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  • module L = Logged (Token_generator) (struct let size = 256 end)
     * Debug-purpose functions
     * Useful functions (Warning: shadows `show_list' from Mytools)
    let show_list_f f sep l = l
      |> f
      |> List.fold_left (fun acc x -> acc ^ (if acc = "" then "" else sep) ^ x) ""
      List.fold_left (fun acc x -> acc ^ (if acc = "" then "" else sep) ^ x) "" l
    Thomas Wood's avatar
    Thomas Wood committed
    let is_sbool x = List.mem x ["true" ; "false"]
    let rec zip l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
      | [], x :: xs | x :: xs, [] -> failwith "zip: list must have the same length."
      | [], [] -> []
      | x :: xs, y :: ys -> (x, y) :: zip xs ys
    Thomas Wood's avatar
    Thomas Wood committed
    let unzip l =
      let rec aux acc1 acc2 = function
      | [] -> List.rev acc1, List.rev acc2
      | (x, y) :: xs -> aux (x :: acc1) (y :: acc2) xs
    in aux [] [] l
    let string_fold_lefti f acc s =
      let len = String.length s in
      let rec aux f acc i =
        if i = len then acc
        else aux f (f acc i s.[i]) (succ i)
      in aux f acc 0
    let string_fold_righti f s acc =
     let len = String.length s in
      let rec aux f i acc =
        if i = len then acc
        else f i s.[i] (aux f (succ i) acc)
      in aux f 0 acc
    let is_infix f args = match args with
      | _ :: [] | [] -> false
      | x :: xs ->
         let open Location in
         let f_loc = (f.exp_loc.loc_start, f.exp_loc.loc_end) in
         let args_loc = (x.exp_loc.loc_start, x.exp_loc.loc_end) in
         if fst args_loc < fst f_loc then true else false
     * Before-hand definitions of Pretty-Printer-Format for converting ocaml
     * to ECMAScript, therefore all of them are in a single place.
    let ppf_lambda_wrap s =
      Printf.sprintf "(function () {@;<1 2>@[<v 0>%s@]@,}())@," s
    let ppf_branch case binders expr =
      Printf.sprintf "%s: @[<v 0>%s@,return %s;@]"
                     case binders expr
    let ppf_let_in decl exp =
        Printf.sprintf "%s@,return %s;"
                       decl exp
      in ppf_lambda_wrap s
    let ppf_function args body=
    Paul Iannetta's avatar
    Paul Iannetta committed
      Printf.sprintf "function (%s) {@;<1 2>@[<v 0>return %s;@]@,}"
                     args body
      Printf.sprintf "%s(%s)"
                     f args
    let ppf_apply_infix f arg1 arg2 =
      Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s"
                     arg1 f arg2
    let ppf_match value cases =
        Printf.sprintf "switch (%s.type) {@,@[<v 0>%s@]@,}"
                       value cases
      in ppf_lambda_wrap s
      Printf.sprintf "[%s]"
    let ppf_tuple = ppf_array
    let ppf_ifthen cond iftrue =
      Printf.sprintf "(function () {@;<1 2>@[<v 2>@,if (%s) {@,return  %s;@,}@]@,})()"
                     cond iftrue
    let ppf_ifthenelse cond iftrue iffalse =
      Printf.sprintf "(function () {@;<1 2>@[<v 2>@,if (%s) {@,return  %s;@,} else {@,return  %s;@,}@]@,})()"
                     cond iftrue iffalse
    let ppf_sequence exp1 exp2 =
      Printf.sprintf "%s,@,%s"
                     exp1 exp2
      let s =
        Printf.sprintf "@[<v 2>while(%s) {@;<1 2>%s@,@]}"
                       cd body
      in ppf_lambda_wrap s
    let ppf_for id start ed flag body =
      let fl_to_string = function
        | Upto   -> "++"
        | Downto -> "--" in
      let fl_to_symbl = function
        | Upto   -> "<="
        | Downto -> ">=" in
      let s =
