diff --git a/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-async-next.js b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-async-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f50070eb5fe15b166ecc6a38079b4fefdc7a00fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-async-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-expression-named.template
+description: Execution order for yield* with async iterator and next() (Named async generator expression)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorExpression :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.iterator]" });
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "asyncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-promise-1",
+                get then() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return function(resolve) {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "call next then (1)",
+                      thisValue: this,
+                      args: [...arguments]
+                    });
+                    resolve({
+                      name: "next-result-1",
+                      get value() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next value (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return "next-value-1";
+                      },
+                      get done() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next done (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return false;
+                      }
+                    });
+                  };
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-promise-2",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call next then (2)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "next-result-2",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next value (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "next-value-2";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next done (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return true;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = async function *g() {
+  callCount += 1;
+  log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+    var v = yield* obj;
+    log.push({
+      name: "after yield*",
+      value: v
+    });
+    return "return-value";
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "get next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "call next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "get next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "get next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "call next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 17, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-async-return.js b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-async-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..862d4b8e26a22c22ae4a240c752ae64b3f211862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-async-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-expression-named.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and return() (Named async generator expression)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorExpression :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: 'asyncIterator',
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call return then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "return-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "return-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call return then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "return-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "return-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = async function *g() {
+  callCount += 1;
+  log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+    yield* obj;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "get return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "get return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 15, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-async-throw.js b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-async-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20898e11ef116e82ec8db98f650b7076016cb264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-async-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-expression-named.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and throw() (Named async generator expression)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorExpression :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "asyncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call throw then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "throw-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "throw-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call throw then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "throw-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "throw-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = async function *g() {
+  callCount += 1;
+  log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+    var v = yield* obj;
+    log.push({
+      name: "after yield*",
+      value: v
+    });
+    return "return-value";
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 16, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-sync-next.js b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-sync-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89635bd15fc8c9af958a5055c0818612cf03e535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-sync-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-expression-named.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and next() (Named async generator expression)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorExpression :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    2. Let value be ? GetValue(exprRef).
+    3. Let generatorKind be ! GetGeneratorKind().
+    4. Let iterator be ? GetIterator(value, generatorKind).
+    5. Let received be NormalCompletion(undefined).
+    6. Repeat
+      a. If received.[[Type]] is normal, then
+        i. Let innerResult be ? IteratorNext(iterator, received.[[Value]]).
+        ii. Let innerResult be ? Invoke(iterator, "next",
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        iii. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+        ...
+        v. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+        vi. If done is true, then
+           1. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+        vii. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GetIterator ( obj [ , hint ] )
+    ...
+    3. If hint is async,
+      a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@asyncIterator).
+      b. If method is undefined,
+        i. Let syncMethod be ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
+        ii. Let syncIterator be ? Call(syncMethod, obj).
+        iii. Return ? CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(syncIterator).
+    ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.next ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let nextResult be IteratorNext(syncIterator, value).
+    ...
+    7. Let nextValue be IteratorValue(nextResult).
+    ...
+    9. Let nextDone be IteratorComplete(nextResult).
+    ...
+    12. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « nextValue »).
+    ...
+    14. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to nextDone.
+    15. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+    Async Iterator Value Unwrap Functions
+    1. Return ! CreateIterResultObject(value, F.[[Done]]).
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.iterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.iterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "syncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-result-1",
+                get value() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next value (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return "next-value-1";
+                },
+                get done() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next done (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return false;
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-result-2",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next value (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "next-value-2";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next done (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return true;
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]" });
+    return null;
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = async function *g() {
+  callCount += 1;
+  log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+    var v = yield* obj;
+    log.push({
+      name: "after yield*",
+      value: v
+    });
+    return "return-value";
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.iterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 8, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 13, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-sync-return.js b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-sync-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77479612f8308d63dcc5085a90900fe37a22befc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-sync-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-expression-named.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and return() (Named async generator expression)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorExpression :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.return ( value )
+    5. Let return be GetMethod(syncIterator, "return").
+    ...
+    ...
+    8. Let returnResult be Call(return, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let returnValue be IteratorValue(returnResult).
+    ..
+    13. Let returnDone be IteratorComplete(returnResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined, « returnValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to returnDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "return-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "return-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = async function *g() {
+  callCount += 1;
+  log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+    yield* obj;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-sync-throw.js b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-sync-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e923a604c9f79830f57426c14fa7819456c7b0f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/named-yield-star-sync-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-expression-named.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and throw() (Named async generator expression)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression
+features: [async-iteration, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorExpression :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.throw ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let throw be GetMethod(syncIterator, "throw").
+    ...
+    8. Let throwResult be Call(throw, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let throwValue be IteratorValue(throwResult).
+    ...
+    13. Let throwDone be IteratorComplete(throwResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « throwValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to throwDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "throw-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "throw-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = async function *g() {
+  callCount += 1;
+  log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+    var v = yield* obj;
+    log.push({
+      name: "after yield*",
+      value: v
+    });
+    return "return-value";
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 11, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-async-next.js b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-async-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9109de63489cd3737bff2ca0484484b804e4e5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-async-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-expression.template
+description: Execution order for yield* with async iterator and next() (Unnamed async generator expression)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorExpression :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.iterator]" });
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "asyncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-promise-1",
+                get then() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return function(resolve) {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "call next then (1)",
+                      thisValue: this,
+                      args: [...arguments]
+                    });
+                    resolve({
+                      name: "next-result-1",
+                      get value() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next value (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return "next-value-1";
+                      },
+                      get done() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next done (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return false;
+                      }
+                    });
+                  };
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-promise-2",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call next then (2)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "next-result-2",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next value (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "next-value-2";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next done (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return true;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = async function *() {
+  callCount += 1;
+  log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+    var v = yield* obj;
+    log.push({
+      name: "after yield*",
+      value: v
+    });
+    return "return-value";
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "get next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "call next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "get next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "get next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "call next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 17, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-async-return.js b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-async-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..44ba2b275bb42ef89938a15f423e09bc65b5200f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-async-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-expression.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and return() (Unnamed async generator expression)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorExpression :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: 'asyncIterator',
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call return then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "return-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "return-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call return then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "return-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "return-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = async function *() {
+  callCount += 1;
+  log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+    yield* obj;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "get return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "get return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 15, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-async-throw.js b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-async-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c18f7bbef03ead307c310cf90753e4d8811d83fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-async-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-expression.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and throw() (Unnamed async generator expression)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorExpression :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "asyncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call throw then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "throw-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "throw-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call throw then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "throw-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "throw-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = async function *() {
+  callCount += 1;
+  log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+    var v = yield* obj;
+    log.push({
+      name: "after yield*",
+      value: v
+    });
+    return "return-value";
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 16, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-sync-next.js b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-sync-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cd170c93fac7774685a74989c4b2455a9da75099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-sync-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-expression.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and next() (Unnamed async generator expression)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorExpression :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    2. Let value be ? GetValue(exprRef).
