diff --git a/harness/testTypedArray.js b/harness/testTypedArray.js
index 1d783c58b5a2573c40a8f160792f728c658db172..81e364bea09dc6704d9eaeab0694f542767e14ca 100755
--- a/harness/testTypedArray.js
+++ b/harness/testTypedArray.js
@@ -46,3 +46,449 @@ function testWithTypedArrayConstructors(f, selected) {
+ * Helper for conversion operations on TypedArrays, the expected values
+ * properties are indexed in order to match the respective value for each
+ * TypedArray constructor
+ * @param  {Function} fn - the function to call for each constructor and value.
+ *                         will be called with the constructor, value, expected
+ *                         value, and a initial value that can be used to avoid
+ *                         a false positive with an equivalent expected value.
+ */
+function testTypedArrayConversions(fn) {
+  var values = [
+    127,         // 2 ** 7 - 1
+    128,         // 2 ** 7
+    32767,       // 2 ** 15 - 1
+    32768,       // 2 ** 15
+    2147483647,  // 2 ** 31 - 1
+    2147483648,  // 2 ** 31
+    255,         // 2 ** 8 - 1
+    256,         // 2 ** 8
+    65535,       // 2 ** 16 - 1
+    65536,       // 2 ** 16
+    4294967295,  // 2 ** 32 - 1
+    4294967296,  // 2 ** 32
+    9007199254740991, // 2 ** 53 - 1
+    9007199254740992, // 2 ** 53
+    1.1,
+    0.1,
+    0.5,
+    0.50000001,
+    0.6,
+    0.7,
+    undefined,
+    -1,
+    -0,
+    -0.1,
+    -1.1,
+    NaN,
+    -127,        // - ( 2 ** 7 - 1 )
+    -128,        // - ( 2 ** 7 )
+    -32767,      // - ( 2 ** 15 - 1 )
+    -32768,      // - ( 2 ** 15 )
+    -2147483647, // - ( 2 ** 31 - 1 )
+    -2147483648, // - ( 2 ** 31 )
+    -255,        // - ( 2 ** 8 - 1 )
+    -256,        // - ( 2 ** 8 )
+    -65535,      // - ( 2 ** 16 - 1 )
+    -65536,      // - ( 2 ** 16 )
+    -4294967295, // - ( 2 ** 32 - 1 )
+    -4294967296, // - ( 2 ** 32 )
+    Infinity,
+    -Infinity,
+  ];
+  var expected = {
+    Int8Array: [
+      127,  // 127
+      -128, // 128
+      -1,   // 32767
+      0,    // 32768
+      -1,   // 2147483647
+      0,    // 2147483648
+      -1,   // 255
+      0,    // 256
+      -1,   // 65535
+      0,    // 65536
+      -1,   // 4294967295
+      0,    // 4294967296
+      -1,   // 9007199254740991
+      0,    // 9007199254740992
+      1,    // 1.1
+      0,    // 0.1
+      0,    // 0.5
+      0,    // 0.50000001,
+      0,    // 0.6
+      0,    // 0.7
+      0,    // undefined
+      -1,   // -1
+      0,    // -0
+      0,    // -0.1
+      -1,   // -1.1
+      0,    // NaN
+      -127, // -127
+      -128, // -128
+      1,    // -32767
+      0,    // -32768
+      1,    // -2147483647
+      0,    // -2147483648
+      1,    // -255
+      0,    // -256
+      1,    // -65535
+      0,    // -65536
+      1,    // -4294967295
+      0,    // -4294967296
+      0,    // Infinity
+      0,    // -Infinity
+    ],
+    Uint8Array: [
+      127, // 127
+      128, // 128
+      255, // 32767
+      0,   // 32768
+      255, // 2147483647
+      0,   // 2147483648
+      255, // 255
+      0,   // 256
+      255, // 65535
+      0,   // 65536
+      255, // 4294967295
+      0,   // 4294967296
+      255, // 9007199254740991
+      0,   // 9007199254740992
+      1,   // 1.1
+      0,   // 0.1
+      0,   // 0.5
+      0,   // 0.50000001,
+      0,   // 0.6
+      0,   // 0.7
+      0,   // undefined
+      255, // -1
+      0,   // -0
+      0,   // -0.1
+      255, // -1.1
+      0,   // NaN
+      129, // -127
+      128, // -128
+      1,   // -32767
+      0,   // -32768
+      1,   // -2147483647
+      0,   // -2147483648
+      1,   // -255
+      0,   // -256
+      1,   // -65535
+      0,   // -65536
+      1,   // -4294967295
+      0,   // -4294967296
+      0,   // Infinity
+      0,   // -Infinity
+    ],
+    Uint8ClampedArray: [
+      127, // 127
+      128, // 128
+      255, // 32767
+      255, // 32768
+      255, // 2147483647
+      255, // 2147483648
+      255, // 255
+      255, // 256
+      255, // 65535
+      255, // 65536
+      255, // 4294967295
+      255, // 4294967296
+      255, // 9007199254740991
+      255, // 9007199254740992
+      1,   // 1.1,
+      0,   // 0.1
+      0,   // 0.5
+      1,   // 0.50000001,
+      1,   // 0.6
+      1,   // 0.7
+      0,   // undefined
