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Commit 973d65c1 authored by Thomas Wood's avatar Thomas Wood
Browse files

Remove superfluous env parameters from js_of_ast

We don't actually make use of the env at all in the recursive js_of_ast
function. It's also present as part of the tree structure we're
recursing over, so completely superfluous anyway.
parent 45769002
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......@@ -231,9 +231,8 @@ and not_already_created mod_name =
* Main part
let rec js_of_structure ?(mod_gen=[]) old_env s =
let new_env = s.str_final_env in
show_list_f (fun strct -> js_of_structure_item ~mod_gen new_env strct) "@,@," s.str_items
let rec js_of_structure ?(mod_gen=[]) s =
show_list_f (fun strct -> js_of_structure_item ~mod_gen strct) "@,@," s.str_items
and parse_modules ?(mod_gen=[]) = function
| [] -> []
......@@ -245,17 +244,16 @@ and parse_modules ?(mod_gen=[]) = function
| None -> failwith ("Could not read and typecheck " ^ inputfile)
| Some (parsetree1, (typedtree1, _)) -> parsetree1, typedtree1
let pre = js_of_structure ~mod_gen:(name :: mod_gen) Env.empty typedtree1 in
let pre = js_of_structure ~mod_gen:(name :: mod_gen) typedtree1 in
Printf.sprintf "%s = {\n%s\n}" name pre :: parse_modules ~mod_gen xs
and show_value_binding ?(mod_gen=[]) vb =
js_of_let_pattern ~mod_gen vb.vb_pat vb.vb_expr
and js_of_structure_item ?(mod_gen=[]) old_env s =
let new_env = s.str_env in
and js_of_structure_item ?(mod_gen=[]) s =
let loc = s.str_loc in
match s.str_desc with
| Tstr_eval (e, _) -> Printf.sprintf "%s" @@ js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env e
| Tstr_eval (e, _) -> Printf.sprintf "%s" @@ js_of_expression ~mod_gen e
| Tstr_value (_, vb_l) -> String.concat "@,@," @@ (fun vb -> show_value_binding ~mod_gen vb) @@ vb_l
| Tstr_type tl -> "" (* Types have no representation in JS, but the OCaml type checker uses them *)
| Tstr_open od ->
......@@ -286,9 +284,9 @@ and js_of_structure_item ?(mod_gen=[]) old_env s =
| Tstr_include _ -> out_of_scope loc "includes"
| Tstr_attribute attrs -> out_of_scope loc "attributes"
and js_of_branch ?(mod_gen=[]) old_env b obj =
and js_of_branch ?(mod_gen=[]) b obj =
let spat, binders = js_of_pattern ~mod_gen b.c_lhs obj in
let se = js_of_expression ~mod_gen old_env b.c_rhs in
let se = js_of_expression ~mod_gen b.c_rhs in
if binders = "" then ppf_branch spat binders se
let typ = match List.rev (Str.split (Str.regexp " ") spat) with
......@@ -296,15 +294,14 @@ and js_of_branch ?(mod_gen=[]) old_env b obj =
| x :: xs -> String.sub x 0 (String.length x)
in L.log_line (ppf_branch spat binders se) (L.Add (binders, typ))
and js_of_expression ?(mod_gen=[]) old_env e =
and js_of_expression ?(mod_gen=[]) e =
let locn = e.exp_loc in
let new_env = e.exp_env in
match e.exp_desc with
| Texp_ident (_, loc, _) -> js_of_longident loc
| Texp_constant c -> js_of_constant c
| Texp_let (_, vb_l, e) ->
let sd = String.concat lin1 @@ (fun vb -> show_value_binding ~mod_gen vb) @@ vb_l in
let se = js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env e
let se = js_of_expression ~mod_gen e
in ppf_let_in sd se
| Texp_function (_, c :: [], Total) ->
let rec explore pats e = match e.exp_desc with
......@@ -312,25 +309,25 @@ and js_of_expression ?(mod_gen=[]) old_env e =
let p, e = c.c_lhs, c.c_rhs
in explore (p :: pats) e
| _ ->
String.concat ", " @@ ident_of_pat @@ List.rev @@ pats, js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env e in
String.concat ", " @@ ident_of_pat @@ List.rev @@ pats, js_of_expression ~mod_gen e in
let args, body = explore [c.c_lhs] c.c_rhs
in ppf_function args body
| Texp_apply (f, exp_l) ->
let sl' = exp_l
|> (fun (_, eo, _) -> match eo with None -> out_of_scope locn "optional apply arguments" | Some ei -> ei) in
let sl = exp_l
|> (fun (_, eo, _) -> match eo with None -> out_of_scope locn "optional apply arguments" | Some ei -> js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env ei) in
let se = js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env f in
|> (fun (_, eo, _) -> match eo with None -> out_of_scope locn "optional apply arguments" | Some ei -> js_of_expression ~mod_gen ei) in
let se = js_of_expression ~mod_gen f in
if is_infix f sl' && List.length exp_l = 2
then ppf_apply_infix se (List.hd sl) (List.hd ( sl))
else ppf_apply se (String.concat ", " sl)
| Texp_match (exp, l, [], Total) ->
let se = js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env exp in
let sb = String.concat "@," ( (fun x -> js_of_branch ~mod_gen old_env x se) l) in
