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Commit a2554f3d authored by Thomas Wood's avatar Thomas Wood
Browse files Remove (** Auto Generated Attributes **) noise

parent debbbb48
No related branches found
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......@@ -4,53 +4,53 @@ open LibReflect
open Shared
type unary_op =
| Coq_unary_op_delete [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_unary_op_void [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_unary_op_typeof [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_unary_op_post_incr [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_unary_op_post_decr [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_unary_op_pre_incr [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_unary_op_pre_decr [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_unary_op_add [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_unary_op_neg [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_unary_op_bitwise_not [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_unary_op_not [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_unary_op_delete [@f]
| Coq_unary_op_void [@f]
| Coq_unary_op_typeof [@f]
| Coq_unary_op_post_incr [@f]
| Coq_unary_op_post_decr [@f]
| Coq_unary_op_pre_incr [@f]
| Coq_unary_op_pre_decr [@f]
| Coq_unary_op_add [@f]
| Coq_unary_op_neg [@f]
| Coq_unary_op_bitwise_not [@f]
| Coq_unary_op_not [@f]
type binary_op =
| Coq_binary_op_mult [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_div [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_mod [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_add [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_sub [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_left_shift [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_right_shift [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_unsigned_right_shift [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_lt [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_gt [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_le [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_ge [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_instanceof [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_in [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_equal [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_disequal [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_strict_equal [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_strict_disequal [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_bitwise_and [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_bitwise_or [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_bitwise_xor [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_and [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_or [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_coma [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_binary_op_mult [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_div [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_mod [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_add [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_sub [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_left_shift [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_right_shift [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_unsigned_right_shift [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_lt [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_gt [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_le [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_ge [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_instanceof [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_in [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_equal [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_disequal [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_strict_equal [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_strict_disequal [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_bitwise_and [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_bitwise_or [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_bitwise_xor [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_and [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_or [@f]
| Coq_binary_op_coma [@f]
type literal =
| Coq_literal_null [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_literal_bool [@f value] of bool (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_literal_number [@f value] of JsNumber.number (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_literal_string [@f value] of string (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_literal_null [@f]
| Coq_literal_bool [@f value] of bool
| Coq_literal_number [@f value] of JsNumber.number
| Coq_literal_string [@f value] of string
type label =
| Coq_label_empty [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_label_string [@f value] of string (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_label_empty [@f]
| Coq_label_string [@f value] of string
type label_set = label list
......@@ -62,61 +62,61 @@ let strictness_false =
type propname =
| Coq_propname_identifier [@f value] of string (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_propname_string [@f value] of string (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_propname_number [@f value] of JsNumber.number (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_propname_identifier [@f value] of string
| Coq_propname_string [@f value] of string
| Coq_propname_number [@f value] of JsNumber.number
type expr =
| Coq_expr_this [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_identifier [@f name] of string (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_literal [@f value] of literal (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_object [@f fields] of (propname * propbody) list (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_array [@f elements] of expr option list (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_function [@f func_name_opt, arg_names, body] of string option * string list * funcbody (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_access [@f obj, field] of expr * expr (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_member [@f obj, field_name] of expr * string (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_new [@f func, args] of expr * expr list (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_call [@f func, args] of expr * expr list (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_unary_op [@f op, arg] of unary_op * expr (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_binary_op [@f arg1, op, arg2] of expr * binary_op * expr (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_conditional [@f cond, then_branch, else_branch] of expr * expr * expr (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_assign [@f left_expr, op_opt, right_expr] of expr * binary_op option * expr (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_expr_this [@f]
