From 0a0b0c9a74e94e9eb95becb809919974a948fbf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: charguer <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2016 16:58:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] heaps_as_maps

 driver.html                            |   3 +
 generator/.gitignore                   |   2 +
 generator/Makefile                     |   7 +-
 generator/TODO                         |  19 +-
 generator/stdlib_ml/stdlib.js          |   4 +
 generator/stdlib_ml/stdlib.mli         |   6 +-
 generator/tests/jsref/          |  75 ++---
 generator/tests/jsref/       |  22 ++
 generator/tests/jsref/      |  61 ++++
 generator/tests/jsref/       |  23 ++
 generator/tests/jsref/       |  22 ++
 generator/tests/jsref/      |  12 +-
 generator/tests/jsref/   |   8 +-
 generator/tests/jsref/        | 160 +++++------
 generator/tests/jsref/ |  44 +--
 generator/tests/jsref/      |   6 +-
 generator/tests/jsref/   | 104 +++++++
 generator/tests/jsref/        | 382 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 navig-driver.js                        |  19 +-
 19 files changed, 801 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 generator/tests/jsref/
 create mode 100644 generator/tests/jsref/
 create mode 100644 generator/tests/jsref/
 create mode 100644 generator/tests/jsref/
 create mode 100644 generator/tests/jsref/

diff --git a/driver.html b/driver.html
index 763fd08..ffdf4ce 100644
--- a/driver.html
+++ b/driver.html
@@ -151,6 +151,9 @@ Navigation:
 <input type="button" id='button_reach_condition' value="Reach" />
 <input type="button" id='button_test_condition' value="Test" />
 <span id="reach_output"></span>
+<font style="size: 50%">
+Using: S('x'), S_raw('x'), S_line(), I('x'), I_line().
diff --git a/generator/.gitignore b/generator/.gitignore
index d106041..da1bae8 100644
--- a/generator/.gitignore
+++ b/generator/.gitignore
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
diff --git a/generator/Makefile b/generator/Makefile
index d496ebe..98b2d4e 100644
--- a/generator/Makefile
+++ b/generator/Makefile
@@ -34,13 +34,18 @@ ASSEMBLY_JS_FILES := \
 	LibList.unlog.js \
 	LibOption.unlog.js \
 	LibProd.unlog.js \
+	StdMap.unlog.js \
 	Heap.unlog.js \
+	HeapInt.unlog.js \
+	HeapStr.unlog.js \
+	HeapList.unlog.js \
 	Shared.unlog.js \
 	Compare.js \
 	Debug.js \
 	JsNumber.js \
 	JsSyntax.unlog.js \
 	JsSyntaxAux.unlog.js \
+	HeapObj.unlog.js \
 	Translate_syntax.js \
 	JsCommon.unlog.js \
 	JsCommonAux.unlog.js \
@@ -50,7 +55,7 @@ ASSEMBLY_JS_FILES := \
 ASSEMBLY_JS := $(STDLIB_DIR)/stdlib.js $(addprefix tests/jsref/,$(ASSEMBLY_JS_FILES))
-#	StdMap.unlog.js \
diff --git a/generator/TODO b/generator/TODO
index ab0b734..af0e87a 100644
--- a/generator/TODO
+++ b/generator/TODO
@@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
-  let%if_spec (s,x) = expr in cont
+inline let object_loc_comparable x y =
+ et al
+   Coq_out_ter (s1,x) ---> x
+	 res_ref r  -->  r
+	 res_val v -->  v
+	 res_normal rv -->  rv
+let%if_spec (s,x) = expr in cont
    if_spec expr (fun s x -> cont) 
diff --git a/generator/stdlib_ml/stdlib.js b/generator/stdlib_ml/stdlib.js
index 7ed3bf1..dd02314 100644
--- a/generator/stdlib_ml/stdlib.js
+++ b/generator/stdlib_ml/stdlib.js
@@ -58,7 +58,11 @@ val ( >= ) : float -> float -> bool
 var nat_eq = function(x, y) { return x === y; };
 var int_eq = function(x, y) { return x === y; };
+var int_lt = function(x, y) { return x < y; };
+var int_gt = function(x, y) { return x > y; };
+var int_le = function(x, y) { return x <= y; };
 var int_ge = function(x, y) { return x >= y; };
+var int_compare = function(x, y) { return x - y; };
diff --git a/generator/stdlib_ml/stdlib.mli b/generator/stdlib_ml/stdlib.mli
index c467630..c2914af 100644
--- a/generator/stdlib_ml/stdlib.mli
+++ b/generator/stdlib_ml/stdlib.mli
@@ -17,8 +17,12 @@ val ( / ) : int -> int -> int
 val nat_eq : int -> int -> bool (* nat_eq x y = int_eq x y  *)
 val int_eq : int -> int -> bool
+val int_lt : int -> int -> bool
+val int_gt : int -> int -> bool
+val int_le : int -> int -> bool
 val int_ge : int -> int -> bool
 (* val int_lt : int -> int -> bool*)
+val int_compare : int -> int -> int
 (* float operations *)
@@ -125,7 +129,7 @@ val ( || ) : bool -> bool -> bool  (* beware of strict vs lazy semantics: todo d
 (* todo : factorize and clean up *)
 val string_eq : string -> string -> bool (* === *)
-val string_compare : string -> string -> float (* actually returns an int *)
+val string_compare : string -> string -> int
    val string_concat : string -> string -> string (* + *)
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/ b/generator/tests/jsref/
index 20b4a47..36d1323 100644
--- a/generator/tests/jsref/
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/
@@ -1,76 +1,47 @@
 open Datatypes
-open LibList
-open LibReflect
+type ('k, 'v) t = ('k, 'v) StdMap.t
-type ('k, 'v) heap = ('k * 'v) list
+type ('k, 'v) heap = ('k, 'v) t 
-(** val empty : ('a1, 'a2) heap **)
-let empty =
- []
+(* type 'a1 comparison = 'a -> 'a -> int *)
-(** val assoc : 'a1 coq_Comparable -> 'a1 -> ('a1 * 'a2) list -> 'a2 **)
+(** val empty : ('a1, 'a2) heap **)
-let rec assoc h1 k l = match l with
-| [] -> raise Not_found
-| p :: l' -> let (x, v) = p in if h1 x k then v else assoc h1 k l'
+let empty =
+  StdMap.empty
-(** val read : 'a1 coq_Comparable -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> 'a2 **)
+(** val read : 'a1 comparison -> ('a1 * 'a2) list -> 'a1 -> 'a2 **)
-let read h l k =
- assoc h k l
+let read h l k = 
+  StdMap.find h k l
-(** val write : ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> 'a2 -> ('a1 * 'a2) list **)
+(** val write : 'a1 comparison ->  ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> 'a2 -> ('a1 * 'a2) list **)
-let write l k v =
- (k, v) :: l
+let write h l k v =
+  StdMap.add h k v l
 (** val rem :
-   'a1 coq_Comparable -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> ('a1 * 'a2) list **)
+   'a1 comparison -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> ('a1 * 'a2) list **)
-let rem h1 l k =
- filter (fun p -> if h1 (fst p) k then false else true) l
+let rem h l k =
+  StdMap.remove h k l
 (** val read_option :
-   'a1 coq_Comparable -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> 'a2 option **)
+   'a1 comparison -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> 'a2 option **)
 let read_option h l k =
- let rec read_option0 l k =
-   match l with
-   | [] -> None
-   | p :: l' ->
-     let (x, v) = p in if h x k then Some v else read_option0 l' k
- in read_option0 l k
-(** val mem_assoc :
-   'a2 coq_Comparable -> 'a2 -> ('a2 * 'a1) list -> bool **)
-let rec mem_assoc h1 k l = match l with
-| [] -> false
-| p :: l' -> let (x, y) = p in (h1 x k) || (mem_assoc h1 k l')
+  StdMap.find_option h k l
 (** val indom_dec :
-   'a1 coq_Comparable -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> bool **)
-let indom_dec h1 h k =
- mem_assoc h1 k h
-(** val indom_decidable :
-   'a1 coq_Comparable -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> coq_Decidable **)
-let indom_decidable h h0 k =
- indom_dec h h0 k
-(** val to_list : ('a1, 'a2) heap -> ('a1, 'a2) heap **)
+   'a1 comparison -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> bool **)
-(* MODIFIED TO REMOVE DUPLICATE KEYS  --- warning: quadratic complexity *)
-let rec to_list eq l =
-  match l with
-  | [] -> []
-  | p :: l' ->  p :: (to_list eq (rem eq l' (fst p)))
+let indom_dec h l k = 
+  StdMap.mem h k l
+(** val to_list : 'a1 comparison -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> ('a1 * 'a2) list **)
+let to_list h l =
+  StdMap.fold (fun k v acc -> (k,v)::acc) l []
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/ b/generator/tests/jsref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b616c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+let empty =
+  Heap.empty
+let read l k = 
+ int_compare l k
+let write l k v =
+  Heap.write int_compare l k v
+let rem l k =
+  Heap.rem int_compare l k 
+let read_option l k =
+  Heap.read_option int_compare l k 
+let indom_dec l k = 
+  Heap.indom_dec int_compare l k
