Assesed coursework 1: published Wed 31st Oct, 9 AM / deadline for submission Fri 9th Nov, 4 PM
Assesed coursework 1: published Wed 31st Oct, 9 AM / deadline for submission Fri 9th Nov, 4 PM.
Assesed coursework 2: published Wed 28th Nov, 9 AM / deadline for submission Tue 11th Dec, 4 PM
Assesed coursework 2: published Wed 28th Nov, 9 AM / deadline for submission Tue 11th Dec, 4 PM.
Tutorials: Tutorial exercises will be posted online (here and on CATE) before the tutorial each week, printed copies will also be available. Tutorial solutions will be published online before the next week's tutorial.
Tutorials: Tutorial exercises will be posted online (here and on CATE) before the tutorial each week, printed copies will also be available.
Tutorial solutions will be published online before the next week's tutorial.
Recommended Reading:
H.R. Nielson and F. Nielson (1999). Semantics with Applications: A Formal Introduction, originally published in 1992 by John Wiley and Sons.