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# Test262 Authoring Guidelines
## Source Material

  + This is a list of the "needs tests" PRs for changes to the specification.

## Test Case Names
Test cases should be created in files that are named to identify the feature or API that's being tested.
The names should use alphanumeric characters and `.`, `-`, `_`. Otherwise, there is no strict naming convention, but the file names should be human readable, helpful and, ideally, consistent within a single directory. For examples:
- `Math.fround` handling of `Infinity`: `test/built-ins/Math/fround/Math.fround_Infinity.js`
- `Array.prototype.find` use with `Proxy`: `test/built-ins/Array/prototype/find/Array.prototype.find_callable-Proxy-1.js`
- `arguments` implements an `iterator` interface: `test/language/arguments-object/iterator-interface.js`
See the following directory trees for further recommended examples:

- [test/built-ins/Math/fround](./test/built-ins/Math/fround/)
- [test/built-ins/WeakMap](./test/built-ins/WeakMap/)
- [test/language/arguments-object](./test/language/arguments-object/)

**Note** The project is currently transitioning from a naming system based on specification section numbers. There remains a substantial number of tests that conform to this outdated convention; contributors should ignore that approach when introducing new tests and instead encode this information using [the `esid` frontmatter key](#esid).
## Test Case Style

A test file has three sections: Copyright, Frontmatter, and Body.  A test looks roughly like this:

// Copyright (C) $Year $ContributorName. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
description: >
    brief description, e.g. "Non-numeric input must be rejected with a TypeError"
esid: reference to spec section, e.g. "sec-well-known-symbols"
info: |
    verbose test description, multiple lines OK.
    (info should contain relevant, direct quotes from ECMAScript if possible)
    For example:

    String.fromCodePoint ( ..._codePoints_ )

    5. Repeat, while _nextIndex_ < _length_
      a. Let _next_ be _codePoints_[_nextIndex_].
      b. Let _nextCP_ be ? ToNumber(_next_).
      d. If _nextCP_ < 0 or _nextCP_ > 0x10FFFF, throw a *RangeError* exception.
features: [example]
var maxCodePoint = 0x10FFFF;
var maxCodePointString = '\u{10FFFF}';

assert.sameValue(String.fromCodePoint(maxCodePoint), maxCodePointString,
    'String.fromCodePoint can produce a string including the highest code point');

  function() {
    String.fromCodePoint(maxCodePoint + 1);
  'String.fromCodePoint throws a RangeError when an argument is greater than the highest code point value'
### Copyright

The copyright block must be the first section of the test.  The copyright block must use `//` style comments.

### Frontmatter
The Test262 frontmatter is a string of [YAML]( enclosed by the comment start tag `/*---` and end tag `---*/`.  There must be exactly one Frontmatter per test.
Test262 supports the following keys:
 - [**description**](#description) (required)
 - [**esid**](#esid) (required for new tests)
 - [**info**](#info)
 - [**negative**](#negative)
 - [**includes**](#includes)
 - [**timeout**](#timeout)
 - [**author**](#author)
 - [**flags**](#flags)
 - [**features**](#features) (required for new tests written for new features)
The following keys are deprecated, but exist in old tests:

 - [**es5id**](#es5id) (deprecated)
 - [**es6id**](#es6id) (deprecated)

#### description
`description: [string]`
This is one of two required frontmatter keys. The description should be a short, one-line description of the purpose of this testcase. We suggest that the description be kept to less than 100 characters, but clarity is preferred over brevity.
Eg: Insert <LS> between chunks of one string
`esid: [spec-id]`
This key is required for all new feature tests. This key identifies the hash ID from the portion of the ECMAScript draft which is most recent to the date the test was added. It represents the anchors on the generated HTML version of the specs. E.g.: `esid: sec-typedarray-length`. This key might be used to replace a `es6id` or further.

When writing a new test for a Stage 3+ spec not yet published on the draft, the `pending` value can be used while a hash ID is not available.

