import WildEmitter from 'wildemitter'; import attachMediaStream from 'attachmediastream'; import mockconsole from 'mockconsole'; import WebRTC from './webrtc'; import webrtcSupport from './webrtcsupport'; import SocketIoConnection from './socketioconnection'; class LioWebRTC extends WildEmitter { constructor(opts) { super(); const self = this; const options = opts || {}; const config = this.config = { url: '', socketio: { forceNew: true }, connection: null, debug: false, localVideoEl: '', remoteVideosEl: '', enableDataChannels: true, autoRequestMedia: false, dataOnly: false, autoRemoveVideos: true, adjustPeerVolume: true, peerVolumeWhenSpeaking: 0.25, media: { video: true, audio: true }, receiveMedia: { offerToReceiveAudio: 1, offerToReceiveVideo: 1 }, localVideo: { autoplay: true, mirror: false, muted: true } }; let connection; this.logger = ((() => { // we assume that if you're in debug mode and you didn't // pass in a logger, you actually want to log as much as // possible. if (opts.debug) { return opts.logger || console; } return opts.logger || mockconsole; })()); // set our config from options Object.keys(options).forEach(o => { this.config[o] = options[o]; }); if (options.dataOnly) { console.log('data only'); = false; = false; } // attach detected support for convenience this.capabilities = webrtcSupport; // call WildEmitter constructor; // create default SocketIoConnection if it's not passed in if (this.config.connection === null) { connection = this.connection = new SocketIoConnection(this.config); } else { connection = this.connection = this.config.connection; } connection.on('connect', () => { self.emit('connectionReady', connection.getSessionid()); self.sessionReady = true; self.testReadiness(); }); connection.on('message', (message) => { const peers = self.webrtc.getPeers(message.from, message.roomType); let peer; if (message.type === 'offer') { if (peers.length) { peers.forEach((p) => { if (p.sid === message.sid) peer = p; }); // if (!peer) peer = peers[0]; // fallback for old protocol versions } if (!peer) { peer = self.webrtc.createPeer({ id: message.from, sid: message.sid, type: message.roomType, enableDataChannels: self.config.enableDataChannels && message.roomType !== 'screen', sharemyscreen: message.roomType === 'screen' && !message.broadcaster, broadcaster: message.roomType === 'screen' && !message.broadcaster ? self.connection.getSessionid() : null }); self.emit('createdPeer', peer); } peer.handleMessage(message); } else if (peers.length) { peers.forEach((peer) => { if (message.sid) { if (peer.sid === message.sid) { peer.handleMessage(message); } } else { peer.handleMessage(message); } }); } }); connection.on('remove', (room) => { if ( !== self.connection.getSessionid()) { self.webrtc.removePeers(, room.type); } }); // instantiate our main WebRTC helper // using same logger from logic here opts.logger = this.logger; opts.debug = false; this.webrtc = new WebRTC(opts); // attach a few methods from underlying lib to liowebrtc. ['mute', 'unmute', 'pauseVideo', 'resumeVideo', 'pause', 'resume', 'sendToAll', 'sendDirectlyToAll', 'getPeers', 'shout', 'whisper'].forEach((method) => { self[method] = self.webrtc[method].bind(self.webrtc); }); // proxy events from WebRTC this.webrtc.on('*', function () { self.emit(...arguments); }); // log all events in debug mode if (config.debug) { this.on('*', this.logger.log.bind(this.logger, 'LioWebRTC event:')); } // check for readiness this.webrtc.on('localStream', () => { self.testReadiness(); }); this.webrtc.on('message', (payload) => { self.connection.emit('message', payload); }); this.webrtc.on('peerStreamAdded', this.handlePeerStreamAdded.bind(this)); this.webrtc.on('peerStreamRemoved', this.handlePeerStreamRemoved.bind(this)); // echo cancellation attempts if (this.config.adjustPeerVolume) { this.webrtc.on('speaking', this.setVolumeForAll.bind(this, this.config.peerVolumeWhenSpeaking)); this.webrtc.on('stoppedSpeaking', this.setVolumeForAll.bind(this, 1)); } connection.on('stunservers', (args) => { // resets/overrides the config self.webrtc.config.peerConnectionConfig.iceServers = args; self.emit('stunservers', args); }); connection.on('turnservers', (args) => { // appends to the config self.webrtc.config.peerConnectionConfig.iceServers = self.webrtc.config.peerConnectionConfig.iceServers.concat(args); self.emit('turnservers', args); }); this.webrtc.on('iceFailed', (peer) => { // local ice failure }); this.webrtc.on('connectivityError', (peer) => { // remote ice failure }); // sending mute/unmute to all peers this.webrtc.on('audioOn', () => { self.webrtc.sendToAll('unmute', { name: 'audio' }); }); this.webrtc.on('audioOff', () => { self.webrtc.sendToAll('mute', { name: 'audio' }); }); this.webrtc.on('videoOn', () => { self.webrtc.sendToAll('unmute', { name: 