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+.. currentmodule:: autoaug.autoaugment_learners
+.. autoclass:: AaLearner
+    :members:
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+.. currentmodule:: autoaug.autoaugment_learners
+.. autoclass:: EvoLearner
+    :members:
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.. currentmodule:: autoaug.autoaugment_learners
+.. autoclass:: GruLearner
+    :members:
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+.. currentmodule:: autoaug.autoaugment_learners
+.. autoclass:: RsLearner
+    :members:
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.. currentmodule:: autoaug.autoaugment_learners
+.. autoclass:: UcbLearner
+    :members:
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+AutoAugment learners
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 3
+   :caption: autoaugment_learners
+   aa_learners/autoaug.autoaugment_learners.AaLearner
+   aa_learners/autoaug.autoaugment_learners.EvoLearner
+   aa_learners/autoaug.autoaugment_learners.GruLearner
+   aa_learners/autoaug.autoaugment_learners.RsLearner
+   aa_learners/autoaug.autoaugment_learners.UcbLearner
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+AaLearner object and its children
+This is a page dedicated to demonstrating functionalities of :class:`AaLearner`.
+This is a how-to guide (in the sense describe in https://documentation.divio.com/structure/).
+How to use the ``AaLearner`` class to find an optimal policy for a dataset-child_network pair
+This section can also be read as a ``.py`` file in ``./tutorials/how_use_aalearner.py``.
+.. code-block::
+    import autoaug.autoaugment_learners as aal
+    import autoaug.child_networks as cn
+    import torchvision.datasets as datasets
+    import torchvision
+Defining the problem setting:
+.. code-block::
+    train_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root='./autoaug/datasets/mnist/train',
+                                    train=True, download=True, transform=None)
+    test_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root='./autoaug/datasets/mnist/test', 
+                            train=False, download=True, transform=torchvision.transforms.ToTensor())
+    child_network_architecture = cn.lenet
+.. warning:: 
+    In earlier versions, we had to write ``child_network_architecture=cn.LeNet`` 
+    and not ``child_network_architecture=cn.LeNet()``. But now we can do both. 
+    Both types of objects can be input into ``AaLearner.learn()``.
+    More precisely, the ``child_network_architecture`` parameter has to be either
+    as ``nn.Module``, a ``function`` which returns a ``nn.Module``, or a ``type`` 
+    which inherits ``nn.Module``.
+    A downside (or maybe the upside??) of doing one of the latter two is that 
+    the same randomly initialized weights are used for every policy.
+Using the random search learner to evaluate randomly generated policies: (You
+can use any other learner in place of random search learner as well)
+.. code-block::
+    # aa_agent = aal.GruLearner()
+    # aa_agent = aal.EvoLearner()
+    # aa_agent = aal.UcbLearner()
+    # aa_agent = aal.ac_learner()
+    aa_agent = aal.RsLearner(
+                                    sp_num=7,
+                                    toy_size=0.01,
+                                    batch_size=4,
+                                    learning_rate=0.05,
+                                    max_epochs=float('inf'),
+                                    early_stop_num=35,
+                                    )
+    aa_agent.learn(train_dataset,
+                test_dataset,
+                child_network_architecture=child_network_architecture,
+                iterations=15000)
+You can set further hyperparameters when defining a AaLearner. 
+Also, depending on what learner you are using, there might be unique hyperparameters.
+For example, in the GRU learner you can tune the exploration parameter ``alpha``.
+Viewing the results:
+``.history`` is a list containing all the policies tested and the respective
+accuracies obtained when trained using them.
+.. code-block::
+    print(aa_agent.history)
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+AutoAugment object
+How to use a ``AutoAugment`` object to apply AutoAugment policies to ``Datasets`` objects
+This is a page dedicated to demonstrating functionalities of :class:`AutoAugment`, which
+we use as a helper class to help us apply AutoAugment policies to datasets.
+This is a tutorial (in the sense describe in https://documentation.divio.com/structure/).
+For an example of how the material is used in our library, see the source code of
+:meth:`AaLearner._test_autoaugment_policy <autoaug.autoaugment_learners.AaLearner>`.
+Let's say we have a policy within the search space specified by the original 
+AutoAugment paper:
+.. code-block::
+    my_policy = [
+                        (("Invert", 0.8, None), ("Contrast", 0.2, 6)),
+                        (("Rotate", 0.7, 2), ("Invert", 0.8, None)),
+                        (("Sharpness", 0.8, 1), ("Sharpness", 0.9, 3)),
+                        (("ShearY", 0.5, 8), ("Invert", 0.7, None)),
+                        (("AutoContrast", 0.5, None), ("Equalize", 0.9, None))
+                        ]
+And that we also have a dataset that we want to apply this policy to:
+.. code-block::
+    train_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root='./datasets/mnist/train', train=True)
+    test_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root='./datasets/mnist/test', train=False,
+                                transform=torchvision.transforms.ToTensor())
+The ``train_dataset`` object will have an attribute ``.transform`` with the 
+default value ``None``.
+The ``.transform`` attribute takes a function which takes an image as an input 
+and returns a transformed image.
+We need a function which will apply the ``my_policy`` and we use 
+an ``AutoAugment`` for this job.
+.. code-block::
+    :caption: Creating an ``AutoAugment`` object and imbueing it with ``my_policy``.
+    aa_transform = AutoAugment()
+    aa_transform.subpolicies = my_policy
+    train_transform = transforms.Compose([
+                                            aa_transform,
+                                            transforms.ToTensor()
+                                        ])
+We can use ``train_transform`` as an image function:
+.. code-block::
+    :caption: This function call will return an augmented image
+    augmented_image = train_transform(original_image)
+We usually apply an image function to a ``Dataset`` like this:
+.. code-block::
+    train_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root='./datasets/mnist/train', train=True, transform=my_function)
+However, in our library we often have to apply a image function *after* the ``Dataset`` 
+object was already created. (For example, a ``Dataset`` object is created and trained on
+multiple times using different policies).
+In this case, we alter the ``.transform`` attribute:
+.. code-block::
+    train_dataset.transform = train_transform
+Now if we can create a ``DataLoader`` object from ``train_dataset``, it will automatically
+apply ``my_policy``.
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+How-to Guides for accomplishing common goals
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   :caption: How-to Guides:
+   installation
+   AaLearner
+   AutoAugment
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+Installing ``autoaug``
+As simple as 
+.. code-block::
+    pip install auto-augmentation
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