+    3. Let generatorKind be ! GetGeneratorKind().
+    4. Let iterator be ? GetIterator(value, generatorKind).
+    5. Let received be NormalCompletion(undefined).
+    6. Repeat
+      a. If received.[[Type]] is normal, then
+        i. Let innerResult be ? IteratorNext(iterator, received.[[Value]]).
+        ii. Let innerResult be ? Invoke(iterator, "next",
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        iii. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+        ...
+        v. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+        vi. If done is true, then
+           1. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+        vii. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GetIterator ( obj [ , hint ] )
+    ...
+    3. If hint is async,
+      a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@asyncIterator).
+      b. If method is undefined,
+        i. Let syncMethod be ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
+        ii. Let syncIterator be ? Call(syncMethod, obj).
+        iii. Return ? CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(syncIterator).
+    ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.next ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let nextResult be IteratorNext(syncIterator, value).
+    ...
+    7. Let nextValue be IteratorValue(nextResult).
+    ...
+    9. Let nextDone be IteratorComplete(nextResult).
+    ...
+    12. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « nextValue »).
+    ...
+    14. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to nextDone.
+    15. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+    Async Iterator Value Unwrap Functions
+    1. Return ! CreateIterResultObject(value, F.[[Done]]).
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.iterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.iterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "syncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-result-1",
+                get value() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next value (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return "next-value-1";
+                },
+                get done() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next done (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return false;
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-result-2",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next value (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "next-value-2";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next done (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return true;
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]" });
+    return null;
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = async function *() {
+  callCount += 1;
+  log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+    var v = yield* obj;
+    log.push({
+      name: "after yield*",
+      value: v
+    });
+    return "return-value";
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.iterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 8, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 13, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-sync-return.js b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-sync-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d081b1b664a2e086f1ec7855cac2ba09b7aa7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-sync-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-expression.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and return() (Unnamed async generator expression)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorExpression :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.return ( value )
+    5. Let return be GetMethod(syncIterator, "return").
+    ...
+    ...
+    8. Let returnResult be Call(return, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let returnValue be IteratorValue(returnResult).
+    ..
+    13. Let returnDone be IteratorComplete(returnResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined, « returnValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to returnDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "return-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "return-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = async function *() {
+  callCount += 1;
+  log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+    yield* obj;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-sync-throw.js b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-sync-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0d8e0015bd56a71bb77517abdffe4993ae8d65f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/async-generator/yield-star-sync-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-expression.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and throw() (Unnamed async generator expression)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression
+features: [async-iteration, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorExpression :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.throw ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let throw be GetMethod(syncIterator, "throw").
+    ...
+    8. Let throwResult be Call(throw, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let throwValue be IteratorValue(throwResult).
+    ...
+    13. Let throwDone be IteratorComplete(throwResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « throwValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to throwDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "throw-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "throw-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = async function *() {
+  callCount += 1;
+  log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+    var v = yield* obj;
+    log.push({
+      name: "after yield*",
+      value: v
+    });
+    return "return-value";
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 11, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-next.js b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57ada56da139eb5e3035fdaf4aaef1735f833a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-expr-static-method.template
+description: Execution order for yield* with async iterator and next() (Static async generator method as a ClassExpression element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      static MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.iterator]" });
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "asyncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-promise-1",
+                get then() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return function(resolve) {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "call next then (1)",
+                      thisValue: this,
+                      args: [...arguments]
+                    });
+                    resolve({
+                      name: "next-result-1",
+                      get value() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next value (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return "next-value-1";
+                      },
+                      get done() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next done (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return false;
+                      }
+                    });
+                  };
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-promise-2",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call next then (2)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "next-result-2",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next value (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "next-value-2";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next done (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return true;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var C = class { static async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "get next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "call next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "get next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "get next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "call next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 17, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-return.js b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2570ccc187404710d1f95602f9148cff298776b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-expr-static-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and return() (Static async generator method as a ClassExpression element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      static MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: 'asyncIterator',
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call return then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "return-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "return-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call return then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "return-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "return-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var C = class { static async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      yield* obj;
+var gen = C.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "get return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "get return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 15, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-throw.js b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d068919e66288ebd5a4ef4681268adaa2719710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-expr-static-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and throw() (Static async generator method as a ClassExpression element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      static MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "asyncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call throw then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "throw-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "throw-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call throw then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "throw-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "throw-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var C = class { static async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 16, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-next.js b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca93f9f57d0c40db79d8abcedf9becc1ca519c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-expr-static-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and next() (Static async generator method as a ClassExpression element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      static MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    2. Let value be ? GetValue(exprRef).
+    3. Let generatorKind be ! GetGeneratorKind().
+    4. Let iterator be ? GetIterator(value, generatorKind).
+    5. Let received be NormalCompletion(undefined).
+    6. Repeat
+      a. If received.[[Type]] is normal, then
+        i. Let innerResult be ? IteratorNext(iterator, received.[[Value]]).