+let to_list l =
+  Heap.to_list int_compare l
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/ b/generator/tests/jsref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4382081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(* DEPRECATED: currently not used, but keep around as a possible replacement for StdMap *)
+open Datatypes
+open LibList
+(* type 'a1 comparison = 'a -> 'a -> int *)
+type ('k, 'v) heap = ('k * 'v) list
+(** val empty : ('a1, 'a2) heap **)
+let empty =
+ []
+(** val read : 'a1 comparison -> ('a1 * 'a2) list -> 'a1 -> 'a2 **)
+let rec read h l k = match l with
+| [] -> raise Not_found
+| p :: l' -> let (x, v) = p in if int_eq (h x k) 0 then v else read h l' k 
+(** val write : 'a1 comparison -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> 'a2 -> ('a1 * 'a2) list **)
+let write h l k v =
+ (k, v) :: l
+(** val rem :
+   'a1 comparison -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> ('a1 * 'a2) list **)
+let rem h1 l k =
+ filter (fun p -> if int_eq (h1 (fst p) k) 0 then false else true) l
+(** val read_option :
+   'a1 comparison -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> 'a2 option **)
+let read_option h l k =
+ let rec read_option0 l k =
+   match l with
+   | [] -> None
+   | p :: l' ->
+     let (x, v) = p in if int_eq (h x k) 0 then Some v else read_option0 l' k
+ in read_option0 l k
+(** val indom_dec :
+   'a1 comparison -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> 'a1 -> bool **)
+let rec indom_dec h1 l k = match l with
+| [] -> false
+| p :: l' -> let (x, y) = p in int_eq (h1 x k) 0 || (indom_dec h1 l' k)
+(** val to_list : 'a1 comparison -> ('a1, 'a2) heap -> ('a1, 'a2) heap **)
+(* MODIFIED TO REMOVE DUPLICATE KEYS  --- warning: quadratic complexity *)
+let rec to_list h l =
+  match l with
+  | [] -> []
+  | p :: l' ->  p :: (to_list h (rem h l' (fst p)))
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/ b/generator/tests/jsref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82bea71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+let empty =
+  Heap.empty
+let read l k = 
+ JsSyntaxAux.object_loc_cmp l k
+let write l k v =
+  Heap.write JsSyntaxAux.object_loc_cmp l k v
+let rem l k =
+  Heap.rem JsSyntaxAux.object_loc_cmp l k 
+let read_option l k =
+  Heap.read_option JsSyntaxAux.object_loc_cmp l k 
+let indom_dec l k = 
+  Heap.indom_dec JsSyntaxAux.object_loc_cmp l k
+let to_list l =
+  Heap.to_list JsSyntaxAux.object_loc_cmp l
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/ b/generator/tests/jsref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c59b2ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+let empty =
+  Heap.empty
+let read l k = 
+ string_compare l k
+let write l k v =
+  Heap.write string_compare l k v
+let rem l k =
+  Heap.rem string_compare l k 
+let read_option l k =
+  Heap.read_option string_compare l k 
+let indom_dec l k = 
+  Heap.indom_dec string_compare l k
+let to_list l =
+  Heap.to_list string_compare l
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/ b/generator/tests/jsref/
index 3c77d5d..7eec4fe 100644
--- a/generator/tests/jsref/
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ let state_map_object_heap s f =
 let object_write s l o =
-  state_map_object_heap s (fun h -> Heap.write h l o)
+  state_map_object_heap s (fun h -> HeapObj.write h l o)
 (** val object_alloc : state -> coq_object -> object_loc * state **)
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ let state_map_env_record_heap s f =
 let env_record_write s l e =
-  state_map_env_record_heap s (fun h -> Heap.write h l e)
+  state_map_env_record_heap s (fun h -> HeapInt.write h l e)
 (** val env_record_alloc : state -> env_record -> int * state **)
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ let env_record_alloc s e =
   let l =  state_fresh_locations0 in
   let alloc = state_fresh_locations0 + 1 in
-  let bindings' = Heap.write bindings l e in
+  let bindings' = HeapInt.write bindings l e in
   (l, { state_object_heap = cells; state_env_record_heap = bindings';
   state_fresh_locations = alloc })
@@ -340,20 +340,20 @@ let decl_env_record_empty =
     decl_env_record -> prop_name -> mutability -> value -> decl_env_record **)
 let decl_env_record_write ed x mu v =
-  Heap.write ed x (mu, v)
+  HeapStr.write ed x (mu, v)
 (** val decl_env_record_rem :
     decl_env_record -> prop_name -> decl_env_record **)
 let decl_env_record_rem ed x =
-  Heap.rem string_eq ed x
+  HeapStr.rem ed x
 (** val env_record_write_decl_env :
     state -> env_loc -> prop_name -> mutability -> value -> state **)
 let env_record_write_decl_env s l x mu v =
-  match nat_eq s.state_env_record_heap l with
+  match s.state_env_record_heap l with
   | Coq_env_record_decl ed ->
     let env' = decl_env_record_write ed x mu v in
     env_record_write s l (Coq_env_record_decl env')
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/ b/generator/tests/jsref/
index 4c1a979..e5521e6 100644
--- a/generator/tests/jsref/
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/
@@ -196,20 +196,20 @@ let ref_kind_comparable x y =
 let object_binds_pickable_option s l =
-  Heap.read_option object_loc_comparable s.state_object_heap l
+  HeapObj.read_option s.state_object_heap l
 (** val env_record_binds_pickable_option :
     state -> env_loc -> env_record coq_Pickable_option **)
 let env_record_binds_pickable_option s l =
-  Heap.read_option nat_eq s.state_env_record_heap l
+  HeapInt.read_option s.state_env_record_heap l
 (** val decl_env_record_pickable_option :
     decl_env_record -> prop_name -> (mutability * value) coq_Pickable_option **)
 let decl_env_record_pickable_option ed x =
-  Heap.read_option string_eq ed x
+  HeapStr.read_option ed x
 (** val descriptor_is_data_dec : descriptor -> bool **)
@@ -398,6 +398,6 @@ let is_callable_dec s v =
 let object_properties_keys_as_list_pickable_option s l =
-  map (fun props -> fst (Heap.to_list string_eq props))
+  map (fun props -> fst (HeapStr.to_list props))
     (map object_properties_ (object_binds_pickable_option s l))
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/ b/generator/tests/jsref/
index 58a86eb..1ae7c58 100644
--- a/generator/tests/jsref/
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ let object_create_builtin vproto sclass p =
 let object_create_prealloc_call_or_construct length p =
   let sclass = "Function" in
   let p' =
-    Heap.write p ("length")
+    HeapStr.write p ("length")
       (Coq_attributes_data_of (attrib_constant length))
   object_create_builtin (Coq_value_object (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ let object_create_prealloc_constructor fprealloc length p =
     Heap.heap **)
 let write_native p name v =
-  Heap.write p name (Coq_attributes_data_of
+  HeapStr.write p name (Coq_attributes_data_of
     (prop_attributes_for_global_object v))
 (** val write_constant :
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ let write_native p name v =
     Heap.heap **)
 let write_constant p name value0 =
-  Heap.write p name (Coq_attributes_data_of (attrib_constant value0))
+  HeapStr.write p name (Coq_attributes_data_of (attrib_constant value0))
 (** val object_prealloc_global_proto : value **)
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ let object_prealloc_function_proto =
       (Coq_value_object (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_function))
   let p0 =
-    Heap.write p ("length")
+    HeapStr.write p ("length")
       (attrib_constant (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
@@ -987,43 +987,43 @@ let throw_type_error_object =
 let object_heap_initial_function_objects_1 h =
   let h0 =
-    Heap.write h (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_throw_type_error)
+    HeapObj.write h (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_throw_type_error)
   let h1 =
-    Heap.write h0 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_eval)
+    HeapObj.write h0 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_eval)
   let h2 =
-    Heap.write h1 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_parse_int)
