this.Deriveddata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("derivedData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(11); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Deriveddata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Deriveddata!=undefined){ + this.Deriveddata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Deriveddata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Deriveddata= instanciateObject("xnat:derivedData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Deriveddata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Deriveddata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="in/file"){ + this.In_file=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("in/file")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(7); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.In_file ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.In_file.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.In_file[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.In_file[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.In_file; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + this.addIn_file(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="out/file"){ + this.Out_file=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("out/file")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Out_file ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Out_file.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Out_file[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Out_file[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Out_file; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + this.addOut_file(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="imageSession_ID"){ + this.ImagesessionId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + this.Parameters_addparam=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/addParam")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_addparam ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_addparam.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_addparam; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:addField");//omUtils.js + } + this.addParameters_addparam(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="in/file"){ + this.addIn_file(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="out/file"){ + this.addOut_file(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + this.addParameters_addparam(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="in/file"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="out/file"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="in/file"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="out/file"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="imageSession_ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageAssessorData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:imageAssessorData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.In_file.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:in"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var In_fileCOUNT=0;In_fileCOUNT<this.In_file.length;In_fileCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:file"; + xmlTxt +=this.In_file[In_fileCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.In_file[In_fileCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:abstractResource"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.In_file[In_fileCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.In_file[In_fileCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.In_file[In_fileCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:file>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:in>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Out_file.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:out"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Out_fileCOUNT=0;Out_fileCOUNT<this.Out_file.length;Out_fileCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:file"; + xmlTxt +=this.Out_file[Out_fileCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Out_file[Out_fileCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:abstractResource"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Out_file[Out_fileCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Out_file[Out_fileCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Out_file[Out_fileCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:file>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:out>"; + } + } + + if (this.ImagesessionId!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageSession_ID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ImagesessionId.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:imageSession_ID>"; + } + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.Parameters_addparam.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:parameters"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Parameters_addparamCOUNT=0;Parameters_addparamCOUNT<this.Parameters_addparam.length;Parameters_addparamCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:addParam"; + xmlTxt +=this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:addField"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:addParam>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:parameters>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.In_file.length>0)return true; + if(this.Out_file.length>0)return true; + if (this.ImagesessionId!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_addparam.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageResource.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageResource.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae455776 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageResource.js @@ -0,0 +1,429 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_imageResource(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:imageResource"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "imageResource"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:imageResource"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_resource','generated/xnat_resource.js'); + + this.Dimensions_x=null; + + + function getDimensions_x() { + return this.Dimensions_x; + } + this.getDimensions_x=getDimensions_x; + + + function setDimensions_x(v){ + this.Dimensions_x=v; + } + this.setDimensions_x=setDimensions_x; + + this.Dimensions_y=null; + + + function getDimensions_y() { + return this.Dimensions_y; + } + this.getDimensions_y=getDimensions_y; + + + function setDimensions_y(v){ + this.Dimensions_y=v; + } + this.setDimensions_y=setDimensions_y; + + this.Dimensions_z=null; + + + function getDimensions_z() { + return this.Dimensions_z; + } + this.getDimensions_z=getDimensions_z; + + + function setDimensions_z(v){ + this.Dimensions_z=v; + } + this.setDimensions_z=setDimensions_z; + + this.Dimensions_volumes=null; + + + function getDimensions_volumes() { + return this.Dimensions_volumes; + } + this.getDimensions_volumes=getDimensions_volumes; + + + function setDimensions_volumes(v){ + this.Dimensions_volumes=v; + } + this.setDimensions_volumes=setDimensions_volumes; + + this.Voxelres_x=null; + + + function getVoxelres_x() { + return this.Voxelres_x; + } + this.getVoxelres_x=getVoxelres_x; + + + function setVoxelres_x(v){ + this.Voxelres_x=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_x=setVoxelres_x; + + this.Voxelres_y=null; + + + function getVoxelres_y() { + return this.Voxelres_y; + } + this.getVoxelres_y=getVoxelres_y; + + + function setVoxelres_y(v){ + this.Voxelres_y=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_y=setVoxelres_y; + + this.Voxelres_z=null; + + + function getVoxelres_z() { + return this.Voxelres_z; + } + this.getVoxelres_z=getVoxelres_z; + + + function setVoxelres_z(v){ + this.Voxelres_z=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_z=setVoxelres_z; + + this.Voxelres_units=null; + + + function getVoxelres_units() { + return this.Voxelres_units; + } + this.getVoxelres_units=getVoxelres_units; + + + function setVoxelres_units(v){ + this.Voxelres_units=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_units=setVoxelres_units; + + this.Orientation=null; + + + function getOrientation() { + return this.Orientation; + } + this.getOrientation=getOrientation; + + + function setOrientation(v){ + this.Orientation=v; + } + this.setOrientation=setOrientation; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="resource"){ + return this.Resource ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("resource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Resource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Resource!=undefined)return this.Resource.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/x"){ + return this.Dimensions_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/y"){ + return this.Dimensions_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/z"){ + return this.Dimensions_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/volumes"){ + return this.Dimensions_volumes ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/x"){ + return this.Voxelres_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/y"){ + return this.Voxelres_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/z"){ + return this.Voxelres_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/units"){ + return this.Voxelres_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="orientation"){ + return this.Orientation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="resource"){ + this.Resource=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("resource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Resource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Resource!=undefined){ + this.Resource.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Resource= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Resource= instanciateObject("xnat:resource");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Resource.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Resource.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/x"){ + this.Dimensions_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/y"){ + this.Dimensions_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/z"){ + this.Dimensions_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/volumes"){ + this.Dimensions_volumes=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/x"){ + this.Voxelres_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/y"){ + this.Voxelres_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/z"){ + this.Voxelres_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/units"){ + this.Voxelres_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="orientation"){ + this.Orientation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="dimensions/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dimensions/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dimensions/z"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dimensions/volumes"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/z"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="orientation"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageResource"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:imageResource>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var DimensionsATT = "" + if (this.Dimensions_x!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" x=\"" + this.Dimensions_x + "\""; + if (this.Dimensions_y!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" y=\"" + this.Dimensions_y + "\""; + if (this.Dimensions_z!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" z=\"" + this.Dimensions_z + "\""; + if (this.Dimensions_volumes!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" volumes=\"" + this.Dimensions_volumes + "\""; + if(DimensionsATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dimensions"; + xmlTxt+=DimensionsATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var VoxelresATT = "" + if (this.Voxelres_x!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" x=\"" + this.Voxelres_x + "\""; + if (this.Voxelres_y!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" y=\"" + this.Voxelres_y + "\""; + if (this.Voxelres_z!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" z=\"" + this.Voxelres_z + "\""; + if (this.Voxelres_units!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" units=\"" + this.Voxelres_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if(VoxelresATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:voxelRes"; + xmlTxt+=VoxelresATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Orientation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:orientation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Orientation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:orientation>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Dimensions_x!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dimensions_y!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dimensions_z!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dimensions_volumes!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_x!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_y!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_z!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_units!=null) + return true; + if (this.Orientation!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageResourceSeries.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageResourceSeries.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e82f3671 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageResourceSeries.js @@ -0,0 +1,429 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_imageResourceSeries(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:imageResourceSeries"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "imageResourceSeries"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:imageResourceSeries"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_resourceSeries','generated/xnat_resourceSeries.js'); + + this.Dimensions_x=null; + + + function getDimensions_x() { + return this.Dimensions_x; + } + this.getDimensions_x=getDimensions_x; + + + function setDimensions_x(v){ + this.Dimensions_x=v; + } + this.setDimensions_x=setDimensions_x; + + this.Dimensions_y=null; + + + function getDimensions_y() { + return this.Dimensions_y; + } + this.getDimensions_y=getDimensions_y; + + + function setDimensions_y(v){ + this.Dimensions_y=v; + } + this.setDimensions_y=setDimensions_y; + + this.Dimensions_z=null; + + + function getDimensions_z() { + return this.Dimensions_z; + } + this.getDimensions_z=getDimensions_z; + + + function setDimensions_z(v){ + this.Dimensions_z=v; + } + this.setDimensions_z=setDimensions_z; + + this.Dimensions_volumes=null; + + + function getDimensions_volumes() { + return this.Dimensions_volumes; + } + this.getDimensions_volumes=getDimensions_volumes; + + + function setDimensions_volumes(v){ + this.Dimensions_volumes=v; + } + this.setDimensions_volumes=setDimensions_volumes; + + this.Voxelres_x=null; + + + function getVoxelres_x() { + return this.Voxelres_x; + } + this.getVoxelres_x=getVoxelres_x; + + + function setVoxelres_x(v){ + this.Voxelres_x=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_x=setVoxelres_x; + + this.Voxelres_y=null; + + + function getVoxelres_y() { + return this.Voxelres_y; + } + this.getVoxelres_y=getVoxelres_y; + + + function setVoxelres_y(v){ + this.Voxelres_y=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_y=setVoxelres_y; + + this.Voxelres_z=null; + + + function getVoxelres_z() { + return this.Voxelres_z; + } + this.getVoxelres_z=getVoxelres_z; + + + function setVoxelres_z(v){ + this.Voxelres_z=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_z=setVoxelres_z; + + this.Voxelres_units=null; + + + function getVoxelres_units() { + return this.Voxelres_units; + } + this.getVoxelres_units=getVoxelres_units; + + + function setVoxelres_units(v){ + this.Voxelres_units=v; + } + this.setVoxelres_units=setVoxelres_units; + + this.Orientation=null; + + + function getOrientation() { + return this.Orientation; + } + this.getOrientation=getOrientation; + + + function setOrientation(v){ + this.Orientation=v; + } + this.setOrientation=setOrientation; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="resourceSeries"){ + return this.Resourceseries ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("resourceSeries")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Resourceseries ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Resourceseries!=undefined)return this.Resourceseries.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/x"){ + return this.Dimensions_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/y"){ + return this.Dimensions_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/z"){ + return this.Dimensions_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/volumes"){ + return this.Dimensions_volumes ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/x"){ + return this.Voxelres_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/y"){ + return this.Voxelres_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/z"){ + return this.Voxelres_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/units"){ + return this.Voxelres_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="orientation"){ + return this.Orientation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="resourceSeries"){ + this.Resourceseries=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("resourceSeries")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Resourceseries ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Resourceseries!=undefined){ + this.Resourceseries.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Resourceseries= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Resourceseries= instanciateObject("xnat:resourceSeries");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Resourceseries.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Resourceseries.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/x"){ + this.Dimensions_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/y"){ + this.Dimensions_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/z"){ + this.Dimensions_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dimensions/volumes"){ + this.Dimensions_volumes=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/x"){ + this.Voxelres_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/y"){ + this.Voxelres_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/z"){ + this.Voxelres_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxelRes/units"){ + this.Voxelres_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="orientation"){ + this.Orientation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="dimensions/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dimensions/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dimensions/z"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dimensions/volumes"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/z"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxelRes/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="orientation"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageResourceSeries"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:imageResourceSeries>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var DimensionsATT = "" + if (this.Dimensions_x!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" x=\"" + this.Dimensions_x + "\""; + if (this.Dimensions_y!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" y=\"" + this.Dimensions_y + "\""; + if (this.Dimensions_z!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" z=\"" + this.Dimensions_z + "\""; + if (this.Dimensions_volumes!=null) + DimensionsATT+=" volumes=\"" + this.Dimensions_volumes + "\""; + if(DimensionsATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dimensions"; + xmlTxt+=DimensionsATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var VoxelresATT = "" + if (this.Voxelres_x!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" x=\"" + this.Voxelres_x + "\""; + if (this.Voxelres_y!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" y=\"" + this.Voxelres_y + "\""; + if (this.Voxelres_z!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" z=\"" + this.Voxelres_z + "\""; + if (this.Voxelres_units!=null) + VoxelresATT+=" units=\"" + this.Voxelres_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if(VoxelresATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:voxelRes"; + xmlTxt+=VoxelresATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Orientation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:orientation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Orientation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:orientation>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Dimensions_x!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dimensions_y!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dimensions_z!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dimensions_volumes!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_x!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_y!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_z!=null) + return true; + if (this.Voxelres_units!=null) + return true; + if (this.Orientation!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2fb8effc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_imageScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:imageScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "imageScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:imageScanData"; + } + this.Sharing_share =new Array(); + + function getSharing_share() { + return this.Sharing_share; + } + this.getSharing_share=getSharing_share; + + + function addSharing_share(v){ + this.Sharing_share.push(v); + } + this.addSharing_share=addSharing_share; + + this.ImageSessionId=null; + + + function getImageSessionId() { + return this.ImageSessionId; + } + this.getImageSessionId=getImageSessionId; + + + function setImageSessionId(v){ + this.ImageSessionId=v; + } + this.setImageSessionId=setImageSessionId; + + this.Note=null; + + + function getNote() { + return this.Note; + } + this.getNote=getNote; + + + function setNote(v){ + this.Note=v; + } + this.setNote=setNote; + + this.Quality=null; + + + function getQuality() { + return this.Quality; + } + this.getQuality=getQuality; + + + function setQuality(v){ + this.Quality=v; + } + this.setQuality=setQuality; + + this.Condition=null; + + + function getCondition() { + return this.Condition; + } + this.getCondition=getCondition; + + + function setCondition(v){ + this.Condition=v; + } + this.setCondition=setCondition; + + this.SeriesDescription=null; + + + function getSeriesDescription() { + return this.SeriesDescription; + } + this.getSeriesDescription=getSeriesDescription; + + + function setSeriesDescription(v){ + this.SeriesDescription=v; + } + this.setSeriesDescription=setSeriesDescription; + + this.Documentation=null; + + + function getDocumentation() { + return this.Documentation; + } + this.getDocumentation=getDocumentation; + + + function setDocumentation(v){ + this.Documentation=v; + } + this.setDocumentation=setDocumentation; + + this.Scanner=null; + + + function getScanner() { + return this.Scanner; + } + this.getScanner=getScanner; + + + function setScanner(v){ + this.Scanner=v; + } + this.setScanner=setScanner; + + this.Scanner_manufacturer=null; + + + function getScanner_manufacturer() { + return this.Scanner_manufacturer; + } + this.getScanner_manufacturer=getScanner_manufacturer; + + + function setScanner_manufacturer(v){ + this.Scanner_manufacturer=v; + } + this.setScanner_manufacturer=setScanner_manufacturer; + + this.Scanner_model=null; + + + function getScanner_model() { + return this.Scanner_model; + } + this.getScanner_model=getScanner_model; + + + function setScanner_model(v){ + this.Scanner_model=v; + } + this.setScanner_model=setScanner_model; + + this.Modality=null; + + + function getModality() { + return this.Modality; + } + this.getModality=getModality; + + + function setModality(v){ + this.Modality=v; + } + this.setModality=setModality; + + this.Frames=null; + + + function getFrames() { + return this.Frames; + } + this.getFrames=getFrames; + + + function setFrames(v){ + this.Frames=v; + } + this.setFrames=setFrames; + + this.Operator=null; + + + function getOperator() { + return this.Operator; + } + this.getOperator=getOperator; + + + function setOperator(v){ + this.Operator=v; + } + this.setOperator=setOperator; + this.File =new Array(); + + function getFile() { + return this.File; + } + this.getFile=getFile; + + + function addFile(v){ + this.File.push(v); + } + this.addFile=addFile; + this.Validation =null; + function getValidation() { + return this.Validation; + } + this.getValidation=getValidation; + + + function setValidation(v){ + this.Validation =v; + } + this.setValidation=setValidation; + + this.Validation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId=null; + + + function getValidation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId(){ + return this.Validation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId; + } + this.getValidation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId=getValidation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId; + + + function setValidation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId(v){ + this.Validation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId=v; + } + this.setValidation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId=setValidation_ValidationXnatValidationdataId; + + this.Starttime=null; + + + function getStarttime() { + return this.Starttime; + } + this.getStarttime=getStarttime; + + + function setStarttime(v){ + this.Starttime=v; + } + this.setStarttime=setStarttime; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Type=null; + + + function getType() { + return this.Type; + } + this.getType=getType; + + + function setType(v){ + this.Type=v; + } + this.setType=setType; + + this.Uid=null; + + + function getUid() { + return this.Uid; + } + this.getUid=getUid; + + + function setUid(v){ + this.Uid=v; + } + this.setUid=setUid; + + this.Project=null; + + + function getProject() { + return this.Project; + } + this.getProject=getProject; + + + function setProject(v){ + this.Project=v; + } + this.setProject=setProject; + + this.XnatImagescandataId=null; + + + function getXnatImagescandataId() { + return this.XnatImagescandataId; + } + this.getXnatImagescandataId=getXnatImagescandataId; + + + function setXnatImagescandataId(v){ + this.XnatImagescandataId=v; + } + this.setXnatImagescandataId=setXnatImagescandataId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + return this.Sharing_share ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sharing/share")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Sharing_share ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Sharing_share.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Sharing_share[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Sharing_share[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Sharing_share; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="image_session_ID"){ + return this.ImageSessionId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="note"){ + return this.Note ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="quality"){ + return this.Quality ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="condition"){ + return this.Condition ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="series_description"){ + return this.SeriesDescription ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="documentation"){ + return this.Documentation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanner"){ + return this.Scanner ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanner/manufacturer"){ + return this.Scanner_manufacturer ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanner/model"){ + return this.Scanner_model ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="modality"){ + return this.Modality ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="frames"){ + return this.Frames ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="operator"){ + return this.Operator ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="file"){ + return this.File ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("file")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(4); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.File ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.File.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.File[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.File[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.File; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="validation"){ + return this.Validation ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("validation")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Validation ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Validation!=undefined)return this.Validation.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="startTime"){ + return this.Starttime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + return this.Type ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="UID"){ + return this.Uid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project"){ + return this.Project ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_imageScanData_id"){ + return this.XnatImagescandataId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + this.Sharing_share=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sharing/share")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Sharing_share ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Sharing_share.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Sharing_share[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Sharing_share[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Sharing_share; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData_share");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSharing_share(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="image_session_ID"){ + this.ImageSessionId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="note"){ + this.Note=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="quality"){ + this.Quality=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="condition"){ + this.Condition=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="series_description"){ + this.SeriesDescription=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="documentation"){ + this.Documentation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanner"){ + this.Scanner=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanner/manufacturer"){ + this.Scanner_manufacturer=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanner/model"){ + this.Scanner_model=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="modality"){ + this.Modality=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="frames"){ + this.Frames=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="operator"){ + this.Operator=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="file"){ + this.File=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("file")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(4); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.File ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.File.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.File[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.File[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.File; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + this.addFile(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="validation"){ + this.Validation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("validation")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Validation ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Validation!=undefined){ + this.Validation.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Validation= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Validation= instanciateObject("xnat:validationData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Validation.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Validation.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="startTime"){ + this.Starttime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + this.Type=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="UID"){ + this.Uid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project"){ + this.Project=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_imageScanData_id"){ + this.XnatImagescandataId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + this.addSharing_share(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="file"){ + this.addFile(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="validation"){ + this.setValidation(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="file"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="validation"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="image_session_ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="note"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="quality"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="condition"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="series_description"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="documentation"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="scanner"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="scanner/manufacturer"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="scanner/model"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="modality"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="frames"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="operator"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="file"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="validation"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="startTime"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="type"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="UID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="project"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageScanData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:imageScanData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatImagescandataId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_imageScanData_id=\"" + this.XnatImagescandataId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + else attTxt+=" ID=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Type!=null) + attTxt+=" type=\"" +this.Type +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Uid!=null) + attTxt+=" UID=\"" +this.Uid +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Project!=null) + attTxt+=" project=\"" +this.Project +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Sharing_share.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:sharing"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Sharing_shareCOUNT=0;Sharing_shareCOUNT<this.Sharing_share.length;Sharing_shareCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:share"; + xmlTxt +=this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:imageScanData_share"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:share>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:sharing>"; + } + } + + if (this.ImageSessionId!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:image_session_ID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ImageSessionId.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:image_session_ID>"; + } + if (this.Note!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:note"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Note.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:note>"; + } + if (this.Quality!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:quality"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Quality.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:quality>"; + } + if (this.Condition!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:condition"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Condition.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:condition>"; + } + if (this.SeriesDescription!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:series_description"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.SeriesDescription.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:series_description>"; + } + if (this.Documentation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:documentation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Documentation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:documentation>"; + } + var ScannerATT = "" + if (this.Scanner_manufacturer!=null) + ScannerATT+=" manufacturer=\"" + this.Scanner_manufacturer.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Scanner_model!=null) + ScannerATT+=" model=\"" + this.Scanner_model.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Scanner!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:scanner"; + xmlTxt+=ScannerATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Scanner.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:scanner>"; + } + else if(ScannerATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:scanner"; + xmlTxt+=ScannerATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Modality!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:modality"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Modality.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:modality>"; + } + if (this.Frames!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:frames"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Frames; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:frames>"; + } + if (this.Operator!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:operator"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Operator.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:operator>"; + } + for(var FileCOUNT=0;FileCOUNT<this.File.length;FileCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:file"; + xmlTxt +=this.File[FileCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.File[FileCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:abstractResource"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.File[FileCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.File[FileCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.File[FileCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:file>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + if (this.Validation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:validation"; + xmlTxt+=this.Validation.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Validation.xsiType!="xnat:validationData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Validation.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Validation.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Validation.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:validation>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if (this.Starttime!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:startTime"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Starttime; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:startTime>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatImagescandataId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Sharing_share.length>0)return true; + if (this.ImageSessionId!=null) return true; + if (this.Note!=null) return true; + if (this.Quality!=null) return true; + if (this.Condition!=null) return true; + if (this.SeriesDescription!=null) return true; + if (this.Documentation!=null) return true; + if (this.Scanner_manufacturer!=null) + return true; + if (this.Scanner_model!=null) + return true; + if (this.Scanner!=null) return true; + if (this.Modality!=null) return true; + if (this.Frames!=null) return true; + if (this.Operator!=null) return true; + if(this.File.length>0) return true; + if (this.Validation!=null){ + if (this.Validation.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if (this.Starttime!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageScanData_share.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageScanData_share.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7df2c745 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageScanData_share.js @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_imageScanData_share(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:imageScanData_share"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "imageScanData_share"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:imageScanData_share"; + } + + this.Share=null; + + + function getShare() { + return this.Share; + } + this.getShare=getShare; + + + function setShare(v){ + this.Share=v; + } + this.setShare=setShare; + + this.Label=null; + + + function getLabel() { + return this.Label; + } + this.getLabel=getLabel; + + + function setLabel(v){ + this.Label=v; + } + this.setLabel=setLabel; + + this.Project=null; + + + function getProject() { + return this.Project; + } + this.getProject=getProject; + + + function setProject(v){ + this.Project=v; + } + this.setProject=setProject; + + this.XnatImagescandataShareId=null; + + + function getXnatImagescandataShareId() { + return this.XnatImagescandataShareId; + } + this.getXnatImagescandataShareId=getXnatImagescandataShareId; + + + function setXnatImagescandataShareId(v){ + this.XnatImagescandataShareId=v; + } + this.setXnatImagescandataShareId=setXnatImagescandataShareId; + + this.sharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=null; + + + this.getsharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id=function() { + return this.sharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk; + } + + + this.setsharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id=function(v){ + this.sharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="share"){ + return this.Share ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + return this.Label ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project"){ + return this.Project ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_imageScanData_share_id"){ + return this.XnatImagescandataShareId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id"){ + return this.sharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="share"){ + this.Share=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + this.Label=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project"){ + this.Project=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_imageScanData_share_id"){ + this.XnatImagescandataShareId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id"){ + this.sharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="share"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="label"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="project"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageScanData_share"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:imageScanData_share>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatImagescandataShareId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_imageScanData_share_id=\"" + this.XnatImagescandataShareId + "\""; + } + if(this.sharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="sharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id=\"" + this.sharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Label!=null) + attTxt+=" label=\"" +this.Label +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Project!=null) + attTxt+=" project=\"" +this.Project +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Share!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Share.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatImagescandataShareId!=null) return true; + if (this.sharing_share_xnat_imageScanDat_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Share!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d9d5dfc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,1269 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_imageSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:imageSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "imageSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:imageSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectAssessorData','generated/xnat_subjectAssessorData.js'); + this.Regions_region =new Array(); + + function getRegions_region() { + return this.Regions_region; + } + this.getRegions_region=getRegions_region; + + + function addRegions_region(v){ + this.Regions_region.push(v); + } + this.addRegions_region=addRegions_region; + + this.Scanner=null; + + + function getScanner() { + return this.Scanner; + } + this.getScanner=getScanner; + + + function setScanner(v){ + this.Scanner=v; + } + this.setScanner=setScanner; + + this.Scanner_manufacturer=null; + + + function getScanner_manufacturer() { + return this.Scanner_manufacturer; + } + this.getScanner_manufacturer=getScanner_manufacturer; + + + function setScanner_manufacturer(v){ + this.Scanner_manufacturer=v; + } + this.setScanner_manufacturer=setScanner_manufacturer; + + this.Scanner_model=null; + + + function getScanner_model() { + return this.Scanner_model; + } + this.getScanner_model=getScanner_model; + + + function setScanner_model(v){ + this.Scanner_model=v; + } + this.setScanner_model=setScanner_model; + + this.Operator=null; + + + function getOperator() { + return this.Operator; + } + this.getOperator=getOperator; + + + function setOperator(v){ + this.Operator=v; + } + this.setOperator=setOperator; + + this.Prearchivepath=null; + + + function getPrearchivepath() { + return this.Prearchivepath; + } + this.getPrearchivepath=getPrearchivepath; + + + function setPrearchivepath(v){ + this.Prearchivepath=v; + } + this.setPrearchivepath=setPrearchivepath; + this.Scans_scan =new Array(); + + function getScans_scan() { + return this.Scans_scan; + } + this.getScans_scan=getScans_scan; + + + function addScans_scan(v){ + this.Scans_scan.push(v); + } + this.addScans_scan=addScans_scan; + this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage =new Array(); + + function getReconstructions_reconstructedimage() { + return this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage; + } + this.getReconstructions_reconstructedimage=getReconstructions_reconstructedimage; + + + function addReconstructions_reconstructedimage(v){ + this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage.push(v); + } + this.addReconstructions_reconstructedimage=addReconstructions_reconstructedimage; + this.Assessors_assessor =new Array(); + + function getAssessors_assessor() { + return this.Assessors_assessor; + } + this.getAssessors_assessor=getAssessors_assessor; + + + function addAssessors_assessor(v){ + this.Assessors_assessor.push(v); + } + this.addAssessors_assessor=addAssessors_assessor; + + this.Dcmaccessionnumber=null; + + + function getDcmaccessionnumber() { + return this.Dcmaccessionnumber; + } + this.getDcmaccessionnumber=getDcmaccessionnumber; + + + function setDcmaccessionnumber(v){ + this.Dcmaccessionnumber=v; + } + this.setDcmaccessionnumber=setDcmaccessionnumber; + + this.Dcmpatientid=null; + + + function getDcmpatientid() { + return this.Dcmpatientid; + } + this.getDcmpatientid=getDcmpatientid; + + + function setDcmpatientid(v){ + this.Dcmpatientid=v; + } + this.setDcmpatientid=setDcmpatientid; + + this.Dcmpatientname=null; + + + function getDcmpatientname() { + return this.Dcmpatientname; + } + this.getDcmpatientname=getDcmpatientname; + + + function setDcmpatientname(v){ + this.Dcmpatientname=v; + } + this.setDcmpatientname=setDcmpatientname; + + this.Dcmpatientbirthdate=null; + + + function getDcmpatientbirthdate() { + return this.Dcmpatientbirthdate; + } + this.getDcmpatientbirthdate=getDcmpatientbirthdate; + + + function setDcmpatientbirthdate(v){ + this.Dcmpatientbirthdate=v; + } + this.setDcmpatientbirthdate=setDcmpatientbirthdate; + + this.SessionType=null; + + + function getSessionType() { + return this.SessionType; + } + this.getSessionType=getSessionType; + + + function setSessionType(v){ + this.SessionType=v; + } + this.setSessionType=setSessionType; + + this.Modality=null; + + + function getModality() { + return this.Modality; + } + this.getModality=getModality; + + + function setModality(v){ + this.Modality=v; + } + this.setModality=setModality; + + this.Uid=null; + + + function getUid() { + return this.Uid; + } + this.getUid=getUid; + + + function setUid(v){ + this.Uid=v; + } + this.setUid=setUid; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + return this.Subjectassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined)return this.Subjectassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="regions/region"){ + return this.Regions_region ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("regions/region")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Regions_region ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Regions_region.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Regions_region[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Regions_region[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Regions_region; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanner"){ + return this.Scanner ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanner/manufacturer"){ + return this.Scanner_manufacturer ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanner/model"){ + return this.Scanner_model ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="operator"){ + return this.Operator ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prearchivePath"){ + return this.Prearchivepath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + return this.Scans_scan ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("scans/scan")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Scans_scan ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Scans_scan.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Scans_scan[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Scans_scan[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Scans_scan; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="reconstructions/reconstructedImage"){ + return this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("reconstructions/reconstructedImage")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(34); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="assessors/assessor"){ + return this.Assessors_assessor ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("assessors/assessor")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Assessors_assessor ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Assessors_assessor.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Assessors_assessor[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Assessors_assessor[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Assessors_assessor; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmAccessionNumber"){ + return this.Dcmaccessionnumber ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmPatientId"){ + return this.Dcmpatientid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmPatientName"){ + return this.Dcmpatientname ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmPatientBirthDate"){ + return this.Dcmpatientbirthdate ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="session_type"){ + return this.SessionType ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="modality"){ + return this.Modality ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="UID"){ + return this.Uid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + this.Subjectassessordata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined){ + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Subjectassessordata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Subjectassessordata= instanciateObject("xnat:subjectAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="regions/region"){ + this.Regions_region=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("regions/region")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Regions_region ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Regions_region.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Regions_region[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Regions_region[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Regions_region; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:regionResource");//omUtils.js + } + this.addRegions_region(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanner"){ + this.Scanner=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanner/manufacturer"){ + this.Scanner_manufacturer=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanner/model"){ + this.Scanner_model=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="operator"){ + this.Operator=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="prearchivePath"){ + this.Prearchivepath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + this.Scans_scan=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("scans/scan")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Scans_scan ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Scans_scan.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Scans_scan[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Scans_scan[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Scans_scan; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + this.addScans_scan(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="reconstructions/reconstructedImage"){ + this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("reconstructions/reconstructedImage")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(34); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:reconstructedImageData");//omUtils.js + } + this.addReconstructions_reconstructedimage(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="assessors/assessor"){ + this.Assessors_assessor=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("assessors/assessor")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Assessors_assessor ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Assessors_assessor.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Assessors_assessor[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Assessors_assessor[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Assessors_assessor; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:imageAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + this.addAssessors_assessor(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmAccessionNumber"){ + this.Dcmaccessionnumber=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmPatientId"){ + this.Dcmpatientid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmPatientName"){ + this.Dcmpatientname=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmPatientBirthDate"){ + this.Dcmpatientbirthdate=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="session_type"){ + this.SessionType=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="modality"){ + this.Modality=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="UID"){ + this.Uid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="regions/region"){ + this.addRegions_region(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + this.addScans_scan(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="reconstructions/reconstructedImage"){ + this.addReconstructions_reconstructedimage(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="assessors/assessor"){ + this.addAssessors_assessor(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="regions/region"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="reconstructions/reconstructedImage"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="assessors/assessor"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="regions/region"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="scanner"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="scanner/manufacturer"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="scanner/model"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="operator"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="prearchivePath"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="reconstructions/reconstructedImage"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="assessors/assessor"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcmAccessionNumber"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcmPatientId"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcmPatientName"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcmPatientBirthDate"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="session_type"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="modality"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="UID"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageSessionData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:imageSessionData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + if (this.SessionType!=null) + attTxt+=" session_type=\"" +this.SessionType +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Modality!=null) + attTxt+=" modality=\"" +this.Modality +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Uid!=null) + attTxt+=" UID=\"" +this.Uid +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Regions_region.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:regions"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Regions_regionCOUNT=0;Regions_regionCOUNT<this.Regions_region.length;Regions_regionCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:region"; + xmlTxt +=this.Regions_region[Regions_regionCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Regions_region[Regions_regionCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:regionResource"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Regions_region[Regions_regionCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Regions_region[Regions_regionCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Regions_region[Regions_regionCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:region>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:regions>"; + } + } + + var ScannerATT = "" + if (this.Scanner_manufacturer!=null) + ScannerATT+=" manufacturer=\"" + this.Scanner_manufacturer.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Scanner_model!=null) + ScannerATT+=" model=\"" + this.Scanner_model.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Scanner!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:scanner"; + xmlTxt+=ScannerATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Scanner.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:scanner>"; + } + else if(ScannerATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:scanner"; + xmlTxt+=ScannerATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Operator!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:operator"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Operator.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:operator>"; + } + if (this.Prearchivepath!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:prearchivePath"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Prearchivepath.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:prearchivePath>"; + } + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Scans_scan.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:scans"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Scans_scanCOUNT=0;Scans_scanCOUNT<this.Scans_scan.length;Scans_scanCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:scan"; + xmlTxt +=this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:imageScanData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:scan>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:scans>"; + } + } + + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:reconstructions"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Reconstructions_reconstructedimageCOUNT=0;Reconstructions_reconstructedimageCOUNT<this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage.length;Reconstructions_reconstructedimageCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:reconstructedImage"; + xmlTxt +=this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage[Reconstructions_reconstructedimageCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage[Reconstructions_reconstructedimageCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:reconstructedImageData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage[Reconstructions_reconstructedimageCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage[Reconstructions_reconstructedimageCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage[Reconstructions_reconstructedimageCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:reconstructedImage>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:reconstructions>"; + } + } + + var child3=0; + var att3=0; + child3+=this.Assessors_assessor.length; + if(child3>0 || att3>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:assessors"; + if(child3==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Assessors_assessorCOUNT=0;Assessors_assessorCOUNT<this.Assessors_assessor.length;Assessors_assessorCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:assessor"; + xmlTxt +=this.Assessors_assessor[Assessors_assessorCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Assessors_assessor[Assessors_assessorCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:imageAssessorData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Assessors_assessor[Assessors_assessorCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Assessors_assessor[Assessors_assessorCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Assessors_assessor[Assessors_assessorCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:assessor>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:assessors>"; + } + } + + if (this.Dcmaccessionnumber!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dcmAccessionNumber"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Dcmaccessionnumber.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:dcmAccessionNumber>"; + } + if (this.Dcmpatientid!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dcmPatientId"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Dcmpatientid.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:dcmPatientId>"; + } + if (this.Dcmpatientname!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dcmPatientName"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Dcmpatientname.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:dcmPatientName>"; + } + if (this.Dcmpatientbirthdate!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dcmPatientBirthDate"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Dcmpatientbirthdate; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:dcmPatientBirthDate>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Regions_region.length>0)return true; + if (this.Scanner_manufacturer!=null) + return true; + if (this.Scanner_model!=null) + return true; + if (this.Scanner!=null) return true; + if (this.Operator!=null) return true; + if (this.Prearchivepath!=null) return true; + if(this.Scans_scan.length>0)return true; + if(this.Reconstructions_reconstructedimage.length>0)return true; + if(this.Assessors_assessor.length>0)return true; + if (this.Dcmaccessionnumber!=null) return true; + if (this.Dcmpatientid!=null) return true; + if (this.Dcmpatientname!=null) return true; + if (this.Dcmpatientbirthdate!