Yjs is a framework for optimistic concurrency control and automatic conflict resolution on shared data.
The framework provides similar functionality as [ShareJs] and [OpenCoweb], but supports peer-to-peer
communication protocols by default. Yjs was designed to handle concurrent actions on arbitrary data
like Text, Json, and XML. We also provide support for storing and manipulating your shared data offline.
For more information and demo applications visit our [homepage](http://y-js.org/).
Yjs is a framework for p2p shared editing on structured data like (rich-)text, json, and XML.
It is similar to [ShareJs] and [OpenCoweb], but easy to use.
For additional information, demos, and tutorials visit [y-js.org](http://y-js.org/).
You can create you own shared types easily.
Therefore, you can design the structure of your custom type,
and ensure data validity, while Yjs ensures data consistency (everyone will eventually end up with the same data).
We already provide abstract data types for
### Extensions
Yjs only knows how to resolve conflicts on shared data. You have to choose a ..
**Connector* - a communication protocol that propagates changes to the clients
**Database* - a database to store your changes
* one or more *Types* - that represent the shared data
| Name | Description |
|[map](https://github.com/y-js/y-map) | A shared Map implementation. Maps from text to any stringify-able object |
|[array](https://github.com/y-js/y-array) | A shared Array implementation |
|[xml](https://github.com/y-js/y-xml) | An implementation of the DOM. You can create a two way binding to Browser DOM objects |
|[text](https://github.com/y-js/y-text) | Collaborate on text. Supports two way binding to textareas, input elements, or HTML elements (e.g. <*h1*>, or <*p*>). Also supports the [Ace Editor](https://ace.c9.io) |
|[richtext](https://github.com/y-js/y-richtext) | Collaborate on rich text. Supports two way binding to the [Quill Rich Text Editor](http://quilljs.com/)|
Connectors, Databases, and Types are available as modules that extend Yjs. Here is a list of the modules we know of:
Yjs supports P2P message propagation, and is not bound to a specific communication protocol. Therefore, Yjs is extremely scalable and can be used in a wide range of application scenarios.
We support several communication protocols as so called *Connectors*.
You can create your own connector too - read [this wiki page](https://github.com/y-js/yjs/wiki/Custom-Connectors).
Currently, we support the following communication protocols:
|[xmpp](https://github.com/y-js/y-xmpp) | Propagate updates in a XMPP multi-user-chat room ([XEP-0045](http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html))|
|[webrtc](https://github.com/y-js/y-webrtc) | Propagate updates Browser2Browser via WebRTC|
|[websockets](https://github.com/y-js/y-websockets-client) | Exchange updates efficiently in the classical client-server model |
|[websockets](https://github.com/y-js/y-websockets-client) | Set up [a central server](https://github.com/y-js/y-websockets-client), and connect to it via websockets |
|[xmpp](https://github.com/y-js/y-xmpp) | Propagate updates in a XMPP multi-user-chat room ([XEP-0045](http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html))|
|[test](https://github.com/y-js/y-test) | A Connector for testing purposes. It is designed to simulate delays that happen in worst case scenarios|
You are not limited to use a specific database to store the shared data. We provide the following database adapters:
@@ -41,11 +30,16 @@ You are not limited to use a specific database to store the shared data. We prov
|[indexeddb](https://github.com/y-js/y-indexeddb) | Offline storage for the browser |
|[leveldb](https://github.com/y-js/y-leveldb) | Persistent storage for node apps |
The advantages over similar frameworks are support for
* .. P2P message propagation and arbitrary communication protocols
* .. share any type of data. The types provide a convenient interface
* .. offline support: Changes are stored persistently and only relevant changes are propagated on rejoin
* .. Intention Preservation: When working on Text, the intention of your changes are preserved. This is particularily important when working offline. Every type has a notion on how we define Intention Preservation on it.
##### Types
| Name | Description |
|[map](https://github.com/y-js/y-map) | A shared Map implementation. Maps from text to any stringify-able object |
|[array](https://github.com/y-js/y-array) | A shared Array implementation |
|[xml](https://github.com/y-js/y-xml) | An implementation of the DOM. You can create a two way binding to Browser DOM objects |
|[text](https://github.com/y-js/y-text) | Collaborate on text. Supports two way binding to the [Ace Editor](https://ace.c9.io), textareas, input elements, and HTML elements (e.g. <*h1*>, or <*p*>) |
|[richtext](https://github.com/y-js/y-richtext) | Collaborate on rich text. Supports two way binding to the [Quill Rich Text Editor](http://quilljs.com/)|
## Use it!
Install Yjs, and its modules with [bower](http://bower.io/), or [npm](https://www.npmjs.org/package/yjs).
There are some friendly people on [](https://gitter.im/y-js/yjs?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge) who are eager to help, and answer questions.
Please report _any_ issues to the [Github issue page](https://github.com/y-js/yjs/issues)! I try to fix them very soon, if possible.
# Api
@@ -108,14 +106,14 @@ Y({
* All of our connectors specify an `url` property that defines the connection endpoint of the used connector.
* All of our connectors also have a default connection endpoint that you can use for development.
* Have a look at the used connector repository to see all available options.
* options.sourceDir
* Path where all y-* modules are stored.
* options.sourceDir (browser only)
* Path where all y-* modules are stored
* Defaults to `/bower_components`
* Not required when running on `nodejs` / `iojs`
* When using browserify you can specify all used modules like this:
* When using nodejs you need to manually extend Yjs:
var Y = require('yjs')
// you need to require the db, connector, and *all* types you use!
// you have to require a db, connector, and *all* types you use!
@@ -128,8 +126,8 @@ require('y-map')(Y)
* If userB specifies `options.share[arbitraryName]`, it still won't be available for userA. But all the updates are send from userB to userA.
* In contrast to Y.Map, types on `y.share.*` cannot be overwritten or deleted. Instead, they are merged among all users. This feature is only available on `y.share.*`
* Weird behavior: It is supported that two users specify different types with the same property name.
E.g. userA specifies `options.share.x = 'Array'`, and userB specifies `options.share.x = 'Text'`. But they'll only share data if they specified the same type with the same property name
* options.type
E.g. userA specifies `options.share.x = 'Array'`, and userB specifies `options.share.x = 'Text'`. But they only share data if they specified the same type with the same property name
* options.type (browser only)
* Array of modules that Yjs needs to require, before instantiating a shared type.
* By default Yjs requires the specified database adapter, the specified connector, and all modules that are used in `options.share.*`
* Put all types here that you intend to use, but are not used in y.share.*
@@ -174,19 +172,14 @@ The promise returns an instance of Y. We denote it with a lower case `y`.
* y.db.userId :: String
* The used user id for this client. **Never overwrite this**
## Get help
There are some friendly people on [](https://gitter.im/y-js/yjs?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge) who may help you with your problem, and answer your questions.
Please report _any_ issues to the [Github issue page](https://github.com/y-js/yjs/issues)! I try to fix them very soon, if possible.
## Changelog
### 12.0.0
***Types work are synchronous and never return a promise (except explicitly stated)**
***Types are synchronous and never return a promise (except explicitly stated)**
*`y.share.map.get('map type') // => returns a Y.Map instead of a promise`
* The event property `oldValues` also contains a list of types/values (without wrapper)
* Support for the [y-leveldb](https://github.com/y-js/y-leveldb) database adapter