+        ii. Let innerResult be ? Invoke(iterator, "next",
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        iii. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+        ...
+        v. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+        vi. If done is true, then
+           1. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+        vii. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GetIterator ( obj [ , hint ] )
+    ...
+    3. If hint is async,
+      a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@asyncIterator).
+      b. If method is undefined,
+        i. Let syncMethod be ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
+        ii. Let syncIterator be ? Call(syncMethod, obj).
+        iii. Return ? CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(syncIterator).
+    ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.next ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let nextResult be IteratorNext(syncIterator, value).
+    ...
+    7. Let nextValue be IteratorValue(nextResult).
+    ...
+    9. Let nextDone be IteratorComplete(nextResult).
+    ...
+    12. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « nextValue »).
+    ...
+    14. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to nextDone.
+    15. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+    Async Iterator Value Unwrap Functions
+    1. Return ! CreateIterResultObject(value, F.[[Done]]).
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.iterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.iterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "syncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-result-1",
+                get value() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next value (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return "next-value-1";
+                },
+                get done() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next done (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return false;
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-result-2",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next value (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "next-value-2";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next done (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return true;
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]" });
+    return null;
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var C = class { static async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.iterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 8, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 13, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-return.js b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..26377124acc09d145c6aa5472637242c61302071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-expr-static-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and return() (Static async generator method as a ClassExpression element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      static MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.return ( value )
+    5. Let return be GetMethod(syncIterator, "return").
+    ...
+    ...
+    8. Let returnResult be Call(return, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let returnValue be IteratorValue(returnResult).
+    ..
+    13. Let returnDone be IteratorComplete(returnResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined, « returnValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to returnDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "return-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "return-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var C = class { static async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      yield* obj;
+var gen = C.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-throw.js b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..156e2ef8594b52f6e80df3812f350a11e1c39a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-expr-static-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and throw() (Static async generator method as a ClassExpression element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      static MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.throw ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let throw be GetMethod(syncIterator, "throw").
+    ...
+    8. Let throwResult be Call(throw, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let throwValue be IteratorValue(throwResult).
+    ...
+    13. Let throwDone be IteratorComplete(throwResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « throwValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to throwDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "throw-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "throw-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var C = class { static async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 11, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-next.js b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33306ad1146dd0148b2f45365e9f58c840a74267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-expr-method.template
+description: Execution order for yield* with async iterator and next() (Async generator method as a ClassExpression element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.iterator]" });
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "asyncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-promise-1",
+                get then() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return function(resolve) {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "call next then (1)",
+                      thisValue: this,
+                      args: [...arguments]
+                    });
+                    resolve({
+                      name: "next-result-1",
+                      get value() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next value (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return "next-value-1";
+                      },
+                      get done() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next done (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return false;
+                      }
+                    });
+                  };
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-promise-2",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call next then (2)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "next-result-2",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next value (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "next-value-2";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next done (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return true;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var C = class { async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.prototype.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "get next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "call next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "get next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "get next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "call next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 17, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-return.js b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4fae2bd8eff33fdcc216451e93f23700d005ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-expr-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and return() (Async generator method as a ClassExpression element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: 'asyncIterator',
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call return then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "return-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "return-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call return then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "return-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "return-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var C = class { async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      yield* obj;
+var gen = C.prototype.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "get return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "get return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 15, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-throw.js b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..460fd7004cb6d990036f21b31e7c085d3dd732f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-expr-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and throw() (Async generator method as a ClassExpression element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "asyncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call throw then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "throw-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "throw-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call throw then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "throw-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "throw-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var C = class { async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.prototype.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 16, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-next.js b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7034de91f4a6e030040ef7d99ab486c7420779e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-expr-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and next() (Async generator method as a ClassExpression element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    2. Let value be ? GetValue(exprRef).
+    3. Let generatorKind be ! GetGeneratorKind().
+    4. Let iterator be ? GetIterator(value, generatorKind).
+    5. Let received be NormalCompletion(undefined).
+    6. Repeat
+      a. If received.[[Type]] is normal, then
+        i. Let innerResult be ? IteratorNext(iterator, received.[[Value]]).
+        ii. Let innerResult be ? Invoke(iterator, "next",
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        iii. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+        ...
+        v. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+        vi. If done is true, then
+           1. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+        vii. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GetIterator ( obj [ , hint ] )
+    ...
+    3. If hint is async,
+      a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@asyncIterator).
+      b. If method is undefined,
+        i. Let syncMethod be ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
+        ii. Let syncIterator be ? Call(syncMethod, obj).
+        iii. Return ? CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(syncIterator).
+    ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.next ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let nextResult be IteratorNext(syncIterator, value).
+    ...
+    7. Let nextValue be IteratorValue(nextResult).
+    ...
+    9. Let nextDone be IteratorComplete(nextResult).
+    ...
+    12. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « nextValue »).
+    ...
+    14. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to nextDone.
+    15. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+    Async Iterator Value Unwrap Functions
+    1. Return ! CreateIterResultObject(value, F.[[Done]]).
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.iterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.iterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "syncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-result-1",
+                get value() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next value (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return "next-value-1";
+                },
+                get done() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next done (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return false;
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-result-2",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next value (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "next-value-2";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next done (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return true;
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]" });
+    return null;
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var C = class { async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.prototype.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.iterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 8, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 13, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-return.js b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97c7c97a85a3598ef90cac244478bd081b61f885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-expr-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and return() (Async generator method as a ClassExpression element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.return ( value )
+    5. Let return be GetMethod(syncIterator, "return").
+    ...
+    ...
+    8. Let returnResult be Call(return, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let returnValue be IteratorValue(returnResult).
+    ..