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_investigatorData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_investigatorData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9ddd258 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_investigatorData.js @@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_investigatorData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:investigatorData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "investigatorData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:investigatorData"; + } + + this.Title=null; + + + function getTitle() { + return this.Title; + } + this.getTitle=getTitle; + + + function setTitle(v){ + this.Title=v; + } + this.setTitle=setTitle; + + this.Firstname=null; + + + function getFirstname() { + return this.Firstname; + } + this.getFirstname=getFirstname; + + + function setFirstname(v){ + this.Firstname=v; + } + this.setFirstname=setFirstname; + + this.Lastname=null; + + + function getLastname() { + return this.Lastname; + } + this.getLastname=getLastname; + + + function setLastname(v){ + this.Lastname=v; + } + this.setLastname=setLastname; + + this.Institution=null; + + + function getInstitution() { + return this.Institution; + } + this.getInstitution=getInstitution; + + + function setInstitution(v){ + this.Institution=v; + } + this.setInstitution=setInstitution; + + this.Department=null; + + + function getDepartment() { + return this.Department; + } + this.getDepartment=getDepartment; + + + function setDepartment(v){ + this.Department=v; + } + this.setDepartment=setDepartment; + + this.Email=null; + + + function getEmail() { + return this.Email; + } + this.getEmail=getEmail; + + + function setEmail(v){ + this.Email=v; + } + this.setEmail=setEmail; + + this.Phone=null; + + + function getPhone() { + return this.Phone; + } + this.getPhone=getPhone; + + + function setPhone(v){ + this.Phone=v; + } + this.setPhone=setPhone; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.XnatInvestigatordataId=null; + + + function getXnatInvestigatordataId() { + return this.XnatInvestigatordataId; + } + this.getXnatInvestigatordataId=getXnatInvestigatordataId; + + + function setXnatInvestigatordataId(v){ + this.XnatInvestigatordataId=v; + } + this.setXnatInvestigatordataId=setXnatInvestigatordataId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="title"){ + return this.Title ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="firstname"){ + return this.Firstname ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="lastname"){ + return this.Lastname ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="institution"){ + return this.Institution ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="department"){ + return this.Department ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="email"){ + return this.Email ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phone"){ + return this.Phone ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_investigatorData_id"){ + return this.XnatInvestigatordataId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="title"){ + this.Title=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="firstname"){ + this.Firstname=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="lastname"){ + this.Lastname=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="institution"){ + this.Institution=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="department"){ + this.Department=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="email"){ + this.Email=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="phone"){ + this.Phone=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_investigatorData_id"){ + this.XnatInvestigatordataId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="title"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="firstname"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="lastname"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="institution"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="department"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="email"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="phone"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:Investigator"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:Investigator>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatInvestigatordataId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_investigatorData_id=\"" + this.XnatInvestigatordataId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Title!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:title"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Title.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:title>"; + } + if (this.Firstname!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:firstname"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Firstname.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:firstname>"; + } + if (this.Lastname!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:lastname"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Lastname.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:lastname>"; + } + if (this.Institution!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:institution"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Institution.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:institution>"; + } + if (this.Department!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:department"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Department.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:department>"; + } + if (this.Email!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:email"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Email.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:email>"; + } + if (this.Phone!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:phone"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Phone.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:phone>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatInvestigatordataId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Title!=null) return true; + if (this.Firstname!=null) return true; + if (this.Lastname!=null) return true; + if (this.Institution!=null) return true; + if (this.Department!=null) return true; + if (this.Email!=null) return true; + if (this.Phone!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ioScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ioScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4980ae73 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ioScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_ioScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:ioScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "ioScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:ioScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:IOScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:IOScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ioSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ioSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59317a56 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_ioSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_ioSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:ioSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "ioSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:ioSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:IOSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:IOSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_megScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_megScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9031ff31 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_megScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_megScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:megScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "megScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:megScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:MEGScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:MEGScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_megSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_megSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87541613 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_megSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_megSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:megSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "megSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:megSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:MEGSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:MEGSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mgScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mgScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1cd45c75 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mgScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_mgScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:mgScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "mgScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:mgScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:MGScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:MGScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mgSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mgSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67cbb877 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mgSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_mgSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:mgSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "mgSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:mgSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:MGSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:MGSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrAssessorData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrAssessorData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..55918204 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrAssessorData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_mrAssessorData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:mrAssessorData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "mrAssessorData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:mrAssessorData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageAssessorData','generated/xnat_imageAssessorData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageAssessorData"){ + return this.Imageassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(17); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imageassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imageassessordata!=undefined)return this.Imageassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageAssessorData"){ + this.Imageassessordata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(17); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imageassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imageassessordata!=undefined){ + this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imageassessordata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imageassessordata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:mrAssessorData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:mrAssessorData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrQcScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrQcScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e245a693 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrQcScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_mrQcScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:mrQcScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "mrQcScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:mrQcScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcScanData','generated/xnat_qcScanData.js'); + + this.Blurring=null; + + + function getBlurring() { + return this.Blurring; + } + this.getBlurring=getBlurring; + + + function setBlurring(v){ + this.Blurring=v; + } + this.setBlurring=setBlurring; + + this.Flow=null; + + + function getFlow() { + return this.Flow; + } + this.getFlow=getFlow; + + + function setFlow(v){ + this.Flow=v; + } + this.setFlow=setFlow; + + this.Imagecontrast=null; + + + function getImagecontrast() { + return this.Imagecontrast; + } + this.getImagecontrast=getImagecontrast; + + + function setImagecontrast(v){ + this.Imagecontrast=v; + } + this.setImagecontrast=setImagecontrast; + + this.Inhomogeneity=null; + + + function getInhomogeneity() { + return this.Inhomogeneity; + } + this.getInhomogeneity=getInhomogeneity; + + + function setInhomogeneity(v){ + this.Inhomogeneity=v; + } + this.setInhomogeneity=setInhomogeneity; + + this.Wrap=null; + + + function getWrap() { + return this.Wrap; + } + this.getWrap=getWrap; + + + function setWrap(v){ + this.Wrap=v; + } + this.setWrap=setWrap; + + this.Susceptibility=null; + + + function getSusceptibility() { + return this.Susceptibility; + } + this.getSusceptibility=getSusceptibility; + + + function setSusceptibility(v){ + this.Susceptibility=v; + } + this.setSusceptibility=setSusceptibility; + + this.Interpacmotion=null; + + + function getInterpacmotion() { + return this.Interpacmotion; + } + this.getInterpacmotion=getInterpacmotion; + + + function setInterpacmotion(v){ + this.Interpacmotion=v; + } + this.setInterpacmotion=setInterpacmotion; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="qcScanData"){ + return this.Qcscandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("qcScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Qcscandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Qcscandata!=undefined)return this.Qcscandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blurring"){ + return this.Blurring ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="flow"){ + return this.Flow ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="imageContrast"){ + return this.Imagecontrast ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="inhomogeneity"){ + return this.Inhomogeneity ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="wrap"){ + return this.Wrap ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="susceptibility"){ + return this.Susceptibility ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="interpacMotion"){ + return this.Interpacmotion ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="qcScanData"){ + this.Qcscandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("qcScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Qcscandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Qcscandata!=undefined){ + this.Qcscandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Qcscandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Qcscandata= instanciateObject("xnat:qcScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Qcscandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Qcscandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="blurring"){ + this.Blurring=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="flow"){ + this.Flow=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="imageContrast"){ + this.Imagecontrast=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="inhomogeneity"){ + this.Inhomogeneity=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="wrap"){ + this.Wrap=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="susceptibility"){ + this.Susceptibility=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="interpacMotion"){ + this.Interpacmotion=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="blurring"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="flow"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="imageContrast"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="inhomogeneity"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="wrap"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="susceptibility"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="interpacMotion"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:mrQcScanData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:mrQcScanData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Blurring!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:blurring"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Blurring.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:blurring>"; + } + if (this.Flow!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:flow"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Flow.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:flow>"; + } + if (this.Imagecontrast!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageContrast"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Imagecontrast.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:imageContrast>"; + } + if (this.Inhomogeneity!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:inhomogeneity"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Inhomogeneity.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:inhomogeneity>"; + } + if (this.Wrap!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:wrap"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Wrap.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:wrap>"; + } + if (this.Susceptibility!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:susceptibility"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Susceptibility.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:susceptibility>"; + } + if (this.Interpacmotion!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:interpacMotion"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Interpacmotion.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:interpacMotion>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Blurring!=null) return true; + if (this.Flow!=null) return true; + if (this.Imagecontrast!=null) return true; + if (this.Inhomogeneity!=null) return true; + if (this.Wrap!=null) return true; + if (this.Susceptibility!=null) return true; + if (this.Interpacmotion!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f1bb6c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,1433 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_mrScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:mrScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "mrScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:mrScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + this.Coil=null; + + + function getCoil() { + return this.Coil; + } + this.getCoil=getCoil; + + + function setCoil(v){ + this.Coil=v; + } + this.setCoil=setCoil; + + this.Fieldstrength=null; + + + function getFieldstrength() { + return this.Fieldstrength; + } + this.getFieldstrength=getFieldstrength; + + + function setFieldstrength(v){ + this.Fieldstrength=v; + } + this.setFieldstrength=setFieldstrength; + + this.Marker=null; + + + function getMarker() { + return this.Marker; + } + this.getMarker=getMarker; + + + function setMarker(v){ + this.Marker=v; + } + this.setMarker=setMarker; + + this.Stabilization=null; + + + function getStabilization() { + return this.Stabilization; + } + this.getStabilization=getStabilization; + + + function setStabilization(v){ + this.Stabilization=v; + } + this.setStabilization=setStabilization; + + this.Parameters_voxelres_units=null; + + + function getParameters_voxelres_units() { + return this.Parameters_voxelres_units; + } + this.getParameters_voxelres_units=getParameters_voxelres_units; + + + function setParameters_voxelres_units(v){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_units=v; + } + this.setParameters_voxelres_units=setParameters_voxelres_units; + + this.Parameters_voxelres_x=null; + + + function getParameters_voxelres_x() { + return this.Parameters_voxelres_x; + } + this.getParameters_voxelres_x=getParameters_voxelres_x; + + + function setParameters_voxelres_x(v){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_voxelres_x=setParameters_voxelres_x; + + this.Parameters_voxelres_y=null; + + + function getParameters_voxelres_y() { + return this.Parameters_voxelres_y; + } + this.getParameters_voxelres_y=getParameters_voxelres_y; + + + function setParameters_voxelres_y(v){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_voxelres_y=setParameters_voxelres_y; + + this.Parameters_voxelres_z=null; + + + function getParameters_voxelres_z() { + return this.Parameters_voxelres_z; + } + this.getParameters_voxelres_z=getParameters_voxelres_z; + + + function setParameters_voxelres_z(v){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_z=v; + } + this.setParameters_voxelres_z=setParameters_voxelres_z; + + this.Parameters_orientation=null; + + + function getParameters_orientation() { + return this.Parameters_orientation; + } + this.getParameters_orientation=getParameters_orientation; + + + function setParameters_orientation(v){ + this.Parameters_orientation=v; + } + this.setParameters_orientation=setParameters_orientation; + + this.Parameters_fov_x=null; + + + function getParameters_fov_x() { + return this.Parameters_fov_x; + } + this.getParameters_fov_x=getParameters_fov_x; + + + function setParameters_fov_x(v){ + this.Parameters_fov_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_fov_x=setParameters_fov_x; + + this.Parameters_fov_y=null; + + + function getParameters_fov_y() { + return this.Parameters_fov_y; + } + this.getParameters_fov_y=getParameters_fov_y; + + + function setParameters_fov_y(v){ + this.Parameters_fov_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_fov_y=setParameters_fov_y; + + this.Parameters_matrix_x=null; + + + function getParameters_matrix_x() { + return this.Parameters_matrix_x; + } + this.getParameters_matrix_x=getParameters_matrix_x; + + + function setParameters_matrix_x(v){ + this.Parameters_matrix_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_matrix_x=setParameters_matrix_x; + + this.Parameters_matrix_y=null; + + + function getParameters_matrix_y() { + return this.Parameters_matrix_y; + } + this.getParameters_matrix_y=getParameters_matrix_y; + + + function setParameters_matrix_y(v){ + this.Parameters_matrix_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_matrix_y=setParameters_matrix_y; + + this.Parameters_partitions=null; + + + function getParameters_partitions() { + return this.Parameters_partitions; + } + this.getParameters_partitions=getParameters_partitions; + + + function setParameters_partitions(v){ + this.Parameters_partitions=v; + } + this.setParameters_partitions=setParameters_partitions; + + this.Parameters_tr=null; + + + function getParameters_tr() { + return this.Parameters_tr; + } + this.getParameters_tr=getParameters_tr; + + + function setParameters_tr(v){ + this.Parameters_tr=v; + } + this.setParameters_tr=setParameters_tr; + + this.Parameters_te=null; + + + function getParameters_te() { + return this.Parameters_te; + } + this.getParameters_te=getParameters_te; + + + function setParameters_te(v){ + this.Parameters_te=v; + } + this.setParameters_te=setParameters_te; + + this.Parameters_ti=null; + + + function getParameters_ti() { + return this.Parameters_ti; + } + this.getParameters_ti=getParameters_ti; + + + function setParameters_ti(v){ + this.Parameters_ti=v; + } + this.setParameters_ti=setParameters_ti; + + this.Parameters_flip=null; + + + function getParameters_flip() { + return this.Parameters_flip; + } + this.getParameters_flip=getParameters_flip; + + + function setParameters_flip(v){ + this.Parameters_flip=v; + } + this.setParameters_flip=setParameters_flip; + + this.Parameters_sequence=null; + + + function getParameters_sequence() { + return this.Parameters_sequence; + } + this.getParameters_sequence=getParameters_sequence; + + + function setParameters_sequence(v){ + this.Parameters_sequence=v; + } + this.setParameters_sequence=setParameters_sequence; + + this.Parameters_origin=null; + + + function getParameters_origin() { + return this.Parameters_origin; + } + this.getParameters_origin=getParameters_origin; + + + function setParameters_origin(v){ + this.Parameters_origin=v; + } + this.setParameters_origin=setParameters_origin; + + this.Parameters_imagetype=null; + + + function getParameters_imagetype() { + return this.Parameters_imagetype; + } + this.getParameters_imagetype=getParameters_imagetype; + + + function setParameters_imagetype(v){ + this.Parameters_imagetype=v; + } + this.setParameters_imagetype=setParameters_imagetype; + + this.Parameters_scansequence=null; + + + function getParameters_scansequence() { + return this.Parameters_scansequence; + } + this.getParameters_scansequence=getParameters_scansequence; + + + function setParameters_scansequence(v){ + this.Parameters_scansequence=v; + } + this.setParameters_scansequence=setParameters_scansequence; + + this.Parameters_seqvariant=null; + + + function getParameters_seqvariant() { + return this.Parameters_seqvariant; + } + this.getParameters_seqvariant=getParameters_seqvariant; + + + function setParameters_seqvariant(v){ + this.Parameters_seqvariant=v; + } + this.setParameters_seqvariant=setParameters_seqvariant; + + this.Parameters_scanoptions=null; + + + function getParameters_scanoptions() { + return this.Parameters_scanoptions; + } + this.getParameters_scanoptions=getParameters_scanoptions; + + + function setParameters_scanoptions(v){ + this.Parameters_scanoptions=v; + } + this.setParameters_scanoptions=setParameters_scanoptions; + + this.Parameters_acqtype=null; + + + function getParameters_acqtype() { + return this.Parameters_acqtype; + } + this.getParameters_acqtype=getParameters_acqtype; + + + function setParameters_acqtype(v){ + this.Parameters_acqtype=v; + } + this.setParameters_acqtype=setParameters_acqtype; + + this.Parameters_coil=null; + + + function getParameters_coil() { + return this.Parameters_coil; + } + this.getParameters_coil=getParameters_coil; + + + function setParameters_coil(v){ + this.Parameters_coil=v; + } + this.setParameters_coil=setParameters_coil; + + this.Parameters_dtiacqcount=null; + + + function getParameters_dtiacqcount() { + return this.Parameters_dtiacqcount; + } + this.getParameters_dtiacqcount=getParameters_dtiacqcount; + + + function setParameters_dtiacqcount(v){ + this.Parameters_dtiacqcount=v; + } + this.setParameters_dtiacqcount=setParameters_dtiacqcount; + + this.Parameters_pixelbandwidth=null; + + + function getParameters_pixelbandwidth() { + return this.Parameters_pixelbandwidth; + } + this.getParameters_pixelbandwidth=getParameters_pixelbandwidth; + + + function setParameters_pixelbandwidth(v){ + this.Parameters_pixelbandwidth=v; + } + this.setParameters_pixelbandwidth=setParameters_pixelbandwidth; + + this.Parameters_diffusion_bvalues=null; + + + function getParameters_diffusion_bvalues() { + return this.Parameters_diffusion_bvalues; + } + this.getParameters_diffusion_bvalues=getParameters_diffusion_bvalues; + + + function setParameters_diffusion_bvalues(v){ + this.Parameters_diffusion_bvalues=v; + } + this.setParameters_diffusion_bvalues=setParameters_diffusion_bvalues; + + this.Parameters_diffusion_directionality=null; + + + function getParameters_diffusion_directionality() { + return this.Parameters_diffusion_directionality; + } + this.getParameters_diffusion_directionality=getParameters_diffusion_directionality; + + + function setParameters_diffusion_directionality(v){ + this.Parameters_diffusion_directionality=v; + } + this.setParameters_diffusion_directionality=setParameters_diffusion_directionality; + + this.Parameters_diffusion_orientations=null; + + + function getParameters_diffusion_orientations() { + return this.Parameters_diffusion_orientations; + } + this.getParameters_diffusion_orientations=getParameters_diffusion_orientations; + + + function setParameters_diffusion_orientations(v){ + this.Parameters_diffusion_orientations=v; + } + this.setParameters_diffusion_orientations=setParameters_diffusion_orientations; + + this.Parameters_diffusion_anisotropytype=null; + + + function getParameters_diffusion_anisotropytype() { + return this.Parameters_diffusion_anisotropytype; + } + this.getParameters_diffusion_anisotropytype=getParameters_diffusion_anisotropytype; + + + function setParameters_diffusion_anisotropytype(v){ + this.Parameters_diffusion_anisotropytype=v; + } + this.setParameters_diffusion_anisotropytype=setParameters_diffusion_anisotropytype; + this.Parameters_addparam =new Array(); + + function getParameters_addparam() { + return this.Parameters_addparam; + } + this.getParameters_addparam=getParameters_addparam; + + + function addParameters_addparam(v){ + this.Parameters_addparam.push(v); + } + this.addParameters_addparam=addParameters_addparam; + + this.Dcmvalidation=null; + + + function getDcmvalidation() { + return this.Dcmvalidation; + } + this.getDcmvalidation=getDcmvalidation; + + + function setDcmvalidation(v){ + this.Dcmvalidation=v; + } + this.setDcmvalidation=setDcmvalidation; + + this.Dcmvalidation_status=null; + + + function getDcmvalidation_status() { + return this.Dcmvalidation_status; + } + this.getDcmvalidation_status=getDcmvalidation_status; + + + function setDcmvalidation_status(v){ + this.Dcmvalidation_status=v; + } + this.setDcmvalidation_status=setDcmvalidation_status; + + + this.isDcmvalidation_status=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Dcmvalidation_status==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Dcmvalidation_status=="1" || this.Dcmvalidation_status==true)return true; + return false; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="coil"){ + return this.Coil ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldStrength"){ + return this.Fieldstrength ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="marker"){ + return this.Marker ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stabilization"){ + return this.Stabilization ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/units"){ + return this.Parameters_voxelres_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/x"){ + return this.Parameters_voxelres_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/y"){ + return this.Parameters_voxelres_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/z"){ + return this.Parameters_voxelres_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/orientation"){ + return this.Parameters_orientation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/x"){ + return this.Parameters_fov_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/y"){ + return this.Parameters_fov_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/matrix/x"){ + return this.Parameters_matrix_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/matrix/y"){ + return this.Parameters_matrix_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/partitions"){ + return this.Parameters_partitions ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/tr"){ + return this.Parameters_tr ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/te"){ + return this.Parameters_te ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ti"){ + return this.Parameters_ti ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/flip"){ + return this.Parameters_flip ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/sequence"){ + return this.Parameters_sequence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/origin"){ + return this.Parameters_origin ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/imageType"){ + return this.Parameters_imagetype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/scanSequence"){ + return this.Parameters_scansequence ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/seqVariant"){ + return this.Parameters_seqvariant ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/scanOptions"){ + return this.Parameters_scanoptions ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/acqType"){ + return this.Parameters_acqtype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/coil"){ + return this.Parameters_coil ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/dtiAcqCount"){ + return this.Parameters_dtiacqcount ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelBandwidth"){ + return this.Parameters_pixelbandwidth ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/diffusion/bValues"){ + return this.Parameters_diffusion_bvalues ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/diffusion/directionality"){ + return this.Parameters_diffusion_directionality ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/diffusion/orientations"){ + return this.Parameters_diffusion_orientations ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/diffusion/anisotropyType"){ + return this.Parameters_diffusion_anisotropytype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + return this.Parameters_addparam ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/addParam")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_addparam ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_addparam.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_addparam; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmValidation"){ + return this.Dcmvalidation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmValidation/status"){ + return this.Dcmvalidation_status ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="coil"){ + this.Coil=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldStrength"){ + this.Fieldstrength=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="marker"){ + this.Marker=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stabilization"){ + this.Stabilization=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/units"){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/x"){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/y"){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/z"){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/orientation"){ + this.Parameters_orientation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/x"){ + this.Parameters_fov_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/y"){ + this.Parameters_fov_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/matrix/x"){ + this.Parameters_matrix_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/matrix/y"){ + this.Parameters_matrix_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/partitions"){ + this.Parameters_partitions=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/tr"){ + this.Parameters_tr=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/te"){ + this.Parameters_te=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ti"){ + this.Parameters_ti=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/flip"){ + this.Parameters_flip=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/sequence"){ + this.Parameters_sequence=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/origin"){ + this.Parameters_origin=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/imageType"){ + this.Parameters_imagetype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/scanSequence"){ + this.Parameters_scansequence=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/seqVariant"){ + this.Parameters_seqvariant=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/scanOptions"){ + this.Parameters_scanoptions=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/acqType"){ + this.Parameters_acqtype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/coil"){ + this.Parameters_coil=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/dtiAcqCount"){ + this.Parameters_dtiacqcount=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelBandwidth"){ + this.Parameters_pixelbandwidth=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/diffusion/bValues"){ + this.Parameters_diffusion_bvalues=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/diffusion/directionality"){ + this.Parameters_diffusion_directionality=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/diffusion/orientations"){ + this.Parameters_diffusion_orientations=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/diffusion/anisotropyType"){ + this.Parameters_diffusion_anisotropytype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + this.Parameters_addparam=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/addParam")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_addparam ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_addparam.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_addparam; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:addField");//omUtils.js + } + this.addParameters_addparam(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmValidation"){ + this.Dcmvalidation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmValidation/status"){ + this.Dcmvalidation_status=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + this.addParameters_addparam(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="coil"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="fieldStrength"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="marker"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="stabilization"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/z"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/orientation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/fov/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/fov/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/matrix/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/matrix/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/partitions"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/tr"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/te"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/ti"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/flip"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/sequence"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/origin"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/imageType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/scanSequence"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/seqVariant"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/scanOptions"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/acqType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/coil"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/dtiAcqCount"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/pixelBandwidth"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/diffusion/bValues"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/diffusion/directionality"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/diffusion/orientations"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/diffusion/anisotropyType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcmValidation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcmValidation/status"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:MRScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:MRScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Coil!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:coil"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Coil.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:coil>"; + } + if (this.Fieldstrength!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fieldStrength"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Fieldstrength.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:fieldStrength>"; + } + if (this.Marker!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:marker"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Marker.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:marker>"; + } + if (this.Stabilization!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:stabilization"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Stabilization.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:stabilization>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + if(this.Parameters_scansequence!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_scanoptions!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_tr!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_matrix_y!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_matrix_x!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_imagetype!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_fov_y!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_fov_x!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_diffusion_anisotropytype!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_units!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_ti!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_dtiacqcount!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_flip!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_pixelbandwidth!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_te!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_partitions!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_sequence!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_orientation!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_diffusion_orientations!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_z!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_y!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_x!=null) + child0++; + child0+=this.Parameters_addparam.length; + if(this.Parameters_coil!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_diffusion_directionality!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_diffusion_bvalues!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_origin!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_seqvariant!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_acqtype!=null) + child0++; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:parameters"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + var Parameters_voxelresATT = "" + if (this.Parameters_voxelres_units!=null) + Parameters_voxelresATT+=" units=\"" + this.Parameters_voxelres_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_voxelres_x!=null) + Parameters_voxelresATT+=" x=\"" + this.Parameters_voxelres_x + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_voxelres_y!=null) + Parameters_voxelresATT+=" y=\"" + this.Parameters_voxelres_y + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_voxelres_z!=null) + Parameters_voxelresATT+=" z=\"" + this.Parameters_voxelres_z + "\""; + if(Parameters_voxelresATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:voxelRes"; + xmlTxt+=Parameters_voxelresATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Parameters_orientation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:orientation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_orientation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:orientation>"; + } + var Parameters_fovATT = "" + if (this.Parameters_fov_x!=null) + Parameters_fovATT+=" x=\"" + this.Parameters_fov_x + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_fov_y!=null) + Parameters_fovATT+=" y=\"" + this.Parameters_fov_y + "\""; + if(Parameters_fovATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fov"; + xmlTxt+=Parameters_fovATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var Parameters_matrixATT = "" + if (this.Parameters_matrix_x!=null) + Parameters_matrixATT+=" x=\"" + this.Parameters_matrix_x + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_matrix_y!=null) + Parameters_matrixATT+=" y=\"" + this.Parameters_matrix_y + "\""; + if(Parameters_matrixATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:matrix"; + xmlTxt+=Parameters_matrixATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Parameters_partitions!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:partitions"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_partitions; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:partitions>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_tr!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:tr"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_tr; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:tr>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_te!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:te"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_te; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:te>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_ti!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ti"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_ti; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:ti>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_flip!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:flip"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_flip; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:flip>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_sequence!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:sequence"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_sequence.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:sequence>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_origin!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:origin"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_origin.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:origin>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_imagetype!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageType"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_imagetype.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:imageType>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_scansequence!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:scanSequence"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_scansequence.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:scanSequence>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_seqvariant!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:seqVariant"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_seqvariant.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:seqVariant>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_scanoptions!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:scanOptions"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_scanoptions.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:scanOptions>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_acqtype!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:acqType"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_acqtype.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:acqType>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_coil!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:coil"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_coil.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:coil>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_dtiacqcount!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dtiAcqCount"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_dtiacqcount; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:dtiAcqCount>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_pixelbandwidth!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:pixelBandwidth"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_pixelbandwidth; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:pixelBandwidth>"; + } + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + if(this.Parameters_diffusion_bvalues!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Parameters_diffusion_anisotropytype!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Parameters_diffusion_orientations!=null) + child1++; + if(this.Parameters_diffusion_directionality!=null) + child1++; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:diffusion"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Parameters_diffusion_bvalues!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:bValues"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_diffusion_bvalues.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:bValues>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_diffusion_directionality!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:directionality"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_diffusion_directionality.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:directionality>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_diffusion_orientations!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:orientations"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_diffusion_orientations.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:orientations>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_diffusion_anisotropytype!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:anisotropyType"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_diffusion_anisotropytype.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:anisotropyType>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:diffusion>"; + } + } + + for(var Parameters_addparamCOUNT=0;Parameters_addparamCOUNT<this.Parameters_addparam.length;Parameters_addparamCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:addParam"; + xmlTxt +=this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:addField"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:addParam>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:parameters>"; + } + } + + var DcmvalidationATT = "" + if (this.Dcmvalidation_status!=null) + DcmvalidationATT+=" status=\"" + this.Dcmvalidation_status + "\""; + if (this.Dcmvalidation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dcmValidation"; + xmlTxt+=DcmvalidationATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Dcmvalidation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:dcmValidation>"; + } + else if(DcmvalidationATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dcmValidation"; + xmlTxt+=DcmvalidationATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Coil!=null) return true; + if (this.Fieldstrength!=null) return true; + if (this.Marker!=null) return true; + if (this.Stabilization!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_scansequence!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_scanoptions!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_tr!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_matrix_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_matrix_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_imagetype!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_fov_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_fov_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_diffusion_anisotropytype!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_units!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_ti!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_dtiacqcount!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_flip!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_pixelbandwidth!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_te!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_partitions!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_sequence!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_orientation!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_diffusion_orientations!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_z!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_addparam.length>0)return true; + if(this.Parameters_coil!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_diffusion_directionality!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_diffusion_bvalues!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_origin!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_seqvariant!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_acqtype!=null) return true; + if (this.Dcmvalidation_status!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dcmvalidation!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ee5f1f02 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_mrSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:mrSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "mrSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:mrSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + this.Coil=null; + + + function getCoil() { + return this.Coil; + } + this.getCoil=getCoil; + + + function setCoil(v){ + this.Coil=v; + } + this.setCoil=setCoil; + + this.Fieldstrength=null; + + + function getFieldstrength() { + return this.Fieldstrength; + } + this.getFieldstrength=getFieldstrength; + + + function setFieldstrength(v){ + this.Fieldstrength=v; + } + this.setFieldstrength=setFieldstrength; + + this.Marker=null; + + + function getMarker() { + return this.Marker; + } + this.getMarker=getMarker; + + + function setMarker(v){ + this.Marker=v; + } + this.setMarker=setMarker; + + this.Stabilization=null; + + + function getStabilization() { + return this.Stabilization; + } + this.getStabilization=getStabilization; + + + function setStabilization(v){ + this.Stabilization=v; + } + this.setStabilization=setStabilization; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="coil"){ + return this.Coil ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldStrength"){ + return this.Fieldstrength ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="marker"){ + return this.Marker ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stabilization"){ + return this.Stabilization ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="coil"){ + this.Coil=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldStrength"){ + this.Fieldstrength=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="marker"){ + this.Marker=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stabilization"){ + this.Stabilization=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="coil"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="fieldStrength"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="marker"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="stabilization"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:MRSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:MRSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Coil!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:coil"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Coil.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:coil>"; + } + if (this.Fieldstrength!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fieldStrength"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Fieldstrength.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:fieldStrength>"; + } + if (this.Marker!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:marker"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Marker.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:marker>"; + } + if (this.Stabilization!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:stabilization"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Stabilization.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:stabilization>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Coil!=null) return true; + if (this.Fieldstrength!=null) return true; + if (this.Marker!=null) return true; + if (this.Stabilization!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrsScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrsScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7854b677 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_mrsScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_mrsScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:mrsScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "mrsScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:mrsScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:MRSScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:MRSScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_nmScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_nmScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..72e0d361 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_nmScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_nmScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:nmScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "nmScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:nmScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:NMScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:NMScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_nmSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_nmSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4d2fb60 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_nmSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_nmSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:nmSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "nmSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:nmSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:NMSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:NMSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_opScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_opScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c371116f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_opScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_opScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:opScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "opScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:opScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:OPScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:OPScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_opSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_opSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39f1d94c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_opSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_opSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:opSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "opSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:opSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:OPSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:OPSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_optScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_optScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c816e30e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_optScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,560 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_optScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:optScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "optScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:optScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + this.Parameters_voxelres_units=null; + + + function getParameters_voxelres_units() { + return this.Parameters_voxelres_units; + } + this.getParameters_voxelres_units=getParameters_voxelres_units; + + + function setParameters_voxelres_units(v){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_units=v; + } + this.setParameters_voxelres_units=setParameters_voxelres_units; + + this.Parameters_voxelres_x=null; + + + function getParameters_voxelres_x() { + return this.Parameters_voxelres_x; + } + this.getParameters_voxelres_x=getParameters_voxelres_x; + + + function setParameters_voxelres_x(v){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_voxelres_x=setParameters_voxelres_x; + + this.Parameters_voxelres_y=null; + + + function getParameters_voxelres_y() { + return this.Parameters_voxelres_y; + } + this.getParameters_voxelres_y=getParameters_voxelres_y; + + + function setParameters_voxelres_y(v){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_voxelres_y=setParameters_voxelres_y; + + this.Parameters_voxelres_z=null; + + + function getParameters_voxelres_z() { + return this.Parameters_voxelres_z; + } + this.getParameters_voxelres_z=getParameters_voxelres_z; + + + function setParameters_voxelres_z(v){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_z=v; + } + this.setParameters_voxelres_z=setParameters_voxelres_z; + + this.Parameters_fov_x=null; + + + function getParameters_fov_x() { + return this.Parameters_fov_x; + } + this.getParameters_fov_x=getParameters_fov_x; + + + function setParameters_fov_x(v){ + this.Parameters_fov_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_fov_x=setParameters_fov_x; + + this.Parameters_fov_y=null; + + + function getParameters_fov_y() { + return this.Parameters_fov_y; + } + this.getParameters_fov_y=getParameters_fov_y; + + + function setParameters_fov_y(v){ + this.Parameters_fov_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_fov_y=setParameters_fov_y; + + this.Parameters_laterality=null; + + + function getParameters_laterality() { + return this.Parameters_laterality; + } + this.getParameters_laterality=getParameters_laterality; + + + function setParameters_laterality(v){ + this.Parameters_laterality=v; + } + this.setParameters_laterality=setParameters_laterality; + + this.Parameters_illuminationWavelength=null; + + + function getParameters_illuminationWavelength() { + return this.Parameters_illuminationWavelength; + } + this.getParameters_illuminationWavelength=getParameters_illuminationWavelength; + + + function setParameters_illuminationWavelength(v){ + this.Parameters_illuminationWavelength=v; + } + this.setParameters_illuminationWavelength=setParameters_illuminationWavelength; + + this.Parameters_illuminationPower=null; + + + function getParameters_illuminationPower() { + return this.Parameters_illuminationPower; + } + this.getParameters_illuminationPower=getParameters_illuminationPower; + + + function setParameters_illuminationPower(v){ + this.Parameters_illuminationPower=v; + } + this.setParameters_illuminationPower=setParameters_illuminationPower; + + this.Parameters_imagetype=null; + + + function getParameters_imagetype() { + return this.Parameters_imagetype; + } + this.getParameters_imagetype=getParameters_imagetype; + + + function setParameters_imagetype(v){ + this.Parameters_imagetype=v; + } + this.setParameters_imagetype=setParameters_imagetype; + + this.Dcmvalidation=null; + + + function getDcmvalidation() { + return this.Dcmvalidation; + } + this.getDcmvalidation=getDcmvalidation; + + + function setDcmvalidation(v){ + this.Dcmvalidation=v; + } + this.setDcmvalidation=setDcmvalidation; + + this.Dcmvalidation_status=null; + + + function getDcmvalidation_status() { + return this.Dcmvalidation_status; + } + this.getDcmvalidation_status=getDcmvalidation_status; + + + function setDcmvalidation_status(v){ + this.Dcmvalidation_status=v; + } + this.setDcmvalidation_status=setDcmvalidation_status; + + + this.isDcmvalidation_status=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Dcmvalidation_status==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Dcmvalidation_status=="1" || this.Dcmvalidation_status==true)return true; + return false; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/units"){ + return this.Parameters_voxelres_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/x"){ + return this.Parameters_voxelres_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/y"){ + return this.Parameters_voxelres_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/z"){ + return this.Parameters_voxelres_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/x"){ + return this.Parameters_fov_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/y"){ + return this.Parameters_fov_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/laterality"){ + return this.Parameters_laterality ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/illumination_wavelength"){ + return this.Parameters_illuminationWavelength ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/illumination_power"){ + return this.Parameters_illuminationPower ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/imageType"){ + return this.Parameters_imagetype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmValidation"){ + return this.Dcmvalidation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmValidation/status"){ + return this.Dcmvalidation_status ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/units"){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/x"){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/y"){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/z"){ + this.Parameters_voxelres_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/x"){ + this.Parameters_fov_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/y"){ + this.Parameters_fov_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/laterality"){ + this.Parameters_laterality=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/illumination_wavelength"){ + this.Parameters_illuminationWavelength=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/illumination_power"){ + this.Parameters_illuminationPower=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/imageType"){ + this.Parameters_imagetype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmValidation"){ + this.Dcmvalidation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="dcmValidation/status"){ + this.Dcmvalidation_status=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/voxelRes/z"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/fov/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/fov/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/laterality"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/illumination_wavelength"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/illumination_power"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/imageType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcmValidation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="dcmValidation/status"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:OPTScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:OPTScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_z!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_y!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_x!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_fov_y!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_fov_x!