diff --git a/external/contributions/Google/sputniktests/tools/sputnik.py b/external/contributions/Google/sputniktests/tools/sputnik.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c6f502990779bf2b5c9682378a7b690e72ba6e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/contributions/Google/sputniktests/tools/sputnik.py
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+# Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors.  All rights reserved.
+# This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+import logging
+import optparse
+import os
+from os import path
+import platform
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+class SputnikError(Exception):
+  def __init__(self, message):
+    self.message = message
+def ReportError(s):
+  raise SputnikError(s)
+def BuildOptions():
+  result = optparse.OptionParser()
+  result.add_option("--command", default=None, help="The command-line to run")
+  result.add_option("--tests", default=path.abspath('.'), help="Path to the tests")
+  result.add_option("--cat", default=False, action="store_true",
+                    help="Print test source code")
+  result.add_option("--summary", default=False, action="store_true",
+                    help="Print summary after running tests")
+  result.add_option("--full-summary", default=False, action="store_true",
+                    help="Print summary and test output after running tests")
+  result.add_option("--enable-strict-mode", default=False, action="store_true", 
+                    help="Run the mode also in ES5 strict mode")
+  return result
+def ValidateOptions(options):
+  if not options.command:
+    ReportError("A --command must be specified.")
+  if not path.exists(options.tests):
+    ReportError("Couldn't find test path '%s'" % options.tests)
+_PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\{\{(\w+)\}\}")
+_INCLUDE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\$INCLUDE\(\"(.*)\"\);")
+_SPECIAL_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\$([A-Z]+)(?=\()")
+  'ERROR': 'testFailed',
+  'FAIL': 'testFailed',
+  'PRINT': 'testPrint'
+def IsWindows():
+  p = platform.system()
+  return (p == 'Windows') or (p == 'Microsoft')
+def StripHeader(str):
+  while str.startswith('//') and "\n" in str:
+    str = str[str.index("\n")+1:]
+  return str.lstrip()
+class TempFile(object):
+  def __init__(self, suffix="", prefix="tmp", text=False):
+    self.suffix = suffix
+    self.prefix = prefix
+    self.text = text
+    self.fd = None
+    self.name = None
+    self.is_closed = False
+    self.Open()
+  def Open(self):
+    (self.fd, self.name) = tempfile.mkstemp(
+        suffix = self.suffix,
+        prefix = self.prefix,
+        text = self.text
+    )
+  def Write(self, str):
+    os.write(self.fd, str)
+  def Read(self):
+    f = file(self.name)
+    result = f.read()
+    f.close()
+    return result
+  def Close(self):
+    if not self.is_closed:
+      self.is_closed = True
+      os.close(self.fd)
+  def Dispose(self):
+    try:
+      self.Close()
+      os.unlink(self.name)
+    except OSError, e:
+      logging.error("Error disposing temp file: %s", str(e))
+class TestResult(object):
+  def __init__(self, exit_code, stdout, stderr, case):
+    self.exit_code = exit_code
+    self.stdout = stdout
+    self.stderr = stderr
+    self.case = case
+  def ReportOutcome(self, long_format):
+    name = self.case.GetName()
+    if self.HasUnexpectedOutcome():
+      if self.case.IsNegative():
+        print "%s was expected to fail but didn't" % name
+      elif (self.case.strict_mode and self.case.IsStrictModeNegative()):
+        print "%s was expected to fail in strict mode, but didn't" % name
+      else:
+        if long_format:
+          print "=== %s failed ===" % name
+        else:
+          print "%s: " % name
+        out = self.stdout.strip()
+        if len(out) > 0:
+          print "--- output ---"
+          print out
+        err = self.stderr.strip()
+        if len(err) > 0:
+          print "--- errors ---"
+          print err
+        if long_format:
+          print "==="
+    elif self.case.IsNegative():
+      print "%s failed as expected" % name
+    elif self.case.strict_mode:
+      if self.case.IsStrictModeNegative():
+        print "%s failed in strict mode as expected" % name
+      else: 
