diff --git a/generator/js_of_ast.ml b/generator/js_of_ast.ml
index 44d752aef9e3fe82ec9273e5f73d94672efb7f20..9787d33271e56ce5b00130161fa6c18a5df34a0d 100644
--- a/generator/js_of_ast.ml
+++ b/generator/js_of_ast.ml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ open Attributes
 open Log
 open Misc
 open Mytools
-open Parse_type
 open Types
 open Typedtree
diff --git a/generator/main.ml b/generator/main.ml
index 69d04533fc3a5c68e1fa27d48116563f18259726..e507a899ddfb336d2651e5deee812f7fb0b5d8d1 100644
--- a/generator/main.ml
+++ b/generator/main.ml
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 open Params
 open Format
 open Mytools
-open Parse_type
    Remark: field name attributes for builtins (eg: ::) are defined in attributes.ml
@@ -24,6 +23,42 @@ let add_to_list li s =
   li := s :: !li
+let tool_name = "ml2js"
+let init_path () =
+  Config.load_path :=
+    "stdlib_ml" :: List.rev (Config.standard_library :: !Clflags.include_dirs);
+  Env.reset_cache ()
+(** Return the initial environment in which compilation proceeds. *)
+let initial_env () =
+  try
+    let env = Env.initial_unsafe_string in
+    Env.open_pers_signature "Stdlib" env
+  with Not_found ->
+    Misc.fatal_error "cannot open stdlib"
+(** Analysis of an implementation file. Returns (Some typedtree) if
+   no error occured, else None and an error message is printed.*)
+let process_implementation_file ppf sourcefile =
+  init_path ();
+  let oprefix = Compenv.output_prefix sourcefile in
+  let modulename = Compenv.module_of_filename ppf sourcefile oprefix in
+  Env.set_unit_name modulename;
+  let env = initial_env () in
+  try
+    let parsetree = Pparse.parse_implementation ~tool_name ppf sourcefile in
+    if !Clflags.dump_source then fprintf ppf "%a@." Pprintast.structure parsetree;
+    let typing = Typemod.type_implementation sourcefile oprefix modulename env parsetree in
+    (parsetree, typing, modulename)
+  with e ->
+    Location.report_exception ppf e;
+    exit 2
 let _ =
    (* parsing of command line *)
@@ -51,6 +86,7 @@ let _ =
    let basename = Filename.chop_suffix (Filename.basename sourcefile) ".ml" in
    let dirname = Filename.dirname sourcefile in
    let pathname = if dirname = "" then basename else (dirname ^ "/" ^ basename) in
+   (* Could use Clflags.output_name and Compenv.output_prefix? *)
    let log_output, unlog_output, token_output, pseudo_output, ptoken_output, mlloc_output =
      match !outputfile with
      | None -> Filename.concat dirname (basename ^ ".log.js"),
@@ -97,28 +133,22 @@ let _ =
    (* "reading and typing source file" *)
-   let (opt, _, module_name) = process_implementation_file ppf sourcefile in
-   let ((parsetree1 : Parsetree.structure), typedtree1) =
-      match opt with
-      | None -> failwith "Could not read and typecheck input file"
-      | Some (parsetree1, (typedtree1,_)) -> parsetree1, typedtree1
-      in
-      match !current_mode with
-        | Mode_cmi -> Printf.printf "Wrote %s.cmi\n" pathname
-        | _ ->
-          let out = Js_of_ast.to_javascript basename module_name typedtree1 in
-          let output_filename = match !current_mode with
-            | Mode_unlogged TokenTrue -> token_output
-            | Mode_unlogged TokenFalse -> unlog_output
-            | Mode_pseudo TokenTrue -> ptoken_output
-            | Mode_pseudo TokenFalse -> pseudo_output
-            | Mode_logged -> log_output
-            | _ -> assert false
-          in
-          file_put_contents output_filename out;
-          Printf.printf "Wrote %s\n" output_filename;
-          if !current_mode = (Mode_unlogged TokenTrue) 
-            then generate_mlloc_file()
+   let (parsetree, (typedtree,_), module_name) = process_implementation_file ppf sourcefile in
+   match !current_mode with
+     | Mode_cmi -> Printf.printf "Wrote %s.cmi\n" pathname
+     | _ ->
+       let out = Js_of_ast.to_javascript basename module_name typedtree in
+       let output_filename = match !current_mode with
+         | Mode_unlogged TokenTrue -> token_output
+         | Mode_unlogged TokenFalse -> unlog_output
+         | Mode_pseudo TokenTrue -> ptoken_output
+         | Mode_pseudo TokenFalse -> pseudo_output
+         | Mode_logged -> log_output
+         | _ -> assert false
+       in
+       file_put_contents output_filename out;
+       Printf.printf "Wrote %s\n" output_filename;
+       if !current_mode = (Mode_unlogged TokenTrue) 
+         then generate_mlloc_file()
diff --git a/generator/parse_type.ml b/generator/parse_type.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index f423a9a51e9375f6f513a9cbc81c8c6d095532c3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/generator/parse_type.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-open Config
-open Clflags
-open Misc
-open Format
-open Typedtree
-(** The purpose of this file is to parse an interface file.