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_illuminationPower!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_laterality!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_units!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_imagetype!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_illuminationWavelength!=null) + child0++; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:parameters"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + var Parameters_voxelresATT = "" + if (this.Parameters_voxelres_units!=null) + Parameters_voxelresATT+=" units=\"" + this.Parameters_voxelres_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_voxelres_x!=null) + Parameters_voxelresATT+=" x=\"" + this.Parameters_voxelres_x + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_voxelres_y!=null) + Parameters_voxelresATT+=" y=\"" + this.Parameters_voxelres_y + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_voxelres_z!=null) + Parameters_voxelresATT+=" z=\"" + this.Parameters_voxelres_z + "\""; + if(Parameters_voxelresATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:voxelRes"; + xmlTxt+=Parameters_voxelresATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var Parameters_fovATT = "" + if (this.Parameters_fov_x!=null) + Parameters_fovATT+=" x=\"" + this.Parameters_fov_x + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_fov_y!=null) + Parameters_fovATT+=" y=\"" + this.Parameters_fov_y + "\""; + if(Parameters_fovATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fov"; + xmlTxt+=Parameters_fovATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Parameters_laterality!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:laterality"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_laterality.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:laterality>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_illuminationWavelength!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:illumination_wavelength"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_illuminationWavelength.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:illumination_wavelength>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_illuminationPower!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:illumination_power"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_illuminationPower.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:illumination_power>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_imagetype!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageType"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_imagetype.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:imageType>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:parameters>"; + } + } + + var DcmvalidationATT = "" + if (this.Dcmvalidation_status!=null) + DcmvalidationATT+=" status=\"" + this.Dcmvalidation_status + "\""; + if (this.Dcmvalidation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dcmValidation"; + xmlTxt+=DcmvalidationATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Dcmvalidation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:dcmValidation>"; + } + else if(DcmvalidationATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dcmValidation"; + xmlTxt+=DcmvalidationATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_z!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_fov_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_fov_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_illuminationPower!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_laterality!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_voxelres_units!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_imagetype!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_illuminationWavelength!=null) return true; + if (this.Dcmvalidation_status!=null) + return true; + if (this.Dcmvalidation!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_optSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_optSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4ebdb07 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_optSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_optSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:optSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "optSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:optSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:OPTSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:OPTSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_otherDicomScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_otherDicomScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..990e6477 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_otherDicomScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_otherDicomScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:otherDicomScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "otherDicomScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:otherDicomScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:OtherDicomScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:OtherDicomScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_otherDicomSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_otherDicomSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a6f857eb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_otherDicomSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_otherDicomSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:otherDicomSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "otherDicomSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:otherDicomSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:OtherDicomSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:OtherDicomSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_otherQcScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_otherQcScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e3c9d3b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_otherQcScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_otherQcScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:otherQcScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "otherQcScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:otherQcScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcScanData','generated/xnat_qcScanData.js'); + + this.Other=null; + + + function getOther() { + return this.Other; + } + this.getOther=getOther; + + + function setOther(v){ + this.Other=v; + } + this.setOther=setOther; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="qcScanData"){ + return this.Qcscandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("qcScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Qcscandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Qcscandata!=undefined)return this.Qcscandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="other"){ + return this.Other ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="qcScanData"){ + this.Qcscandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("qcScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Qcscandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Qcscandata!=undefined){ + this.Qcscandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Qcscandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Qcscandata= instanciateObject("xnat:qcScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Qcscandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Qcscandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="other"){ + this.Other=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="other"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:otherQcScanData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:otherQcScanData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Other!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:other"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Other.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:other>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Other!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_pVisitData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_pVisitData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b920d8f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_pVisitData.js @@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_pVisitData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:pVisitData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "pVisitData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:pVisitData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_genericData','generated/xnat_genericData.js'); + + this.SubjectId=null; + + + function getSubjectId() { + return this.SubjectId; + } + this.getSubjectId=getSubjectId; + + + function setSubjectId(v){ + this.SubjectId=v; + } + this.setSubjectId=setSubjectId; + + this.VisitType=null; + + + function getVisitType() { + return this.VisitType; + } + this.getVisitType=getVisitType; + + + function setVisitType(v){ + this.VisitType=v; + } + this.setVisitType=setVisitType; + + this.VisitName=null; + + + function getVisitName() { + return this.VisitName; + } + this.getVisitName=getVisitName; + + + function setVisitName(v){ + this.VisitName=v; + } + this.setVisitName=setVisitName; + + this.Notes=null; + + + function getNotes() { + return this.Notes; + } + this.getNotes=getNotes; + + + function setNotes(v){ + this.Notes=v; + } + this.setNotes=setNotes; + + this.StartDate=null; + + + function getStartDate() { + return this.StartDate; + } + this.getStartDate=getStartDate; + + + function setStartDate(v){ + this.StartDate=v; + } + this.setStartDate=setStartDate; + + this.EndDate=null; + + + function getEndDate() { + return this.EndDate; + } + this.getEndDate=getEndDate; + + + function setEndDate(v){ + this.EndDate=v; + } + this.setEndDate=setEndDate; + + this.Closed=null; + + + function getClosed() { + return this.Closed; + } + this.getClosed=getClosed; + + + function setClosed(v){ + this.Closed=v; + } + this.setClosed=setClosed; + + + this.isClosed=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Closed==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Closed=="1" || this.Closed==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Terminal=null; + + + function getTerminal() { + return this.Terminal; + } + this.getTerminal=getTerminal; + + + function setTerminal(v){ + this.Terminal=v; + } + this.setTerminal=setTerminal; + + + this.isTerminal=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Terminal==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Terminal=="1" || this.Terminal==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Status=null; + + + function getStatus() { + return this.Status; + } + this.getStatus=getStatus; + + + function setStatus(v){ + this.Status=v; + } + this.setStatus=setStatus; + + this.Protocolversion=null; + + + function getProtocolversion() { + return this.Protocolversion; + } + this.getProtocolversion=getProtocolversion; + + + function setProtocolversion(v){ + this.Protocolversion=v; + } + this.setProtocolversion=setProtocolversion; + + this.Protocolid=null; + + + function getProtocolid() { + return this.Protocolid; + } + this.getProtocolid=getProtocolid; + + + function setProtocolid(v){ + this.Protocolid=v; + } + this.setProtocolid=setProtocolid; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="genericData"){ + return this.Genericdata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("genericData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(11); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Genericdata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Genericdata!=undefined)return this.Genericdata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subject_ID"){ + return this.SubjectId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="visit_type"){ + return this.VisitType ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="visit_name"){ + return this.VisitName ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="notes"){ + return this.Notes ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_date"){ + return this.StartDate ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="end_date"){ + return this.EndDate ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="closed"){ + return this.Closed ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="terminal"){ + return this.Terminal ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="status"){ + return this.Status ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="protocolVersion"){ + return this.Protocolversion ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="protocolId"){ + return this.Protocolid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="genericData"){ + this.Genericdata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("genericData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(11); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Genericdata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Genericdata!=undefined){ + this.Genericdata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Genericdata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Genericdata= instanciateObject("xnat:genericData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Genericdata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Genericdata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="subject_ID"){ + this.SubjectId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="visit_type"){ + this.VisitType=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="visit_name"){ + this.VisitName=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="notes"){ + this.Notes=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_date"){ + this.StartDate=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="end_date"){ + this.EndDate=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="closed"){ + this.Closed=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="terminal"){ + this.Terminal=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="status"){ + this.Status=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="protocolVersion"){ + this.Protocolversion=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="protocolId"){ + this.Protocolid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="subject_ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="visit_type"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="visit_name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="notes"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="start_date"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="end_date"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="closed"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="terminal"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="status"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="protocolVersion"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="protocolId"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:PVisit"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:PVisit>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + if (this.Closed!=null) + attTxt+=" closed=\"" +this.Closed +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Terminal!=null) + attTxt+=" terminal=\"" +this.Terminal +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Status!=null) + attTxt+=" status=\"" +this.Status +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Protocolversion!=null) + attTxt+=" protocolVersion=\"" +this.Protocolversion +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Protocolid!=null) + attTxt+=" protocolId=\"" +this.Protocolid +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.SubjectId!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:subject_ID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.SubjectId.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:subject_ID>"; + } + if (this.VisitType!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:visit_type"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.VisitType.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:visit_type>"; + } + if (this.VisitName!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:visit_name"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.VisitName.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:visit_name>"; + } + if (this.Notes!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:notes"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Notes.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:notes>"; + } + if (this.StartDate!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:start_date"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.StartDate; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:start_date>"; + } + if (this.EndDate!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:end_date"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.EndDate; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:end_date>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.SubjectId!=null) return true; + if (this.VisitType!=null) return true; + if (this.VisitName!=null) return true; + if (this.Notes!=null) return true; + if (this.StartDate!=null) return true; + if (this.EndDate!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petAssessorData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petAssessorData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4ac7d660 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petAssessorData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_petAssessorData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:petAssessorData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "petAssessorData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:petAssessorData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageAssessorData','generated/xnat_imageAssessorData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageAssessorData"){ + return this.Imageassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(17); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imageassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imageassessordata!=undefined)return this.Imageassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageAssessorData"){ + this.Imageassessordata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(17); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imageassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imageassessordata!=undefined){ + this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imageassessordata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imageassessordata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:petAssessorData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:petAssessorData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petQcScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petQcScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a27836ac --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petQcScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,738 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_petQcScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:petQcScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "petQcScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:petQcScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_qcScanData','generated/xnat_qcScanData.js'); + + this.Acquisition=null; + + + function getAcquisition() { + return this.Acquisition; + } + this.getAcquisition=getAcquisition; + + + function setAcquisition(v){ + this.Acquisition=v; + } + this.setAcquisition=setAcquisition; + + this.Correctreconstructionalgorithm=null; + + + function getCorrectreconstructionalgorithm() { + return this.Correctreconstructionalgorithm; + } + this.getCorrectreconstructionalgorithm=getCorrectreconstructionalgorithm; + + + function setCorrectreconstructionalgorithm(v){ + this.Correctreconstructionalgorithm=v; + } + this.setCorrectreconstructionalgorithm=setCorrectreconstructionalgorithm; + + this.Reconstructionalgorithmused=null; + + + function getReconstructionalgorithmused() { + return this.Reconstructionalgorithmused; + } + this.getReconstructionalgorithmused=getReconstructionalgorithmused; + + + function setReconstructionalgorithmused(v){ + this.Reconstructionalgorithmused=v; + } + this.setReconstructionalgorithmused=setReconstructionalgorithmused; + + this.Correctiterationsandsubsets=null; + + + function getCorrectiterationsandsubsets() { + return this.Correctiterationsandsubsets; + } + this.getCorrectiterationsandsubsets=getCorrectiterationsandsubsets; + + + function setCorrectiterationsandsubsets(v){ + this.Correctiterationsandsubsets=v; + } + this.setCorrectiterationsandsubsets=setCorrectiterationsandsubsets; + + this.Correctfilters=null; + + + function getCorrectfilters() { + return this.Correctfilters; + } + this.getCorrectfilters=getCorrectfilters; + + + function setCorrectfilters(v){ + this.Correctfilters=v; + } + this.setCorrectfilters=setCorrectfilters; + + this.Correctslicethickness=null; + + + function getCorrectslicethickness() { + return this.Correctslicethickness; + } + this.getCorrectslicethickness=getCorrectslicethickness; + + + function setCorrectslicethickness(v){ + this.Correctslicethickness=v; + } + this.setCorrectslicethickness=setCorrectslicethickness; + + this.Acceptablevoxelsize=null; + + + function getAcceptablevoxelsize() { + return this.Acceptablevoxelsize; + } + this.getAcceptablevoxelsize=getAcceptablevoxelsize; + + + function setAcceptablevoxelsize(v){ + this.Acceptablevoxelsize=v; + } + this.setAcceptablevoxelsize=setAcceptablevoxelsize; + + this.Unacceptableframes=null; + + + function getUnacceptableframes() { + return this.Unacceptableframes; + } + this.getUnacceptableframes=getUnacceptableframes; + + + function setUnacceptableframes(v){ + this.Unacceptableframes=v; + } + this.setUnacceptableframes=setUnacceptableframes; + + this.Reasonframesunacceptable=null; + + + function getReasonframesunacceptable() { + return this.Reasonframesunacceptable; + } + this.getReasonframesunacceptable=getReasonframesunacceptable; + + + function setReasonframesunacceptable(v){ + this.Reasonframesunacceptable=v; + } + this.setReasonframesunacceptable=setReasonframesunacceptable; + this.Processingerrors_processingerror =new Array(); + + function getProcessingerrors_processingerror() { + return this.Processingerrors_processingerror; + } + this.getProcessingerrors_processingerror=getProcessingerrors_processingerror; + + + function addProcessingerrors_processingerror(v){ + this.Processingerrors_processingerror.push(v); + } + this.addProcessingerrors_processingerror=addProcessingerrors_processingerror; + + this.Qcoutcome=null; + + + function getQcoutcome() { + return this.Qcoutcome; + } + this.getQcoutcome=getQcoutcome; + + + function setQcoutcome(v){ + this.Qcoutcome=v; + } + this.setQcoutcome=setQcoutcome; + + this.Qcoutcomereason=null; + + + function getQcoutcomereason() { + return this.Qcoutcomereason; + } + this.getQcoutcomereason=getQcoutcomereason; + + + function setQcoutcomereason(v){ + this.Qcoutcomereason=v; + } + this.setQcoutcomereason=setQcoutcomereason; + + this.Topcutoff=null; + + + function getTopcutoff() { + return this.Topcutoff; + } + this.getTopcutoff=getTopcutoff; + + + function setTopcutoff(v){ + this.Topcutoff=v; + } + this.setTopcutoff=setTopcutoff; + + this.Bottomcutoff=null; + + + function getBottomcutoff() { + return this.Bottomcutoff; + } + this.getBottomcutoff=getBottomcutoff; + + + function setBottomcutoff(v){ + this.Bottomcutoff=v; + } + this.setBottomcutoff=setBottomcutoff; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="qcScanData"){ + return this.Qcscandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("qcScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Qcscandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Qcscandata!=undefined)return this.Qcscandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="acquisition"){ + return this.Acquisition ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="correctReconstructionAlgorithm"){ + return this.Correctreconstructionalgorithm ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="reconstructionAlgorithmUsed"){ + return this.Reconstructionalgorithmused ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="correctIterationsAndSubsets"){ + return this.Correctiterationsandsubsets ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="correctFilters"){ + return this.Correctfilters ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="correctSliceThickness"){ + return this.Correctslicethickness ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="acceptableVoxelSize"){ + return this.Acceptablevoxelsize ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="unacceptableFrames"){ + return this.Unacceptableframes ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="reasonFramesUnacceptable"){ + return this.Reasonframesunacceptable ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="processingErrors/processingError"){ + return this.Processingerrors_processingerror ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("processingErrors/processingError")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(32); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Processingerrors_processingerror ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Processingerrors_processingerror.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Processingerrors_processingerror[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Processingerrors_processingerror[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Processingerrors_processingerror; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="qcOutcome"){ + return this.Qcoutcome ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="qcOutcomeReason"){ + return this.Qcoutcomereason ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="topCutoff"){ + return this.Topcutoff ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="bottomCutoff"){ + return this.Bottomcutoff ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="qcScanData"){ + this.Qcscandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("qcScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Qcscandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Qcscandata!=undefined){ + this.Qcscandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Qcscandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Qcscandata= instanciateObject("xnat:qcScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Qcscandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Qcscandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="acquisition"){ + this.Acquisition=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="correctReconstructionAlgorithm"){ + this.Correctreconstructionalgorithm=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="reconstructionAlgorithmUsed"){ + this.Reconstructionalgorithmused=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="correctIterationsAndSubsets"){ + this.Correctiterationsandsubsets=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="correctFilters"){ + this.Correctfilters=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="correctSliceThickness"){ + this.Correctslicethickness=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="acceptableVoxelSize"){ + this.Acceptablevoxelsize=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="unacceptableFrames"){ + this.Unacceptableframes=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="reasonFramesUnacceptable"){ + this.Reasonframesunacceptable=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="processingErrors/processingError"){ + this.Processingerrors_processingerror=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("processingErrors/processingError")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(32); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Processingerrors_processingerror ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Processingerrors_processingerror.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Processingerrors_processingerror[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Processingerrors_processingerror[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Processingerrors_processingerror; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:petQcScanData_processingError");//omUtils.js + } + this.addProcessingerrors_processingerror(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="qcOutcome"){ + this.Qcoutcome=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="qcOutcomeReason"){ + this.Qcoutcomereason=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="topCutoff"){ + this.Topcutoff=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="bottomCutoff"){ + this.Bottomcutoff=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="processingErrors/processingError"){ + this.addProcessingerrors_processingerror(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="processingErrors/processingError"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="acquisition"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="correctReconstructionAlgorithm"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="reconstructionAlgorithmUsed"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="correctIterationsAndSubsets"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="correctFilters"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="correctSliceThickness"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="acceptableVoxelSize"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="unacceptableFrames"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="reasonFramesUnacceptable"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="processingErrors/processingError"){ + return "field_inline_repeater"; + }else if (xmlPath=="qcOutcome"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="qcOutcomeReason"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="topCutoff"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="bottomCutoff"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:petQcScanData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:petQcScanData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Acquisition!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:acquisition"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Acquisition.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:acquisition>"; + } + if (this.Correctreconstructionalgorithm!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:correctReconstructionAlgorithm"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Correctreconstructionalgorithm.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:correctReconstructionAlgorithm>"; + } + if (this.Reconstructionalgorithmused!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:reconstructionAlgorithmUsed"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Reconstructionalgorithmused.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:reconstructionAlgorithmUsed>"; + } + if (this.Correctiterationsandsubsets!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:correctIterationsAndSubsets"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Correctiterationsandsubsets.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:correctIterationsAndSubsets>"; + } + if (this.Correctfilters!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:correctFilters"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Correctfilters.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:correctFilters>"; + } + if (this.Correctslicethickness!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:correctSliceThickness"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Correctslicethickness.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:correctSliceThickness>"; + } + if (this.Acceptablevoxelsize!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:acceptableVoxelSize"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Acceptablevoxelsize.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:acceptableVoxelSize>"; + } + if (this.Unacceptableframes!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:unacceptableFrames"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Unacceptableframes.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:unacceptableFrames>"; + } + if (this.Reasonframesunacceptable!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:reasonFramesUnacceptable"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Reasonframesunacceptable.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:reasonFramesUnacceptable>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Processingerrors_processingerror.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:processingErrors"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Processingerrors_processingerrorCOUNT=0;Processingerrors_processingerrorCOUNT<this.Processingerrors_processingerror.length;Processingerrors_processingerrorCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt+=this.Processingerrors_processingerror[Processingerrors_processingerrorCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:processingErrors>"; + } + } + + if (this.Qcoutcome!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:qcOutcome"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Qcoutcome.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:qcOutcome>"; + } + if (this.Qcoutcomereason!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:qcOutcomeReason"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Qcoutcomereason.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:qcOutcomeReason>"; + } + if (this.Topcutoff!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:topCutoff"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Topcutoff.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:topCutoff>"; + } + if (this.Bottomcutoff!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:bottomCutoff"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Bottomcutoff.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:bottomCutoff>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Acquisition!=null) return true; + if (this.Correctreconstructionalgorithm!=null) return true; + if (this.Reconstructionalgorithmused!=null) return true; + if (this.Correctiterationsandsubsets!=null) return true; + if (this.Correctfilters!=null) return true; + if (this.Correctslicethickness!=null) return true; + if (this.Acceptablevoxelsize!=null) return true; + if (this.Unacceptableframes!=null) return true; + if (this.Reasonframesunacceptable!=null) return true; + if(this.Processingerrors_processingerror.length>0)return true; + if (this.Qcoutcome!=null) return true; + if (this.Qcoutcomereason!=null) return true; + if (this.Topcutoff!=null) return true; + if (this.Bottomcutoff!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petQcScanData_processingError.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petQcScanData_processingError.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..31a98ada --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petQcScanData_processingError.js @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_petQcScanData_processingError(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:petQcScanData_processingError"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "petQcScanData_processingError"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:petQcScanData_processingError"; + } + + this.Processingerror=null; + + + function getProcessingerror() { + return this.Processingerror; + } + this.getProcessingerror=getProcessingerror; + + + function setProcessingerror(v){ + this.Processingerror=v; + } + this.setProcessingerror=setProcessingerror; + + this.XnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId=null; + + + function getXnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId() { + return this.XnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId; + } + this.getXnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId=getXnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId; + + + function setXnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId(v){ + this.XnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId=v; + } + this.setXnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId=setXnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId; + + this.processingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk=null; + + + this.getprocessingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id=function() { + return this.processingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk; + } + + + this.setprocessingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id=function(v){ + this.processingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="processingError"){ + return this.Processingerror ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_petQcScanData_processingError_id"){ + return this.XnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="processingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id"){ + return this.processingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="processingError"){ + this.Processingerror=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_petQcScanData_processingError_id"){ + this.XnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="processingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id"){ + this.processingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="processingError"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:petQcScanData_processingError"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:petQcScanData_processingError>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_petQcScanData_processingError_id=\"" + this.XnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId + "\""; + } + if(this.processingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="processingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id=\"" + this.processingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Processingerror!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:processingError"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Processingerror.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:processingError>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatPetqcscandataProcessingerrorId!=null) return true; + if (this.processingerrors_processingerro_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Processingerror!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fdc78c97 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,2510 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_petScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:petScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "petScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:petScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + this.Parameters_orientation=null; + + + function getParameters_orientation() { + return this.Parameters_orientation; + } + this.getParameters_orientation=getParameters_orientation; + + + function setParameters_orientation(v){ + this.Parameters_orientation=v; + } + this.setParameters_orientation=setParameters_orientation; + this.Parameters_addparam =new Array(); + + function getParameters_addparam() { + return this.Parameters_addparam; + } + this.getParameters_addparam=getParameters_addparam; + + + function addParameters_addparam(v){ + this.Parameters_addparam.push(v); + } + this.addParameters_addparam=addParameters_addparam; + + this.Parameters_originalfilename=null; + + + function getParameters_originalfilename() { + return this.Parameters_originalfilename; + } + this.getParameters_originalfilename=getParameters_originalfilename; + + + function setParameters_originalfilename(v){ + this.Parameters_originalfilename=v; + } + this.setParameters_originalfilename=setParameters_originalfilename; + + this.Parameters_systemtype=null; + + + function getParameters_systemtype() { + return this.Parameters_systemtype; + } + this.getParameters_systemtype=getParameters_systemtype; + + + function setParameters_systemtype(v){ + this.Parameters_systemtype=v; + } + this.setParameters_systemtype=setParameters_systemtype; + + this.Parameters_filetype=null; + + + function getParameters_filetype() { + return this.Parameters_filetype; + } + this.getParameters_filetype=getParameters_filetype; + + + function setParameters_filetype(v){ + this.Parameters_filetype=v; + } + this.setParameters_filetype=setParameters_filetype; + + this.Parameters_transaxialfov=null; + + + function getParameters_transaxialfov() { + return this.Parameters_transaxialfov; + } + this.getParameters_transaxialfov=getParameters_transaxialfov; + + + function setParameters_transaxialfov(v){ + this.Parameters_transaxialfov=v; + } + this.setParameters_transaxialfov=setParameters_transaxialfov; + + this.Parameters_acqtype=null; + + + function getParameters_acqtype() { + return this.Parameters_acqtype; + } + this.getParameters_acqtype=getParameters_acqtype; + + + function setParameters_acqtype(v){ + this.Parameters_acqtype=v; + } + this.setParameters_acqtype=setParameters_acqtype; + + this.Parameters_facility=null; + + + function getParameters_facility() { + return this.Parameters_facility; + } + this.getParameters_facility=getParameters_facility; + + + function setParameters_facility(v){ + this.Parameters_facility=v; + } + this.setParameters_facility=setParameters_facility; + + this.Parameters_numplanes=null; + + + function getParameters_numplanes() { + return this.Parameters_numplanes; + } + this.getParameters_numplanes=getParameters_numplanes; + + + function setParameters_numplanes(v){ + this.Parameters_numplanes=v; + } + this.setParameters_numplanes=setParameters_numplanes; + this.Parameters_frames_frame =new Array(); + + function getParameters_frames_frame() { + return this.Parameters_frames_frame; + } + this.getParameters_frames_frame=getParameters_frames_frame; + + + function addParameters_frames_frame(v){ + this.Parameters_frames_frame.push(v); + } + this.addParameters_frames_frame=addParameters_frames_frame; + + this.Parameters_frames_numframes=null; + + + function getParameters_frames_numframes() { + return this.Parameters_frames_numframes; + } + this.getParameters_frames_numframes=getParameters_frames_numframes; + + + function setParameters_frames_numframes(v){ + this.Parameters_frames_numframes=v; + } + this.setParameters_frames_numframes=setParameters_frames_numframes; + + this.Parameters_numgates=null; + + + function getParameters_numgates() { + return this.Parameters_numgates; + } + this.getParameters_numgates=getParameters_numgates; + + + function setParameters_numgates(v){ + this.Parameters_numgates=v; + } + this.setParameters_numgates=setParameters_numgates; + + this.Parameters_planeseparation=null; + + + function getParameters_planeseparation() { + return this.Parameters_planeseparation; + } + this.getParameters_planeseparation=getParameters_planeseparation; + + + function setParameters_planeseparation(v){ + this.Parameters_planeseparation=v; + } + this.setParameters_planeseparation=setParameters_planeseparation; + + this.Parameters_binsize=null; + + + function getParameters_binsize() { + return this.Parameters_binsize; + } + this.getParameters_binsize=getParameters_binsize; + + + function setParameters_binsize(v){ + this.Parameters_binsize=v; + } + this.setParameters_binsize=setParameters_binsize; + + this.Parameters_datatype=null; + + + function getParameters_datatype() { + return this.Parameters_datatype; + } + this.getParameters_datatype=getParameters_datatype; + + + function setParameters_datatype(v){ + this.Parameters_datatype=v; + } + this.setParameters_datatype=setParameters_datatype; + + this.Parameters_dimensions_x=null; + + + function getParameters_dimensions_x() { + return this.Parameters_dimensions_x; + } + this.getParameters_dimensions_x=getParameters_dimensions_x; + + + function setParameters_dimensions_x(v){ + this.Parameters_dimensions_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_dimensions_x=setParameters_dimensions_x; + + this.Parameters_dimensions_y=null; + + + function getParameters_dimensions_y() { + return this.Parameters_dimensions_y; + } + this.getParameters_dimensions_y=getParameters_dimensions_y; + + + function setParameters_dimensions_y(v){ + this.Parameters_dimensions_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_dimensions_y=setParameters_dimensions_y; + + this.Parameters_dimensions_z=null; + + + function getParameters_dimensions_z() { + return this.Parameters_dimensions_z; + } + this.getParameters_dimensions_z=getParameters_dimensions_z; + + + function setParameters_dimensions_z(v){ + this.Parameters_dimensions_z=v; + } + this.setParameters_dimensions_z=setParameters_dimensions_z; + + this.Parameters_dimensions_num=null; + + + function getParameters_dimensions_num() { + return this.Parameters_dimensions_num; + } + this.getParameters_dimensions_num=getParameters_dimensions_num; + + + function setParameters_dimensions_num(v){ + this.Parameters_dimensions_num=v; + } + this.setParameters_dimensions_num=setParameters_dimensions_num; + + this.Parameters_offset_x=null; + + + function getParameters_offset_x() { + return this.Parameters_offset_x; + } + this.getParameters_offset_x=getParameters_offset_x; + + + function setParameters_offset_x(v){ + this.Parameters_offset_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_offset_x=setParameters_offset_x; + + this.Parameters_offset_y=null; + + + function getParameters_offset_y() { + return this.Parameters_offset_y; + } + this.getParameters_offset_y=getParameters_offset_y; + + + function setParameters_offset_y(v){ + this.Parameters_offset_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_offset_y=setParameters_offset_y; + + this.Parameters_offset_z=null; + + + function getParameters_offset_z() { + return this.Parameters_offset_z; + } + this.getParameters_offset_z=getParameters_offset_z; + + + function setParameters_offset_z(v){ + this.Parameters_offset_z=v; + } + this.setParameters_offset_z=setParameters_offset_z; + + this.Parameters_reconzoom=null; + + + function getParameters_reconzoom() { + return this.Parameters_reconzoom; + } + this.getParameters_reconzoom=getParameters_reconzoom; + + + function setParameters_reconzoom(v){ + this.Parameters_reconzoom=v; + } + this.setParameters_reconzoom=setParameters_reconzoom; + + this.Parameters_pixelsize_x=null; + + + function getParameters_pixelsize_x() { + return this.Parameters_pixelsize_x; + } + this.getParameters_pixelsize_x=getParameters_pixelsize_x; + + + function setParameters_pixelsize_x(v){ + this.Parameters_pixelsize_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_pixelsize_x=setParameters_pixelsize_x; + + this.Parameters_pixelsize_y=null; + + + function getParameters_pixelsize_y() { + return this.Parameters_pixelsize_y; + } + this.getParameters_pixelsize_y=getParameters_pixelsize_y; + + + function setParameters_pixelsize_y(v){ + this.Parameters_pixelsize_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_pixelsize_y=setParameters_pixelsize_y; + + this.Parameters_pixelsize_z=null; + + + function getParameters_pixelsize_z() { + return this.Parameters_pixelsize_z; + } + this.getParameters_pixelsize_z=getParameters_pixelsize_z; + + + function setParameters_pixelsize_z(v){ + this.Parameters_pixelsize_z=v; + } + this.setParameters_pixelsize_z=setParameters_pixelsize_z; + + this.Parameters_filtercode=null; + + + function getParameters_filtercode() { + return this.Parameters_filtercode; + } + this.getParameters_filtercode=getParameters_filtercode; + + + function setParameters_filtercode(v){ + this.Parameters_filtercode=v; + } + this.setParameters_filtercode=setParameters_filtercode; + + this.Parameters_resolution_x=null; + + + function getParameters_resolution_x() { + return this.Parameters_resolution_x; + } + this.getParameters_resolution_x=getParameters_resolution_x; + + + function setParameters_resolution_x(v){ + this.Parameters_resolution_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_resolution_x=setParameters_resolution_x; + + this.Parameters_resolution_y=null; + + + function getParameters_resolution_y() { + return this.Parameters_resolution_y; + } + this.getParameters_resolution_y=getParameters_resolution_y; + + + function setParameters_resolution_y(v){ + this.Parameters_resolution_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_resolution_y=setParameters_resolution_y; + + this.Parameters_resolution_z=null; + + + function getParameters_resolution_z() { + return this.Parameters_resolution_z; + } + this.getParameters_resolution_z=getParameters_resolution_z; + + + function setParameters_resolution_z(v){ + this.Parameters_resolution_z=v; + } + this.setParameters_resolution_z=setParameters_resolution_z; + + this.Parameters_numrelements=null; + + + function getParameters_numrelements() { + return this.Parameters_numrelements; + } + this.getParameters_numrelements=getParameters_numrelements; + + + function setParameters_numrelements(v){ + this.Parameters_numrelements=v; + } + this.setParameters_numrelements=setParameters_numrelements; + + this.Parameters_numangles=null; + + + function getParameters_numangles() { + return this.Parameters_numangles; + } + this.getParameters_numangles=getParameters_numangles; + + + function setParameters_numangles(v){ + this.Parameters_numangles=v; + } + this.setParameters_numangles=setParameters_numangles; + + this.Parameters_zrotationangle=null; + + + function getParameters_zrotationangle() { + return this.Parameters_zrotationangle; + } + this.getParameters_zrotationangle=getParameters_zrotationangle; + + + function setParameters_zrotationangle(v){ + this.Parameters_zrotationangle=v; + } + this.setParameters_zrotationangle=setParameters_zrotationangle; + + this.Parameters_processingcode=null; + + + function getParameters_processingcode() { + return this.Parameters_processingcode; + } + this.getParameters_processingcode=getParameters_processingcode; + + + function setParameters_processingcode(v){ + this.Parameters_processingcode=v; + } + this.setParameters_processingcode=setParameters_processingcode; + + this.Parameters_gateduration=null; + + + function getParameters_gateduration() { + return this.Parameters_gateduration; + } + this.getParameters_gateduration=getParameters_gateduration; + + + function setParameters_gateduration(v){ + this.Parameters_gateduration=v; + } + this.setParameters_gateduration=setParameters_gateduration; + + this.Parameters_rwaveoffset=null; + + + function getParameters_rwaveoffset() { + return this.Parameters_rwaveoffset; + } + this.getParameters_rwaveoffset=getParameters_rwaveoffset; + + + function setParameters_rwaveoffset(v){ + this.Parameters_rwaveoffset=v; + } + this.setParameters_rwaveoffset=setParameters_rwaveoffset; + + this.Parameters_numacceptedbeats=null; + + + function getParameters_numacceptedbeats() { + return this.Parameters_numacceptedbeats; + } + this.getParameters_numacceptedbeats=getParameters_numacceptedbeats; + + + function setParameters_numacceptedbeats(v){ + this.Parameters_numacceptedbeats=v; + } + this.setParameters_numacceptedbeats=setParameters_numacceptedbeats; + + this.Parameters_filter_cutoff=null; + + + function getParameters_filter_cutoff() { + return this.Parameters_filter_cutoff; + } + this.getParameters_filter_cutoff=getParameters_filter_cutoff; + + + function setParameters_filter_cutoff(v){ + this.Parameters_filter_cutoff=v; + } + this.setParameters_filter_cutoff=setParameters_filter_cutoff; + + this.Parameters_annotation=null; + + + function getParameters_annotation() { + return this.Parameters_annotation; + } + this.getParameters_annotation=getParameters_annotation; + + + function setParameters_annotation(v){ + this.Parameters_annotation=v; + } + this.setParameters_annotation=setParameters_annotation; + + this.Parameters_mt11=null; + + + function getParameters_mt11() { + return this.Parameters_mt11; + } + this.getParameters_mt11=getParameters_mt11; + + + function setParameters_mt11(v){ + this.Parameters_mt11=v; + } + this.setParameters_mt11=setParameters_mt11; + + this.Parameters_mt12=null; + + + function getParameters_mt12() { + return this.Parameters_mt12; + } + this.getParameters_mt12=getParameters_mt12; + + + function setParameters_mt12(v){ + this.Parameters_mt12=v; + } + this.setParameters_mt12=setParameters_mt12; + + this.Parameters_mt13=null; + + + function getParameters_mt13() { + return this.Parameters_mt13; + } + this.getParameters_mt13=getParameters_mt13; + + + function setParameters_mt13(v){ + this.Parameters_mt13=v; + } + this.setParameters_mt13=setParameters_mt13; + + this.Parameters_mt14=null; + + + function getParameters_mt14() { + return this.Parameters_mt14; + } + this.getParameters_mt14=getParameters_mt14; + + + function setParameters_mt14(v){ + this.Parameters_mt14=v; + } + this.setParameters_mt14=setParameters_mt14; + + this.Parameters_mt21=null; + + + function getParameters_mt21() { + return this.Parameters_mt21; + } + this.getParameters_mt21=getParameters_mt21; + + + function setParameters_mt21(v){ + this.Parameters_mt21=v; + } + this.setParameters_mt21=setParameters_mt21; + + this.Parameters_mt22=null; + + + function getParameters_mt22() { + return this.Parameters_mt22; + } + this.getParameters_mt22=getParameters_mt22; + + + function setParameters_mt22(v){ + this.Parameters_mt22=v; + } + this.setParameters_mt22=setParameters_mt22; + + this.Parameters_mt23=null; + + + function getParameters_mt23() { + return this.Parameters_mt23; + } + this.getParameters_mt23=getParameters_mt23; + + + function setParameters_mt23(v){ + this.Parameters_mt23=v; + } + this.setParameters_mt23=setParameters_mt23; + + this.Parameters_mt24=null; + + + function getParameters_mt24() { + return this.Parameters_mt24; + } + this.getParameters_mt24=getParameters_mt24; + + + function setParameters_mt24(v){ + this.Parameters_mt24=v; + } + this.setParameters_mt24=setParameters_mt24; + + this.Parameters_mt31=null; + + + function getParameters_mt31() { + return this.Parameters_mt31; + } + this.getParameters_mt31=getParameters_mt31; + + + function setParameters_mt31(v){ + this.Parameters_mt31=v; + } + this.setParameters_mt31=setParameters_mt31; + + this.Parameters_mt32=null; + + + function getParameters_mt32() { + return this.Parameters_mt32; + } + this.getParameters_mt32=getParameters_mt32; + + + function setParameters_mt32(v){ + this.Parameters_mt32=v; + } + this.setParameters_mt32=setParameters_mt32; + + this.Parameters_mt33=null; + + + function getParameters_mt33() { + return this.Parameters_mt33; + } + this.getParameters_mt33=getParameters_mt33; + + + function setParameters_mt33(v){ + this.Parameters_mt33=v; + } + this.setParameters_mt33=setParameters_mt33; + + this.Parameters_mt34=null; + + + function getParameters_mt34() { + return this.Parameters_mt34; + } + this.getParameters_mt34=getParameters_mt34; + + + function setParameters_mt34(v){ + this.Parameters_mt34=v; + } + this.setParameters_mt34=setParameters_mt34; + + this.Parameters_rfilter_cutoff=null; + + + function getParameters_rfilter_cutoff() { + return this.Parameters_rfilter_cutoff; + } + this.getParameters_rfilter_cutoff=getParameters_rfilter_cutoff; + + + function setParameters_rfilter_cutoff(v){ + this.Parameters_rfilter_cutoff=v; + } + this.setParameters_rfilter_cutoff=setParameters_rfilter_cutoff; + + this.Parameters_rfilter_resolution=null; + + + function getParameters_rfilter_resolution() { + return this.Parameters_rfilter_resolution; + } + this.getParameters_rfilter_resolution=getParameters_rfilter_resolution; + + + function setParameters_rfilter_resolution(v){ + this.Parameters_rfilter_resolution=v; + } + this.setParameters_rfilter_resolution=setParameters_rfilter_resolution; + + this.Parameters_rfilter_code=null; + + + function getParameters_rfilter_code() { + return this.Parameters_rfilter_code; + } + this.getParameters_rfilter_code=getParameters_rfilter_code; + + + function setParameters_rfilter_code(v){ + this.Parameters_rfilter_code=v; + } + this.setParameters_rfilter_code=setParameters_rfilter_code; + + this.Parameters_rfilter_order=null; + + + function getParameters_rfilter_order() { + return this.Parameters_rfilter_order; + } + this.getParameters_rfilter_order=getParameters_rfilter_order; + + + function setParameters_rfilter_order(v){ + this.Parameters_rfilter_order=v; + } + this.setParameters_rfilter_order=setParameters_rfilter_order; + + this.Parameters_zfilter_cutoff=null; + + + function getParameters_zfilter_cutoff() { + return this.Parameters_zfilter_cutoff; + } + this.getParameters_zfilter_cutoff=getParameters_zfilter_cutoff; + + + function setParameters_zfilter_cutoff(v){ + this.Parameters_zfilter_cutoff=v; + } + this.setParameters_zfilter_cutoff=setParameters_zfilter_cutoff; + + this.Parameters_zfilter_resolution=null; + + + function getParameters_zfilter_resolution() { + return this.Parameters_zfilter_resolution; + } + this.getParameters_zfilter_resolution=getParameters_zfilter_resolution; + + + function setParameters_zfilter_resolution(v){ + this.Parameters_zfilter_resolution=v; + } + this.setParameters_zfilter_resolution=setParameters_zfilter_resolution; + + this.Parameters_zfilter_code=null; + + + function getParameters_zfilter_code() { + return this.Parameters_zfilter_code; + } + this.getParameters_zfilter_code=getParameters_zfilter_code; + + + function setParameters_zfilter_code(v){ + this.Parameters_zfilter_code=v; + } + this.setParameters_zfilter_code=setParameters_zfilter_code; + + this.Parameters_zfilter_order=null; + + + function getParameters_zfilter_order() { + return this.Parameters_zfilter_order; + } + this.getParameters_zfilter_order=getParameters_zfilter_order; + + + function setParameters_zfilter_order(v){ + this.Parameters_zfilter_order=v; + } + this.setParameters_zfilter_order=setParameters_zfilter_order; + + this.Parameters_scattertype=null; + + + function getParameters_scattertype() { + return this.Parameters_scattertype; + } + this.getParameters_scattertype=getParameters_scattertype; + + + function setParameters_scattertype(v){ + this.Parameters_scattertype=v; + } + this.setParameters_scattertype=setParameters_scattertype; + + this.Parameters_recontype=null; + + + function getParameters_recontype() { + return this.Parameters_recontype; + } + this.getParameters_recontype=getParameters_recontype; + + + function setParameters_recontype(v){ + this.Parameters_recontype=v; + } + this.setParameters_recontype=setParameters_recontype; + + this.Parameters_reconviews=null; + + + function getParameters_reconviews() { + return this.Parameters_reconviews; + } + this.getParameters_reconviews=getParameters_reconviews; + + + function setParameters_reconviews(v){ + this.Parameters_reconviews=v; + } + this.setParameters_reconviews=setParameters_reconviews; + + this.Parameters_bedposition=null; + + + function getParameters_bedposition() { + return this.Parameters_bedposition; + } + this.getParameters_bedposition=getParameters_bedposition; + + + function setParameters_bedposition(v){ + this.Parameters_bedposition=v; + } + this.setParameters_bedposition=setParameters_bedposition; + + this.Parameters_ecatcalibrationfactor=null; + + + function getParameters_ecatcalibrationfactor() { + return this.Parameters_ecatcalibrationfactor; + } + this.getParameters_ecatcalibrationfactor=getParameters_ecatcalibrationfactor; + + + function setParameters_ecatcalibrationfactor(v){ + this.Parameters_ecatcalibrationfactor=v; + } + this.setParameters_ecatcalibrationfactor=setParameters_ecatcalibrationfactor; + + this.Ecatvalidation=null; + + + function getEcatvalidation() { + return this.Ecatvalidation; + } + this.getEcatvalidation=getEcatvalidation; + + + function setEcatvalidation(v){ + this.Ecatvalidation=v; + } + this.setEcatvalidation=setEcatvalidation; + + this.Ecatvalidation_status=null; + + + function getEcatvalidation_status() { + return this.Ecatvalidation_status; + } + this.getEcatvalidation_status=getEcatvalidation_status; + + + function setEcatvalidation_status(v){ + this.Ecatvalidation_status=v; + } + this.setEcatvalidation_status=setEcatvalidation_status; + + + this.isEcatvalidation_status=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Ecatvalidation_status==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Ecatvalidation_status=="1" || this.Ecatvalidation_status==true)return true; + return false; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/orientation"){ + return this.Parameters_orientation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + return this.Parameters_addparam ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/addParam")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_addparam ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_addparam.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_addparam; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/originalFileName"){ + return this.Parameters_originalfilename ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/systemType"){ + return this.Parameters_systemtype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fileType"){ + return this.Parameters_filetype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/transaxialFOV"){ + return this.Parameters_transaxialfov ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/acqType"){ + return this.Parameters_acqtype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/facility"){ + return this.Parameters_facility ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/numPlanes"){ + return this.Parameters_numplanes ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/frames/frame"){ + return this.Parameters_frames_frame ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/frames/frame")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(23); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_frames_frame ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_frames_frame.