#### info
`info: [multiline string]`
This allows a long, free-form comment. The comment is almost always a direct
quote from ECMAScript. It is used to indicate the observable being tested
within the file.
esid: sec-weakset.prototype.has
description: Throws TypeError if `this` is not Object.
    String.fromCodePoint ( ..._codePoints_ )
    5. Repeat, while _nextIndex_ < _length_
      a. Let _next_ be _codePoints_[_nextIndex_].
      b. Let _nextCP_ be ? ToNumber(_next_).
      d. If _nextCP_ < 0 or _nextCP_ > 0x10FFFF, throw a *RangeError* exception.

Note: Adding more context than the direct quote from ECMAScript should rarely
be necessary. If you must add context to the quote, use the JavaScript
single line comment syntax.

#### negative
`negative: [dictionary containing "phase" and "type" keys]`
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smikes committed
This means the test is expected to throw an error of the given type.  If no error is thrown, a test failure is reported.
- **type** - If an error is thrown, it is implicitly converted to a string. In order for the test to pass, this value must match the name of the error constructor.
- **phase** - Negative tests whose **phase** value is "parse" must produce the specified error prior to executing code. The value "resolution" indicates that the error is expected to result while performing ES2015 module resolution. The value "runtime" dictates that the error is expected to be produced as a result of executing the test code.
For best practices on how to use the negative key please see [Handling Errors and Negative Test Cases](#handling-errors-and-negative-test-cases), below.
Mike Pennisi's avatar
Mike Pennisi committed
For example:

  phase: parse
  type: ReferenceError
#### includes
`includes: [file-list]`
This key names a list of helper files that will be included in the test environment prior to running the test.  Filenames **must** include the `.js` extension.
The helper files are found in the `harness/` directory. When some code is used repeatedly across a group of tests, a new helper function (or group of helpers) can be defined. Helpers increase test complexity, so they should be created and used sparingly.
#### timeout
`timeout: [integer]`
This key specifies the number of milliseconds to wait before the test runner declares an [asynchronous test](#writing-asynchronous-tests) to have timed out.  It has no effect on synchronous tests.
Test authors **should not** use this key except as a last resort.  Each runner is allowed to provide its own default timeout, and the user may be permitted to override this in order to account for unusually fast or slow hardware, network delays, etc.

#### author
`author: [string]`
This key is used to identify the author of a test case.

#### flags
`flags: [list]`
This key is for boolean properties associated with the test.
- **onlyStrict** - only run the test in strict mode
- **noStrict** - only run the test in "sloppy" mode
- **module** - interpret the source text as
  [module code](
- **raw** - execute the test without any modification (no helpers will be
Mike Pennisi's avatar
Mike Pennisi committed
  available); necessary to test the behavior of directive prologue; implies
- **async** - defer interpretation of test results until after the invocation
Tim Disney's avatar
Tim Disney committed
  of the global `$DONE` function
- **generated** - informative flag used to denote test files that were
  created procedurally using the project's test generation tool; refer to the
  section titled "Procedurally-generated tests" for more information on this
- **CanBlockIsFalse** - only run the test when the [[CanBlock]] property of the [Agent Record]( executing the test file is `false`
- **CanBlockIsTrue** - only run the test when the [[CanBlock]] property of the [Agent Record]( executing the test file is `true`
#### features
`features: [list]`
Some tests require the use of language features that are not directly described by the test file's location in the directory structure. These features should be specified with this key. See the [`features.txt`](features.txt) file for a complete list of available values. This key is required for new tests written for new features, but contributions will not be "blocked" if the key is missing from frontmatter. The committing maintainer is required to ensure that the key is present and contains the correct feature names; this can be done in an follow up commit.
`es5id: [es5-test-id]`
This key identifies the section number from the portion of the ECMAScript 5.1 or ECMAScript 3 standard that is tested by this test. It was automatically generated for tests that were originally written for the ES5 (or earlier) version of the test suite and are now part of the ES6 version. You can use the es5id to discover the relevant portion of the ECMAScript standard by looking up the section number in [previous publications of the specification]( Unfortunately, there is no way to identify which version of ECMAScript (specifically, 3 or 5.1) without looking up the section number and deciding whether it covers the observable in the test.
Read the [Test262 Technical Rationale Report](,-October-2017#specification-reference-ids) for reasoning behind deprecation.
`es6id: [es6-test-id]`
This key identifies the section number from the portion of the ES6 standard that is tested by this test _at the time the test was written_. The es6ids might not correspond to the correction section numbers in the ES6 (or later) specification because routine edits to the specification will change section numbering. For this reason, only the esid is required for new tests.
Read the [Test262 Technical Rationale Report](,-October-2017#specification-reference-ids) for reasoning behind deprecation.
## Test Environment
Each test case is run in a fresh JavaScript environment; in a browser, this will be a new <iframe>; for a console runner, this will be a new process.  The test harness code is loaded before the test is run.  The test harness defines the following helper functions:

Function | Purpose
`Test262Error(message)` | constructor for an error object that indicates a test failure
`$DONE(arg)` | see [Writing Asynchronous Tests](#writing-asynchronous-tests), below
`assert(value, message)` | throw a new Test262Error instance if the specified value is not strictly equal to the JavaScript `true` value; accepts an optional string message for use in creating the error
`assert.sameValue(actual, expected, message)` | throw a new Test262Error instance if the first two arguments are not [the same value](; accepts an optional string message for use in creating the error
`assert.notSameValue(actual, unexpected, message)` | throw a new Test262Error instance if the first two arguments are [the same value](; accepts an optional string message for use in creating the error
`assert.throws(expectedErrorConstructor, fn, message)` | throw a new Test262Error instance if the provided function does not throw an error, or if the constructor of the value thrown does not match the provided constructor
`$DONOTEVALUATE()` | throw an exception if the code gets evaluated. This is useful for [negative test cases for parsing errors](#handling-errors-and-negative-test-cases).
`throw "Test262: This statement should not be evaluated.";` | throw an exception if the code gets evaluated. Use this if the test file has the `raw` flag and it's a negative test case for parsing error.
`$ERROR(message)` | construct a Test262Error object and throw it <br>**DEPRECATED** -- Do not use in new tests. Use `assert`, `assert.*`, or `throw new Test262Error` instead.
/// error class
function Test262Error(message) {
## Handling Errors and Negative Test Cases
Expectations for **parsing errors** should be declared using [the `negative` frontmatter flag](#negative). They must also include `$DONOTEVALUATE();` (in order to guarantee that implementations do not execute the code):
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Mike Pennisi committed
Mike Pennisi's avatar
Mike Pennisi committed
  type: SyntaxError
var var = var;
If the test case has the `raw` flag, this disallows the test to load any harness file including `$DONOTEVALUATE`. In this case, include a direct `throw "Test262: This statement should not be evaluated.";` statement:

flags: [raw]
  phase: parse
  type: SyntaxError

throw "Test262: This statement should not be evaluated.";

var var = var;

Expectations for **runtime errors** should be defined using the `assert.throws` method and the appropriate JavaScript Error constructor function:
assert.throws(TypeError, function() {
  null(); // expect this statement to throw a TypeError
Consumers that violate the spec by throwing exceptions for parsing errors at runtime instead of at parse time can still get value out of Test262's negative tests by conditionally overriding `$DONOTEVALUATE` to be a no-op for tests that are known to fail. This way, the consumer can still verify that they throw an exception of the expected type, even if it happens during the wrong phase, which prevents regressions and further deviations from the spec.

## Writing Asynchronous Tests
An asynchronous test is any test that include the `async` frontmatter flag. When executing such tests, the runner expects that the global `$DONE()` function will be called to signal test completion.

 * If the argument to `$DONE` is omitted, is `undefined`, or is any other falsy value, the test is considered to have passed.

 * If the argument to `$DONE` is a truthy value, the test is considered to have failed and the argument is displayed as the failure reason.

