// Local canvas rendering.
// Emit input events and receive draw calls seperately - these must be piped
// together externally if desired.

import { line, curveLinear } from "d3-shape"

import { canvas } from "./elements.js"

const SVG_URL = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"

// TODO: switch to curve interpolation that respects mouse points based on velocity
const lineFn = line()
  .x((d) => d[0])
  .y((d) => d[1])

const pathGroupElems = new Map()

export var stroke_colour = "blue"
export const MIN_STROKE_RADIUS = 0.1
export const MAX_STROKE_RADIUS = 3.9

const getStrokeRadius = (pressure) => {

export const input = new EventTarget()

const createPathElem = (d, width) => {
  const pathGroupElem = document.createElementNS(SVG_URL, "path")
  pathGroupElem.setAttribute("stroke-width", width)
  pathGroupElem.setAttribute("d", d)
  return pathGroupElem

export const renderPath = (id, points) => {
  points = points.filter(([x]) => x != null)

  // Split up points into completely non-erased segments.
  let segments = [[]]
  for (const point of points) {
    if (point[3] != false) {
      segments[segments.length - 1].push(point)
    } else {
  segments = segments.filter((a) => a.length > 0)

  let pathGroupElem = pathGroupElems.get(id)

  if (segments.length == 0) {
    if (pathGroupElem != null) {

  if (pathGroupElem == null) {
    pathGroupElem = document.createElementNS(SVG_URL, "g")
    pathGroupElem.setAttribute("stroke", stroke_colour)
    pathGroupElem.setAttribute("fill", "none")
    pathGroupElem.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round")
    pathGroupElem.setAttribute("pointer-events", "none")
    pathGroupElems.set(id, pathGroupElem)

  pathGroupElem.innerHTML = ""

  for (const subpath of segments) {
    if (subpath.length == 1) {
      const circleElem = document.createElementNS(SVG_URL, "circle")
      circleElem.setAttribute("stroke", "none")
      circleElem.setAttribute("fill", stroke_colour)
      circleElem.setAttribute("cx", subpath[0][0])
      circleElem.setAttribute("cy", subpath[0][1])
      circleElem.setAttribute("r", getStrokeRadius(subpath[0][2]))
    } else {
      // Further split up segments based on thickness.
      const subpath_ = subpath.slice()
      let w = subpath_[0][2]
      for (let i = 1; i < subpath_.length; i++) {
        if (subpath_[i][2] != w) {
          const d = lineFn([...subpath_.splice(0, i), subpath_[0]])
          pathGroupElem.appendChild(createPathElem(d, getStrokeRadius(w) * 2))
          w = subpath_[0][2]
          i = 1
      const d = lineFn(subpath_)
      pathGroupElem.appendChild(createPathElem(d, getStrokeRadius(w) * 2))

export const clear = () => {
  canvas.innerHTML = ""

// Necessary since buttons property is non standard on iOS versions < 13.2
function checkValidPointerEvent(e) {
  return e.buttons & 1 || e.pointerType === "touch"

const dispatchPointerEvent = (name) => (e) => {
  if (checkValidPointerEvent(e)) {
    input.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(name, { detail: e }))

// Note that the PointerEvent is passed as the detail in these 'stroke events'.
canvas.addEventListener("pointerdown", dispatchPointerEvent("strokestart"))
canvas.addEventListener("pointerenter", dispatchPointerEvent("strokestart"))
canvas.addEventListener("pointerup", dispatchPointerEvent("strokeend"))
canvas.addEventListener("pointerleave", dispatchPointerEvent("strokeend"))
canvas.addEventListener("pointermove", dispatchPointerEvent("strokemove"))
canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", (e) => e.preventDefault())

export function setStrokeColour(colour) {
  stroke_colour = colour