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_frames_frame[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_frames_frame[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_frames_frame; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/frames/numFrames"){ + return this.Parameters_frames_numframes ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/numGates"){ + return this.Parameters_numgates ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/planeSeparation"){ + return this.Parameters_planeseparation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/binSize"){ + return this.Parameters_binsize ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/dataType"){ + return this.Parameters_datatype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/dimensions/x"){ + return this.Parameters_dimensions_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/dimensions/y"){ + return this.Parameters_dimensions_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/dimensions/z"){ + return this.Parameters_dimensions_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/dimensions/num"){ + return this.Parameters_dimensions_num ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/offset/x"){ + return this.Parameters_offset_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/offset/y"){ + return this.Parameters_offset_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/offset/z"){ + return this.Parameters_offset_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/reconZoom"){ + return this.Parameters_reconzoom ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelSize/x"){ + return this.Parameters_pixelsize_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelSize/y"){ + return this.Parameters_pixelsize_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelSize/z"){ + return this.Parameters_pixelsize_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/filterCode"){ + return this.Parameters_filtercode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/resolution/x"){ + return this.Parameters_resolution_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/resolution/y"){ + return this.Parameters_resolution_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/resolution/z"){ + return this.Parameters_resolution_z ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/numRElements"){ + return this.Parameters_numrelements ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/numAngles"){ + return this.Parameters_numangles ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ZRotationAngle"){ + return this.Parameters_zrotationangle ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/processingCode"){ + return this.Parameters_processingcode ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/gateDuration"){ + return this.Parameters_gateduration ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/rWaveOffset"){ + return this.Parameters_rwaveoffset ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/numAcceptedBeats"){ + return this.Parameters_numacceptedbeats ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/filter/cutoff"){ + return this.Parameters_filter_cutoff ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/annotation"){ + return this.Parameters_annotation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_1_1"){ + return this.Parameters_mt11 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_1_2"){ + return this.Parameters_mt12 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_1_3"){ + return this.Parameters_mt13 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_1_4"){ + return this.Parameters_mt14 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_2_1"){ + return this.Parameters_mt21 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_2_2"){ + return this.Parameters_mt22 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_2_3"){ + return this.Parameters_mt23 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_2_4"){ + return this.Parameters_mt24 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_3_1"){ + return this.Parameters_mt31 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_3_2"){ + return this.Parameters_mt32 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_3_3"){ + return this.Parameters_mt33 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_3_4"){ + return this.Parameters_mt34 ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/RFilter/cutoff"){ + return this.Parameters_rfilter_cutoff ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/RFilter/resolution"){ + return this.Parameters_rfilter_resolution ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/RFilter/code"){ + return this.Parameters_rfilter_code ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/RFilter/order"){ + return this.Parameters_rfilter_order ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ZFilter/cutoff"){ + return this.Parameters_zfilter_cutoff ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ZFilter/resolution"){ + return this.Parameters_zfilter_resolution ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ZFilter/code"){ + return this.Parameters_zfilter_code ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ZFilter/order"){ + return this.Parameters_zfilter_order ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/scatterType"){ + return this.Parameters_scattertype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/reconType"){ + return this.Parameters_recontype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/reconViews"){ + return this.Parameters_reconviews ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/bedPosition"){ + return this.Parameters_bedposition ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ecatCalibrationFactor"){ + return this.Parameters_ecatcalibrationfactor ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ecatValidation"){ + return this.Ecatvalidation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ecatValidation/status"){ + return this.Ecatvalidation_status ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/orientation"){ + this.Parameters_orientation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + this.Parameters_addparam=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/addParam")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_addparam ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_addparam.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_addparam; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:addField");//omUtils.js + } + this.addParameters_addparam(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/originalFileName"){ + this.Parameters_originalfilename=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/systemType"){ + this.Parameters_systemtype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fileType"){ + this.Parameters_filetype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/transaxialFOV"){ + this.Parameters_transaxialfov=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/acqType"){ + this.Parameters_acqtype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/facility"){ + this.Parameters_facility=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/numPlanes"){ + this.Parameters_numplanes=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/frames/frame"){ + this.Parameters_frames_frame=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/frames/frame")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(23); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_frames_frame ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_frames_frame.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_frames_frame[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_frames_frame[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_frames_frame; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:petScanData_frame");//omUtils.js + } + this.addParameters_frames_frame(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/frames/numFrames"){ + this.Parameters_frames_numframes=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/numGates"){ + this.Parameters_numgates=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/planeSeparation"){ + this.Parameters_planeseparation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/binSize"){ + this.Parameters_binsize=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/dataType"){ + this.Parameters_datatype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/dimensions/x"){ + this.Parameters_dimensions_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/dimensions/y"){ + this.Parameters_dimensions_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/dimensions/z"){ + this.Parameters_dimensions_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/dimensions/num"){ + this.Parameters_dimensions_num=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/offset/x"){ + this.Parameters_offset_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/offset/y"){ + this.Parameters_offset_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/offset/z"){ + this.Parameters_offset_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/reconZoom"){ + this.Parameters_reconzoom=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelSize/x"){ + this.Parameters_pixelsize_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelSize/y"){ + this.Parameters_pixelsize_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelSize/z"){ + this.Parameters_pixelsize_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/filterCode"){ + this.Parameters_filtercode=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/resolution/x"){ + this.Parameters_resolution_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/resolution/y"){ + this.Parameters_resolution_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/resolution/z"){ + this.Parameters_resolution_z=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/numRElements"){ + this.Parameters_numrelements=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/numAngles"){ + this.Parameters_numangles=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ZRotationAngle"){ + this.Parameters_zrotationangle=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/processingCode"){ + this.Parameters_processingcode=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/gateDuration"){ + this.Parameters_gateduration=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/rWaveOffset"){ + this.Parameters_rwaveoffset=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/numAcceptedBeats"){ + this.Parameters_numacceptedbeats=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/filter/cutoff"){ + this.Parameters_filter_cutoff=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/annotation"){ + this.Parameters_annotation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_1_1"){ + this.Parameters_mt11=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_1_2"){ + this.Parameters_mt12=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_1_3"){ + this.Parameters_mt13=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_1_4"){ + this.Parameters_mt14=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_2_1"){ + this.Parameters_mt21=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_2_2"){ + this.Parameters_mt22=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_2_3"){ + this.Parameters_mt23=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_2_4"){ + this.Parameters_mt24=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_3_1"){ + this.Parameters_mt31=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_3_2"){ + this.Parameters_mt32=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_3_3"){ + this.Parameters_mt33=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/MT_3_4"){ + this.Parameters_mt34=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/RFilter/cutoff"){ + this.Parameters_rfilter_cutoff=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/RFilter/resolution"){ + this.Parameters_rfilter_resolution=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/RFilter/code"){ + this.Parameters_rfilter_code=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/RFilter/order"){ + this.Parameters_rfilter_order=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ZFilter/cutoff"){ + this.Parameters_zfilter_cutoff=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ZFilter/resolution"){ + this.Parameters_zfilter_resolution=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ZFilter/code"){ + this.Parameters_zfilter_code=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ZFilter/order"){ + this.Parameters_zfilter_order=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/scatterType"){ + this.Parameters_scattertype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/reconType"){ + this.Parameters_recontype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/reconViews"){ + this.Parameters_reconviews=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/bedPosition"){ + this.Parameters_bedposition=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/ecatCalibrationFactor"){ + this.Parameters_ecatcalibrationfactor=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ecatValidation"){ + this.Ecatvalidation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="ecatValidation/status"){ + this.Ecatvalidation_status=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + this.addParameters_addparam(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/frames/frame"){ + this.addParameters_frames_frame(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/frames/frame"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="parameters/orientation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/originalFileName"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/systemType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/fileType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/transaxialFOV"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/acqType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/facility"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/numPlanes"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/frames/frame"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/frames/numFrames"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/numGates"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/planeSeparation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/binSize"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/dataType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/dimensions/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/dimensions/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if 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xmlTxt+="</xnat:ecatCalibrationFactor>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:parameters>"; + } + } + + var EcatvalidationATT = "" + if (this.Ecatvalidation_status!=null) + EcatvalidationATT+=" status=\"" + this.Ecatvalidation_status + "\""; + if (this.Ecatvalidation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ecatValidation"; + xmlTxt+=EcatvalidationATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Ecatvalidation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:ecatValidation>"; + } + else if(EcatvalidationATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ecatValidation"; + xmlTxt+=EcatvalidationATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Parameters_zfilter_resolution!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_reconviews!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_zfilter_code!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_rfilter_order!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_rfilter_cutoff!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_transaxialfov!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_numgates!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_filtercode!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_gateduration!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_pixelsize_z!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_pixelsize_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_mt14!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_pixelsize_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_mt13!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_mt12!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_mt11!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_numplanes!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_frames_frame.length>0)return true; + if(this.Parameters_filetype!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_datatype!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_dimensions_z!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_frames_numframes!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_dimensions_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_dimensions_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_numrelements!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_planeseparation!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_rwaveoffset!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_processingcode!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_systemtype!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_mt34!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_zrotationangle!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_bedposition!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_rfilter_resolution!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_mt33!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_reconzoom!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_addparam.length>0)return true; + if(this.Parameters_mt32!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_mt31!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_facility!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_filter_cutoff!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_numangles!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_numacceptedbeats!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_zfilter_order!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_recontype!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_rfilter_code!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_annotation!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_ecatcalibrationfactor!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_scattertype!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_acqtype!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_offset_z!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_offset_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_offset_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_resolution_z!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_resolution_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_resolution_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_mt24!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_mt23!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_mt22!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_orientation!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_mt21!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_dimensions_num!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_binsize!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_originalfilename!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_zfilter_cutoff!=null) return true; + if (this.Ecatvalidation_status!=null) + return true; + if (this.Ecatvalidation!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petScanData_frame.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petScanData_frame.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c7365d80 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petScanData_frame.js @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_petScanData_frame(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:petScanData_frame"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "petScanData_frame"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:petScanData_frame"; + } + + this.Number=null; + + + function getNumber() { + return this.Number; + } + this.getNumber=getNumber; + + + function setNumber(v){ + this.Number=v; + } + this.setNumber=setNumber; + + this.Starttime=null; + + + function getStarttime() { + return this.Starttime; + } + this.getStarttime=getStarttime; + + + function setStarttime(v){ + this.Starttime=v; + } + this.setStarttime=setStarttime; + + this.Length=null; + + + function getLength() { + return this.Length; + } + this.getLength=getLength; + + + function setLength(v){ + this.Length=v; + } + this.setLength=setLength; + + this.Units=null; + + + function getUnits() { + return this.Units; + } + this.getUnits=getUnits; + + + function setUnits(v){ + this.Units=v; + } + this.setUnits=setUnits; + + this.XnatPetscandataFrameId=null; + + + function getXnatPetscandataFrameId() { + return this.XnatPetscandataFrameId; + } + this.getXnatPetscandataFrameId=getXnatPetscandataFrameId; + + + function setXnatPetscandataFrameId(v){ + this.XnatPetscandataFrameId=v; + } + this.setXnatPetscandataFrameId=setXnatPetscandataFrameId; + + this.parameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=null; + + + this.getparameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id=function() { + return this.parameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk; + } + + + this.setparameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id=function(v){ + this.parameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="number"){ + return this.Number ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="starttime"){ + return this.Starttime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="length"){ + return this.Length ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="units"){ + return this.Units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_petScanData_frame_id"){ + return this.XnatPetscandataFrameId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id"){ + return this.parameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="number"){ + this.Number=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="starttime"){ + this.Starttime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="length"){ + this.Length=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="units"){ + this.Units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_petScanData_frame_id"){ + this.XnatPetscandataFrameId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id"){ + this.parameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="number"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="starttime"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="length"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="units"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:petScanData_frame"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:petScanData_frame>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatPetscandataFrameId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_petScanData_frame_id=\"" + this.XnatPetscandataFrameId + "\""; + } + if(this.parameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="parameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id=\"" + this.parameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Number!=null) + attTxt+=" number=\"" +this.Number +"\""; + else attTxt+=" number=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Starttime!=null) + attTxt+=" starttime=\"" +this.Starttime +"\""; + else attTxt+=" starttime=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Length!=null) + attTxt+=" length=\"" +this.Length +"\""; + else attTxt+=" length=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Units!=null) + attTxt+=" units=\"" +this.Units +"\""; + else attTxt+=" units=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatPetscandataFrameId!=null) return true; + if (this.parameters_frames_frame_xnat_pe_xnat_imagescandata_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a3c718c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,897 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_petSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:petSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "petSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:petSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + this.Stabilization=null; + + + function getStabilization() { + return this.Stabilization; + } + this.getStabilization=getStabilization; + + + function setStabilization(v){ + this.Stabilization=v; + } + this.setStabilization=setStabilization; + + this.Studytype=null; + + + function getStudytype() { + return this.Studytype; + } + this.getStudytype=getStudytype; + + + function setStudytype(v){ + this.Studytype=v; + } + this.setStudytype=setStudytype; + + this.Patientid=null; + + + function getPatientid() { + return this.Patientid; + } + this.getPatientid=getPatientid; + + + function setPatientid(v){ + this.Patientid=v; + } + this.setPatientid=setPatientid; + + this.Patientname=null; + + + function getPatientname() { + return this.Patientname; + } + this.getPatientname=getPatientname; + + + function setPatientname(v){ + this.Patientname=v; + } + this.setPatientname=setPatientname; + + this.Tracer_dose_units=null; + + + function getTracer_dose_units() { + return this.Tracer_dose_units; + } + this.getTracer_dose_units=getTracer_dose_units; + + + function setTracer_dose_units(v){ + this.Tracer_dose_units=v; + } + this.setTracer_dose_units=setTracer_dose_units; + + this.Tracer_dose=null; + + + function getTracer_dose() { + return this.Tracer_dose; + } + this.getTracer_dose=getTracer_dose; + + + function setTracer_dose(v){ + this.Tracer_dose=v; + } + this.setTracer_dose=setTracer_dose; + + this.Tracer_specificactivity=null; + + + function getTracer_specificactivity() { + return this.Tracer_specificactivity; + } + this.getTracer_specificactivity=getTracer_specificactivity; + + + function setTracer_specificactivity(v){ + this.Tracer_specificactivity=v; + } + this.setTracer_specificactivity=setTracer_specificactivity; + + this.Tracer_totalmass_units=null; + + + function getTracer_totalmass_units() { + return this.Tracer_totalmass_units; + } + this.getTracer_totalmass_units=getTracer_totalmass_units; + + + function setTracer_totalmass_units(v){ + this.Tracer_totalmass_units=v; + } + this.setTracer_totalmass_units=setTracer_totalmass_units; + + this.Tracer_totalmass=null; + + + function getTracer_totalmass() { + return this.Tracer_totalmass; + } + this.getTracer_totalmass=getTracer_totalmass; + + + function setTracer_totalmass(v){ + this.Tracer_totalmass=v; + } + this.setTracer_totalmass=setTracer_totalmass; + + this.Tracer_intermediate_units=null; + + + function getTracer_intermediate_units() { + return this.Tracer_intermediate_units; + } + this.getTracer_intermediate_units=getTracer_intermediate_units; + + + function setTracer_intermediate_units(v){ + this.Tracer_intermediate_units=v; + } + this.setTracer_intermediate_units=setTracer_intermediate_units; + + this.Tracer_intermediate=null; + + + function getTracer_intermediate() { + return this.Tracer_intermediate; + } + this.getTracer_intermediate=getTracer_intermediate; + + + function setTracer_intermediate(v){ + this.Tracer_intermediate=v; + } + this.setTracer_intermediate=setTracer_intermediate; + + this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife=null; + + + function getTracer_isotope_halfLife() { + return this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife; + } + this.getTracer_isotope_halfLife=getTracer_isotope_halfLife; + + + function setTracer_isotope_halfLife(v){ + this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife=v; + } + this.setTracer_isotope_halfLife=setTracer_isotope_halfLife; + + this.Tracer_isotope=null; + + + function getTracer_isotope() { + return this.Tracer_isotope; + } + this.getTracer_isotope=getTracer_isotope; + + + function setTracer_isotope(v){ + this.Tracer_isotope=v; + } + this.setTracer_isotope=setTracer_isotope; + + this.Tracer_transmissions=null; + + + function getTracer_transmissions() { + return this.Tracer_transmissions; + } + this.getTracer_transmissions=getTracer_transmissions; + + + function setTracer_transmissions(v){ + this.Tracer_transmissions=v; + } + this.setTracer_transmissions=setTracer_transmissions; + + this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime=null; + + + function getTracer_transmissionsStarttime() { + return this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime; + } + this.getTracer_transmissionsStarttime=getTracer_transmissionsStarttime; + + + function setTracer_transmissionsStarttime(v){ + this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime=v; + } + this.setTracer_transmissionsStarttime=setTracer_transmissionsStarttime; + + this.Tracer_name=null; + + + function getTracer_name() { + return this.Tracer_name; + } + this.getTracer_name=getTracer_name; + + + function setTracer_name(v){ + this.Tracer_name=v; + } + this.setTracer_name=setTracer_name; + + this.Tracer_starttime=null; + + + function getTracer_starttime() { + return this.Tracer_starttime; + } + this.getTracer_starttime=getTracer_starttime; + + + function setTracer_starttime(v){ + this.Tracer_starttime=v; + } + this.setTracer_starttime=setTracer_starttime; + + this.StartTime=null; + + + function getStartTime() { + return this.StartTime; + } + this.getStartTime=getStartTime; + + + function setStartTime(v){ + this.StartTime=v; + } + this.setStartTime=setStartTime; + + this.StartTimeScan=null; + + + function getStartTimeScan() { + return this.StartTimeScan; + } + this.getStartTimeScan=getStartTimeScan; + + + function setStartTimeScan(v){ + this.StartTimeScan=v; + } + this.setStartTimeScan=setStartTimeScan; + + this.StartTimeInjection=null; + + + function getStartTimeInjection() { + return this.StartTimeInjection; + } + this.getStartTimeInjection=getStartTimeInjection; + + + function setStartTimeInjection(v){ + this.StartTimeInjection=v; + } + this.setStartTimeInjection=setStartTimeInjection; + + this.BloodGlucose=null; + + + function getBloodGlucose() { + return this.BloodGlucose; + } + this.getBloodGlucose=getBloodGlucose; + + + function setBloodGlucose(v){ + this.BloodGlucose=v; + } + this.setBloodGlucose=setBloodGlucose; + + this.BloodGlucoseUnits=null; + + + function getBloodGlucoseUnits() { + return this.BloodGlucoseUnits; + } + this.getBloodGlucoseUnits=getBloodGlucoseUnits; + + + function setBloodGlucoseUnits(v){ + this.BloodGlucoseUnits=v; + } + this.setBloodGlucoseUnits=setBloodGlucoseUnits; + + this.BloodGlucoseTime=null; + + + function getBloodGlucoseTime() { + return this.BloodGlucoseTime; + } + this.getBloodGlucoseTime=getBloodGlucoseTime; + + + function setBloodGlucoseTime(v){ + this.BloodGlucoseTime=v; + } + this.setBloodGlucoseTime=setBloodGlucoseTime; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stabilization"){ + return this.Stabilization ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="studyType"){ + return this.Studytype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="patientID"){ + return this.Patientid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="patientName"){ + return this.Patientname ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/dose/units"){ + return this.Tracer_dose_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/dose"){ + return this.Tracer_dose ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/specificActivity"){ + return this.Tracer_specificactivity ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/totalMass/units"){ + return this.Tracer_totalmass_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/totalMass"){ + return this.Tracer_totalmass ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/intermediate/units"){ + return this.Tracer_intermediate_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/intermediate"){ + return this.Tracer_intermediate ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/isotope/half-life"){ + return this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/isotope"){ + return this.Tracer_isotope ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/transmissions"){ + return this.Tracer_transmissions ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/transmissions_starttime"){ + return this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/name"){ + return this.Tracer_name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/startTime"){ + return this.Tracer_starttime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_time"){ + return this.StartTime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_time_scan"){ + return this.StartTimeScan ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_time_injection"){ + return this.StartTimeInjection ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blood_glucose"){ + return this.BloodGlucose ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blood_glucose_units"){ + return this.BloodGlucoseUnits ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blood_glucose_time"){ + return this.BloodGlucoseTime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="stabilization"){ + this.Stabilization=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="studyType"){ + this.Studytype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="patientID"){ + this.Patientid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="patientName"){ + this.Patientname=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/dose/units"){ + this.Tracer_dose_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/dose"){ + this.Tracer_dose=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/specificActivity"){ + this.Tracer_specificactivity=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/totalMass/units"){ + this.Tracer_totalmass_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/totalMass"){ + this.Tracer_totalmass=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/intermediate/units"){ + this.Tracer_intermediate_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/intermediate"){ + this.Tracer_intermediate=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/isotope/half-life"){ + this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/isotope"){ + this.Tracer_isotope=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/transmissions"){ + this.Tracer_transmissions=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/transmissions_starttime"){ + this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/name"){ + this.Tracer_name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/startTime"){ + this.Tracer_starttime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_time"){ + this.StartTime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_time_scan"){ + this.StartTimeScan=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_time_injection"){ + this.StartTimeInjection=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blood_glucose"){ + this.BloodGlucose=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blood_glucose_units"){ + this.BloodGlucoseUnits=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blood_glucose_time"){ + this.BloodGlucoseTime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="stabilization"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="studyType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="patientID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="patientName"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/dose/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/dose"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/specificActivity"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/totalMass/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/totalMass"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/intermediate/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/intermediate"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/isotope/half-life"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/isotope"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/transmissions"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/transmissions_starttime"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/startTime"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="start_time"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="start_time_scan"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="start_time_injection"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="blood_glucose"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="blood_glucose_units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="blood_glucose_time"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:PETSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:PETSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Stabilization!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:stabilization"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Stabilization.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:stabilization>"; + } + if (this.Studytype!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:studyType"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Studytype.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:studyType>"; + } + if (this.Patientid!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:patientID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Patientid.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:patientID>"; + } + if (this.Patientname!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:patientName"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Patientname.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:patientName>"; + } + var TracerATT = "" + if (this.Tracer_name!=null) + TracerATT+=" name=\"" + this.Tracer_name.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Tracer_starttime!=null) + TracerATT+=" startTime=\"" + this.Tracer_starttime + "\""; + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + if(this.Tracer_transmissions!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_totalmass!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_intermediate_units!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_specificactivity!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_dose!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_totalmass_units!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_starttime!=null) + att0++; + if(this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_intermediate!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_dose_units!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_name!=null) + att0++; + if(this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_isotope!=null) + child0++; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:tracer"; + xmlTxt+=TracerATT; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + var Tracer_doseATT = "" + if (this.Tracer_dose_units!=null) + Tracer_doseATT+=" units=\"" + this.Tracer_dose_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Tracer_dose!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dose"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_doseATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_dose; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:dose>"; + } + else if(Tracer_doseATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dose"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_doseATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Tracer_specificactivity!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:specificActivity"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_specificactivity; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:specificActivity>"; + } + var Tracer_totalmassATT = "" + if (this.Tracer_totalmass_units!=null) + Tracer_totalmassATT+=" units=\"" + this.Tracer_totalmass_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Tracer_totalmass!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:totalMass"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_totalmassATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_totalmass; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:totalMass>"; + } + else if(Tracer_totalmassATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:totalMass"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_totalmassATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var Tracer_intermediateATT = "" + if (this.Tracer_intermediate_units!=null) + Tracer_intermediateATT+=" units=\"" + this.Tracer_intermediate_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Tracer_intermediate!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:intermediate"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_intermediateATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_intermediate; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:intermediate>"; + } + else if(Tracer_intermediateATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:intermediate"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_intermediateATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var Tracer_isotopeATT = "" + if (this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife!=null) + Tracer_isotopeATT+=" half-life=\"" + this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife + "\""; + if (this.Tracer_isotope!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:isotope"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_isotopeATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_isotope.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:isotope>"; + } + else if(Tracer_isotopeATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:isotope"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_isotopeATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Tracer_transmissions!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:transmissions"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_transmissions; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:transmissions>"; + } + if (this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:transmissions_starttime"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:transmissions_starttime>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:tracer>"; + } + } + + if (this.StartTime!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:start_time"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.StartTime; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:start_time>"; + } + if (this.StartTimeScan!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:start_time_scan"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.StartTimeScan; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:start_time_scan>"; + } + if (this.StartTimeInjection!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:start_time_injection"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.StartTimeInjection; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:start_time_injection>"; + } + if (this.BloodGlucose!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:blood_glucose"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.BloodGlucose; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:blood_glucose>"; + } + if (this.BloodGlucoseUnits!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:blood_glucose_units"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.BloodGlucoseUnits.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:blood_glucose_units>"; + } + if (this.BloodGlucoseTime!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:blood_glucose_time"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.BloodGlucoseTime; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:blood_glucose_time>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Stabilization!=null) return true; + if (this.Studytype!=null) return true; + if (this.Patientid!=null) return true; + if (this.Patientname!=null) return true; + if (this.Tracer_name!=null) + return true; + if (this.Tracer_starttime!=null) + return true; + if(this.Tracer_transmissions!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_totalmass!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_intermediate_units!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_specificactivity!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_dose!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_totalmass_units!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_starttime!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_intermediate!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_dose_units!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_name!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_isotope!=null) return true; + if (this.StartTime!=null) return true; + if (this.StartTimeScan!=null) return true; + if (this.StartTimeInjection!=null) return true; + if (this.BloodGlucose!=null) return true; + if (this.BloodGlucoseUnits!=null) return true; + if (this.BloodGlucoseTime!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petmrSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petmrSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..580ee2c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_petmrSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,984 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_petmrSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:petmrSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "petmrSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:petmrSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + this.Coil=null; + + + function getCoil() { + return this.Coil; + } + this.getCoil=getCoil; + + + function setCoil(v){ + this.Coil=v; + } + this.setCoil=setCoil; + + this.Fieldstrength=null; + + + function getFieldstrength() { + return this.Fieldstrength; + } + this.getFieldstrength=getFieldstrength; + + + function setFieldstrength(v){ + this.Fieldstrength=v; + } + this.setFieldstrength=setFieldstrength; + + this.Marker=null; + + + function getMarker() { + return this.Marker; + } + this.getMarker=getMarker; + + + function setMarker(v){ + this.Marker=v; + } + this.setMarker=setMarker; + + this.Stabilization=null; + + + function getStabilization() { + return this.Stabilization; + } + this.getStabilization=getStabilization; + + + function setStabilization(v){ + this.Stabilization=v; + } + this.setStabilization=setStabilization; + + this.Studytype=null; + + + function getStudytype() { + return this.Studytype; + } + this.getStudytype=getStudytype; + + + function setStudytype(v){ + this.Studytype=v; + } + this.setStudytype=setStudytype; + + this.Patientid=null; + + + function getPatientid() { + return this.Patientid; + } + this.getPatientid=getPatientid; + + + function setPatientid(v){ + this.Patientid=v; + } + this.setPatientid=setPatientid; + + this.Patientname=null; + + + function getPatientname() { + return this.Patientname; + } + this.getPatientname=getPatientname; + + + function setPatientname(v){ + this.Patientname=v; + } + this.setPatientname=setPatientname; + + this.Tracer_dose_units=null; + + + function getTracer_dose_units() { + return this.Tracer_dose_units; + } + this.getTracer_dose_units=getTracer_dose_units; + + + function setTracer_dose_units(v){ + this.Tracer_dose_units=v; + } + this.setTracer_dose_units=setTracer_dose_units; + + this.Tracer_dose=null; + + + function getTracer_dose() { + return this.Tracer_dose; + } + this.getTracer_dose=getTracer_dose; + + + function setTracer_dose(v){ + this.Tracer_dose=v; + } + this.setTracer_dose=setTracer_dose; + + this.Tracer_specificactivity=null; + + + function getTracer_specificactivity() { + return this.Tracer_specificactivity; + } + this.getTracer_specificactivity=getTracer_specificactivity; + + + function setTracer_specificactivity(v){ + this.Tracer_specificactivity=v; + } + this.setTracer_specificactivity=setTracer_specificactivity; + + this.Tracer_totalmass_units=null; + + + function getTracer_totalmass_units() { + return this.Tracer_totalmass_units; + } + this.getTracer_totalmass_units=getTracer_totalmass_units; + + + function setTracer_totalmass_units(v){ + this.Tracer_totalmass_units=v; + } + this.setTracer_totalmass_units=setTracer_totalmass_units; + + this.Tracer_totalmass=null; + + + function getTracer_totalmass() { + return this.Tracer_totalmass; + } + this.getTracer_totalmass=getTracer_totalmass; + + + function setTracer_totalmass(v){ + this.Tracer_totalmass=v; + } + this.setTracer_totalmass=setTracer_totalmass; + + this.Tracer_intermediate_units=null; + + + function getTracer_intermediate_units() { + return this.Tracer_intermediate_units; + } + this.getTracer_intermediate_units=getTracer_intermediate_units; + + + function setTracer_intermediate_units(v){ + this.Tracer_intermediate_units=v; + } + this.setTracer_intermediate_units=setTracer_intermediate_units; + + this.Tracer_intermediate=null; + + + function getTracer_intermediate() { + return this.Tracer_intermediate; + } + this.getTracer_intermediate=getTracer_intermediate; + + + function setTracer_intermediate(v){ + this.Tracer_intermediate=v; + } + this.setTracer_intermediate=setTracer_intermediate; + + this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife=null; + + + function getTracer_isotope_halfLife() { + return this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife; + } + this.getTracer_isotope_halfLife=getTracer_isotope_halfLife; + + + function setTracer_isotope_halfLife(v){ + this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife=v; + } + this.setTracer_isotope_halfLife=setTracer_isotope_halfLife; + + this.Tracer_isotope=null; + + + function getTracer_isotope() { + return this.Tracer_isotope; + } + this.getTracer_isotope=getTracer_isotope; + + + function setTracer_isotope(v){ + this.Tracer_isotope=v; + } + this.setTracer_isotope=setTracer_isotope; + + this.Tracer_transmissions=null; + + + function getTracer_transmissions() { + return this.Tracer_transmissions; + } + this.getTracer_transmissions=getTracer_transmissions; + + + function setTracer_transmissions(v){ + this.Tracer_transmissions=v; + } + this.setTracer_transmissions=setTracer_transmissions; + + this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime=null; + + + function getTracer_transmissionsStarttime() { + return this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime; + } + this.getTracer_transmissionsStarttime=getTracer_transmissionsStarttime; + + + function setTracer_transmissionsStarttime(v){ + this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime=v; + } + this.setTracer_transmissionsStarttime=setTracer_transmissionsStarttime; + + this.Tracer_name=null; + + + function getTracer_name() { + return this.Tracer_name; + } + this.getTracer_name=getTracer_name; + + + function setTracer_name(v){ + this.Tracer_name=v; + } + this.setTracer_name=setTracer_name; + + this.Tracer_starttime=null; + + + function getTracer_starttime() { + return this.Tracer_starttime; + } + this.getTracer_starttime=getTracer_starttime; + + + function setTracer_starttime(v){ + this.Tracer_starttime=v; + } + this.setTracer_starttime=setTracer_starttime; + + this.StartTime=null; + + + function getStartTime() { + return this.StartTime; + } + this.getStartTime=getStartTime; + + + function setStartTime(v){ + this.StartTime=v; + } + this.setStartTime=setStartTime; + + this.StartTimeScan=null; + + + function getStartTimeScan() { + return this.StartTimeScan; + } + this.getStartTimeScan=getStartTimeScan; + + + function setStartTimeScan(v){ + this.StartTimeScan=v; + } + this.setStartTimeScan=setStartTimeScan; + + this.StartTimeInjection=null; + + + function getStartTimeInjection() { + return this.StartTimeInjection; + } + this.getStartTimeInjection=getStartTimeInjection; + + + function setStartTimeInjection(v){ + this.StartTimeInjection=v; + } + this.setStartTimeInjection=setStartTimeInjection; + + this.BloodGlucose=null; + + + function getBloodGlucose() { + return this.BloodGlucose; + } + this.getBloodGlucose=getBloodGlucose; + + + function setBloodGlucose(v){ + this.BloodGlucose=v; + } + this.setBloodGlucose=setBloodGlucose; + + this.BloodGlucoseUnits=null; + + + function getBloodGlucoseUnits() { + return this.BloodGlucoseUnits; + } + this.getBloodGlucoseUnits=getBloodGlucoseUnits; + + + function setBloodGlucoseUnits(v){ + this.BloodGlucoseUnits=v; + } + this.setBloodGlucoseUnits=setBloodGlucoseUnits; + + this.BloodGlucoseTime=null; + + + function getBloodGlucoseTime() { + return this.BloodGlucoseTime; + } + this.getBloodGlucoseTime=getBloodGlucoseTime; + + + function setBloodGlucoseTime(v){ + this.BloodGlucoseTime=v; + } + this.setBloodGlucoseTime=setBloodGlucoseTime; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="coil"){ + return this.Coil ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldStrength"){ + return this.Fieldstrength ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="marker"){ + return this.Marker ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stabilization"){ + return this.Stabilization ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="studyType"){ + return this.Studytype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="patientID"){ + return this.Patientid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="patientName"){ + return this.Patientname ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/dose/units"){ + return this.Tracer_dose_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/dose"){ + return this.Tracer_dose ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/specificActivity"){ + return this.Tracer_specificactivity ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/totalMass/units"){ + return this.Tracer_totalmass_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/totalMass"){ + return this.Tracer_totalmass ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/intermediate/units"){ + return this.Tracer_intermediate_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/intermediate"){ + return this.Tracer_intermediate ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/isotope/half-life"){ + return this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/isotope"){ + return this.Tracer_isotope ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/transmissions"){ + return this.Tracer_transmissions ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/transmissions_starttime"){ + return this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/name"){ + return this.Tracer_name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/startTime"){ + return this.Tracer_starttime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_time"){ + return this.StartTime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_time_scan"){ + return this.StartTimeScan ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_time_injection"){ + return this.StartTimeInjection ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blood_glucose"){ + return this.BloodGlucose ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blood_glucose_units"){ + return this.BloodGlucoseUnits ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blood_glucose_time"){ + return this.BloodGlucoseTime ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="coil"){ + this.Coil=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fieldStrength"){ + this.Fieldstrength=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="marker"){ + this.Marker=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stabilization"){ + this.Stabilization=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="studyType"){ + this.Studytype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="patientID"){ + this.Patientid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="patientName"){ + this.Patientname=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/dose/units"){ + this.Tracer_dose_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/dose"){ + this.Tracer_dose=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/specificActivity"){ + this.Tracer_specificactivity=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/totalMass/units"){ + this.Tracer_totalmass_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/totalMass"){ + this.Tracer_totalmass=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/intermediate/units"){ + this.Tracer_intermediate_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/intermediate"){ + this.Tracer_intermediate=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/isotope/half-life"){ + this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/isotope"){ + this.Tracer_isotope=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/transmissions"){ + this.Tracer_transmissions=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/transmissions_starttime"){ + this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/name"){ + this.Tracer_name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="tracer/startTime"){ + this.Tracer_starttime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_time"){ + this.StartTime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_time_scan"){ + this.StartTimeScan=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="start_time_injection"){ + this.StartTimeInjection=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blood_glucose"){ + this.BloodGlucose=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blood_glucose_units"){ + this.BloodGlucoseUnits=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="blood_glucose_time"){ + this.BloodGlucoseTime=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="coil"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="fieldStrength"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="marker"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="stabilization"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="studyType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="patientID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="patientName"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/dose/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/dose"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/specificActivity"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/totalMass/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/totalMass"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/intermediate/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/intermediate"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/isotope/half-life"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/isotope"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/transmissions"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/transmissions_starttime"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="tracer/startTime"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="start_time"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="start_time_scan"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="start_time_injection"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="blood_glucose"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="blood_glucose_units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="blood_glucose_time"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:PETMRSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:PETMRSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Coil!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:coil"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Coil.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:coil>"; + } + if (this.Fieldstrength!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fieldStrength"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Fieldstrength.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:fieldStrength>"; + } + if (this.Marker!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:marker"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Marker.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:marker>"; + } + if (this.Stabilization!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:stabilization"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Stabilization.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:stabilization>"; + } + if (this.Studytype!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:studyType"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Studytype.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:studyType>"; + } + if (this.Patientid!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:patientID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Patientid.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:patientID>"; + } + if (this.Patientname!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:patientName"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Patientname.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:patientName>"; + } + var TracerATT = "" + if (this.Tracer_name!=null) + TracerATT+=" name=\"" + this.Tracer_name.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Tracer_starttime!=null) + TracerATT+=" startTime=\"" + this.Tracer_starttime + "\""; + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + if(this.Tracer_transmissions!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_totalmass!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_intermediate_units!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_specificactivity!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_dose!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_totalmass_units!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_starttime!=null) + att0++; + if(this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_intermediate!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_dose_units!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_name!=null) + att0++; + if(this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Tracer_isotope!=null) + child0++; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:tracer"; + xmlTxt+=TracerATT; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + var Tracer_doseATT = "" + if (this.Tracer_dose_units!=null) + Tracer_doseATT+=" units=\"" + this.Tracer_dose_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Tracer_dose!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dose"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_doseATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_dose; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:dose>"; + } + else if(Tracer_doseATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:dose"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_doseATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Tracer_specificactivity!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:specificActivity"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_specificactivity; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:specificActivity>"; + } + var Tracer_totalmassATT = "" + if (this.Tracer_totalmass_units!=null) + Tracer_totalmassATT+=" units=\"" + this.Tracer_totalmass_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Tracer_totalmass!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:totalMass"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_totalmassATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_totalmass; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:totalMass>"; + } + else if(Tracer_totalmassATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:totalMass"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_totalmassATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var Tracer_intermediateATT = "" + if (this.Tracer_intermediate_units!=null) + Tracer_intermediateATT+=" units=\"" + this.Tracer_intermediate_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Tracer_intermediate!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:intermediate"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_intermediateATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_intermediate; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:intermediate>"; + } + else if(Tracer_intermediateATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:intermediate"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_intermediateATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var Tracer_isotopeATT = "" + if (this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife!=null) + Tracer_isotopeATT+=" half-life=\"" + this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife + "\""; + if (this.Tracer_isotope!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:isotope"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_isotopeATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_isotope.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:isotope>"; + } + else if(Tracer_isotopeATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:isotope"; + xmlTxt+=Tracer_isotopeATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Tracer_transmissions!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:transmissions"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_transmissions; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:transmissions>"; + } + if (this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:transmissions_starttime"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:transmissions_starttime>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:tracer>"; + } + } + + if (this.StartTime!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:start_time"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.StartTime; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:start_time>"; + } + if (this.StartTimeScan!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:start_time_scan"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.StartTimeScan; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:start_time_scan>"; + } + if (this.StartTimeInjection!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:start_time_injection"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.StartTimeInjection; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:start_time_injection>"; + } + if (this.BloodGlucose!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:blood_glucose"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.BloodGlucose; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:blood_glucose>"; + } + if (this.BloodGlucoseUnits!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:blood_glucose_units"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.BloodGlucoseUnits.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:blood_glucose_units>"; + } + if (this.BloodGlucoseTime!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:blood_glucose_time"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.BloodGlucoseTime; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:blood_glucose_time>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Coil!=null) return true; + if (this.Fieldstrength!=null) return true; + if (this.Marker!=null) return true; + if (this.Stabilization!=null) return true; + if (this.Studytype!=null) return true; + if (this.Patientid!=null) return true; + if (this.Patientname!=null) return true; + if (this.Tracer_name!=null) + return true; + if (this.Tracer_starttime!=null) + return true; + if(this.Tracer_transmissions!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_totalmass!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_intermediate_units!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_specificactivity!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_dose!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_totalmass_units!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_starttime!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_transmissionsStarttime!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_intermediate!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_dose_units!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_name!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_isotope_halfLife!