@@ -183,4 +183,38 @@ This is perfectly fine, this is just Flask Migrate checking for a migration. If
@@ -183,4 +183,38 @@ This is perfectly fine, this is just Flask Migrate checking for a migration. If
Likewise, if you ran "RunUpgradeMigration" but cancelled before continuing with the autogenerated migration script created, you can ignore the output and continue; it'll take the HEAD of the migration scripts applied, and call the "upgrade" method, then move the HEAD to that script version.
Likewise, if you ran "RunUpgradeMigration" but cancelled before continuing with the autogenerated migration script created, you can ignore the output and continue; it'll take the HEAD of the migration scripts applied, and call the "upgrade" method, then move the HEAD to that script version.
#### (2) Check whether or not you "registered" the model
#### (2) Check whether or not you "registered" the model
Whenever you add a new model you must also modify the upper package's `__init__.py` files to import it.
Whenever you add a new model you must also modify the upper package's `__init__.py` files to import it.
\ No newline at end of file
# Working with the CLI
This template comes with a CLI that is enabled when your environment is in the "dev" mode. It assumes all arguments provided on running "app.py" are CLI arguments.
If you haven't already configured a "second_db", you will need to configure one for the next tutorials.
## Tutorial: Inserting Rows
You can insert rows using raw SQL queries via PgAdmin, however you can also insert rows using the CLI.
1. Navigate to "cli_handler.py", let's see what commands are available to us.
2. CTRL + F: CLI Argument Names
3. This region contains all arguments you are allowed to specify, for example: `app.py action=insert-iris-class binding=second_db ...`.
4. The valid "binding" values are those associated with your databases, it'll allow the CLI to determine which db to operate on.
5. Now checkout the available "action" names => CTRL + F: ACTION handlers
6. Lets populate our "IrisClass" table.
7. Using the CLI type in: `app.py action=populate-iris-class binding=second_db`. After running this command you should see the table populated in PgAdmin.
8. Lets add a new "Iris Class" to the "IrisClass" table. You can inspect its associated model in: `/models/second_db_models/iris_class.py`. Use the CLI to do this. The new iris class should be called `My Lovel Iris`, and note that to specify strings with space-separation we need to wrap the value in double quotes.
`py app.py action=insert-iris-class "My Lovely Iris" binding=second_db`
NOTICE: the CLI assumes values not containing '=' are arguments for the "action" handler.
9. Lets add a new "Iris" to the "Iris" table. You can inspect its associated model in: `/models/second_db_models/iris.py`. Use the CLI to do this.