diff --git a/generator/TODO b/generator/TODO
index f4c040020156c0359f6a6a6ce573e2c6297a73fa..2dc8f3a93030e487a205f33c48b11b838d9c2dff 100644
--- a/generator/TODO
+++ b/generator/TODO
@@ -16,20 +16,6 @@ CURRENT TODO
 *) Alan: proof read JSNumber
-*) Thomas: factorize branches such as:
-       | Coq_prim_bool b0 ->
-         (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-           s
-           ("[run_object_method] returned a primitive in [object_proto_is_prototype_of_body].")
-       | Coq_prim_number n ->
-         (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-           s
-           ("[run_object_method] returned a primitive in [object_proto_is_prototype_of_body].")
 *) Arthur: inline let_binding
 *) Alan/Thomas: test "eval", might need pieces of JsCommon for it (parsePickable)
diff --git a/generator/tests/jsref/JsInterpreter.ml b/generator/tests/jsref/JsInterpreter.ml
index 0491cda6aa9abb9a40f0e4361e2be58b00ea2c04..9172f29356edd2cd2f5e7059eb0389da69918622 100644
--- a/generator/tests/jsref/JsInterpreter.ml
+++ b/generator/tests/jsref/JsInterpreter.ml
@@ -2994,50 +2994,6 @@ and run_unary_op s c op e =
                       if r.ref_strict
                       then run_error s0 Coq_native_error_syntax
                       else env_record_delete_binding s0 c l r.ref_name))
-        | Coq_unary_op_void ->
-          if_spec (run_expr_get_value s c e) (fun s1 v ->
-            match op with
-            | Coq_unary_op_delete ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_void ->
-              res_ter s1 (res_val (Coq_value_prim Coq_prim_undef))
-            | Coq_unary_op_typeof ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_add -> to_number s1 c v
-            | Coq_unary_op_neg ->
-              if_number (to_number s1 c v) (fun s2 n ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (JsNumber.neg n)))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_bitwise_not ->
-              if_spec (to_int32 s1 c v) (fun s2 k ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (of_int (JsNumber.int32_bitwise_not k))))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_not ->
-              res_ter s1
-                (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool
-                  (neg (convert_value_to_boolean v))))))
         | Coq_unary_op_typeof ->
           if_success (run_expr s c e) (fun s1 rv ->
             match rv with
@@ -3059,211 +3015,11 @@ and run_unary_op s c op e =
                      res_ter s2
                        (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_string
                          (run_typeof_value s2 v))))))
-        | Coq_unary_op_post_incr ->
-          if_spec (run_expr_get_value s c e) (fun s1 v ->
-            match op with
-            | Coq_unary_op_delete ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_void ->
-              res_ter s1 (res_val (Coq_value_prim Coq_prim_undef))
-            | Coq_unary_op_typeof ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_add -> to_number s1 c v
-            | Coq_unary_op_neg ->
-              if_number (to_number s1 c v) (fun s2 n ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (JsNumber.neg n)))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_bitwise_not ->
-              if_spec (to_int32 s1 c v) (fun s2 k ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (of_int (JsNumber.int32_bitwise_not k))))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_not ->
-              res_ter s1
-                (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool
-                  (neg (convert_value_to_boolean v))))))
-        | Coq_unary_op_post_decr ->
-          if_spec (run_expr_get_value s c e) (fun s1 v ->
-            match op with
-            | Coq_unary_op_delete ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_void ->
-              res_ter s1 (res_val (Coq_value_prim Coq_prim_undef))
-            | Coq_unary_op_typeof ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_add -> to_number s1 c v
-            | Coq_unary_op_neg ->
-              if_number (to_number s1 c v) (fun s2 n ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (JsNumber.neg n)))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_bitwise_not ->
-              if_spec (to_int32 s1 c v) (fun s2 k ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (of_int (JsNumber.int32_bitwise_not k))))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_not ->
-              res_ter s1
-                (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool
-                  (neg (convert_value_to_boolean v))))))
-        | Coq_unary_op_pre_incr ->
-          if_spec (run_expr_get_value s c e) (fun s1 v ->
-            match op with
-            | Coq_unary_op_delete ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_void ->
-              res_ter s1 (res_val (Coq_value_prim Coq_prim_undef))
-            | Coq_unary_op_typeof ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_add -> to_number s1 c v
-            | Coq_unary_op_neg ->
-              if_number (to_number s1 c v) (fun s2 n ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (JsNumber.neg n)))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_bitwise_not ->
-              if_spec (to_int32 s1 c v) (fun s2 k ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (of_int (JsNumber.int32_bitwise_not k))))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_not ->
-              res_ter s1
-                (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool
-                  (neg (convert_value_to_boolean v))))))
-        | Coq_unary_op_pre_decr ->
-          if_spec (run_expr_get_value s c e) (fun s1 v ->
-            match op with
-            | Coq_unary_op_delete ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_void ->
-              res_ter s1 (res_val (Coq_value_prim Coq_prim_undef))
-            | Coq_unary_op_typeof ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_add -> to_number s1 c v
-            | Coq_unary_op_neg ->
-              if_number (to_number s1 c v) (fun s2 n ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (JsNumber.neg n)))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_bitwise_not ->
-              if_spec (to_int32 s1 c v) (fun s2 k ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (of_int (JsNumber.int32_bitwise_not k))))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_not ->
-              res_ter s1
-                (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool
-                  (neg (convert_value_to_boolean v))))))
-        | Coq_unary_op_add ->
+        | _ ->
           if_spec (run_expr_get_value s c e) (fun s1 v ->
             match op with
-            | Coq_unary_op_delete ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
             | Coq_unary_op_void ->
               res_ter s1 (res_val (Coq_value_prim Coq_prim_undef))
-            | Coq_unary_op_typeof ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
             | Coq_unary_op_add -> to_number s1 c v
             | Coq_unary_op_neg ->
               if_number (to_number s1 c v) (fun s2 n ->
@@ -3278,139 +3034,11 @@ and run_unary_op s c op e =
             | Coq_unary_op_not ->
               res_ter s1
                 (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool
-                  (neg (convert_value_to_boolean v))))))
-        | Coq_unary_op_neg ->
-          if_spec (run_expr_get_value s c e) (fun s1 v ->
-            match op with
-            | Coq_unary_op_delete ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_void ->
-              res_ter s1 (res_val (Coq_value_prim Coq_prim_undef))
-            | Coq_unary_op_typeof ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_decr ->
+                  (neg (convert_value_to_boolean v)))))
+            | _ ->
               (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_add -> to_number s1 c v
-            | Coq_unary_op_neg ->
-              if_number (to_number s1 c v) (fun s2 n ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (JsNumber.neg n)))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_bitwise_not ->
-              if_spec (to_int32 s1 c v) (fun s2 k ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (of_int (JsNumber.int32_bitwise_not k))))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_not ->
-              res_ter s1
-                (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool
-                  (neg (convert_value_to_boolean v))))))
-        | Coq_unary_op_bitwise_not ->
-          if_spec (run_expr_get_value s c e) (fun s1 v ->
-            match op with
-            | Coq_unary_op_delete ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_void ->
-              res_ter s1 (res_val (Coq_value_prim Coq_prim_undef))
-            | Coq_unary_op_typeof ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_add -> to_number s1 c v
-            | Coq_unary_op_neg ->
-              if_number (to_number s1 c v) (fun s2 n ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (JsNumber.neg n)))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_bitwise_not ->
-              if_spec (to_int32 s1 c v) (fun s2 k ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (of_int (JsNumber.int32_bitwise_not k))))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_not ->
-              res_ter s1
-                (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool
-                  (neg (convert_value_to_boolean v))))))
-        | Coq_unary_op_not ->
-          if_spec (run_expr_get_value s c e) (fun s1 v ->
-            match op with
-            | Coq_unary_op_delete ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_void ->
-              res_ter s1 (res_val (Coq_value_prim Coq_prim_undef))
-            | Coq_unary_op_typeof ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_post_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_incr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_pre_decr ->
-              (fun s m -> Debug.impossible_with_heap_because __LOC__ s m; Coq_result_impossible)
-                s1
-                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")
-            | Coq_unary_op_add -> to_number s1 c v
-            | Coq_unary_op_neg ->
-              if_number (to_number s1 c v) (fun s2 n ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (JsNumber.neg n)))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_bitwise_not ->
-              if_spec (to_int32 s1 c v) (fun s2 k ->
-                res_ter s2
-                  (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_number
-                    (of_int (JsNumber.int32_bitwise_not k))))))
-            | Coq_unary_op_not ->
-              res_ter s1
-                (res_val (Coq_value_prim (Coq_prim_bool
-                  (neg (convert_value_to_boolean v)))))))
+                ("Undealt regular operator in [run_unary_op].")))
 (** val create_new_function_in :
     state -> execution_ctx -> string list -> funcbody ->