diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index bbf5ad56898afadda6835131b4af56cc47b0fc7b..8b2c1f0a638420cfc2f2eaa57db46b46717f6bc4 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ PUB_FILES=driver.html libraries jquery-ui-1.11.4.custom jquery_scroll \
 	  esprima-to-ast.js jsref/lineof.js navig-driver.js \
-all: jsjsref
+all: generator jsjsref mljsref
 	opam switch 4.03.0
 	eval `opam config env`
 	opam pin -yn add jsjsref .
+	opam pin -yn add JS_Parser "https://github.com/resource-reasoning/JS_Parser.git#v0.1.0"
 	opam install -y jsjsref --deps-only
 publish: generator $(PUB_FILES)
@@ -17,8 +18,14 @@ publish: generator $(PUB_FILES)
 	$(MAKE) -C generator
+	$(MAKE) -C generator stdlib
 jsjsref: generator
-	$(MAKE) -C jsref
+	$(MAKE) -C jsref jsjsref
+mljsref: generator-stdlib
+	$(MAKE) -C jsref mljsref
 	git submodule update --init test/test262
@@ -31,4 +38,4 @@ clean:
 	$(MAKE) -C generator clean
 	$(MAKE) -C jsref clean
-.PHONY: publish jsjsref generator test_init test clean
+.PHONY: publish jsjsref mljsref generator generator-stdlib test_init test clean
diff --git a/jsref/.gitignore b/jsref/.gitignore
index 813a567258b5442dee987063548dd845e43d9be5..8d73be800f369de6c8b07e7874385c83d9ee5a1e 100644
--- a/jsref/.gitignore
+++ b/jsref/.gitignore
@@ -10,3 +10,6 @@ assembly.js
diff --git a/jsref/.merlin b/jsref/.merlin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b5675f643c4892430fe0e3722d9c9b0a4334bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsref/.merlin
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+PKG JS_Parser
diff --git a/jsref/Compare.ml b/jsref/Compare.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/jsref/Debug.ml b/jsref/Debug.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b7b95375963fd39bb98810259e1ec7639859d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsref/Debug.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+(* Various debug helper functions *)
+(* Inserted by extraction *)
+let not_yet_implemented_because loc s =
+  print_endline (loc ^ ": Not implemented because: " ^ Prheap.string_of_char_list s)
+let impossible_because loc s =
+  print_endline (loc ^ ": Stuck because: " ^ Prheap.string_of_char_list s)
+let impossible_with_heap_because loc s message =
+  print_endline (loc ^ ": Stuck!\nState:  " ^ Prheap.prstate true s ^ "\nMessage:\t" ^ Prheap.string_of_char_list message)
+(* Inserted into JsInterpreter by patching in Makefile functions named after the appropriate insertion *)
+let ref_get_value r =
+  prerr_string "Warning: ref_get_value returns the undefined value on ";
+  prerr_string (Prheap.prref r);
+  prerr_newline()
+let ref_get_value_2 r =
+  prerr_string ("Warning: ref_get_value returns the undefined value on ");
+  prerr_string (Prheap.prresvalue r);
+  prerr_newline()
+let run_object_method l =
+  prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Warning: in run_object_method the location %s is unfetchable." (Prheap.prloc l))
+let run_object_heap_set_extensible l =
+  prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Warning: in run_object_heap_set_extensible the location %s is unfetchable." (Prheap.prloc l))
+let lexical_env_get_identifier_ref x0 =
+  prerr_endline ("Warning: lexical_env_get_identifier_ref fails to find " ^ (Prheap.string_of_char_list x0))
diff --git a/jsref/JsCommon.ml b/jsref/JsCommon.ml
index 77de46080099dd4a0849136d08b02e88adfd04aa..22073ff857abd76de36dcb498f51ebcab2a250cf 100644
--- a/jsref/JsCommon.ml
+++ b/jsref/JsCommon.ml
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ let elision_tail_remove ol =
 (** val parse_pickable : string -> bool -> prog coq_Pickable_option **)
 let parse_pickable = (fun s strict ->
-  Translate_syntax.parse_esprima strict s
+  Translate_syntax.parse_js_syntax strict s
     (*Translate_syntax.parse_esprima strict s*)
     (* with
       (* | Translate_syntax.CoqSyntaxDoesNotSupport _ -> assert false (* Temporary *) *)
diff --git a/jsref/JsNumber.ml b/jsref/JsNumber.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1efd933bf66214f8751d63bf02a4811348760cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsref/JsNumber.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+type number = float
+let floor = floor;;
+let zero = 0.;;
+let neg_zero = -0.;;
+let one  = 1.;;
+let infinity = infinity;;
+let neg_infinity = neg_infinity;;
+let max_value = max_float;;
+let min_value = (Int64.float_of_bits Int64.one);;
+let nan = nan;;
+let pi  = 4. *. atan 1.;;
+let e   = exp 1.;;
+let ln2 = log 2.
+(* Note that we're using `float_of_string' there, which does not have the same
+   behavior than JavaScript.  For instance it will read "022" as 22 instead of
+   18, which should be the JavaScript result for it. *)
+let from_string s =
+  try
+    if s = "" then 0. else float_of_string s
+  with
+    Failure "float_of_string" -> nan
+(* Note that this is ugly, we should use the spec of JsNumber.to_string here (9.8.1). *)
+let to_string f =
+    let sfn = string_of_float f in
+    (if (sfn = "inf") then "Infinity" else
+     if (sfn = "-inf") then "-Infinity" else
+     if (sfn = "nan") then "NaN" else
+     let inum = int_of_float f in
+     if (float_of_int inum = f)
+       then (string_of_int inum)
+       else (string_of_float f))
+let to_int32 = fun n ->
+  match classify_float n with
+  | FP_normal | FP_subnormal ->
+    let i32 = 2. ** 32. in
+    let i31 = 2. ** 31. in
+    let posint = (if n < 0. then (-1.) else 1.) *. (floor (abs_float n)) in
+    let int32bit =
+      let smod = mod_float posint i32 in
+      if smod < 0. then smod +. i32 else smod
+    in
+    (if int32bit >= i31 then int32bit -. i32 else int32bit)
+  | _ -> 0.
+let to_uint32 = fun n ->
+  match classify_float n with
+  | FP_normal | FP_subnormal ->
+    let i32 = 2. ** 32. in
+    let posint = (if n < 0. then (-1.) else 1.) *. (floor (abs_float n)) in
+    let int32bit =
+      let smod = mod_float posint i32 in
+      if smod < 0. then smod +. i32 else smod
+    in
+    int32bit
+  | _ -> 0.
+let int32_left_shift x y =
+  Int32.to_float (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_float x) (int_of_float y))
+let int32_right_shift x y =
+  Int32.to_float (Int32.shift_right (Int32.of_float x) (int_of_float y))
+let int32_bitwise_and x y =
+  Int32.to_float (Int32.logand (Int32.of_float x) (Int32.of_float y))
+let int32_bitwise_or x y =
+  Int32.to_float (Int32.logor (Int32.of_float x) (Int32.of_float y))
+let int32_bitwise_xor x y =
+  Int32.to_float (Int32.logxor (Int32.of_float x) (Int32.of_float y))
+let int32_bitwise_not x =
+  Int32.to_float (Int32.lognot (Int32.of_float x))
+let uint32_right_shift x y =
+  let i31 = 2. ** 31. in
+  let i32 = 2. ** 32. in
+  let newx = if x >= i31 then x -. i32 else x in
+  let r = Int32.to_float (Int32.shift_right_logical (Int32.of_float newx) (int_of_float y)) in
+  if r < 0. then r +. i32 else r
+let neg = (~-.)
+let sign f = float_of_int (compare f 0.)