+      0,   // -1
+      0,   // -0
+      0,   // -0.1
+      0,   // -1.1
+      0,   // NaN
+      0,   // -127
+      0,   // -128
+      0,   // -32767
+      0,   // -32768
+      0,   // -2147483647
+      0,   // -2147483648
+      0,   // -255
+      0,   // -256
+      0,   // -65535
+      0,   // -65536
+      0,   // -4294967295
+      0,   // -4294967296
+      255, // Infinity
+      0,   // -Infinity
+    ],
+    Int16Array: [
+      127,    // 127
+      128,    // 128
+      32767,  // 32767
+      -32768, // 32768
+      -1,     // 2147483647
+      0,      // 2147483648
+      255,    // 255
+      256,    // 256
+      -1,     // 65535
+      0,      // 65536
+      -1,     // 4294967295
+      0,      // 4294967296
+      -1,     // 9007199254740991
+      0,      // 9007199254740992
+      1,      // 1.1
+      0,      // 0.1
+      0,      // 0.5
+      0,      // 0.50000001,
+      0,      // 0.6
+      0,      // 0.7
+      0,      // undefined
+      -1,     // -1
+      0,      // -0
+      0,      // -0.1
+      -1,     // -1.1
+      0,      // NaN
+      -127,   // -127
+      -128,   // -128
+      -32767, // -32767
+      -32768, // -32768
+      1,      // -2147483647
+      0,      // -2147483648
+      -255,   // -255
+      -256,   // -256
+      1,      // -65535
+      0,      // -65536
+      1,      // -4294967295
+      0,      // -4294967296
+      0,      // Infinity
+      0,      // -Infinity
+    ],
+    Uint16Array: [
+      127,   // 127
+      128,   // 128
+      32767, // 32767
+      32768, // 32768
+      65535, // 2147483647
+      0,     // 2147483648
+      255,   // 255
+      256,   // 256
+      65535, // 65535
+      0,     // 65536
+      65535, // 4294967295
+      0,     // 4294967296
+      65535, // 9007199254740991
+      0,     // 9007199254740992
+      1,     // 1.1
+      0,     // 0.1
+      0,     // 0.5
+      0,     // 0.50000001,
+      0,     // 0.6
+      0,     // 0.7
+      0,     // undefined
+      65535, // -1
+      0,     // -0
+      0,     // -0.1
+      65535, // -1.1
+      0,     // NaN
+      65409, // -127
+      65408, // -128
+      32769, // -32767
+      32768, // -32768
+      1,     // -2147483647
+      0,     // -2147483648
+      65281, // -255
+      65280, // -256
+      1,     // -65535
+      0,     // -65536
+      1,     // -4294967295
+      0,     // -4294967296
+      0,     // Infinity
+      0,     // -Infinity
+    ],
+    Int32Array: [
+      127,         // 127
+      128,         // 128
+      32767,       // 32767
+      32768,       // 32768
+      2147483647,  // 2147483647
+      -2147483648, // 2147483648
+      255,         // 255
+      256,         // 256
+      65535,       // 65535
+      65536,       // 65536
+      -1,          // 4294967295
+      0,           // 4294967296
+      -1,          // 9007199254740991
+      0,           // 9007199254740992
+      1,           // 1.1
+      0,           // 0.1
+      0,           // 0.5
+      0,           // 0.50000001,
+      0,           // 0.6
+      0,           // 0.7
+      0,           // undefined
+      -1,          // -1
+      0,           // -0
+      0,           // -0.1
+      -1,          // -1.1
+      0,           // NaN
+      -127,        // -127
+      -128,        // -128
+      -32767,      // -32767
+      -32768,      // -32768
+      -2147483647, // -2147483647
+      -2147483648, // -2147483648
+      -255,        // -255
+      -256,        // -256
+      -65535,      // -65535
+      -65536,      // -65536
+      1,           // -4294967295
+      0,           // -4294967296
+      0,           // Infinity
+      0,           // -Infinity
+    ],
+    Uint32Array: [
+      127,        // 127
+      128,        // 128
+      32767,      // 32767
+      32768,      // 32768
+      2147483647, // 2147483647
+      2147483648, // 2147483648
+      255,        // 255
+      256,        // 256
+      65535,      // 65535
+      65536,      // 65536
+      4294967295, // 4294967295
+      0,          // 4294967296
+      4294967295, // 9007199254740991
+      0,          // 9007199254740992
+      1,          // 1.1
+      0,          // 0.1
+      0,          // 0.5
+      0,          // 0.50000001,
+      0,          // 0.6
