UI.login_failure_message=Your login attempt failed because the username and password combination you provided was invalid or the site is currently at the maximum number of user sessions. After %d failed login attempts, your user account will be locked. If you believe your account is currently locked, you can:<ul><li>Unlock it by resetting your password</li><li>Wait one hour for it to unlock automatically</li></ul>
UI.login_failure_message=Your login attempt failed because the username and password combination you provided was invalid or your user already has the maximum number of user sessions open. After %d failed login attempts, your user account will be locked. If you believe your account is currently locked, you can:<ul><li>Unlock it by resetting your password</li><li>Wait one hour for it to unlock automatically</li></ul>
# Indicates whether access to the list of system users should be restricted to site administrators only.
# Indicates whether access to the list of system users should be restricted to site administrators only.