From 5db30a39aa76a1c1946501401d525db2df95bab6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: charguer <>
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2016 15:23:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] assembly

 generator/Makefile                           |   7 +
 generator/                        | 151 +++++++++++++++++++
 generator/{stdlib_js => stdlib_ml}/stdlib.js |   0
 3 files changed, 158 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 generator/
 rename generator/{stdlib_js => stdlib_ml}/stdlib.js (100%)

diff --git a/generator/Makefile b/generator/Makefile
index 9cf4775..e41fb31 100644
--- a/generator/Makefile
+++ b/generator/Makefile
@@ -104,6 +104,11 @@ tests/%.token.js: tests/ main.byte stdlib tests/%.cmi
 $(JSREF_PATH)/lineof.js: lineof.byte $(
 	./lineof.byte -o $@ $(
+##### Rule for assembly.js
+$(JSREF_PATH)/assembly.js: assembly.byte $( $( 
+	./assembly.byte -o $@ -stdlib $(STDLIB_DIR)/stdlib.js $(
@@ -119,6 +124,8 @@ unlog: $(
 lineof: $(JSREF_PATH)/lineof.js
+assembly: $(JSREF_PATH)/assembly.js
 stdlib: $(STDLIB_DIR)/stdlib.cmi
 tests: $( $(
diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49f1d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+(* Section COPIED FROM /home/charguer/pbench/xlib/ *)
+(** A generic operator for swapping the order of the two first arguments 
+    of a function *)
+let ( ~~ ) = fun f x y -> f y x 
+module XBase = struct
+  exception Break
+(* Section COPIED FROM /home/charguer/pbench/xlib/ *)
+module XList = struct
+  let rev_not_rec l =
+     let res = ref [] in
+     let cur = ref l in
+     begin try while true do
+        match !cur with
+        | [] -> raise XBase.Break
+        | x::xs ->
+           res := x::!res;
+           cur := xs
+     done with XBase.Break -> () end;
+     !res
+(* Section COPIED FROM /home/charguer/pbench/xlib/ *)
+module XFile = struct
+  (** Write the string [str] into a file of given name *)
+  let put_contents filename str =
+    let channel = open_out filename in
+    output_string channel str;
+    close_out channel    
+  (** Write a list of lines into a file of given name *)
+  let put_lines filename ?(sep="\n") lines =
+     put_contents filename (String.concat sep (lines @ [""]))
+  (** Read the lines of a file; raise FileNotFound if no such file *)
+  exception FileNotFound of string
+  let get_lines file = 
+     if not (Sys.file_exists file)
+        then raise (FileNotFound file);
+     let lines = ref [] in
+     let f = 
+        try open_in file with End_of_file -> raise (FileNotFound file);
+        in
+     begin try while true do
+        lines := input_line f :: !lines 
+     done with End_of_file -> () end;
+     close_in f;
+     XList.rev_not_rec !lines
+(* Extra *)
+let hashtbl_keys t =
+  Hashtbl.fold (fun key value acc -> key::acc) t []
+let files = ref ([]:string list)
+let outputfile = ref None
+let stdlibfile = ref None
+(* TODO: might be useful to take "basename" from the command line *)
+let _ =
+   (*---------------------------------------------------*)
+   (* parsing of command line *)
+   let files = ref [] in
+   Arg.parse
+     [ (* ("-I", Arg.String (fun i -> Clflags.include_dirs := i :: !Clflags.include_dirs),
+                      "includes a directory where to look for interface files"); *)
+       ("-stdlib", Arg.String (fun s -> stdlibfile := Some s), "set the stdlib file name");
+       ("-o", Arg.String (fun s -> outputfile := Some s), "set the output file name");
+       (* ("-debug", Arg.Set debug, "trace the various steps"); *)
+       (* ("-mode", Arg.String (fun s -> set_current_mode s), "current mode: unlog, log, or token")*)
+     ]
+     (fun f -> files := f :: !files)
+     ("usage: [..other options..] -o lineof.js -stdlib file.js file1 file2 ..; \n assuming fileN.log.js and fileN.unlog.js exist.");
+   if !files = [] then
+     failwith "No input file provided";
+   let input_filename1 = List.hd !files in
+   let dirname = Filename.dirname input_filename1 in
+   let output_filename = 
+     match !outputfile with
+     | None -> Filename.concat dirname "assembly.js"
+     | Some f -> f
+   in
+   (*---------------------------------------------------*)
+   (* open output file for writing *)
+    let outchannel = open_out output_filename in
+    let put str =
+       output_string outchannel str;
+       output_string outchannel "\n" in
+    let puts lines =
+       List.iter put lines in
+   (*---------------------------------------------------*)
+   (* include of the source code of logged unsource files *)
+   (* TODO *)
+   (*---------------------------------------------------*)
+   (* include of stdlib source *)
+   begin match !stdlibfile with
+   | None -> ()
+   | Some filename ->
+      let lines = XFile.get_lines filename in
+      put "\n/* --------------------- stdlib --------------------- */\n";
+      puts lines;
+   end;
+   (*---------------------------------------------------*)
+   (* include of logged js files *)
+   ~~ List.iter !files (fun filename_noext ->
+      let filename = filename_noext ^ ".log.js" in
+      let lines = XFile.get_lines filename in
+      put (Printf.sprintf "\n/* --------------------- %s --------------------- */\n" filename);
+      puts lines;
+      );
+   (*---------------------------------------------------*)
+   (* generating output file *)
+   close_out outchannel;
+   Printf.printf "Wrote file: %s\n" output_filename;
diff --git a/generator/stdlib_js/stdlib.js b/generator/stdlib_ml/stdlib.js
similarity index 100%
rename from generator/stdlib_js/stdlib.js
rename to generator/stdlib_ml/stdlib.js