From 78da3e7776026cd9b29b3e972c8f961458d435a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mike McKay <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 12:07:37 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] XNAT-4469 Fixed Bulk Delete checkboxes for subjects.

 .../screens/       | 374 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 191 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/main/java/org/nrg/xnat/turbine/modules/screens/ b/src/main/java/org/nrg/xnat/turbine/modules/screens/
index 61be9b42..d4d796af 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/nrg/xnat/turbine/modules/screens/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/nrg/xnat/turbine/modules/screens/
@@ -26,121 +26,129 @@ public class BulkDeleteActionScreen extends SecureScreen {
     // Enumeration to determine what type of item is stored in an ItemContainer object. 
     protected void doBuildTemplate(RunData data, Context context) throws Exception {
-       //retrieve passed search object
-       DisplaySearch search = TurbineUtils.getSearch(data);
-       search.setPagingOn(false);
-       //Load search results into a table
-       XFTTable table = (org.nrg.xft.XFTTable)search.execute(null,TurbineUtils.getUser(data).getLogin());
-       XFTTable experiments = null;
-       UserI user = TurbineUtils.getUser(data);
-       // Build the query to retrieve information about the items we want to delete.
-       StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
-       query.append("SELECT AS subj_id, subj.label AS subj_label, subj.project AS subj_project, AS session_id, session_expt.label AS session_label, session_expt.project AS session_project, AS session_date, session_meta.element_name AS session_xsi, AS assess_id, expt.label AS assess_label, expt.project AS assess_project, AS assess_date, meta.element_name AS assess_xsi FROM xnat_imageassessordata iad  FULL JOIN xnat_experimentData expt ON  FULL JOIN xdat_meta_element meta ON expt.extension=meta.xdat_meta_element_id FULL JOIN xnat_subjectAssessorData session_sad ON FULL JOIN xnat_experimentData session_expt ON FULL JOIN xdat_meta_element session_meta ON session_expt.extension=session_meta.xdat_meta_element_id FULL JOIN xnat_subjectData subj ON ");
-       // Build the WHERE Clause based on what type of query we are performing. (Subject, Subject Assessor, or Image Assessor)
-       // Also, set the searchType, we need this in the velocity to determine if a user is allowed to delete an item. (see ItemContainer.canDelete() below)
-       if (search.getRootElement().getFullXMLName().equals("xnat:subjectData")){
-          context.put("searchType", "subject");
-          query.append("WHERE IN ('")
-               .append(buildWhereClause(table.convertColumnToArrayList("subjectid")))
-               .append("');");
-       // XNAT-2829: If the search was for imaging sessions
-       }else if(search.getRootElement().getGenericXFTElement().instanceOf("xnat:imageSessionData")){
-          context.put("searchType", "subject_assessor"); // Set the searchType
-          query.append("WHERE IN ('")
-               .append(buildWhereClause(table.convertColumnToArrayList("session_id")))
-               .append("');");
-       // XNAT-2829: If the search was for subject assessors (non imaging) 
-       }else if(search.getRootElement().getGenericXFTElement().instanceOf("xnat:subjectAssessorData")){
-          context.put("searchType", "subject_assessor"); // Set the searchType
-          query.append("WHERE IN ('")
-               .append(buildWhereClause(table.convertColumnToArrayList("expt_id")))
-               .append("');");
-       }else if(search.getRootElement().getGenericXFTElement().instanceOf("xnat:imageAssessorData")){
-          context.put("searchType", "image_assessor"); // Set the searchType
-          query.append("WHERE IN ('")
-               .append(buildWhereClause(table.convertColumnToArrayList("expt_id")))
-               .append("');");
-       }
-       // Execute the query to get a list of experiments
-       experiments = XFTTable.Execute(query.toString(), user.getDBName(), user.getUsername());
-       // Insert the items into the context.