+    13. Let returnDone be IteratorComplete(returnResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined, « returnValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to returnDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "return-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "return-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var C = class { async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      yield* obj;
+var gen = C.prototype.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-throw.js b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed940823b5bd663f84a689ebc29469c48245bd49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-expr-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and throw() (Async generator method as a ClassExpression element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.throw ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let throw be GetMethod(syncIterator, "throw").
+    ...
+    8. Let throwResult be Call(throw, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let throwValue be IteratorValue(throwResult).
+    ...
+    13. Let throwDone be IteratorComplete(throwResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « throwValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to throwDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "throw-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "throw-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var C = class { async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.prototype.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 11, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-async-next.js b/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-async-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dad1843b82773db7834d800ea2dbc7e450cc9d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-async-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-obj-method.template
+description: Execution order for yield* with async iterator and next() (Async generator method)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.iterator]" });
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "asyncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-promise-1",
+                get then() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return function(resolve) {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "call next then (1)",
+                      thisValue: this,
+                      args: [...arguments]
+                    });
+                    resolve({
+                      name: "next-result-1",
+                      get value() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next value (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return "next-value-1";
+                      },
+                      get done() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next done (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return false;
+                      }
+                    });
+                  };
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-promise-2",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call next then (2)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "next-result-2",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next value (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "next-value-2";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next done (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return true;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = {
+  async *method() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+  }
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "get next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "call next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "get next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "get next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "call next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 17, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-async-return.js b/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-async-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..512ab43c7e979ca2e6a80462832f5eb47181dfcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-async-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-obj-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and return() (Async generator method)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: 'asyncIterator',
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call return then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "return-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "return-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call return then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "return-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "return-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = {
+  async *method() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      yield* obj;
+  }
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "get return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "get return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 15, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-async-throw.js b/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-async-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..448934cd3028835da917aeee0bb7ce8b7c4bb510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-async-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-obj-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and throw() (Async generator method)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "asyncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call throw then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "throw-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "throw-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call throw then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "throw-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "throw-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = {
+  async *method() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+  }
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 16, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-sync-next.js b/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-sync-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c83ffa16efb673355c08da13c5a2cee1a704480d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-sync-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-obj-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and next() (Async generator method)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    2. Let value be ? GetValue(exprRef).
+    3. Let generatorKind be ! GetGeneratorKind().
+    4. Let iterator be ? GetIterator(value, generatorKind).
+    5. Let received be NormalCompletion(undefined).
+    6. Repeat
+      a. If received.[[Type]] is normal, then
+        i. Let innerResult be ? IteratorNext(iterator, received.[[Value]]).
+        ii. Let innerResult be ? Invoke(iterator, "next",
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        iii. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+        ...
+        v. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+        vi. If done is true, then
+           1. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+        vii. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GetIterator ( obj [ , hint ] )
+    ...
+    3. If hint is async,
+      a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@asyncIterator).
+      b. If method is undefined,
+        i. Let syncMethod be ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
+        ii. Let syncIterator be ? Call(syncMethod, obj).
+        iii. Return ? CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(syncIterator).
+    ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.next ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let nextResult be IteratorNext(syncIterator, value).
+    ...
+    7. Let nextValue be IteratorValue(nextResult).
+    ...
+    9. Let nextDone be IteratorComplete(nextResult).
+    ...
+    12. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « nextValue »).
+    ...
+    14. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to nextDone.
+    15. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+    Async Iterator Value Unwrap Functions
+    1. Return ! CreateIterResultObject(value, F.[[Done]]).
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.iterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.iterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "syncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-result-1",
+                get value() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next value (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return "next-value-1";
+                },
+                get done() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next done (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return false;
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-result-2",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next value (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "next-value-2";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next done (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return true;
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]" });
+    return null;
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = {
+  async *method() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+  }
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.iterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 8, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 13, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-sync-return.js b/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-sync-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7f07943b5dd7aa9676104657a6fad2835873b466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-sync-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-obj-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and return() (Async generator method)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.return ( value )
+    5. Let return be GetMethod(syncIterator, "return").
+    ...
+    ...
+    8. Let returnResult be Call(return, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let returnValue be IteratorValue(returnResult).
+    ..
+    13. Let returnDone be IteratorComplete(returnResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined, « returnValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to returnDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "return-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "return-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = {
+  async *method() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      yield* obj;
+  }
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-sync-throw.js b/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-sync-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf0d11135d123449ccfff9b09ddff95225172526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/async-gen-yield-star-sync-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-obj-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and throw() (Async generator method)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.throw ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let throw be GetMethod(syncIterator, "throw").
+    ...
+    8. Let throwResult be Call(throw, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let throwValue be IteratorValue(throwResult).
+    ...
+    13. Let throwDone be IteratorComplete(throwResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « throwValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to throwDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "throw-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "throw-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+var gen = {
+  async *method() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+  }
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 11, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-async-next.js b/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-async-next.js
index 9eb6ec80a54777794f9adb97b1644b42c356373c..87845a14f1dc46d66fc7635f6f29071141c17c9d 100644
--- a/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-async-next.js
+++ b/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-async-next.js
@@ -1,58 +1,23 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Tooru Fujisawa. All rights reserved.
-// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-declaration.template
-author: Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] <arai_a@mac.com>
-esid: pending
-description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and next()
+description: Execution order for yield* with async iterator and next() (Async generator Function declaration)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorDeclaration
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
 info: |
-    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
-    ...
-    2. Let value be ? GetValue(exprRef).
-    3. Let generatorKind be ! GetGeneratorKind().
-    4. Let iterator be ? GetIterator(value, generatorKind).
-    5. Let received be NormalCompletion(undefined).
-    6. Repeat
-      a. If received.[[Type]] is normal, then
-        i. Let innerResult be ? IteratorNext(iterator, received.[[Value]]).
-        ii. Let innerResult be ? Invoke(iterator, "next",
-            « received.[[Value]] »).
-        iii. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
-             ? Await(innerResult).
-        ...
-        v. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
-        vi. If done is true, then
-           1. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
-        vii. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
-      ...