+      0,          // 0.7
+      0,          // undefined
+      4294967295, // -1
+      0,          // -0
+      0,          // -0.1
+      4294967295, // -1.1
+      0,          // NaN
+      4294967169, // -127
+      4294967168, // -128
+      4294934529, // -32767
+      4294934528, // -32768
+      2147483649, // -2147483647
+      2147483648, // -2147483648
+      4294967041, // -255
+      4294967040, // -256
+      4294901761, // -65535
+      4294901760, // -65536
+      1,          // -4294967295
+      0,          // -4294967296
+      0,          // Infinity
+      0,          // -Infinity
+    ],
+    Float32Array: [
+      127,                  // 127
+      128,                  // 128
+      32767,                // 32767
+      32768,                // 32768
+      2147483648,           // 2147483647
+      2147483648,           // 2147483648
+      255,                  // 255
+      256,                  // 256
+      65535,                // 65535
+      65536,                // 65536
+      4294967296,           // 4294967295
+      4294967296,           // 4294967296
+      9007199254740992,     // 9007199254740991
+      9007199254740992,     // 9007199254740992
+      1.100000023841858,    // 1.1
+      0.10000000149011612,  // 0.1
+      0.5,                  // 0.5
+      0.5,                  // 0.50000001,
+      0.6000000238418579,   // 0.6
+      0.699999988079071,    // 0.7
+      NaN,                  // undefined
+      -1,                   // -1
+      -0,                   // -0
+      -0.10000000149011612, // -0.1
+      -1.100000023841858,   // -1.1
+      NaN,                  // NaN
+      -127,                 // -127
+      -128,                 // -128
+      -32767,               // -32767
+      -32768,               // -32768
+      -2147483648,          // -2147483647
+      -2147483648,          // -2147483648
+      -255,                 // -255
+      -256,                 // -256
+      -65535,               // -65535
+      -65536,               // -65536
+      -4294967296,          // -4294967295
+      -4294967296,          // -4294967296
+      Infinity,             // Infinity
+      -Infinity,            // -Infinity
+    ],
+    Float64Array: [
+      127,         // 127
+      128,         // 128
+      32767,       // 32767
+      32768,       // 32768
+      2147483647,  // 2147483647
+      2147483648,  // 2147483648
+      255,         // 255
+      256,         // 256
+      65535,       // 65535
+      65536,       // 65536
+      4294967295,  // 4294967295
+      4294967296,  // 4294967296
+      9007199254740991, // 9007199254740991
+      9007199254740992, // 9007199254740992
+      1.1,         // 1.1
+      0.1,         // 0.1
+      0.5,         // 0.5
+      0.50000001,  // 0.50000001,
+      0.6,         // 0.6
+      0.7,         // 0.7
+      NaN,         // undefined
+      -1,          // -1
+      -0,          // -0
+      -0.1,        // -0.1
+      -1.1,        // -1.1
+      NaN,         // NaN
+      -127,        // -127
+      -128,        // -128
+      -32767,      // -32767
+      -32768,      // -32768
+      -2147483647, // -2147483647
+      -2147483648, // -2147483648
+      -255,        // -255
+      -256,        // -256
+      -65535,      // -65535
+      -65536,      // -65536
+      -4294967295, // -4294967295
+      -4294967296, // -4294967296
+      Infinity,    // Infinity
+      -Infinity,   // -Infinity
+    ]
+  };
+  testWithTypedArrayConstructors(function(TA) {
+    return values.forEach(function(value, index) {
+      var exp = expected[TA.name][index];
+      var initial = 0;
+      if (exp === 0) {
+        initial = 1;
+      }
+      fn(TA, value, exp, initial);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/test/built-ins/TypedArray/prototype/fill/fill-values-conversion-operations.js b/test/built-ins/TypedArray/prototype/fill/fill-values-conversion-operations.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b6f69870c3d3fbdf9923939f22de246e96a3a0e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/TypedArray/prototype/fill/fill-values-conversion-operations.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-%typedarray%.prototype.fill
+description: >
+  Fills all the elements with non numeric values values.