+        print "%s passed in strict mode" % name
+    else:
+      print "%s passed" % name
+  def HasFailed(self):
+    return self.exit_code != 0
+  def HasUnexpectedOutcome(self):
+    if self.case.IsNegative():
+       return not self.HasFailed()
+    if self.case.IsStrictModeNegative():
+       return not self.HasFailed()
+    else:
+       return self.HasFailed()
+class TestCase(object):
+  def __init__(self, suite, name, full_path, strict_mode=False):
+    self.suite = suite
+    self.name = name
+    self.full_path = full_path
+    self.contents = None
+    self.is_negative = None
+    self.strict_mode = strict_mode
+    self.is_strict_mode_negative = None
+  def GetName(self):
+    return path.join(*self.name)
+  def GetPath(self):
+    return self.name
+  def GetRawContents(self):
+    if self.contents is None:
+      f = open(self.full_path)
+      self.contents = f.read()
+      f.close()
+    return self.contents
+  def IsNegative(self):
+    if self.is_negative is None:
+      self.is_negative = ("@negative" in self.GetRawContents())
+    return self.is_negative
+  def IsStrictModeNegative(self):
+    if self.strict_mode and self.is_strict_mode_negative is None:
+      self.is_strict_mode_negative = ("@strict_mode_negative" in self.GetRawContents())
+    return self.is_strict_mode_negative
+  def GetSource(self):
+    source = self.suite.GetInclude("framework.js", False)
+    source += StripHeader(self.GetRawContents())
+    def IncludeFile(match):
+      return self.suite.GetInclude(match.group(1))
+    source = _INCLUDE_PATTERN.sub(IncludeFile, source)
+    def SpecialCall(match):
+      key = match.group(1)
+      return _SPECIAL_CALLS.get(key, match.group(0))
+    if self.strict_mode:
+      source = '"use strict";\nvar strict_mode = true;\n' + _SPECIAL_CALL_PATTERN.sub(SpecialCall, source)
+    else:
+      source =  "var strict_mode = false; \n" + _SPECIAL_CALL_PATTERN.sub(SpecialCall, source)
+    return source
+  def InstantiateTemplate(self, template, params):
+    def GetParameter(match):
+      key = match.group(1)
+      return params.get(key, match.group(0))
+    return _PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN.sub(GetParameter, template)
+  def RunTestIn(self, command_template, tmp):
+    tmp.Write(self.GetSource())
+    tmp.Close()
+    command = self.InstantiateTemplate(command_template, {
+      'path': tmp.name
+    })
+    (code, out, err) = self.Execute(command)
+    return TestResult(code, out, err, self)
+  def Execute(self, command):
+    if IsWindows():
+      args = '"%s"' % command
+    else:
+      args = command.split(" ")
+    stdout = TempFile(prefix="sputnik-out-")
+    stderr = TempFile(prefix="sputnik-err-")
+    try:
+      logging.info("exec: %s", str(args))
+      process = subprocess.Popen(
+        args,
+        shell = IsWindows(),
+        stdout = stdout.fd,
+        stderr = stderr.fd
+      )
+      code = process.wait()
+      out = stdout.Read()
+      err = stderr.Read()
+    finally:
+      stdout.Dispose()
+      stderr.Dispose()
+    return (code, out, err)
+  def Run(self, command_template):
+    tmp = TempFile(suffix=".js", prefix="sputnik-", text=True)
+    try:
+      result = self.RunTestIn(command_template, tmp)
+    finally:
+      tmp.Dispose()
+    return result
+  def Print(self):
+    print self.GetSource()
+class ProgressIndicator(object):
+  def __init__(self, count):
+    self.count = count
+    self.succeeded = 0
+    self.failed = 0
+    self.failed_tests = []
+  def HasRun(self, result):
+    result.ReportOutcome(True)
+    if result.HasUnexpectedOutcome():
+      self.failed += 1
+      self.failed_tests.append(result)
+    else:
+      self.succeeded += 1
+def MakePlural(n):
+  if (n == 1):
+    return (n, "")
+  else:
+    return (n, "s")
+class TestSuite(object):
+  def __init__(self, root, stric_mode):
+    self.test_root = path.join(root, 'tests', 'Conformance')
+    self.lib_root = path.join(root, 'lib')
+    self.strict_mode = stric_mode
+    self.include_cache = { }
+  def Validate(self):
+    if not path.exists(self.test_root):
+      ReportError("No test repository found")
+    if not path.exists(self.lib_root):
+      ReportError("No test library found")
+  def IsHidden(self, path):
+    return path.startswith('.') or path == 'CVS'
+  def IsTestCase(self, path):