-    GetIterator ( obj [ , hint ] )
-    ...
-    3. If hint is async,
-      a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@asyncIterator).
-      b. If method is undefined,
-        i. Let syncMethod be ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
-        ii. Let syncIterator be ? Call(syncMethod, obj).
-        iii. Return ? CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(syncIterator).
-    ...
-    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
-    ...
-    10. If generatorKind is async,
-      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
-      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
-      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
-    ...
-flags: [async]
-features: [async-iteration]
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorDeclaration:
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
 var log = [];
-var iter = {
+var obj = {
   get [Symbol.iterator]() {
     log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.iterator]" });
@@ -160,26 +125,35 @@ var iter = {
-var asyncIterator = (async function*() {
+var callCount = 0;
+async function *gen() {
+  callCount += 1;
   log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
-  var v = yield* iter;
-  log.push({
-    name: "after yield*",
-    value: v
-  });
-  return "return-value";
+    var v = yield* obj;
+    log.push({
+      name: "after yield*",
+      value: v
+    });
+    return "return-value";
+var iter = gen();
 assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
-asyncIterator.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
   assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
   assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
-  assert.sameValue(log[1].thisValue, iter, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
   assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
-  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, iter, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
   assert.sameValue(log[2].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] args.length");
   assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "get next");
@@ -213,7 +187,7 @@ asyncIterator.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
   assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
-  asyncIterator.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
     assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next");
     assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
@@ -246,3 +220,5 @@ asyncIterator.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
     assert.sameValue(log.length, 17, "log.length");
   }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-async-return.js b/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-async-return.js
index f11d34abcf133186a9b83269342c87aeb6b995c9..6b6883d4531918150c28ec81f24f4f3fdb3dac3a 100644
--- a/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-async-return.js
+++ b/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-async-return.js
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Tooru Fujisawa. All rights reserved.
-// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-declaration.template
-author: Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] <arai_a@mac.com>
-esid: pending
-description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and return()
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and return() (Async generator Function declaration)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorDeclaration
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
 info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorDeclaration:
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
     YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
@@ -36,12 +44,9 @@ info: |
       c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
-flags: [async]
-features: [async-iteration]
 var log = [];
-var iter = {
+var obj = {
   [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
     var returnCount = 0;
     return {
@@ -144,14 +149,23 @@ var iter = {
-var asyncIterator = (async function*() {
+var callCount = 0;
+async function *gen() {
+  callCount += 1;
   log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
-  yield* iter;
+    yield* obj;
+var iter = gen();
 assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
-asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
+iter.next().then(v => {
   assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
   assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
@@ -161,7 +175,7 @@ asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
   assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
-  asyncIterator.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
     assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
     assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
@@ -193,7 +207,7 @@ asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
     assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
-    asyncIterator.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
       assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return");
       assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
@@ -224,3 +238,5 @@ asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
     }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-async-throw.js b/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-async-throw.js
index 0e9feeb7744177036f4e3f8186a35c4e0e7809db..4c0c64e21af0153b5ee64c39249f14a934d8dda7 100644
--- a/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-async-throw.js
+++ b/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-async-throw.js
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Tooru Fujisawa. All rights reserved.
-// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-declaration.template
-author: Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] <arai_a@mac.com>
-esid: pending
-description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and throw()
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and throw() (Async generator Function declaration)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorDeclaration
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
 info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorDeclaration:
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
     YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
@@ -33,12 +41,9 @@ info: |
       c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
-flags: [async]
-features: [async-iteration]
 var log = [];
-var iter = {
+var obj = {
   [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
     var throwCount = 0;
     return {
@@ -141,19 +146,28 @@ var iter = {
-var asyncIterator = (async function*() {
+var callCount = 0;
+async function *gen() {
+  callCount += 1;
   log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
-  var v = yield* iter;
-  log.push({
-    name: "after yield*",
-    value: v
-  });
-  return "return-value";
+    var v = yield* obj;
+    log.push({
+      name: "after yield*",
+      value: v
+    });
+    return "return-value";
+var iter = gen();
 assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
-asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
+iter.next().then(v => {
   assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
   assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
@@ -163,7 +177,7 @@ asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
   assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
-  asyncIterator.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
     assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
     assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
@@ -195,7 +209,7 @@ asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
     assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
-    asyncIterator.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
       assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw");
       assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
@@ -229,3 +243,5 @@ asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
     }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-sync-next.js b/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-sync-next.js
index b57992c2e08a859e7def936f61572f4241072a42..bf68fe614db7954cf19dd21e3c41ce35bb0cb012 100644
--- a/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-sync-next.js
+++ b/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-sync-next.js
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Tooru Fujisawa. All rights reserved.
-// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-declaration.template
-author: Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] <arai_a@mac.com>
-esid: pending
-description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and next()
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and next() (Async generator Function declaration)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorDeclaration
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
 info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorDeclaration:
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
     YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
@@ -59,12 +67,9 @@ info: |
     1. Return ! CreateIterResultObject(value, F.[[Done]]).
-flags: [async]
-features: [async-iteration]
 var log = [];
-var iter = {
+var obj = {
   get [Symbol.iterator]() {
       name: "get [Symbol.iterator]",
@@ -139,28 +144,37 @@ var iter = {
     return null;
-var asyncIterator = (async function*() {
+var callCount = 0;
+async function *gen() {
+  callCount += 1;
   log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
-  var v = yield* iter;
-  log.push({
-    name: "after yield*",
-    value: v
-  });
-  return "return-value";
+    var v = yield* obj;
+    log.push({
+      name: "after yield*",
+      value: v
+    });
+    return "return-value";
+var iter = gen();
 assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
-asyncIterator.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
   assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
   assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
   assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get [Symbol.iterator]");
-  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, iter, "get [Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
   assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call [Symbol.iterator]");
-  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue, iter, "[Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
   assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.iterator] args.length");
   assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get next");
@@ -182,7 +196,7 @@ asyncIterator.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
   assert.sameValue(log.length, 8, "log.length");
-  asyncIterator.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
     assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next");
     assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
@@ -206,3 +220,5 @@ asyncIterator.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
     assert.sameValue(log.length, 13, "log.length");
   }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-sync-return.js b/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-sync-return.js
index 7252db75cbc19b23b58dc539e08ae94fa0169312..a627e8fda7e9e8c3e82219c5d4854e2a867f94bc 100644
--- a/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-sync-return.js
+++ b/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-sync-return.js
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Tooru Fujisawa. All rights reserved.
-// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-declaration.template
-author: Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] <arai_a@mac.com>
-esid: pending
-description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and return()
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and return() (Async generator Function declaration)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorDeclaration
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
 info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorDeclaration:
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
     YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
@@ -45,12 +53,9 @@ info: |
         onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
-flags: [async]
-features: [async-iteration]
 var log = [];
-var iter = {
+var obj = {
   [Symbol.iterator]() {
     var returnCount = 0;
     return {
@@ -119,14 +124,23 @@ var iter = {
-var asyncIterator = (async function*() {
+var callCount = 0;
+async function *gen() {
+  callCount += 1;
   log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
-  yield* iter;
+    yield* obj;
+var iter = gen();
 assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
-asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
+iter.next().then(v => {
   assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
   assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
@@ -136,7 +150,7 @@ asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
   assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
-  asyncIterator.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
     assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
     assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
@@ -156,7 +170,7 @@ asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
     assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
-    asyncIterator.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
       assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return");
       assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
@@ -178,3 +192,5 @@ asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
     }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-sync-throw.js b/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-sync-throw.js
index c67a73b79046bfc41456cb238f39028c6fa95915..9c5e0b8d8b08bc33b98b0b66c8897eaaf7dffffc 100644
--- a/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-sync-throw.js
+++ b/test/language/statements/async-generator/yield-star-sync-throw.js
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Tooru Fujisawa. All rights reserved.
-// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-declaration.template
-author: Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] <arai_a@mac.com>
-esid: pending
-description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and throw()
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and throw() (Async generator Function declaration)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorDeclaration
+features: [async-iteration, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
 info: |
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorDeclaration:
+      async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) {
+        AsyncGeneratorBody }
     YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
@@ -43,12 +51,9 @@ info: |
         onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
-flags: [async]
-features: [async-iteration]
 var log = [];
-var iter = {
+var obj = {
   [Symbol.iterator]() {
     var throwCount = 0;
     return {
@@ -117,19 +122,28 @@ var iter = {
-var asyncIterator = (async function*() {
+var callCount = 0;
+async function *gen() {
+  callCount += 1;
   log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
-  var v = yield* iter;
-  log.push({
-    name: "after yield*",
-    value: v
-  });
-  return "return-value";
+    var v = yield* obj;
+    log.push({
+      name: "after yield*",
+      value: v
+    });
+    return "return-value";
+var iter = gen();
 assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
-asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
+iter.next().then(v => {
   assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
   assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
@@ -139,7 +153,7 @@ asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
   assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
-  asyncIterator.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
     assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
     assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
@@ -159,7 +173,7 @@ asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
     assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
-    asyncIterator.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
       assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw");
       assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
@@ -184,3 +198,5 @@ asyncIterator.next().then(v => {
     }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-next.js b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1dfe8e25d74ec4efe4143059a84111a1c8fa5f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-decl-static-method.template
+description: Execution order for yield* with async iterator and next() (Static async generator method as a ClassDeclaration element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      static MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.iterator]" });
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "asyncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-promise-1",
+                get then() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return function(resolve) {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "call next then (1)",
+                      thisValue: this,
+                      args: [...arguments]
+                    });
+                    resolve({
+                      name: "next-result-1",
+                      get value() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next value (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return "next-value-1";
+                      },
+                      get done() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next done (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return false;
+                      }
+                    });
+                  };
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-promise-2",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call next then (2)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "next-result-2",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next value (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "next-value-2";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next done (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return true;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+class C { static async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "get next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "call next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "get next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "get next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "call next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 17, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-return.js b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc4b7c90db948e560e57d6791478502164000087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-decl-static-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and return() (Static async generator method as a ClassDeclaration element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      static MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: 'asyncIterator',
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call return then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "return-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "return-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call return then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "return-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "return-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+class C { static async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      yield* obj;
+var gen = C.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "get return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "get return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 15, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-throw.js b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..905106e9affac8f067c576a284037708814eaa66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-async-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-decl-static-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and throw() (Static async generator method as a ClassDeclaration element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      static MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "asyncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call throw then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "throw-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "throw-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call throw then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "throw-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "throw-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+class C { static async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 16, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-next.js b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..408fbc79b6d881126cac760abc5d0477e82fc7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-decl-static-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and next() (Static async generator method as a ClassDeclaration element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      static MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    2. Let value be ? GetValue(exprRef).
+    3. Let generatorKind be ! GetGeneratorKind().
+    4. Let iterator be ? GetIterator(value, generatorKind).
+    5. Let received be NormalCompletion(undefined).
+    6. Repeat
+      a. If received.[[Type]] is normal, then
+        i. Let innerResult be ? IteratorNext(iterator, received.[[Value]]).
+        ii. Let innerResult be ? Invoke(iterator, "next",
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        iii. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+        ...
+        v. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+        vi. If done is true, then
+           1. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+        vii. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GetIterator ( obj [ , hint ] )
+    ...
+    3. If hint is async,
+      a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@asyncIterator).
+      b. If method is undefined,
+        i. Let syncMethod be ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
+        ii. Let syncIterator be ? Call(syncMethod, obj).
+        iii. Return ? CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(syncIterator).
+    ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.next ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let nextResult be IteratorNext(syncIterator, value).