'video' }); }); this.webrtc.on('videoOff', () => { self.webrtc.sendToAll('mute', { name: 'video' }); }); // screensharing events this.webrtc.on('localScreen', (stream) => { let item; let el = document.createElement('video'); let container = self.getRemoteVideoContainer(); el.oncontextmenu = () => false; = 'localScreen'; attachMediaStream(stream, el); if (container) { container.appendChild(el); } self.emit('localScreenAdded', el); self.connection.emit('shareScreen'); self.webrtc.peers.forEach((existingPeer) => { let peer; if (existingPeer.type === 'video') { peer = self.webrtc.createPeer({ id:, type: 'screen', sharemyscreen: true, enableDataChannels: false, receiveMedia: { offerToReceiveAudio: 0, offerToReceiveVideo: 0 }, broadcaster: self.connection.getSessionid(), }); self.emit('createdPeer', peer); peer.start(); } }); }); this.webrtc.on('localScreenStopped', (stream) => { if (self.getLocalScreen()) { self.stopScreenShare(); } /* self.connection.emit('unshareScreen'); self.webrtc.peers.forEach(function (peer) { if (peer.sharemyscreen) { peer.end(); } }); */ }); this.webrtc.on('channelMessage', (peer, label, data) => { if (data.type === 'volume') { self.emit('remoteVolumeChange', data.payload, peer); } else { self.emit('receivedPeerData', data.type, data.payload, peer); } }); if (this.config.autoRequestMedia) this.startLocalVideo(); } leaveRoom() { if (this.roomName) { this.connection.emit('leave'); while (this.webrtc.peers.length) { this.webrtc.peers[0].end(); } if (this.getLocalScreen()) { this.stopScreenShare(); } this.emit('leftRoom', this.roomName); this.roomName = undefined; } } disconnect() { this.connection.disconnect(); delete this.connection; } handlePeerStreamAdded(peer) { const self = this; this.emit('videoAdded',, peer); // send our mute status to new peer if we're muted // currently called with a small delay because it arrives before // the video element is created otherwise (which happens after // the async setRemoteDescription-createAnswer) setTimeout(() => { if (!self.webrtc.isAudioEnabled()) { peer.send('mute', { name: 'audio' }); } if (!self.webrtc.isVideoEnabled()) { peer.send('mute', { name: 'video' }); } }, 250); } handlePeerStreamRemoved(peer) { this.emit('videoRemoved', peer); } getDomId(peer) { return [, peer.type, peer.broadcaster ? 'broadcasting' : 'incoming'].join('_'); } // set volume on video tag for all peers takse a value between 0 and 1 setVolumeForAll(volume) { this.webrtc.peers.forEach((peer) => { if (peer.videoEl) peer.videoEl.volume = volume; }); } joinRoom(name, cb) { const self = this; this.roomName = name; this.connection.emit('join', name, (err, roomDescription) => { if (err) { self.emit('error', err); } else { let id; let client; let type; let peer; for (id in roomDescription.clients) { client = roomDescription.clients[id]; for (type in client) { if (client[type]) { peer = self.webrtc.createPeer({ id, type, enableDataChannels: self.config.enableDataChannels && type !== 'screen', receiveMedia: { offerToReceiveAudio: type !== 'screen' && !self.config.dataOnly && self.config.receiveMedia.offerToReceiveAudio ? 1 : 0, offerToReceiveVideo: !self.config.dataOnly && self.config.receiveMedia.offerToReceiveVideo } }); self.emit('createdPeer', peer); peer.start(); } } } } if (cb) cb(err, roomDescription); self.emit('joinedRoom', name); }); } startLocalVideo() { const self = this; this.webrtc.start(, (err, stream) => { if (err) { self.emit('localMediaError', err); } else { attachMediaStream(stream, this.config.localVideoEl, { muted: true }); } }); } stopLocalVideo() { this.webrtc.stop(); } shareScreen(cb) { this.webrtc.startScreenShare(cb); } getLocalScreen() { return this.webrtc.localScreens && this.webrtc.localScreens[0]; } stopScreenShare() { this.connection.emit('unshareScreen'); const videoEl = document.getElementById('localScreen'); const container = this.getRemoteVideoContainer(); if (this.config.autoRemoveVideos && container && videoEl) { container.removeChild(videoEl); } // a hack to emit the event the removes the video // element that we want if (videoEl) { this.emit('videoRemoved', videoEl); } if (this.getLocalScreen()) { this.webrtc.stopScreenShare(); } this.webrtc.peers.forEach((peer) => { if (peer.broadcaster) { peer.end(); } }); } testReadiness() { const self = this; if (this.sessionReady) { if (this.config.dataOnly || (! && ! { self.emit('readyToCall', self.connection.getSessionid()); } else if (this.webrtc.localStreams.length > 0) { self.emit('readyToCall', self.connection.getSessionid()); } } } createRoom(name, cb) { this.roomName = name; if (arguments.length === 2) { this.connection.emit('create', name, cb); } else { this.connection.emit('create', name); } } sendFile() { if (!webrtcSupport.dataChannel) { return this.emit('error', new Error('DataChannelNotSupported')); } } } export default LioWebRTC;