| Coq_expr_identifier [@f name] of string
| Coq_expr_literal [@f value] of literal
| Coq_expr_object [@f fields] of (propname * propbody) list
| Coq_expr_array [@f elements] of expr option list
| Coq_expr_function [@f func_name_opt, arg_names, body] of string option * string list * funcbody
| Coq_expr_access [@f obj, field] of expr * expr
| Coq_expr_member [@f obj, field_name] of expr * string
| Coq_expr_new [@f func, args] of expr * expr list
| Coq_expr_call [@f func, args] of expr * expr list
| Coq_expr_unary_op [@f op, arg] of unary_op * expr
| Coq_expr_binary_op [@f arg1, op, arg2] of expr * binary_op * expr
| Coq_expr_conditional [@f cond, then_branch, else_branch] of expr * expr * expr
| Coq_expr_assign [@f left_expr, op_opt, right_expr] of expr * binary_op option * expr
and propbody =
| Coq_propbody_val [@f expr] of expr (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_propbody_get [@f body] of funcbody (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_propbody_set [@f names, body] of string list * funcbody (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_propbody_val [@f expr] of expr
| Coq_propbody_get [@f body] of funcbody
| Coq_propbody_set [@f names, body] of string list * funcbody
and funcbody =
| Coq_funcbody_intro [@f prog, source] of prog * string (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_funcbody_intro [@f prog, source] of prog * string
and stat =
| Coq_stat_expr [@f expr] of expr (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_label [@f label, stat] of string * stat (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_block [@f stats] of stat list (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_var_decl [@f decls] of (string * expr option) list (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_if [@f cond, then_branch, else_branch] of expr * stat * stat option (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_do_while [@f labels, body, cond] of label_set * stat * expr (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_while [@f labels, cond, body] of label_set * expr * stat (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_with [@f obj, stat] of expr * stat (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_throw [@f arg] of expr (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_return [@f arg_opt] of expr option (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_break [@f label] of label (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_continue [@f label] of label (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_try [@f body, catch_stats_opt, finally_opt] of stat * (string * stat) option * stat option (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_for [@f labels, init, cond, step, body] of label_set * expr option * expr option * expr option * stat (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_for_var [@f labels, init, cond, step, body] of label_set * (string * expr option) list * expr option * expr option * stat (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_for_in [@f labels, id, obj, body] of label_set * expr * expr * stat (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_for_in_var [@f labels, id, init, obj, body] of label_set * string * expr option * expr * stat (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_debugger [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_switch [@f labels, arg, body] of label_set * expr * switchbody (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_stat_expr [@f expr] of expr
| Coq_stat_label [@f label, stat] of string * stat
| Coq_stat_block [@f stats] of stat list
| Coq_stat_var_decl [@f decls] of (string * expr option) list
| Coq_stat_if [@f cond, then_branch, else_branch] of expr * stat * stat option
| Coq_stat_do_while [@f labels, body, cond] of label_set * stat * expr
| Coq_stat_while [@f labels, cond, body] of label_set * expr * stat
| Coq_stat_with [@f obj, stat] of expr * stat
| Coq_stat_throw [@f arg] of expr
| Coq_stat_return [@f arg_opt] of expr option
| Coq_stat_break [@f label] of label
| Coq_stat_continue [@f label] of label
| Coq_stat_try [@f body, catch_stats_opt, finally_opt] of stat * (string * stat) option * stat option
| Coq_stat_for [@f labels, init, cond, step, body] of label_set * expr option * expr option * expr option * stat
| Coq_stat_for_var [@f labels, init, cond, step, body] of label_set * (string * expr option) list * expr option * expr option * stat
| Coq_stat_for_in [@f labels, id, obj, body] of label_set * expr * expr * stat
| Coq_stat_for_in_var [@f labels, id, init, obj, body] of label_set * string * expr option * expr * stat
| Coq_stat_debugger [@f]
| Coq_stat_switch [@f labels, arg, body] of label_set * expr * switchbody
and switchbody =
| Coq_switchbody_nodefault [@f clauses] of switchclause list (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_switchbody_withdefault [@f clauses_before, clause_default, clauses_after] of switchclause list * stat list * switchclause list (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_switchbody_nodefault [@f clauses] of switchclause list
| Coq_switchbody_withdefault [@f clauses_before, clause_default, clauses_after] of switchclause list * stat list * switchclause list
and switchclause =
| Coq_switchclause_intro [@f arg, stats] of expr * stat list (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_switchclause_intro [@f arg, stats] of expr * stat list
and prog =
| Coq_prog_intro [@f strictness, elements] of strictness_flag * element list (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prog_intro [@f strictness, elements] of strictness_flag * element list
and element =
| Coq_element_stat [@f stat] of stat (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_element_func_decl [@f func_name, arg_names, body] of string * string list * funcbody (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_element_stat [@f stat] of stat
| Coq_element_func_decl [@f func_name, arg_names, body] of string * string list * funcbody
type propdefs = (propname * propbody) list
......@@ -139,160 +139,160 @@ let funcdecl_parameters x = x.funcdecl_parameters
let funcdecl_body x = x.funcdecl_body
type mathop =
| Coq_mathop_abs [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_mathop_abs [@f]
type native_error =
| Coq_native_error_eval [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_native_error_range [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_native_error_ref [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_native_error_syntax [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_native_error_type [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_native_error_uri [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_native_error_eval [@f]
