diff --git a/WACCLangSpec.pdf b/WACCLangSpec.pdf
index c9a21aad1833e36565a3498eec10af9927ac5c19..57da26222bf0dffa8423991b7c1d9ce26c6c84c0 100644
Binary files a/WACCLangSpec.pdf and b/WACCLangSpec.pdf differ
diff --git a/WACCRefManual.pdf b/WACCRefManual.pdf
index 147eb8b36f674ac77b61755c32b4fb589608dd63..bd8c613b7e7c01ee1850e1f2b10b32539a6b6a7f 100644
Binary files a/WACCRefManual.pdf and b/WACCRefManual.pdf differ
diff --git a/refCompile b/refCompile
deleted file mode 100755
index d10e285af2582d11e6acd784850dd8028941b58e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/refCompile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# command line script that sends an HTTPS request to the WACC compiler web interface and interprets the JSON response
-require "rest-client"
-require "json"
-require "optparse"
-ARGV << "-h" if ARGV.empty?
-$options = {}
-$opts = []
-OptionParser.new do |opts|
-  opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options] <target.wacc> \n  options:"
-  $options[:parse_only] = false
-  opts.on("-p", "--only-parse",
-    "Parse only. Check the input file for syntax errors and generate an AST.") do
-    $opts << "--only-parse" 
-    $options[:parse_only] = true
-  end
-  $options[:semantic_check] = false
-  opts.on("-s", "--only-typecheck",
-    "Semantic check. Parse the file for syntax and semantic errors and generate an AST." ) do
-    $opts << "--only-typecheck" 
-    $options[:parse_only] = false
-    $options[:semantic_check] = true
-  end
-  opts.on("-c", "--full-compile",
-    "Full Compilation (default). Run the full compilation process." ) do
-    $opts << "--full-compile"
-    $options[:parse_only] = false
-    $options[:semantic_check] = false
-  end   
-  $options[:target] = "aarch64"
-  opts.on("-t [arch]", "--target [ARCH]", String,
-    "Target. Select target architecture (default aarch64, options: arm32, x86-64-intel or x86-64).") do |arch|
-    $opts << "--target #{arch}"
-    $options[:target] = arch
-  end
-  $options[:optimise] = false
-  opts.on("-o", "--optimise",
-    "Optimise. Run ARM Peephole optimisations over the generated assembly code." ) do
-    $opts << "--optimise"
-    $options[:optimise] = true
-  end   
-  $options[:print_asm] = false
-  opts.on("-a", "--print-assembly",
-    "View Assembly. Display ARM assembly code generated by the code generator." ) do
-    $opts << "--print-assembly" 
-    $options[:print_asm] = true
-  end  
-  $options[:execute] = false
-  opts.on("-x", "--execute",
-    "Execute. Assemble and Emulate the generated ARM code and display its output." ) do
-    $opts << "--execute" 
-    $options[:execute] = true
-  end
-  $options[:directory] = false
-  opts.on("-d", "--directory",
-    "Give directory of wacc files." ) do
-    $options[:directory] = true
-  end
-  opts.on_tail("-h", "--help",
-    "Show this message") do
-    puts opts
-    puts ""
-    puts "  target.wacc: path to wacc program file to compile (or target directory if --directory option set)"
-    exit
-  end
-# set up empty array of file_paths to process
-files = []
-puts ARGV[0]
-if $options[:directory] then
-  # add the results of a search to the array
-  files += Dir.glob(File.join(ARGV[0], "**", "*.wacc"))
-  # just add the target file to the array
-  files << ARGV[0]
-# check that there is at least one file to process
-if files == [] then
-  puts "Error: no file(s) targeted"
-  exit 1
-# now process each target file
-files.each do |file_path|
-  puts "calling the reference compiler on #{file_path}"
-  # get stdin from the user to pass to the reference compiler
-  stdin = ""
-  if $options[:execute] then
-    puts "please provide a stdin stream to use when executing the program:"
-    stdin = STDIN.gets
-  end
-  # make the call to the reference compiler
-  RestClient.post("https://teaching.doc.ic.ac.uk/wacc_compiler/run.cgi", 
-                    :stdin => stdin,
-                    :options => $opts,
-                    :testfile => File.new(file_path)
-                   ) do |response|
-    json = JSON.load(response)
-    puts "-- Test: #{json['test']}"
-    puts ""
-    puts "-- Uploaded file: "
-    puts "---------------------------------------------------------------"
-    puts json['upload']
-    puts "---------------------------------------------------------------"
-    puts ""
-    puts "-- Compiler Output:"
-    puts json['compiler_out']
-    puts ""
-  end
diff --git a/refEmulate b/refEmulate
deleted file mode 100755
index 526d9e770f778f9629367249c0190a6c1815b530..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/refEmulate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# command line script that sends an HTTPS request to the WACC compiler web interface and interprets the JSON response
-require "rest-client"
-require "json"
-require "optparse"
-ARGV << "-h" if ARGV.empty?