-       Hashtable<String, ItemContainer> items = getItems(experiments);
-       if(null != items && items.size() != 0){
-          context.put("items", items);
-       }else{
-          context.put("errMsg", "There is nothing to delete.");
-       }
+        //retrieve passed search object
+        DisplaySearch search = TurbineUtils.getSearch(data);
+        search.setPagingOn(false);
+        //Load search results into a table
+        XFTTable table = (org.nrg.xft.XFTTable)search.execute(null,TurbineUtils.getUser(data).getLogin());
+        XFTTable experiments = null;
+        UserI user = TurbineUtils.getUser(data);
+        // Build the query to retrieve information about the items we want to delete.
+        StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
+        query.append("SELECT AS subj_id, subj.label AS subj_label, subj.project AS subj_project, AS session_id, session_expt.label AS session_label, session_expt.project AS session_project, AS session_date, session_meta.element_name AS session_xsi, AS assess_id, expt.label AS assess_label, expt.project AS assess_project, AS assess_date, meta.element_name AS assess_xsi FROM xnat_imageassessordata iad  FULL JOIN xnat_experimentData expt ON  FULL JOIN xdat_meta_element meta ON expt.extension=meta.xdat_meta_element_id FULL JOIN xnat_subjectAssessorData session_sad ON FULL JOIN xnat_experimentData session_expt ON FULL JOIN xdat_meta_element session_meta ON session_expt.extension=session_meta.xdat_meta_element_id FULL JOIN xnat_subjectData subj ON ");
+        // Build the WHERE Clause based on what type of query we are performing. (Subject, Subject Assessor, or Image Assessor)
+        // Also, set the searchType, we need this in the velocity to determine if a user is allowed to delete an item. (see ItemContainer.canDelete() below)
+        if (search.getRootElement().getFullXMLName().equals("xnat:subjectData")){
+            context.put("searchType", "subject");
+            query.append("WHERE IN ('")
+                    .append(buildWhereClause(table.convertColumnToArrayList("subjectid")))
+                    .append("');");
+            // XNAT-2829: If the search was for imaging sessions
+        }else if(search.getRootElement().getGenericXFTElement().instanceOf("xnat:imageSessionData")){
+            context.put("searchType", "subject_assessor"); // Set the searchType
+            query.append("WHERE IN ('")
+                    .append(buildWhereClause(table.convertColumnToArrayList("session_id")))
+                    .append("');");
+            // XNAT-2829: If the search was for subject assessors (non imaging)
+        }else if(search.getRootElement().getGenericXFTElement().instanceOf("xnat:subjectAssessorData")){
+            context.put("searchType", "subject_assessor"); // Set the searchType
+            query.append("WHERE IN ('")
+                    .append(buildWhereClause(table.convertColumnToArrayList("expt_id")))
+                    .append("');");
+        }else if(search.getRootElement().getGenericXFTElement().instanceOf("xnat:imageAssessorData")){
+            context.put("searchType", "image_assessor"); // Set the searchType
+            query.append("WHERE IN ('")
+                    .append(buildWhereClause(table.convertColumnToArrayList("expt_id")))
+                    .append("');");
+        }
+        // Execute the query to get a list of experiments
+        experiments = XFTTable.Execute(query.toString(), user.getDBName(), user.getUsername());
+        // Insert the items into the context.
+        Hashtable<String, ItemContainer> items = getItems(experiments, search);
+        if(null != items && items.size() != 0){
+            context.put("items", items);
+        }else{
+            context.put("errMsg", "There is nothing to delete.");
+        }
         context.put("turbineUtils", TurbineUtils.GetInstance());
      * Function takes a XFTtable and converts it into a Hashtable of ItemContainers.
      * @param t - XFTTable
+     * @param search - DisplaySearch
      * @return Hashtable<String, ItemContainer>
      * @throws Exception - if the Hashtable is null or empty after function executes.
