"use strict";
// Registers test cases to be run against Test262
// To add a testcase to be tested against test262:
// var test262tests = require('./helper-test262.js')'
// test262tests.push(function testConstructorFunction(source, negativity) {});
// Tests are run in the order added to the array. If inter-module test ordering is required,
// ensure the later test module depends on the earlier one.
// Arguments to testConstructorFunction:
// - source: The raw test source code
// - negativity: The @negative test header content
// -
var fs = require('mz/fs');
var walk = require('klaw');
var filter = require('through2-filter');
fs.readlinkSync = require('readlink').sync; // a non-broken readlink...
var testConstructors = [];
function testNegativity(str) {
var result = /@negative[ \t]*(\S*)?[ \t]*$/m.exec(str);
if(result) {
result = result[1] || true;
} else {
result = false;
return result;
before(function(done) {
this.timeout(0); // Otherwise it fails on slow filesystems
var test262path = fs.readlinkSync(__dirname + '/../test262');
var tests = [];
.pipe(filter.obj(file => file.stats.isFile() && file.path.endsWith(".js")))
.on('data', (item) => { tests.push(item.path); })
.on('end', function() {
describe("test262", function() {
if (tests.length === 0) { throw new Error("Unable to find any test262 tests (uninitialised git submodule?)") }
tests.forEach(item => {
describe(item, function() {
// Preseed test arguments with safe defaults
var args = {
source: "if // invalid syntax",
negative: false
var source;
var negative = '';
// Lazy-load the source file prior to tests
before(function(doneFile) {
data => {
args.source = data.toString();
args.negative = testNegativity(args.source);
// args only gets populated prior to the execution of this item
// (it is empty at the point of construction of the test)