diff --git a/_posts/2017-07-07-jstools.md b/_posts/2017-07-07-jstools.md
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 title: Demo on the use of JaVerT at the JSTools'17 workshop
 José Fragoso Santos gave a talk and demo on the use of [JaVerT](http://j3fsantos.github.io) at the [JSTools'17 workshop](http://2017.ecoop.org/track/JSTools-2017-papers#program), 
-part of this year’s European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming [(ECOOP 2017)](http://2017.ecoop.org) 
+part of this year’s European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming [(ECOOP 2017).](http://2017.ecoop.org) 
 The demo illustrated how JaVerT can be used to specify and verify a JavaScript priority queue implementation,