-$options = {}
-$opts = []
-OptionParser.new do |opts|
-  opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options] <target.s> \n  options:"
-  $options[:assemble_only] = false
-  opts.on("-a", "--assemble_only",
-    "Assemble only. Check the input file for assembly errors, but do not execute the generated binary file.") do
-    $opts << "-a" 
-    $options[:assemble_only] = true
-  end  
-  $options[:target] = "aarch64"
-  opts.on("-t [arch]", "--target [ARCH]", String,
-    "Target. Select target architecture (default aarch64, options: arm32).") do |arch|
-    $opts << "--target #{arch}"
-    $options[:target] = arch
-  end  
-  $options[:directory] = false
-  opts.on("-d", "--directory",
-    "Give directory of ARM assembly files." ) do
-    $options[:directory] = true
-  end
-  opts.on_tail("-h", "--help",
-    "Show this message") do
-    puts opts
-    puts ""
-    puts "  target.s: path to ARM assembly program file to emulate (or target directory if -dir option set)"
-    exit
-  end
-# set up empty array of file_paths to process
-files = []
-puts ARGV[0]
-if $options[:directory] then
-  # add the results of a search to the array
-  files += Dir.glob(File.join(ARGV[0], "**", "*.s"))
-  # just add the target file to the array
-  files << ARGV[0]
-# check that there is at least one file to process
-if files == [] then
-  puts "Error: no file(s) targeted"
-  exit 1
-# now process each target file
-files.each do |file_path|
-  puts "calling the ARM emulator on #{file_path}"
-  # get stdin from the user to pass to the ARM emulator
-  stdin = ""
-  unless $options[:assemble_only] then
-    puts "please provide a stdin stream to use when emulating the program:"
-    stdin = STDIN.gets
-  end
-  # make the call to the ARM emulator
-  RestClient.post("https://teaching.doc.ic.ac.uk/wacc_compiler/emulate.cgi",
-                    :stdin => stdin,
-                    :options => $opts,
-                    :testfile => File.new(file_path)
-                   ) do |response|
-    json = JSON.load(response)
-    puts "-- Test: #{json['test']}"
-    puts ""
-    puts "-- Uploaded file: "
-    puts "---------------------------------------------------------------"
-    puts json['upload']
-    puts "---------------------------------------------------------------"
-    puts ""
-    puts "-- Assembly Output:"
-    puts json['assemble_out']
-    puts ""
-    unless $options[:assemble_only] then
-      puts "-- Emulation Output:" 
-      puts json['emulator_out']
-      puts "---------------------------------------------------------------"
-      puts "The exit code is: #{json['emulator_exit']}."
-      puts ""
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/wacc-reference-cli.jar b/wacc-reference-cli.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7fb6a7293b245acf73d4f4487b7e9f3907c1e3b6
Binary files /dev/null and b/wacc-reference-cli.jar differ