@@ -19,21 +19,18 @@ The course intends to make sure that all students establish a stronger foundatio
The course comprises two hours a week for seven weeks.
#### General Information
#### General Information for 2016 autumn term
Time: Wednesdays: 9am - 11am (Tutorial from 10am)
Thursdays: 12 - 1pm
Coursework Schedule:
Coursework Schedule: Coursework 1: published 4th Nov / deadline 20th Nov 2pm
Coursework 1: published 4th Nov / deadline 20th Nov 2pm
Coursework 2: published 2nd Dec / deadline 14th Dec 2pm
Tutorials: Tutorial exercises will be posted online before the tutorial each week, printed copies will also be available. Tutorial solutions will be published here before the next week's tutorial.