@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ A started template for Flask web apps using **Python 3.8**. This started templat
- Database support
- Imperial LDAP user authentication
- Multiple environments (development and production)
- DoC Materials and Imperial Panopto API functionality
This template is useful if you would like to create a backend REST API, optionally coupled with a simple dynamic frontend.
@@ -37,6 +38,8 @@ If you navigate to `http://localhost:5000`, you will see the response created by
You will also notice the lines `Environment: production` and `Debug mode: off` when the Flask application starts in the console. To enable debug mode, you must set the environment variable `ENV` to `dev`, ie: `export ENV=dev` (see `config/config.py` for more details on different environments).
In order to use the Panopto functionality, you must create a Panopto API client and set the client id and secret in app.py. Instructions to do that are [here](https://gitlab.doc.ic.ac.uk/paas-packages/imperial_panopto/-/blob/master/README.md). Go to /panopto_example to see the panopto example route.