-    The content of this file is a copy-pasting from the source
-    code of OCamldoc. *)
-(* ** Parsing of MLI files *)
-(** Initialize the search path.
-   The current directory is always searched first,
-   then the directories specified with the -I option (in command-line order),
-   then the standard library directory. *)
-let init_path () =
-  load_path :=
-    "stdlib_ml" :: List.rev (Config.standard_library :: !Clflags.include_dirs);
-  Env.reset_cache ()
-(** Return the initial environment in which compilation proceeds. *)
-let initial_env () =
-  try
-    let env = Env.initial_unsafe_string in
-    Env.open_pers_signature "Stdlib" env
-  with Not_found ->
-    fatal_error "cannot open stdlib"
-(** Optionally preprocess a source file *)
-let preprocess sourcefile =
-  match !Clflags.preprocessor with
-    None -> sourcefile
-  | Some pp ->
-      let tmpfile = Filename.temp_file "camlpp" "" in
-      let comm = Printf.sprintf "%s %s > %s" pp sourcefile tmpfile in
-      if Ccomp.command comm <> 0 then begin
-        remove_file tmpfile;
-        Printf.eprintf "Preprocessing error\n";
-        exit 2
-      end;
-      tmpfile
-(** Remove the input file if this file was the result of a preprocessing.*)
-let remove_preprocessed inputfile =
-  match !Clflags.preprocessor with
-    None -> ()
-  | Some _ -> remove_file inputfile
-let remove_preprocessed_if_ast inputfile =
-  match !Clflags.preprocessor with
-    None -> ()
-  | Some _ -> if inputfile <> !Location.input_name then remove_file inputfile
-exception Outdated_version
-(** Parse a file or get a dumped syntax tree in it *)
-let parse_file inputfile parse_fun ast_magic =
-(* TODO new version is:
-   let (ic, is_ast_file) = open_and_check_magic inputfile ast_magic in *)
-  let ic = open_in_bin inputfile in
-  let is_ast_file =
-    try
-      let buffer = String.create (String.length ast_magic) in
-      really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length ast_magic);
-      if buffer = ast_magic then true
-      else if String.sub buffer 0 9 = String.sub ast_magic 0 9 then
-        raise Outdated_version
-      else false
-    with
-      Outdated_version ->
-        fatal_error "Ocaml and preprocessor have incompatible versions"
-    | _ -> false
-  in
-  let ast =
-    try
-      if is_ast_file then begin
-        Location.input_name := input_value ic;
-        input_value ic
-      end else begin
-        seek_in ic 0;
-        Location.input_name := inputfile;
-        let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in
-        Location.init lexbuf inputfile;
-        parse_fun lexbuf
-      end
-    with x -> close_in ic; raise x
-  in
-  close_in ic;
-  (* was: ast *)
-  Pparse.apply_rewriters ~restore:false ~tool_name:"ok" ast_magic ast
-(** Analysis of an implementation file. Returns (Some typedtree) if
-   no error occured, else None and an error message is printed.*)
-let process_implementation_file ppf sourcefile =
-  init_path ();
-  let prefixname = Filename.chop_extension sourcefile in
-  let modulename = String.capitalize(Filename.basename prefixname) in
-  Env.set_unit_name modulename;
-  let inputfile = preprocess sourcefile in
-  try
-    let env = initial_env () in
-    let parsetree = parse_file inputfile Parse.implementation ast_impl_magic_number in
-    if !Clflags.dump_source then fprintf ppf "%a@." Pprintast.structure parsetree;
-    let typedtree = Typemod.type_implementation sourcefile prefixname modulename env parsetree in
-    (Some (parsetree, typedtree), inputfile, modulename)
-  with
-    e ->
-      match e with
-        Syntaxerr.Error err ->
-          fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@."