+    HeapObj.write h1 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_parse_int)
   let h3 =
-    Heap.write h2 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_parse_float)
+    HeapObj.write h2 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_parse_float)
   let h4 =
-    Heap.write h3 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_is_nan)
+    HeapObj.write h3 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_is_nan)
   let h5 =
-    Heap.write h4 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_is_finite)
+    HeapObj.write h4 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_is_finite)
   let h6 =
-    Heap.write h5 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_decode_uri)
+    HeapObj.write h5 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_decode_uri)
   let h7 =
-    Heap.write h6 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h6 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h8 =
-    Heap.write h7 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_encode_uri)
+    HeapObj.write h7 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global_encode_uri)
-  Heap.write h8 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+  HeapObj.write h8 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
@@ -1033,53 +1033,53 @@ let object_heap_initial_function_objects_1 h =
 let object_heap_initial_function_objects_2 h =
   let h0 = object_heap_initial_function_objects_1 h in
   let h1 =
-    Heap.write h0 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_get_proto_of)
+    HeapObj.write h0 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_get_proto_of)
   let h2 =
-    Heap.write h1 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h1 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h3 =
-    Heap.write h2 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h2 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h4 =
-    Heap.write h3 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_create)
+    HeapObj.write h3 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_create)
   let h5 =
-    Heap.write h4 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_define_prop)
+    HeapObj.write h4 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_define_prop)
   let h6 =
-    Heap.write h5 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_define_props)
+    HeapObj.write h5 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_define_props)
   let h7 =
-    Heap.write h6 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_seal)
+    HeapObj.write h6 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_seal)
   let h8 =
-    Heap.write h7 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_freeze)
+    HeapObj.write h7 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_freeze)
   let h9 =
-    Heap.write h8 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h8 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h10 =
-    Heap.write h9 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_is_sealed)
+    HeapObj.write h9 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_is_sealed)
   let h11 =
-    Heap.write h10 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_is_frozen)
+    HeapObj.write h10 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_is_frozen)
-  Heap.write h11 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_is_extensible)
+  HeapObj.write h11 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_is_extensible)
 (** val object_heap_initial_function_objects_3 :
@@ -1088,44 +1088,44 @@ let object_heap_initial_function_objects_2 h =
 let object_heap_initial_function_objects_3 h =
   let h0 = object_heap_initial_function_objects_2 h in
   let h1 =
-    Heap.write h0 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h0 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h2 =
-    Heap.write h1 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h1 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h3 =
-    Heap.write h2 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h2 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h4 =
-    Heap.write h3 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h3 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h5 =
-    Heap.write h4 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h4 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h6 =
-    Heap.write h5 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h5 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h7 =
-    Heap.write h6 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_function_proto_call)
+    HeapObj.write h6 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_function_proto_call)
   let h8 =
-    Heap.write h7 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_function_proto_bind)
+    HeapObj.write h7 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_function_proto_bind)
-  Heap.write h8 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_function_proto_apply)
+  HeapObj.write h8 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_function_proto_apply)
 (** val object_heap_initial_function_objects_4 :
@@ -1134,41 +1134,41 @@ let object_heap_initial_function_objects_3 h =
 let object_heap_initial_function_objects_4 h =
   let h0 = object_heap_initial_function_objects_3 h in
   let h1 =
-    Heap.write h0 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_array_is_array)
+    HeapObj.write h0 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_array_is_array)
   let h2 =
-    Heap.write h1 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h1 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h3 =
-    Heap.write h2 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_array_proto_join)
+    HeapObj.write h2 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_array_proto_join)
   let h4 =
-    Heap.write h3 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_array_proto_pop)
+    HeapObj.write h3 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_array_proto_pop)
   let h5 =
-    Heap.write h4 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_array_proto_push)
+    HeapObj.write h4 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_array_proto_push)
   let h6 =
-    Heap.write h5 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h5 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h7 =
-    Heap.write h6 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h6 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h8 =
-    Heap.write h7 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_to_string)
+    HeapObj.write h7 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_to_string)
-  Heap.write h8 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_value_of)
+  HeapObj.write h8 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_value_of)
 (** val object_heap_initial_function_objects :
@@ -1177,155 +1177,155 @@ let object_heap_initial_function_objects_4 h =
 let object_heap_initial_function_objects h =
   let h0 = object_heap_initial_function_objects_4 h in
   let h1 =
-    Heap.write h0 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h0 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
   let h2 =
-    Heap.write h1 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
+    HeapObj.write h1 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc
-  Heap.write h2 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_error_proto_to_string)
+  HeapObj.write h2 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_error_proto_to_string)
-(** val object_heap_initial : (object_loc, coq_object) Heap.heap **)
+(** val object_heap_initial : (object_loc, coq_object) HeapObj.heap **)
 let object_heap_initial =
   let h =
-    Heap.write Heap.empty (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global)
+    HeapObj.write Heap.empty (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global)
   let h0 =
-    Heap.write h (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object)
+    HeapObj.write h (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object)
   let h1 =