+    return path.endswith('.js')
+  def ShouldRun(self, rel_path, tests):
+    if len(tests) == 0:
+      return True
+    for test in tests:
+      if test in rel_path:
+        return True
+    return False
+  def GetTimeZoneInfoInclude(self):
+    dst_attribs = GetDaylightSavingsAttribs()
+    if not dst_attribs:
+      return None
+    lines = []
+    for key in sorted(dst_attribs.keys()):
+      lines.append('var $DST_%s = %s;' % (key, str(dst_attribs[key])))
+    localtz = time.timezone / -3600
+    lines.append('var $LocalTZ = %i;' % localtz)
+    return "\n".join(lines)
+  def GetSpecialInclude(self, name):
+    if name == "environment.js":
+      return self.GetTimeZoneInfoInclude()
+    else:
+      return None
+  def GetInclude(self, name, strip_header=True):
+    key = (name, strip_header)
+    if not key in self.include_cache:
+      value = self.GetSpecialInclude(name)
+      if value:
+        self.include_cache[key] = value
+      else:
+        static = path.join(self.lib_root, name)
+        if path.exists(static):
+          f = open(static)
+          contents = f.read()
+          if strip_header:
+            contents = StripHeader(contents)
+          self.include_cache[key] = contents + "\n"
+          f.close()
+        else:
+         self.include_cache[key] = ""
+    return self.include_cache[key]
+  def EnumerateTests(self, tests):
+    logging.info("Listing tests in %s", self.test_root)
+    cases = []
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.test_root):
+      for f in [x for x in dirs if self.IsHidden(x)]:
+        dirs.remove(f)
+      dirs.sort()
+      for f in sorted(files):
+        if self.IsTestCase(f):
+          full_path = path.join(root, f)
+          if full_path.startswith(self.test_root):
+            rel_path = full_path[len(self.test_root)+1:]
+          else:
+            logging.warning("Unexpected path %s", full_path)
+            rel_path = full_path
+          if self.ShouldRun(rel_path, tests):
+            basename = path.basename(full_path)[:-3]
+            name = rel_path.split(path.sep)[:-1] + [basename]
+            cases.append(TestCase(self, name, full_path, False))
+            if self.strict_mode:
+              cases.append(TestCase(self, name, full_path, True))
+    logging.info("Done listing tests")
+    return cases
+  def PrintSummary(self, progress):
+    print
+    print "=== Summary ==="
+    count = progress.count
+    succeeded = progress.succeeded
+    failed = progress.failed
+    print " - Ran %i test%s" % MakePlural(count)
+    if progress.failed == 0:
+      print " - All tests succeeded"
+    else:
+      percent = ((100.0 * succeeded) / count,)
+      print " - Passed %i test%s (%.1f%%)" % (MakePlural(succeeded) + percent)
+      percent = ((100.0 * failed) / count,)
+      print " - Failed %i test%s (%.1f%%)" % (MakePlural(failed) + percent)
+      positive = [c for c in progress.failed_tests if not c.case.IsNegative()]
+      negative = [c for c in progress.failed_tests if c.case.IsNegative()]
+      if len(positive) > 0:
+        print
+        print "Failed tests"
+        for result in positive:
+          print "  %s" % result.case.GetName()
+      if len(negative) > 0:
+        print
+        print "Expected to fail but passed ---"
+        for result in negative:
+          print " %s" % result.case.GetName()
+  def PrintFailureOutput(self, progress):
+    for result in progress.failed_tests:
+      print
+      result.ReportOutcome(False)
+  def Run(self, command_template, tests, print_summary, full_summary):
+    if not "{{path}}" in command_template:
+      command_template += " {{path}}"
+    cases = self.EnumerateTests(tests)
+    if len(cases) == 0:
+      ReportError("No tests to run")
+    progress = ProgressIndicator(len(cases))
+    for case in cases:
+      result = case.Run(command_template)
+      progress.HasRun(result)
+    if print_summary:
+      self.PrintSummary(progress)
+      if full_summary:
+        self.PrintFailureOutput(progress)
+      else:
+        print
+        print "Use --full-summary to see output from failed tests"
+    print
+  def Print(self, tests):
+    cases = self.EnumerateTests(tests)
+    if len(cases) > 0:
+      cases[0].Print()
+def GetDaylightSavingsTimes():
+  # Is the given floating-point time in DST?