=null) return true; + if(this.Tracer_isotope!=null) return true; + if (this.StartTime!=null) return true; + if (this.StartTimeScan!=null) return true; + if (this.StartTimeInjection!=null) return true; + if (this.BloodGlucose!=null) return true; + if (this.BloodGlucoseUnits!=null) return true; + if (this.BloodGlucoseTime!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_projectData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_projectData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dbcc3bf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_projectData.js @@ -0,0 +1,1470 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_projectData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:projectData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "projectData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:projectData"; + } + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.Keywords=null; + + + function getKeywords() { + return this.Keywords; + } + this.getKeywords=getKeywords; + + + function setKeywords(v){ + this.Keywords=v; + } + this.setKeywords=setKeywords; + this.Aliases_alias =new Array(); + + function getAliases_alias() { + return this.Aliases_alias; + } + this.getAliases_alias=getAliases_alias; + + + function addAliases_alias(v){ + this.Aliases_alias.push(v); + } + this.addAliases_alias=addAliases_alias; + this.Publications_publication =new Array(); + + function getPublications_publication() { + return this.Publications_publication; + } + this.getPublications_publication=getPublications_publication; + + + function addPublications_publication(v){ + this.Publications_publication.push(v); + } + this.addPublications_publication=addPublications_publication; + this.Resources_resource =new Array(); + + function getResources_resource() { + return this.Resources_resource; + } + this.getResources_resource=getResources_resource; + + + function addResources_resource(v){ + this.Resources_resource.push(v); + } + this.addResources_resource=addResources_resource; + this.Studyprotocol =new Array(); + + function getStudyprotocol() { + return this.Studyprotocol; + } + this.getStudyprotocol=getStudyprotocol; + + + function addStudyprotocol(v){ + this.Studyprotocol.push(v); + } + this.addStudyprotocol=addStudyprotocol; + this.Pi =null; + function getPi() { + return this.Pi; + } + this.getPi=getPi; + + + function setPi(v){ + this.Pi =v; + } + this.setPi=setPi; + + this.Pi_PiXnatInvestigatordataId=null; + + + function getPi_PiXnatInvestigatordataId(){ + return this.Pi_PiXnatInvestigatordataId; + } + this.getPi_PiXnatInvestigatordataId=getPi_PiXnatInvestigatordataId; + + + function setPi_PiXnatInvestigatordataId(v){ + this.Pi_PiXnatInvestigatordataId=v; + } + this.setPi_PiXnatInvestigatordataId=setPi_PiXnatInvestigatordataId; + this.Investigators_investigator =new Array(); + + function getInvestigators_investigator() { + return this.Investigators_investigator; + } + this.getInvestigators_investigator=getInvestigators_investigator; + + + function addInvestigators_investigator(v){ + this.Investigators_investigator.push(v); + } + this.addInvestigators_investigator=addInvestigators_investigator; + this.Fields_field =new Array(); + + function getFields_field() { + return this.Fields_field; + } + this.getFields_field=getFields_field; + + + function addFields_field(v){ + this.Fields_field.push(v); + } + this.addFields_field=addFields_field; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.SecondaryId=null; + + + function getSecondaryId() { + return this.SecondaryId; + } + this.getSecondaryId=getSecondaryId; + + + function setSecondaryId(v){ + this.SecondaryId=v; + } + this.setSecondaryId=setSecondaryId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="keywords"){ + return this.Keywords ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="aliases/alias"){ + return this.Aliases_alias ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("aliases/alias")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Aliases_alias ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Aliases_alias.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Aliases_alias[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Aliases_alias[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Aliases_alias; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="publications/publication"){ + return this.Publications_publication ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("publications/publication")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(24); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Publications_publication ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Publications_publication.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Publications_publication[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Publications_publication[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Publications_publication; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + return this.Resources_resource ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("resources/resource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Resources_resource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Resources_resource.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Resources_resource[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Resources_resource[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Resources_resource; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="studyProtocol"){ + return this.Studyprotocol ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("studyProtocol")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Studyprotocol ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Studyprotocol.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Studyprotocol[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Studyprotocol[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Studyprotocol; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="PI"){ + return this.Pi ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("PI")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(2); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pi ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Pi!=undefined)return this.Pi.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="investigators/investigator"){ + return this.Investigators_investigator ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("investigators/investigator")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(26); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Investigators_investigator ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Investigators_investigator.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Investigators_investigator[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Investigators_investigator[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Investigators_investigator; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return this.Fields_field ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fields/field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fields_field ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fields_field.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fields_field[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fields_field[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fields_field; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secondary_ID"){ + return this.SecondaryId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="keywords"){ + this.Keywords=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="aliases/alias"){ + this.Aliases_alias=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("aliases/alias")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Aliases_alias ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Aliases_alias.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Aliases_alias[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Aliases_alias[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Aliases_alias; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:projectData_alias");//omUtils.js + } + this.addAliases_alias(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="publications/publication"){ + this.Publications_publication=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("publications/publication")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(24); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Publications_publication ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Publications_publication.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Publications_publication[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Publications_publication[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Publications_publication; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:publicationResource");//omUtils.js + } + this.addPublications_publication(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + this.Resources_resource=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("resources/resource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Resources_resource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Resources_resource.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Resources_resource[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Resources_resource[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Resources_resource; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + this.addResources_resource(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="studyProtocol"){ + this.Studyprotocol=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("studyProtocol")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Studyprotocol ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Studyprotocol.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Studyprotocol[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Studyprotocol[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Studyprotocol; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractProtocol");//omUtils.js + } + this.addStudyprotocol(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="PI"){ + this.Pi=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("PI")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(2); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Pi ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Pi!=undefined){ + this.Pi.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Pi= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Pi= instanciateObject("xnat:investigatorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Pi.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Pi.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="investigators/investigator"){ + this.Investigators_investigator=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("investigators/investigator")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(26); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Investigators_investigator ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Investigators_investigator.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Investigators_investigator[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Investigators_investigator[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Investigators_investigator; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:investigatorData");//omUtils.js + } + this.addInvestigators_investigator(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + this.Fields_field=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fields/field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fields_field ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fields_field.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fields_field[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fields_field[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fields_field; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:projectData_field");//omUtils.js + } + this.addFields_field(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="secondary_ID"){ + this.SecondaryId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="aliases/alias"){ + this.addAliases_alias(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="publications/publication"){ + this.addPublications_publication(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + this.addResources_resource(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="studyProtocol"){ + this.addStudyprotocol(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="PI"){ + this.setPi(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="investigators/investigator"){ + this.addInvestigators_investigator(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + this.addFields_field(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="aliases/alias"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="publications/publication"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="studyProtocol"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="PI"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="investigators/investigator"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="keywords"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="aliases/alias"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="publications/publication"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="studyProtocol"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="PI"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="investigators/investigator"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="secondary_ID"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:Project"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:Project>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + else attTxt+=" ID=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SecondaryId!=null) + attTxt+=" secondary_ID=\"" +this.SecondaryId +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Name!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:name"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Name.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:name>"; + } + if (this.Description!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:description"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Description.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:description>"; + } + if (this.Keywords!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:keywords"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Keywords.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:keywords>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Aliases_alias.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:aliases"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Aliases_aliasCOUNT=0;Aliases_aliasCOUNT<this.Aliases_alias.length;Aliases_aliasCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:alias"; + xmlTxt +=this.Aliases_alias[Aliases_aliasCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Aliases_alias[Aliases_aliasCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:projectData_alias"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Aliases_alias[Aliases_aliasCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Aliases_alias[Aliases_aliasCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Aliases_alias[Aliases_aliasCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:alias>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:aliases>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Publications_publication.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:publications"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Publications_publicationCOUNT=0;Publications_publicationCOUNT<this.Publications_publication.length;Publications_publicationCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:publication"; + xmlTxt +=this.Publications_publication[Publications_publicationCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Publications_publication[Publications_publicationCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:publicationResource"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Publications_publication[Publications_publicationCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Publications_publication[Publications_publicationCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Publications_publication[Publications_publicationCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:publication>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:publications>"; + } + } + + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.Resources_resource.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:resources"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Resources_resourceCOUNT=0;Resources_resourceCOUNT<this.Resources_resource.length;Resources_resourceCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:resource"; + xmlTxt +=this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:abstractResource"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:resource>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:resources>"; + } + } + + for(var StudyprotocolCOUNT=0;StudyprotocolCOUNT<this.Studyprotocol.length;StudyprotocolCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:studyProtocol"; + xmlTxt +=this.Studyprotocol[StudyprotocolCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Studyprotocol[StudyprotocolCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:abstractProtocol"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Studyprotocol[StudyprotocolCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Studyprotocol[StudyprotocolCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Studyprotocol[StudyprotocolCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:studyProtocol>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + if (this.Pi!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:PI"; + xmlTxt+=this.Pi.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Pi.xsiType!="xnat:investigatorData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Pi.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Pi.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Pi.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:PI>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + var child3=0; + var att3=0; + child3+=this.Investigators_investigator.length; + if(child3>0 || att3>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:investigators"; + if(child3==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Investigators_investigatorCOUNT=0;Investigators_investigatorCOUNT<this.Investigators_investigator.length;Investigators_investigatorCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:investigator"; + xmlTxt +=this.Investigators_investigator[Investigators_investigatorCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Investigators_investigator[Investigators_investigatorCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:investigatorData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Investigators_investigator[Investigators_investigatorCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Investigators_investigator[Investigators_investigatorCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Investigators_investigator[Investigators_investigatorCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:investigator>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:investigators>"; + } + } + + var child4=0; + var att4=0; + child4+=this.Fields_field.length; + if(child4>0 || att4>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fields"; + if(child4==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Fields_fieldCOUNT=0;Fields_fieldCOUNT<this.Fields_field.length;Fields_fieldCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:field"; + xmlTxt +=this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:projectData_field"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:field>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:fields>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Name!=null) return true; + if (this.Description!=null) return true; + if (this.Keywords!=null) return true; + if(this.Aliases_alias.length>0)return true; + if(this.Publications_publication.length>0)return true; + if(this.Resources_resource.length>0)return true; + if(this.Studyprotocol.length>0) return true; + if (this.Pi!=null){ + if (this.Pi.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if(this.Investigators_investigator.length>0)return true; + if(this.Fields_field.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_projectData_alias.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_projectData_alias.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9d424921 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_projectData_alias.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_projectData_alias(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:projectData_alias"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "projectData_alias"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:projectData_alias"; + } + + this.Alias=null; + + + function getAlias() { + return this.Alias; + } + this.getAlias=getAlias; + + + function setAlias(v){ + this.Alias=v; + } + this.setAlias=setAlias; + + this.Source=null; + + + function getSource() { + return this.Source; + } + this.getSource=getSource; + + + function setSource(v){ + this.Source=v; + } + this.setSource=setSource; + + this.XnatProjectdataAliasId=null; + + + function getXnatProjectdataAliasId() { + return this.XnatProjectdataAliasId; + } + this.getXnatProjectdataAliasId=getXnatProjectdataAliasId; + + + function setXnatProjectdataAliasId(v){ + this.XnatProjectdataAliasId=v; + } + this.setXnatProjectdataAliasId=setXnatProjectdataAliasId; + + this.aliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id_fk=null; + + + this.getaliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id=function() { + return this.aliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id_fk; + } + + + this.setaliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id=function(v){ + this.aliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="alias"){ + return this.Alias ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="source"){ + return this.Source ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_projectData_alias_id"){ + return this.XnatProjectdataAliasId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="aliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id"){ + return this.aliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="alias"){ + this.Alias=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="source"){ + this.Source=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_projectData_alias_id"){ + this.XnatProjectdataAliasId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="aliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id"){ + this.aliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="alias"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="source"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:projectData_alias"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:projectData_alias>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatProjectdataAliasId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_projectData_alias_id=\"" + this.XnatProjectdataAliasId + "\""; + } + if(this.aliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="aliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id=\"" + this.aliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Source!=null) + attTxt+=" source=\"" +this.Source +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Alias!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Alias.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatProjectdataAliasId!=null) return true; + if (this.aliases_alias_xnat_projectData_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Alias!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_projectData_field.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_projectData_field.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f3e7731 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_projectData_field.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_projectData_field(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:projectData_field"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "projectData_field"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:projectData_field"; + } + + this.Field=null; + + + function getField() { + return this.Field; + } + this.getField=getField; + + + function setField(v){ + this.Field=v; + } + this.setField=setField; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.XnatProjectdataFieldId=null; + + + function getXnatProjectdataFieldId() { + return this.XnatProjectdataFieldId; + } + this.getXnatProjectdataFieldId=getXnatProjectdataFieldId; + + + function setXnatProjectdataFieldId(v){ + this.XnatProjectdataFieldId=v; + } + this.setXnatProjectdataFieldId=setXnatProjectdataFieldId; + + this.fields_field_xnat_projectData_id_fk=null; + + + this.getfields_field_xnat_projectData_id=function() { + return this.fields_field_xnat_projectData_id_fk; + } + + + this.setfields_field_xnat_projectData_id=function(v){ + this.fields_field_xnat_projectData_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="field"){ + return this.Field ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_projectData_field_id"){ + return this.XnatProjectdataFieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields_field_xnat_projectData_id"){ + return this.fields_field_xnat_projectData_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="field"){ + this.Field=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_projectData_field_id"){ + this.XnatProjectdataFieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields_field_xnat_projectData_id"){ + this.fields_field_xnat_projectData_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="field"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:projectData_field"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:projectData_field>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatProjectdataFieldId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_projectData_field_id=\"" + this.XnatProjectdataFieldId + "\""; + } + if(this.fields_field_xnat_projectData_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="fields_field_xnat_projectData_id=\"" + this.fields_field_xnat_projectData_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Field!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Field.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatProjectdataFieldId!=null) return true; + if (this.fields_field_xnat_projectData_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Field!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_projectParticipant.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_projectParticipant.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..069b46c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_projectParticipant.js @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_projectParticipant(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:projectParticipant"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "projectParticipant"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:projectParticipant"; + } + + this.Label=null; + + + function getLabel() { + return this.Label; + } + this.getLabel=getLabel; + + + function setLabel(v){ + this.Label=v; + } + this.setLabel=setLabel; + + this.Project=null; + + + function getProject() { + return this.Project; + } + this.getProject=getProject; + + + function setProject(v){ + this.Project=v; + } + this.setProject=setProject; + + this.SubjectId=null; + + + function getSubjectId() { + return this.SubjectId; + } + this.getSubjectId=getSubjectId; + + + function setSubjectId(v){ + this.SubjectId=v; + } + this.setSubjectId=setSubjectId; + + this.Group=null; + + + function getGroup() { + return this.Group; + } + this.getGroup=getGroup; + + + function setGroup(v){ + this.Group=v; + } + this.setGroup=setGroup; + + this.XnatProjectparticipantId=null; + + + function getXnatProjectparticipantId() { + return this.XnatProjectparticipantId; + } + this.getXnatProjectparticipantId=getXnatProjectparticipantId; + + + function setXnatProjectparticipantId(v){ + this.XnatProjectparticipantId=v; + } + this.setXnatProjectparticipantId=setXnatProjectparticipantId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + return this.Label ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project"){ + return this.Project ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subject_ID"){ + return this.SubjectId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="group"){ + return this.Group ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_projectParticipant_id"){ + return this.XnatProjectparticipantId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + this.Label=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project"){ + this.Project=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subject_ID"){ + this.SubjectId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="group"){ + this.Group=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_projectParticipant_id"){ + this.XnatProjectparticipantId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="label"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="project"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="subject_ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="group"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:projectParticipant"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:projectParticipant>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatProjectparticipantId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_projectParticipant_id=\"" + this.XnatProjectparticipantId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Label!=null) + attTxt+=" label=\"" +this.Label +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Project!=null) + attTxt+=" project=\"" +this.Project +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SubjectId!=null) + attTxt+=" subject_ID=\"" +this.SubjectId +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Group!=null) + attTxt+=" group=\"" +this.Group +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatProjectparticipantId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_publicationResource.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_publicationResource.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e327e8c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_publicationResource.js @@ -0,0 +1,510 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_publicationResource(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:publicationResource"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "publicationResource"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:publicationResource"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractResource','generated/xnat_abstractResource.js'); + + this.Title=null; + + + function getTitle() { + return this.Title; + } + this.getTitle=getTitle; + + + function setTitle(v){ + this.Title=v; + } + this.setTitle=setTitle; + + this.Citation=null; + + + function getCitation() { + return this.Citation; + } + this.getCitation=getCitation; + + + function setCitation(v){ + this.Citation=v; + } + this.setCitation=setCitation; + + this.Abstract=null; + + + function getAbstract() { + return this.Abstract; + } + this.getAbstract=getAbstract; + + + function setAbstract(v){ + this.Abstract=v; + } + this.setAbstract=setAbstract; + + this.Commentary=null; + + + function getCommentary() { + return this.Commentary; + } + this.getCommentary=getCommentary; + + + function setCommentary(v){ + this.Commentary=v; + } + this.setCommentary=setCommentary; + + this.Isprimary=null; + + + function getIsprimary() { + return this.Isprimary; + } + this.getIsprimary=getIsprimary; + + + function setIsprimary(v){ + this.Isprimary=v; + } + this.setIsprimary=setIsprimary; + + + this.isIsprimary=function(defaultValue) { + if(this.Isprimary==null)return defaultValue; + if(this.Isprimary=="1" || this.Isprimary==true)return true; + return false; + } + + this.Doi=null; + + + function getDoi() { + return this.Doi; + } + this.getDoi=getDoi; + + + function setDoi(v){ + this.Doi=v; + } + this.setDoi=setDoi; + + this.Pubmed=null; + + + function getPubmed() { + return this.Pubmed; + } + this.getPubmed=getPubmed; + + + function setPubmed(v){ + this.Pubmed=v; + } + this.setPubmed=setPubmed; + + this.Medline=null; + + + function getMedline() { + return this.Medline; + } + this.getMedline=getMedline; + + + function setMedline(v){ + this.Medline=v; + } + this.setMedline=setMedline; + + this.Uri=null; + + + function getUri() { + return this.Uri; + } + this.getUri=getUri; + + + function setUri(v){ + this.Uri=v; + } + this.setUri=setUri; + + this.Other=null; + + + function getOther() { + return this.Other; + } + this.getOther=getOther; + + + function setOther(v){ + this.Other=v; + } + this.setOther=setOther; + + this.Type=null; + + + function getType() { + return this.Type; + } + this.getType=getType; + + + function setType(v){ + this.Type=v; + } + this.setType=setType; + + this.publications_publication_xnat_p_id_fk=null; + + + this.getpublications_publication_xnat_p_id=function() { + return this.publications_publication_xnat_p_id_fk; + } + + + this.setpublications_publication_xnat_p_id=function(v){ + this.publications_publication_xnat_p_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractResource"){ + return this.Abstractresource ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractResource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractresource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractresource!=undefined)return this.Abstractresource.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="title"){ + return this.Title ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="citation"){ + return this.Citation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="abstract"){ + return this.Abstract ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="commentary"){ + return this.Commentary ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="isPrimary"){ + return this.Isprimary ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="doi"){ + return this.Doi ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pubmed"){ + return this.Pubmed ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="medline"){ + return this.Medline ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="uri"){ + return this.Uri ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="other"){ + return this.Other ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + return this.Type ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="publications_publication_xnat_p_id"){ + return this.publications_publication_xnat_p_id_fk ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractResource"){ + this.Abstractresource=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractResource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractresource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractresource!=undefined){ + this.Abstractresource.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Abstractresource= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Abstractresource= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Abstractresource.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Abstractresource.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="title"){ + this.Title=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="citation"){ + this.Citation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="abstract"){ + this.Abstract=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="commentary"){ + this.Commentary=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="isPrimary"){ + this.Isprimary=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="doi"){ + this.Doi=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pubmed"){ + this.Pubmed=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="medline"){ + this.Medline=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="uri"){ + this.Uri=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="other"){ + this.Other=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + this.Type=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="publications_publication_xnat_p_id"){ + this.publications_publication_xnat_p_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="title"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="citation"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="abstract"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="commentary"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="isPrimary"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="doi"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="pubmed"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="medline"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="uri"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="other"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="type"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:publicationResource"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:publicationResource>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.publications_publication_xnat_p_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="publications_publication_xnat_p_id=\"" + this.publications_publication_xnat_p_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + if (this.Isprimary!=null) + attTxt+=" isPrimary=\"" +this.Isprimary +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Doi!=null) + attTxt+=" doi=\"" +this.Doi +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Pubmed!=null) + attTxt+=" pubmed=\"" +this.Pubmed +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Medline!=null) + attTxt+=" medline=\"" +this.Medline +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Uri!=null) + attTxt+=" uri=\"" +this.Uri +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Other!=null) + attTxt+=" other=\"" +this.Other +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Type!=null) + attTxt+=" type=\"" +this.Type +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Title!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:title"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Title.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:title>"; + } + if (this.Citation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:citation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Citation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:citation>"; + } + if (this.Abstract!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:abstract"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Abstract.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:abstract>"; + } + if (this.Commentary!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:commentary"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Commentary.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:commentary>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.publications_publication_xnat_p_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Title!=null) return true; + if (this.Citation!=null) return true; + if (this.Abstract!=null) return true; + if (this.Commentary!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..29962af7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData.js @@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_qcAssessmentData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:qcAssessmentData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "qcAssessmentData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:qcAssessmentData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_mrAssessorData','generated/xnat_mrAssessorData.js'); + this.Scans_scan =new Array(); + + function getScans_scan() { + return this.Scans_scan; + } + this.getScans_scan=getScans_scan; + + + function addScans_scan(v){ + this.Scans_scan.push(v); + } + this.addScans_scan=addScans_scan; + + this.Type=null; + + + function getType() { + return this.Type; + } + this.getType=getType; + + + function setType(v){ + this.Type=v; + } + this.setType=setType; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="mrAssessorData"){ + return this.Mrassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("mrAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Mrassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Mrassessordata!=undefined)return this.Mrassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + return this.Scans_scan ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("scans/scan")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Scans_scan ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Scans_scan.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Scans_scan[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Scans_scan[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Scans_scan; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + return this.Type ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="mrAssessorData"){ + this.Mrassessordata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("mrAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Mrassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Mrassessordata!=undefined){ + this.Mrassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Mrassessordata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Mrassessordata= instanciateObject("xnat:mrAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Mrassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Mrassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + this.Scans_scan=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("scans/scan")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Scans_scan ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Scans_scan.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Scans_scan[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Scans_scan[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Scans_scan; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan");//omUtils.js + } + this.addScans_scan(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + this.Type=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + this.addScans_scan(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="type"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:QCAssessment"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:QCAssessment>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + if (this.Type!=null) + attTxt+=" type=\"" +this.Type +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Scans_scan.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:scans"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Scans_scanCOUNT=0;Scans_scanCOUNT<this.Scans_scan.length;Scans_scanCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:scan"; + xmlTxt +=this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:scan>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:scans>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Scans_scan.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..387f612b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan.js @@ -0,0 +1,492 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "qcAssessmentData_scan"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan"; + } + this.Sliceqc_slice =new Array(); + + function getSliceqc_slice() { + return this.Sliceqc_slice; + } + this.getSliceqc_slice=getSliceqc_slice; + + + function addSliceqc_slice(v){ + this.Sliceqc_slice.push(v); + } + this.addSliceqc_slice=addSliceqc_slice; + this.Scanstatistics =null; + function getScanstatistics() { + return this.Scanstatistics; + } + this.getScanstatistics=getScanstatistics; + + + function setScanstatistics(v){ + this.Scanstatistics =v; + } + this.setScanstatistics=setScanstatistics; + + this.Scanstatistics_ScanstatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId=null; + + + function getScanstatistics_ScanstatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId(){ + return this.Scanstatistics_ScanstatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId; + } + this.getScanstatistics_ScanstatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId=getScanstatistics_ScanstatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId; + + + function setScanstatistics_ScanstatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId(v){ + this.Scanstatistics_ScanstatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId=v; + } + this.setScanstatistics_ScanstatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId=setScanstatistics_ScanstatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanId=null; + + + function getXnatQcassessmentdataScanId() { + return this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanId; + } + this.getXnatQcassessmentdataScanId=getXnatQcassessmentdataScanId; + + + function setXnatQcassessmentdataScanId(v){ + this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanId=v; + } + this.setXnatQcassessmentdataScanId=setXnatQcassessmentdataScanId; + + this.scans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id_fk=null; + + + this.getscans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id=function() { + return this.scans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id_fk; + } + + + this.setscans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id=function(v){ + this.scans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="sliceQC/slice"){ + return this.Sliceqc_slice ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sliceQC/slice")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Sliceqc_slice ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Sliceqc_slice.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Sliceqc_slice[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Sliceqc_slice[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Sliceqc_slice; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanStatistics"){ + return this.Scanstatistics ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("scanStatistics")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Scanstatistics ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Scanstatistics!=undefined)return this.Scanstatistics.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="id"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_id"){ + return this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id"){ + return this.scans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="sliceQC/slice"){ + this.Sliceqc_slice=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sliceQC/slice")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Sliceqc_slice ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Sliceqc_slice.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Sliceqc_slice[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Sliceqc_slice[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Sliceqc_slice; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan_slice");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSliceqc_slice(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="scanStatistics"){ + this.Scanstatistics=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("scanStatistics")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Scanstatistics ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Scanstatistics!=undefined){ + this.Scanstatistics.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Scanstatistics= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Scanstatistics= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractStatistics");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Scanstatistics.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Scanstatistics.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="id"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_id"){ + this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id"){ + this.scans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="sliceQC/slice"){ + this.addSliceqc_slice(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="scanStatistics"){ + this.setScanstatistics(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="sliceQC/slice"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="scanStatistics"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="sliceQC/slice"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="scanStatistics"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="id"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_id=\"" + this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanId + "\""; + } + if(this.scans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="scans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id=\"" + this.scans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" id=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + else attTxt+=" id=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Sliceqc_slice.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:sliceQC"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Sliceqc_sliceCOUNT=0;Sliceqc_sliceCOUNT<this.Sliceqc_slice.length;Sliceqc_sliceCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:slice"; + xmlTxt +=this.Sliceqc_slice[Sliceqc_sliceCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Sliceqc_slice[Sliceqc_sliceCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan_slice"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Sliceqc_slice[Sliceqc_sliceCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Sliceqc_slice[Sliceqc_sliceCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Sliceqc_slice[Sliceqc_sliceCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:slice>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:sliceQC>"; + } + } + + if (this.Scanstatistics!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:scanStatistics"; + xmlTxt+=this.Scanstatistics.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Scanstatistics.xsiType!="xnat:abstractStatistics"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Scanstatistics.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Scanstatistics.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Scanstatistics.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:scanStatistics>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanId!=null) return true; + if (this.scans_scan_xnat_qcAssessmentDat_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Sliceqc_slice.length>0)return true; + if (this.Scanstatistics!=null){ + if (this.Scanstatistics.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d5a1233f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice.js @@ -0,0 +1,306 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan_slice"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "qcAssessmentData_scan_slice"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan_slice"; + } + this.Slicestatistics =null; + function getSlicestatistics() { + return this.Slicestatistics; + } + this.getSlicestatistics=getSlicestatistics; + + + function setSlicestatistics(v){ + this.Slicestatistics =v; + } + this.setSlicestatistics=setSlicestatistics; + + this.Slicestatistics_SlicestatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId=null; + + + function getSlicestatistics_SlicestatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId(){ + return this.Slicestatistics_SlicestatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId; + } + this.getSlicestatistics_SlicestatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId=getSlicestatistics_SlicestatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId; + + + function setSlicestatistics_SlicestatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId(v){ + this.Slicestatistics_SlicestatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId=v; + } + this.setSlicestatistics_SlicestatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId=setSlicestatistics_SlicestatisticsXnatAbstractstatisticsId; + + this.Number=null; + + + function getNumber() { + return this.Number; + } + this.getNumber=getNumber; + + + function setNumber(v){ + this.Number=v; + } + this.setNumber=setNumber; + + this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId=null; + + + function getXnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId() { + return this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId; + } + this.getXnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId=getXnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId; + + + function setXnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId(v){ + this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId=v; + } + this.setXnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId=setXnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId; + + this.sliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id_fk=null; + + + this.getsliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id=function() { + return this.sliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id_fk; + } + + + this.setsliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id=function(v){ + this.sliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="sliceStatistics"){ + return this.Slicestatistics ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sliceStatistics")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(15); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Slicestatistics ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Slicestatistics!=undefined)return this.Slicestatistics.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="number"){ + return this.Number ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice_id"){ + return this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id"){ + return this.sliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="sliceStatistics"){ + this.Slicestatistics=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sliceStatistics")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(15); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Slicestatistics ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Slicestatistics!=undefined){ + this.Slicestatistics.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Slicestatistics= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Slicestatistics= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractStatistics");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Slicestatistics.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Slicestatistics.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="number"){ + this.Number=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice_id"){ + this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="sliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id"){ + this.sliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="sliceStatistics"){ + this.setSlicestatistics(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="sliceStatistics"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="sliceStatistics"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="number"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan_slice"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:qcAssessmentData_scan_slice>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_qcAssessmentData_scan_slice_id=\"" + this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId + "\""; + } + if(this.sliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="sliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id=\"" + this.sliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Number!=null) + attTxt+=" number=\"" +this.Number +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Slicestatistics!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:sliceStatistics"; + xmlTxt+=this.Slicestatistics.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Slicestatistics.xsiType!="xnat:abstractStatistics"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Slicestatistics.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Slicestatistics.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Slicestatistics.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:sliceStatistics>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatQcassessmentdataScanSliceId!=null) return true; + if (this.sliceqc_slice_xnat_qcAssessment_xnat_qcassessmentdata_scan_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Slicestatistics!=null){ + if (this.Slicestatistics.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcManualAssessorData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcManualAssessorData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed9d0976 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcManualAssessorData.js @@ -0,0 +1,631 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_qcManualAssessorData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:qcManualAssessorData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "qcManualAssessorData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:qcManualAssessorData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageAssessorData','generated/xnat_imageAssessorData.js'); + + this.Rater=null; + + + function getRater() { + return this.Rater; + } + this.getRater=getRater; + + + function setRater(v){ + this.Rater=v; + } + this.setRater=setRater; + + this.Stereotacticmarker=null; + + + function getStereotacticmarker() { + return this.Stereotacticmarker; + } + this.getStereotacticmarker=getStereotacticmarker; + + + function setStereotacticmarker(v){ + this.Stereotacticmarker=v; + } + this.setStereotacticmarker=setStereotacticmarker; + + this.Incidentalfindings=null; + + + function getIncidentalfindings() { + return this.Incidentalfindings; + } + this.getIncidentalfindings=getIncidentalfindings; + + + function setIncidentalfindings(v){ + this.Incidentalfindings=v; + } + this.setIncidentalfindings=setIncidentalfindings; + this.Scans_scan =new Array(); + + function getScans_scan() { + return this.Scans_scan; + } + this.getScans_scan=getScans_scan; + + + function addScans_scan(v){ + this.Scans_scan.push(v); + } + this.addScans_scan=addScans_scan; + + this.Comments=null; + + + function getComments() { + return this.Comments; + } + this.getComments=getComments; + + + function setComments(v){ + this.Comments=v; + } + this.setComments=setComments; + + this.Pass=null; + + + function getPass() { + return this.Pass; + } + this.getPass=getPass; + + + function setPass(v){ + this.Pass=v; + } + this.setPass=setPass; + + this.Payable=null; + + + function getPayable() { + return this.Payable; + } + this.getPayable=getPayable; + + + function setPayable(v){ + this.Payable=v; + } + this.setPayable=setPayable; + + this.Rescan=null; + + + function getRescan() { + return this.Rescan; + } + this.getRescan=getRescan; + + + function setRescan(v){ + this.Rescan=v; + } + this.setRescan=setRescan; + + this.Resolvable=null; + + + function getResolvable() { + return this.Resolvable; + } + this.getResolvable=getResolvable; + + + function setResolvable(v){ + this.Resolvable=v; + } + this.setResolvable=setResolvable; + + this.Retrain=null; + + + function getRetrain() { + return this.Retrain; + } + this.getRetrain=getRetrain; + + + function setRetrain(v){ + this.Retrain=v; + } + this.setRetrain=setRetrain; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageAssessorData"){ + return this.Imageassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(17); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imageassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imageassessordata!=undefined)return this.Imageassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rater"){ + return this.Rater ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stereotacticMarker"){ + return this.Stereotacticmarker ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="incidentalFindings"){ + return this.Incidentalfindings ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + return this.Scans_scan ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("scans/scan")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Scans_scan ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Scans_scan.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Scans_scan[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Scans_scan[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Scans_scan; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments"){ + return this.Comments ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pass"){ + return this.Pass ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="payable"){ + return this.Payable ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rescan"){ + return this.Rescan ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="resolvable"){ + return this.Resolvable ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="retrain"){ + return this.Retrain ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageAssessorData"){ + this.Imageassessordata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(17); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imageassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imageassessordata!=undefined){ + this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imageassessordata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imageassessordata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imageassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="rater"){ + this.Rater=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stereotacticMarker"){ + this.Stereotacticmarker=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="incidentalFindings"){ + this.Incidentalfindings=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + this.Scans_scan=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("scans/scan")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Scans_scan ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Scans_scan.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Scans_scan[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Scans_scan[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Scans_scan; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:qcScanData");//omUtils.js + } + this.addScans_scan(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments"){ + this.Comments=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pass"){ + this.Pass=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="payable"){ + this.Payable=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rescan"){ + this.Rescan=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="resolvable"){ + this.Resolvable=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="retrain"){ + this.Retrain=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + this.addScans_scan(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="rater"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="stereotacticMarker"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="incidentalFindings"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="scans/scan"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="comments"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="pass"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="payable"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="rescan"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="resolvable"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="retrain"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:QCManualAssessment"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:QCManualAssessment>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Rater!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:rater"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Rater.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:rater>"; + } + if (this.Stereotacticmarker!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:stereotacticMarker"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Stereotacticmarker.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:stereotacticMarker>"; + } + if (this.Incidentalfindings!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:incidentalFindings"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Incidentalfindings.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:incidentalFindings>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Scans_scan.