<!--div style="font-size:0.8em">Instructions: from console, the variable "h" denotes the current heap.</div-->
<divstyle="font-size:0.8em">Instructions: type 'S' for step (next function call), 'N' for next (next call at same level), 'B' for backstep (symmetric to step), 'P' for previous (symmetric to next), 'F' for finish (next call at upper level), 'R' for restart.</div>
<divstyle="font-size:0.8em">Examples of conditions:
<li><prestyle = "display:inline">X.type === "fun" && (X.v1, true)</pre> (we are at the beginning of a function and v1 is defined in the local interpreter context),</li>
<li><prestyle = "display:inline">X.line === 32 && X.t.tag === "trm_set" && X.t.field === "bar"</pre> (we are at line 32 and we are setting the field “bar” of the current location),</li>
<li><prestyle = "display:inline">y.foo === 12</pre> (the program variable “y” points to an object whose field “foo” is equal to 12),</li>
<li><prestyle = "display:inline">X.heap[0].bar === 12</pre> (the first cell of the heap has a field “bar” defined equal to 12).</li>