-    private Hashtable<String, ItemContainer> getItems(XFTTable t) throws Exception{
+    private Hashtable<String, ItemContainer> getItems(XFTTable t, DisplaySearch search) throws Exception{
         Hashtable<String,ItemContainer> subjects = new Hashtable<String,ItemContainer>();
         // For each experiment in the hashtable.
         for(Hashtable exp : t.rowHashs()){
-           String subj_id = (String)exp.get("subj_id");
-           if(null != subj_id){
-              // Get the container for the subject if it exists.
-              ItemContainer subj = subjects.get(subj_id);
-              if(null == subj){
-                 // If it doesn't exist create it.
-                 subj = new ItemContainer(ITEM_TYPE.SUBJECT, subj_id,(String)exp.get("subj_project"),(String)exp.get("subj_label"));
-              }
-              String session_id = (String)exp.get("session_id");
-              if(null != session_id){
-                 // Get a list of subject assessors
-                 Hashtable<String,ItemContainer> subjAssessors = subj.getAssessors();
-                 ItemContainer experiment = subjAssessors.get(session_id);
-                 if(null == experiment){
-                    // If the experiment doesn't exist create it.
-                    experiment = new ItemContainer(ITEM_TYPE.SUBJ_ASSESSOR, session_id, (String)exp.get("session_label"), (String)exp.get("session_project"), (Date)exp.get("session_date"), (String)exp.get("session_xsi"));
-                 }
-                 // Get a list of image assessors for the experiment
-                 Hashtable<String,ItemContainer> imgAssessors = experiment.getAssessors();
-                 String assess_id = (String)exp.get("assess_id");
-                 if(assess_id != null && !imgAssessors.contains(assess_id)){
-                    //If the assessor doesn't exist, create it, add it to the list of assessors and attach it to the experiment.
-                    imgAssessors.put(assess_id, new ItemContainer(ITEM_TYPE.IMG_ASSESSOR, assess_id, (String)exp.get("assess_label"), (String)exp.get("assess_project"), (Date)exp.get("assess_date"), (String)exp.get("assess_xsi")));
-                    experiment.addAssessors(imgAssessors);  
-                 }
-                 // Update the list of subject Assessors and attach it to the subject
-                 subjAssessors.put(experiment.getId(), experiment); 
-                 subj.addAssessors(subjAssessors);
-              }
-              // Add the new ItemContainer  to the Hashtable
-              subjects.put(subj.getId(), subj); 
-           }
+            String subj_id = (String)exp.get("subj_id");
+            if(null != subj_id){
+                // Get the container for the subject if it exists.
+                ItemContainer subj = subjects.get(subj_id);
+                if(null == subj){
+                    // If it doesn't exist create it.
+                    String xsiType = null; //The xsiType should be null in cases where the bulk delete is not at the
+                    // subject level. This way the subjects will only have checkboxes next to them if the bulk delete is
+                    // being done at the subject level, which is how this has always worked.
+                    if(search.getRootElement().getFullXMLName().equals("xnat:subjectData")){
+                        xsiType="xnat:subjectData";
+                    }
+                    subj = new ItemContainer(ITEM_TYPE.SUBJECT, subj_id,(String)exp.get("subj_project"),(String)exp.get("subj_label"),xsiType);
+                }
+                String session_id = (String)exp.get("session_id");
+                if(null != session_id){
+                    // Get a list of subject assessors
+                    Hashtable<String,ItemContainer> subjAssessors = subj.getAssessors();
+                    ItemContainer experiment = subjAssessors.get(session_id);
+                    if(null == experiment){
+                        // If the experiment doesn't exist create it.
+                        experiment = new ItemContainer(ITEM_TYPE.SUBJ_ASSESSOR, session_id, (String)exp.get("session_label"), (String)exp.get("session_project"), (Date)exp.get("session_date"), (String)exp.get("session_xsi"));
+                    }
+                    // Get a list of image assessors for the experiment
+                    Hashtable<String,ItemContainer> imgAssessors = experiment.getAssessors();
+                    String assess_id = (String)exp.get("assess_id");
+                    if(assess_id != null && !imgAssessors.contains(assess_id)){
+                        //If the assessor doesn't exist, create it, add it to the list of assessors and attach it to the experiment.