-    Heap.write h0 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_proto)
+    HeapObj.write h0 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_object_proto)
   let h2 =
-    Heap.write h1 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_bool)
+    HeapObj.write h1 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_bool)
   let h3 =
-    Heap.write h2 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_bool_proto)
+    HeapObj.write h2 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_bool_proto)
   let h4 =
-    Heap.write h3 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_number)
+    HeapObj.write h3 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_number)
   let h5 =
-    Heap.write h4 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_number_proto)
+    HeapObj.write h4 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_number_proto)
   let h6 =
-    Heap.write h5 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_function)
+    HeapObj.write h5 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_function)
   let h7 =
-    Heap.write h6 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_function_proto)
+    HeapObj.write h6 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_function_proto)
   let h8 =
-    Heap.write h7 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_array)
+    HeapObj.write h7 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_array)
   let h9 =
-    Heap.write h8 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_array_proto)
+    HeapObj.write h8 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_array_proto)
   let h10 =
-    Heap.write h9 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_string)
+    HeapObj.write h9 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_string)
   let h11 =
-    Heap.write h10 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_string_proto)
+    HeapObj.write h10 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_string_proto)
   let h12 =
-    Heap.write h11 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_math)
+    HeapObj.write h11 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_math)
   let h13 =
-    Heap.write h12 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_date)
+    HeapObj.write h12 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_date)
   let h14 =
-    Heap.write h13 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_regexp)
+    HeapObj.write h13 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_regexp)
   let h15 =
-    Heap.write h14 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_error_proto)
+    HeapObj.write h14 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_error_proto)
   let h16 =
-    Heap.write h15 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto
+    HeapObj.write h15 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto
       (object_prealloc_native_error_proto Coq_native_error_eval)
   let h17 =
-    Heap.write h16 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto
+    HeapObj.write h16 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto
       (object_prealloc_native_error_proto Coq_native_error_range)
   let h18 =
-    Heap.write h17 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto
+    HeapObj.write h17 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto
       (object_prealloc_native_error_proto Coq_native_error_ref)
   let h19 =
-    Heap.write h18 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto
+    HeapObj.write h18 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto
       (object_prealloc_native_error_proto Coq_native_error_syntax)
   let h20 =
-    Heap.write h19 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto
+    HeapObj.write h19 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto
       (object_prealloc_native_error_proto Coq_native_error_type)
   let h21 =
-    Heap.write h20 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto
+    HeapObj.write h20 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto
       (object_prealloc_native_error_proto Coq_native_error_uri)
   let h22 =
-    Heap.write h21 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_error)
+    HeapObj.write h21 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_error)
   let h23 =
-    Heap.write h22 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error
+    HeapObj.write h22 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error
       (object_prealloc_native_error Coq_native_error_eval)
   let h24 =
-    Heap.write h23 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error
+    HeapObj.write h23 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error
       (object_prealloc_native_error Coq_native_error_range)
   let h25 =
-    Heap.write h24 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error
+    HeapObj.write h24 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error
       (object_prealloc_native_error Coq_native_error_ref)
   let h26 =
-    Heap.write h25 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error
+    HeapObj.write h25 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error
       (object_prealloc_native_error Coq_native_error_syntax)
   let h27 =
-    Heap.write h26 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error
+    HeapObj.write h26 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error
       (object_prealloc_native_error Coq_native_error_type)
   let h28 =
-    Heap.write h27 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error
+    HeapObj.write h27 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc (Coq_prealloc_native_error
       (object_prealloc_native_error Coq_native_error_uri)
   let h29 =
-    Heap.write h28 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_json)
+    HeapObj.write h28 (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_json)
   object_heap_initial_function_objects h29
@@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ let object_heap_initial =
 (** val env_record_heap_initial : (env_loc, env_record) Heap.heap **)
 let env_record_heap_initial =
-  Heap.write Heap.empty env_loc_global_env_record
+  HeapInt.write Heap.empty env_loc_global_env_record
     (env_record_object_default (Coq_object_loc_prealloc Coq_prealloc_global))
 (** val dummy_fresh_locations : int stream **)
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/ b/generator/tests/jsref/
index c7783f1..7e63443 100644
--- a/generator/tests/jsref/
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/
@@ -584,14 +584,14 @@ and object_define_own_prop s c l x desc throwcont =
                     else Coq_attributes_accessor_of
                         (attributes_accessor_of_descriptor desc0)) in
         let%some s2 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s1 l
-                         (fun p -> Heap.write p x0 a)) in
+                         (fun p -> HeapStr.write p x0 a)) in
         res_ter s2
           (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool true)))
       else reject s1 throwcont0
     | Coq_full_descriptor_some a ->
       let object_define_own_prop_write s2 a0 =
           let a_2 = attributes_update a0 desc0 in
-          let%some s3 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s2 l (fun p -> Heap.write p x0 a_2)) in
+          let%some s3 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s2 l (fun p -> HeapStr.write p x0 a_2)) in
           res_ter s3 (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool true))) in
       if descriptor_contains_dec (descriptor_of_attributes a) desc0
       then res_ter s1 (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool true)))
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ and object_define_own_prop s c l x desc throwcont =
             | Coq_attributes_accessor_of aa ->
               Coq_attributes_data_of (attributes_data_of_attributes_accessor aa)) in
           let%some s2 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option
-                           s1 l (fun p -> Heap.write p x0 a_2)) in
