import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import { Grid, List, ListItem, Avatar, ListItemAvatar, ListItemText, Card, CardContent, Typography, Button, CardMedia } from '@mui/material'; import output from './pytest.png' export default function Result() { return ( <div className="App" style={{padding:"60px"}}> <Typography gutterBottom variant="h3" align="center" > Data Auto-Augmentation </Typography> <Card style={{ maxWidth: 900, padding: "10px 5px", margin: "0 auto" }}> <CardContent> <Typography gutterBottom variant="h5" align="left"> Here are the results from our auto-augment agent: </Typography> <Grid style={{padding:"30px"}} container spacing={4} alignItems="center"> <Grid xs={7} item> <img src={output} alt='output' /> </Grid> <Grid xs={5} item> <Typography> write something here to explain the meaning of the graph to the user </Typography> </Grid> </Grid> <Typography gutterBottom variant='h6' align='center'> You can download the augentation policy here </Typography> <Button type="submit" variant="contained" color='primary' size='large' > Download </Button> <Typography> Please follow our documentation to apply this policy to your dataset. </Typography> </CardContent> </Card> </div> ) }