        Printf.sprintf "@[<v 2>for (%s = %s ; %s %s %s ; %s%s) {@,%s@]@,}"
                       id start id (fl_to_symbl flag) ed (fl_to_string flag) id body
      in ppf_lambda_wrap s
    Paul Iannetta's avatar
    Paul Iannetta committed
    (*let ppf_single_cstr tag =
      Printf.sprintf "%s"
    let ppf_cstr tag value =
    Thomas Wood's avatar
    Thomas Wood committed
      Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" tag value
    Thomas Wood's avatar
    Thomas Wood committed
       Printf.sprintf "@[<v 2>{type: \"%s\"}@]" typ
    let ppf_multiple_cstrs typ rest =
      Printf.sprintf "@[<v 2>{type: \"%s\", %s}@]"
    Paul IANNETTA's avatar
    Paul IANNETTA committed
    let ppf_record llde =
      let rec aux acc = function
        | []               -> Printf.sprintf "@[<v 2>{@;<1 2>%s@]@,}" acc
        | (lbl, exp) :: [] -> aux (acc ^ Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" lbl exp) []
        | (lbl, exp) :: xs -> aux (acc ^ Printf.sprintf "%s: %s,@," lbl exp) xs
      in aux "" llde
    let ppf_decl id expr = Printf.sprintf "@[<v 0>%s: %s,@,@]" id expr
    let ppf_pat_array id_list array_expr =
      Printf.sprintf "var __%s = %s;@," "array" array_expr ^
        List.fold_left2 (fun acc (name, exp_type) y -> acc ^ Printf.sprintf "@[<v 0>var %s = __%s[%d];@,@]" name "array" y)
                        "" id_list @@ range 0 (List.length id_list - 1)
    let ppf_field_access expr field =
      Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" expr field
    let ppf_module_wrap name content =
      Printf.sprintf "var %s = {@,%s@,};" name content
    Thomas Wood's avatar
    Thomas Wood committed
     * Main part
    let rec js_of_structure s =
      show_list_f (fun strct -> js_of_structure_item strct) "@,@," s.str_items
    and show_value_binding vb =
      js_of_let_pattern vb.vb_pat vb.vb_expr
    and js_of_structure_item s =
      let loc = s.str_loc in
      | Tstr_eval (e, _)     -> Printf.sprintf "%s" @@ js_of_expression e
      | Tstr_value (_, vb_l) -> String.concat "@,@," @@ (fun vb -> show_value_binding vb) @@ vb_l
      | Tstr_type       _  -> "" (* Types have no representation in JS, but the OCaml type checker uses them *)
      | Tstr_open       _  -> "" (* Handle modules by use of multiple compilation/linking *)
      | Tstr_primitive  _  -> out_of_scope loc "primitive functions"
      | Tstr_typext     _  -> out_of_scope loc "type extensions"
      | Tstr_exception  _  -> out_of_scope loc "exceptions"
      | Tstr_module     _  -> out_of_scope loc "modules"
      | Tstr_recmodule  _  -> out_of_scope loc "recursive modules"
      | Tstr_modtype    _  -> out_of_scope loc "module type"
      | Tstr_class      _  -> out_of_scope loc "objects"
      | Tstr_class_type _  -> out_of_scope loc "class types"
      | Tstr_include    _  -> out_of_scope loc "includes"
      | Tstr_attribute  _  -> out_of_scope loc "attributes"
    and js_of_branch b obj =
      let spat, binders = js_of_pattern b.c_lhs obj in
      let se = js_of_expression b.c_rhs in
    Paul Iannetta's avatar
    Paul Iannetta committed
      if binders = "" then ppf_branch spat binders se
        let typ = match List.rev (Str.split (Str.regexp " ") spat) with
          | [] -> assert false
          | x :: xs -> String.sub x 0 (String.length x)
        in L.log_line (ppf_branch spat binders se) (L.Add (binders, typ))
    and js_of_expression e =
      let locn = e.exp_loc in
      | Texp_ident (_, loc,  _)           -> js_of_longident loc
      | Texp_constant c                   -> js_of_constant c