+let absolute = abs_float
+let modulo_32 x =
+  let r = mod_float x 32. in
+  if x < 0. then r +. 32. else r
+let fmod = mod_float
diff --git a/jsref/JsNumber.mli b/jsref/JsNumber.mli
index c21ccfd2a412f8e81e7ccc16d19908df8804ec5d..a4be8a2cc8b4514f326ce1ed0e60761b2e3a2397 100644
--- a/jsref/JsNumber.mli
+++ b/jsref/JsNumber.mli
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+(* JS Number type *)
 type number = float
 val floor : float -> float
diff --git a/jsref/Makefile b/jsref/Makefile
index cbe992d1faba45eceb918c9fe604d45307c4321c..1f8f360695186098711a2319142c0320b00e1594 100644
--- a/jsref/Makefile
+++ b/jsref/Makefile
@@ -6,20 +6,37 @@
 #    make interp  # build interp.js
-# Paths
-all: # Defined below
+all: jsjsref mljsref
-JSREF_ML  := $(filter-out JsOutput.ml,$(wildcard *.ml))
+ML_FRONTEND_SRC := ml_frontend
+##### Dependencies
+# Avoid dependency generation for non-jsjsref build targets
+ifeq ($(filter clean%,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+include .depends
+.depends: $(JSREF_ML) $(PPX_BIN)
+	$(OCAMLDEP) -ppx $(PPX_BIN) -I . -all * $(ML_FRONTEND_SRC)/* > $@
+# JS-JSRef
+JSREF_ML  := $(wildcard *.ml)
 JSREF_MLI := $(wildcard *.mli)
 GENERATOR_DIR := ../generator
+STDLIB_FLAG := -I $(STDLIB_DIR) -open Stdlib
+REPLACE_STDLIB := -nopervasives -nostdlib $(STDLIB_FLAG)
-# ASSEMBLY_JS must respect dependencies order
+# ASSEMBLY_JS_FILES must respect dependencies order
+	$(STDLIB_DIR)/stdlib.js \
 	BinNums.unlog.js \
 	Bool0.unlog.js \
 	List0.unlog.js \
@@ -36,7 +53,6 @@ ASSEMBLY_JS_FILES := \
 	HeapList.unlog.js \
 	Shared.unlog.js \
 	Compare.js \
-	Debug.js \
 	JsNumber.js \
 	JsSyntax.unlog.js \
 	JsSyntaxAux.unlog.js \
@@ -46,11 +62,14 @@ ASSEMBLY_JS_FILES := \
 	JsCommonAux.unlog.js \
 	JsPreliminary.unlog.js \
 	JsInit.unlog.js \
+	Prheap.js \
+	Debug.js \
 	JsInterpreterMonads.unlog.js \
 	JsInterpreter.log.js \
-	ModuleExport.js
+	ModuleExport.js
@@ -62,7 +81,7 @@ ALL_DISPLAYED := $(DISPLAYED:.ml=.unlog.js) $(DISPLAYED:.ml=.pseudo.js) $(DISPLA
 ALL_LINEOF := $(DISPLAYED:.ml=.token.js) $(DISPLAYED:.ml=.mlloc.js) $(DISPLAYED:.ml=.ptoken.js)
-# Tools
+##### Tools
 OCAMLDEP := ocamldep -one-line
@@ -70,9 +89,11 @@ OCAMLPAR := OCAMLRUNPARAM="l=200M"
 LINEOF_BIN := $(GENERATOR_DIR)/lineof.byte
+PPX_BIN    := $(GENERATOR_DIR)/monad_ppx.byte
+PPX_FLAG   := -ppx $(PPX_BIN)
-PPX_BIN    := $(GENERATOR_DIR)/monad_ppx.native
 # -dsource is automatically considered by main.byte
 ASSEMBLY_BIN := $(GENERATOR_DIR)/assembly.byte
@@ -85,28 +106,18 @@ DISPLAYGEN     := $(OCAMLPAR) $(DISPLAYGEN_BIN)
 	$(error Missing generator tools, build from project root, or set paths.)
-# Dependencies
-ifeq ($(filter clean%,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
-include .depends
 # Rules
-##### Rule for dependencies
-.depends: $(JSREF_ML)
-	$(OCAMLDEP) -all $(<D)/* > $@
 ##### Rule for cmi
+# Ordering of these rules is important, mli rule must be first.
+%.cmi: %.mli
+	ocamlc $(REPLACE_STDLIB) $<
 %.cmi: %.ml $(MLTOJS_BIN)
 	$(MLTOJS) -mode cmi -I $(STDLIB_DIR) $<
-%.cmi: %.mli
-	ocamlc -I $(STDLIB_DIR) -open Stdlib $<
 ##### Rule for log/unlog/token
 %.log.js: %.ml %.cmi $(MLTOJS_BIN)
@@ -133,21 +144,18 @@ lineof.js: $(ALL_LINEOF) $(LINEOF_BIN)
 #--LATER (optional) add as dependencies the unlog files: $(JSREF_ML:.ml=.unlog.js)
-assembly.js: $(ASSEMBLY_JS) $(ASSEMBLY_BIN)
+assembly.js: $(ASSEMBLY_JS) $(ASEMBLY_BIN)
-# -stdlib $(STDLIB_DIR)/stdlib.js 
 ##### Rule for displayed_sources.js
 displayed_sources.js: $(ALL_DISPLAYED) $(DISPLAYGEN_BIN)
 # Short targets
-ALL_TARGETS := lineof.js assembly.js displayed_sources.js
-all: $(ALL_TARGETS)
+jsjsref: assembly lineof display
 cmi: $(JSREF_ML:.ml=.cmi) $(JSREF_MLI:.mli=.cmi) 
@@ -167,22 +175,58 @@ assembly: assembly.js
 display: displayed_sources.js
+DIRTY_EXTS := {log,unlog,token,pseudo,ptoken,mlloc}.js
+	sh -c "rm -f {lineof,assembly,displayed_sources}.js"
+	sh -c "rm -f *.$(DIRTY_EXTS)"
+.PHONY: jsjsref cmi gen ref pseudo log unlog lineof assembly display clean_jsjsref
-# Global options
+# ML-JSRef
-.PHONY: all cmi gen ref pseudo log unlog lineof assembly display clean
+# Strip all extensions of $(ASSEMBLY_JS) and replace with .cmo
+ASSEMBLY_ML_FILES := $(addsuffix .cmo,$(basename $(basename $(ASSEMBLY_JS_FILES))))
+	run_js.cmo
-# Do not delete intermediate files.
+mljsref: main.byte
+main.byte: $(ASSEMBLY_ML)
+	ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package JS_Parser -o $@ $^
+run_js.cmo: run_js.ml run_js.mli run_js.cmi
+	ocamlfind ocamlc -c -package JS_Parser $<
+Translate_syntax.cmo: Translate_syntax.ml Translate_syntax.mli Translate_syntax.cmi
+	ocamlfind ocamlc -c -package JS_Parser $<
-# Clean
+# Ordering of the .cmo rules is important. mli dependency forces "standard" compilation
+%.cmo: %.ml %.mli %.cmi $(PPX_BIN)
+	ocamlc -c $(PPX_FLAG) $<
-DIRTY_EXTS := cmi,{mlloc,log,unlog,pseudo,token,ptoken}.js
+# Standalone .ml files
+%.cmo: %.ml %.cmi $(PPX_BIN)
+	ocamlc -c $(REPLACE_STDLIB) $(PPX_FLAG) $<
+	sh -c "rm -f $(ML_FRONTEND_SRC)/*.mli"
+	sh -c "rm -f {,$(ML_FRONTEND_SRC)/}*.{cmo,byte}"
+.PHONY: mljsref clean_mljsref
+# Global options
+clean: clean_jsjsref clean_mljsref
+	sh -c "rm -f *.cmi"
+	sh -c "rm -f .depends"
+# Phony global targets
+.PHONY: all clean
+# Do not delete intermediate files.