+    ...
+    7. Let nextValue be IteratorValue(nextResult).
+    ...
+    9. Let nextDone be IteratorComplete(nextResult).
+    ...
+    12. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « nextValue »).
+    ...
+    14. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to nextDone.
+    15. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+    Async Iterator Value Unwrap Functions
+    1. Return ! CreateIterResultObject(value, F.[[Done]]).
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.iterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.iterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "syncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-result-1",
+                get value() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next value (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return "next-value-1";
+                },
+                get done() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next done (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return false;
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-result-2",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next value (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "next-value-2";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next done (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return true;
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]" });
+    return null;
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+class C { static async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.iterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 8, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 13, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-return.js b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4b46aae32ac37134f62752b22810478f1e3d95a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-decl-static-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and return() (Static async generator method as a ClassDeclaration element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      static MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.return ( value )
+    5. Let return be GetMethod(syncIterator, "return").
+    ...
+    ...
+    8. Let returnResult be Call(return, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let returnValue be IteratorValue(returnResult).
+    ..
+    13. Let returnDone be IteratorComplete(returnResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined, « returnValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to returnDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "return-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "return-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+class C { static async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      yield* obj;
+var gen = C.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-throw.js b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c265f5aecddaad6ed1b852e478fb73d8443633b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-static-yield-star-sync-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-decl-static-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and throw() (Static async generator method as a ClassDeclaration element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      static MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.throw ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let throw be GetMethod(syncIterator, "throw").
+    ...
+    8. Let throwResult be Call(throw, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let throwValue be IteratorValue(throwResult).
+    ...
+    13. Let throwDone be IteratorComplete(throwResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « throwValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to throwDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "throw-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "throw-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+class C { static async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 11, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-next.js b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a43370f6c3afa6f2fa416bc4c7d05c1163b956b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-decl-method.template
+description: Execution order for yield* with async iterator and next() (Async Generator method as a ClassDeclaration element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.iterator]" });
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "asyncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-promise-1",
+                get then() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return function(resolve) {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "call next then (1)",
+                      thisValue: this,
+                      args: [...arguments]
+                    });
+                    resolve({
+                      name: "next-result-1",
+                      get value() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next value (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return "next-value-1";
+                      },
+                      get done() {
+                        log.push({
+                          name: "get next done (1)",
+                          thisValue: this
+                        });
+                        return false;
+                      }
+                    });
+                  };
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-promise-2",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call next then (2)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "next-result-2",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next value (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "next-value-2";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get next done (2)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return true;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+class C { async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.prototype.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "get next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "call next then (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-promise-1", "next then thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "get next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "get next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "call next then (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "next-promise-2", "next then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[13].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[15].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[16].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 17, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-return.js b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a373dd230b65c5f8b9107878ebc0df8055c9efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-decl-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and return() (Async Generator method as a ClassDeclaration element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: 'asyncIterator',
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call return then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "return-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "return-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get return done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call return then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "return-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "return-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get return done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+class C { async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      yield* obj;
+var gen = C.prototype.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "get return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call return then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-promise-1", "return then thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "get return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call return then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "return-promise-2", "return then thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 15, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-throw.js b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffa3a5216ecf89712278c191fb340ebf4f8fdeb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-async-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-decl-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with async iterator and throw() (Async Generator method as a ClassDeclaration element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
+    ...
+    10. If generatorKind is async,
+      a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
+      b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
+      c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "asyncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-promise-1",
+              get then() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw then (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return function(resolve) {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "call throw then (1)",
+                    thisValue: this,
+                    args: [...arguments]
+                  });
+                  resolve({
+                    name: "throw-result-1",
+                    get value() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw value (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return "throw-value-1";
+                    },
+                    get done() {
+                      log.push({
+                        name: "get throw done (1)",
+                        thisValue: this
+                      });
+                      return false;
+                    }
+                  });
+                };
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-promise-2",
+            get then() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw then (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return function(resolve) {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "call throw then (2)",
+                  thisValue: this,
+                  args: [...arguments]
+                });
+                resolve({
+                  name: "throw-result-2",
+                  get value() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw value (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return "throw-value-2";
+                  },
+                  get done() {
+                    log.push({
+                      name: "get throw done (2)",
+                      thisValue: this
+                    });
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+              };
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+class C { async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.prototype.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call throw then (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-1", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call throw then (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].thisValue.name, "throw-promise-2", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[13].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[14].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[15].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 16, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-next.js b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-next.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d139fb47caed782ff6f9f554ff1a7e0658e14c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-next.js
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-next.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-decl-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and next() (Async Generator method as a ClassDeclaration element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    2. Let value be ? GetValue(exprRef).
+    3. Let generatorKind be ! GetGeneratorKind().
+    4. Let iterator be ? GetIterator(value, generatorKind).
+    5. Let received be NormalCompletion(undefined).
+    6. Repeat
+      a. If received.[[Type]] is normal, then
+        i. Let innerResult be ? IteratorNext(iterator, received.[[Value]]).
+        ii. Let innerResult be ? Invoke(iterator, "next",
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        iii. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+        ...
+        v. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+        vi. If done is true, then
+           1. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+        vii. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    GetIterator ( obj [ , hint ] )
+    ...
+    3. If hint is async,
+      a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@asyncIterator).
+      b. If method is undefined,
+        i. Let syncMethod be ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
+        ii. Let syncIterator be ? Call(syncMethod, obj).
+        iii. Return ? CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(syncIterator).
+    ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.next ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let nextResult be IteratorNext(syncIterator, value).
+    ...
+    7. Let nextValue be IteratorValue(nextResult).
+    ...
+    9. Let nextDone be IteratorComplete(nextResult).
+    ...
+    12. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « nextValue »).
+    ...
+    14. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to nextDone.
+    15. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+    Async Iterator Value Unwrap Functions
+    1. Return ! CreateIterResultObject(value, F.[[Done]]).