+info: >
+ %TypedArray%.prototype.fill (value [ , start [ , end ] ] )
+  %TypedArray%.prototype.fill is a distinct function that implements the same
+  algorithm as Array.prototype.fill as defined in except that the this
+  object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a
+  [[Get]] of "length". The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with
+  the knowledge that the this value is an object that has a fixed length and
+  whose integer indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization
+  must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the
+  algorithm.
+  ...
+ Array.prototype.fill (value [ , start [ , end ] ] )
+  ...
+  7. Repeat, while k < final
+    a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+    b. Perform ? Set(O, Pk, value, true).
+  ...
+ SetValueInBuffer ( arrayBuffer, byteIndex, type, value [ ,
+  isLittleEndian ] )
+  ...
+  8. If type is "Float32", then
+    ...
+  9. Else, if type is "Float64", then
+    ...
+  10. Else,
+    ...
+    b. Let convOp be the abstract operation named in the Conversion Operation
+    column in Table 50 for Element Type type.
+    c. Let intValue be convOp(value).
+    d. If intValue ≥ 0, then
+      ...
+    e. Else,
+      ...
+includes: [testTypedArray.js]
+testTypedArrayConversions(function(TA, value, expected, initial) {
+  var sample = new TA([initial]);
+  sample.fill(value);
+  assert.sameValue(sample[0], expected, value + " converts to " + expected);
diff --git a/test/built-ins/TypedArray/prototype/map/return-new-typedarray-conversion-operation.js b/test/built-ins/TypedArray/prototype/map/return-new-typedarray-conversion-operation.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7bd914db460bdf4f4b355cc92c39b585c8b1ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/TypedArray/prototype/map/return-new-typedarray-conversion-operation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-%typedarray%.prototype.map
+description: >
+  Verify conversion values on returned instance
+info: >
+ %TypedArray%.prototype.map ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
+  ...
+  8. Repeat, while k < len
+    ...
+    d. Perform ? Set(A, Pk, mappedValue, true).
+  ...
+ IntegerIndexedElementSet ( O, index, value )
+  ...
+  15. Perform SetValueInBuffer(buffer, indexedPosition, elementType, numValue).
+  ...
+ SetValueInBuffer ( arrayBuffer, byteIndex, type, value [ ,
+  isLittleEndian ] )
+  ...
+  8. If type is "Float32", then
+    ...
+  9. Else, if type is "Float64", then
+    ...
+  10. Else,
+    ...
+    b. Let convOp be the abstract operation named in the Conversion Operation
+    column in Table 50 for Element Type type.
+    c. Let intValue be convOp(value).
+    d. If intValue ≥ 0, then
+      ...
+    e. Else,
+      ...
+includes: [testTypedArray.js]
+testTypedArrayConversions(function(TA, value, expected, initial) {
+  var sample = new TA([initial]);
+  var result = sample.map(function() {
+    return value;
+  });
+  assert.sameValue(result[0], expected, value + " converts to " + expected);
diff --git a/test/built-ins/TypedArrays/internals/DefineOwnProperty/conversion-operation.js b/test/built-ins/TypedArrays/internals/DefineOwnProperty/conversion-operation.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be44d99d2d0f6215ee0ae7c9d7a12767c40f48d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/TypedArrays/internals/DefineOwnProperty/conversion-operation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-integer-indexed-exotic-objects-defineownproperty-p-desc
+description: >
+  Verify conversion after defining value
+info: >
+ [[DefineOwnProperty]] ( P, Desc)
+  ...
+  3. If Type(P) is String, then
+    ...
+    b. If numericIndex is not undefined, then
+      ...