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:scans"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Scans_scanCOUNT=0;Scans_scanCOUNT<this.Scans_scan.length;Scans_scanCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:scan"; + xmlTxt +=this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:qcScanData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Scans_scan[Scans_scanCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:scan>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:scans>"; + } + } + + if (this.Comments!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:comments"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Comments.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:comments>"; + } + if (this.Pass!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:pass"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Pass.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:pass>"; + } + if (this.Payable!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:payable"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Payable.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:payable>"; + } + if (this.Rescan!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:rescan"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Rescan.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:rescan>"; + } + if (this.Resolvable!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:resolvable"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Resolvable.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:resolvable>"; + } + if (this.Retrain!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:retrain"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Retrain.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:retrain>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Rater!=null) return true; + if (this.Stereotacticmarker!=null) return true; + if (this.Incidentalfindings!=null) return true; + if(this.Scans_scan.length>0)return true; + if (this.Comments!=null) return true; + if (this.Pass!=null) return true; + if (this.Payable!=null) return true; + if (this.Rescan!=null) return true; + if (this.Resolvable!=null) return true; + if (this.Retrain!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e1b7e2b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,639 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_qcScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:qcScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "qcScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:qcScanData"; + } + + this.ImagescanId=null; + + + function getImagescanId() { + return this.ImagescanId; + } + this.getImagescanId=getImagescanId; + + + function setImagescanId(v){ + this.ImagescanId=v; + } + this.setImagescanId=setImagescanId; + + this.Rater=null; + + + function getRater() { + return this.Rater; + } + this.getRater=getRater; + + + function setRater(v){ + this.Rater=v; + } + this.setRater=setRater; + + this.Coverage=null; + + + function getCoverage() { + return this.Coverage; + } + this.getCoverage=getCoverage; + + + function setCoverage(v){ + this.Coverage=v; + } + this.setCoverage=setCoverage; + + this.Motion=null; + + + function getMotion() { + return this.Motion; + } + this.getMotion=getMotion; + + + function setMotion(v){ + this.Motion=v; + } + this.setMotion=setMotion; + + this.Otherimageartifacts=null; + + + function getOtherimageartifacts() { + return this.Otherimageartifacts; + } + this.getOtherimageartifacts=getOtherimageartifacts; + + + function setOtherimageartifacts(v){ + this.Otherimageartifacts=v; + } + this.setOtherimageartifacts=setOtherimageartifacts; + + this.Comments=null; + + + function getComments() { + return this.Comments; + } + this.getComments=getComments; + + + function setComments(v){ + this.Comments=v; + } + this.setComments=setComments; + + this.Pass=null; + + + function getPass() { + return this.Pass; + } + this.getPass=getPass; + + + function setPass(v){ + this.Pass=v; + } + this.setPass=setPass; + + this.Rating=null; + + + function getRating() { + return this.Rating; + } + this.getRating=getRating; + + + function setRating(v){ + this.Rating=v; + } + this.setRating=setRating; + + this.Rating_scale=null; + + + function getRating_scale() { + return this.Rating_scale; + } + this.getRating_scale=getRating_scale; + + + function setRating_scale(v){ + this.Rating_scale=v; + } + this.setRating_scale=setRating_scale; + this.Fields_field =new Array(); + + function getFields_field() { + return this.Fields_field; + } + this.getFields_field=getFields_field; + + + function addFields_field(v){ + this.Fields_field.push(v); + } + this.addFields_field=addFields_field; + + this.XnatQcscandataId=null; + + + function getXnatQcscandataId() { + return this.XnatQcscandataId; + } + this.getXnatQcscandataId=getXnatQcscandataId; + + + function setXnatQcscandataId(v){ + this.XnatQcscandataId=v; + } + this.setXnatQcscandataId=setXnatQcscandataId; + + this.scans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id_fk=null; + + + this.getscans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id=function() { + return this.scans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id_fk; + } + + + this.setscans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id=function(v){ + this.scans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScan_ID"){ + return this.ImagescanId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rater"){ + return this.Rater ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="coverage"){ + return this.Coverage ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motion"){ + return this.Motion ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="otherImageArtifacts"){ + return this.Otherimageartifacts ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments"){ + return this.Comments ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pass"){ + return this.Pass ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rating"){ + return this.Rating ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rating/scale"){ + return this.Rating_scale ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return this.Fields_field ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fields/field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fields_field ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fields_field.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fields_field[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fields_field[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fields_field; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + return this.ExtensionItem ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_qcScanData_id"){ + return this.XnatQcscandataId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id"){ + return this.scans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScan_ID"){ + this.ImagescanId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rater"){ + this.Rater=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="coverage"){ + this.Coverage=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="motion"){ + this.Motion=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="otherImageArtifacts"){ + this.Otherimageartifacts=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="comments"){ + this.Comments=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pass"){ + this.Pass=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rating"){ + this.Rating=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="rating/scale"){ + this.Rating_scale=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + this.Fields_field=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fields/field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fields_field ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fields_field.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fields_field[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fields_field[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fields_field; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:qcScanData_field");//omUtils.js + } + this.addFields_field(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="extension_item"){ + this.ExtensionItem=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_qcScanData_id"){ + this.XnatQcscandataId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="scans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id"){ + this.scans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + this.addFields_field(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="imageScan_ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="rater"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="coverage"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="motion"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="otherImageArtifacts"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="comments"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="pass"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="rating"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="rating/scale"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:qcScanData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:qcScanData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatQcscandataId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_qcScanData_id=\"" + this.XnatQcscandataId + "\""; + } + if(this.scans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="scans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id=\"" + this.scans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.ImagescanId!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageScan_ID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ImagescanId.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:imageScan_ID>"; + } + if (this.Rater!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:rater"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Rater.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:rater>"; + } + if (this.Coverage!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:coverage"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Coverage.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:coverage>"; + } + if (this.Motion!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:motion"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Motion.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:motion>"; + } + if (this.Otherimageartifacts!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:otherImageArtifacts"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Otherimageartifacts.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:otherImageArtifacts>"; + } + if (this.Comments!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:comments"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Comments.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:comments>"; + } + if (this.Pass!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:pass"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Pass.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:pass>"; + } + var RatingATT = "" + if (this.Rating_scale!=null) + RatingATT+=" scale=\"" + this.Rating_scale.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Rating!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:rating"; + xmlTxt+=RatingATT; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Rating.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:rating>"; + } + else if(RatingATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:rating"; + xmlTxt+=RatingATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Fields_field.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fields"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Fields_fieldCOUNT=0;Fields_fieldCOUNT<this.Fields_field.length;Fields_fieldCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:field"; + xmlTxt +=this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:qcScanData_field"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:field>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:fields>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatQcscandataId!=null) return true; + if (this.scans_scan_xnat_qcManualAssesso_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.ImagescanId!=null) return true; + if (this.Rater!=null) return true; + if (this.Coverage!=null) return true; + if (this.Motion!=null) return true; + if (this.Otherimageartifacts!=null) return true; + if (this.Comments!=null) return true; + if (this.Pass!=null) return true; + if (this.Rating_scale!=null) + return true; + if (this.Rating!=null) return true; + if(this.Fields_field.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcScanData_field.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcScanData_field.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e5e55fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_qcScanData_field.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_qcScanData_field(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:qcScanData_field"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "qcScanData_field"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:qcScanData_field"; + } + + this.Field=null; + + + function getField() { + return this.Field; + } + this.getField=getField; + + + function setField(v){ + this.Field=v; + } + this.setField=setField; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.XnatQcscandataFieldId=null; + + + function getXnatQcscandataFieldId() { + return this.XnatQcscandataFieldId; + } + this.getXnatQcscandataFieldId=getXnatQcscandataFieldId; + + + function setXnatQcscandataFieldId(v){ + this.XnatQcscandataFieldId=v; + } + this.setXnatQcscandataFieldId=setXnatQcscandataFieldId; + + this.fields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk=null; + + + this.getfields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id=function() { + return this.fields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk; + } + + + this.setfields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id=function(v){ + this.fields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="field"){ + return this.Field ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_qcScanData_field_id"){ + return this.XnatQcscandataFieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id"){ + return this.fields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="field"){ + this.Field=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_qcScanData_field_id"){ + this.XnatQcscandataFieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id"){ + this.fields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="field"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:qcScanData_field"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:qcScanData_field>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatQcscandataFieldId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_qcScanData_field_id=\"" + this.XnatQcscandataFieldId + "\""; + } + if(this.fields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="fields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id=\"" + this.fields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Field!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Field.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatQcscandataFieldId!=null) return true; + if (this.fields_field_xnat_qcScanData_xnat_qcscandata_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Field!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_reconstructedImageData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_reconstructedImageData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..061d1463 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_reconstructedImageData.js @@ -0,0 +1,1285 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_reconstructedImageData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:reconstructedImageData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "reconstructedImageData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:reconstructedImageData"; + } + + this.ImageSessionId=null; + + + function getImageSessionId() { + return this.ImageSessionId; + } + this.getImageSessionId=getImageSessionId; + + + function setImageSessionId(v){ + this.ImageSessionId=v; + } + this.setImageSessionId=setImageSessionId; + this.Inscans_scanid =new Array(); + + function getInscans_scanid() { + return this.Inscans_scanid; + } + this.getInscans_scanid=getInscans_scanid; + + + function addInscans_scanid(v){ + this.Inscans_scanid.push(v); + } + this.addInscans_scanid=addInscans_scanid; + this.In_file =new Array(); + + function getIn_file() { + return this.In_file; + } + this.getIn_file=getIn_file; + + + function addIn_file(v){ + this.In_file.push(v); + } + this.addIn_file=addIn_file; + this.Out_file =new Array(); + + function getOut_file() { + return this.Out_file; + } + this.getOut_file=getOut_file; + + + function addOut_file(v){ + this.Out_file.push(v); + } + this.addOut_file=addOut_file; + this.Provenance =null; + function getProvenance() { + return this.Provenance; + } + this.getProvenance=getProvenance; + + + function setProvenance(v){ + this.Provenance =v; + } + this.setProvenance=setProvenance; + + this.Provenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId=null; + + + function getProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId(){ + return this.Provenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId; + } + this.getProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId=getProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId; + + + function setProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId(v){ + this.Provenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId=v; + } + this.setProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId=setProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId; + this.Parameters_addparam =new Array(); + + function getParameters_addparam() { + return this.Parameters_addparam; + } + this.getParameters_addparam=getParameters_addparam; + + + function addParameters_addparam(v){ + this.Parameters_addparam.push(v); + } + this.addParameters_addparam=addParameters_addparam; + this.Computations_datum =new Array(); + + function getComputations_datum() { + return this.Computations_datum; + } + this.getComputations_datum=getComputations_datum; + + + function addComputations_datum(v){ + this.Computations_datum.push(v); + } + this.addComputations_datum=addComputations_datum; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Type=null; + + + function getType() { + return this.Type; + } + this.getType=getType; + + + function setType(v){ + this.Type=v; + } + this.setType=setType; + + this.Basescantype=null; + + + function getBasescantype() { + return this.Basescantype; + } + this.getBasescantype=getBasescantype; + + + function setBasescantype(v){ + this.Basescantype=v; + } + this.setBasescantype=setBasescantype; + + this.XnatReconstructedimagedataId=null; + + + function getXnatReconstructedimagedataId() { + return this.XnatReconstructedimagedataId; + } + this.getXnatReconstructedimagedataId=getXnatReconstructedimagedataId; + + + function setXnatReconstructedimagedataId(v){ + this.XnatReconstructedimagedataId=v; + } + this.setXnatReconstructedimagedataId=setXnatReconstructedimagedataId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="image_session_ID"){ + return this.ImageSessionId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="inScans/scanID"){ + return this.Inscans_scanid ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("inScans/scanID")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Inscans_scanid ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Inscans_scanid.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Inscans_scanid[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Inscans_scanid[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Inscans_scanid; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="in/file"){ + return this.In_file ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("in/file")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(7); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.In_file ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.In_file.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.In_file[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.In_file[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.In_file; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="out/file"){ + return this.Out_file ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("out/file")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Out_file ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Out_file.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Out_file[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Out_file[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Out_file; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="provenance"){ + return this.Provenance ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("provenance")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Provenance ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Provenance!=undefined)return this.Provenance.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + return this.Parameters_addparam ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/addParam")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_addparam ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_addparam.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_addparam; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="computations/datum"){ + return this.Computations_datum ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("computations/datum")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Computations_datum ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Computations_datum.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Computations_datum[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Computations_datum[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Computations_datum; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + return this.Type ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="baseScanType"){ + return this.Basescantype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_reconstructedImageData_id"){ + return this.XnatReconstructedimagedataId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="image_session_ID"){ + this.ImageSessionId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="inScans/scanID"){ + this.Inscans_scanid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("inScans/scanID")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Inscans_scanid ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Inscans_scanid.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Inscans_scanid[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Inscans_scanid[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Inscans_scanid; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:reconstructedImageData_scanID");//omUtils.js + } + this.addInscans_scanid(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="in/file"){ + this.In_file=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("in/file")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(7); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.In_file ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.In_file.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.In_file[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.In_file[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.In_file; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + this.addIn_file(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="out/file"){ + this.Out_file=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("out/file")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Out_file ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Out_file.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Out_file[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Out_file[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Out_file; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + this.addOut_file(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="provenance"){ + this.Provenance=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("provenance")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Provenance ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Provenance!=undefined){ + this.Provenance.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Provenance= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Provenance= instanciateObject("prov:process");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Provenance.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Provenance.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + this.Parameters_addparam=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/addParam")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_addparam ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Parameters_addparam.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Parameters_addparam[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Parameters_addparam; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:addField");//omUtils.js + } + this.addParameters_addparam(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="computations/datum"){ + this.Computations_datum=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("computations/datum")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Computations_datum ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Computations_datum.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Computations_datum[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Computations_datum[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Computations_datum; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:computationData");//omUtils.js + } + this.addComputations_datum(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="type"){ + this.Type=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="baseScanType"){ + this.Basescantype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_reconstructedImageData_id"){ + this.XnatReconstructedimagedataId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="inScans/scanID"){ + this.addInscans_scanid(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="in/file"){ + this.addIn_file(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="out/file"){ + this.addOut_file(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="provenance"){ + this.setProvenance(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + this.addParameters_addparam(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="computations/datum"){ + this.addComputations_datum(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="inScans/scanID"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="in/file"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="out/file"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="provenance"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="computations/datum"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="image_session_ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="inScans/scanID"){ + return "field_inline_repeater"; + }else if (xmlPath=="in/file"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="out/file"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="provenance"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/addParam"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="computations/datum"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="type"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="baseScanType"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ReconstructedImage"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:ReconstructedImage>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatReconstructedimagedataId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_reconstructedImageData_id=\"" + this.XnatReconstructedimagedataId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Type!=null) + attTxt+=" type=\"" +this.Type +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Basescantype!=null) + attTxt+=" baseScanType=\"" +this.Basescantype +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.ImageSessionId!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:image_session_ID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ImageSessionId.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:image_session_ID>"; + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Inscans_scanid.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:inScans"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Inscans_scanidCOUNT=0;Inscans_scanidCOUNT<this.Inscans_scanid.length;Inscans_scanidCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt+=this.Inscans_scanid[Inscans_scanidCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:inScans>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.In_file.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:in"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var In_fileCOUNT=0;In_fileCOUNT<this.In_file.length;In_fileCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:file"; + xmlTxt +=this.In_file[In_fileCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.In_file[In_fileCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:abstractResource"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.In_file[In_fileCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.In_file[In_fileCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.In_file[In_fileCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:file>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:in>"; + } + } + + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.Out_file.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:out"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Out_fileCOUNT=0;Out_fileCOUNT<this.Out_file.length;Out_fileCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:file"; + xmlTxt +=this.Out_file[Out_fileCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Out_file[Out_fileCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:abstractResource"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Out_file[Out_fileCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Out_file[Out_fileCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Out_file[Out_fileCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:file>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:out>"; + } + } + + if (this.Provenance!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:provenance"; + xmlTxt+=this.Provenance.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Provenance.xsiType!="prov:process"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Provenance.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Provenance.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Provenance.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:provenance>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + var child3=0; + var att3=0; + child3+=this.Parameters_addparam.length; + if(child3>0 || att3>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:parameters"; + if(child3==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Parameters_addparamCOUNT=0;Parameters_addparamCOUNT<this.Parameters_addparam.length;Parameters_addparamCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:addParam"; + xmlTxt +=this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:addField"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_addparam[Parameters_addparamCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:addParam>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:parameters>"; + } + } + + var child4=0; + var att4=0; + child4+=this.Computations_datum.length; + if(child4>0 || att4>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:computations"; + if(child4==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Computations_datumCOUNT=0;Computations_datumCOUNT<this.Computations_datum.length;Computations_datumCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:datum"; + xmlTxt +=this.Computations_datum[Computations_datumCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Computations_datum[Computations_datumCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:computationData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Computations_datum[Computations_datumCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Computations_datum[Computations_datumCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Computations_datum[Computations_datumCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:datum>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:computations>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatReconstructedimagedataId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.ImageSessionId!=null) return true; + if(this.Inscans_scanid.length>0)return true; + if(this.In_file.length>0)return true; + if(this.Out_file.length>0)return true; + if (this.Provenance!=null){ + if (this.Provenance.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if(this.Parameters_addparam.length>0)return true; + if(this.Computations_datum.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..289bc9b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID.js @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:reconstructedImageData_scanID"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "reconstructedImageData_scanID"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:reconstructedImageData_scanID"; + } + + this.Scanid=null; + + + function getScanid() { + return this.Scanid; + } + this.getScanid=getScanid; + + + function setScanid(v){ + this.Scanid=v; + } + this.setScanid=setScanid; + + this.XnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId=null; + + + function getXnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId() { + return this.XnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId; + } + this.getXnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId=getXnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId; + + + function setXnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId(v){ + this.XnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId=v; + } + this.setXnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId=setXnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId; + + this.inscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk=null; + + + this.getinscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id=function() { + return this.inscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk; + } + + + this.setinscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id=function(v){ + this.inscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="scanID"){ + return this.Scanid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID_id"){ + return this.XnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="inscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id"){ + return this.inscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="scanID"){ + this.Scanid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID_id"){ + this.XnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="inscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id"){ + this.inscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="scanID"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:reconstructedImageData_scanID"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:reconstructedImageData_scanID>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_reconstructedImageData_scanID_id=\"" + this.XnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId + "\""; + } + if(this.inscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="inscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id=\"" + this.inscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Scanid!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:scanID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Scanid.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:scanID>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatReconstructedimagedataScanidId!=null) return true; + if (this.inscans_scanid_xnat_reconstruct_xnat_reconstructedimagedata_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Scanid!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_regionResource.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_regionResource.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..71543b62 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_regionResource.js @@ -0,0 +1,685 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_regionResource(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:regionResource"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "regionResource"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:regionResource"; + } + this.File =null; + function getFile() { + return this.File; + } + this.getFile=getFile; + + + function setFile(v){ + this.File =v; + } + this.setFile=setFile; + + this.File_FileXnatAbstractresourceId=null; + + + function getFile_FileXnatAbstractresourceId(){ + return this.File_FileXnatAbstractresourceId; + } + this.getFile_FileXnatAbstractresourceId=getFile_FileXnatAbstractresourceId; + + + function setFile_FileXnatAbstractresourceId(v){ + this.File_FileXnatAbstractresourceId=v; + } + this.setFile_FileXnatAbstractresourceId=setFile_FileXnatAbstractresourceId; + this.Baseimage =null; + function getBaseimage() { + return this.Baseimage; + } + this.getBaseimage=getBaseimage; + + + function setBaseimage(v){ + this.Baseimage =v; + } + this.setBaseimage=setBaseimage; + + this.Baseimage_BaseimageXnatAbstractresourceId=null; + + + function getBaseimage_BaseimageXnatAbstractresourceId(){ + return this.Baseimage_BaseimageXnatAbstractresourceId; + } + this.getBaseimage_BaseimageXnatAbstractresourceId=getBaseimage_BaseimageXnatAbstractresourceId; + + + function setBaseimage_BaseimageXnatAbstractresourceId(v){ + this.Baseimage_BaseimageXnatAbstractresourceId=v; + } + this.setBaseimage_BaseimageXnatAbstractresourceId=setBaseimage_BaseimageXnatAbstractresourceId; + + this.Creator_firstname=null; + + + function getCreator_firstname() { + return this.Creator_firstname; + } + this.getCreator_firstname=getCreator_firstname; + + + function setCreator_firstname(v){ + this.Creator_firstname=v; + } + this.setCreator_firstname=setCreator_firstname; + + this.Creator_lastname=null; + + + function getCreator_lastname() { + return this.Creator_lastname; + } + this.getCreator_lastname=getCreator_lastname; + + + function setCreator_lastname(v){ + this.Creator_lastname=v; + } + this.setCreator_lastname=setCreator_lastname; + this.Subregionlabels_label =new Array(); + + function getSubregionlabels_label() { + return this.Subregionlabels_label; + } + this.getSubregionlabels_label=getSubregionlabels_label; + + + function addSubregionlabels_label(v){ + this.Subregionlabels_label.push(v); + } + this.addSubregionlabels_label=addSubregionlabels_label; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Hemisphere=null; + + + function getHemisphere() { + return this.Hemisphere; + } + this.getHemisphere=getHemisphere; + + + function setHemisphere(v){ + this.Hemisphere=v; + } + this.setHemisphere=setHemisphere; + + this.SessionId=null; + + + function getSessionId() { + return this.SessionId; + } + this.getSessionId=getSessionId; + + + function setSessionId(v){ + this.SessionId=v; + } + this.setSessionId=setSessionId; + + this.XnatRegionresourceId=null; + + + function getXnatRegionresourceId() { + return this.XnatRegionresourceId; + } + this.getXnatRegionresourceId=getXnatRegionresourceId; + + + function setXnatRegionresourceId(v){ + this.XnatRegionresourceId=v; + } + this.setXnatRegionresourceId=setXnatRegionresourceId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="file"){ + return this.File ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("file")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(4); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.File ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.File!=undefined)return this.File.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="baseimage"){ + return this.Baseimage ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("baseimage")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(9); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Baseimage ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Baseimage!=undefined)return this.Baseimage.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="creator/firstname"){ + return this.Creator_firstname ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="creator/lastname"){ + return this.Creator_lastname ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subregionlabels/label"){ + return this.Subregionlabels_label ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subregionlabels/label")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(21); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subregionlabels_label ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Subregionlabels_label.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Subregionlabels_label[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Subregionlabels_label[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Subregionlabels_label; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="hemisphere"){ + return this.Hemisphere ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="session_id"){ + return this.SessionId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_regionResource_id"){ + return this.XnatRegionresourceId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="file"){ + this.File=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("file")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(4); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.File ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.File!=undefined){ + this.File.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.File= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.File= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.File.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.File.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="baseimage"){ + this.Baseimage=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("baseimage")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(9); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Baseimage ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Baseimage!=undefined){ + this.Baseimage.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Baseimage= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Baseimage= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Baseimage.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Baseimage.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="creator/firstname"){ + this.Creator_firstname=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="creator/lastname"){ + this.Creator_lastname=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subregionlabels/label"){ + this.Subregionlabels_label=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subregionlabels/label")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(21); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subregionlabels_label ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Subregionlabels_label.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Subregionlabels_label[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Subregionlabels_label[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Subregionlabels_label; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:regionResource_label");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSubregionlabels_label(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="hemisphere"){ + this.Hemisphere=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="session_id"){ + this.SessionId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_regionResource_id"){ + this.XnatRegionresourceId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="file"){ + this.setFile(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="baseimage"){ + this.setBaseimage(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="subregionlabels/label"){ + this.addSubregionlabels_label(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="file"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="baseimage"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="subregionlabels/label"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="file"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="baseimage"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="creator/firstname"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="creator/lastname"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="subregionlabels/label"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="hemisphere"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="session_id"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ImageRegionResource"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:ImageRegionResource>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatRegionresourceId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_regionResource_id=\"" + this.XnatRegionresourceId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + else attTxt+=" name=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Hemisphere!=null) + attTxt+=" hemisphere=\"" +this.Hemisphere +"\""; + else attTxt+=" hemisphere=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.SessionId!=null) + attTxt+=" session_id=\"" +this.SessionId +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.File!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:file"; + xmlTxt+=this.File.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.File.xsiType!="xnat:abstractResource"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.File.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.File.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.File.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:file>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + else{ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:file/>";//REQUIRED + } + if (this.Baseimage!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:baseimage"; + xmlTxt+=this.Baseimage.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Baseimage.xsiType!="xnat:abstractResource"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Baseimage.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Baseimage.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Baseimage.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:baseimage>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + else{ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:baseimage/>";//REQUIRED + } + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + if(this.Creator_firstname!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Creator_lastname!=null) + child0++; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:creator"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + if (this.Creator_firstname!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:firstname"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Creator_firstname.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:firstname>"; + } + if (this.Creator_lastname!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:lastname"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Creator_lastname.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:lastname>"; + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:creator>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Subregionlabels_label.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:subregionlabels"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Subregionlabels_labelCOUNT=0;Subregionlabels_labelCOUNT<this.Subregionlabels_label.length;Subregionlabels_labelCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:label"; + xmlTxt +=this.Subregionlabels_label[Subregionlabels_labelCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Subregionlabels_label[Subregionlabels_labelCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:regionResource_label"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Subregionlabels_label[Subregionlabels_labelCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Subregionlabels_label[Subregionlabels_labelCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Subregionlabels_label[Subregionlabels_labelCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:label>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:subregionlabels>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatRegionresourceId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.File!=null){ + if (this.File.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + return true;//REQUIRED file + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_regionResource_label.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_regionResource_label.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5529b584 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_regionResource_label.js @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_regionResource_label(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:regionResource_label"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "regionResource_label"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:regionResource_label"; + } + + this.Label=null; + + + function getLabel() { + return this.Label; + } + this.getLabel=getLabel; + + + function setLabel(v){ + this.Label=v; + } + this.setLabel=setLabel; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Hemisphere=null; + + + function getHemisphere() { + return this.Hemisphere; + } + this.getHemisphere=getHemisphere; + + + function setHemisphere(v){ + this.Hemisphere=v; + } + this.setHemisphere=setHemisphere; + + this.XnatRegionresourceLabelId=null; + + + function getXnatRegionresourceLabelId() { + return this.XnatRegionresourceLabelId; + } + this.getXnatRegionresourceLabelId=getXnatRegionresourceLabelId; + + + function setXnatRegionresourceLabelId(v){ + this.XnatRegionresourceLabelId=v; + } + this.setXnatRegionresourceLabelId=setXnatRegionresourceLabelId; + + this.subregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id_fk=null; + + + this.getsubregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id=function() { + return this.subregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id_fk; + } + + + this.setsubregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id=function(v){ + this.subregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + return this.Label ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="id"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="hemisphere"){ + return this.Hemisphere ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_regionResource_label_id"){ + return this.XnatRegionresourceLabelId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id"){ + return this.subregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + this.Label=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="id"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="hemisphere"){ + this.Hemisphere=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_regionResource_label_id"){ + this.XnatRegionresourceLabelId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id"){ + this.subregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="label"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="id"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="hemisphere"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:regionResource_label"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:regionResource_label>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatRegionresourceLabelId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_regionResource_label_id=\"" + this.XnatRegionresourceLabelId + "\""; + } + if(this.subregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="subregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id=\"" + this.subregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" id=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + else attTxt+=" id=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Hemisphere!=null) + attTxt+=" hemisphere=\"" +this.Hemisphere +"\""; + else attTxt+=" hemisphere=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Label!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Label.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatRegionresourceLabelId!=null) return true; + if (this.subregionlabels_label_xnat_regi_xnat_regionresource_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Label!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_resource.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_resource.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9a6076a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_resource.js @@ -0,0 +1,413 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_resource(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:resource"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "resource"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:resource"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractResource','generated/xnat_abstractResource.js'); + this.Provenance =null; + function getProvenance() { + return this.Provenance; + } + this.getProvenance=getProvenance; + + + function setProvenance(v){ + this.Provenance =v; + } + this.setProvenance=setProvenance; + + this.Provenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId=null; + + + function getProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId(){ + return this.Provenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId; + } + this.getProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId=getProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId; + + + function setProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId(v){ + this.Provenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId=v; + } + this.setProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId=setProvenance_ProvenanceProvProcessId; + + this.Uri=null; + + + function getUri() { + return this.Uri; + } + this.getUri=getUri; + + + function setUri(v){ + this.Uri=v; + } + this.setUri=setUri; + + this.Format=null; + + + function getFormat() { + return this.Format; + } + this.getFormat=getFormat; + + + function setFormat(v){ + this.Format=v; + } + this.setFormat=setFormat; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.Content=null; + + + function getContent() { + return this.Content; + } + this.getContent=getContent; + + + function setContent(v){ + this.Content=v; + } + this.setContent=setContent; + + this.Cachepath=null; + + + function getCachepath() { + return this.Cachepath; + } + this.getCachepath=getCachepath; + + + function setCachepath(v){ + this.Cachepath=v; + } + this.setCachepath=setCachepath; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractResource"){ + return this.Abstractresource ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractResource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractresource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractresource!=undefined)return this.Abstractresource.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="provenance"){ + return this.Provenance ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("provenance")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Provenance ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Provenance!=undefined)return this.Provenance.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="URI"){ + return this.Uri ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="format"){ + return this.Format ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="content"){ + return this.Content ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + return this.Cachepath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractResource"){ + this.Abstractresource=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractResource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractresource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractresource!=undefined){ + this.Abstractresource.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Abstractresource= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Abstractresource= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Abstractresource.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Abstractresource.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="provenance"){ + this.Provenance=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("provenance")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(10); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Provenance ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Provenance!=undefined){ + this.Provenance.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Provenance= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Provenance= instanciateObject("prov:process");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Provenance.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Provenance.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="URI"){ + this.Uri=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="format"){ + this.Format=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="content"){ + this.Content=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + this.Cachepath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="provenance"){ + this.setProvenance(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="provenance"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="provenance"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="URI"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="format"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="content"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:resource"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:resource>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + if (this.Uri!=null) + attTxt+=" URI=\"" +this.Uri +"\""; + else attTxt+=" URI=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Format!=null) + attTxt+=" format=\"" +this.Format +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Content!=null) + attTxt+=" content=\"" +this.Content +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Cachepath!=null) + attTxt+=" cachePath=\"" +this.Cachepath +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Provenance!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:provenance"; + xmlTxt+=this.Provenance.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Provenance.xsiType!="prov:process"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Provenance.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Provenance.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Provenance.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:provenance>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Provenance!=null){ + if (this.Provenance.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_resourceCatalog.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_resourceCatalog.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f17328df --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_resourceCatalog.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_resourceCatalog(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:resourceCatalog"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "resourceCatalog"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:resourceCatalog"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_resource','generated/xnat_resource.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="resource"){ + return this.Resource ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("resource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Resource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Resource!=undefined)return this.Resource.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="resource"){ + this.Resource=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("resource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Resource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Resource!=undefined){ + this.Resource.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Resource= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Resource= instanciateObject("xnat:resource");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Resource.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Resource.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:ResourceCatalog"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:ResourceCatalog>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_resourceSeries.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_resourceSeries.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1254ba2c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_resourceSeries.js @@ -0,0 +1,386 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_resourceSeries(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:resourceSeries"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "resourceSeries"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:resourceSeries"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractResource','generated/xnat_abstractResource.js'); + + this.Path=null; + + + function getPath() { + return this.Path; + } + this.getPath=getPath; + + + function setPath(v){ + this.Path=v; + } + this.setPath=setPath; + + this.Pattern=null; + + + function getPattern() { + return this.Pattern; + } + this.getPattern=getPattern; + + + function setPattern(v){ + this.Pattern=v; + } + this.setPattern=setPattern; + + this.Count=null; + + + function getCount() { + return this.Count; + } + this.getCount=getCount; + + + function setCount(v){ + this.Count=v; + } + this.setCount=setCount; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Format=null; + + + function getFormat() { + return this.Format; + } + this.getFormat=getFormat; + + + function setFormat(v){ + this.Format=v; + } + this.setFormat=setFormat; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.Content=null; + + + function getContent() { + return this.Content; + } + this.getContent=getContent; + + + function setContent(v){ + this.Content=v; + } + this.setContent=setContent; + + this.Cachepath=null; + + + function getCachepath() { + return this.Cachepath; + } + this.getCachepath=getCachepath; + + + function setCachepath(v){ + this.Cachepath=v; + } + this.setCachepath=setCachepath; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractResource"){ + return this.Abstractresource ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractResource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractresource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractresource!=undefined)return this.Abstractresource.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="path"){ + return this.Path ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pattern"){ + return this.Pattern ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="count"){ + return this.Count ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="format"){ + return this.Format ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="content"){ + return this.Content ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + return this.Cachepath ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractResource"){ + this.Abstractresource=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractResource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractresource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractresource!=undefined){ + this.Abstractresource.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Abstractresource= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Abstractresource= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Abstractresource.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Abstractresource.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="path"){ + this.Path=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="pattern"){ + this.Pattern=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="count"){ + this.Count=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="format"){ + this.Format=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="content"){ + this.Content=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + this.Cachepath=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="path"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="pattern"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="count"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="format"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="content"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="cachePath"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:resourceSeries"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:resourceSeries>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + if (this.Path!