+                        imgAssessors.put(assess_id, new ItemContainer(ITEM_TYPE.IMG_ASSESSOR, assess_id, (String)exp.get("assess_label"), (String)exp.get("assess_project"), (Date)exp.get("assess_date"), (String)exp.get("assess_xsi")));
+                        experiment.addAssessors(imgAssessors);
+                    }
+                    // Update the list of subject Assessors and attach it to the subject
+                    subjAssessors.put(experiment.getId(), experiment);
+                    subj.addAssessors(subjAssessors);
+                }
+                // Add the new ItemContainer  to the Hashtable
+                subjects.put(subj.getId(), subj);
+            }
         return subjects;
      * Function builds a comma delimited string of id's to be
-     * inserted in the where clause of a sql query. 
+     * inserted in the where clause of a sql query.
      * @param ids - a list of ids
      * @return a comma delimited string of id's
@@ -148,103 +156,103 @@ public class BulkDeleteActionScreen extends SecureScreen {
         StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder();
         for(Object id : ids){
-               whereClause.append(id.toString());
+                whereClause.append(id.toString());
-               whereClause.append(id.toString()).append("','");
+                whereClause.append(id.toString()).append("','");
-         }
+        }
         return whereClause.toString();
      * Class holds information on an item (subject, experiment, image assessors)
      * It has helper methods to make it easier to access the information from the velocity.
     public class ItemContainer{
-       private final String id,label, project, xsi;
-       private final ITEM_TYPE itemType;
-       private final Date date;
-       private Hashtable<String,ItemContainer> assessors = new Hashtable<String,ItemContainer>();
-       /**
-        * Constructor for subject_assessor and image_assessor item types.
-        * @param itemType
-        * @param id
-        * @param label
-        * @param project
-        * @param date
-        * @param xsiType
-        */
-       public ItemContainer(ITEM_TYPE itemType, String id, String label, String project, Date date, String xsiType){
-       = id;
-          this.label    = label;
-          this.project  = project;
-     = date;
-          this.xsi      = xsiType;
-          this.itemType = itemType;
-       }
-       /**
-        *  Constructor for subject item types. Date and XSI type are null.
-        * @param itemType
-        * @param id
-        * @param project
-        * @param label
-        */
-       public ItemContainer(ITEM_TYPE itemType, String id, String project, String label){
-         = id;
-           this.project   = project;
-           this.label     = label; 
-           this.itemType  = itemType;
-       = null;
-           this.xsi       = null;
+        private final String id,label, project, xsi;
+        private final ITEM_TYPE itemType;
+        private final Date date;
+        private Hashtable<String,ItemContainer> assessors = new Hashtable<String,ItemContainer>();
+        /**
+         * Constructor for subject_assessor and image_assessor item types.
+         * @param itemType
+         * @param id
+         * @param label
+         * @param project
+         * @param date
+         * @param xsiType
+         */
+        public ItemContainer(ITEM_TYPE itemType, String id, String label, String project, Date date, String xsiType){
+         = id;
+            this.label    = label;
+            this.project  = project;
+       = date;
+            this.xsi      = xsiType;
+            this.itemType = itemType;
+        }
+        /**
+         *  Constructor for subject item types. XSI type is xnat:subjectData in cases where we want a checkbox to show up for subjects and null otherwise. Date is null.
+         * @param itemType
+         * @param id
+         * @param project
+         * @param label
+         */
+        public ItemContainer(ITEM_TYPE itemType, String id, String project, String label, String xsiType){
+          = id;
+            this.project   = project;
+            this.label     = label;
+            this.itemType  = itemType;
+        = null;
+            this.xsi       = xsiType;
-       public Hashtable<String,ItemContainer> getAssessors(){ return this.assessors; }
-       public void addAssessors(Hashtable<String,ItemContainer> assessors){ this.assessors = assessors; }
-       public String getId(){ return; }
-       public String getLabel(){ return this.label; }
-       public String getProject() { return this.project; }
-       public String getDate() { return ( == null) ? "" :; }
-       public String getXsiType() { return this.xsi; }
-       /**
-        * Function will determine if the given user is allowed to delete this item. 