+                           s1 l (fun p -> HeapStr.write p x0 a_2)) in
           object_define_own_prop_write s2 a_2
         else reject s1 throwcont0
       else if (attributes_is_data_dec a) && (descriptor_is_data_dec desc0)
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ and prim_new_object s _foo_ = match _foo_ with
     let%some s_2 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option
                       s1 l
                       (fun p ->
-                         Heap.write p ("length")
+                         HeapStr.write p ("length")
@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ and env_record_has_binding s c l x =
       | Coq_env_record_decl ed ->
         result_out (Coq_out_ter (s,
                                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool
-                                                             (Heap.indom_decidable string_eq ed x))))))
+                                                             (HeapStr.indom_dec ed x))))))
       | Coq_env_record_object (l0, pt) -> object_has_prop s c l0 x
 (** val lexical_env_get_identifier_ref :
@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ and object_delete_default s c l x str =
         if attributes_configurable a
         then let%some
              s_2 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s1 l (fun p ->
-                 Heap.rem string_eq p x)) in
+                 HeapStr.rem p x)) in
                 res_ter s_2 (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool true)))
         else out_error_or_cst s1 str Coq_native_error_type (Coq_value_prim
                                                               (Coq_prim_bool false))
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ and env_record_delete_binding s c l x =
   let%some e = (env_record_binds_pickable_option s l) in
       match e with
       | Coq_env_record_decl ed ->
-        (match Heap.read_option string_eq ed x with
+        (match HeapStr.read_option ed x with
          | Some p ->
            let (mu, v) = p in
            (match mu with
@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ and env_record_get_binding_value s c l x str =
   let%some e = (env_record_binds_pickable_option s l) in
       match e with
       | Coq_env_record_decl ed ->
-        let%some rm = (Heap.read_option string_eq ed x) in
+        let%some rm = (HeapStr.read_option ed x) in
             let (mu, v) = rm in
             if mutability_comparable mu Coq_mutability_uninitialized_immutable
             then out_error_or_cst s str Coq_native_error_ref (Coq_value_prim
@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ and env_record_set_mutable_binding s c l x v str =
   let%some e = (env_record_binds_pickable_option s l) in
       match e with
       | Coq_env_record_decl ed ->
-        let%some rm = (Heap.read_option string_eq ed x) in
+        let%some rm = (HeapStr.read_option ed x) in
             let (mu, v_old) = rm in
             if not (mutability_comparable mu Coq_mutability_immutable)
             then res_void (env_record_write_decl_env s l x mu v)
@@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ and env_record_create_mutable_binding s c l x deletable_opt =
       let%some e = (env_record_binds_pickable_option s l) in
           match e with
           | Coq_env_record_decl ed ->
-            if Heap.indom_decidable string_eq ed x
+            if HeapStr.indom_dec ed x
             then (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
                 ("Already declared environnment record in [env_record_create_mutable_binding].")
@@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@ and env_record_create_immutable_binding s l x =
   let%some e = (env_record_binds_pickable_option s l) in
       match e with
       | Coq_env_record_decl ed ->
-        if Heap.indom_decidable string_eq ed x
+        if HeapStr.indom_dec ed x
         then (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
             ("Already declared environnment record in [env_record_create_immutable_binding].")
@@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ and array_args_map_loop s c l args ind =
   | [] -> res_void s
   | h :: rest ->
     let%some s_2 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s l (fun p ->
-           Heap.write p (JsNumber.to_string (of_int ind))
+           HeapStr.write p (JsNumber.to_string (of_int ind))
              (Coq_attributes_data_of (attributes_data_intro_all_true h)))) in array_args_map_loop s_2 c l rest (ind +. 1.)
 (** val string_of_prealloc : prealloc -> string **)
@@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@ and run_construct_prealloc s c b args =
                   let  follow = (fun s_3 length0 ->
                          s0 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s_3 l (fun p0 ->
-                             Heap.write p0 ("length")
+                             HeapStr.write p0 ("length")
                                (Coq_attributes_data_of { attributes_data_value =
                                                            (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number (of_int length0)));
                                                          attributes_data_writable = true;
@@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ and run_construct_prealloc s c b args =
                                      s0 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s_2 l
                                         (fun p1 ->
-                                           Heap.write p1 ("0") (Coq_attributes_data_of
+                                           HeapStr.write p1 ("0") (Coq_attributes_data_of
                                                                   (attributes_data_intro_all_true v)))) in
                                         follow s0 1.0
                                  | Coq_prim_null ->
@@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@ and run_construct_prealloc s c b args =
                                      s0 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s_2 l
                                         (fun p1 ->
-                                           Heap.write p1 ("0") (Coq_attributes_data_of
+                                           HeapStr.write p1 ("0") (Coq_attributes_data_of
                                                                   (attributes_data_intro_all_true v)))) in
                                         follow s0 1.0
                                  | Coq_prim_bool b0 ->
@@ -1526,7 +1526,7 @@ and run_construct_prealloc s c b args =
                                      s0 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s_2 l
                                         (fun p1 ->
-                                           Heap.write p1 ("0") (Coq_attributes_data_of
+                                           HeapStr.write p1 ("0") (Coq_attributes_data_of
                                                                   (attributes_data_intro_all_true v)))) in
                                         follow s0 1.0
                                  | Coq_prim_number vlen ->
@@ -1541,20 +1541,20 @@ and run_construct_prealloc s c b args =
                                      s1 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s_2 l
                                         (fun p1 ->
-                                           Heap.write p1 ("0") (Coq_attributes_data_of
+                                           HeapStr.write p1 ("0") (Coq_attributes_data_of
                                                                   (attributes_data_intro_all_true v)))) in
                                         follow s1 1.0)
                               | Coq_value_object o0 ->
                                    s0 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s_2 l
                                      (fun p0 ->
-                                        Heap.write p0 ("0") (Coq_attributes_data_of
+                                        HeapStr.write p0 ("0") (Coq_attributes_data_of
