--- title: Papers published by Azalea Raad --- Azalea Raad has had two papers published in Programming Languages and System: Proceedings of the 14th Asian Symposium, [APLAS 2016](https://soict.hust.edu.vn/~aplas2016/). The papers are: [Verifying Concurrent Graph Algorithms](http://vtss.doc.ic.ac.uk/publications/Raad2016Verifying.html) (with Aquinas Hobor, Jules Villard and Philippa Gardner) and [DOM: Specification and Client Reasoning](http://vtss.doc.ic.ac.uk/publications/Raad2016DOM.html) (with José Fragoso Santos and Philippa Gardner). These and other group papers can be found on our [publications page](http://vtss.doc.ic.ac.uk/publications/).