-	bash -c "rm -f $(ALL_TARGETS)"
-	bash -c "rm -f *.{$(DIRTY_EXTS)}"
-	bash -c "rm -f .depends"
diff --git a/jsref/ModuleExport.ml b/jsref/ModuleExport.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/jsref/ModuleExport.mli b/jsref/ModuleExport.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/jsref/Prheap.js b/jsref/Prheap.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/jsref/Prheap.ml b/jsref/Prheap.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b35687a841b71ed65dcc7856e8aab4db30b847d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsref/Prheap.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+open Shared
+open JsSyntax
+open JsInit
+let prbool = function
+	| true -> "true"
+	| false -> "false"
+let proption f = function
+	| None -> "None"
+	| Some x -> "Some (" ^ f x ^ ")"
+let prprealloc = function
+  | Coq_prealloc_global -> "Coq_prealloc_global"
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_eval -> "Coq_prealloc_global_eval"
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_parse_int -> "Coq_prealloc_global_parse_int"
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_parse_float -> "Coq_prealloc_global_parse_float"
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_is_finite -> "Coq_prealloc_global_is_finite"
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_is_nan -> "Coq_prealloc_global_is_nan"
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_decode_uri -> "Coq_prealloc_global_decode_uri"
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_decode_uri_component -> "Coq_prealloc_global_decode_uri_component"
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_encode_uri -> "Coq_prealloc_global_encode_uri"
+  | Coq_prealloc_global_encode_uri_component -> "Coq_prealloc_global_encode_uri_component"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object -> "Coq_prealloc_object"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_get_proto_of -> "Coq_prealloc_object_get_proto_of"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_get_own_prop_descriptor -> "Coq_prealloc_object_get_own_prop_descriptor"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_get_own_prop_name -> "Coq_prealloc_object_get_own_prop_name"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_create -> "Coq_prealloc_object_create"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_define_prop -> "Coq_prealloc_object_define_prop"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_define_props -> "Coq_prealloc_object_define_props"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_seal -> "Coq_prealloc_object_seal"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_freeze -> "Coq_prealloc_object_freeze"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_prevent_extensions -> "Coq_prealloc_object_prevent_extensions"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_is_sealed -> "Coq_prealloc_object_is_sealed"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_is_frozen -> "Coq_prealloc_object_is_frozen"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_is_extensible -> "Coq_prealloc_object_is_extensible"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_keys -> "Coq_prealloc_object_keys"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_keys_call -> "Coq_prealloc_object_keys_call"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_proto -> "Coq_prealloc_object_proto"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_proto_to_string -> "Coq_prealloc_object_proto_to_string"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_proto_value_of -> "Coq_prealloc_object_proto_value_of"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_proto_has_own_prop -> "Coq_prealloc_object_proto_has_own_prop"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_proto_is_prototype_of -> "Coq_prealloc_object_proto_is_prototype_of"
+  | Coq_prealloc_object_proto_prop_is_enumerable -> "Coq_prealloc_object_proto_prop_is_enumerable"
+  | Coq_prealloc_function -> "Coq_prealloc_function"
+  | Coq_prealloc_function_proto -> "Coq_prealloc_function_proto"
+  | Coq_prealloc_function_proto_to_string -> "Coq_prealloc_function_proto_to_string"
+  | Coq_prealloc_function_proto_apply -> "Coq_prealloc_function_proto_apply"
+  | Coq_prealloc_function_proto_bind -> "Coq_prealloc_function_proto_bind"
+  | Coq_prealloc_function_proto_call -> "Coq_prealloc_function_proto_call"
+  | Coq_prealloc_bool -> "Coq_prealloc_bool"
+  | Coq_prealloc_bool_proto -> "Coq_prealloc_bool_proto"
+  | Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_to_string -> "Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_to_string"
+  | Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_value_of -> "Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_value_of"
+  | Coq_prealloc_number -> "Coq_prealloc_number"
+  | Coq_prealloc_number_proto -> "Coq_prealloc_number_proto"
+  | Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_string -> "Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_string"
+  | Coq_prealloc_number_proto_value_of -> "Coq_prealloc_number_proto_value_of"
+  | Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_fixed -> "Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_fixed"
+  | Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_exponential -> "Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_exponential"
+  | Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_precision -> "Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_precision"
+  | Coq_prealloc_array -> "Coq_prealloc_array"
+  | Coq_prealloc_array_is_array -> "Coq_prealloc_array_is_array"
+  | Coq_prealloc_array_proto -> "Coq_prealloc_array_proto"
+  | Coq_prealloc_array_proto_join -> "Coq_prealloc_array_proto_join"
+  | Coq_prealloc_array_proto_pop -> "Coq_prealloc_array_proto_pop"
+  | Coq_prealloc_array_proto_push -> "Coq_prealloc_array_proto_push"
+  | Coq_prealloc_array_proto_to_string -> "Coq_prealloc_array_proto_to_string"
+  | Coq_prealloc_string -> "Coq_prealloc_string"
+  | Coq_prealloc_string_proto -> "Coq_prealloc_string_proto"
+  | Coq_prealloc_string_proto_to_string -> "Coq_prealloc_string_proto_to_string"
+  | Coq_prealloc_string_proto_value_of -> "Coq_prealloc_string_proto_value_of"
+  | Coq_prealloc_string_proto_char_at -> "Coq_prealloc_string_proto_char_at"
+  | Coq_prealloc_string_proto_char_code_at -> "Coq_prealloc_string_proto_char_code_at"
+  | Coq_prealloc_math -> "Coq_prealloc_math"
+  | Coq_prealloc_mathop _ -> "Coq_prealloc_mathop"
+  | Coq_prealloc_date -> "Coq_prealloc_date"
+  | Coq_prealloc_regexp -> "Coq_prealloc_regexp"
+  | Coq_prealloc_error -> "Coq_prealloc_error"
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error Coq_native_error_eval -> "Coq_prealloc_native_error_eval"
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error Coq_native_error_range -> "Coq_prealloc_native_error_range"
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error Coq_native_error_ref -> "Coq_prealloc_native_error_ref"
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error Coq_native_error_syntax -> "Coq_prealloc_native_error_syntax"
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error Coq_native_error_type -> "Coq_prealloc_native_error_type"
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error Coq_native_error_uri -> "Coq_prealloc_native_error_uri"
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto Coq_native_error_eval -> "Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto_eval"
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto Coq_native_error_range -> "Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto_range"
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto Coq_native_error_ref -> "Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto_ref"
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto Coq_native_error_syntax -> "Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto_syntax"
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto Coq_native_error_type -> "Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto_type"
+  | Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto Coq_native_error_uri -> "Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto_uri"
+  | Coq_prealloc_throw_type_error -> "Coq_prealloc_throw_type_error"