                                                                (attributes_data_intro_all_true v)))) in
                                       follow s0 1.0
                           else let%some
                                s0 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s_2 l
                                  (fun p0 ->
-                                    Heap.write p0
+                                    HeapStr.write p0
                                       (Coq_attributes_data_of { attributes_data_value =
                                                                   (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
@@ -1583,7 +1583,7 @@ and run_construct_prealloc s c b args =
                                                               (Coq_prim_number (number_of_int (strlength s1))))) in
                                  s_2 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option s2 l (fun p ->
-                                     Heap.write p ("length")
+                                     HeapStr.write p ("length")
                                        (Coq_attributes_data_of lenDesc))) in
                                     res_ter s_2 (res_val (Coq_value_object l))) in
                    let  arg_len = (LibList.length args) in
@@ -2137,7 +2137,7 @@ and run_object_get_own_prop s c l x =
               res_spec s_2
-                      (Heap.read_option string_eq p x))
+                      (HeapStr.read_option p x))
                    Coq_full_descriptor_undef (fun x -> x))) in
           match b with
           | Coq_builtin_get_own_prop_default -> def s
@@ -4064,7 +4064,7 @@ and run_call_prealloc s c b vthis args =
                                                                   s11 = (object_heap_map_properties_pickable_option
                                                                      s10 l (fun p ->
-                                                                         Heap.write p
+                                                                         HeapStr.write p
                                                                            (Coq_attributes_data_of a0))) in
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/ b/generator/tests/jsref/
index 88138b8..0cfbc0d 100644
--- a/generator/tests/jsref/
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/
@@ -212,16 +212,16 @@ type prealloc =
 | Coq_prealloc_string_proto_char_at [@f]
 | Coq_prealloc_string_proto_char_code_at [@f]
 | Coq_prealloc_math [@f]
-| Coq_prealloc_mathop  [@f mathop] of mathop
 | Coq_prealloc_date [@f]
 | Coq_prealloc_regexp [@f]
 | Coq_prealloc_error [@f]
 | Coq_prealloc_error_proto [@f]
-| Coq_prealloc_native_error  [@f error] of native_error
-| Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto  [@f error] of native_error
 | Coq_prealloc_error_proto_to_string [@f]
 | Coq_prealloc_throw_type_error [@f]
 | Coq_prealloc_json [@f]
+| Coq_prealloc_mathop  [@f mathop] of mathop
+| Coq_prealloc_native_error  [@f error] of native_error
+| Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto  [@f error] of native_error
 type call =
 | Coq_call_default [@f]
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/ b/generator/tests/jsref/
index 9906829..1239ee9 100644
--- a/generator/tests/jsref/
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/
@@ -3,6 +3,110 @@ open JsSyntax
 open LibList
 open LibReflect
+let int_of_native_error e =
+  match e with
+  | Coq_native_error_eval -> 1
+  | Coq_native_error_range -> 2
+  | Coq_native_error_ref -> 3
+  | Coq_native_error_syntax -> 4
+  | Coq_native_error_type -> 5
+  | Coq_native_error_uri -> 6
+let int_of_mathop o =
+   match o with
+   | Coq_mathop_abs -> 1
+let int_of_prealloc p =
+  match p with
+  | Coq_prealloc_global -> 1
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_eval -> 2
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_parse_int -> 3
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_parse_float -> 4
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_is_finite -> 5
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_is_nan -> 6
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_decode_uri -> 7
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_decode_uri_component -> 8
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_encode_uri -> 9
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_encode_uri_component -> 10
+  | Coq_prealloc_object -> 11
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_get_proto_of -> 12
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_get_own_prop_descriptor -> 13
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_get_own_prop_name -> 14
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_create -> 15
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_define_prop -> 16
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_define_props -> 17
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_seal -> 18
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_freeze -> 19
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_prevent_extensions -> 20
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_is_sealed -> 21
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_is_frozen -> 22
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_is_extensible -> 23
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_keys -> 24
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_keys_call -> 25
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_proto -> 26
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_proto_to_string -> 27
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_proto_value_of -> 28
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_proto_has_own_prop -> 29
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_proto_is_prototype_of -> 30
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_proto_prop_is_enumerable -> 31
+  | Coq_prealloc_function -> 32
+  | Coq_prealloc_function_proto -> 33
+  | Coq_prealloc_function_proto_to_string -> 34
+  | Coq_prealloc_function_proto_apply -> 35
+  | Coq_prealloc_function_proto_call -> 36
+  | Coq_prealloc_function_proto_bind -> 37
+  | Coq_prealloc_bool -> 38
+  | Coq_prealloc_bool_proto -> 39
+  | Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_to_string -> 40
+  | Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_value_of -> 41
+  | Coq_prealloc_number -> 42
+  | Coq_prealloc_number_proto -> 43
+  | Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_string -> 44
+  | Coq_prealloc_number_proto_value_of -> 45
+  | Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_fixed -> 46
+  | Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_exponential -> 47
+  | Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_precision -> 48
+  | Coq_prealloc_array -> 49
+  | Coq_prealloc_array_is_array -> 50
+  | Coq_prealloc_array_proto -> 51
+  | Coq_prealloc_array_proto_to_string -> 52
+  | Coq_prealloc_array_proto_join -> 53
+  | Coq_prealloc_array_proto_pop -> 54
+  | Coq_prealloc_array_proto_push -> 55
+  | Coq_prealloc_string -> 56
+  | Coq_prealloc_string_proto -> 57
+  | Coq_prealloc_string_proto_to_string -> 58
+  | Coq_prealloc_string_proto_value_of -> 59
+  | Coq_prealloc_string_proto_char_at -> 60
+  | Coq_prealloc_string_proto_char_code_at -> 61
+  | Coq_prealloc_math -> 62
+  | Coq_prealloc_date -> 63
+  | Coq_prealloc_regexp -> 64
+  | Coq_prealloc_error -> 65
+  | Coq_prealloc_error_proto -> 66
+  | Coq_prealloc_error_proto_to_string -> 67
+  | Coq_prealloc_throw_type_error -> 68
+  | Coq_prealloc_json -> 69
+  | Coq_prealloc_mathop o -> 100 + int_of_mathop o
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error e -> 200 + int_of_native_error e
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto e -> 300 + int_of_native_error e
+let prealloc_cmp p1 p2 =
+  int_compare (int_of_prealloc p1) (int_of_prealloc p2)
+let object_loc_cmp l1 l2 =
+   match l1 with
+   | Coq_object_loc_normal n1 ->
+      begin match l2 with 
+      | Coq_object_loc_normal n2 -> int_compare n1 n2
+      | Coq_object_loc_prealloc p2 -> 1
+      end
+   | Coq_object_loc_prealloc p1 ->
