These are guidelines. There is a substantial amount of variation in existing test names.
There is a substantial amount of variation in existing test names and that's ok.
Test cases are often named by the portion of the spec or draft spec they reference. A test for ECMAScript 5.1 section [8.7.2 PutValue]( should be placed in the directory `test262/suite/ch08/8.7/8.7.2/` and have a filename which contains the substring `8.7.2`. A test for ECMAScript 6.0 draft section [ Promise.all]( should be placed in directory `test262/suite/es6/ch25/25.4/25.4.4/` and have a filename that contains the substring ``.
Test cases should be created in files that are named to identify a feature, API (or aspect of either), that's being tested. Previously, there was a naming system based on the specification section and algorithm step that was the focus of the test. This protocol doesn't work if the section or algorithm step changes.
One common convention is to break down a section into a number of testable assertions (A) and to test each assertion with one or more test cases (T). For example, section of ES6 could be broken down like this:
Take a look at these examples:
* A1 Promise.all is a function of one argument
- A1.1 Promise.all is callable
- A1.2 Promise.all expects 1 argument
* A2 Promise.all([]) is a Promise immediately resolved with []
- A2.1 Promise.all([]) returns a Promise
- A2.2 Promise.all([]) is resolved immediately
- A2.3 Promise.all([]) is resolved with a new empty array
-`Math.fround` handling of `Infinity`: `test/built-ins/Math/fround/Math.fround_Infinity.js`
-`Array.prototype.find` use with `Proxy`: `test/Array/prototype/find/Array.prototype.find_callable-Proxy-1.js`
-`arguments` implements an `iterator` interface: `test/language/arguments-object/iterator-interface.js`
with test case `S25.4.4.1_A1.1_T1.js` being the first test for assertion A1.1, and `S25.4.4.1_A2.3_T3.js` being the third test for assertion A2.3.