=null) + attTxt+=" path=\"" +this.Path +"\""; + else attTxt+=" path=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Pattern!=null) + attTxt+=" pattern=\"" +this.Pattern +"\""; + else attTxt+=" pattern=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Count!=null) + attTxt+=" count=\"" +this.Count +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Format!=null) + attTxt+=" format=\"" +this.Format +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Content!=null) + attTxt+=" content=\"" +this.Content +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Cachepath!=null) + attTxt+=" cachePath=\"" +this.Cachepath +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_rfScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_rfScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3e34e3be --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_rfScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_rfScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:rfScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "rfScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:rfScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:RFScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:RFScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_rfSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_rfSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a1b30c56 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_rfSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_rfSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:rfSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "rfSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:rfSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:RFSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:RFSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_rtImageScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_rtImageScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..77b5525d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_rtImageScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_rtImageScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:rtImageScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "rtImageScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:rtImageScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:RTImageScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:RTImageScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_rtSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_rtSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0aa51e48 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_rtSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_rtSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:rtSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "rtSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:rtSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:RTSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:RTSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_scScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_scScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..efb51c36 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_scScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_scScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:scScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "scScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:scScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:SCScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:SCScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_segScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_segScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fcd2fe91 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_segScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_segScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:segScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "segScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:segScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:SegScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:SegScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_smScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_smScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..72d2294f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_smScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_smScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:smScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "smScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:smScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:SMScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:SMScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_smSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_smSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c7a89ff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_smSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_smSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:smSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "smSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:smSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:SMSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:SMSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_srScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_srScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..29f4a87a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_srScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_srScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:srScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "srScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:srScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:SRScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:SRScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_srSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_srSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..61cccf59 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_srSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_srSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:srSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "srSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:srSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:SRSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:SRSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_statisticsData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_statisticsData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d3d43dd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_statisticsData.js @@ -0,0 +1,704 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_statisticsData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:statisticsData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "statisticsData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:statisticsData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractStatistics','generated/xnat_abstractStatistics.js'); + + this.Mean=null; + + + function getMean() { + return this.Mean; + } + this.getMean=getMean; + + + function setMean(v){ + this.Mean=v; + } + this.setMean=setMean; + + this.Snr=null; + + + function getSnr() { + return this.Snr; + } + this.getSnr=getSnr; + + + function setSnr(v){ + this.Snr=v; + } + this.setSnr=setSnr; + + this.Min=null; + + + function getMin() { + return this.Min; + } + this.getMin=getMin; + + + function setMin(v){ + this.Min=v; + } + this.setMin=setMin; + + this.Max=null; + + + function getMax() { + return this.Max; + } + this.getMax=getMax; + + + function setMax(v){ + this.Max=v; + } + this.setMax=setMax; + + this.Stddev=null; + + + function getStddev() { + return this.Stddev; + } + this.getStddev=getStddev; + + + function setStddev(v){ + this.Stddev=v; + } + this.setStddev=setStddev; + + this.NoOfVoxels=null; + + + function getNoOfVoxels() { + return this.NoOfVoxels; + } + this.getNoOfVoxels=getNoOfVoxels; + + + function setNoOfVoxels(v){ + this.NoOfVoxels=v; + } + this.setNoOfVoxels=setNoOfVoxels; + this.Additionalstatistics =new Array(); + + function getAdditionalstatistics() { + return this.Additionalstatistics; + } + this.getAdditionalstatistics=getAdditionalstatistics; + + + function addAdditionalstatistics(v){ + this.Additionalstatistics.push(v); + } + this.addAdditionalstatistics=addAdditionalstatistics; + this.Addfield =new Array(); + + function getAddfield() { + return this.Addfield; + } + this.getAddfield=getAddfield; + + + function addAddfield(v){ + this.Addfield.push(v); + } + this.addAddfield=addAddfield; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractStatistics"){ + return this.Abstractstatistics ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractStatistics")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractstatistics ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractstatistics!=undefined)return this.Abstractstatistics.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="mean"){ + return this.Mean ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="snr"){ + return this.Snr ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="min"){ + return this.Min ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="max"){ + return this.Max ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stddev"){ + return this.Stddev ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="no_of_voxels"){ + return this.NoOfVoxels ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="additionalStatistics"){ + return this.Additionalstatistics ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("additionalStatistics")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Additionalstatistics ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Additionalstatistics.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Additionalstatistics[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Additionalstatistics[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Additionalstatistics; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="addField"){ + return this.Addfield ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("addField")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Addfield ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Addfield.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Addfield[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Addfield[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Addfield; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractStatistics"){ + this.Abstractstatistics=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractStatistics")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractstatistics ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractstatistics!=undefined){ + this.Abstractstatistics.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Abstractstatistics= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Abstractstatistics= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractStatistics");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Abstractstatistics.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Abstractstatistics.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="mean"){ + this.Mean=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="snr"){ + this.Snr=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="min"){ + this.Min=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="max"){ + this.Max=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="stddev"){ + this.Stddev=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="no_of_voxels"){ + this.NoOfVoxels=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="additionalStatistics"){ + this.Additionalstatistics=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("additionalStatistics")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Additionalstatistics ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Additionalstatistics.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Additionalstatistics[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Additionalstatistics[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Additionalstatistics; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:statisticsData_additionalStatistics");//omUtils.js + } + this.addAdditionalstatistics(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="addField"){ + this.Addfield=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("addField")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Addfield ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Addfield.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Addfield[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Addfield[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Addfield; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:statisticsData_addField");//omUtils.js + } + this.addAddfield(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="additionalStatistics"){ + this.addAdditionalstatistics(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="addField"){ + this.addAddfield(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="additionalStatistics"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="addField"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="mean"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="snr"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="min"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="max"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="stddev"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="no_of_voxels"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="additionalStatistics"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="addField"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:statisticsData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:statisticsData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Mean!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:mean"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Mean; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:mean>"; + } + if (this.Snr!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:snr"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Snr; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:snr>"; + } + if (this.Min!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:min"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Min; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:min>"; + } + if (this.Max!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:max"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Max; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:max>"; + } + if (this.Stddev!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:stddev"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Stddev; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:stddev>"; + } + if (this.NoOfVoxels!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:no_of_voxels"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.NoOfVoxels; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:no_of_voxels>"; + } + for(var AdditionalstatisticsCOUNT=0;AdditionalstatisticsCOUNT<this.Additionalstatistics.length;AdditionalstatisticsCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:additionalStatistics"; + xmlTxt +=this.Additionalstatistics[AdditionalstatisticsCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Additionalstatistics[AdditionalstatisticsCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:statisticsData_additionalStatistics"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Additionalstatistics[AdditionalstatisticsCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Additionalstatistics[AdditionalstatisticsCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Additionalstatistics[AdditionalstatisticsCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:additionalStatistics>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + for(var AddfieldCOUNT=0;AddfieldCOUNT<this.Addfield.length;AddfieldCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:addField"; + xmlTxt +=this.Addfield[AddfieldCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Addfield[AddfieldCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:statisticsData_addField"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Addfield[AddfieldCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Addfield[AddfieldCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Addfield[AddfieldCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:addField>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Mean!=null) return true; + if (this.Snr!=null) return true; + if (this.Min!=null) return true; + if (this.Max!=null) return true; + if (this.Stddev!=null) return true; + if (this.NoOfVoxels!=null) return true; + if(this.Additionalstatistics.length>0) return true; + if(this.Addfield.length>0) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_statisticsData_addField.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_statisticsData_addField.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fbb2e9bb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_statisticsData_addField.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_statisticsData_addField(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:statisticsData_addField"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "statisticsData_addField"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:statisticsData_addField"; + } + + this.Addfield=null; + + + function getAddfield() { + return this.Addfield; + } + this.getAddfield=getAddfield; + + + function setAddfield(v){ + this.Addfield=v; + } + this.setAddfield=setAddfield; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.XnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId=null; + + + function getXnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId() { + return this.XnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId; + } + this.getXnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId=getXnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId; + + + function setXnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId(v){ + this.XnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId=v; + } + this.setXnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId=setXnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId; + + this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id=function() { + return this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id=function(v){ + this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="addField"){ + return this.Addfield ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_statisticsData_addField_id"){ + return this.XnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id"){ + return this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="addField"){ + this.Addfield=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_statisticsData_addField_id"){ + this.XnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id"){ + this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="addField"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:statisticsData_addField"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:statisticsData_addField>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_statisticsData_addField_id=\"" + this.XnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId + "\""; + } + if(this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id=\"" + this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Addfield!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Addfield.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatStatisticsdataAddfieldId!=null) return true; + if (this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Addfield!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_statisticsData_additionalStatistics.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_statisticsData_additionalStatistics.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df4ecf0f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_statisticsData_additionalStatistics.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_statisticsData_additionalStatistics(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:statisticsData_additionalStatistics"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "statisticsData_additionalStatistics"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:statisticsData_additionalStatistics"; + } + + this.Additionalstatistics=null; + + + function getAdditionalstatistics() { + return this.Additionalstatistics; + } + this.getAdditionalstatistics=getAdditionalstatistics; + + + function setAdditionalstatistics(v){ + this.Additionalstatistics=v; + } + this.setAdditionalstatistics=setAdditionalstatistics; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.XnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId=null; + + + function getXnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId() { + return this.XnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId; + } + this.getXnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId=getXnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId; + + + function setXnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId(v){ + this.XnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId=v; + } + this.setXnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId=setXnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId; + + this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id=function() { + return this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id=function(v){ + this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="additionalStatistics"){ + return this.Additionalstatistics ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_statisticsData_additionalStatistics_id"){ + return this.XnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id"){ + return this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="additionalStatistics"){ + this.Additionalstatistics=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_statisticsData_additionalStatistics_id"){ + this.XnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id"){ + this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="additionalStatistics"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:statisticsData_additionalStatistics"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:statisticsData_additionalStatistics>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_statisticsData_additionalStatistics_id=\"" + this.XnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId + "\""; + } + if(this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id=\"" + this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Additionalstatistics!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Additionalstatistics; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatStatisticsdataAdditionalstatisticsId!=null) return true; + if (this.xnat_statisticsData_xnat_abstractstatistics_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Additionalstatistics!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6ba4eb68 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol.js @@ -0,0 +1,928 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_studyProtocol(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:studyProtocol"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "studyProtocol"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:studyProtocol"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractProtocol','generated/xnat_abstractProtocol.js'); + this.Acqconditions_condition =new Array(); + + function getAcqconditions_condition() { + return this.Acqconditions_condition; + } + this.getAcqconditions_condition=getAcqconditions_condition; + + + function addAcqconditions_condition(v){ + this.Acqconditions_condition.push(v); + } + this.addAcqconditions_condition=addAcqconditions_condition; + this.Subjectgroups_group =new Array(); + + function getSubjectgroups_group() { + return this.Subjectgroups_group; + } + this.getSubjectgroups_group=getSubjectgroups_group; + + + function addSubjectgroups_group(v){ + this.Subjectgroups_group.push(v); + } + this.addSubjectgroups_group=addSubjectgroups_group; + this.Subjectvariables_variable =new Array(); + + function getSubjectvariables_variable() { + return this.Subjectvariables_variable; + } + this.getSubjectvariables_variable=getSubjectvariables_variable; + + + function addSubjectvariables_variable(v){ + this.Subjectvariables_variable.push(v); + } + this.addSubjectvariables_variable=addSubjectvariables_variable; + this.Imagesessiontypes_session =new Array(); + + function getImagesessiontypes_session() { + return this.Imagesessiontypes_session; + } + this.getImagesessiontypes_session=getImagesessiontypes_session; + + + function addImagesessiontypes_session(v){ + this.Imagesessiontypes_session.push(v); + } + this.addImagesessiontypes_session=addImagesessiontypes_session; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractProtocol"){ + return this.Abstractprotocol ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractProtocol")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractprotocol ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractprotocol!=undefined)return this.Abstractprotocol.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="acqConditions/condition"){ + return this.Acqconditions_condition ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("acqConditions/condition")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(23); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Acqconditions_condition ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Acqconditions_condition.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Acqconditions_condition[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Acqconditions_condition[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Acqconditions_condition; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="subjectGroups/group"){ + return this.Subjectgroups_group ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectGroups/group")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectgroups_group ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Subjectgroups_group.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Subjectgroups_group[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Subjectgroups_group[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Subjectgroups_group; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="subjectVariables/variable"){ + return this.Subjectvariables_variable ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectVariables/variable")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(25); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectvariables_variable ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Subjectvariables_variable.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Subjectvariables_variable[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Subjectvariables_variable[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Subjectvariables_variable; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionTypes/session"){ + return this.Imagesessiontypes_session ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionTypes/session")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(25); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiontypes_session ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Imagesessiontypes_session.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Imagesessiontypes_session[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Imagesessiontypes_session[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Imagesessiontypes_session; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractProtocol"){ + this.Abstractprotocol=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractProtocol")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractprotocol ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractprotocol!=undefined){ + this.Abstractprotocol.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Abstractprotocol= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Abstractprotocol= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractProtocol");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Abstractprotocol.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Abstractprotocol.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="acqConditions/condition"){ + this.Acqconditions_condition=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("acqConditions/condition")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(23); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Acqconditions_condition ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Acqconditions_condition.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Acqconditions_condition[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Acqconditions_condition[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Acqconditions_condition; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:studyProtocol_condition");//omUtils.js + } + this.addAcqconditions_condition(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="subjectGroups/group"){ + this.Subjectgroups_group=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectGroups/group")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectgroups_group ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Subjectgroups_group.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Subjectgroups_group[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Subjectgroups_group[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Subjectgroups_group; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:studyProtocol_group");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSubjectgroups_group(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="subjectVariables/variable"){ + this.Subjectvariables_variable=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectVariables/variable")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(25); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectvariables_variable ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Subjectvariables_variable.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Subjectvariables_variable[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Subjectvariables_variable[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Subjectvariables_variable; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:studyProtocol_variable");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSubjectvariables_variable(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionTypes/session"){ + this.Imagesessiontypes_session=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionTypes/session")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(25); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiontypes_session ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Imagesessiontypes_session.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Imagesessiontypes_session[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Imagesessiontypes_session[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Imagesessiontypes_session; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:studyProtocol_session");//omUtils.js + } + this.addImagesessiontypes_session(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="acqConditions/condition"){ + this.addAcqconditions_condition(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="subjectGroups/group"){ + this.addSubjectgroups_group(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="subjectVariables/variable"){ + this.addSubjectvariables_variable(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="imageSessionTypes/session"){ + this.addImagesessiontypes_session(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="acqConditions/condition"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="subjectGroups/group"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="subjectVariables/variable"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="imageSessionTypes/session"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="acqConditions/condition"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="subjectGroups/group"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="subjectVariables/variable"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="imageSessionTypes/session"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:studyProtocol"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:studyProtocol>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Acqconditions_condition.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:acqConditions"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Acqconditions_conditionCOUNT=0;Acqconditions_conditionCOUNT<this.Acqconditions_condition.length;Acqconditions_conditionCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:condition"; + xmlTxt +=this.Acqconditions_condition[Acqconditions_conditionCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Acqconditions_condition[Acqconditions_conditionCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:studyProtocol_condition"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Acqconditions_condition[Acqconditions_conditionCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Acqconditions_condition[Acqconditions_conditionCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Acqconditions_condition[Acqconditions_conditionCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:condition>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:acqConditions>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Subjectgroups_group.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:subjectGroups"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Subjectgroups_groupCOUNT=0;Subjectgroups_groupCOUNT<this.Subjectgroups_group.length;Subjectgroups_groupCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:group"; + xmlTxt +=this.Subjectgroups_group[Subjectgroups_groupCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Subjectgroups_group[Subjectgroups_groupCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:studyProtocol_group"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Subjectgroups_group[Subjectgroups_groupCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Subjectgroups_group[Subjectgroups_groupCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Subjectgroups_group[Subjectgroups_groupCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:group>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:subjectGroups>"; + } + } + + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.Subjectvariables_variable.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:subjectVariables"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Subjectvariables_variableCOUNT=0;Subjectvariables_variableCOUNT<this.Subjectvariables_variable.length;Subjectvariables_variableCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:variable"; + xmlTxt +=this.Subjectvariables_variable[Subjectvariables_variableCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Subjectvariables_variable[Subjectvariables_variableCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:studyProtocol_variable"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Subjectvariables_variable[Subjectvariables_variableCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Subjectvariables_variable[Subjectvariables_variableCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Subjectvariables_variable[Subjectvariables_variableCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:variable>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:subjectVariables>"; + } + } + + var child3=0; + var att3=0; + child3+=this.Imagesessiontypes_session.length; + if(child3>0 || att3>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageSessionTypes"; + if(child3==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Imagesessiontypes_sessionCOUNT=0;Imagesessiontypes_sessionCOUNT<this.Imagesessiontypes_session.length;Imagesessiontypes_sessionCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:session"; + xmlTxt +=this.Imagesessiontypes_session[Imagesessiontypes_sessionCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Imagesessiontypes_session[Imagesessiontypes_sessionCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:studyProtocol_session"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Imagesessiontypes_session[Imagesessiontypes_sessionCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Imagesessiontypes_session[Imagesessiontypes_sessionCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Imagesessiontypes_session[Imagesessiontypes_sessionCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:session>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:imageSessionTypes>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Acqconditions_condition.length>0)return true; + if(this.Subjectgroups_group.length>0)return true; + if(this.Subjectvariables_variable.length>0)return true; + if(this.Imagesessiontypes_session.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol_condition.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol_condition.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..36cdd02b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol_condition.js @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_studyProtocol_condition(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:studyProtocol_condition"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "studyProtocol_condition"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:studyProtocol_condition"; + } + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.XnatStudyprotocolConditionId=null; + + + function getXnatStudyprotocolConditionId() { + return this.XnatStudyprotocolConditionId; + } + this.getXnatStudyprotocolConditionId=getXnatStudyprotocolConditionId; + + + function setXnatStudyprotocolConditionId(v){ + this.XnatStudyprotocolConditionId=v; + } + this.setXnatStudyprotocolConditionId=setXnatStudyprotocolConditionId; + + this.acqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk=null; + + + this.getacqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id=function() { + return this.acqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk; + } + + + this.setacqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id=function(v){ + this.acqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_studyProtocol_condition_id"){ + return this.XnatStudyprotocolConditionId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="acqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id"){ + return this.acqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_studyProtocol_condition_id"){ + this.XnatStudyprotocolConditionId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="acqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id"){ + this.acqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:studyProtocol_condition"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:studyProtocol_condition>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatStudyprotocolConditionId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_studyProtocol_condition_id=\"" + this.XnatStudyprotocolConditionId + "\""; + } + if(this.acqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="acqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id=\"" + this.acqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatStudyprotocolConditionId!=null) return true; + if (this.acqconditions_condition_xnat_st_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol_group.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol_group.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30f7e878 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol_group.js @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_studyProtocol_group(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:studyProtocol_group"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "studyProtocol_group"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:studyProtocol_group"; + } + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.XnatStudyprotocolGroupId=null; + + + function getXnatStudyprotocolGroupId() { + return this.XnatStudyprotocolGroupId; + } + this.getXnatStudyprotocolGroupId=getXnatStudyprotocolGroupId; + + + function setXnatStudyprotocolGroupId(v){ + this.XnatStudyprotocolGroupId=v; + } + this.setXnatStudyprotocolGroupId=setXnatStudyprotocolGroupId; + + this.subjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk=null; + + + this.getsubjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id=function() { + return this.subjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk; + } + + + this.setsubjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id=function(v){ + this.subjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_studyProtocol_group_id"){ + return this.XnatStudyprotocolGroupId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id"){ + return this.subjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_studyProtocol_group_id"){ + this.XnatStudyprotocolGroupId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id"){ + this.subjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:studyProtocol_group"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:studyProtocol_group>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatStudyprotocolGroupId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_studyProtocol_group_id=\"" + this.XnatStudyprotocolGroupId + "\""; + } + if(this.subjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="subjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id=\"" + this.subjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatStudyprotocolGroupId!=null) return true; + if (this.subjectgroups_group_xnat_studyP_xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol_session.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol_session.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..373d22bc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol_session.js @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_studyProtocol_session(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:studyProtocol_session"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "studyProtocol_session"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:studyProtocol_session"; + } + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.XnatStudyprotocolSessionId=null; + + + function getXnatStudyprotocolSessionId() { + return this.XnatStudyprotocolSessionId; + } + this.getXnatStudyprotocolSessionId=getXnatStudyprotocolSessionId; + + + function setXnatStudyprotocolSessionId(v){ + this.XnatStudyprotocolSessionId=v; + } + this.setXnatStudyprotocolSessionId=setXnatStudyprotocolSessionId; + + this.imagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk=null; + + + this.getimagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id=function() { + return this.imagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk; + } + + + this.setimagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id=function(v){ + this.imagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_studyProtocol_session_id"){ + return this.XnatStudyprotocolSessionId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="imagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id"){ + return this.imagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_studyProtocol_session_id"){ + this.XnatStudyprotocolSessionId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="imagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id"){ + this.imagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:studyProtocol_session"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:studyProtocol_session>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatStudyprotocolSessionId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_studyProtocol_session_id=\"" + this.XnatStudyprotocolSessionId + "\""; + } + if(this.imagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="imagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id=\"" + this.imagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatStudyprotocolSessionId!=null) return true; + if (this.imagesessiontypes_session_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol_variable.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol_variable.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..57c876ad --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_studyProtocol_variable.js @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_studyProtocol_variable(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:studyProtocol_variable"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "studyProtocol_variable"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:studyProtocol_variable"; + } + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Description=null; + + + function getDescription() { + return this.Description; + } + this.getDescription=getDescription; + + + function setDescription(v){ + this.Description=v; + } + this.setDescription=setDescription; + + this.XnatStudyprotocolVariableId=null; + + + function getXnatStudyprotocolVariableId() { + return this.XnatStudyprotocolVariableId; + } + this.getXnatStudyprotocolVariableId=getXnatStudyprotocolVariableId; + + + function setXnatStudyprotocolVariableId(v){ + this.XnatStudyprotocolVariableId=v; + } + this.setXnatStudyprotocolVariableId=setXnatStudyprotocolVariableId; + + this.subjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk=null; + + + this.getsubjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id=function() { + return this.subjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk; + } + + + this.setsubjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id=function(v){ + this.subjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + return this.Description ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_studyProtocol_variable_id"){ + return this.XnatStudyprotocolVariableId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id"){ + return this.subjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="description"){ + this.Description=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_studyProtocol_variable_id"){ + this.XnatStudyprotocolVariableId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id"){ + this.subjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="description"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:studyProtocol_variable"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:studyProtocol_variable>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatStudyprotocolVariableId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_studyProtocol_variable_id=\"" + this.XnatStudyprotocolVariableId + "\""; + } + if(this.subjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="subjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id=\"" + this.subjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Description!=null) + attTxt+=" description=\"" +this.Description +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatStudyprotocolVariableId!=null) return true; + if (this.subjectvariables_variable_xnat__xnat_abstractprotocol_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectAssessorData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectAssessorData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f46d5e6d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectAssessorData.js @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_subjectAssessorData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:subjectAssessorData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "subjectAssessorData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:subjectAssessorData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_experimentData','generated/xnat_experimentData.js'); + + this.SubjectId=null; + + + function getSubjectId() { + return this.SubjectId; + } + this.getSubjectId=getSubjectId; + + + function setSubjectId(v){ + this.SubjectId=v; + } + this.setSubjectId=setSubjectId; + + this.Age=null; + + + function getAge() { + return this.Age; + } + this.getAge=getAge; + + + function setAge(v){ + this.Age=v; + } + this.setAge=setAge; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="experimentData"){ + return this.Experimentdata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("experimentData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Experimentdata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Experimentdata!=undefined)return this.Experimentdata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subject_ID"){ + return this.SubjectId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="age"){ + return this.Age ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="experimentData"){ + this.Experimentdata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("experimentData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(14); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Experimentdata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Experimentdata!=undefined){ + this.Experimentdata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Experimentdata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Experimentdata= instanciateObject("xnat:experimentData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Experimentdata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Experimentdata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="subject_ID"){ + this.SubjectId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="age"){ + this.Age=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="subject_ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="age"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:subjectAssessorData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:subjectAssessorData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.SubjectId!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:subject_ID"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.SubjectId.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:subject_ID>"; + } + if (this.Age!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:age"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Age; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:age>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.SubjectId!=null) return true; + if (this.Age!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7233f6bb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectData.js @@ -0,0 +1,1499 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_subjectData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:subjectData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "subjectData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:subjectData"; + } + this.Sharing_share =new Array(); + + function getSharing_share() { + return this.Sharing_share; + } + this.getSharing_share=getSharing_share; + + + function addSharing_share(v){ + this.Sharing_share.push(v); + } + this.addSharing_share=addSharing_share; + this.Resources_resource =new Array(); + + function getResources_resource() { + return this.Resources_resource; + } + this.getResources_resource=getResources_resource; + + + function addResources_resource(v){ + this.Resources_resource.push(v); + } + this.addResources_resource=addResources_resource; + this.Investigator =null; + function getInvestigator() { + return this.Investigator; + } + this.getInvestigator=getInvestigator; + + + function setInvestigator(v){ + this.Investigator =v; + } + this.setInvestigator=setInvestigator; + + this.Investigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId=null; + + + function getInvestigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId(){ + return this.Investigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId; + } + this.getInvestigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId=getInvestigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId; + + + function setInvestigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId(v){ + this.Investigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId=v; + } + this.setInvestigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId=setInvestigator_InvestigatorXnatInvestigatordataId; + this.Demographics =null; + function getDemographics() { + return this.Demographics; + } + this.getDemographics=getDemographics; + + + function setDemographics(v){ + this.Demographics =v; + } + this.setDemographics=setDemographics; + + this.Demographics_DemographicsXnatAbstractdemographicdataId=null; + + + function getDemographics_DemographicsXnatAbstractdemographicdataId(){ + return this.Demographics_DemographicsXnatAbstractdemographicdataId; + } + this.getDemographics_DemographicsXnatAbstractdemographicdataId=getDemographics_DemographicsXnatAbstractdemographicdataId; + + + function setDemographics_DemographicsXnatAbstractdemographicdataId(v){ + this.Demographics_DemographicsXnatAbstractdemographicdataId=v; + } + this.setDemographics_DemographicsXnatAbstractdemographicdataId=setDemographics_DemographicsXnatAbstractdemographicdataId; + this.Metadata =null; + function getMetadata() { + return this.Metadata; + } + this.getMetadata=getMetadata; + + + function setMetadata(v){ + this.Metadata =v; + } + this.setMetadata=setMetadata; + + this.Metadata_MetadataXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId=null; + + + function getMetadata_MetadataXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId(){ + return this.Metadata_MetadataXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId; + } + this.getMetadata_MetadataXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId=getMetadata_MetadataXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId; + + + function setMetadata_MetadataXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId(v){ + this.Metadata_MetadataXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId=v; + } + this.setMetadata_MetadataXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId=setMetadata_MetadataXnatAbstractsubjectmetadataId; + this.Addid =new Array(); + + function getAddid() { + return this.Addid; + } + this.getAddid=getAddid; + + + function addAddid(v){ + this.Addid.push(v); + } + this.addAddid=addAddid; + this.Fields_field =new Array(); + + function getFields_field() { + return this.Fields_field; + } + this.getFields_field=getFields_field; + + + function addFields_field(v){ + this.Fields_field.push(v); + } + this.addFields_field=addFields_field; + this.Experiments_experiment =new Array(); + + function getExperiments_experiment() { + return this.Experiments_experiment; + } + this.getExperiments_experiment=getExperiments_experiment; + + + function addExperiments_experiment(v){ + this.Experiments_experiment.push(v); + } + this.addExperiments_experiment=addExperiments_experiment; + + this.Id=null; + + + function getId() { + return this.Id; + } + this.getId=getId; + + + function setId(v){ + this.Id=v; + } + this.setId=setId; + + this.Project=null; + + + function getProject() { + return this.Project; + } + this.getProject=getProject; + + + function setProject(v){ + this.Project=v; + } + this.setProject=setProject; + + this.Group=null; + + + function getGroup() { + return this.Group; + } + this.getGroup=getGroup; + + + function setGroup(v){ + this.Group=v; + } + this.setGroup=setGroup; + + this.Label=null; + + + function getLabel() { + return this.Label; + } + this.getLabel=getLabel; + + + function setLabel(v){ + this.Label=v; + } + this.setLabel=setLabel; + + this.Src=null; + + + function getSrc() { + return this.Src; + } + this.getSrc=getSrc; + + + function setSrc(v){ + this.Src=v; + } + this.setSrc=setSrc; + + this.Initials=null; + + + function getInitials() { + return this.Initials; + } + this.getInitials=getInitials; + + + function setInitials(v){ + this.Initials=v; + } + this.setInitials=setInitials; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + return this.Sharing_share ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sharing/share")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Sharing_share ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Sharing_share.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Sharing_share[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Sharing_share[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Sharing_share; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + return this.Resources_resource ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("resources/resource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Resources_resource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Resources_resource.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Resources_resource[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Resources_resource[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Resources_resource; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="investigator"){ + return this.Investigator ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("investigator")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Investigator ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Investigator!=undefined)return this.Investigator.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="demographics"){ + return this.Demographics ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("demographics")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Demographics ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Demographics!=undefined)return this.Demographics.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="metadata"){ + return this.Metadata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("metadata")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Metadata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Metadata!=undefined)return this.Metadata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="addID"){ + return this.Addid ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("addID")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(5); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Addid ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Addid.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Addid[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Addid[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Addid; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return this.Fields_field ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fields/field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fields_field ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fields_field.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fields_field[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fields_field[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fields_field; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="experiments/experiment"){ + return this.Experiments_experiment ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("experiments/experiment")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(22); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Experiments_experiment ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Experiments_experiment.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Experiments_experiment[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Experiments_experiment[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Experiments_experiment; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + return this.Id ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project"){ + return this.Project ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="group"){ + return this.Group ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + return this.Label ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="src"){ + return this.Src ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="initials"){ + return this.Initials ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + this.Sharing_share=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("sharing/share")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Sharing_share ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Sharing_share.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Sharing_share[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Sharing_share[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Sharing_share; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:projectParticipant");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSharing_share(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + this.Resources_resource=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("resources/resource")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Resources_resource ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Resources_resource.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Resources_resource[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Resources_resource[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Resources_resource; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractResource");//omUtils.js + } + this.addResources_resource(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="investigator"){ + this.Investigator=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("investigator")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Investigator ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Investigator!=undefined){ + this.Investigator.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Investigator= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Investigator= instanciateObject("xnat:investigatorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Investigator.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Investigator.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="demographics"){ + this.Demographics=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("demographics")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Demographics ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Demographics!=undefined){ + this.Demographics.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Demographics= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Demographics= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractDemographicData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Demographics.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Demographics.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="metadata"){ + this.Metadata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("metadata")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(8); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Metadata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Metadata!=undefined){ + this.Metadata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Metadata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Metadata= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractSubjectMetadata");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Metadata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Metadata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="addID"){ + this.Addid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("addID")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(5); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Addid ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Addid.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Addid[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Addid[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Addid; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:subjectData_addID");//omUtils.js + } + this.addAddid(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + this.Fields_field=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("fields/field")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(12); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Fields_field ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Fields_field.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Fields_field[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Fields_field[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Fields_field; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:subjectData_field");//omUtils.js + } + this.addFields_field(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="experiments/experiment"){ + this.Experiments_experiment=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("experiments/experiment")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(22); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Experiments_experiment ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Experiments_experiment.