+      begin match l2 with 
+      | Coq_object_loc_normal n2 -> -1
+      | Coq_object_loc_prealloc p2 -> prealloc_cmp p1 p2
+      end
 (** val object_create :
     value -> class_name -> bool -> object_properties_type -> coq_object **)
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/ b/generator/tests/jsref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ce7277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+(* copied from ocaml and specialized *)
+type ('a,'b) t =
+    Empty [@f ]
+  | Node [@f l, x, d, r, h] of ('a,'b) t * 'a * 'b * ('a,'b) t * int
+let height = function
+    Empty -> 0
+  | Node(l,x,d,r,h) -> h
+let create l x d r =
+  let hl = height l and hr = height r in
+  Node(l, x, d, r, (if int_ge hl hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+let singleton x d = Node(Empty, x, d, Empty, 1)
+let bal l x d r =
+  let hl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,_,h) -> h in
+  let hr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,_,h) -> h in
+  if int_gt hl (hr + 2) then begin
+    match l with
+      Empty -> assert false
+    | Node(ll, lv, ld, lr, _) ->
+        if int_ge (height ll) (height lr) then
+          create ll lv ld (create lr x d r)
+        else begin
+          match lr with
+            Empty -> assert false
+          | Node(lrl, lrv, lrd, lrr, _)->
+              create (create ll lv ld lrl) lrv lrd (create lrr x d r)
+        end
+  end else if int_gt hr (hl + 2) then begin
+    match r with
+      Empty -> assert false
+    | Node(rl, rv, rd, rr, _) ->
+        if int_ge (height rr) (height rl) then
+          create (create l x d rl) rv rd rr
+        else begin
+          match rl with
+            Empty -> assert false
+          | Node(rll, rlv, rld, rlr, _) ->
+              create (create l x d rll) rlv rld (create rlr rv rd rr)
+        end
+  end else
+    Node(l, x, d, r, (if int_ge hl hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+let empty = Empty
+let is_empty s = 
+  match s with 
+  | Empty -> true 
+  | _ -> false
+let rec add compare x data s = 
+  match s with
+    Empty ->
+      Node(Empty, x, data, Empty, 1)
+  | Node(l, v, d, r, h) ->
+      let c = compare x v in
+      if int_eq c 0 then
+        Node(l, x, data, r, h)
+      else if int_lt c 0 then
+        bal (add compare x data l) v d r
+      else
+        bal l v d (add compare x data r)
+let rec find compare x s =
+  match s with
+    Empty -> assert false
+      (* raise Not_found *)
+  | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+      let c = compare x v in
+      if int_eq c 0 then d
+      else find compare x (if int_lt c 0 then l else r)
+(* added *)
+let rec find_option compare x s =
+  match s with
+    Empty -> None
+  | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+      let c = compare x v in
+      if int_eq c 0 then Some d
+      else find_option compare x (if int_lt c 0 then l else r)
+let rec mem compare x s = 
+  match s with
+    Empty ->
+      false
+  | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+      let c = compare x v in
+      int_eq c 0 || mem compare x (if int_lt c 0 then l else r)
+let rec min_binding s = 
+  match s with
+    Empty -> raise Not_found
+  | Node(l, x, d, r, _) ->
+    match l with 
+      Empty -> (x, d)
+    | _ -> min_binding l
+  (*
+  | Node(Empty, x, d, r, _) -> (x, d)
+  | Node(l, x, d, r, _) -> min_binding l
+  *)
+let rec remove_min_binding s = 
+  match s with
+    Empty -> assert false
+  | Node(l, x, d, r, _) -> 
+      match l with 
+      Empty -> r
+    | _ -> bal (remove_min_binding l) x d r
+  (*
+  | Node(Empty, x, d, r, _) -> r
+  | Node(l, x, d, r, _) -> bal (remove_min_binding l) x d r
+  *)
+let merge t1 t2 =
+  match t1 with 
+  | Empty -> t2
+  | _ -> 
+     match t2 with
+     | Empty -> t1
+     | _ ->
+        let (x, d) = min_binding t2 in
+        bal t1 x d (remove_min_binding t2)
+  (*
+  match (t1, t2) with
+    (Empty, t) -> t
+  | (t, Empty) -> t
+  | (_, _) ->
+      let (x, d) = min_binding t2 in
+      bal t1 x d (remove_min_binding t2)
+   *)
+let rec remove compare x s = 
+  match s with
+    Empty ->
+      Empty
+  | Node(l, v, d, r, h) ->
+      let c = compare x v in
+      if int_eq c 0 then
+        merge l r
+      else if int_lt c 0 then
+        bal (remove compare x l) v d r
+      else
+        bal l v d (remove compare x r)
+let rec fold f m accu =
+  match m with
+    Empty -> accu
+  | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+      fold f r (f v d (fold f l accu))
+  module type OrderedType =
+  sig
+    type t
+    val compare: t -> t -> int
+  end
+module type S =
+  sig
+    type key
+    type +'a t
+    val empty: 'a t
+    val is_empty: 'a t -> bool
+    val mem:  key -> 'a t -> bool
+    val add: key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
+    val singleton: key -> 'a -> 'a t
+    val remove: key -> 'a t -> 'a t
+    val merge:
+          (key -> 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t
+    val compare: ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
+    val equal: ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
+    val iter: (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
+    val fold: (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
+    val for_all: (key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool
+    val exists: (key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool
+    val filter: (key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t
+    val partition: (key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t * 'a t
+    val cardinal: 'a t -> int
+    val bindings: 'a t -> (key * 'a) list
+    val min_binding: 'a t -> (key * 'a)
+    val max_binding: 'a t -> (key * 'a)
+    val choose: 'a t -> (key * 'a)
+    val split: key -> 'a t -> 'a t * 'a option * 'a t
+    val find: key -> 'a t -> 'a
+    val map: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+    val mapi: (key -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+  end
+module Make(Ord: OrderedType) = struct
+  type key = Ord.t
+let rec map f = function
+    Empty ->
+      Empty
+  | Node(l, v, d, r, h) ->
+      let l' = map f l in
+      let d' = f d in
+      let r' = map f r in
+      Node(l', v, d', r', h)
+let rec iter f = function
+    Empty -> ()
+  | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+      iter f l; f v d; iter f r
+let rec mapi f = function
+    Empty ->
+      Empty
+  | Node(l, v, d, r, h) ->
+      let l' = mapi f l in
+      let d' = f v d in
+      let r' = mapi f r in
+      Node(l', v, d', r', h)
+let rec max_binding = function
+    Empty -> raise Not_found
+  | Node(l, x, d, Empty, _) -> (x, d)
+  | Node(l, x, d, r, _) -> max_binding r
+    let rec for_all p = function
+        Empty -> true
+      | Node(l, v, d, r, _) -> p v d && for_all p l && for_all p r
+    let rec exists p = function
+        Empty -> false
+      | Node(l, v, d, r, _) -> p v d || exists p l || exists p r
+    (* Beware: those two functions assume that the added k is *strictly*
+       smaller (or bigger) than all the present keys in the tree; it
+       does not test for equality with the current min (or max) key.
+       Indeed, they are only used during the "join" operation which
+       respects this precondition.
+    *)
+    let rec add_min_binding k v = function
+      | Empty -> singleton k v
+      | Node (l, x, d, r, h) ->
+        bal (add_min_binding k v l) x d r
+    let rec add_max_binding k v = function
+      | Empty -> singleton k v
+      | Node (l, x, d, r, h) ->
+        bal l x d (add_max_binding k v r)
+    (* Same as create and bal, but no assumptions are made on the
+       relative heights of l and r. *)
+    let rec join l v d r =
+      match (l, r) with
+        (Empty, _) -> add_min_binding v d r
+      | (_, Empty) -> add_max_binding v d l
+      | (Node(ll, lv, ld, lr, lh), Node(rl, rv, rd, rr, rh)) ->
+          if lh > rh + 2 then bal ll lv ld (join lr v d r) else
+          if rh > lh + 2 then bal (join l v d rl) rv rd rr else
+          create l v d r
+    (* Merge two trees l and r into one.
