- Jun 03, 2015
Mike Pennisi authored
- Remove trailing white space - Streamline documentation of test tags - Do not reference obsolete tags - Document `features` frontmatter tag - Document `es6id` frontmatter tag - Omit unnecessary detail about test262 website generation. This is not directly useful to potential test contributors. Implementation details like these can be taken for granted by that audience. - Remove documentation on YAML syntax. Details on YAML may be helpful for some new contributors, but this document should not attempt to cover the topic (especially not from the description of a specific frontmatter entry). Replace with a link to a more comprehensive source as this will be more generally useful to those who need it (and less obtrusive for those who do not). - Consolidate information on test helpers - Document `assert` helpers - Update instructions for asserting errors. Since the introduction of `assert.throws` in gh-22, the preferred means of expressing expectations regarding errors has changed. Update the CONTRIBUTING.md file to reflect the latest approach. Explain purpose of `throw NotEarlyError;` in example test. - Re-order information on file names. The inconsistency in the project's file names should not go unmentioned, but neither should it not preceed instructions for the accepted approach to namine tests. - More clearly document required frontmatter tags. Explicitly list `description` as a required frontmatter tag, implicitly identifying all other tags as optional.
Brian Terlson authored
Extend coverage for GeneratorPrototype methods
Brian Terlson authored
Additional tests with incorrect for-in context
Brian Terlson authored
Iteration restructuring
Brian Terlson authored
MOP operations on non-configurable arguments-object property
Brian Terlson authored
Increment/Decrement with property accessor expression
Brian Terlson authored
Assignment with left-hand side property accessor
- Jun 02, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
`Promise` methods should not be enumerable
Jordan Harband authored
Promise methods should not be enumerable, per https://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#table-4
- May 26, 2015
Mike Pennisi authored
Implement tests according to the pattern defined by the existing tests for `GeneratorPrototype#throw`.
André Bargull authored
- Add missing ".prototype" lookup in Array.prototype tests (Follow-up of #280) - Add noStrict flag in global/S10.2.3_A2.2_*.js (implicit this-binding is part of the test) - Provide correct this-binding in function/13.2-*.js - Add missing assert.throws in "set-iterator-close-after-add-failure.js"
Mike Pennisi authored
Assert the value of the properties and update the test frontmatter to include the `Symbol.iterator` feature.
Mike Pennisi authored
Define tests for intrinsic Iterators under the appropriate subdirectory of `built-ins`.
Brian Terlson authored
Update contribution information
- May 25, 2015
Mike Pennisi authored
Test262 now accepts community contributions. Update the copy on the website to reflect this.
Mike Pennisi authored
Mike Pennisi authored
As written, the test behavior and description do not match--the `throw` invocation takes place while generator execution is paused *within* the `finally` block (not following it). Ensure that the test exercises the described behavior (and remove extraneous invocation of method under test).
Mike Pennisi authored
As written, the test behavior and description do not match--the `throw` invocation takes place while generator execution is paused *within* the `try..catch` statement (not following it). Ensure that the test exercises the described behavior (and remove extraneous invocation of method under test).
Mike Pennisi authored
Mike Pennisi authored
- May 24, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
fix case sensitive filenames
Brian Terlson authored
S15.4.4.4_A4.1 length enumerable should be checked on Array.prototype.concat
Pieter van Ginkel authored
The test checks Array.concat which is undefined; instead it should check Array.prototype.concat.
- May 22, 2015
Leonardo Balter authored
- May 20, 2015
André Bargull authored
André Bargull authored
Brian Terlson authored
Add tests for IdentifierReference as property
Mike Pennisi authored
From the ES6 specification: > ## PropertyDefinition : IdentifierReference > > 1. Let propName be StringValue of IdentifierReference. > 2. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating IdentifierReference. > 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(exprValue). > 4. Let propValue be GetValue(exprValue). > 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(propValue). > 6. Assert: enumerable is true. > 7. Return CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(object, propName, propValue).
- May 19, 2015
Rick Waldron authored
23.2 Set Objects
Rick Waldron authored
commit c56030aea7b3e43f46dbbc2b52859ca275cff226 Author: Rick Waldron <waldron.rick@gmail.com> Date: Thu Apr 30 15:17:44 2015 -0400 Fix nits commit 9b341022a9fd5a295ce85b630886dae10e10b653 Author: Rick Waldron <waldron.rick@gmail.com> Date: Tue Apr 28 13:52:04 2015 -0400 Wrap expected construct failure in assert.throws commit 9ef7e1c0499a99b15c64bb480dbfa41433cf9804 Author: Mike Pennisi <mike@mikepennisi.com> Date: Fri Apr 24 13:46:02 2015 -0400 Introduce addition tests for the Set constructor commit bd54cccf4a599c123fae5c97782f5562cd9da8a0 Author: Rick Waldron <waldron.rick@gmail.com> Date: Fri Apr 24 15:11:19 2015 -0400 23.2 Set Objects, additions commit 970e2ca95879161a8bb124ec712f7333fdea6798 Author: Rick Waldron <waldron.rick@gmail.com> Date: Tue Apr 21 12:44:41 2015 -0400 23.2 Set Objects
André Bargull authored
André Bargull authored
The increment/decrement operator evaluates its operand expression once. When the operand expression is a property accessor, RequireObjectCoercible and ToPropertyKey are called on the property accessor in the correct order.
- May 18, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
Enable strict mode for more built-in tests
Brian Terlson authored
Use a very negative number so ES5 implementations don't loop forever
André Bargull authored
Mapped arguments property is changed to non-configurable. Check arguments mapping works correctly when applying various MOP methods.
André Bargull authored
The assignment operator evaluates its operands from left to right. When the left-hand side expression is a property accessor, RequireObjectCoercible and ToPropertyKey are called on the property accessor before the right-hand side expression is evaluated.
André Bargull authored
- Remove no longer needed noStrict flags. - Change tests to use propertyHelper.js for strict mode compatibility. - Add tests for return value of `delete` operator, e.g. `delete Array.prototype === false`. - Add non-writable tests for global NaN property. - Split some tests to run in strict mode. - Change tests with global `var length` declaration to use a different variable name for browser environments. - Merge duplicated tests symbol-data-property-configurable-non-strict and symbol-data-property-configurable-strict. - Merge duplicated tests symbol-data-property-writable-non-strict and symbol-data-property-writable-strict. - (And a small change in propertyHelper to reduce code duplication in function call.)
- May 16, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
Add new tests for Math built-ins
- May 15, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
Brian Terlson authored
S15.4.4.5_A3.1_T1.js: Fix inconsistent error message