val ( ~+ ) : int -> int
val ( ~- ) : int -> int
val ( + ) : int -> int -> int
val ( - ) : int -> int -> int
val ( * ) : int -> int -> int
val ( / ) : int -> int -> int
val nat_eq : int -> int -> bool (* nat_eq x y = int_eq x y *)
val int_eq : int -> int -> bool
val int_ge : int -> int -> bool
(* val int_lt : int -> int -> bool*)
(* float operations *)
(* Alan: these can be implemented directly, using Number.NaN,
val nan : float
val infinity : float
val neg_infinity : float
(* Alan: Do we need these ? If so, they are Number.MAX_VALUE and
(* Alan: these should all be implemented along with the int operations as the JS
ones. ** is Math.pow *)
val ( ~+. ) : float -> float
val ( ~-. ) : float -> float
val ( +. ) : float -> float -> float
val ( -. ) : float -> float -> float
val ( *. ) : float -> float -> float
val ( /. ) : float -> float -> float
val mod_float : float -> float -> float (* Alan: % infix *)
(* Alan: Why do we need these? If need be, they are all in Math *)
val atan : float -> float
val exp : float -> float
val log : float -> float
val min : float -> float -> float
val max : float -> float -> float
(* Alan: Ideally we would add these to the spec, but for the moment conversion
to a string is doing a foo+"", and conversion to an int is doing +foo *)
val int_of_float : float -> int (* will be removed, since only used by substring *)
val number_of_int : int -> float (* = fun x -> float_of_int x *)
(** val of_int : float -> number **)
val of_int : float -> float (* = fun x -> x,
that is, an identity function, kept in files for documentation *)
(*val float_of_string : string -> float*)
(*val float_of_int : int -> float*)
val int_of_char : char -> int
val string_of_float : float -> string
val string_of_int : int -> string
(* no need to implement those in stdlib.js because JS has them already *)
val ( = ) : float -> float -> bool
val ( < ) : float -> float -> bool
val ( > ) : float -> float -> bool
val ( <= ) : float -> float -> bool
val ( >= ) : float -> float -> bool
val fmod : float -> float -> float (* mod_float, implemented as % operator in JS *)
(** val number_comparable : number coq_Comparable **)
val number_comparable : float -> float -> bool (* = (fun n1 n2 -> int_eq 0 (float_compare n1 n2)) *)
(*val compare : 'a -> 'a -> int*)
(*val float_lt : float -> float -> bool
val float_le : float -> float -> bool*)
(*val float_compare : float -> float -> int*)
(* val float_neg : float -> float ~-.*)
(* val float_exp : float -> float -> float (* ( ** ) *) *)
val ( && ) : bool -> bool -> bool (* beware of strict vs lazy semantics: todo discuss --> just map to *)
val ( || ) : bool -> bool -> bool (* beware of strict vs lazy semantics: todo discuss --> just map to *)
(* string operations *)
(* todo : factorize and clean up *)
val string_concat : string -> string -> string (* + *)
val (^) : string -> string -> string
val strlength : string -> int (* in JS : function (x) { return x.length; } *)
val substring : int -> int -> string -> string (* function(x) { return x.slice(n, n+m); } *)
(* only need to implement this when m=1 *)
(* special operations *)
(* We use this to compare types that are not known by stdlib, like Native_error;
should be implemented in JS by comparing the objects, to see if they have the same
"tag" fields (there should be no other fields, except perhaps "type") *)
(* JSRef specific functions, useful for debugging *)
(* val print_endline : string -> unit *)
val __LOC__ : string (* todo: will not be needed in the future *)
val prerr_string : string -> unit
val prerr_newline : unit -> unit
val prerr_endline : string -> unit
val raise : exn -> 'a (* bind to throw "Not_found" *)
(*val stuck : string -> 'a*)
(* for future use for the global heap
val ref : 'a -> 'a ref
val (:=) : 'a ref -> 'a -> unit
val (!) : 'a ref -> 'a