+       All elements of l must precede the elements of r.
+       No assumption on the heights of l and r. *)
+    let concat t1 t2 =
+      match (t1, t2) with
+        (Empty, t) -> t
+      | (t, Empty) -> t
+      | (_, _) ->
+          let (x, d) = min_binding t2 in
+          join t1 x d (remove_min_binding t2)
+    let concat_or_join t1 v d t2 =
+      match d with
+      | Some d -> join t1 v d t2
+      | None -> concat t1 t2
+    let rec split x = function
+        Empty ->
+          (Empty, None, Empty)
+      | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+          let c = compare x v in
+          if int_eq c 0 then (l, Some d, r)
+          else if int_lt c 0 then
+            let (ll, pres, rl) = split x l in (ll, pres, join rl v d r)
+          else
+            let (lr, pres, rr) = split x r in (join l v d lr, pres, rr)
+    let rec merge f s1 s2 =
+      match (s1, s2) with
+        (Empty, Empty) -> Empty
+      | (Node (l1, v1, d1, r1, h1), _) when h1 >= height s2 ->
+          let (l2, d2, r2) = split v1 s2 in
+          concat_or_join (merge f l1 l2) v1 (f v1 (Some d1) d2) (merge f r1 r2)
+      | (_, Node (l2, v2, d2, r2, h2)) ->
+          let (l1, d1, r1) = split v2 s1 in
+          concat_or_join (merge f l1 l2) v2 (f v2 d1 (Some d2)) (merge f r1 r2)
+      | _ ->
+          assert false
+    let rec filter p = function
+        Empty -> Empty
+      | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+          (* call [p] in the expected left-to-right order *)
+          let l' = filter p l in
+          let pvd = p v d in
+          let r' = filter p r in
+          if pvd then join l' v d r' else concat l' r'
+    let rec partition p = function
+        Empty -> (Empty, Empty)
+      | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+          (* call [p] in the expected left-to-right order *)
+          let (lt, lf) = partition p l in
+          let pvd = p v d in
+          let (rt, rf) = partition p r in
+          if pvd
+          then (join lt v d rt, concat lf rf)
+          else (concat lt rt, join lf v d rf)
+    type 'a enumeration = End | More of key * 'a * 'a t * 'a enumeration
+    let rec cons_enum m e =
+      match m with
+        Empty -> e
+      | Node(l, v, d, r, _) -> cons_enum l (More(v, d, r, e))
+    let compare cmp m1 m2 =
+      let rec compare_aux e1 e2 =
+          match (e1, e2) with
+          (End, End) -> 0
+        | (End, _)  -> -1
+        | (_, End) -> 1
+        | (More(v1, d1, r1, e1), More(v2, d2, r2, e2)) ->
+            let c = compare v1 v2 in
+            if c <> 0 then c else
+            let c = cmp d1 d2 in
+            if c <> 0 then c else
+            compare_aux (cons_enum r1 e1) (cons_enum r2 e2)
+      in compare_aux (cons_enum m1 End) (cons_enum m2 End)
+    let equal cmp m1 m2 =
+      let rec equal_aux e1 e2 =
+          match (e1, e2) with
+          (End, End) -> true
+        | (End, _)  -> false
+        | (_, End) -> false
+        | (More(v1, d1, r1, e1), More(v2, d2, r2, e2)) ->
+            compare v1 v2 = 0 && cmp d1 d2 &&
+            equal_aux (cons_enum r1 e1) (cons_enum r2 e2)
+      in equal_aux (cons_enum m1 End) (cons_enum m2 End)
+    let rec cardinal = function
+        Empty -> 0
+      | Node(l, _, _, r, _) -> cardinal l + 1 + cardinal r
+    let rec bindings_aux accu = function
+        Empty -> accu
+      | Node(l, v, d, r, _) -> bindings_aux ((v, d) :: bindings_aux accu r) l
+    let bindings s =
+      bindings_aux [] s
+    let choose = min_binding
diff --git a/navig-driver.js b/navig-driver.js
index e7ea22e..b716cf4 100644
--- a/navig-driver.js
+++ b/navig-driver.js
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ function jsvalue_of_value(v) {
 function lookup_var_in_record_decl(name, env_record_decl) {
-  var ro = Heap.read_option(string_eq, env_record_decl, name);
+  var ro = HeapStr.read_option(env_record_decl, name);
   switch (ro.tag) {
     case "None":
       return undefined;
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ function lookup_var_in_object(state, name, loc) {
    if (obj_opt.tag != "Some") throw "show_object: unbound object";
    var obj = obj_opt.value;
    var props = obj.object_properties_;
-   var ro = Heap.read_option(string_eq, props, name);
+   var ro = HeapStr.read_option(props, name);
    switch (ro.tag) {
      case "None":
        return undefined;
@@ -693,10 +693,13 @@ function string_of_any(v) {
 // --------------- Views for JS state/context ----------------
-function array_of_heap(heap) {
-  var items_list = Heap.to_list(string_eq, heap);
+function array_of_heap(compare, heap) {
+  var items_list = Heap.to_list(compare, heap);
   return encoded_list_to_array(items_list);
 function string_of_prealloc(prealloc) {
     return (prealloc.tag).slice("Coq_prealloc_".length);
@@ -804,7 +807,7 @@ function show_object(state, loc, target, depth) {
    if (obj_opt.tag != "Some") throw "show_object: unbound object";
    var obj = obj_opt.value;
    var props = obj.object_properties_;
-   var key_value_pair_array = array_of_heap(props);
+   var key_value_pair_array = encoded_list_to_array(HeapStr.to_list(props));
    var is_global = (string_of_loc(loc) == "global");
    for (var j = 0; j < key_value_pair_array.length; j++) {
@@ -890,7 +893,7 @@ function show_value(state, v, target, depth) {
 function show_decl_env_record(state, env_record_decl, target) {
    // env_record_decl : (string, mutability * value) Heap.heap
    var t = $("#" + target);
-   var items_array = array_of_heap(env_record_decl);
+   var items_array = encoded_list_to_array(HeapStr.to_list(env_record_decl));
    for (var i = 0; i < items_array.length; i++) {
       var var_name = items_array[i][0];
       var mutability = items_array[i][1][0];
@@ -1449,7 +1452,7 @@ readSourceParseAndRun();
 // setExample(20);
-$("#reach_condition").val("S_line() == 3 && S('i') == 1 && I_line() == 858");
+$("#reach_condition").val("S_line() == 3 && S('i') == 1");
 function showCurrent() {