+  | Coq_prealloc_error_proto -> "Coq_prealloc_error_proto"
+  | Coq_prealloc_error_proto_to_string -> "Coq_prealloc_error_proto_to_string"
+  | Coq_prealloc_json -> "Coq_prealloc_json"
+let prcall = function
+  | Coq_call_default -> "Coq_call_default"
+  | Coq_call_after_bind -> "Coq_call_after_bind"
+  | Coq_call_prealloc pa -> "Coq_call_prealloc " ^ prprealloc pa
+let prconstruct = function
+  | Coq_construct_default -> "Coq_construct_default"
+  | Coq_construct_after_bind -> "Coq_construct_after_bind"
+  | Coq_construct_prealloc pa -> "Coq_construct_prealloc " ^ prprealloc pa
+let prhas_instance = function
+  | Coq_builtin_has_instance_function -> "Coq_builtin_has_instance_function"
+  | Coq_builtin_has_instance_after_bind -> "Coq_builtin_has_instance_after_bind"
+let prget = function
+  | Coq_builtin_get_default -> "Coq_builtin_get_default"
+  | Coq_builtin_get_function -> "Coq_builtin_get_function"
+  | Coq_builtin_get_args_obj -> "Coq_builtin_get_args_obj"
+let prdelete = function
+  | Coq_builtin_delete_default -> "Coq_builtin_delete_default"
+  | Coq_builtin_delete_args_obj -> "Coq_builtin_delete_args_obj"
+let prloc = function
+  | Coq_object_loc_normal i -> "@" ^ string_of_int i
+  | Coq_object_loc_prealloc builtinid ->
+		prprealloc builtinid
+let prmutability = function
+	| Coq_mutability_uninitialized_immutable -> "Coq_mutability_uninitialized_immutable"
+	| Coq_mutability_immutable -> "Coq_mutability_immutable"
+	| Coq_mutability_nondeletable -> "Coq_mutability_nondeletable"
+	| Coq_mutability_deletable -> "Coq_mutability_deletable"
+let prenv_loc i =
+	"#" ^ string_of_int i
+let prlexical_env l =
+    String.concat ", " (List.map prenv_loc l)
+let string_of_char_list cl = cl
+let prprop_name = string_of_char_list
+let prlabel = function
+    | Coq_label_empty -> "<empty>"
+    | Coq_label_string l -> "label:" ^ string_of_char_list l
+let prlabel_set s =
+    "{ " ^ String.concat "; " (List.map prlabel s) ^ " }"
+let char_list_of_string s =
+	let rec acc_ch acc n =
+		if n < 0 then acc else acc_ch ((String.get s n)::acc) (n-1)
+	in
+	acc_ch [] ((String.length s) - 1)
+let prbinary_op = function
+	| Coq_binary_op_add -> "+"
+	| Coq_binary_op_mult -> "*"
+	| Coq_binary_op_div -> "/"
+	| Coq_binary_op_equal -> "==="
+	| Coq_binary_op_instanceof -> "instanceof"
+	| Coq_binary_op_in -> "in"
+	| _ -> "Binary Op NIY"
+let prliteral = function
+	| Coq_literal_null -> "null"
+	| Coq_literal_bool b -> string_of_bool b
+	| Coq_literal_number f -> string_of_float f
+	| Coq_literal_string cl -> string_of_char_list cl
+let prprim = function
+  | Coq_prim_undef -> "undefined"
+  | Coq_prim_null -> "null"
+  | Coq_prim_bool b -> string_of_bool b
+  | Coq_prim_number f -> string_of_float f
+  | Coq_prim_string cl -> "\"" ^ string_of_char_list cl ^ "\""
+let prvalue = function
+  | Coq_value_prim p -> prprim p
+  | Coq_value_object ol -> prloc ol
+let prattributes = function
+  | Coq_attributes_data_of d ->
+	Printf.sprintf "{ value: %s, writable: %s, enum: %s, config: %s }"
+	  (prvalue (attributes_data_value d))
+	  (prbool (attributes_data_writable d))
+	  (prbool (attributes_data_enumerable d))
+	  (prbool (attributes_data_configurable d))
+  | Coq_attributes_accessor_of a ->
+	Printf.sprintf "{ get: %s, set: %s, enum: %s, config: %s }"
+	  (prvalue (attributes_accessor_get a))
+	  (prvalue (attributes_accessor_set a))
+	  (prbool (attributes_accessor_enumerable a))
+	  (prbool (attributes_accessor_configurable a))
+let prfull_descriptor = function
+	| Coq_full_descriptor_undef -> "undef"
+	| Coq_full_descriptor_some a -> "attribute: " ^ prattributes a
+let prdescriptor desc =
+	Printf.sprintf "{ value : %s ; writable : %s ; get : %s  ; set : %s ; enumerable : %s ; configurable : %s }"
+	  (proption prvalue desc.descriptor_value)
+	  (proption prbool desc.descriptor_writable)
+	  (proption prvalue desc.descriptor_get)
+	  (proption prvalue desc.descriptor_set)
+	  (proption prbool desc.descriptor_enumerable)
+	  (proption prbool desc.descriptor_configurable)
+let remove_siblings l =
+    let l' = List.stable_sort (fun (k1, _) (k2, _) -> compare k1 k2) l in
+    let rec aux = function
+    | [] -> []
+    | (k1, v) :: (k2, _) :: l when k1 = k2 ->
+        aux ((k1, v) :: l)
+    | a :: l -> a :: aux l
+    in aux l'
+let heap_to_list h =
+    remove_siblings (Heap.to_list () h)
+let probject_properties_aux skip_init old str p =
+	String.concat "" (List.fold_left
+		(fun acc (x, a) ->
+			if skip_init
+			  && option_case false (fun old0 ->
+				List.mem (x, a) old0) old
+			then acc
+			else Printf.sprintf "\t %s %s = %s;\n"
+                  str
+				  (string_of_char_list x)
+				  (prattributes a)
+				    :: acc) []
+		(heap_to_list p))
+let probject_properties = probject_properties_aux false None ""
+let prfieldmap (old : (prop_name * attributes) list option) skip_init loc obj =
+    probject_properties_aux skip_init old (prloc loc ^ " .") (obj.object_properties_)
+let prheap =
+  let list_heap_init = heap_to_list object_heap_initial in
+  fun skip_init heap ->
+  "digraph g{\n" ^
+  "node [shape=record];\n" ^
+  "rankdir=LR;\n" ^
+  (String.concat ""
+  	  (List.rev (List.map (fun (key, v) ->
+        let str =
+          let old =
+              try Some (List.assoc key list_heap_init)
+              with Not_found -> None in
+  	      prfieldmap (option_case None (fun obj ->
+  	      		Some (heap_to_list (object_properties_ obj))) old)
+  	      	skip_init key v ^
+          String.concat "" (
+              let pr s p g =
+                if p (g v) = "" || (skip_init
+                  && option_case false (fun obj ->
+                    g v = g obj) old)
+                then ""
+                else
+                    Printf.sprintf "\t %s @ %s = %s;\n"
+                      (prloc key) s (p (g v)) in [
+                  pr "proto" prvalue object_proto_ ;
+                  pr "class" string_of_char_list object_class_ ;
+                  pr "this" (option_case "" prvalue) (fun obj -> obj.object_bound_this_) ;
+                  pr "call" (option_case "" prcall) object_call_ ;
+                  pr "construct" (option_case "" prconstruct) object_construct_ ;
+                  pr "has_instance" (option_case "" prhas_instance) object_has_instance_ ;
+                  pr "prim_value" (option_case "" prvalue) object_prim_value_ ;
+                  pr "extensible" prbool object_extensible_ ;
+                  pr "get" prget object_get_ ;
+                  pr "delete" prdelete (fun obj -> obj.object_delete_) ;
+                  pr "scope" (option_case "" prlexical_env) object_scope_ ;
+              ]) in
+        if str = "" then Printf.sprintf "\t %s, an object;\n" (prloc key)
+        else str) (heap_to_list heap)
+  	))) ^
+  "}"
+let prenv_record r =
+  String.concat "\n"
+  	  (List.rev (List.map (fun (loc, er) ->
+		  prenv_loc loc ^ " -> " ^
+		  match er with
+		  | Coq_env_record_decl der ->
+				String.concat "\n" (List.rev (List.map (fun (x, (mu, v)) ->
+					"\t\"" ^ string_of_char_list x ^ "\" -> " ^
+					prmutability mu ^ ", " ^ prvalue v
+				) (heap_to_list der)))
+		  | Coq_env_record_object (o, this) ->
+				prloc o ^ " with provide this = " ^ prbool this
+	    ) (heap_to_list r)
+  	))
+let prstate skip s =
+	"State:\n" ^
+	"\tHeap:\n" ^ prheap skip (state_object_heap s) ^
+	"\n\tEnv. Record:\n" ^ prenv_record (state_env_record_heap s)
+let formatterstate formatter state =
+  Format.fprintf formatter "%s" (prstate false state)
+let prrestype = function
+  | Coq_restype_normal -> "normal"
+  | Coq_restype_break -> "break"
+  | Coq_restype_continue -> "continue"
+  | Coq_restype_return -> "return"
+  | Coq_restype_throw -> "throw"
+let prref_base_type = function
+  | Coq_ref_base_type_value v -> "value: " ^ prvalue v
+  | Coq_ref_base_type_env_loc l -> "env_loc: " ^ prenv_loc l
+let prref { ref_base = rb ; ref_name = rn ; ref_strict = str } =
+    (if str then "strict " else "") ^ "ref: (" ^ prref_base_type rb ^ ") . " ^ prprop_name rn
+let prresvalue = function
+  | Coq_resvalue_empty -> "Coq_resvalue_empty"
+  | Coq_resvalue_value v -> "Coq_resvalue_value: " ^ prvalue v
+  | Coq_resvalue_ref r -> "Coq_resvalue_ref: " ^ prref r
+module M1 = Map.Make (struct type t = loc let compare = Pervasives.compare end)