-        * Also, some items should not be delete based on the search type. 
-        * (e.g.) If user searches for Image Assessors, they should not be allowed to delete the entire subject. 
-        * @param u - the UserI
-        * @param searchType - subject, subject_assessor, image_assessor (this is set on lines 49, 54, and 59 above)
-        * @return
-        */
-       public String canDelete(UserI u, String searchType){
-          try{
-             // Is the user allowed to delete this item
-             boolean canDelete = Permissions.canAny(u,this.xsi, this.project, "delete");
-             // The search type determines which items a user is allowed to delete.
-             if(searchType.equals("subject")){
-                // If the user searched for subjects, they should be allowed to delete subjects, subject assessors, and image assessors.
-                return String.valueOf(canDelete);
-             }else if(searchType.equals("subject_assessor")){
-                // If the user searched for subject assessors, we should allow them to delete subject assessors and image assessors.
-                return String.valueOf((this.itemType == ITEM_TYPE.SUBJ_ASSESSOR || this.itemType == ITEM_TYPE.IMG_ASSESSOR) && canDelete);
-             }else if(searchType.equals("image_assessor")){
-                // If the user searched for image assessors, we should allow them to delete image assessors only.
-                return String.valueOf((this.itemType == ITEM_TYPE.IMG_ASSESSOR) && canDelete);
-             }else { 
-                // If the search type is anything else, something went wrong so we return false.
+        public Hashtable<String,ItemContainer> getAssessors(){ return this.assessors; }
+        public void addAssessors(Hashtable<String,ItemContainer> assessors){ this.assessors = assessors; }
+        public String getId(){ return; }
+        public String getLabel(){ return this.label; }
+        public String getProject() { return this.project; }
+        public String getDate() { return ( == null) ? "" :; }
+        public String getXsiType() { return this.xsi; }
+        /**
+         * Function will determine if the given user is allowed to delete this item.
+         * Also, some items should not be delete based on the search type.
+         * (e.g.) If user searches for Image Assessors, they should not be allowed to delete the entire subject.
+         * @param u - the UserI
+         * @param searchType - subject, subject_assessor, image_assessor (this is set on lines 49, 54, and 59 above)
+         * @return
+         */
+        public String canDelete(UserI u, String searchType){
+            try{
+                // Is the user allowed to delete this item
+                boolean canDelete = Permissions.canAny(u,this.xsi, this.project, "delete");
+                // The search type determines which items a user is allowed to delete.
+                if(searchType.equals("subject")){
+                    // If the user searched for subjects, they should be allowed to delete subjects, subject assessors, and image assessors.
+                    return String.valueOf(canDelete);
+                }else if(searchType.equals("subject_assessor")){
+                    // If the user searched for subject assessors, we should allow them to delete subject assessors and image assessors.
+                    return String.valueOf((this.itemType == ITEM_TYPE.SUBJ_ASSESSOR || this.itemType == ITEM_TYPE.IMG_ASSESSOR) && canDelete);
+                }else if(searchType.equals("image_assessor")){
+                    // If the user searched for image assessors, we should allow them to delete image assessors only.
+                    return String.valueOf((this.itemType == ITEM_TYPE.IMG_ASSESSOR) && canDelete);
+                }else {
+                    // If the search type is anything else, something went wrong so we return false.
+                    return "false";
+                }
+            }catch(Exception e){
+                // Something went wrong so return false.
                 return "false";
-             }
-          }catch(Exception e){
-             // Something went wrong so return false.
-             return "false";
-          }
-       }
+            }
+        }