From 994996ab079ee3beaba569ce10e2326bad85bde6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Wood <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2016 16:12:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Use compiler-libs package to link to OCaml compiler

Removes requirement for the compiler to be distributed with the
There is still a hard dependency on the precise OCaml version due to
syntactic changes between 4.02.1 and 4.02.2.
 generator/_tags         |   7 +-
 generator/  |  30 ++---
 generator/ | 271 ----------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 292 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 generator/

diff --git a/generator/_tags b/generator/_tags
index ea720ef..0909b3f 100644
--- a/generator/_tags
+++ b/generator/_tags
@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
-true: package(str)
+true: package(str), package(compiler-libs.common)
 # Generate cmt type information files
 true: bin_annot
-<parsing>: include
-<typing>: include
-<utils>: include
-<driver>: include
 # <tests>: precious
 # <stdlib_ml>: precious
diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
index d48ef9f..006ce5a 100644
--- a/generator/
+++ b/generator/
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ open Log
 open Misc
 open Mytools
 open Parse_type
-open Print_type
 open Types
 open Typedtree
@@ -150,16 +149,22 @@ let function_get_args_and_body e =
-(* === comparison *)
+exception Not_a_Tconstr
-let is_triple_equal_type typ =
+(* Extract type name from Tconstr type expressions *)
+let get_type_name typ =
   match (Ctype.repr typ).desc with
-  | Tconstr(path, tys, _) -> let s = path in
-       (   s = "JsNumber.number" 
-        || s = "int")
-        (* TODO: add string? *)
-  | _ -> false
+  | Tconstr(path, _, _) -> path
+  | _ -> raise Not_a_Tconstr
+let test_type_name names typ =
+  try List.mem (get_type_name typ) names
+  with Not_a_Tconstr -> false
+(* === comparison *)
+let is_triple_equal_type = test_type_name ["JsNumber.number"; "int"]
+  (* TODO: add string? *)
 (* PSEUDO-CODE mode *)
@@ -174,12 +179,7 @@ let is_ident e =
 (* Hide all function arguments of type execution_ctx or state 
    (for function definitions) *)
-let is_hidden_type typ =
-  match (Ctype.repr typ).desc with
-  | Tconstr(path, tys, _) -> let s = path in
-       (   s = "JsSyntax.execution_ctx" 
-        || s = "JsSyntax.state")
-  | _ -> false
+let is_hidden_type = test_type_name ["JsSyntax.execution_ctx"; "JsSyntax.state"]
 (* Hide all functions arguments of type execution_ctx or state 
    (for function applications) *)
@@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ and js_of_expression ctx dest e =
           if (List.length exp_l <> 2) 
             then out_of_scope loc "=== should be applied to 2 arguments";
           let typ = (List.hd sl_clean).exp_type in
-          let stype = Print_type.string_of_type_exp typ in
+          let stype = get_type_name typ in
           if is_triple_equal_type typ then begin
             let (x,y) = match sl with [x;y] -> (x,y) | _ -> assert false in
             ppf_apply_infix "===" x y
diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
deleted file mode 100644
index 28ca527..0000000
--- a/generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-open Misc
-open Asttypes
-open Types
-open Typedtree
-open Mytools
-open Longident
-open Format
-open Ctype
-open Path
-open Asttypes
-open Btype
-open Printtyp
-open Outcometree
-(** This file contains a data structure for representing types in an
-    explicit form, as well as an algorithm for extracting such types
-    from the representation used by OCaml's compiler. *)
-(* ** Simple representation of types, called [btyp] *)