-            Syntaxerr.report_error err;
-          None, inputfile, modulename
-      | Failure s ->
-          prerr_endline s;
-          (*incr Odoc_global.errors ;*)
-          None, inputfile, modulename
-      (* ADDED *)
-      | Env.Error err ->
-          Env.report_error ppf err;
-          print_newline();
-          raise e
-      | Typecore.Error (loc,env,err) ->
-          Location.print_error ppf loc;
-          Typecore.report_error env ppf err;
-          print_newline();
-          raise e
-      | Typetexp.Error (loc,env,err) ->
-          Location.print_error ppf loc;
-          Typetexp.report_error env ppf err;
-          print_newline();
-          raise e
-      | Typemod.Error (loc,env,err) ->
-          Location.print_error ppf loc;
-          Typemod.report_error env ppf err;
-          print_newline();
-          raise e
-      | e ->
-          raise e
-(** Analysis of an interface file. Returns (Some signature) if
-   no error occured, else None and an error message is printed.
-let process_interface_file ppf sourcefile =
-  init_path ();
-  let prefixname = Filename.chop_extension sourcefile in
-  let modulename = String.capitalize(Filename.basename prefixname) in
-  Env.set_unit_name modulename;
-  let inputfile = preprocess sourcefile in
-  let ast = parse_file inputfile Parse.interface ast_intf_magic_number in
-  let sg = Typemod.transl_signature (initial_env()) ast in
-  Warnings.check_fatal ();
-  (ast, sg, inputfile)
-(* added *)
-let typecheck_implementation_file ppf sourcefile parsetree =
-  init_path ();
-  let prefixname = Filename.chop_extension sourcefile in
-  let modulename = String.capitalize(Filename.basename prefixname) in
-  Env.set_unit_name modulename;
-  (* let inputfile = preprocess sourcefile in*)
-  let env = initial_env () in
-  try
-    (* let parsetree = parse_file inputfile Parse.implementation ast_impl_magic_number in *)
-    let typedtree = Typemod.type_implementation sourcefile prefixname modulename env parsetree in
-    Some typedtree
-  with
-    e -> (* todo: factorize with above *)
-      match e with
-        Syntaxerr.Error err ->
-          fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@."
-            Syntaxerr.report_error err;
-          None
-      | Failure s ->
-          prerr_endline s;
-          (*incr Odoc_global.errors ;*)
-          None
-      | Env.Error err ->
-          Env.report_error ppf err;
-          print_newline();
-          raise e
-      | Typetexp.Error (loc,env,err) ->
-          Location.print_error ppf loc;
-          Typetexp.report_error env ppf err;
-          print_newline();
-          raise e
-      | Typecore.Error (loc,env,err) ->
-          Location.print_error ppf loc;
-          Typecore.report_error env ppf err;
-          print_newline();
-          raise e
-      | Typemod.Error (loc,env,err) ->
-          Location.print_error ppf loc;
-          Typemod.report_error env ppf err;
-          print_newline();
-          raise e
-      | e ->
-          raise e
-let typecheck_interface_file ppf sourcefile output_prefix =
-  init_path ();
-  let prefixname = Filename.chop_extension sourcefile in
-  let modulename = String.capitalize(Filename.basename prefixname) in
-  Env.set_unit_name modulename;
-  let inputfile = preprocess sourcefile in
-  let ast = parse_file inputfile Parse.interface ast_intf_magic_number in
-  let sg_opt = try
-    let sg = Typemod.transl_signature (initial_env()) ast in
-    Warnings.check_fatal ();
-    Some sg
-  with
-    e -> (* todo: factorize with above *)
-      match e with
-        Syntaxerr.Error err ->
-          fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@."
-            Syntaxerr.report_error err;
-          None
-      | Failure s ->
-          prerr_endline s;
-          (*incr Odoc_global.errors ;*)
-          None
-      | Env.Error err ->
-          Env.report_error ppf err;
-          print_newline();
-          raise e
-      | Typetexp.Error (loc,env,err) ->
-          Location.print_error ppf loc;
-          Typetexp.report_error env ppf err;
-          print_newline();
-          raise e
-      | Typecore.Error (loc,env,err) ->
-          Location.print_error ppf loc;
-          Typecore.report_error env ppf err;
-          print_newline();
-          raise e
-      | Typemod.Error (loc,env,err) ->
-          Location.print_error ppf loc;
-          Typemod.report_error env ppf err;
-          print_newline();
-          raise e
-      | e ->
-          raise e
-     in
-  match sg_opt with
-  | None -> failwith "could not typecheck"
-  | Some sg -> Env.save_signature sg.sig_type modulename (output_prefix ^ ".cmi")