+      xi. If Desc has a [[Value]] field, then
+        1. Let value be Desc.[[Value]].
+        2. Return ? IntegerIndexedElementSet(O, intIndex, value).
+  ...
+ IntegerIndexedElementSet ( O, index, value )
+  ...
+  15. Perform SetValueInBuffer(buffer, indexedPosition, elementType, numValue).
+  ...
+ SetValueInBuffer ( arrayBuffer, byteIndex, type, value [ ,
+  isLittleEndian ] )
+  ...
+  8. If type is "Float32", then
+    ...
+  9. Else, if type is "Float64", then
+    ...
+  10. Else,
+    ...
+    b. Let convOp be the abstract operation named in the Conversion Operation
+    column in Table 50 for Element Type type.
+    c. Let intValue be convOp(value).
+    d. If intValue ≥ 0, then
+      ...
+    e. Else,
+      ...
+includes: [testTypedArray.js]
+testTypedArrayConversions(function(TA, value, expected, initial) {
+  var sample = new TA([initial]);
+  Object.defineProperty(sample, "0", {value: value});
+  assert.sameValue(sample[0], expected, value + " converts to " + expected);
diff --git a/test/built-ins/TypedArrays/internals/Set/conversion-operation.js b/test/built-ins/TypedArrays/internals/Set/conversion-operation.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4368fbf5cc8d24cf1664cb238dbab91e92cf712f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/TypedArrays/internals/Set/conversion-operation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-integer-indexed-exotic-objects-set-p-v-receiver
+description: >
+  Verify conversion after setting value
+info: >
+ [[Set]] ( P, V, Receiver)
+  ...
+  2. If Type(P) is String, then
+    ...
+    b. If numericIndex is not undefined, then
+      i. Return ? IntegerIndexedElementSet(O, numericIndex, V).
+  ...
+ IntegerIndexedElementSet ( O, index, value )
+  ...
+  15. Perform SetValueInBuffer(buffer, indexedPosition, elementType, numValue).
+  ...
+ SetValueInBuffer ( arrayBuffer, byteIndex, type, value [ ,
+  isLittleEndian ] )
+  ...
+  8. If type is "Float32", then
+    ...
+  9. Else, if type is "Float64", then
+    ...
+  10. Else,
+    ...
+    b. Let convOp be the abstract operation named in the Conversion Operation
+    column in Table 50 for Element Type type.
+    c. Let intValue be convOp(value).
+    d. If intValue ≥ 0, then
+      ...
+    e. Else,
+      ...
+includes: [testTypedArray.js]
+testTypedArrayConversions(function(TA, value, expected, initial) {
+  var sample = new TA([initial]);
+  sample[0] = value;
+  assert.sameValue(sample[0], expected, value + " converts to " + expected);
diff --git a/test/built-ins/TypedArrays/object-arg-conversion-operation.js b/test/built-ins/TypedArrays/object-arg-conversion-operation.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7af16cf3b85318a964f149aa7ffda0648e39c696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/TypedArrays/object-arg-conversion-operation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-typedarray-object
+description: >
+  Verify conversion values on returned instance
+info: >
+ TypedArray ( object )
+  This description applies only if the TypedArray function is called with at
+  least one argument and the Type of the first argument is Object and that
+  object does not have either a [[TypedArrayName]] or an [[ArrayBufferData]]
+  internal slot.
+  ...
+  9. Repeat, while k < len
+    ...
+    c. Perform ? Set(O, Pk, kValue, true).
+  ...
+ IntegerIndexedElementSet ( O, index, value )
+  ...
+  15. Perform SetValueInBuffer(buffer, indexedPosition, elementType, numValue).
+  ...
+ SetValueInBuffer ( arrayBuffer, byteIndex, type, value [ ,
+  isLittleEndian ] )
+  ...
+  8. If type is "Float32", then
+    ...
+  9. Else, if type is "Float64", then
+    ...
+  10. Else,
+    ...
+    b. Let convOp be the abstract operation named in the Conversion Operation
+    column in Table 50 for Element Type type.
+    c. Let intValue be convOp(value).
+    d. If intValue ≥ 0, then
+      ...
+    e. Else,
+      ...
+includes: [testTypedArray.js]
+testTypedArrayConversions(function(TA, value, expected) {
+  var sample = new TA([value]);
+  assert.sameValue(sample[0], expected, value + " converts to " + expected);