+module M2 = Map.Make (struct type t = field let compare = Pervasives.compare end)
+let id = ref 0
+let new_id () =
+	incr id; "__" ^ (string_of_int (!id))
+let print_to_file f h=
+	let oc = open_out f in
+	output_string oc (main h);
+	close_out oc
+ *)
+let dump_expr_step = function
+  | Coq_expr_this -> "Expr_this"
+  | Coq_expr_identifier _ -> "Expr_identifier"
+  | Coq_expr_literal _ -> "Expr_literal"
+  | Coq_expr_object _ -> "Expr_object"
+  | Coq_expr_array _ -> "Expr_array"
+  | Coq_expr_function _ -> "Expr_function"
+  | Coq_expr_access _ -> "Expr_access"
+  | Coq_expr_member _ -> "Expr_member"
+  | Coq_expr_new _ -> "Expr_new"
+  | Coq_expr_call _ -> "Expr_call"
+  | Coq_expr_unary_op _ -> "Expr_unary_op"
+  | Coq_expr_binary_op _ -> "Expr_binary_op"
+  | Coq_expr_conditional _ -> "Expr_conditional"
+  | Coq_expr_assign _ -> "Expr_assign"
+let dump_propbody_step = function
+  | Coq_propbody_val _ -> "Propbody_val"
+  | Coq_propbody_get _ -> "Propbody_get"
+  | Coq_propbody_set _ -> "Propbody_set"
+let dump_funcbody_step = function
+  | Coq_funcbody_intro _ -> "Funcbody_intro"
+let dump_stat_step = function
+  | Coq_stat_expr _ -> "Stat_expr"
+  | Coq_stat_block _ -> "Stat_block"
+  | Coq_stat_label (l, _) -> "Stat_label: " ^ string_of_char_list l
+  | Coq_stat_var_decl _ -> "Stat_var_decl"
+  | Coq_stat_if _ -> "Stat_if"
+  | Coq_stat_while _ -> "Stat_while"
+  | Coq_stat_do_while _ -> "Stat_do_while"
+  | Coq_stat_with _ -> "Stat_with"
+  | Coq_stat_throw _ -> "Stat_throw"
+  | Coq_stat_return _ -> "Stat_return"
+  | Coq_stat_break _ -> "Stat_break"
+  | Coq_stat_continue _ -> "Stat_continue"
+  | Coq_stat_try _ -> "Stat_try"
+  | Coq_stat_for _ -> "Stat_for"
+  | Coq_stat_for_var _ -> "Stat_for_var"
+  | Coq_stat_for_in _ -> "Stat_for_in"
+  | Coq_stat_for_in_var _ -> "Stat_for_in_var"
+  | Coq_stat_debugger -> "Stat_debugger"
+  | Coq_stat_switch (_, _, _) -> "Stat_switch"
+let dump_prog_step = function
+  | Coq_prog_intro (b, es) ->
+		String.concat " ; "
+		  (List.map (function
+			| Coq_element_stat _ -> "Element_stat"
+			| Coq_element_func_decl _ -> "Element_func_decl") es)
diff --git a/jsref/Prheap.mli b/jsref/Prheap.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a59476100a3cb7406067f714ae1050941d935526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsref/Prheap.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+val string_of_char_list : string -> string
+val prvalue : JsSyntax.value -> string
+val prstate : bool (* skip init *) -> JsSyntax.state -> string
+val prref : JsSyntax.ref -> string
+val prresvalue : JsSyntax.resvalue -> string
+val prloc : JsSyntax.object_loc -> string
diff --git a/jsref/Translate_syntax.js b/jsref/Translate_syntax.js
index df83e1b2fafb4a9f16b3d2cc69cfadf1a52a6f78..f99712995b328ca39b8739f6f14e7bf5c90e7c03 100644
--- a/jsref/Translate_syntax.js
+++ b/jsref/Translate_syntax.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 var Translate_syntax = {
   eval_counter: 0,
-  parse_esprima: function (strictness, src) {
+  parse_js_syntax: function (strictness, src) {
     try {
       // EVAL: Uncomment line below to enable multiple eval tabs
       //return Some(parseSource(src, "_eval_" + Translate_syntax.eval_counter++, true));
diff --git a/jsref/Translate_syntax.ml b/jsref/Translate_syntax.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f42330186327c680d8fc5d250aaa3ad4ca8f9903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsref/Translate_syntax.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+open Fappli_IEEE_bits
+open JsNumber
+open Parser_syntax
+open List
+exception CoqSyntaxDoesNotSupport of string
+exception Empty_list
+let string_to_coq s = s
+let unary_op_to_coq op : JsSyntax.unary_op =
+  match op with
+      | Not -> JsSyntax.Coq_unary_op_not
+      | TypeOf -> JsSyntax.Coq_unary_op_typeof
+      | Positive -> JsSyntax.Coq_unary_op_add
+      | Negative -> JsSyntax.Coq_unary_op_neg
+      | Pre_Decr -> JsSyntax.Coq_unary_op_pre_decr
+      | Post_Decr -> JsSyntax.Coq_unary_op_post_decr
+      | Pre_Incr -> JsSyntax.Coq_unary_op_pre_incr
+      | Post_Incr -> JsSyntax.Coq_unary_op_post_incr
+      | Bitnot -> JsSyntax.Coq_unary_op_bitwise_not
+      | Void -> JsSyntax.Coq_unary_op_void
+let arith_op_to_coq op : JsSyntax.binary_op =
+  begin match op with
+    | Plus -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_add
+    | Minus -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_sub
+    | Times -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_mult
+    | Div -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_div
+    | Mod -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_mod
+    | Bitand -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_bitwise_and
+    | Bitor -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_bitwise_or
+    | Bitxor -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_bitwise_xor
+    | Ursh -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_unsigned_right_shift
+    | Lsh -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_left_shift
+    | Rsh -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_right_shift
+  end
+let bin_op_to_coq op : JsSyntax.binary_op =
+  match op with
+    | Comparison op ->
+      begin match op with
+              | Lt -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_lt
+              | Le -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_le
+              | Gt -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_gt
+              | Ge -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_ge
+              | Equal -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_equal
+              | NotEqual -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_disequal
+              | TripleEqual -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_strict_equal
+              | NotTripleEqual -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_strict_disequal
+              | In -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_in
+              | InstanceOf -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_instanceof
+      end
+    | Arith op -> arith_op_to_coq op
+    | Boolean op ->
+      begin match op with
+        | And -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_and
+        | Or -> JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_or
+      end
+let exp_to_literal exp : JsSyntax.literal =
+  match exp.exp_stx with
+      | Num n -> JsSyntax.Coq_literal_number n
+      | String s -> JsSyntax.Coq_literal_string (string_to_coq s)
+      | Null -> JsSyntax.Coq_literal_null 
+      | Bool b -> JsSyntax.Coq_literal_bool b
+      | _ -> raise Parser.InvalidArgument
+let rec exp_to_exp exp : JsSyntax.expr =
+  let f = exp_to_exp in 
+  let string_to_coq_op e = match e with 
+    | None -> None
+    | Some e -> Some (string_to_coq e) in
+  match exp.exp_stx with
+      (* Literals *)
+      | Num _
+      | String _ 
+      | Null 
+      | Bool _ -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_literal (exp_to_literal exp)
+      | RegExp _ -> raise (CoqSyntaxDoesNotSupport (Pretty_print.string_of_exp false exp))
+      | This -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_this
+      | Var v -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_identifier (string_to_coq v)
+      | Delete e -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_unary_op (JsSyntax.Coq_unary_op_delete, f e)
+      | Access (e, v) -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_member (f e, string_to_coq v)
+      | Unary_op (op, e) -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_unary_op (unary_op_to_coq op, f e)
+      | BinOp (e1, op, e2) -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_binary_op (f e1, bin_op_to_coq op, f e2)
+      | Assign (e1, e2)  -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_assign (f e1, None, f e2)
+      | AssignOp (e1, op, e2) -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_assign (f e1, Some (arith_op_to_coq op), f e2)
+      | CAccess (e1, e2) -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_access (f e1, f e2)
+      | Comma (e1, e2) -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_binary_op (f e1, JsSyntax.Coq_binary_op_coma, f e2)
