- Oct 06, 2016
- Oct 05, 2016
Rick Herrick authored
Updated version to 1.7.1-SNAPSHOT. Converted nrgxnat.artifactoryonline.com URLs to nrgxnat.jfrog.io.
- Oct 04, 2016
Rick Herrick authored
Added support for retrieving current theme from REST. Added theme service as bean accessible from JSP context. Made accessible beans easily configurable from the configuration.properties file. Added ability to define programmatic transform classes for database migrations. Defined the themeService bean for xnat.tag.
Rick Herrick authored
- Oct 03, 2016
Rick Herrick authored
Changed signatures of List<UserI> methods, added checks on SystemPathVerification to make sure the system is REALLY initialized. Added fix for AliasToken serialization issue. Made warning about 1.7-compatible rt.jar more explicit and more helpful.
- Sep 27, 2016
Mike McKay authored
- Sep 22, 2016
Rick Herrick authored
Rick Herrick authored
- Sep 21, 2016
Rick Herrick authored
Checked for allowDataDeletion ahead of template population. If true, don't populate template because you don't want to restore those values.
Mark M. Florida authored
XNAT-4242: Validation type that would *optionally* allow empty fields, would instead *require* them to be empty.
- Sep 20, 2016
Rick Herrick authored
Mike McKay authored
Mark M. Florida authored
XNAT-4242: Form validation methods seem to be working well, but errors are only highlighted - form submission is not blocked; updated Site Admin YAML with validation hooks.
- Sep 19, 2016
Mike McKay authored
Mike McKay authored
XNAT-4463 Added message in cases where no project owners have valid emails. Hacked the UI to show this as an error message using Will's string contains hack. Hopefully we can get a better way to handle message type soon.
Mike McKay authored
XNAT-4463 Made PAR requests not fail when one project owner had an invalid email (also prevented similar failures on PAR acceptance/denial).
- Sep 16, 2016
Rick Herrick authored
Rick Herrick authored
Rick Herrick authored
XNAT-4516 Added better task tracking and logging to initializating task executor, added automated completion and execution tracking, logging and messaging. Broke view creation/update code into stand-alone initializing task. Added check for table that gets updated so that queries don't error out.
Charlie Moore authored
drm authored
drm authored
Mark M. Florida authored
XNAT-4399, XNAT-277: Fixed transformation of table cell content; added links to projects of which investigators are PIs.
- Sep 15, 2016
Mark M. Florida authored
XNAT-4399, XNAT-4242, XNAT-277, XNAT-1365: added hooks for validation and fixed some validation methods; updated codeEditor to handle read-only code blocks (for use in plugin inspector); added UI for managing investigators; improvements to table.dataTable widget for plugin registry and investigator tables.
Rick Herrick authored
text/plain content type or ambiguation with multiple return types.
Mark M. Florida authored
XNAT-4518, XNAT-4520: included missing scripts on Noninteractive.vm template; checkboxes (and switchboxes) can use 1/0 for checked/unchecked as well as true/false.
Will authored
Mike McKay authored
Rick Herrick authored
plugins to initialize before running scan with Swagger init.
Mike McKay authored
XNAT-4520 Converted old 0/1 boolean properties to t/f when bringing them in to make the requireLogin property work correctly after 1.6 to 1.7 upgrade.