Martin joined the group as a Research Associate in 2018. His work focused on a formalism called skeletons used to represent the semantics of real-world language, in order to get as many properties as possible [certified in the Coq
Martin joined the group as a Research Associate in 2018. His work focused on a formalism called [skeletons]( to represent the semantics of real-world programming languages (JavaScript, R, etc.) He also was part of the team working on the [formalisation of WebAssembly/Wasm in Coq]( In 2020 Martin was appointed CRCN (chargé de recherche de classe normale) in the [Sound Programming of Adaptive Dependable Embedded Systems (Spades)]( group at [Inria Grenoble-Rhône-Alpes Research Centre](, France.
proof assistant]( He also was part of the team working on the
\ No newline at end of file
[formalisation of WebAssembly/Wasm in Coq](
In 2020 Martin was appointed CRCN (chargé de recherche de classe normale) in the [Sound Programming of Adaptive Dependable Embedded Systems (Spades)]( group at [Inria Grenoble-Rhône-Alpes Research Centre](, France.