site-admin-elements.yaml 57.01 KiB
# dashboard: Dashboard
xnatSetup: XNAT Setup
manageAccess: Manage Access
manageData: Manage Data
processing: Processing
projectCustomization: Project Customization
advanced: Advanced XNAT Settings
other: Other
kind: panel.input.text
name: siteId
label: Site ID
validation: required id onblur
description: >
The id used to refer to this site (also used to generate database ids).
The Site ID must start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers
and underscores. It should be a short, one-word name or acronym which
describes your site. No spaces or non-alphanumeric characters.
tag: input
type: text
name: siteDescriptionPage
size: 30
after: >
<p class="description">Specify a velocity template file to display on the login page</p>
tag: textarea|data-code-editor=html|data-code-language=html
name: siteDescriptionText
rows: 8
after: >
<p class="description">Specify a simple text description of this site.</p>
kind: input.text
# id: passwordExpirationInterval
name: passwordExpirationInterval
label: Password Expiration (Interval)
after: >
<p class="description">Interval of time after which unchanged passwords expire and users have to change them.
Uses <a target="_blank" href="">PostgreSQL interval notation</a>.</p>
kind: input.text
# id: passwordExpirationDate
name: passwordExpirationDate
label: Password Expiration (Date)
tag: span#datePicker
content: >
<span id='openCal-passwordExpirationDate' class='icon icon-sm icon-calendar'></span>
<p class='description'>Expire passwords that were last changed before this date and require those users to change them.</p>
kind: panel.element
#id: siteDescriptionType
#name: siteDescriptionType
label: Site Description
info: >
<p>The site description will show up on the login page and can be utilized to describe the purpose of this site, or notify users of important application status messages (ie. "The system is down for maintenance").</p><p>Administrators can opt to display a simple text message, or specify a velocity template reference containing the content to be displayed.</p>