-type btyp =
-   | Btyp_alias of btyp * string
-   | Btyp_arrow of btyp * btyp
-   | Btyp_constr of Path.t * btyp list
-   | Btyp_tuple of btyp list
-   | Btyp_var of bool * string 
-   | Btyp_poly of string list * btyp
-   | Btyp_val 
-   (*--later:
-   | Btyp_abstract
-   | Btyp_stuff of string
-   | Btyp_manifest of out_type * out_type
-   | Btyp_record of (string * bool * out_type) list
-   | Btyp_object of (string * out_type) list * bool option
-   | Btyp_class of bool * out_ident * out_type list
-   | Btyp_sum of (string * out_type list) list 
-   *)
-(* ** Helper functions *)
-(** Gathering of free type variables of a btyp *)
-type occ = Occ_gen of type_expr | Occ_alias of type_expr 
-let occured : (occ list) ref = ref []
-let add_occured t = 
-  if not (List.memq t !occured) 
-     then occured := t :: !occured
-let extract_occured () =
-   let r = List.rev !occured in
-   occured := [];
-   r
-(** Wrapper for functions from [] *)
-let mark_loops = mark_loops 
-let name_of_type ty = 
-   let ty = proxy ty in
-   let x = Printtyp.name_of_type ty in
-   "_" ^ (String.uppercase x)
-let reset_names = reset_names 
-(* ** Generation of simple type representations *)
-(** Algorithm translating an OCaml's typechecker type into a btyp *)
-let rec btree_of_typexp sch ty =
-  let ty = repr ty in
-  let px = proxy ty in
-  if List.mem_assq px !names && not (List.memq px !delayed) then
-   let mark = is_non_gen sch ty in
-   if is_aliased px && aliasable ty 
-      then Btyp_val (* todo: hack ok ? *)
-      else Btyp_var (mark, name_of_type px) else
-  let pr_typ () =
-    match ty.desc with
-    | Tvar _ ->
-        add_occured (Occ_gen ty);
-        Btyp_var (is_non_gen sch ty, name_of_type ty)
-    | Tarrow(l, ty1, ty2, _) ->
-        (* with labels
-        let pr_arrow l ty1 ty2 =
-          let lab =
-            if !print_labels &&  l <> "" || is_optional l then l else ""
-          in
-          let t1 =
-            if is_optional l then
-              match (repr ty1).desc with
-              | Tconstr(path, [ty], _)
-                when Path.same path Predef.path_option ->
-                  btree_of_typexp sch ty
-              | _ -> Btyp_stuff "<hidden>"
-            else btree_of_typexp sch ty1 in
-          Btyp_arrow (lab, t1, btree_of_typexp sch ty2) in
-        pr_arrow l ty1 ty2
-        *)
-        let b1 = btree_of_typexp sch ty1 in
-        let b2 = btree_of_typexp sch ty2 in
-        ignore (b1,b2);
-         Btyp_arrow (b1, b2) 
-    | Ttuple tyl ->
-        Btyp_tuple (btree_of_typlist sch tyl)
-    | Tconstr(p, tyl, abbrev) ->
-        Btyp_constr (p, btree_of_typlist sch tyl)
-    | Tvariant row -> unsupported "variant"
-    | Tobject (fi, nm) -> unsupported "object"
-    | Tsubst ty ->
-        btree_of_typexp sch ty
-    | Tlink _ | Tnil | Tfield _ ->
-        fatal_error "Printtyp.btree_of_typexp"
-    | Tpoly (ty, []) -> 
-        btree_of_typexp sch ty
-    | Tpoly (ty, tyl) -> 
-        let tyl = repr tyl in
-        (* let tyl = List.filter is_aliased tyl in *)
-        if tyl = [] then btree_of_typexp sch ty else begin
-          let old_delayed = !delayed in
-          List.iter add_delayed tyl;
-          let tl = name_of_type tyl in
-          let tr = Btyp_poly (tl, btree_of_typexp sch ty) in
-          delayed := old_delayed; tr
-        end
-    | Tunivar _ ->
-        Btyp_var (false, name_of_type ty)
-    | Tpackage _ ->
-       unsupported "packaged types"
-  in
-  if List.memq px !delayed then delayed := List.filter ((!=) px) !delayed;
-  if is_aliased px && aliasable ty then begin 
-    check_name_of_type px;
-    add_occured (Occ_alias ty); (* todo: devrait pas compter ? *)
