diff --git a/test/harness/ed.js b/test/harness/ed.js
index 1c5cabd8e831572e79e2b3add66693ee984bfd98..6d652a9104f5a4c9dfedddcf8a56d29f68c97e44 100644
--- a/test/harness/ed.js
+++ b/test/harness/ed.js
@@ -6,9 +6,20 @@
 //Error Detector
 if (this.window!==undefined) {  //for console support
-    this.window.onerror = function(errorMsg, url, lineNumber) {
-        this.window.iframeError = errorMsg;
-        if(typeof $DONE === 'function') $DONE();
+    this.window.onerror = function(errorMsg, url, lineNumber, colNumber, error) {
+        var cookedError;
+        if (error) {
+            cookedError = error.toString();
+        } else {
+            if (/Error:/.test(errorMsg)) {
+                cookedError = errorMsg;
+            } else {
+                cookedError = "UnknownError: " + errorMsg;
+            }
+        }
+        $DONE(cookedError);
diff --git a/test/harness/gs.js b/test/harness/gs.js
index 855cb85bf40b5bf2527510a280dd151ddfd8b614..abb0dec35832edd8f27cc67f7b128459a5449c79 100644
--- a/test/harness/gs.js
+++ b/test/harness/gs.js
@@ -5,68 +5,66 @@
 /// copyright and this notice and otherwise comply with the Use Terms.
 //Global Scope Test Case Validator
-function $DONE() {
+var doneCalled;
+function $DONE(argError) {
+    var testError;
+    var result, resultError;
+    if (argError) {
+        testError = argError.toString();
+    }
+    if (doneCalled) {
+        // ? log called twice
+        return;
+    }
+    doneCalled = true;
     //An exception is expected
     if (testDescrip.negative !== undefined) {
         //TODO - come up with a generic way of catching the error type
         //from this.onerror
-        testDescrip.negative = testDescrip.negative === "NotEarlyError" ?
-                testDescrip.negative :
-            (testDescrip.negative === "^((?!NotEarlyError).)*$" ?
-                testDescrip.negative : ".");
-        if (this.iframeError === undefined) { //no exception was thrown
-            testRun(testDescrip.id,
-                    testDescrip.path,
-                    testDescrip.description,
-                    testDescrip.code,
-                    'fail',
-                    Error('No exception was thrown; expected an error "message"' +
-                          ' property matching the regular expression "' +
-                          testDescrip.negative + '".'));
-        } else if (!(new RegExp(testDescrip.negative,
-                                "i").test(this.iframeError))) {
+        var negRegexp = new RegExp(testDescrip.negative, "i"),
+            unkRegexp = /^UnknownError:/;
+        if (!testError) { //no exception was thrown
+            result = 'fail';
+            resultError = Error('No exception was thrown; expected an error "message"' +
+                                ' property matching the regular expression "' +
+                                testDescrip.negative + '".');
+        } else if (!negRegexp.test(testError) && 
+                   !unkRegexp.test(testError)) {
             //wrong type of exception thrown
-            testRun(testDescrip.id,
-                    testDescrip.path,
-                    testDescrip.description,
-                    testDescrip.code,
-                    'fail',
-                    Error('Expected an exception with a "message"' +
-                          ' property matching the regular expression "' +
-                          testDescrip.negative +
-                          '" to be thrown; actual was "' +
-                          this.iframeError + '".'));
+            result = 'fail';
+            resultError = Error('Expected an exception with a "message"' +
+                                ' property matching the regular expression "' +
+                                testDescrip.negative +
+                                '" to be thrown; actual was "' +
+                                testError + '".');
         } else {
-            testRun(testDescrip.id,
-                    testDescrip.path,
-                    testDescrip.description,
-                    testDescrip.code,
-                    'pass',
-                    undefined);
+            result = 'pass';
+            resultError = 'undefined';
+    } else if (testError) {
+        //Exception was not expected to be thrown
+        result = 'fail';
+        resultError = Error('Unexpected exception, "' + testError + '" was thrown.');
+    } else {
+        result = 'pass';
+        resultError = undefined;
-    //Exception was not expected to be thrown
-    else if (this.iframeError !== undefined) {
-        testRun(testDescrip.id,
-                testDescrip.path,
-                testDescrip.description,
-                testDescrip.code,
-                'fail',
-                Error('Unexpected exception, "' +
-                      this.iframeError + '" was thrown.'));
-    } 
-    else {
-        testRun(testDescrip.id,
-                testDescrip.path,
-                testDescrip.description,
-                testDescrip.code,
-                'pass',
-                undefined);
-    }
+    testRun(testDescrip.id,
+            testDescrip.path,
+            testDescrip.description,
+            testDescrip.code,
+            result,
+            resultError);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/harness/sta.js b/test/harness/sta.js
index e779fc91086f55bd6f1ef0a5b93a86a3698e1c14..7eb14b38564b2678bec543e6dee94cfa5f573178 100644
--- a/test/harness/sta.js
+++ b/test/harness/sta.js
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function Test262Error(message) {
 Test262Error.prototype.toString = function () {
-    return "Test262 Error: " + this.message;
+    return "Test262Error: " + this.message;
 var $ERROR;
diff --git a/test/harness/sth.js b/test/harness/sth.js
index 3acb5b6b2a3e2f2514ed4b7d30725c79e640c2fa..c3f94c6b8a00ef6607c55179e56ce4de7793b11f 100644
--- a/test/harness/sth.js
+++ b/test/harness/sth.js
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ function BrowserRunner() {
             //TODO - 500ms *should* be a sufficient delay
             setTimeout(function() {
-                instance.supportsWindowOnerror = iwinPrereqs.failCount === 2;
+                instance.supportsWindowOnerror = (iwinPrereqs.failCount === 2);
                 instance.run(test, code);
diff --git a/test/suite/ch08/8.7/S8.7.1_A2.js b/test/suite/ch08/8.7/S8.7.1_A2.js
index 921775fa7c772c6ecff6ecbcf51ee61364fc3e6b..70fbfd7dc29b0381e51b37c497234450e7932f0c 100644
--- a/test/suite/ch08/8.7/S8.7.1_A2.js
+++ b/test/suite/ch08/8.7/S8.7.1_A2.js
@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ var y = 1;
-if(delete y){
-  $ERROR('#1: y = 1; (delete y) === false. Actual: ' + ((delete y)));
+var result = delete y;
+  $ERROR('#1: y = 1; (delete y) === false. Actual: ' + result);