diff --git a/test/suite/ch15/15.3/15.3.4/S15.3.4.1_A1_T2.js b/test/suite/ch15/15.3/15.3.4/S15.3.4.1_A1_T2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9705c3db8216973d3d2aa5d119f800f1407196ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/suite/ch15/15.3/15.3.4/S15.3.4.1_A1_T2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors.  All rights reserved.
-// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
- * The initial value of Function.prototype.constructor is the built-in Function constructor
- *
- * @path ch15/15.3/15.3.4/S15.3.4.1_A1_T2.js
- * @description Create new Function.prototype.constructor object
- */
-var constr = Function.prototype.constructor;
-var f = new constr;
-// CHECK#0
-if (f === undefined) {
-  $ERROR('#0: new Function() return the newly created function object.');
-// CHECK#1
-if (f.constructor !== Function) {
-  $ERROR('#1: new Function() create a new function object');
-// CHECK#2
-if (!(Function.prototype.isPrototypeOf(f))) {
-  $ERROR('#2: when new Function() calls the [[Prototype]] property of the newly constructed object is set to the Function prototype object.');
-// CHECK#3
-var to_string_result = '[object '+ 'Function' +']';
-delete Function.prototype.toString;
-if (f.toString() !== to_string_result) {
-  $ERROR('#3: when new Function() calls the [[Class]] property of the newly constructed object is set to "Function"');