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Commit 49ef72ef authored by charguer's avatar charguer
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parent 705e0548
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......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ debug: main.d.byte
native: _tags
$(OCAMLBUILD) main.native
$(CC) stdlib_ml/stdlib.mli
......@@ -118,6 +119,16 @@ arthur: $( $( $(
# tests/jsref/JsInterpreter.log.js
######### lineof target #########
tests/jsref/lineof.js: lineof.byte $(
lineof.byte -o $@ $(
lineof: tests/jsref/lineof.js
rm -f $(STD_DIR)/*.cmi
......@@ -141,22 +152,12 @@ cleanall: clean clean_cmi
ifeq ($(filter clean%,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
-include $(
#ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),tests/lambda)
ifneq ($(findstring tests/lambda,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
-include $(
ifneq ($(findstring jsref,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
#$(error $(
-include $(
-include $(MLI_JSREF:.mli=.mli.d)
ifneq ($(findstring a,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
#$(error $(
-include $(
-include $(MLI_JSREF:.mli=.mli.d)
#ifeq ($(findstring clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
#-include $(
#-include $(MLI_JSREF:.mli=.mli.d)
......@@ -43,4 +43,22 @@ LATER
- => binder qq part vers une comparaison --- dans un fichier js
\ No newline at end of file
TODO: demo of double clicking goes to the right page in ecma in english
TODO: interpretation of comparison function in the search by "predicate"
might want to automatically "lift" basic values to their encoding
(unless some box is checked to prevent this behavior)
example: "x == 3" means:
"similar(x, { type: "value", tag: "value_prim", value: { type: "prim", tag: "float", value: 3.0 } })".
where similar is a recursive structural comparison function (not going through the heap)
......@@ -248,10 +248,9 @@ let ppf_path =
let ppf_module content =
Printf.sprintf "{@,%s@,}" content
let ppf_module_wrap name content =
let modu = ppf_module content in
Printf.sprintf "var %s = %s;" name modu
let ppf_module_wrap name content names_bound =
let bindings = show_list ", " ( (fun id -> Printf.sprintf "@\n %s: %s" id id) names_bound) in
Printf.sprintf "var %s = (function() {@,@, %s @,@,@\nreturn {@\n %s };@,@\n})();@," name content bindings
......@@ -472,13 +471,22 @@ let reject_inline dest =
(* takes a list of pairs made of: list of strings, and list of strings,
and return a pair of a string (the string concat with newlines of the fst strings),
and a list of strings (the list flatten of the snd strings) *)
let combine_list_output args =
let (strs,bss) = List.split args in
(show_list "@,@," strs), (List.flatten bss)
let rec js_of_structure s =
show_list_f (fun strct -> js_of_structure_item strct) "@,@," s.str_items
combine_list_output ( (fun strct -> js_of_structure_item strct) s.str_items)
and js_of_submodule m =
Printf.printf "warning: code generation is incorrect for local modules\n";
let loc = m.mod_loc in
match m.mod_desc with
| Tmod_structure s -> ppf_module (js_of_structure s)
| Tmod_structure s -> ppf_module (fst (*TODO*) (js_of_structure s))
| Tmod_functor (id, _, mtyp, mexp) -> ppf_function (ppf_ident id) (js_of_submodule mexp)
| Tmod_apply (m1, m2, _) -> ppf_apply (js_of_submodule m1) (js_of_submodule m2)
| Tmod_ident (p,_) -> ppf_path p
......@@ -491,31 +499,38 @@ and show_value_binding ctx vb = (* dest is Ignore *)
and js_of_structure_item s =
let loc = s.str_loc in
match s.str_desc with
| Tstr_eval (e, _) -> Printf.sprintf "%s" @@ js_of_expression ctx_initial Dest_ignore e