+  def IsDst(t):
+    return time.localtime(t)[-1]
+  # Binary search to find an interval between the two times no greater than
+  # delta where DST switches, returning the midpoint.
+  def FindBetween(start, end, delta):
+    while end - start > delta:
+      middle = (end + start) / 2
+      if IsDst(middle) == IsDst(start):
+        start = middle
+      else:
+        end = middle
+    return (start + end) / 2
+  now = time.time()
+  one_month = (30 * 24 * 60 * 60)
+  # First find a date with different daylight savings.  To avoid corner cases
+  # we try four months before and after today.
+  after = now + 4 * one_month
+  before = now - 4 * one_month
+  if IsDst(now) == IsDst(before) and IsDst(now) == IsDst(after):
+    logging.warning("Was unable to determine DST info.")
+    return None
+  # Determine when the change occurs between now and the date we just found
+  # in a different DST.
+  if IsDst(now) != IsDst(before):
+    first = FindBetween(before, now, 1)
+  else:
+    first = FindBetween(now, after, 1)
+  # Determine when the change occurs between three and nine months from the
+  # first.
+  second = FindBetween(first + 3 * one_month, first + 9 * one_month, 1)
+  # Find out which switch is into and which if out of DST
+  if IsDst(first - 1) and not IsDst(first + 1):
+    start = second
+    end = first
+  else:
+    start = first
+    end = second
+  return (start, end)
+def GetDaylightSavingsAttribs():
+  times = GetDaylightSavingsTimes()
+  if not times:
+    return None
+  (start, end) = times
+  def DstMonth(t):
+    return time.localtime(t)[1] - 1
+  def DstHour(t):
+    return time.localtime(t - 1)[3] + 1
+  def DstSunday(t):
+    if time.localtime(t)[2] > 15:
+      return "'last'"
+    else:
+      return "'first'"
+  def DstMinutes(t):
+    return (time.localtime(t - 1)[4] + 1) % 60
+  attribs = { }
+  attribs['start_month'] = DstMonth(start)
+  attribs['end_month'] = DstMonth(end)
+  attribs['start_sunday'] = DstSunday(start)
+  attribs['end_sunday'] = DstSunday(end)
+  attribs['start_hour'] = DstHour(start)
+  attribs['end_hour'] = DstHour(end)
+  attribs['start_minutes'] = DstMinutes(start)
+  attribs['end_minutes'] = DstMinutes(end)
+  return attribs
+def Main():
+  parser = BuildOptions()
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  ValidateOptions(options)
+  test_suite = TestSuite(options.tests, options.enable_strict_mode)
+  test_suite.Validate()
+  if options.cat:
+    test_suite.Print(args)
+  else:
+    test_suite.Run(options.command, args,
+                   options.summary or options.full_summary,
+                   options.full_summary)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  try:
+    Main()
+    sys.exit(0)
+  except SputnikError, e:
+    print "Error: %s" % e.message
+    sys.exit(1)