| Coq_native_error_range [@f]
| Coq_native_error_ref [@f]
| Coq_native_error_syntax [@f]
| Coq_native_error_type [@f]
| Coq_native_error_uri [@f]
type prealloc =
| Coq_prealloc_global [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_global_eval [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_global_parse_int [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_global_parse_float [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_global_is_finite [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_global_is_nan [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_global_decode_uri [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_global_decode_uri_component [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_global_encode_uri [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_global_encode_uri_component [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_get_proto_of [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_get_own_prop_descriptor [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_get_own_prop_name [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_create [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_define_prop [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_define_props [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_seal [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_freeze [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_prevent_extensions [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_is_sealed [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_is_frozen [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_is_extensible [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_keys [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_keys_call [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_proto [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_proto_to_string [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_proto_value_of [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_proto_has_own_prop [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_proto_is_prototype_of [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_object_proto_prop_is_enumerable [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_function [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_function_proto [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_function_proto_to_string [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_function_proto_apply [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_function_proto_call [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_function_proto_bind [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_bool [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_bool_proto [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_to_string [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_value_of [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_number [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_number_proto [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_string [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_number_proto_value_of [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_fixed [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_exponential [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_precision [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_array [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_array_is_array [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_array_proto [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_array_proto_to_string [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_array_proto_join [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_array_proto_pop [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_array_proto_push [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_string [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_string_proto [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_string_proto_to_string [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_string_proto_value_of [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_string_proto_char_at [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_string_proto_char_code_at [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_math [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_mathop [@f mathop] of mathop (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_date [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_regexp [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_error [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_error_proto [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_native_error [@f error] of native_error (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto [@f error] of native_error (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_error_proto_to_string [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_throw_type_error [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_json [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prealloc_global [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_global_eval [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_global_parse_int [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_global_parse_float [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_global_is_finite [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_global_is_nan [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_global_decode_uri [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_global_decode_uri_component [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_global_encode_uri [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_global_encode_uri_component [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_get_proto_of [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_get_own_prop_descriptor [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_get_own_prop_name [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_create [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_define_prop [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_define_props [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_seal [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_freeze [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_prevent_extensions [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_is_sealed [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_is_frozen [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_is_extensible [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_keys [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_keys_call [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_proto [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_proto_to_string [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_proto_value_of [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_proto_has_own_prop [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_proto_is_prototype_of [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_object_proto_prop_is_enumerable [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_function [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_function_proto [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_function_proto_to_string [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_function_proto_apply [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_function_proto_call [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_function_proto_bind [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_bool [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_bool_proto [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_to_string [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_bool_proto_value_of [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_number [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_number_proto [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_string [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_number_proto_value_of [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_fixed [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_exponential [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_number_proto_to_precision [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_array [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_array_is_array [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_array_proto [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_array_proto_to_string [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_array_proto_join [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_array_proto_pop [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_array_proto_push [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_string [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_string_proto [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_string_proto_to_string [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_string_proto_value_of [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_string_proto_char_at [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_string_proto_char_code_at [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_math [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_mathop [@f mathop] of mathop
| Coq_prealloc_date [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_regexp [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_error [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_error_proto [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_native_error [@f error] of native_error
| Coq_prealloc_native_error_proto [@f error] of native_error
| Coq_prealloc_error_proto_to_string [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_throw_type_error [@f]
| Coq_prealloc_json [@f]
type call =
| Coq_call_default [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_call_after_bind [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_call_prealloc [@f prealloc] of prealloc (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_call_default [@f]
| Coq_call_after_bind [@f]
| Coq_call_prealloc [@f prealloc] of prealloc
type construct =
| Coq_construct_default [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_construct_after_bind [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_construct_prealloc [@f prealloc] of prealloc (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_construct_default [@f]
| Coq_construct_after_bind [@f]
| Coq_construct_prealloc [@f prealloc] of prealloc
type builtin_has_instance =
| Coq_builtin_has_instance_function [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_has_instance_after_bind [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_has_instance_function [@f]
| Coq_builtin_has_instance_after_bind [@f]
type builtin_get =
| Coq_builtin_get_default [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_get_function [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_get_args_obj [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_get_default [@f]
| Coq_builtin_get_function [@f]
| Coq_builtin_get_args_obj [@f]
type builtin_get_own_prop =
| Coq_builtin_get_own_prop_default [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_get_own_prop_args_obj [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_get_own_prop_string [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_get_own_prop_default [@f]
| Coq_builtin_get_own_prop_args_obj [@f]
| Coq_builtin_get_own_prop_string [@f]
type builtin_get_prop =
| Coq_builtin_get_prop_default [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_get_prop_default [@f]
type builtin_put =
| Coq_builtin_put_default [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_put_default [@f]
type builtin_can_put =
| Coq_builtin_can_put_default [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_can_put_default [@f]
type builtin_has_prop =
| Coq_builtin_has_prop_default [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_has_prop_default [@f]
type builtin_delete =
| Coq_builtin_delete_default [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_delete_args_obj [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_delete_default [@f]
| Coq_builtin_delete_args_obj [@f]
type builtin_default_value =
| Coq_builtin_default_value_default [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_default_value_default [@f]
type builtin_define_own_prop =
| Coq_builtin_define_own_prop_default [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_define_own_prop_array [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_define_own_prop_args_obj [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_builtin_define_own_prop_default [@f]
| Coq_builtin_define_own_prop_array [@f]
| Coq_builtin_define_own_prop_args_obj [@f]
type object_loc =
| Coq_object_loc_normal [@f address] of int (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_object_loc_prealloc [@f prealloc] of prealloc (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_object_loc_normal [@f address] of int
| Coq_object_loc_prealloc [@f prealloc] of prealloc
type prim =
| Coq_prim_undef [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prim_null [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prim_bool [@f value] of bool (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prim_number [@f value] of JsNumber.number (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prim_string [@f value] of string (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_prim_undef [@f]
