from dataclasses import dataclass from flask import Flask, request, current_app, render_template # from flask_cors import CORS import subprocess import os import zipfile import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim import as data_utils import torchvision import torchvision.datasets as datasets from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from numpy import save, load from tqdm import trange torch.manual_seed(0) import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')) # # import agents and its functions import MetaAugment.autoaugment_learners as aal import MetaAugment.controller_networks as cont_n import MetaAugment.child_networks as cn print('@@@ import successful') # import agents and its functions # from ..MetaAugment import UCB1_JC_py as UCB1_JC # from ..MetaAugment import Evo_learner as Evo # print('@@@ import successful') app = Flask(__name__) # it is used to collect user input and store them in the app @app.route('/home', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def get_form_data(): print('@@@ in Flask Home') # form_data = request.get_json() # form_data = request.files['ds_upload'] # print('@@@ form_data', form_data) # form_data = request.form.get('test') # print('@@@ this is form data', request.get_data()) # required input # ds = form_data['select_dataset'] # pick dataset (MNIST, KMNIST, FashionMNIST, CIFAR10, CIFAR100) # IsLeNet = form_data["select_network"] # using LeNet or EasyNet or SimpleNet ->> default # auto_aug_learner = form_data["select_learner"] # augmentation methods to be excluded # print('@@@ required user input:', 'ds', ds, 'IsLeNet:', IsLeNet, 'auto_aug_leanrer:',auto_aug_learner) # # advanced input # if 'batch_size' in form_data.keys(): # batch_size = form_data['batch_size'] # size of batch the inner NN is trained with # else: # batch_size = 1 # this is for demonstration purposes # if 'learning_rate' in form_data.keys(): # learning_rate = form_data['learning_rate'] # fix learning rate # else: # learning_rate = 10-1 # if 'toy_size' in form_data.keys(): # toy_size = form_data['toy_size'] # total propeortion of training and test set we use # else: # toy_size = 1 # this is for demonstration purposes # if 'iterations' in form_data.keys(): # iterations = form_data['iterations'] # total iterations, should be more than the number of policies # else: # iterations = 10 # exclude_method = form_data['select_action'] # num_funcs = 14 - len(exclude_method) # print('@@@ advanced search: batch_size:', batch_size, 'learning_rate:', learning_rate, 'toy_size:', toy_size, 'iterations:', iterations, 'exclude_method', exclude_method, 'num_funcs', num_funcs) # # default values # max_epochs = 10 # max number of epochs that is run if early stopping is not hit # early_stop_num = 10 # max number of worse validation scores before early stopping is triggered # num_policies = 5 # fix number of policies # num_sub_policies = 5 # fix number of sub-policies in a policy # # if user upload datasets and networks, save them in the database # if ds == 'Other': # ds_folder = request.files['ds_upload'] # print('!!!ds_folder', ds_folder) # ds_name_zip = ds_folder.filename # ds_name = ds_name_zip.split('.')[0] #'./datasets/'+ ds_name_zip) # with zipfile.ZipFile('./datasets/'+ ds_name_zip, 'r') as zip_ref: # zip_ref.extractall('./datasets/upload_dataset/') # if not current_app.debug: # os.remove(f'./datasets/{ds_name_zip}') # else: # ds_name = None # # test if uploaded dataset meets the criteria # for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(f'./datasets/upload_dataset/{ds_name}/'): # for dirname in dirnames: # if dirname[0:6] != 'class_': # return None # neet to change render to a 'failed dataset webpage' # # save the user uploaded network # if IsLeNet == 'Other': # childnetwork = request.files['network_upload'] #'./child_networks/'+childnetwork.filename) # network_name = childnetwork.filename # # generate random policies at start # current_app.config['AAL'] = auto_aug_learner # current_app.config['NP'] = num_policies # current_app.config['NSP'] = num_sub_policies # current_app.config['BS'] = batch_size # current_app.config['LR'] = learning_rate # current_app.config['TS'] = toy_size # current_app.config['ME'] = max_epochs # current_app.config['ESN'] = early_stop_num # current_app.config['IT'] = iterations # current_app.config['ISLENET'] = IsLeNet # current_app.config['DSN'] = ds_name # current_app.config['ds'] = ds # print("@@@ user input has all stored in the app") # data = {'ds': ds, 'ds_name': ds_name, 'IsLeNet': IsLeNet, 'ds_folder.filename': ds_name, # 'auto_aug_learner':auto_aug_learner, 'batch_size': batch_size, 'learning_rate': learning_rate, # 'toy_size':toy_size, 'iterations':iterations, } # print('@@@ all data sent', data) return {'data': 'show training data'} @app.route('/confirm', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def confirm(): print('inside confirm') # aa learner auto_aug_learner = current_app.config.get('AAL') # search space & problem setting ds = current_app.config.get('ds') ds_name = current_app.config.get('DSN') exclude_method = current_app.config.get('exc_meth') num_policies = current_app.config.get('NP') num_sub_policies = current_app.config.get('NSP') num_funcs = current_app.config.get('NUMFUN') toy_size = current_app.config.get('TS') # child network IsLeNet = current_app.config.get('ISLENET') # child network training hyperparameters batch_size = current_app.config.get('BS') early_stop_num = current_app.config.get('ESN') iterations = current_app.config.get('IT') learning_rate = current_app.config.get('LR') max_epochs = current_app.config.get('ME') data = {'ds': ds, 'ds_name': ds_name, 'IsLeNet': IsLeNet, 'ds_folder.filename': ds_name, 'auto_aug_learner':auto_aug_learner, 'batch_size': batch_size, 'learning_rate': learning_rate, 'toy_size':toy_size, 'iterations':iterations, } return {'batch_size': '12'} # ======================================================================== @app.route('/training', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def training(): # aa learner auto_aug_learner = current_app.config.get('AAL') # search space & problem setting ds = current_app.config.get('ds') ds_name = current_app.config.get('DSN') exclude_method = current_app.config.get('exc_meth') num_funcs = current_app.config.get('NUMFUN') num_policies = current_app.config.get('NP') num_sub_policies = current_app.config.get('NSP') toy_size = current_app.config.get('TS') # child network IsLeNet = current_app.config.get('ISLENET') # child network training hyperparameters batch_size = current_app.config.get('BS') early_stop_num = current_app.config.get('ESN') iterations = current_app.config.get('IT') learning_rate = current_app.config.get('LR') max_epochs = current_app.config.get('ME') if auto_aug_learner == 'UCB': policies = aal.ucb_learner.generate_policies(num_policies, num_sub_policies) q_values, best_q_values = aal.ucb_learner.run_UCB1( policies, batch_size, learning_rate, ds, toy_size, max_epochs, early_stop_num, iterations, IsLeNet, ds_name ) best_q_values = np.array(best_q_values) elif auto_aug_learner == 'Evolutionary Learner': network = cont_n.evo_controller(fun_num=num_funcs, p_bins=1, m_bins=1, sub_num_pol=1) child_network = cn.LeNet() learner = aal.evo_learner( network=network, fun_num=num_funcs, p_bins=1, mag_bins=1, sub_num_pol=1, ds = ds, ds_name=ds_name, exclude_method=exclude_method, child_network=child_network ) learner.run_instance() elif auto_aug_learner == 'Random Searcher': pass elif auto_aug_learner == 'Genetic Learner': pass return {'status': 'training'} # ======================================================================== @app.route('/results') def show_result(): return {'status': 'results'} @app.route('/api') def index(): return {'status': 'api test'} if __name__ == '__main__':