| Tstr_value (_, vb_l) -> String.concat "@,@," @@ (fun vb ->
(* let (id, sdecl) = show_value_binding ctx_initial vb in *)
Printf.sprintf "@\n@\n%s: %s," (ident_of_pat vb.vb_pat) (js_of_expression_inline_or_wrap ctx_initial vb.vb_expr))
@@ vb_l
| Tstr_eval (e, _) ->
let str = Printf.sprintf "%s" @@ js_of_expression ctx_initial Dest_ignore e in
(str, [])
| Tstr_value (_, vb_l) ->
combine_list_output (~~ vb_l (fun vb ->
let id = ident_of_pat vb.vb_pat in
let sbody = js_of_expression_inline_or_wrap ctx_initial vb.vb_expr in
let s = Printf.sprintf "@\n@\n var %s = %s;" id sbody in
(s, [id])))
| Tstr_type decls ->
(* function id( f1, f2) { return { typ: t, tag: x, "f1": f1, "f2": f2 } } *)
String.concat "@,@," @@ ( (fun decl ->
combine_list_output (~~ decls (fun decl ->
match decl.typ_type.type_kind with
| Type_variant cstr_decls ->
let styp = decl.typ_name.txt in
String.concat "@,@," @@ ( (fun (cd:Types.constructor_declaration) ->
combine_list_output (~~ cstr_decls (fun (cd:Types.constructor_declaration) ->
let cstr_name = in
let fields = extract_cstr_attrs_basic cstr_name cd.cd_attributes in
let sargs = show_list ", " fields in
let sbindings = map_filter_fields_elements ppf_cstr fields fields in
let rest = show_list ", " sbindings in
let sobj = ppf_cstrs styp cstr_name rest in
Printf.sprintf "function %s(%s) { return %s; }" cstr_name sargs sobj))
@@ cstr_decls
| _ -> ""))
@@ decls
| Tstr_open _ -> "" (* Handle modules by use of multiple compilation/linking *)
| Tstr_modtype _ -> ""
| Tstr_module b -> ppf_decl (ppf_ident b.mb_id) (js_of_submodule b.mb_expr)
let sbody = Printf.sprintf "function %s(%s) { return %s; }" cstr_name sargs sobj in
(sbody, [cstr_name])
| _ -> ("", [])
| Tstr_open _ -> ("",[]) (* Handle modules by use of multiple compilation/linking *)
| Tstr_modtype _ -> ("",[])
| Tstr_module b ->
let id = ppf_ident b.mb_id in
let sbody = ppf_decl id (js_of_submodule b.mb_expr) in
(sbody, [id])
| Tstr_primitive _ -> out_of_scope loc "primitive functions"
| Tstr_typext _ -> out_of_scope loc "type extensions"
| Tstr_exception _ -> out_of_scope loc "exceptions"
......@@ -832,8 +847,8 @@ and js_of_pattern pat obj =
let to_javascript basename module_name typedtree =
token_register_basename basename;
let content = js_of_structure typedtree in
let pre_res = ppf_module_wrap module_name content in
let (content,names_bound) = js_of_structure typedtree in
let pre_res = ppf_module_wrap module_name content names_bound in
let str_ppf = Format.str_formatter in
Format.fprintf str_ppf (Scanf.format_from_string pre_res "");
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ let _ =
failwith "The file name must be of the form *.ml";
let basename = Filename.chop_suffix (Filename.basename sourcefile) ".ml" in
let dirname = Filename.dirname sourcefile in
let pathname = if dirname = "" then basename else (dirname ^ "/" ^ basename) in
let log_output, unlog_output, token_output =
match !outputfile with
| None -> Filename.concat dirname (basename ^ ".log.js"),
......@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ let _ =
match !current_mode with
| Mode_cmi -> Printf.printf "wrote cmi file\n"
| Mode_cmi -> Printf.printf "Wrote %s.cmi\n" pathname
| _ ->
let out = Js_of_ast.to_javascript basename module_name typedtree1 in
let output_filename = match !current_mode with
......@@ -66,4 +67,4 @@ let _ =
| _ -> assert false
file_put_contents output_filename out;
Printf.printf "wrote %s\n" output_filename
Printf.printf "Wrote %s\n" output_filename
let debug = ref false
let (~~) f x y = f y x
(* MODES *)
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