let se = js_of_expression ~mod_gen exp in
let sb = String.concat "@," ( (fun x -> js_of_branch ~mod_gen x se) l) in
ppf_match se sb
| Texp_tuple (tl) -> ppf_tuple @@ show_list_f (fun exp -> js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env exp) ", " tl
| Texp_tuple (tl) -> ppf_tuple @@ show_list_f (fun exp -> js_of_expression ~mod_gen exp) ", " tl
| Texp_construct (loc, cd, el) ->
let name = cd.cstr_name in
......@@ -339,20 +336,20 @@ and js_of_expression ?(mod_gen=[]) old_env e =
else ppf_single_cstrs name
else (* Constructor has parameters *)
let fields = extract_attrs cd.cstr_attributes in
let expr_strs = (fun exp -> js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env exp) el in
let expr_strs = (fun exp -> js_of_expression ~mod_gen exp) el in
let expand_constructor_list = List.map2 ppf_cstr in
let expanded_constructors = expand_constructor_list fields expr_strs in
ppf_multiple_cstrs name (show_list ", " expanded_constructors)
| Texp_array (exp_l) -> ppf_array @@ show_list_f (fun exp -> js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env exp) ", " exp_l
| Texp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, None) -> ppf_ifthen (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env e1) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env e2)
| Texp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, Some e3) -> ppf_ifthenelse (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env e1) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env e2) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env e3)
| Texp_sequence (e1, e2) -> ppf_sequence (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env e1) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env e2)
| Texp_while (cd, body) -> ppf_while (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env cd) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env body)
| Texp_for (id, _, st, ed, fl, body) -> ppf_for ( id) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env st) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env ed) fl (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env body)
| Texp_record (llde,_) -> ppf_record ( (fun (_, lbl, exp) -> (lbl.lbl_name, js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env exp)) llde)
| Texp_array (exp_l) -> ppf_array @@ show_list_f (fun exp -> js_of_expression ~mod_gen exp) ", " exp_l
| Texp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, None) -> ppf_ifthen (js_of_expression ~mod_gen e1) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen e2)
| Texp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, Some e3) -> ppf_ifthenelse (js_of_expression ~mod_gen e1) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen e2) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen e3)
| Texp_sequence (e1, e2) -> ppf_sequence (js_of_expression ~mod_gen e1) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen e2)
| Texp_while (cd, body) -> ppf_while (js_of_expression ~mod_gen cd) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen body)
| Texp_for (id, _, st, ed, fl, body) -> ppf_for ( id) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen st) (js_of_expression ~mod_gen ed) fl (js_of_expression ~mod_gen body)
| Texp_record (llde,_) -> ppf_record ( (fun (_, lbl, exp) -> (lbl.lbl_name, js_of_expression ~mod_gen exp)) llde)
| Texp_field (exp, _, lbl) ->
ppf_field_access (js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env exp) lbl.lbl_name
ppf_field_access (js_of_expression ~mod_gen exp) lbl.lbl_name
| Texp_match (_,_,_, Partial) -> out_of_scope locn "partial matching"
| Texp_match (_,_,_,_) -> out_of_scope locn "matching with exception branches"
......@@ -389,8 +386,7 @@ and ident_of_pat pat = match pat.pat_desc with
| _ -> error ~loc:pat.pat_loc "functions can't deconstruct values"
and js_of_let_pattern ?(mod_gen=[]) pat expr =
let new_env = pat.pat_env in
let sexpr = js_of_expression ~mod_gen new_env expr in
let sexpr = js_of_expression ~mod_gen expr in
match pat.pat_desc with
| Tpat_var (id, _) -> ppf_decl ~mod_gen ( id) sexpr
| Tpat_tuple (pat_l)
......@@ -428,7 +424,7 @@ and js_of_pattern ?(mod_gen=[]) pat obj =
| Tpat_lazy _ -> out_of_scope locn "lazy-pattern"
let to_javascript typedtree =
let pre_res = js_of_structure Env.empty typedtree in
let pre_res = js_of_structure typedtree in
let mod_code = String.concat "\n\n" ( L.strip_log_info !module_code) in
let logged, unlogged, pre = L.logged_output (mod_code ^ "\n" ^ pre_res),
L.unlogged_output (mod_code ^ "\n" ^ pre_res),
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