-    Btyp_alias (pr_typ (), name_of_type px) end
-  else pr_typ ()
-and btree_of_typlist sch tyl =
- (btree_of_typexp sch) tyl
-(* ** Main functions *)
-(** --todo: there is some redundancy with, e.g., [string_of_type_exp] *)
-(** Translates a type expression [t] into a [btyp], including the call 
-    to [mark_loops]. *)
-let btyp_of_typ_exp t =
-   mark_loops t;
-   btree_of_typexp false t
-(** Translates of a type scheme [t] into a [btyp], including the call
-    to [mark_loops]. *)
-let btyp_of_typ_sch t =
-   mark_loops t;
-   let typ = btree_of_typexp true t in
-   let fvt = extract_occured () in
-   let fvtg = list_concat_map (function Occ_gen x -> [x] | _ -> []) fvt in
-   let fvta = list_concat_map (function Occ_alias x -> [x] | _ -> []) fvt in
-   (fvtg, fvta, typ)
-(* ** Printing of simple type representations *)
-(** Helper functions *)
-let ign f () = f
-let print_list pr sep =
-   show_list pr sep
-let pr_vars s =
-  print_list (fun s -> sprintf "'%s" s) " " s
-(** Printing of paths and identifiers *)
-let print_path s = 
- s
-let rec print_ident =
-  function
-  | Oide_ident s -> sprintf "%s" s
-  | Oide_dot (id, s) -> sprintf "%a.%s" (ign print_ident) id s
-  | Oide_apply (id1, id2) ->
-      sprintf "%a(%a)" (ign print_ident) id1 (ign print_ident) id2
-(** Printing of types *)
-let rec print_out_type =
-  function
-  | Btyp_val -> "Val"
-  | Btyp_alias (ty, s) ->
-      sprintf "@[%a as '%s]" (ign print_out_type) ty s
-  | Btyp_poly (sl, ty) ->
-      sprintf "@[<hov 2>%a.@ %a@]"
-        (ign pr_vars) sl
-        (ign print_out_type) ty
-  | ty ->
-      print_out_type_1 ty
-and print_out_type_1 =
-  function
-    Btyp_arrow (ty1, ty2) ->
-      sprintf "@[%a -> %a@]" 
-        (ign print_out_type_2) ty1 (ign print_out_type_1) ty2
-  | ty -> print_out_type_2 ty
-and print_out_type_2 =
-  function
-    Btyp_tuple tyl ->
-      sprintf "@[<0>%a@]" (ign (print_typlist print_simple_out_type " *")) tyl
-  | ty -> print_simple_out_type ty
-and print_simple_out_type =
-  function
-  | Btyp_constr (id, tyl) ->
-      sprintf "@[%a%a@]" (ign print_typargs) tyl (ign print_path) id
-  | Btyp_var (ng, s) -> sprintf "'%s%s" (if ng then "_" else "") s 
-  | Btyp_val | Btyp_alias _ | Btyp_poly _ | Btyp_arrow _ | Btyp_tuple _ as ty ->
-      sprintf "@[<1>(%a)@]" (ign print_out_type) ty
-  (*| Btyp_abstract -> ""
-    | Btyp_sum _ | Btyp_record _ | Btyp_manifest (_, _)*)
-and print_typlist (print_elem : 'a -> string) (sep : string) (t:btyp list) : string =
-  match t with
-  | [] -> ""
-  | [ty] -> print_elem ty
-  | ty :: tyl ->
-      sprintf "%a%s %a" (ign print_elem) ty sep (ign (print_typlist print_elem sep))
-        tyl
-and print_typargs =
-  function
-    [] -> ""
-  | [ty1] -> sprintf "%a " (ign print_simple_out_type) ty1
-  | tyl -> sprintf "@[<1>(%a)@]@ " (ign (print_typlist print_out_type ",")) tyl
-(* ** Main functions *)
-(** Translates an OCaml's compiler type [t] into a string.
-    Boolean parameter [sch] indicates whether free type variables
-    should be quantified at head. The function [mark_loops] should
-    be called on [t] first for recursive types to be handled correctly. *)
-let show_typ sch t =
-   print_out_type (btree_of_typexp sch t)
-(** Translates a type expression [t] into a string, including the call 
-    to [mark_loops]. *)
-let string_of_type_exp t =
-   mark_loops t;
-   show_typ false t
-(** Translates of a type scheme [t] into a string, including the call
-    to [mark_loops]. *)
-let string_of_type_sch fvs t =
-   mark_loops t;
-   let s = show_typ true t in
-   let gs = (fun x -> "'" ^ name_of_type x) (List.rev fvs) in
-   if gs <> []
-      then sprintf "forall %s. %s" (show_list (fun x->x) " " gs) s
-      else s