David Fugate authoredDavid Fugate authored
S15.5.4.15_A1_T9.js 946 B
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
* String.prototype.substring (start, end)
* @path ch15/15.5/15.5.4/
* @description Arguments are undefined and object, and instance is new String(object), object have overrided valueOf and toString functions
var __obj = {
toString:void 0
if (new String(__obj).substring(/*(function(){})()*/undefined,undefined) !== "undefined") {
$ERROR('#1: __obj = {valueOf:function(){}, toString:void 0}; new String(__obj).substring(/*(function(){})()*/undefined,undefined) === "undefined". Actual: '+new String(__obj).substring(/*(function(){})()*/undefined,undefined) );