      | Texp_let   (_, vb_l, e)           ->
        let sd = String.concat lin1 @@ (fun vb -> show_value_binding vb) @@ vb_l in
        let se = js_of_expression e
        in ppf_let_in sd se
      | Texp_function (_, c :: [], Total) ->
        let rec explore pats e = match e.exp_desc with
          | Texp_function (_, c :: [], Total) ->
            let p, e = c.c_lhs, c.c_rhs
            in explore (p :: pats) e
          | _                                 ->
            String.concat ", " @@ ident_of_pat @@ List.rev @@ pats, js_of_expression e in
        let args, body = explore [c.c_lhs] c.c_rhs
        in ppf_function args body
      | Texp_apply (f, exp_l)                 ->
         let sl' = exp_l
                   |> (fun (_, eo, _) -> match eo with None -> out_of_scope locn "optional apply arguments" | Some ei -> ei) in
         let sl = exp_l
                  |> (fun (_, eo, _) -> match eo with None -> out_of_scope locn "optional apply arguments" | Some ei -> js_of_expression ei) in
        let se = js_of_expression f in
        if is_infix f sl' && List.length exp_l = 2
        then ppf_apply_infix se (List.hd sl) (List.hd ( sl))
        else ppf_apply se (String.concat ", " sl)
      | Texp_match (exp, l, [], Total) ->
         let se = js_of_expression exp in
         let sb = String.concat "@," ( (fun x -> js_of_branch x se) l) in
      | Texp_tuple (tl) -> ppf_tuple @@ show_list_f (fun exp -> js_of_expression exp) ", " tl
      | Texp_construct (loc, cd, el) ->
        let name = cd.cstr_name in
        if el = [] then (* Constructor has no parameters *)
          if is_sbool name then name (* Special case true/false to their JS natives *)
          else ppf_single_cstrs name
        else (* Constructor has parameters *)
          let fields = extract_attrs cd.cstr_attributes in
          let expr_strs = (fun exp -> js_of_expression exp) el in
          let expand_constructor_list = List.map2 ppf_cstr in
          let expanded_constructors = expand_constructor_list fields expr_strs in
          ppf_multiple_cstrs name (show_list ", " expanded_constructors)
      | Texp_array      (exp_l)           -> ppf_array @@ show_list_f (fun exp -> js_of_expression exp) ", " exp_l
      | Texp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, None)    -> ppf_ifthen (js_of_expression e1) (js_of_expression e2)
      | Texp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, Some e3) -> ppf_ifthenelse (js_of_expression e1) (js_of_expression e2) (js_of_expression e3)
      | Texp_sequence   (e1, e2)          -> ppf_sequence (js_of_expression e1) (js_of_expression e2)
      | Texp_while      (cd, body)        -> ppf_while (js_of_expression cd) (js_of_expression body)
      | Texp_for        (id, _, st, ed, fl, body) -> ppf_for ( id) (js_of_expression st) (js_of_expression ed) fl (js_of_expression body)
      | Texp_record     (llde,_)          -> ppf_record ( (fun (_, lbl, exp) -> (lbl.lbl_name, js_of_expression exp)) llde)
      | Texp_field      (exp, _, lbl)     ->
        ppf_field_access (js_of_expression exp) lbl.lbl_name
      | Texp_match      (_,_,_, Partial)  -> out_of_scope locn "partial matching"
      | Texp_match      (_,_,_,_)         -> out_of_scope locn "matching with exception branches"
      | Texp_try        (_,_)             -> out_of_scope locn "exceptions"
      | Texp_function   (_,_,_)           -> out_of_scope locn "powered-up functions"
      | Texp_variant    (_,_)             -> out_of_scope locn "polymorphic variant"
