#!/usr/bin/env python3
This script is designed to make predictions for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) on a hidden test dataset.
It uses a previously trained and saved model along with normalization constants and hyperparameters.
**Main Components:**
1. **Load Saved Parameters**:
- Load normalization constants (`final_normalization_constants.json`) to preprocess the test data.
- Load best hyperparameters (`best_hyperparameters.json`) to initialize the saved model structure.
2. **Preprocess Test Data**:
- Normalize the test dataset using saved normalization constants.
- Extract relevant features (mean, median, standard deviation, etc.) from creatinine test results.
- Unlike the training data, no oversampling is performed.
3. **Load and Use the Model**:
- Load the trained model saved as `docker_model.pkl`.
- Use it to predict AKI for the given test dataset.
4. **Save Predictions**:
- Save the predictions in a CSV file named `aki.csv` in the format required (`aki` column with "y" or "n" values).
import argparse
import csv
import json
from helper_functions import (
tune_hyperparameters, # For hyperparameter search
train_model, # For final (non-tuning) training
evaluate # For evaluation or inference
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--input", default="test.csv")
parser.add_argument("--output", default="aki.csv")
# Preprocess the unlabeled test set (final_model=True => no 'aki' column).
processor = DataProcessor()
unlabeled_test_data = processor.preprocess([args.input], save_constants=False, final_model=True)
# Load the final trained model (entire model, not just state_dict)
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
hyperparams_path = os.path.join(base_dir, "best_hyperparameters.json")
with open(hyperparams_path, "r") as f:
best_hparams = json.load(f)
threshold = best_hparams['threshold']
# Evaluate once on the entire unlabeled test set to get predictions
# evaluate(...) returns a dict containing 'predictions' for each row
results = evaluate(
predictions = results["predictions"] # list of 0/1
# Write predictions as y/n to CSV
with open(args.input, 'r') as infile, open(args.output, 'w', newline="") as outfile:
reader = csv.reader(infile)
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
writer.writerow(["aki"]) # Write header
# Skip input headers
next(reader, None)
for pred in predictions:
aki_label = 'y' if pred == 1 else 'n'