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Experiments_experiment[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Experiments_experiment[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Experiments_experiment; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:subjectAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + this.addExperiments_experiment(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="ID"){ + this.Id=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="project"){ + this.Project=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="group"){ + this.Group=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="label"){ + this.Label=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="src"){ + this.Src=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="initials"){ + this.Initials=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + this.addSharing_share(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + this.addResources_resource(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="investigator"){ + this.setInvestigator(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="demographics"){ + this.setDemographics(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="metadata"){ + this.setMetadata(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="addID"){ + this.addAddid(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + this.addFields_field(v); + }else if (xmlPath=="experiments/experiment"){ + this.addExperiments_experiment(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="investigator"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="demographics"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="metadata"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="addID"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return ""; + }else if (xmlPath=="experiments/experiment"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="sharing/share"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="resources/resource"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="investigator"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="demographics"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="metadata"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="addID"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="fields/field"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + }else if (xmlPath=="experiments/experiment"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="ID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="project"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="group"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="label"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="src"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="initials"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:Subject"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:Subject>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Id!=null) + attTxt+=" ID=\"" +this.Id +"\""; + else attTxt+=" ID=\"\"";//REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Project!=null) + attTxt+=" project=\"" +this.Project +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Group!=null) + attTxt+=" group=\"" +this.Group +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Label!=null) + attTxt+=" label=\"" +this.Label +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Src!=null) + attTxt+=" src=\"" +this.Src +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Initials!=null) + attTxt+=" initials=\"" +this.Initials +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Sharing_share.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:sharing"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Sharing_shareCOUNT=0;Sharing_shareCOUNT<this.Sharing_share.length;Sharing_shareCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:share"; + xmlTxt +=this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:projectParticipant"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Sharing_share[Sharing_shareCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:share>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:sharing>"; + } + } + + var child1=0; + var att1=0; + child1+=this.Resources_resource.length; + if(child1>0 || att1>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:resources"; + if(child1==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Resources_resourceCOUNT=0;Resources_resourceCOUNT<this.Resources_resource.length;Resources_resourceCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:resource"; + xmlTxt +=this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:abstractResource"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Resources_resource[Resources_resourceCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:resource>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:resources>"; + } + } + + if (this.Investigator!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:investigator"; + xmlTxt+=this.Investigator.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Investigator.xsiType!="xnat:investigatorData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Investigator.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Investigator.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Investigator.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:investigator>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if (this.Demographics!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:demographics"; + xmlTxt+=this.Demographics.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Demographics.xsiType!="xnat:abstractDemographicData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Demographics.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Demographics.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Demographics.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:demographics>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if (this.Metadata!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:metadata"; + xmlTxt+=this.Metadata.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Metadata.xsiType!="xnat:abstractSubjectMetadata"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Metadata.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Metadata.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Metadata.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:metadata>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + for(var AddidCOUNT=0;AddidCOUNT<this.Addid.length;AddidCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:addID"; + xmlTxt +=this.Addid[AddidCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Addid[AddidCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:subjectData_addID"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Addid[AddidCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Addid[AddidCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Addid[AddidCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:addID>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + var child2=0; + var att2=0; + child2+=this.Fields_field.length; + if(child2>0 || att2>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fields"; + if(child2==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Fields_fieldCOUNT=0;Fields_fieldCOUNT<this.Fields_field.length;Fields_fieldCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:field"; + xmlTxt +=this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:subjectData_field"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Fields_field[Fields_fieldCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:field>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:fields>"; + } + } + + var child3=0; + var att3=0; + child3+=this.Experiments_experiment.length; + if(child3>0 || att3>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:experiments"; + if(child3==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Experiments_experimentCOUNT=0;Experiments_experimentCOUNT<this.Experiments_experiment.length;Experiments_experimentCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:experiment"; + xmlTxt +=this.Experiments_experiment[Experiments_experimentCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Experiments_experiment[Experiments_experimentCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:subjectAssessorData"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Experiments_experiment[Experiments_experimentCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Experiments_experiment[Experiments_experimentCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Experiments_experiment[Experiments_experimentCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:experiment>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:experiments>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Sharing_share.length>0)return true; + if(this.Resources_resource.length>0)return true; + if (this.Investigator!=null){ + if (this.Investigator.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if (this.Demographics!=null){ + if (this.Demographics.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if (this.Metadata!=null){ + if (this.Metadata.hasXMLBodyContent()) return true; + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + if(this.Addid.length>0) return true; + if(this.Fields_field.length>0)return true; + if(this.Experiments_experiment.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectData_addID.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectData_addID.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d68c526 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectData_addID.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_subjectData_addID(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:subjectData_addID"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "subjectData_addID"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:subjectData_addID"; + } + + this.Addid=null; + + + function getAddid() { + return this.Addid; + } + this.getAddid=getAddid; + + + function setAddid(v){ + this.Addid=v; + } + this.setAddid=setAddid; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.XnatSubjectdataAddidId=null; + + + function getXnatSubjectdataAddidId() { + return this.XnatSubjectdataAddidId; + } + this.getXnatSubjectdataAddidId=getXnatSubjectdataAddidId; + + + function setXnatSubjectdataAddidId(v){ + this.XnatSubjectdataAddidId=v; + } + this.setXnatSubjectdataAddidId=setXnatSubjectdataAddidId; + + this.xnat_subjectData_id_fk=null; + + + this.getxnat_subjectData_id=function() { + return this.xnat_subjectData_id_fk; + } + + + this.setxnat_subjectData_id=function(v){ + this.xnat_subjectData_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="addID"){ + return this.Addid ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_subjectData_addID_id"){ + return this.XnatSubjectdataAddidId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_subjectData_id"){ + return this.xnat_subjectData_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="addID"){ + this.Addid=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_subjectData_addID_id"){ + this.XnatSubjectdataAddidId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_subjectData_id"){ + this.xnat_subjectData_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="addID"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:subjectData_addID"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:subjectData_addID>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatSubjectdataAddidId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_subjectData_addID_id=\"" + this.XnatSubjectdataAddidId + "\""; + } + if(this.xnat_subjectData_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_subjectData_id=\"" + this.xnat_subjectData_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Addid!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Addid.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatSubjectdataAddidId!=null) return true; + if (this.xnat_subjectData_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Addid!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectData_field.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectData_field.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc9c6694 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectData_field.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_subjectData_field(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:subjectData_field"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "subjectData_field"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:subjectData_field"; + } + + this.Field=null; + + + function getField() { + return this.Field; + } + this.getField=getField; + + + function setField(v){ + this.Field=v; + } + this.setField=setField; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.XnatSubjectdataFieldId=null; + + + function getXnatSubjectdataFieldId() { + return this.XnatSubjectdataFieldId; + } + this.getXnatSubjectdataFieldId=getXnatSubjectdataFieldId; + + + function setXnatSubjectdataFieldId(v){ + this.XnatSubjectdataFieldId=v; + } + this.setXnatSubjectdataFieldId=setXnatSubjectdataFieldId; + + this.fields_field_xnat_subjectData_id_fk=null; + + + this.getfields_field_xnat_subjectData_id=function() { + return this.fields_field_xnat_subjectData_id_fk; + } + + + this.setfields_field_xnat_subjectData_id=function(v){ + this.fields_field_xnat_subjectData_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="field"){ + return this.Field ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_subjectData_field_id"){ + return this.XnatSubjectdataFieldId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields_field_xnat_subjectData_id"){ + return this.fields_field_xnat_subjectData_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="field"){ + this.Field=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_subjectData_field_id"){ + this.XnatSubjectdataFieldId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="fields_field_xnat_subjectData_id"){ + this.fields_field_xnat_subjectData_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="field"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:subjectData_field"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:subjectData_field>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatSubjectdataFieldId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_subjectData_field_id=\"" + this.XnatSubjectdataFieldId + "\""; + } + if(this.fields_field_xnat_subjectData_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="fields_field_xnat_subjectData_id=\"" + this.fields_field_xnat_subjectData_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Field!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Field.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatSubjectdataFieldId!=null) return true; + if (this.fields_field_xnat_subjectData_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Field!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectMetadata.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectMetadata.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0c7c020 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectMetadata.js @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_subjectMetadata(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:subjectMetadata"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "subjectMetadata"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:subjectMetadata"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata','generated/xnat_abstractSubjectMetadata.js'); + + this.Cohort=null; + + + function getCohort() { + return this.Cohort; + } + this.getCohort=getCohort; + + + function setCohort(v){ + this.Cohort=v; + } + this.setCohort=setCohort; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractSubjectMetadata"){ + return this.Abstractsubjectmetadata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractSubjectMetadata")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(23); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractsubjectmetadata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractsubjectmetadata!=undefined)return this.Abstractsubjectmetadata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="cohort"){ + return this.Cohort ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="abstractSubjectMetadata"){ + this.Abstractsubjectmetadata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("abstractSubjectMetadata")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(23); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Abstractsubjectmetadata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Abstractsubjectmetadata!=undefined){ + this.Abstractsubjectmetadata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Abstractsubjectmetadata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Abstractsubjectmetadata= instanciateObject("xnat:abstractSubjectMetadata");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Abstractsubjectmetadata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Abstractsubjectmetadata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="cohort"){ + this.Cohort=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="cohort"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:subjectMetadata"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:subjectMetadata>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + if (this.Cohort!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:cohort"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Cohort.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:cohort>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Cohort!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectVariablesData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectVariablesData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e8e9ba66 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectVariablesData.js @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_subjectVariablesData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:subjectVariablesData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "subjectVariablesData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:subjectVariablesData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_subjectAssessorData','generated/xnat_subjectAssessorData.js'); + this.Variables_variable =new Array(); + + function getVariables_variable() { + return this.Variables_variable; + } + this.getVariables_variable=getVariables_variable; + + + function addVariables_variable(v){ + this.Variables_variable.push(v); + } + this.addVariables_variable=addVariables_variable; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + return this.Subjectassessordata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined)return this.Subjectassessordata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="variables/variable"){ + return this.Variables_variable ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("variables/variable")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Variables_variable ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Variables_variable.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Variables_variable[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Variables_variable[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Variables_variable; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subjectAssessorData"){ + this.Subjectassessordata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subjectAssessorData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(19); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subjectassessordata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Subjectassessordata!=undefined){ + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Subjectassessordata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Subjectassessordata= instanciateObject("xnat:subjectAssessorData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Subjectassessordata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="variables/variable"){ + this.Variables_variable=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("variables/variable")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(18); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Variables_variable ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Variables_variable.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Variables_variable[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Variables_variable[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Variables_variable; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:subjectVariablesData_variable");//omUtils.js + } + this.addVariables_variable(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="variables/variable"){ + this.addVariables_variable(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="variables/variable"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="variables/variable"){ + return "field_NO_CHILD"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:SubjectVariables"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:SubjectVariables>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Variables_variable.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:variables"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Variables_variableCOUNT=0;Variables_variableCOUNT<this.Variables_variable.length;Variables_variableCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:variable"; + xmlTxt +=this.Variables_variable[Variables_variableCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Variables_variable[Variables_variableCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:subjectVariablesData_variable"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Variables_variable[Variables_variableCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Variables_variable[Variables_variableCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Variables_variable[Variables_variableCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:variable>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:variables>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Variables_variable.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7b873f6c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:subjectVariablesData_variable"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "subjectVariablesData_variable"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:subjectVariablesData_variable"; + } + + this.Variable=null; + + + function getVariable() { + return this.Variable; + } + this.getVariable=getVariable; + + + function setVariable(v){ + this.Variable=v; + } + this.setVariable=setVariable; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.XnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId=null; + + + function getXnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId() { + return this.XnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId; + } + this.getXnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId=getXnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId; + + + function setXnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId(v){ + this.XnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId=v; + } + this.setXnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId=setXnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId; + + this.variables_variable_xnat_subject_id_fk=null; + + + this.getvariables_variable_xnat_subject_id=function() { + return this.variables_variable_xnat_subject_id_fk; + } + + + this.setvariables_variable_xnat_subject_id=function(v){ + this.variables_variable_xnat_subject_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="variable"){ + return this.Variable ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable_id"){ + return this.XnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="variables_variable_xnat_subject_id"){ + return this.variables_variable_xnat_subject_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="variable"){ + this.Variable=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable_id"){ + this.XnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="variables_variable_xnat_subject_id"){ + this.variables_variable_xnat_subject_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="variable"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:subjectVariablesData_variable"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:subjectVariablesData_variable>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_subjectVariablesData_variable_id=\"" + this.XnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId + "\""; + } + if(this.variables_variable_xnat_subject_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="variables_variable_xnat_subject_id=\"" + this.variables_variable_xnat_subject_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Variable!=null){ + xmlTxt+=this.Variable.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatSubjectvariablesdataVariableId!=null) return true; + if (this.variables_variable_xnat_subject_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Variable!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_usScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_usScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4b8cc5f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_usScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_usScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:usScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "usScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:usScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:USScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:USScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_usSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_usSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4852106d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_usSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_usSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:usSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "usSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:usSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:USSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:USSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_validationData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_validationData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..631000ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_validationData.js @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_validationData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:validationData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "validationData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:validationData"; + } + + this.Method=null; + + + function getMethod() { + return this.Method; + } + this.getMethod=getMethod; + + + function setMethod(v){ + this.Method=v; + } + this.setMethod=setMethod; + + this.Date=null; + + + function getDate() { + return this.Date; + } + this.getDate=getDate; + + + function setDate(v){ + this.Date=v; + } + this.setDate=setDate; + + this.Notes=null; + + + function getNotes() { + return this.Notes; + } + this.getNotes=getNotes; + + + function setNotes(v){ + this.Notes=v; + } + this.setNotes=setNotes; + + this.ValidatedBy=null; + + + function getValidatedBy() { + return this.ValidatedBy; + } + this.getValidatedBy=getValidatedBy; + + + function setValidatedBy(v){ + this.ValidatedBy=v; + } + this.setValidatedBy=setValidatedBy; + + this.Status=null; + + + function getStatus() { + return this.Status; + } + this.getStatus=getStatus; + + + function setStatus(v){ + this.Status=v; + } + this.setStatus=setStatus; + + this.XnatValidationdataId=null; + + + function getXnatValidationdataId() { + return this.XnatValidationdataId; + } + this.getXnatValidationdataId=getXnatValidationdataId; + + + function setXnatValidationdataId(v){ + this.XnatValidationdataId=v; + } + this.setXnatValidationdataId=setXnatValidationdataId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="method"){ + return this.Method ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="date"){ + return this.Date ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="notes"){ + return this.Notes ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="validated_by"){ + return this.ValidatedBy ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="status"){ + return this.Status ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_validationData_id"){ + return this.XnatValidationdataId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="method"){ + this.Method=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="date"){ + this.Date=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="notes"){ + this.Notes=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="validated_by"){ + this.ValidatedBy=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="status"){ + this.Status=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_validationData_id"){ + this.XnatValidationdataId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="method"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="date"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="notes"){ + return "field_LONG_DATA"; + }else if (xmlPath=="validated_by"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="status"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:validationData"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:validationData>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatValidationdataId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_validationData_id=\"" + this.XnatValidationdataId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Status!=null) + attTxt+=" status=\"" +this.Status +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + if (this.Method!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:method"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Method.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:method>"; + } + if (this.Date!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:date"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Date; + xmlTxt+="</xnat:date>"; + } + if (this.Notes!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:notes"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Notes.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:notes>"; + } + if (this.ValidatedBy!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:validated_by"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.ValidatedBy.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:validated_by>"; + } + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatValidationdataId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if (this.Method!=null) return true; + if (this.Date!=null) return true; + if (this.Notes!=null) return true; + if (this.ValidatedBy!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_voiceAudioScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_voiceAudioScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af814a29 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_voiceAudioScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_voiceAudioScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:voiceAudioScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "voiceAudioScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:voiceAudioScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:VoiceAudioScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:VoiceAudioScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_volumetricRegion.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_volumetricRegion.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e47b5a9f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_volumetricRegion.js @@ -0,0 +1,448 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_volumetricRegion(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:volumetricRegion"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "volumetricRegion"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:volumetricRegion"; + } + this.Subregions_subregion =new Array(); + + function getSubregions_subregion() { + return this.Subregions_subregion; + } + this.getSubregions_subregion=getSubregions_subregion; + + + function addSubregions_subregion(v){ + this.Subregions_subregion.push(v); + } + this.addSubregions_subregion=addSubregions_subregion; + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Units=null; + + + function getUnits() { + return this.Units; + } + this.getUnits=getUnits; + + + function setUnits(v){ + this.Units=v; + } + this.setUnits=setUnits; + + this.Voxels=null; + + + function getVoxels() { + return this.Voxels; + } + this.getVoxels=getVoxels; + + + function setVoxels(v){ + this.Voxels=v; + } + this.setVoxels=setVoxels; + + this.Hemisphere=null; + + + function getHemisphere() { + return this.Hemisphere; + } + this.getHemisphere=getHemisphere; + + + function setHemisphere(v){ + this.Hemisphere=v; + } + this.setHemisphere=setHemisphere; + + this.XnatVolumetricregionId=null; + + + function getXnatVolumetricregionId() { + return this.XnatVolumetricregionId; + } + this.getXnatVolumetricregionId=getXnatVolumetricregionId; + + + function setXnatVolumetricregionId(v){ + this.XnatVolumetricregionId=v; + } + this.setXnatVolumetricregionId=setXnatVolumetricregionId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subregions/subregion"){ + return this.Subregions_subregion ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subregions/subregion")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subregions_subregion ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Subregions_subregion.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Subregions_subregion[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Subregions_subregion[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Subregions_subregion; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + return typeArray[index].getProperty(xmlPath); + }else{ + return null; + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="units"){ + return this.Units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxels"){ + return this.Voxels ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="hemisphere"){ + return this.Hemisphere ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_volumetricRegion_id"){ + return this.XnatVolumetricregionId ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="subregions/subregion"){ + this.Subregions_subregion=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("subregions/subregion")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(20); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Subregions_subregion ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + var index=0; + if(options){ + if(options.index)index=options.index; + } + + var whereArray; + if (options && options.where){ + + whereArray=new Array(); + + for(var whereCount=0;whereCount<this.Subregions_subregion.length;whereCount++){ + + var tempValue=this.Subregions_subregion[whereCount].getProperty(options.where.field); + + if(tempValue!=null)if(tempValue.toString()==options.where.value.toString()){ + + whereArray.push(this.Subregions_subregion[whereCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + whereArray=this.Subregions_subregion; + } + + var typeArray; + if (options && options.xsiType){ + + typeArray=new Array(); + + for(var typeCount=0;typeCount<whereArray.length;typeCount++){ + + if(whereArray[typeCount].getFullSchemaElementName()==options.xsiType){ + + typeArray.push(whereArray[typeCount]); + + } + + } + }else{ + + typeArray=whereArray; + } + if (typeArray.length>index){ + typeArray[index].setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + var newChild; + if(options && options.xsiType){ + newChild= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + newChild= instanciateObject("xnat:volumetricRegion_subregion");//omUtils.js + } + this.addSubregions_subregion(newChild); + if(options && options.where)newChild.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + newChild.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="units"){ + this.Units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxels"){ + this.Voxels=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="hemisphere"){ + this.Hemisphere=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_volumetricRegion_id"){ + this.XnatVolumetricregionId=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="subregions/subregion"){ + this.addSubregions_subregion(v); + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="subregions/subregion"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="subregions/subregion"){ + return "field_multi_reference"; + }else if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxels"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="hemisphere"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:volumetricRegion"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:volumetricRegion>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatVolumetricregionId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_volumetricRegion_id=\"" + this.XnatVolumetricregionId + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Units!=null) + attTxt+=" units=\"" +this.Units +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Voxels!=null) + attTxt+=" voxels=\"" +this.Voxels +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Hemisphere!=null) + attTxt+=" hemisphere=\"" +this.Hemisphere +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + child0+=this.Subregions_subregion.length; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:subregions"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + for(var Subregions_subregionCOUNT=0;Subregions_subregionCOUNT<this.Subregions_subregion.length;Subregions_subregionCOUNT++){ + xmlTxt +="\n<xnat:subregion"; + xmlTxt +=this.Subregions_subregion[Subregions_subregionCOUNT].getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Subregions_subregion[Subregions_subregionCOUNT].xsiType!="xnat:volumetricRegion_subregion"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Subregions_subregion[Subregions_subregionCOUNT].xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Subregions_subregion[Subregions_subregionCOUNT].hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Subregions_subregion[Subregions_subregionCOUNT].getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:subregion>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:subregions>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatVolumetricregionId!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Subregions_subregion.length>0)return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_volumetricRegion_subregion.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_volumetricRegion_subregion.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9ce4253 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_volumetricRegion_subregion.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:50 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_volumetricRegion_subregion(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:volumetricRegion_subregion"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "volumetricRegion_subregion"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:volumetricRegion_subregion"; + } + + this.Name=null; + + + function getName() { + return this.Name; + } + this.getName=getName; + + + function setName(v){ + this.Name=v; + } + this.setName=setName; + + this.Voxels=null; + + + function getVoxels() { + return this.Voxels; + } + this.getVoxels=getVoxels; + + + function setVoxels(v){ + this.Voxels=v; + } + this.setVoxels=setVoxels; + + this.XnatVolumetricregionSubregionId=null; + + + function getXnatVolumetricregionSubregionId() { + return this.XnatVolumetricregionSubregionId; + } + this.getXnatVolumetricregionSubregionId=getXnatVolumetricregionSubregionId; + + + function setXnatVolumetricregionSubregionId(v){ + this.XnatVolumetricregionSubregionId=v; + } + this.setXnatVolumetricregionSubregionId=setXnatVolumetricregionSubregionId; + + this.subregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id_fk=null; + + + this.getsubregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id=function() { + return this.subregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id_fk; + } + + + this.setsubregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id=function(v){ + this.subregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id_fk=v; + } + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + return this.Name ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxels"){ + return this.Voxels ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_volumetricRegion_subregion_id"){ + return this.XnatVolumetricregionSubregionId ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id"){ + return this.subregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id_fk ; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="name"){ + this.Name=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="voxels"){ + this.Voxels=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="xnat_volumetricRegion_subregion_id"){ + this.XnatVolumetricregionSubregionId=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="subregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id"){ + this.subregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id_fk=value; + } else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="name"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="voxels"){ + return "field_data"; + } + else{ + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:volumetricRegion_subregion"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:volumetricRegion_subregion>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + str += "<!--hidden_fields["; + var hiddenCount = 0; + if(this.XnatVolumetricregionSubregionId!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="xnat_volumetricRegion_subregion_id=\"" + this.XnatVolumetricregionSubregionId + "\""; + } + if(this.subregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id_fk!=null){ + if(hiddenCount++>0)str+=","; + str+="subregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id=\"" + this.subregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id_fk + "\""; + } + str +="]-->"; + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = ""; + if (this.Name!=null) + attTxt+=" name=\"" +this.Name +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + if (this.Voxels!=null) + attTxt+=" voxels=\"" +this.Voxels +"\""; + //NOT REQUIRED FIELD + + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + if (this.XnatVolumetricregionSubregionId!=null) return true; + if (this.subregions_subregion_xnat_volum_xnat_volumetricregion_id_fk!=null) return true; + return false; + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xa3DScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xa3DScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..407d148b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xa3DScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_xa3DScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:xa3DScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xa3DScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:xa3DScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:XA3DScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:XA3DScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xa3DSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xa3DSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..13fe947c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xa3DSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_xa3DSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:xa3DSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xa3DSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:xa3DSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:XA3DSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:XA3DSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xaScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xaScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eb1bc4de --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xaScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,566 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_xaScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:xaScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xaScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:xaScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + this.Parameters_pixelres_units=null; + + + function getParameters_pixelres_units() { + return this.Parameters_pixelres_units; + } + this.getParameters_pixelres_units=getParameters_pixelres_units; + + + function setParameters_pixelres_units(v){ + this.Parameters_pixelres_units=v; + } + this.setParameters_pixelres_units=setParameters_pixelres_units; + + this.Parameters_pixelres_x=null; + + + function getParameters_pixelres_x() { + return this.Parameters_pixelres_x; + } + this.getParameters_pixelres_x=getParameters_pixelres_x; + + + function setParameters_pixelres_x(v){ + this.Parameters_pixelres_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_pixelres_x=setParameters_pixelres_x; + + this.Parameters_pixelres_y=null; + + + function getParameters_pixelres_y() { + return this.Parameters_pixelres_y; + } + this.getParameters_pixelres_y=getParameters_pixelres_y; + + + function setParameters_pixelres_y(v){ + this.Parameters_pixelres_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_pixelres_y=setParameters_pixelres_y; + + this.Parameters_orientation=null; + + + function getParameters_orientation() { + return this.Parameters_orientation; + } + this.getParameters_orientation=getParameters_orientation; + + + function setParameters_orientation(v){ + this.Parameters_orientation=v; + } + this.setParameters_orientation=setParameters_orientation; + + this.Parameters_fov_x=null; + + + function getParameters_fov_x() { + return this.Parameters_fov_x; + } + this.getParameters_fov_x=getParameters_fov_x; + + + function setParameters_fov_x(v){ + this.Parameters_fov_x=v; + } + this.setParameters_fov_x=setParameters_fov_x; + + this.Parameters_fov_y=null; + + + function getParameters_fov_y() { + return this.Parameters_fov_y; + } + this.getParameters_fov_y=getParameters_fov_y; + + + function setParameters_fov_y(v){ + this.Parameters_fov_y=v; + } + this.setParameters_fov_y=setParameters_fov_y; + + this.Parameters_imagetype=null; + + + function getParameters_imagetype() { + return this.Parameters_imagetype; + } + this.getParameters_imagetype=getParameters_imagetype; + + + function setParameters_imagetype(v){ + this.Parameters_imagetype=v; + } + this.setParameters_imagetype=setParameters_imagetype; + + this.Parameters_options=null; + + + function getParameters_options() { + return this.Parameters_options; + } + this.getParameters_options=getParameters_options; + + + function setParameters_options(v){ + this.Parameters_options=v; + } + this.setParameters_options=setParameters_options; + + this.Parameters_derivation=null; + + + function getParameters_derivation() { + return this.Parameters_derivation; + } + this.getParameters_derivation=getParameters_derivation; + + + function setParameters_derivation(v){ + this.Parameters_derivation=v; + } + this.setParameters_derivation=setParameters_derivation; + this.Parameters_contrastbolus =null; + function getParameters_contrastbolus() { + return this.Parameters_contrastbolus; + } + this.getParameters_contrastbolus=getParameters_contrastbolus; + + + function setParameters_contrastbolus(v){ + this.Parameters_contrastbolus =v; + } + this.setParameters_contrastbolus=setParameters_contrastbolus; + + this.Parameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId=null; + + + function getParameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId(){ + return this.Parameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId; + } + this.getParameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId=getParameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId; + + + function setParameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId(v){ + this.Parameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId=v; + } + this.setParameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId=setParameters_contrastbolus_ParametersContrastbolusXnatContrastbolusId; + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelRes/units"){ + return this.Parameters_pixelres_units ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelRes/x"){ + return this.Parameters_pixelres_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelRes/y"){ + return this.Parameters_pixelres_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/orientation"){ + return this.Parameters_orientation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/x"){ + return this.Parameters_fov_x ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/y"){ + return this.Parameters_fov_y ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/imageType"){ + return this.Parameters_imagetype ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/options"){ + return this.Parameters_options ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/derivation"){ + return this.Parameters_derivation ; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/contrastBolus"){ + return this.Parameters_contrastbolus ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/contrastBolus")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(24); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_contrastbolus ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Parameters_contrastbolus!=undefined)return this.Parameters_contrastbolus.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelRes/units"){ + this.Parameters_pixelres_units=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelRes/x"){ + this.Parameters_pixelres_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/pixelRes/y"){ + this.Parameters_pixelres_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/orientation"){ + this.Parameters_orientation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/x"){ + this.Parameters_fov_x=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/fov/y"){ + this.Parameters_fov_y=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/imageType"){ + this.Parameters_imagetype=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/options"){ + this.Parameters_options=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/derivation"){ + this.Parameters_derivation=value; + } else + if(xmlPath=="parameters/contrastBolus"){ + this.Parameters_contrastbolus=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("parameters/contrastBolus")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(24); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Parameters_contrastbolus ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Parameters_contrastbolus!=undefined){ + this.Parameters_contrastbolus.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Parameters_contrastbolus= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Parameters_contrastbolus= instanciateObject("xnat:contrastBolus");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Parameters_contrastbolus.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Parameters_contrastbolus.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + if (xmlPath=="parameters/contrastBolus"){ + this.setParameters_contrastbolus(v); + } + else{ + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + if (xmlPath=="parameters/contrastBolus"){ + return ""; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + if (xmlPath=="parameters/pixelRes/units"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/pixelRes/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/pixelRes/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/orientation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/fov/x"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/fov/y"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/imageType"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/options"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/derivation"){ + return "field_data"; + }else if (xmlPath=="parameters/contrastBolus"){ + return "field_single_reference"; + } + else{ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:XAScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:XAScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + var child0=0; + var att0=0; + if(this.Parameters_options!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_fov_y!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_fov_x!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_contrastbolus!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_orientation!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_pixelres_units!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_imagetype!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_pixelres_y!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_pixelres_x!=null) + child0++; + if(this.Parameters_derivation!=null) + child0++; + if(child0>0 || att0>0){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:parameters"; + if(child0==0){ + xmlTxt+="/>"; + }else{ + xmlTxt+=">"; + var Parameters_pixelresATT = "" + if (this.Parameters_pixelres_units!=null) + Parameters_pixelresATT+=" units=\"" + this.Parameters_pixelres_units.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<") + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_pixelres_x!=null) + Parameters_pixelresATT+=" x=\"" + this.Parameters_pixelres_x + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_pixelres_y!=null) + Parameters_pixelresATT+=" y=\"" + this.Parameters_pixelres_y + "\""; + if(Parameters_pixelresATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:pixelRes"; + xmlTxt+=Parameters_pixelresATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Parameters_orientation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:orientation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_orientation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:orientation>"; + } + var Parameters_fovATT = "" + if (this.Parameters_fov_x!=null) + Parameters_fovATT+=" x=\"" + this.Parameters_fov_x + "\""; + if (this.Parameters_fov_y!=null) + Parameters_fovATT+=" y=\"" + this.Parameters_fov_y + "\""; + if(Parameters_fovATT!=""){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:fov"; + xmlTxt+=Parameters_fovATT; + xmlTxt+="/>"; + } + + if (this.Parameters_imagetype!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:imageType"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_imagetype.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:imageType>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_options!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:options"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_options.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:options>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_derivation!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:derivation"; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_derivation.replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<"); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:derivation>"; + } + if (this.Parameters_contrastbolus!=null){ + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:contrastBolus"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_contrastbolus.getXMLAtts(); + if(this.Parameters_contrastbolus.xsiType!="xnat:contrastBolus"){ + xmlTxt+=" xsi:type=\"" + this.Parameters_contrastbolus.xsiType + "\""; + } + if (this.Parameters_contrastbolus.hasXMLBodyContent()){ + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.Parameters_contrastbolus.getXMLBody(preventComments); + xmlTxt+="</xnat:contrastBolus>"; + }else {xmlTxt+="/>";} + } + //NOT REQUIRED + + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:parameters>"; + } + } + + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.Parameters_options!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_fov_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_fov_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_contrastbolus!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_orientation!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_pixelres_units!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_imagetype!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_pixelres_y!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_pixelres_x!=null) return true; + if(this.Parameters_derivation!=null) return true; + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xaSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xaSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..60fc428f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xaSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_xaSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:xaSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xaSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:xaSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:XASession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:XASession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xcScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xcScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..553e1b99 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xcScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_xcScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:xcScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xcScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:xcScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:XCScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:XCScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xcSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xcSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cac11846 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xcSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_xcSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:xcSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xcSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:xcSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:XCSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:XCSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xcvScanData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xcvScanData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..95a42bc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xcvScanData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_xcvScanData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:xcvScanData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xcvScanData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:xcvScanData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageScanData','generated/xnat_imageScanData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + return this.Imagescandata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined)return this.Imagescandata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageScanData"){ + this.Imagescandata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageScanData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(13); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagescandata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagescandata!=undefined){ + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagescandata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageScanData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagescandata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagescandata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:XCVScan"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:XCVScan>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xcvSessionData.js b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xcvSessionData.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e40948cf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/scripts/generated/xnat_xcvSessionData.js @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * GENERATED FILE + * Created on Fri Feb 12 15:43:51 CST 2016 + * + */ + +/** + * @author XDAT + * + */ + +function xnat_xcvSessionData(){ +this.xsiType="xnat:xcvSessionData"; + + this.getSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xcvSessionData"; + } + + this.getFullSchemaElementName=function(){ + return "xnat:xcvSessionData"; + } +this.extension=dynamicJSLoad('xnat_imageSessionData','generated/xnat_imageSessionData.js'); + + + this.getProperty=function(xmlPath){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + return this.Imagesessiondata ; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined)return this.Imagesessiondata.getProperty(xmlPath); + else return null; + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + return this.Meta ; + } else + { + return this.extension.getProperty(xmlPath); + } + } + + + this.setProperty=function(xmlPath,value){ + if(xmlPath.startsWith(this.getFullSchemaElementName())){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(this.getFullSchemaElementName().length + 1); + } + if(xmlPath=="imageSessionData"){ + this.Imagesessiondata=value; + } else + if(xmlPath.startsWith("imageSessionData")){ + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(16); + if(xmlPath=="")return this.Imagesessiondata ; + if(xmlPath.startsWith("[")){ + if (xmlPath.indexOf("/")>-1){ + var optionString=xmlPath.substring(0,xmlPath.indexOf("/")); + xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(xmlPath.indexOf("/")+1); + }else{ + var optionString=xmlPath; + xmlPath=""; + } + + var options = loadOptions(optionString);//omUtils.js + }else{xmlPath=xmlPath.substring(1);} + if(this.Imagesessiondata!=undefined){ + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + }else{ + if(options && options.xsiType){ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject(options.xsiType);//omUtils.js + }else{ + this.Imagesessiondata= instanciateObject("xnat:imageSessionData");//omUtils.js + } + if(options && options.where)this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(options.where.field,options.where.value); + this.Imagesessiondata.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } else + if(xmlPath=="meta"){ + this.Meta=value; + } else + { + return this.extension.setProperty(xmlPath,value); + } + } + + /** + * Sets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.setReferenceField=function(xmlPath,v) { + this.extension.setReferenceField(xmlPath,v); + } + + /** + * Gets the value for a field via the XMLPATH. + * @param v Value to Set. + */ + this.getReferenceFieldName=function(xmlPath) { + return this.extension.getReferenceFieldName(xmlPath); + } + + /** + * Returns whether or not this is a reference field + */ + this.getFieldType=function(xmlPath){ + return this.extension.getFieldType(xmlPath); + } + + + this.toXML=function(xmlTxt,preventComments){ + xmlTxt+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; + xmlTxt+="\n<xnat:XCVSession"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLAtts(); + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:arc=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:cat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:pipe=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:prov=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:scr=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:val=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:wrk=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xdat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xnat_a=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=" xmlns:xsi=\"\""; + xmlTxt+=">"; + xmlTxt+=this.getXMLBody(preventComments) + xmlTxt+="\n</xnat:XCVSession>"; + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLComments=function(preventComments){ + var str =""; + if((preventComments==undefined || !preventComments) && this.hasXMLComments()){ + } + return str; + } + + + this.getXMLAtts=function(){ + var attTxt = this.extension.getXMLAtts(); + return attTxt; + } + + + this.getXMLBody=function(preventComments){ + var xmlTxt=this.getXMLComments(preventComments); + xmlTxt+=this.extension.getXMLBody(preventComments); + return xmlTxt; + } + + + this.hasXMLComments=function(){ + } + + + this.hasXMLBodyContent=function(){ + if(this.hasXMLComments())return true; + if(this.extension.hasXMLBodyContent())return true; + return false; + } +} -- GitLab