- Apr 14, 2017
André Bargull authored
- Apr 13, 2017
Mathias Bynens authored
- Oct 19, 2016
Mike Pennisi authored
Because expectations regarding error "phase" are now expressed via test meta-data, the test runner may now enforce this requirement on negative tests. Remove the "NotEarlyError" from the project source. This reduces the amount of domain knowledge required to author tests and lessens the potential for inconsistencies between tests.
- Jul 17, 2015
André Bargull authored
- Dec 07, 2014
Brian Terlson authored
- Oct 24, 2014
Sam Mikes authored
- Aug 13, 2014
Sam Mikes authored
1. use negative regex (instead of ".") to check iframeError 2. make Test262Error.prototype.toString() always include the string Test262Error (no spaces) so it matches /Test262Error/ 3. modify check for supportsWindowOnerror - require that first argument (message) to onerror() contains the error name by checking for /Error:/. Change (3) above forces IE11 onto the !supportsWindowOnerror path. Test262 tests are run inside an eval() on IE11, and errors are caught and explicitly have toString() called. Without this, IE11 passes only the `message` property to onerror(), and regexes that expect to match error name fail. sth: revert to simple `onerror` checking gs: refactor function `$DONE` refactor logic tree add support for async test failures ed.js: crude support for error typing S8.7.1_A2: cache result of delete `delete` has a side-effect and its return value depends on this; cache result of delete so when reporting result, we are always reporting the result that made us fail, not the result of a new delete [pedantic] ed: explicitly pass cooked error to $DONE gs: only let $DONE be called once
- Aug 02, 2014
Sam Mikes authored
sta.js: slight change to Test262Error() semantics; message property now always set (default "") make $ERROR a var set $ERROR to function $ERROR so it can be overridden if needed remove 2009 copyright in favor of 2012 copyright REVERTED: remove never-used fn testFailed testFailed actually used by $FAIL remove obsolete fn $INCLUDE ed.js: remove commented-out obsolete code test262.py: remove always-included harness file that provides no functions used by any extant test add comment line to nonstrict cth.js: define `print` for node, cscript use cth (console test harness) to define functions for console runner. V8, Spidermonkey (js) and JavaScriptCore (jsc) provide a function `print`. Provide a default `print` for node and cscript set print_handle to 'print' by default (can still override) for cscript: wrap tests in try/catch so we get syntax errors
- Jul 30, 2014
Sam Mikes authored
parseTestRecord: add support for YAML frontmatter parseTestRecord: initial unit test for test record parser parseTestRecord: refactor for testing factor old parsing; add YAML parsing runner: support "includes" from YAML frontmatter support frontmatter "includes" in python runner use test.includes if present instead of scanning test code with regex harness: factor individual functions out into files tools: handle YAML errors tolerate missing keys in dictionary (flags, includes) report filename when empty frontmatter block new option --list-includes to test262.py harness: factor helper functions into separate files sth: remove extra close-paren (syntax error) test_common: TDD; failing parse of YAML common: use parseTestRecord (YAML-aware)
- Mar 26, 2012
https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=293David Fugate authored
salvaged (e.g., need locale info to properly predict whether we're subject to DST).
- Feb 29, 2012
David Fugate authored
All Microsoft-contributed *.js and *.py sources now have Ecma's copyright header.
- Sep 30, 2011
Mark Miller authored
- Sep 26, 2011
David Fugate authored
Laid down the groundwork for a console-based test runner.
- Sep 24, 2011
David Fugate authored
David Fugate authored
Generate the 'id' property from the 'path' property.
- Sep 13, 2011
Mark Miller authored
bogus semicolon. Except for the bogud semicolon, nothing should have changed the meaning of the programs.
- Sep 12, 2011
Mark Miller authored
testRunner, test262.py, that can run all the converted tests.
- Aug 25, 2011
David Fugate authored
- a lot of JS harness code written in strings have been moved out to actual physical files such as ed.js (syntax error detection for globally scoped tests) and gs.js (global scope test case validator). This change makes it far easier to maintain the test harness code - reorganized helper.js providing a clear indication which methods are used by external objects, which are implementation details, and which are unequivocally test262-specific. I've also added, openErrorWindow, which will be used to open a descriptive error message window for each test case failure reported on the 'Run' tab - improved the error message for syntax errors occurring when a test case fails to load - sta.js no longer tries to pickle all helper functions it contains! Instead, we load the file directly from sth.js. The performance of fnGlobalObject has been improved. Finally, the ES5Harness object has been moved from sth.js (in a string) to here - sth.js now has a browser implementer hook, controller.implementerHook, which allows browser implementers to handle test case failures in their own way (e.g., log to the filesystem). The 'run' function was basically re-written Added 37 new test cases from the "IE Test Center" Build release. There were 14 modifications to existing test cases as well. Refactored SputnikGlobalScope.js such that test case paths are now used as indices into the GlobalScopeTests array. TestCasePackager.py had the concept of templated test harnesses introduced - see templates\runner.test262.html. Also added support for one HTML test harness per ES5 chapter. Last but not least, TestCasePackagerConfig.py now has a 'source control' abstraction class which abstracts away source control adds|edits when dynamically generating *.json and *.html test chapters.
- Apr 07, 2011
David Fugate authored
Renamed move_test.py to FixTestCasePlacement.py. Still a work in progress.
- Feb 04, 2011
David Fugate authored
test\harness\helper.js: extended the 'finished' method to accept as input the total elapsed execution time of the tests. Emit this to the activity bar test\harness\sta.js: too many years of Python had me thinking JavaScript arrays have an append method:) Fixed. Also, added a pickled representation of all test helper functions found in this file test\harness\sth.js: detached most test helper functions from the iframe's document object (as globals) and inject these into the actual test cases. It's a bit slower and not as elegant, but it is cleaner from an ES5 purist perspective. Still need to move Sputnik helper functions into sta.js Extended Controller such that it now measures overall test execution time. Such a change is very useful for measuring performance-impact changes such as the aforementioned improvement
- Feb 03, 2011
David Fugate authored
- updated version number for the overall site to 0.3