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Pancake numbers are an obscure number theory sequence, defined as:
pancake(n) = smallest number of "pancake stack flips" to get the worst case stack-of-n-pancakes sorted. p(1)=0; p(2)=1 [casse ba], p(3)=3]; p(18) unknown
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A collection of C ADTs (hash:str->str; longhash:str->long; intlist: list(int); strlist: list(str); set:str->boolean)
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This is a fork of the kstart provided by Russ Allbery at http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/kstart/ with minor tweaks to enable the static compilation for HTCondor using condor_compile and the static Heimdal Kerberos 5 libs.
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ANSI C data declaration module constructor: Datadec transforms a series of Haskell style recursive (or inductive) datatype declarations into a C module to implement them.
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Written in C, this is a tiny compiler for a miniscule Haskell subset (essentially, Int -> Int functions) to Dafny translator. So many C tools (Yacc, Lex, my datadec, generic modules etc) used, only about 20% of the code is human-written.
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Backup repository for https://github.com/resource-reasoning/JS_Parser
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A cutdown version of part2 of my mailing list flattening C example, a specialised form of the general "computing transitive closures of a directed graph" method
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A Specification-Close Reference Interpreter for ECMAScript. Backup/departmental testing repository for https://github.com/jscert/jsexplain
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Skeleton files for the C++ Concurrent Sieve of Eratosthenes tutorial exercise
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Skeleton files for the C++ Concurrent Sieve of Eratosthenes tutorial exercise
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