+      | Call (e1, e2s) -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_call (f e1, map (fun e2 -> f e2) e2s)
+      | New (e1, e2s) -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_new (f e1, map (fun e2 -> f e2) e2s)
+      | FunctionExp (s, n, vs, e) -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_function ((string_to_coq_op n), (map string_to_coq vs), exp_to_funcbody e s)
+      | Function (s, n, vs, e) -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_function ((string_to_coq_op n), (map string_to_coq vs), exp_to_funcbody e s)
+      | Obj xs -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_object (map (fun (pn,p,e) -> 
+        (match pn with 
+          | PropnameId id -> JsSyntax.Coq_propname_identifier (string_to_coq id)
+          | PropnameString s -> JsSyntax.Coq_propname_string (string_to_coq s)
+          | PropnameNum n -> JsSyntax.Coq_propname_number n
+        ),
+        (match p with
+          | PropbodyVal -> JsSyntax.Coq_propbody_val (f e)
+          | PropbodyGet -> 
+            begin match e.exp_stx with 
+              | FunctionExp (s, None, vs, e) -> JsSyntax.Coq_propbody_get (exp_to_funcbody e s)
+              | Function (s, None, vs, e) -> JsSyntax.Coq_propbody_get (exp_to_funcbody e s) 
+              | _ -> raise Parser.InvalidArgument
+            end
+          | PropbodySet ->
+            begin match e.exp_stx with
+              | FunctionExp (s, None, vs, e) -> JsSyntax.Coq_propbody_set (map string_to_coq vs, exp_to_funcbody e s) 
+              | Function (s, None, vs, e) -> JsSyntax.Coq_propbody_set (map string_to_coq vs, exp_to_funcbody e s) 
+              | _ -> raise Parser.InvalidArgument
+            end) 
+        ) xs)
+      (* _ARRAYS_ : Parsing array arguments *)
+      | Array oes -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_array (map (fun oe -> begin match oe with
+                                                               | None   -> None
+                                                               | Some e -> Some (f e)
+                                                              end) oes)
+      | ConditionalOp (e1, e2, e3) -> JsSyntax.Coq_expr_conditional (f e1, f e2, f e3)
+      (*Statements*)
+      | Skip 
+      | Return _
+      | Break _ 
+      | Continue _ 
+      | Debugger  
+      | VarDec _ 
+      | Throw _  
+      | Label _
+      | While _
+      | DoWhile _
+      | With _
+      | Try _
+      | If _
+      | ForIn _
+      | For _
+      | Switch _
+      | Block _
+      | Script _ -> raise Parser.InvalidArgument
+and exp_to_stat exp : JsSyntax.stat =
+  let f = exp_to_stat in 
+  match exp.exp_stx with
+        (* Literals *)
+      | Num _
+      | String _
+      | Null 
+      | Bool _
+      (* Expressions *)
+      | RegExp _  
+      | This
+      | Var _
+      | Delete _ 
+      | Access _
+      | Unary_op _ 
+      | BinOp _ 
+      | Assign _  
+      | AssignOp _
+      | CAccess _
+      | Comma _
+      | Call _
+      | New _
+      | Obj _
+      | Array _ 
+      | ConditionalOp _
+      | FunctionExp _ -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_expr (exp_to_exp exp)
+      | Function _ -> raise Parser.InvalidArgument
+         (* If a function appears in the middle of a statement, it shall not be interpreted as an expression function, but as a function declaration *)
+         (* NOTE in spec p.86 *)
+         (* ... It is recommended that ECMAScript implementations either disallow this usage of FunctionDeclaration or issue a warning *)
+      (*Statements*)
+	  | Skip -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_block []
+      | Return (Some e) -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_return (Some (exp_to_exp e))
+      | Return None -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_return None
+      | Break (Some l) -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_break (JsSyntax.Coq_label_string (string_to_coq l))
+      | Break None -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_break JsSyntax.Coq_label_empty
+      | Continue (Some l) -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_continue (JsSyntax.Coq_label_string (string_to_coq l))
+      | Continue None -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_continue JsSyntax.Coq_label_empty
+      | Debugger -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_debugger
+      | VarDec vs -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_var_decl (map (fun (v, e) ->
+          string_to_coq v, match e with None -> None | Some e -> Some (exp_to_exp e)) vs)
+      | Throw e -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_throw (exp_to_exp e)
+      | Label (l, e) -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_label (string_to_coq l, f e)
+	  | While (e1, e2)  -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_while ([], exp_to_exp e1, f e2)
+	  | DoWhile (e1, e2) -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_do_while ([], f e1, exp_to_exp e2)
+      | With (e1, e2) -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_with (exp_to_exp e1, f e2)
+      | Try (e, None, None) -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_try (f e, None, None)
+      | Try (e, None, Some fe) -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_try (f e, None, Some (f fe))
+      | Try (e, Some (s, ce), None) -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_try (f e, Some (string_to_coq s, f ce), None)
+      | Try (e, Some (s, ce), Some fe) -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_try (f e, Some (string_to_coq s, f ce), Some (f fe))  
+      | If (e1, e2, Some e3) -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_if (exp_to_exp e1, f e2, Some (f e3))
+      | If (e1, e2, None) -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_if (exp_to_exp e1, f e2, None)
+      | ForIn (e1, e2, e3) -> raise (CoqSyntaxDoesNotSupport (Pretty_print.string_of_exp false exp))
+      | For (e1, e2, e3, e4) ->
+        let to_option expr = begin match expr with
+                                 | None -> None
+                                 | Some(real_e) -> Some (exp_to_exp real_e) end in
+        (match e1 with
+          | Some ({exp_offset; exp_stx = (VarDec vs); exp_annot}) ->
+                JsSyntax.Coq_stat_for_var ([], (map (fun (v, e) ->
+                    string_to_coq v, match e with None -> None
+                        | Some e -> Some (exp_to_exp e)) vs),
+                    to_option e2, to_option e3, f e4)
+          | _ ->
+                  JsSyntax.Coq_stat_for ([], to_option e1, to_option e2, to_option e3, f e4))
+      | Switch (e1, e2s) -> 
+        let (firstpart, defaultcase, secondpart) = List.fold_left (fun (fi, de, se) el -> (
+          if de = None then
+          match el with
+            | (DefaultCase, {exp_stx = Block es}) -> (fi, Some (List.map f es), [])
+            | (Case cexp, {exp_stx = Block es}) -> (fi @ [JsSyntax.Coq_switchclause_intro (exp_to_exp cexp, List.map f es)], None, [])
+            | _ -> raise CannotHappen
+          else match el with
+            | (Case cexp, {exp_stx = Block es}) -> (fi, de, se @ [JsSyntax.Coq_switchclause_intro (exp_to_exp cexp, List.map f es)])
+            | _ -> raise CannotHappen           
+          )) ([], None, []) e2s in
+        let switchbody = match defaultcase with
+          | None -> JsSyntax.Coq_switchbody_nodefault firstpart
+          | Some de -> JsSyntax.Coq_switchbody_withdefault (firstpart, de, secondpart) in
+        JsSyntax.Coq_stat_switch ([], exp_to_exp e1, switchbody)
+      | Block es -> JsSyntax.Coq_stat_block (List.map f es)
+      | Script _ -> raise Parser.InvalidArgument
+and exp_to_prog exp : JsSyntax.prog =
+  match exp.exp_stx with
+    | Script (s, e2s) -> JsSyntax.Coq_prog_intro (s, map exp_to_elem e2s)
+    | Block (e2s) -> JsSyntax.Coq_prog_intro (false, map exp_to_elem e2s)
+    | _ ->  JsSyntax.Coq_prog_intro (false, [exp_to_elem exp])
+and exp_to_elem exp : JsSyntax.element = 
+    let tos = string_to_coq in
+    match exp.exp_stx with
+      | FunctionExp (s, (Some name), args, body) -> JsSyntax.Coq_element_func_decl (tos name, map tos args, exp_to_funcbody body s)
+      | Function (s, (Some name), args, body) -> JsSyntax.Coq_element_func_decl (tos name, map tos args, exp_to_funcbody body s)