| Coq_prim_null [@f]
| Coq_prim_bool [@f value] of bool
| Coq_prim_number [@f value] of JsNumber.number
| Coq_prim_string [@f value] of string
type value =
| Coq_value_prim [@f value] of prim (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_value_object [@f value] of object_loc (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_value_prim [@f value] of prim
| Coq_value_object [@f value] of object_loc
type coq_type =
| Coq_type_undef [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_type_null [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_type_bool [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_type_number [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_type_string [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_type_object [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_type_undef [@f]
| Coq_type_null [@f]
| Coq_type_bool [@f]
| Coq_type_number [@f]
| Coq_type_string [@f]
| Coq_type_object [@f]
type attributes_data = { attributes_data_value : value;
attributes_data_writable : bool;
......@@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ let attributes_accessor_enumerable x = x.attributes_accessor_enumerable
let attributes_accessor_configurable x = x.attributes_accessor_configurable
type attributes =
| Coq_attributes_data_of [@f value] of attributes_data (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_attributes_accessor_of [@f value] of attributes_accessor (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_attributes_data_of [@f value] of attributes_data
| Coq_attributes_accessor_of [@f value] of attributes_accessor
type descriptor = { descriptor_value : value option;
descriptor_writable : bool option;
......@@ -372,22 +372,22 @@ let descriptor_enumerable x = x.descriptor_enumerable
let descriptor_configurable x = x.descriptor_configurable
type full_descriptor =
| Coq_full_descriptor_undef [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_full_descriptor_some [@f value] of attributes (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_full_descriptor_undef [@f]
| Coq_full_descriptor_some [@f value] of attributes
type mutability =
| Coq_mutability_uninitialized_immutable [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_mutability_immutable [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_mutability_nondeletable [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_mutability_deletable [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_mutability_uninitialized_immutable [@f]
| Coq_mutability_immutable [@f]
| Coq_mutability_nondeletable [@f]
| Coq_mutability_deletable [@f]
type decl_env_record = (string, mutability * value) Heap.heap
type provide_this_flag = bool
type env_record =
| Coq_env_record_decl [@f value] of decl_env_record (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_env_record_object [@f value, provide_this] of object_loc * provide_this_flag (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_env_record_decl [@f value] of decl_env_record
| Coq_env_record_object [@f value, provide_this] of object_loc * provide_this_flag
type env_loc = int
......@@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ let execution_ctx_strict x = x.execution_ctx_strict
type prop_name = string
type ref_base_type =
| Coq_ref_base_type_value [@f value] of value (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_ref_base_type_env_loc [@f value] of env_loc (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_ref_base_type_value [@f value] of value
| Coq_ref_base_type_env_loc [@f value] of env_loc
type ref = { ref_base : ref_base_type; ref_name : prop_name;
ref_strict : bool }
......@@ -564,10 +564,10 @@ let object_bound_args_ x = x.object_bound_args_
let object_parameter_map_ x = x.object_parameter_map_
type event =
| Coq_delete_event [@f loc, name, locopt] of object_loc * prop_name * object_loc option (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_mutateproto_event [@f loc, fields] of object_loc * (object_loc * prop_name) list (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_delete_event [@f loc, name, locopt] of object_loc * prop_name * object_loc option
| Coq_mutateproto_event [@f loc, fields] of object_loc * (object_loc * prop_name) list
* (object_loc * prop_name) list
| Coq_enumchange_event [@f loc, name] of object_loc * prop_name (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_enumchange_event [@f loc, name] of object_loc * prop_name
type state = { state_object_heap : (object_loc, coq_object) Heap.heap;
state_env_record_heap : (env_loc, env_record) Heap.heap;
......@@ -583,16 +583,16 @@ let state_object_heap x = x.state_object_heap
let state_env_record_heap x = x.state_env_record_heap
type restype =
| Coq_restype_normal [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_restype_break [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_restype_continue [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_restype_return [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_restype_throw [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_restype_normal [@f]
| Coq_restype_break [@f]
| Coq_restype_continue [@f]
| Coq_restype_return [@f]
| Coq_restype_throw [@f]
type resvalue =
| Coq_resvalue_empty [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_resvalue_value [@f value] of value (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_resvalue_ref [@f value] of ref (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_resvalue_empty [@f]
| Coq_resvalue_value [@f value] of value
| Coq_resvalue_ref [@f value] of ref
type res = { res_type : restype; res_value : resvalue; res_label : label }
......@@ -657,8 +657,8 @@ let res_throw v =
Coq_label_empty }
type out =
| Coq_out_div [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_out_ter [@f state, res] of state * res (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_out_div [@f]
| Coq_out_ter [@f state, res] of state * res
(** val out_void : state -> out **)
......@@ -666,11 +666,11 @@ let out_void s =
Coq_out_ter (s, res_empty)
type 't specret =
| Coq_specret_val [@f state, res] of state * 't (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_specret_out [@f out] of out (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_specret_val [@f state, res] of state * 't
| Coq_specret_out [@f out] of out
type codetype =
| Coq_codetype_func [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_codetype_global [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_codetype_eval [@f] (** Auto Generated Attributes **)
| Coq_codetype_func [@f]
| Coq_codetype_global [@f]
| Coq_codetype_eval [@f]
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