A common idiom when writing asynchronous tests is the following:

var p = new Promise(function () { /* some test code */ });

p.then(function checkAssertions(arg) {
  if (!expected_condition) {
    throw new Test262Error("failure message");
Function `checkAssertions` implicitly returns `undefined` if the expected condition is observed.  The return value of function `checkAssertions` is then used to asynchronously invoke the first function of the final `then` call, resulting in a call to `$DONE(undefined)`, which signals a passing test.
If the expected condition is not observed, function `checkAssertions` throws a `Test262Error`.  This is caught by the Promise and then used to asynchronously invoke the second function in the call -- which is also `$DONE` -- resulting in a call to `$DONE(error_object)`, which signals a failing test.
### Checking Exception Type and Message in Asynchronous Tests

This idiom can be extended to check for specific exception types or messages:

p.then(function () {
  // some code that is expected to throw a TypeError
  return "Expected exception to be thrown";
}).then($DONE, function (e) {
 if (!(e instanceof TypeError)) {
  throw new Test262Error("Expected TypeError but got " + e);
 if (!/expected message/.test(e.message)) {
  throw new Test262Error("Expected message to contain 'expected message' but found " + e.message);
As above, exceptions that are thrown from a `then` clause are passed to a later `$DONE` function and reported asynchronously.
## A Note on Python-based tools

This project's internal tooling is built with Python. Contributors seeking to interact with these tools should begin by installing [Python version 2]( and [PIP]( This guide includes instructions for installing packages using PIP directly, but contributors are welcomed to use utilities such as [virtualenv](, [pyenv](, or [pipenv]( should they have more advanced package management needs.

Some of the expectations documented here are enforced via a "linting" script. This script is used to validate patches automatically at submission time, but it may also be invoked locally. To do so, first install the required Python packages via the following command:

    python -m pip install --requirement tools/lint/requirements.txt

Then invoke the following command:
    python tools/lint/ --exceptions lint.exceptions [paths to tests]

...where `[paths to tests]` is a list of one or more paths to test files or directories containing test files.

In some cases, it may be necessary for a test to intentionally violate the rules enforced by the linting tool. Such violations can be allowed by including the path of the test(s) in the `lint.exceptions` file. Each path must appear on a dedicated line in that file, and a space-separated list of rules to ignore must follow each path. Lines beginning with the pound sign (`#`) will be ignored. For example:

    # This file documents authorship information and is not itself a test

## Procedurally-generated tests

Some language features are expressed through a number of distinct syntactic forms. Test262 maintains these tests as a set of "test cases" and "test templates" in order to ensure equivalent coverage across all forms. The sub-directories within the `src/` directory describe the various language features that benefit from this approach.

Test cases and test templates specify meta-data using the same YAML frontmatter pattern as so-called "static" (i.e. non-generated) tests. The expected attributes differ between test cases and test templates:

### test cases (`*.case`)
Field | Description
`template` | name of the sub-directory to locate templates for this test
`desc` | see the frontmatter definition of the "desc" field. The generated test will have a have final "desc" value which is this text appended with the test template's "name" field in parentheses.
`info` | see the frontmatter definition of the "info" field. The generated test will have a have final "info" value which is this text concatenated at the end of the test templates's "info" text.
`features` | see the frontmatter definition of the "features" field. The generated test will have a final feature list in combination with the template's feature field.

### test templates (`*.template`)
Field | Description
`path` | location within the published test hierarchy to output files created from this template. This path will be ended with the name of the test case file. If path is "/test/language/template1-" and the test case is "cast1.js", the final location of the file will be "/test/language/template1-case1.js"
`name` | human-readable name of the syntactic form described by this template. This text will be appended, in parentheses, to the end of the test cases `desc` field.
`esid` | see the frontmatter definition of the "info" key.
`info` | see the frontmatter definition of the "info" key. The generated test will have a have final "info" value which is this text appended with the test cases's "info" text.
`features` | see the frontmatter definition of the "features" field. The generated test will have a final feature list in combination with the test case's feature field.
any other valid frontmatter field | see the frontmatter definitions.
Generated files are managed using the `` Python script located in the root of this repository. To use it, first install the required Python packages via the following command:

    python -m pip install --requirement tools/generation/requirements.txt
And then issue the following command to create files:

To remove all generated files: clean

The executable located at `tools/generation/` offers additional control over the generation procedure.

    ./tools/generation/ --help
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jugglinmike committed

Tests expressed with this convention are built automatically following the source files' acceptance into the project. Patches should **not** include assets built from these sources.