      | Texp_setfield   (_,_,_,_)         -> out_of_scope locn "setting field"
      | Texp_send       (_,_,_)           -> out_of_scope locn "objects"
      | Texp_new        (_,_,_)           -> out_of_scope locn "objects"
      | Texp_instvar    (_,_,_)           -> out_of_scope locn "objects"
      | Texp_setinstvar (_,_,_,_)         -> out_of_scope locn "objects"
      | Texp_override   (_,_)             -> out_of_scope locn "objects"
      | Texp_letmodule  (_,_,_,_)         -> out_of_scope locn "local modules"
      | Texp_assert      _                -> out_of_scope locn "assert"
      | Texp_lazy        _                -> out_of_scope locn "lazy expressions"
      | Texp_object     (_,_)             -> out_of_scope locn "objects"
      | Texp_pack        _                -> out_of_scope locn "packing"
    and js_of_constant = function
      | Const_int       n     -> string_of_int n
      | Const_char      c     -> String.make 1 c
      | Const_string   (s, _) -> "\"" ^ s ^ "\""
      | Const_float     f     -> f
      | Const_int32     n     -> Int32.to_string n
      | Const_int64     n     -> Int64.to_string n
      | Const_nativeint n     -> Nativeint.to_string n
    and js_of_longident loc =
      let res = String.concat "." @@ Longident.flatten loc.txt in
      if res = "()" then "undefined" else res
    and ident_of_pat pat = match pat.pat_desc with
      | Tpat_var (id, _) -> id
      | _ -> error ~loc:pat.pat_loc "functions can't deconstruct values"
    and js_of_let_pattern pat expr =
      let sexpr = js_of_expression expr in
      match pat.pat_desc with
      | Tpat_var (id, _) -> ppf_decl ( id) sexpr
      | Tpat_tuple (pat_l)
      | Tpat_array (pat_l) ->
         let l =
                   (function pat ->
                             match pat.pat_desc with
                             | Tpat_var (id, _) -> ( id, string_of_type_exp pat.pat_type)
                             | _ -> out_of_scope pat.pat_loc "pattern-matching in arrays"
                   ) pat_l in
         ppf_pat_array l sexpr
      | _ -> error ~loc:pat.pat_loc "let can't deconstruct values"
    and js_of_pattern pat obj =
      let locn = pat.pat_loc in
      match pat.pat_desc with
      | Tpat_any                     -> "default", ""
      | Tpat_constant   c            -> js_of_constant c, ""
      | Tpat_var       (id, _)       -> id, ""
      | Tpat_construct (loc, cd, el) ->
         let c = cd.cstr_name in
         let spat = Printf.sprintf "%s" ("case \"" ^ c ^ "\"") in
         let params = extract_attrs cd.cstr_attributes in
           else Printf.sprintf "@[<v 0>%s@]"
              ("var " ^ show_list ", " (List.map2 (fun x y -> x ^ " = " ^ obj ^ "." ^ y) ( (fun x -> fst (js_of_pattern x obj)) el) params) ^ ";") in
      | Tpat_tuple el -> unsupported ~loc:locn "tuple matching"
      | Tpat_array el -> unsupported ~loc:locn "array-match"
      | Tpat_record (_,_) -> unsupported ~loc:locn "record"
      | Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> error ~loc:locn "not implemented yet"
      | Tpat_alias (_,_,_) -> out_of_scope locn "alias-pattern"
      | Tpat_variant (_,_,_) -> out_of_scope locn "polymorphic variants in pattern matching"
      | Tpat_lazy _ -> out_of_scope locn "lazy-pattern"
    Thomas Wood's avatar
    Thomas Wood committed
    let to_javascript module_name typedtree =
      let content = js_of_structure typedtree in
      let pre_res = ppf_module_wrap module_name content in
      (L.logged_output pre_res, L.unlogged_output pre_res, pre_res)
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