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@@ -602,6 +602,7 @@ Building on separation logic with concurrent abstract predicates (CAP), we intro
Abstract={In this thesis, we address the problem of verifying the functional correctness of concurrent programs, with emphasis on fine-grained concurrent data structures. Reasoning about such programs is challenging since data can be concurrently accessed by multiple threads: the reasoning must account for the interference between threads, which is often subtle. To reason about interference, concurrent operations should either be at distinct times or on distinct data. We present TaDA, a sound program logic for verifying clients and implementations that use abstract specifications that incorporate both abstract atomicity—the abstraction that operations take effect at a single, discrete instant in time—and abstract disjointness—the abstraction that operations act on distinct data resources. Our key contribution is the introduction of atomic triples, which offer an expressive approach for specifying program modules. We also present Total-TaDA, a sound extension of TaDA with which we can verify total correctness of concurrent programs, i.e. that such programs both produce the correct result and terminate. With Total-TaDA, we can specify constraints on a thread’s concurrent environment that are necessary to guarantee termination. This allows us to verify total correctness for nonblocking algorithms and express lock- and wait-freedom. More generally, the abstract specifications can express that one operation cannot impede the progress of another, a new non-blocking property that we call non-impedance. Finally, we describe how to extend TaDA for proving abstract atomicity for data structures that make use of helping—where one thread is performing an abstract operation on behalf of another—and speculation—where an abstract operation is determined by future behaviour.}
title={Abstraction, Refinement and Concurrent Reasoning},
school={Imperial College London},
@@ -611,6 +612,7 @@ Building on separation logic with concurrent abstract predicates (CAP), we intro
Project={ concurrency },
Abstract={This thesis explores the challenges in abstract library specification, library refinement and reasoning about fine-grained concurrent programs.For abstract library specification, this thesis applies structural separation logic (SSL) to formally specify the behaviour of several libraries in an abstract, local and compositional manner. This thesis further generalises the theory of SSL to allow for library specifications that are language independent. Most notably, we specify a fragment of the Document Object Model (DOM) library. This result is compelling as it significantly improves upon existing DOM formalisms in that the specifications produced are local, compositional and language-independent. Concerning library refinement, this thesis explores two existing approaches to library refinement for separation logic, identifying their advantages and limitations in different settings. This thesis then introduces a hybrid approach to refinement, combining the strengths of both techniques for simple scalable library refinement. These ideas are then adapted to refinement for SSL by presenting a JavaScript implementation of the DOM fragment studied and establishing its correctness with respect to its specification using the hybrid refinement approach.As to concurrent reasoning, this thesis introduces concurrent local subjective logic (CoLoSL) for compositional reasoning about fine-grained concurrent programs. CoLoSL introduces subjective views, where each thread is verified with respect to a customised local view of the state, as well as the general composition and framing of interference relations, allowing for better proof reuse.
Abstract={This thesis explores the challenges in abstract library specification, library refinement and reasoning about fine-grained concurrent programs.For abstract library specification, this thesis applies structural separation logic (SSL) to formally specify the behaviour of several libraries in an abstract, local and compositional manner. This thesis further generalises the theory of SSL to allow for library specifications that are language independent. Most notably, we specify a fragment of the Document Object Model (DOM) library. This result is compelling as it significantly improves upon existing DOM formalisms in that the specifications produced are local, compositional and language-independent. Concerning library refinement, this thesis explores two existing approaches to library refinement for separation logic, identifying their advantages and limitations in different settings. This thesis then introduces a hybrid approach to refinement, combining the strengths of both techniques for simple scalable library refinement. These ideas are then adapted to refinement for SSL by presenting a JavaScript implementation of the DOM fragment studied and establishing its correctness with respect to its specification using the hybrid refinement approach.As to concurrent reasoning, this thesis introduces concurrent local subjective logic (CoLoSL) for compositional reasoning about fine-grained concurrent programs. CoLoSL introduces subjective views, where each thread is verified with respect to a customised local view of the state, as well as the general composition and framing of interference relations, allowing for better proof reuse.}