stages: - update - build - deploy image: "ruby:2.6-stretch" variables: NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES: "true" build: stage: build artifacts: paths: - _site/ expire_in: 1 day cache: paths: - vendor/bundle/ except: - triggers tags: - docker before_script: - bundle install --deployment --without=development --with=test - bundle exec rake init script: - bundle exec rake -s --suppress-backtrace . test deadlinks: stage: deploy allow_failure: true cache: paths: - vendor/bundle/ except: - triggers tags: - docker before_script: - bundle install --deployment --without=development --with=test script: - bundle exec rake -s --suppress-backtrace . testlinks deploy: stage: deploy environment: production image: resourcereasoning/website-deploy tags: - docker only: - master except: - triggers # DOC_DEPLOY_USER and DOC_DEPLOY_KEY should be defined as secret variables in the GitLab CI Settings panel before_script: - eval `ssh-agent` - echo "$DOC_DEPLOY_KEY" | ssh-add - script: - ./ # Special target triggered when publications repository is updated: update_publications: stage: update variables: GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: Resource Reasoning Group Backup Bot GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: Resource Reasoning Group Backup Bot GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: EMAIL: # PUSH_KEY should be defined as a secret variable in the GitLab UI SSH_KEY: $PUSH_KEY image: ignoredambience/github-gitlab-sync tags: - docker only: - triggers before_script: - eval `ssh-agent` - echo "$SSH_KEY" | ssh-add - script: - git checkout -B ${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} - git submodule update --init --remote - git add publications - git commit -m "[AUTO] Updating publications submodule" || exit 0 - git remote rm rw || true - git remote add rw${CI_PROJECT_PATH}.git - git push rw ${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}