+      | _ -> JsSyntax.Coq_element_stat (exp_to_stat exp)
+and exp_to_funcbody exp strict : JsSyntax.funcbody =
+  let body =
+	match exp_to_prog exp with
+    | JsSyntax.Coq_prog_intro (_, elems) -> JsSyntax.Coq_prog_intro (strict, elems)
+  in JsSyntax.Coq_funcbody_intro (body, "")
+module JsSyntaxInfos = struct
+  open JsSyntax
+  open JsSyntaxAux
+  let rec add_infos_exp str e =
+    let f = add_infos_exp str in
+    (match e with
+     | Coq_expr_this -> e
+     | Coq_expr_identifier s -> e
+     | Coq_expr_literal l -> e
+     | Coq_expr_object l -> e
+     | Coq_expr_array oes ->
+       Coq_expr_array
+         (List.map (fun oe ->
+           match oe with
+           | Some e0 -> Some (f e0)
+           | None -> None) oes)
+     | Coq_expr_function (so, ss, fb) ->
+       Coq_expr_function (so, ss, (add_infos_funcbody str fb))
+     | Coq_expr_access (e1, e2) -> Coq_expr_access ((f e1), (f e2))
+     | Coq_expr_member (e0, s) -> Coq_expr_member ((f e0), s)
+     | Coq_expr_new (e0, es) -> Coq_expr_new ((f e0), (List.map f es))
+     | Coq_expr_call (e0, es) -> Coq_expr_call ((f e0), (List.map f es))
+     | Coq_expr_unary_op (op, e0) -> Coq_expr_unary_op (op, (f e0))
+     | Coq_expr_binary_op (e1, op, e2) ->
+       Coq_expr_binary_op ((f e1), op, (f e2))
+     | Coq_expr_conditional (e1, e2, e3) ->
+       Coq_expr_conditional ((f e1), (f e2), (f e3))
+     | Coq_expr_assign (e1, op, e2) -> Coq_expr_assign ((f e1), op, (f e2)))
+  (** val add_infos_funcbody : strictness_flag -> funcbody -> funcbody **)
+  and add_infos_funcbody str = function
+  | Coq_funcbody_intro (p, s) -> Coq_funcbody_intro ((add_infos_prog str p), s)
+  (** val add_infos_stat : strictness_flag -> label_set -> stat -> stat **)
+  and add_infos_stat str labs t =
+    let opt = fun f smth ->
+      match smth with
+      | Some smth0 -> Some (f smth0)
+      | None -> None
+    in
+    let f = add_infos_stat str label_set_empty in
+    let fo = opt f in
+    let fe = add_infos_exp str in
+    let feo = opt fe in
+    let fsb = add_infos_switchbody str in
+    (match t with
+     | Coq_stat_expr e -> Coq_stat_expr (fe e)
+     | Coq_stat_label (l, t0) ->
+       Coq_stat_label (l,
+         (add_infos_stat str (label_set_add (Coq_label_string l) labs) t0))
+     | Coq_stat_block ts -> Coq_stat_block (List.map f ts)
+     | Coq_stat_var_decl vars ->
+       Coq_stat_var_decl
+         (List.map (fun var -> let (s, eo) = var in (s, (feo eo))) vars)
+     | Coq_stat_if (e, t0, to0) -> Coq_stat_if ((fe e), (f t0), (fo to0))
+     | Coq_stat_do_while (l, t0, e) ->
+       Coq_stat_do_while ((label_set_add_empty labs), (f t0), (fe e))
+     | Coq_stat_while (l, e, t0) ->
+       Coq_stat_while ((label_set_add_empty labs), (fe e), (f t0))
+     | Coq_stat_with (e, t0) -> Coq_stat_with ((fe e), (f t0))
+     | Coq_stat_throw e -> Coq_stat_throw (fe e)
+     | Coq_stat_return eo -> Coq_stat_return (feo eo)
+     | Coq_stat_break lopt -> Coq_stat_break lopt
+     | Coq_stat_continue lopt -> Coq_stat_continue lopt
+     | Coq_stat_try (t0, catch, to0) ->
+       Coq_stat_try ((f t0),
+         (opt (fun c -> let (cs, t1) = c in (cs, (f t1))) catch), (fo to0))
+     | Coq_stat_for (l, eo1, eo2, eo3, t0) ->
+       Coq_stat_for ((label_set_add_empty labs), (feo eo1), (feo eo2),
+         (feo eo3), (f t0))
+     | Coq_stat_for_var (l, vars, eo2, eo3, t0) ->
+       Coq_stat_for_var ((label_set_add_empty labs),
+         (List.map (fun var -> let (s, eo) = var in (s, (feo eo))) vars), (feo eo2),
+         (feo eo3), (f t0))
+     | Coq_stat_for_in (l, e1, e2, t0) ->
+       Coq_stat_for_in ((label_set_add_empty labs), (fe e1), (fe e2), (f t0))
+     | Coq_stat_for_in_var (l, str0, eo, e, t0) ->
+       Coq_stat_for_in_var ((label_set_add_empty labs), str0, (feo eo), 
+         (fe e), (f t0))
+     | Coq_stat_debugger -> Coq_stat_debugger
+     | Coq_stat_switch (labs0, e, ts) ->
+       Coq_stat_switch ((label_set_add_empty labs0), (fe e), (fsb ts)))
+  (** val add_infos_switchbody :
+      strictness_flag -> switchbody -> switchbody **)
+  and add_infos_switchbody str ts =
+    let fe = add_infos_exp str in
+    let fs = add_infos_stat str label_set_empty in
+    let f = fun sc ->
+      let Coq_switchclause_intro (e, l) = sc in
+      Coq_switchclause_intro ((fe e), (List.map fs l))
+    in
+    (match ts with
+     | Coq_switchbody_nodefault l -> Coq_switchbody_nodefault (List.map f l)
+     | Coq_switchbody_withdefault (l1, s, l2) ->
+       Coq_switchbody_withdefault ((List.map f l1), (List.map fs s), (List.map f l2)))
+  (** val add_infos_prog : strictness_flag -> prog -> prog **)
+  and add_infos_prog str = function
+  | Coq_prog_intro (str', els) ->
+    let str'' = str || str' in
+    Coq_prog_intro (str'', (List.map (add_infos_element str'') els))
+  (** val add_infos_element : strictness_flag -> element -> element **)
+  and add_infos_element str = function
+  | Coq_element_stat t ->
+    Coq_element_stat (add_infos_stat str label_set_empty t)
+  | Coq_element_func_decl (s, ss, fb) ->
+    Coq_element_func_decl (s, ss, (add_infos_funcbody str fb))
+let parse (p : ?force_strict:bool -> string -> Parser_syntax.exp) strictness s =
+  let exp = p ~force_strict:strictness s in
+  JsSyntaxInfos.add_infos_prog strictness (exp_to_prog exp)
+let parse_js_syntax strictness str =
+  try Some (parse Parser_main.exp_from_string strictness str)
+  with _ -> (prerr_endline ("Parser failure on input \"" ^ str ^ "\""); None)
+let parse_js_syntax_from_file = parse (Parser_main.exp_from_file ~init:false)
diff --git a/jsref/Translate_syntax.mli b/jsref/Translate_syntax.mli
index c3e2a37b7a7c24897227c71bfaa35c7bfb8cb178..cd2b29a892c77cc7f7a4211aab3f6fac8419e7e3 100644
--- a/jsref/Translate_syntax.mli
+++ b/jsref/Translate_syntax.mli
@@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
 (* parse_esprima strictness source *)
-val parse_esprima : bool -> string -> JsSyntax.prog option
+val parse_js_syntax : bool -> string -> JsSyntax.prog option
+(* Not implemented in JS *)
+(* potentially throws an exception *)
+val parse_js_syntax_from_file : bool -> string -> JsSyntax.prog
+exception CoqSyntaxDoesNotSupport of string
diff --git a/jsref/run_js.ml b/jsref/run_js.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd68c02949952f37492af4ce0519773aeb9f447b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsref/run_js.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+exception AbnormalPreludeTermination of JsInterpreterMonads.result
+let file = ref ""
+let test_prelude = ref []
+let test = ref false
+let printHeap = ref false
+let skipInit = ref false
+let noParasite = ref false
+let strictMode = ref false
+let parser_path = ref None
+let string_to_list str = (* Does it already exists somewhere? *)
+    let l = ref [] in
+    let current = ref "" in
+    String.iter (fun c ->
+      if c = ',' then (
+          l := !current :: !l ;
+          current := ""
+      ) else
+        current := !current ^ String.make 1 c
+    ) str ;
+    !current :: List.rev !l
+let arguments () =
+  let usage_msg="Usage: -jsparser <path> -file <path>" in
+  Arg.parse
+    [ "-json",
+      Arg.Set Parser_main.use_json,
+      "use the JSON parser (Esprima), -jsparser argument is ignored";
+      "-jsparser",
+      Arg.String(fun f -> parser_path := Some f),
+      "path to JS_Parser runtime directory (optional, if omitted uses findlib to discover)";
+      "-file",
+      Arg.Set_string file,
+      "file to run";
+      "-verbose",
+      Arg.Set Parser_main.verbose,
+      "print the parsed program";
+      "-test_prelude",
+      Arg.String(fun f ->
+         test_prelude := !test_prelude @ string_to_list f; test := true),
+	 "include the given files before runnning the specified file";
+      "-print-heap",
+      Arg.Set printHeap,
+      "print the final state of the heap";
+      "-skip-init",
+      Arg.Set skipInit,
+      "do not print the initial heap";
+      "-no-parasite",
+      Arg.Set noParasite,
+      "do not run interpreter's code without being explicitely asked for";
+      "-force-strict",
+      Arg.Set strictMode,
+      "force strict mode"
+    ]
+    (fun s -> Format.eprintf "WARNING: Ignored argument %s.@." s)
+    usage_msg
