diff --git a/_people/rao.md b/_people/rao.md
index 32721df71350138cd14101fdf7613c6d6237ea54..9229a2a1601b24d501816fab9dc44231996293e6 100644
--- a/_people/rao.md
+++ b/_people/rao.md
@@ -9,4 +9,6 @@ alumnus: false
   - gillian
   - sl
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+Xiaojia studied for his BA and MMath degree at the University of Cambridge and then moved to Imperial College London in 2020 to join the MSc in Advanced Computing. His Master's thesis was on a verified model of WebAssembly in Coq called WasmCert-Coq. He plans to expand this work, and also explore the Iris framework and [Gillian](https://vtss.doc.ic.ac.uk/research/gillian.html) in his future research.
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