Definition build_error S vproto vmsg : result := let O := object_new vproto “Error” in let ‘(l, S’) := object_alloc S O in ifb vmsg = undef then out_ter S’ l else result_not_yet_implemented.
let build_error S vproto vmsg = let O = object_new vproto “Error” in let (l, S’) := object_alloc S O in if value_compare vmsg undef then out_ter S’ l else result_not_yet_implemented
function build_error(S, vproto, vmsg) { var O = object_new(vproto, “Error”); var l = object_alloc(S, O).first; var S2 = object_alloc(S, O).second; if (value_compare(vmsg, undef) { return out_ter(S2, l); } else { return result_not_yet_implemented; } }
JS, with log
function build_error(S, vproto, vmsg) { log_custom({line: line, type: “enter”}); var res = build_error__body(S, vproto, vmsg); var ctx = ctx_empty(); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “res”, res, “result”); log_custom({line: line, type: “exit”, ctx: ctx}); return res; }
function build_error__body(S, vproto, vmsg) { var ctx = ctx_empty(); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “S”, S, “state”); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “vproto”, vproto, “value”); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “vmsg”, vmsg, “value”); log(1, ctx, “build_error”); var O = object_new(vproto, “Error”); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “O”, O, “object”); log(2, ctx, “var”); var l = object_alloc(S, O).first; var S2 = object_alloc(S, O).second; ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “l”, l, “location”); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “S2”, S2, “state”); log(3, ctx, “var”); if (value_compare(vmsg, undef) { log(4, ctx, “case”); return out_ter(S2, l); } else { log(5, ctx, “case”); return result_not_yet_implemented; } }
Definition run_error T S ne : specres T := if_object (build_error S (prealloc_native_error_proto ne) undef) (fun S’ l => result_some (specret_out (out_ter S’ (res_throw l)))).
let run_error (T) S ne = if_object (build_error S (prealloc_native_error_proto ne) undef) (fun S’ l -> result_some (specret_out (out_ter S’ (res_throw l))))
function run_error(S, ne) { return if_object(build_error(S, prealloc_native_error_proto(ne), undef), function (S2, l) { return result_some(specret_out(out_ter(S2, (res_throw(l)))))}); }
JS, with log
function run_error(S, ne) { log_custom({line: line, type: “enter”}); var res = run_error__body(S, ne); var ctx = ctx_empty(); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “res”, res, “result”); log_custom({line: line, type: “exit”, ctx: ctx}); return res; }
function run_error__body(S, ne) { var ctx = ctx_empty(); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “S”, S, “state”); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “ne”, ne, “error”); log(1, ctx, “run_error”); return if_object(build_error(S, prealloc_native_error_proto(ne), undef), function (S2, l) { ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “S2”, S2, “state”); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “l”, l, “location”); log(2, ctx, “fun”); return result_some(specret_out(out_ter(S2, (res_throw(l)))))}); }
Definition object_proto_is_prototype_of runs S l0 l : result := if_some (run_object_method object_proto_ S l) (fun B => match B return result with
| value_object l’ => ifb l’ = l0 then out_ter S true else runs_type_object_proto_is_prototype_of runs S l0 l’| value_prim _ => impossible_with_heap_because S “[run_object_method] returned a primitive in [object_proto_is_prototype_of_body].”null => out_ter S false |
let object_proto_is_prototype_of S l0 l = if_some (run_object_method object_proto_ S l) (fun B -> match B with
| value_object l’ -> if loc_compare l’ l0 then out_ter S true else runs_type_object_proto_is_prototype_of S l0 l’| value_prim _ -> impossible_with_heap_because S “[run_object_method] returned a primitive in [object_proto_is_prototype_of_body].”null -> out_ter S false |
function object_proto_is_prototype_of(S, l0, l) { return if_some (run_object_method(object_proto_, S, l), function (B) { switch (B.tag) { case “null”: // “prim”? return out_ter(S, false); case “value_object”: var l2 = B.l; if (loc_compare (l2, l0)) { return out_ter(S, true); } else { return runs_type_object_proto_is_prototype_of(S, l0, l2); } case “value_prim”: return impossible_with_heap_because(S, “[run_object_method] returned a primitive in [object_proto_is_prototype_of_body].”); } }); }
JS, with log
function object_proto_is_prototype_of(S, l0, l) { log_custom({line: line, type: “enter”}); var res = object_proto_is_prototype_of__body(S, l0, l); var ctx = ctx_empty(); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “res”, res, “result”); log_custom({line: line, type: “exit”, ctx: ctx}); return res; }
function object_proto_is_prototype_of__body(S, l0, l) { var ctx = ctx_empty(); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “S”, S, “state”); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “l0”, l0, “location”); ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “l”, l, “location”); log(1, ctx, “object_proto_is_prototype_of”); return if_some (run_object_method(object_proto_, S, l), function (B) { ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “B”, B); log(2, ctx, “fun”); switch (B.tag) { case “null”: // “prim”? log(3, ctx, “case”); return out_ter(S, false); case “value_object”: var l2 = B.l; ctx = ctx_push(ctx, “l2”, l2); log(3, ctx, “case”); if (loc_compare (l2, l0)) { log(4, ctx, “case”); return out_ter(S, true); } else { log(5, ctx, “case”); return runs_type_object_proto_is_prototype_of(S, l0, l2); } case “value_prim”: log(6, ctx, “case”); return impossible_with_heap_because(S, “[run_object_method] returned a primitive in [object_proto_is_prototype_of_body].”); } }); }