+let get_value_ref state r =
+    match JsInterpreter.ref_get_value
+        state (JsCommon.execution_ctx_initial false)
+        (JsSyntax.Coq_resvalue_ref r) with
+    | JsInterpreterMonads.Coq_result_some (JsSyntax.Coq_specret_val (_, v)) ->
+       Some v
+    | _ -> None
+let get_global_value state name =
+    let r =
+      JsCommon.ref_create_env_loc
+        JsSyntax.env_loc_global_env_record
+        name true in
+    get_value_ref state r
+let pr_test state =
+  if not !noParasite then
+  match get_global_value state "__$ERROR__" with
+  | Some v ->
+       print_endline ("\nA variable [__$ERROR__] is defined at global scope.  Its value is:\n\t"
+       ^ Prheap.prvalue v ^ "\n") ;
+       if !test then exit 1
+  | None ->
+     if not !test then
+       print_endline "No variable [__$ERROR__] is defined at global scope.\n"
+let handle_result result =
+  let exit_if_test _ = if !test then exit 1 in
+  match result with
+    | JsInterpreterMonads.Coq_result_some (JsSyntax.Coq_specret_val (_, _)) ->
+          print_endline "\n\nA `nothing' object has been created.\n" ;
+          print_endline "\n\nFIXME:  this should be impossible!\n" ;
+          exit_if_test ()
+    | JsInterpreterMonads.Coq_result_some (JsSyntax.Coq_specret_out o) ->
+      begin
+        match o with
+        | JsSyntax.Coq_out_ter (state, res) ->
+          begin
+                  if !printHeap then
+                    print_endline (Prheap.prstate !skipInit state);
+            match JsSyntax.res_type res with
+            | JsSyntax.Coq_restype_normal ->
+              if not !test then
+              begin
+                 match JsSyntax.res_value res with
+                 | JsSyntax.Coq_resvalue_value v ->
+                   print_endline "\n\nResult:\n";
+                   print_endline (Prheap.prvalue v)
+                 | JsSyntax.Coq_resvalue_ref re ->
+                   print_endline
+                     ("\n\nResult is a reference of name " ^ (* I’ve added this relatively ugly part to get more precision from the result. -- Martin *)
+                          Prheap.string_of_char_list re.JsSyntax.ref_name ^
+                          if !noParasite then "" else (
+                             " and of value:\n\t" ^
+                             (match get_value_ref state re with
+                             | Some v -> Prheap.prvalue v
+                             | None -> "Unknown!")) ^ "\n")
+                 | JsSyntax.Coq_resvalue_empty ->
+                   print_endline "\n\nNo result\n"
+              end;
+              pr_test state
+            | JsSyntax.Coq_restype_break ->
+                      print_endline "\n\nBREAK\n" ; exit_if_test ()
+            | JsSyntax.Coq_restype_continue ->
+              print_endline "\n\nCONTINUE\n" ; exit_if_test ()
+            | JsSyntax.Coq_restype_return ->
+                 print_endline "\n\nRETURN\n" ; exit_if_test ()
+            | JsSyntax.Coq_restype_throw ->
+              print_endline "\n\nEXCEPTION THROWN\n" ;
+              (match JsSyntax.res_value res with
+               | JsSyntax.Coq_resvalue_value v ->
+                 print_endline ("\tReturned value:\t" ^ Prheap.prvalue v) ;
+                 (match v with
+                  | JsSyntax.Coq_value_prim _ -> ()
+                  | JsSyntax.Coq_value_object l ->
+                    print_newline () ;
+                    let r = {
+                      JsSyntax.ref_base = JsSyntax.Coq_ref_base_type_value v ;
+                      JsSyntax.ref_name = "__$ERROR__" ;
+                      JsSyntax.ref_strict = false } in
+                    if not !noParasite then
+                      match get_value_ref state r with
+                      | Some v' ->
+                        print_endline ("Fetching the `__$ERROR__' field of this returned object resulted to:\t" ^ Prheap.prvalue v')
+                      | None ->
+                        print_endline "No `__$ERROR__' field has been defined in this returned object.")
+                         | JsSyntax.Coq_resvalue_ref _ ->
+                           print_endline "With a reference."
+                         | JsSyntax.Coq_resvalue_empty ->
+                           print_endline "No result with this throw.") ;
+              pr_test state ; exit_if_test ()
+          end
+        | JsSyntax.Coq_out_div ->
+          print_endline "\n\nDIV\n" ; exit_if_test ()
+      end;
+    | JsInterpreterMonads.Coq_result_impossible ->
+      print_endline "\n\nFIXME:  this should be impossible!\n" ; exit_if_test ()
+    | JsInterpreterMonads.Coq_result_not_yet_implemented ->
+      print_endline "\n\nNYI:  this has not yet been implemented in Coq!\n" ; exit 2
+    | JsInterpreterMonads.Coq_result_bottom s ->
+      print_endline ("\n\nBOTTOM\nCurrent state:\n" ^ Prheap.prstate !skipInit s)
+let run_prog_with_state state prog =
+  let ctx = JsCommon.execution_ctx_initial (JsSyntaxAux.prog_intro_strictness prog) in
+  (JsInterpreterMonads.if_void
+    (JsInterpreter.execution_ctx_binding_inst state ctx JsSyntax.Coq_codetype_global None prog [])
+    (fun s' -> JsInterpreter.run_prog s' ctx prog))
+let run_prog_incremental prog_res prog =
+  match prog_res with
+  | JsInterpreterMonads.Coq_result_some (JsSyntax.Coq_specret_out o) ->
+    begin
+      match o with
+      | JsSyntax.Coq_out_ter (state, res) ->
+        begin
+          match JsSyntax.res_type res with
+          | JsSyntax.Coq_restype_normal ->
+              (run_prog_with_state state prog)
+          | _ -> raise (AbnormalPreludeTermination prog_res) (* to print out a sensible error *)
+        end
+      | _ -> raise (AbnormalPreludeTermination prog_res) (* to print out a sensible error *)
+    end
+  | _ -> raise (AbnormalPreludeTermination prog_res) (* to print out a sensible error *)
+let _ =
+  arguments ();
+  Parser_main.init ?path:!parser_path ();
+  let exit_if_test _ = if !test then exit 1 in
+  try
+    let prog = Translate_syntax.parse_js_syntax_from_file !strictMode !file in
+    let JsSyntax.Coq_prog_intro (str, el) = prog in
+    let str'  = !strictMode || str in
+    let prog' = JsSyntax.Coq_prog_intro (str', el) in
+    let exp_prelude = begin
+      let els = List.concat (List.map (fun f ->
+          let JsSyntax.Coq_prog_intro (_, el0) =
+            Translate_syntax.parse_js_syntax_from_file str' f in
+          el0) !test_prelude) in
+      JsSyntax.Coq_prog_intro (str', els)
+    end in
+    let prelude_res = JsInterpreter.run_javascript exp_prelude in
+    handle_result (run_prog_incremental prelude_res prog')
+  with
+  | AbnormalPreludeTermination res ->
+    handle_result res;
+    exit 2
+  | Assert_failure (file, line, col) ->
+    print_string (
+      "\nNot implemented code in file `" ^ file ^ "', line " ^
+      string_of_int line ^ " and column " ^ string_of_int col) ;
+    exit 2
+  | Translate_syntax.CoqSyntaxDoesNotSupport s ->
+    print_string
+      ("\nTranslation of Javascript syntax does not support `" ^ s ^ "' yet.") ;
+    exit 2
+  | Parser.ParserFailure file ->
+    print_string ("\nParsing problem with the file `" ^ file ^ "'.") ;
+    exit_if_test ()
diff --git a/jsref/run_js.mli b/jsref/run_js.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/opam b/opam
index 83cb11610933cd1b9b5323e119a0887aed991757..686acf9e26dd2a52ac924025d38d2b728e4f1cb5 100644
--- a/opam
+++ b/opam
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
 opam-version: "1.2"
-name: "jsjsref"
+name: "jsjsref-generator"
 version: "1.0~dev"
 maintainer: "Thomas Wood <thomas.wood09@imperial.ac.uk>"
-authors: ["Arthur Charguéraud <arthur@chargueraud.org>"
-          "Alan Schmitt <alan.schmitt@inria.fr"
-          "Thomas Wood <thomas.wood09@imperial.ac.uk>"]
+authors: [
+  "Arthur Charguéraud <arthur@chargueraud.org>"
+  "Alan Schmitt <alan.schmitt@inria.fr"
+  "Thomas Wood <thomas.wood09@imperial.ac.uk>"
 homepage: "http://jscert.org/"
+bug-reports: "https://github.com/jscert/jsexplain/issues"
 license: "BSD 3-clause"
-available: [ocaml-version >= "4.03.0" && ocaml-version < "4.04"]
+dev-repo: "https://github.com/jscert/jsexplain.git"
+available: [ocaml-version >= "4.03.0" & ocaml-version < "4.04"]
 build: [
 depends: [
   "ocamlfind" {build}
+  "JS_Parser" { >= "0.1" & < "0.2" }