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  get [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    log.push({
+      name: "get [Symbol.iterator]",
+      thisValue: this
+    });
+    return function() {
+      log.push({
+        name: "call [Symbol.iterator]",
+        thisValue: this,
+        args: [...arguments]
+      });
+      var nextCount = 0;
+      return {
+        name: "syncIterator",
+        get next() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "get next",
+            thisValue: this
+          });
+          return function() {
+            log.push({
+              name: "call next",
+              thisValue: this,
+              args: [...arguments]
+            });
+            nextCount++;
+            if (nextCount == 1) {
+              return {
+                name: "next-result-1",
+                get value() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next value (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return "next-value-1";
+                },
+                get done() {
+                  log.push({
+                    name: "get next done (1)",
+                    thisValue: this
+                  });
+                  return false;
+                }
+              };
+            }
+            return {
+              name: "next-result-2",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next value (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "next-value-2";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get next done (2)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return true;
+              }
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      };
+    };
+  },
+  get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
+    log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]" });
+    return null;
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+class C { async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.prototype.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next("next-arg-1").then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call [Symbol.iterator]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.iterator] args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call next");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+  assert.sameValue(log[5].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get next value (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
+  assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 8, "log.length");
+  iter.next("next-arg-2").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "call next");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[9].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next value (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[10].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get next done (2)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[11].thisValue.name, "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "after yield*");
+    assert.sameValue(log[12].value, "next-value-2");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 13, "log.length");
+  }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-return.js b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-return.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..790ab292236082088be81e7f0a0895d38599a4ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-return.js
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-return.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-decl-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and return() (Async Generator method as a ClassDeclaration element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      c. Else,
+        i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
+        ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+        iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
+        iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
+            « received.[[Value]] »).
+        v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
+           ? Await(innerReturnResult).
+        ...
+        vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
+        viii. If done is true, then
+             1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
+             2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
+                [[Target]]: empty}.
+        ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.return ( value )
+    5. Let return be GetMethod(syncIterator, "return").
+    ...
+    ...
+    8. Let returnResult be Call(return, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let returnValue be IteratorValue(returnResult).
+    ..
+    13. Let returnDone be IteratorComplete(returnResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined, « returnValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to returnDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var returnCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get return() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get return",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call return",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          returnCount++;
+          if (returnCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "return-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "return-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get return done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "return-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "return-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get return done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+class C { async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      yield* obj;
+var gen = C.prototype.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "return thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get return done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call return");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);
diff --git a/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-throw.js b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..75dc626762bf14dd45bba471dea906035d483a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/language/statements/class/async-gen-method-yield-star-sync-throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
+// - src/async-generators/yield-star-sync-throw.case
+// - src/async-generators/default/async-class-decl-method.template
+description: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and throw() (Async Generator method as a ClassDeclaration element)
+esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorMethod
+features: [async-iteration, async-iteration]
+flags: [generated, async]
+info: |
+    ClassElement :
+      MethodDefinition
+    MethodDefinition :
+      AsyncGeneratorMethod
+    Async Generator Function Definitions
+    AsyncGeneratorMethod :
+      async [no LineTerminator here] * PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
+    YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
+    ...
+    6. Repeat
+      ...
+      b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
+        i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
+        ii. If throw is not undefined, then
+          1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
+          2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
+             ? Await(innerResult).
+          ...
+          5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
+          6. If done is true, then
+            a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
+          7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
+      ...
+    %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.throw ( value )
+    ...
+    5. Let throw be GetMethod(syncIterator, "throw").
+    ...
+    8. Let throwResult be Call(throw, syncIterator, « value »).
+    ...
+    11. Let throwValue be IteratorValue(throwResult).
+    ...
+    13. Let throwDone be IteratorComplete(throwResult).
+    ...
+    16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
+        « throwValue »).
+    ...
+    18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to throwDone.
+    19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
+        onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
+    ...
+var log = [];
+var obj = {
+  [Symbol.iterator]() {
+    var throwCount = 0;
+    return {
+      name: "syncIterator",
+      get next() {
+        log.push({ name: "get next" });
+        return function() {
+          return {
+            value: "next-value-1",
+            done: false
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      get throw() {
+        log.push({
+          name: "get throw",
+          thisValue: this
+        });
+        return function() {
+          log.push({
+            name: "call throw",
+            thisValue: this,
+            args: [...arguments]
+          });
+          throwCount++;
+          if (throwCount == 1) {
+            return {
+              name: "throw-result-1",
+              get value() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw value (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return "throw-value-1";
+              },
+              get done() {
+                log.push({
+                  name: "get throw done (1)",
+                  thisValue: this
+                });
+                return false;
+              }
+            };
+          }
+          return {
+            name: "throw-result-2",
+            get value() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw value (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return "throw-value-2";
+            },
+            get done() {
+              log.push({
+                name: "get throw done (2)",
+                thisValue: this
+              });
+              return true;
+            }
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+var callCount = 0;
+class C { async *gen() {
+    callCount += 1;
+    log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
+      var v = yield* obj;
+      log.push({
+        name: "after yield*",
+        value: v
+      });
+      return "return-value";
+var gen = C.prototype.gen;
+var iter = gen();
+assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");
+iter.next().then(v => {
+  assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
+  assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
+  assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
+  assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+  assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
+  iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+    assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw value (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[4].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get throw done (1)");
+    assert.sameValue(log[5].thisValue.name, "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
+    assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
+    assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
+    assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
+    iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[6].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call throw");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].thisValue.name, "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
+      assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw value (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[8].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw done (2)");
+      assert.sameValue(log[9].thisValue.name, "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "after yield*");
+      assert.sameValue(log[10].value, "throw-value-2");
+      assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
+      assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
+      assert.sameValue(log.length, 11, "log.length");
+    }).then($DONE, $DONE);
+  }).catch($DONE);
+assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);